HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 10 25 Regular 505
ITEM 505
Public Hearine
Reeular X
October 25, 2004
Mgr, # / Dept. /~
REQUEST: The Community Development Department in conjunction with the Public Works
Department requests the Commission consider amendments to the Code related to dumpster
enclosures and solid waste collection.
PURPOSE: Site constraints for some existing multi-family residential units and commercial
businesses are making compliance with the provisions of Section 9-281 (minimum screening
requirements for Dumpsters) difficult. Staff has addressed this problem by drafting new
language relating to solid waste collection, allowing wheeled canisters (roadside pick-up). Also
included is language which addresses when cans can be placed at the roadside for pickup (see
19-3 (a)).
Florida Municipal Home Rule Powers Act
Winter Springs Code of Ordinances
ORDINANCE NO. 537. Adopted and effective, December 14, 1992, (Not Codified). (Included within
the City's Franchise Agreement of March 1, 1997 with B.F.I. )
Sec. 9-280. Definitions. (Defines the term "DUMPSTER",)
Sec. 9-281. Minimum screening requirements. (Requires DUMPSTER enclosures to be constructed,)
Sec.19-1. Garbage service to be provided for certain tenants. (Requires property owners to provide a
sufficient number of commercial or industrial size DUMPSTERS to multi-family residential or commercial
The following Zoning Code provisions for the Greeneway Interchange District and the SR 434 Overlay
Districts require TRASH RECEPTICLES to be encased in a structure that is architecturally compatible and
consistent with the adjacent building and other site details and must meet building setbacks.
Sec. 20-340. Building and screening design guidelines. (Greeneway Interchange District)
Sec. 20-473. Building and screening design guidelines. (SR 434 New Development District)
Sec. 20-489. Building and screening design guidelines, (SR 434 Redevelopment District)
Sec. 20-469. Buffers and walls. (Town Center District) (TRASH disposal facilities to be screened by a wall
from adjacent single-family or multi-family residential uses.)
102504 Agenda Item Regular 505
Sec. 20-319. Special requirements. (R-T Mobile Home Park District) (Requires semi-weekly removal of
trash, garbage)
May 13, 2002- Adoption of Ordinance 2002-13, establishing dumpster screening standards.
Aug. 11, 2003- Adoption of Ordinance 2003-26, amending the compliance date for existing
Nov. 11,2003- Adoption of Ordinance 2003-39, allowing existing masonry enclosures less than
6' in height to be grandfathered as long as they meet the other Code
requirements and fully screen the enclosed dumpster
Jan. 26, 2004- Adoption of Ordinance 2003-40, allowing vinyl as an acceptable screening
material; which exempts existing dumpsters from compliance with setback
regulations generally applied to accessory buildings and structures; and which
references City-adopted engineering drawings which meet the minimum
screening requirements.
Feb. 9,2004- Adoption of Resolution 2004-06, approving a set of pre-approved dumpster
enclosure plans and specifications pursuant to Section 9-281 (7) of the Winter
Springs Code.
Feb. 23, 2004- 90-day extension granted to the dumpster enclosure compliance date for multi-
family residential units.
July 26, 2004- Extension to October 1, 2004 for Dumpsters that are determined to not have
adequate space for an enclosure to be sited.
Available Options For Solid Waste Collection:
A) Refuse can
B) Wheeled canister
C) Dumpster
D) Open top container I roll-off
E) Compactor
Refuse can. A receptacle for solid waste collection with a capacity not greater than 32 gallons or
50 lbs. in weight, consisting of non-absorbent material construction, which is placed at the
roadside for collection service and which can be manually hoisted by a single individual. No oil
drums shall be used as refuse cans. Refuse can service is the only service currently available to
residential units.
Wheeled canister. A container for solid waste collection, provided by the City or its Franchisee,
with two (2) wheels for rolling and with a non-removable hinged lid, which is placed at the
roadside for collection service and emptied by mechanical hoisting by specialized trucks.
Wheeled canisters, when filled shall not exceed 250 lbs. Wheeled canister service will be made
available to residential units and business sites. (See application requirements, which follow.)
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Dumpster. A container, between one (1) and nine (9) cubic yards in size, which is used for the
collection and disposal of bulk trash, refuse, vegetative waste, recyclable materials or other kinds
of waste and which is stored within an enclosure where it is serviced for collection. Dumpsters
are hoisted onto or mechanically emptied into a specifically equipped truck for transporting said
waste to a designated facility. Dumpster service is available to multi-family residential and
business sites.
Roll-off container / open top: A container, 20 cubic yards or greater, that is located at a
construction site for the temporary collection and storage of construction and demolition debris,
land clearing debris or other waste. Roll-off containers are serviced for collection by a specially
equipped truck.
Compactor: Reserved for retail entities (groceries, supermarkets, etc).
Restrictions when solid waste can be left at the roadside for pickup:
Wheeled canisters, refuse cans, and recyclable materials to be collected by the City or its
franchisee shall be placed at roadside for collection no earlier than sunset of the day prior to
garbage collection and returned to storage by sunset of the day of collection.
Need for Wheeled Canister Option for Solid Waste Collection:
Site constraints in some cases have made it difficult to find a location where dumpster enclosures
can be accessible for servicing and do not interfere with vehicular circulation. Staff believes that
an alternative wheeled canister trash service option would eliminate some of these problems and
has included amendments to the Code to allow:
1- Wheeled canister trash collection service throughout the City (for future implementation)
at such time as it becomes advantageous to the City;
2- Wheeled canister service for any multi-family residential unit, meeting certain storage
and screening requirements;
3- Wheeled canister service for commercial businesses who do not generate excessive
amounts of trash, and who meet certain storage and screening requirements.
4- Those entities making application to change from dumpster to wheeled canister service
would not be required to construct a dumpster enclosure (as required in Section 9-281)
unless their application is denied.
5- Additionally, certain properties can be exempted from compliance with a dumpster
enclosure by Special Exception if the dumpster is not visible from public rights-of-way or
adjacent properties;
Proposed Application Process:
Owners of multi-family residential units and commercial sites with existing dumpsters who wish
to be considered for wheeled canister (individual roadside) service must:
1- Make an application requesting consideration for wheeled canister service to the City;
2- Indicate that the amount of trash generated will not exceed (per week) the amount held
by two (2) wheeled canisters, and if additional trash should be generated in the future, the
applicant understands that consideration for service will be terminated. In any case
where wheeled canister service is terminated, service will revert back to dumpster service
102504 Agenda Item Regular 505
and the applicant will be responsible for any of the costs associated with meeting the
current code requirements related to said dumpsters;
3- Submit with the application, a site plan showing the proposed storage location, with
screening material identified;
4- Agree to keep the wheeled canister(s) in the designated storage area at all times except
when being made accessible for roadside pickup;
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Commission proceed
with adoption of the attached Code changes related to dumpster enclosures and solid waste
collection, by holding a Public Hearing for First Reading of Ordinance 2004-34. Should the
Commission proceed with adoption of these changes, an amendment to the Franchise Agreement
with Florida Recycling Services would be required and would subsequently be brought before
the Commission as well as a resolution establishing new rates.
A- Ordinance 2004-34
102504 Agenda Item Regular 505
WHEREAS, the City Commission is granted the authority, under Section 2(b), Article
VIII, of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when
expressly prohibited by law; and
WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs finds it in the public interest to ensure that all
areas within its limits are provided with high quality collection of solid waste and recyclable
WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs has determined that certain multi-family and
commercial sites are better served by individual solid waste collection; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds
this ordinance to be in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare ofthe citizens of
Winter Springs.
Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully
incorporated by this reference.
Section 2. Ordinance 537 Repealed. The City of Winter Springs hereby repeals
Ordinance 537 relating to solid waste collection.
Section 3. Code Amendment, Chapter 9, Article IV, Division 7 and Chapter 19
Article I. The City of Winter Springs Code, Chapter 9, Article IV, Division 7, and Chapter 19,
Article I, is hereby amended as follows (underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type
indicates deletions, while asterisks (***) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing
in Chapter 9. It is intended that the text in Chapter 9 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this
Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this
102504 Agenda Item Regular 505
Article IV. Required Improvements
Division 7. Dumpsters
Sec. 9-280. Definitions.
As used in this division the word "dumpster" shall mean any container, between one (1 ) and nine
(9) cubic yards in size, which is used for the collection and disposal of bulk trash, refuse,
vegetative waste, recyclable materials or other kinds of waste, and which may be of the open or
enclosed '/ariety and which is typically hoisted onto or mechanically emptied into a specifically
equipped truck for transporting said waste to a designated facility. Dumpsters are typically used
for multi family, commercial, and industrial land uses.
Sec. 9-281. Minimum screening requirements.
(8) Dumpsters located within an enclosed building are exempt from this section. Also
exempted are entities making application to change from dumpster to wheeled canister
service, until the status of their application is determined. Should the application be
denied, the entity would then be required to comply fully with the screening requirements
stated herein.
(9) Dumpsters located on sites where the container can not be seen offsite, at a height of five
feet above existing grade at any property line of the site, may apply for Special Exception
to the screening requirements of this section.
(10) A building permit must be obtained prior to the construction and/or installation of an
102504 Agenda Item Regular 505
Sec. 19-1. Carbage service to be provided for certain tenants.
(a) Property owners o\vning property in multi family residential or commercial zoning
classifications who lease such propertics to tenants shall provide garbage collection and removal
services for thc properties they own.
(b) Such garbage collection and removal services shall include a sufficient number of
commercial or industrial size dumpsters to adequately accommodate the volume of garbage
gencratcd by the propcrty and its tenants
(c) Any person v/ho '/iolates this scction shall bc subject to the penalties prescribed in
section 1 15. The imposition of one (1) penalty for any violation shall not excuse tho violation or
pcrmit it to continue, and all such persons shall be rcquircd to correct or remedy such violations
Ylithin a reasonable time; and '.vhen not otherwise specified, each ten (10) days that prohibitcd
conditions are maintained shall constitute a separate offense. Thc application of the above
penalty shall not be hcld to prevent the enforced remo';al of prohibited conditions.
(Ord. No. 409, 99 1--3,2-22-88)
As used in this Article, and unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the following
terms and phrases shall be defined and construed to mean as follows:
(a) Business. commercial or industrial sites. Any business, commercial, or industrial site
which produces or accumulates solid waste and which is required to maintain dumpster service,
except as established in this Article.
(b) Construction and demolition debris. Non-hazardous solid waste generally considered
not to be water soluble, including, but not limited to, steel, concrete, glass, brick, asphalt roofing
material, pipe, gypsum wall board and lumber from a construction or demolition site.
(c) Construction or demolition sites. Any construction or demolition site on which
temporary waste is produced or accumulated shall be required to maintain roll off container /
open top service.
(d) Dumpster. A container, between one (1) and nine (9) cubic yards in size, which is
used for the collection and disposal of bulk trash, refuse, vegetative waste, recyclable materials
or other kinds of waste, which is mechanically emptied into a specifically equipped truck for
transporting said waste to a designated facility.
(e) Franchisee. Any person or entity to whom the City has granted an exclusive
franchise for the collection of solid waste and recyclable materials.
(n Garbage. All solid and semi-solid kitchen refuse subiect to decay and all putrescible
animal and vegetable waste resulting from growing, processing, marketing and preparation of
food items, including the containers in which such items are packaged, as well as all items not
defined herein as "yard trash" which are customarily generated in a normal residential
(g) Individual solid waste collection. Separate solid waste collection for an occupant of a
residential unit or business, where a refuse can or wheeled canister is placed at the roadside for
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(h) Industrial wastes. Any solid waste generated by manufacturing or industrial
processes that are not hazardous waste, but which, because of their volume or nature, do not lend
themselves to collection, incineration, or disposal commingled with ordinary solid waste; or
which, because of their nature and surrounding circumstances or for reasons of safety or health,
should be handled as a special solid waste.
(i) Recvc/able materials. Newspaper, glass, aluminum, steel cans, plastic bottles, and
such other solid waste materials (as may be designated from time to time), which are capable of
being recycled by the City or its franchisee. Recyclable materials are placed in City approved
bins and placed at the roadside for collection. Recyclable materials as defined herein does not
include materials primary to the operation of a business, commercial or industrial site.
(j) Refuse can. A receptacle for solid waste collection with a capacity not greater than 32
gallons or 50 lbs. in weight, consisting of non-absorbent material construction, which is placed at
the roadside for collection service and which can be manually hoisted by a single individual. No
oil drums shall be used as refuse cans.
(k) Residential unit. Any dwelling with kitchen facilities such as located in a single
family, duplex, triplex, or multi-family residential building, or mobile home.
(1) Roll off container / open top. A container, 20 cubic yards or greater, that is
temporarily located at a construction site for the temporary collection and storage of construction
and demolition debris, land clearing debris or other waste. Roll-off containers are serviced for
collection by a specially equipped truck.
(m) Solid waste. All discarded, non-hazardous, solid waste material resulting from
residential, business, commercial and industrial operations including, but not limited to, garbage,
yard trash, and industrial wastes.
(n) Solid Waste Collection Rate Resolution. A resolution of the City Commission, which
establishes rates and maximum permissible rates, for all options of solid waste collection in the
(0) Wheeled canister. A container for solid waste collection, provided by the City or its
Franchisee, with two (2) wheels for rolling and with a non-removable hinged lid, which is placed
at the roadside for collection service and emptied by mechanical hoisting by specialized trucks.
Wheeled canisters, when filled shall not exceed 250 lbs. Wheeled canister service will be made
available to residential units and business sites.
(p) Yard trash. Vegetative matter, resulting from yard and landscaping maintenance
including tree and shrub trimmings, grass clipping, and palm fronds or small tree branches not
exceeding four feet in length and four inches in diameter.
Sec. 19-2. Solid Waste Collection - Generallv.
(a) The City shall collect, or cause to be collected through issuance or renewal of a
negotiated franchise, all solid waste and recyclable materials at regular intervals to be determined
by the City.
(b) The City shall establish uniform rates for refuse can and wheeled canister solid waste
collection and maximum permissible rates for dumpster, open top container I roll-off, and
compactor solid waste collection, by adoption ofthe Solid Waste Collection Rate Resolution.
Such collection rates shall be reviewed and adiusted periodically as may be necessitated by
change in operating costs and administrative costs incurred by the City and/or it franchisee,
changes in landfill tipping fees, and other costs or changes associated with compliance with
county, state, or federal environmental regulations.
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(c) All residential units in the City shall be required to have solid waste and recyclable
materials removed and disposed of by the City or its franchisee and for such service, or the
availability of such service, shall pay the City or its franchisee such uniform rates as set by the
Solid Waste Collection Rate Resolution. Residential units within a homeowner's association
which, as ofthe effective date of this ordinance, has in place a self-owned and operated solid
waste collection system that complies with all applicable local, state and federal laws and
regulations, shall be exempt from the provisions of this ordinance; provided, however, that
should such self-owned and operated solid waste collection system ever be discontinued, all
residential units previously served thereby shall immediately be subject to this ordinance.
(d) All business, commercial or industrial sites shall be required to have solid waste
materials removed and disposed of by the City or its franchisee and for such service, or the
availability of such service, shall pay the City or its franchisee according to the rates established
in the Solid Waste Collection Rate Resolution. Rates for dumpster, open top container I roll-off,
and compactor solid waste collection may be negotiated between the franchisee and the
individual customer, subject to the maximum permissible business and commercial rates set by
the Solid Waste Collection Rate Resolution.
(e) All solid waste or recyclable materials generated in the City shall be collected,
transported and disposed of only by the City or by its franchisee. No person shall collect,
transport or dispose of any solid waste or recyclable materials generated in the City without a
written contract, license, franchise or permit fee from the City. This subsection shall not prohibit
haulers of solid waste generated or accumulated outside the City from transporting the same over
the streets ofthe City, provided that haulers comply with all laws and ordinances governing the
transport of such materials.
(D The City's franchisee shall have the authority to suggest such regulations governing
the days and regulations for collection of solid waste and recyclable materials as it may deem
necessary and to suggest changes and modifications to such regulations to the City Commission,
provided that such changes and modifications are not contrary to this Article and are in
compliance with any applicable franchise agreement.
(g) The property owner of each residential unit, or business, commercial or industrial site,
jointly and severally with the occupant (if other than the owner), shall be liable for the payment
of the fees provided for in this Article and in the Solid Waste Collection Rate Resolution
regardless of whether the unit is occupied or whether the owner or occupant utilizes the
collection service provided for herein.
(h) Owners of mobile home parks, multi-family apartments, or commercial property who
lease tenant space, shall provide solid waste collection service for the properties they own. Such
service shall include a sufficient number of dumpsters to adequately accommodate the volume of
garbage generated by the property and its occupants, unless it has been established as defined in
this Article that the property qualifies for individual solid waste collection for each residential
unit or business site. In cases where it has been established that individual solid waste collection
for each residential unit or business site is justified, collection will be by City approved
container, such as a wheeled canister.
(i) Multi-family fee simple residential units shall not be required to provide and maintain
dumpsters and dumpster enclosures, if they have been approved for individual solid waste
collection, under the terms of a Development Agreement or by making application to the City.
102504 Agenda Item Regular 505
(i) All dumpsters shall be placed within an approved enclosure as described in Section 9-
281. Gates and latches on dumpster enclosures shall be kept fully operable and shall be closed
except during scheduled collection periods.
(k) Dumpsters and wheeled canisters shall be free of overflowing refuse at all times.
When the volume of trash warrants it, the City shall have the authority to require more frequent
solid waste collection at any location within the City, require wheeled canisters to be replaced by
dumpsters, or require existing dumpsters be supplemented or replaced by additional or larger
dumpsters, with any related expense being born by the property owner.
(1) The City shall have the authority to refuse to collect unreasonable amounts of trash or
refuse that does not meet the standards of this Article or policies of the City. Such trash shall be
removed by the owner.
(m) No hazardous materials or materials which are prohibited by law from being
disposed of in a landfill shall be deposited in any refuse can, wheeled canister, dumpster, open
top container / roll off, compactor, or left at roadside for collection. The City and its franchisee
may refuse to collect any such materials thought to be in violation of this Article.
(n) Any person who violates this Article shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in
Section 1-15. The imposition of one (1) penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or
permit it to continue, and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations
within a reasonable time; and when not otherwise specified, each ten (10) days that prohibited
conditions are maintained shall constitute a separate offense. The application of the above
penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions.
Sec. 19-3. Reeulations Reeardine Individual Solid Waste Collection.
(a) Wheeled canisters, refuse cans, and recyclable materials to be collected by the City or
its franchisee shall be placed at roadside for collection no earlier than sunset of the day prior to
garbage collection and returned to storage by sunset of the day of collection. Where the occupant
of a residential unit is disabled or physically unable to deliver solid waste or recyclable materials
to the roadside, and there is no other person occupying the unit physically able to do so and these
conditions are certified to the franchise by the City, a back yard or side yard location for
collection may be arranged at no extra cost to the resident.
(b) Until such time as the City or the City's franchisee provides wheeled canisters,
occupants of residential units are required to furnish their own refuse can, as defined herein.
(c) Wheeled canisters shall be placed within a designated storage area when not being
made accessible for trash pickup or shall be subject to fine.
(d) Storage of wheeled canisters shall be on a paved surface in an area that is screened
from view from public rights-of-way and adjacent properties. Screening shall be constructed of
durable material that is architecturally compatible and consistent with the adjacent building or
shrubbery of ample size may be substituted as suitable screening material.
(e) Occupants utilizing individual solid waste collection are required to keep wheeled
canisters in a designated storage area when not being made accessible for trash pickup or shall be
subject to fine.
(f) Multi-family residential units or business, commercial or industrial sites with existing
dumpsters who wish to be considered for wheeled canister service must:
(1) Make application to the City requesting wheeled canister service;
(2) Sign a statement indicating that the amount of trash generated will not
exceed two (2) wheeled canisters a week, and if additional trash should be
102504 Agenda Item Regular 505
generated in the future the applicant understands that consideration for wheeled
canister service will be terminated. In any case where wheeled canister service is
terminated, service will revert back to dumpster service and the applicant will be
responsible for any of the costs associated with meeting the current code
requirements related to dumpsters;
(3) Submit with the application, a site plan showing the proposed paved
storage location (for up to two (2) wheeled canisters), with screening material
(4) Agree to keep the wheeled canister(s) in the designated storage area at all
_ times except when being made accessible for trash pickup;
(g) The City shall provide recycling bins for depositing recyclable materials at roadside
for collection. Only recyclable materials, as defined herein, shall be deposited in such recycling
bins. Excess newspapers shall be put in a paper bag, or securely tied in a bundle, and place on
top of or immediately next to the recycling bin.
(h) All yard trash shall be bundled and tied, or placed in bags or refuse cans or wheeled
canisters for collection.
(i) All other regulations regarding the collection of solid waste and recyclable materials
from residential units shall be established by resolution of the City Commission, with the advice
and input of its franchisee.
Sec. 19-4. Prohibited Acts; Penalties for Offenses
(a) Except as provided in this Article, it shall be unlawful and a violation of the Code for
any person other that the City and its Franchisee to:
(1) Engage in the for profit collection, transportation or disposal of solid
waste or recyclable materials generated by any residential unit or business,
commercial or industrial site in the City.
(2) Remove solid waste or recyclable materials from any collection container
or recycling bin.
(3) Place or cause to be placed any solid waste or recyclable materials in a
location not serviced by the City or its franchisee.
(4) Place or cause to be placed any solid waste or recyclable materials on the
property of another.
(5) Offer or authorize solid waste or recyclable materials for collection,
transport or disposal by any person other than the City or its franchisee provided,
however, that voluntary and non-profit organizations may collect recyclable
materials for charitable, philanthropic or fundraising purposes.
(6) Fail to make timely payment to the City or its franchisee for the services
made available pursuant to this Article.
(7) Do any act prohibited, or fail to do any act required, by this Ordinance.
(b) The penalties for any violation ofthe provisions of the Article are as provided for by
(c) The City at its option may utilize its Code Enforcement Board and the procedures set
forth in Chapter 2, Article III, Division 2 of this Code for enforcement of this Article.
(d) The City or its franchisee may discontinue any service to an owner or occupant of any
residential unit or business, commercial or industrial site who fails to comply with any of the
provisions of this Article or any regulations promulgated pursuant to this Article, including those
102504 Agenda Item Regular 505
relating to payment. The City shall have the authority, however, to direct its franchisee to
continue service notwithstanding any delinquency in payment upon written assumption by the
City of the delinquency and any additional fees which accrue by virtue of the franchisee's
continued service.
Sec. 19-5-19-25 Reserved.
Section 4. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior
inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior
ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 5. Incorporation into the Code. This ordinance shall be incorporated into
the Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading
may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing.
Section 6. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or
provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court or
competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion
shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect
the validity of the remaining protons of this ordinance.
Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon
adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the _ day of , 2004.
Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only:
First Reading:
~o~ JUln8;~ w;U upu;8V 17O~~O I
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ITEM 505
Public Hearin2
Re2ular X
October 25,2004
Mgr.flAA, I Dept.
The attached Solid Waste Ordinance was prepared by Anthony's office. It is quite a bit
different than the one in your Agenda Item. The two draft ordinances will need to be
aligned before the First Reading.
WHEREAS, the City Commission is granted the authority, under I 2(b), Art. VIII of the
Florida Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly
prohibited by law; and
WHEREAS, ; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this
ordinance to be in the best interests ofthe public health, safety, and welfare ofthe citizens of Winter
Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully
incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 2. The City of Winter Springs Code, Chapter 9 entitled Land Development, is
hereby amended as follows: (underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates
deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing in Chapter
9. It is intended that the text in Chapter 9 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance
shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance).
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No.
Page 1 of 12
Sec. 9-280. Definitions.
As used in this division the word "dumpster" shall mean any container which is used for the
collection and disposal of bulk trash, refuse, vegetative waste, recyclable materials or other kinds
of waste, and which may be of the open or enclosed variety, and is typically hoisted onto or
mechanically emptied into a specifically equipped truck for transporting said waste to a
designated facility. Dumpsters are typically used for multi-family, commercial, and industrial
land uses.
Sec. 9-281. Minimum screening requirements.
All dumpsters shall be screened on all four (4) sides from public view and situated under the
following minimum screening, design, and locational requirements:
(1) Both sides and the rear of the dumpster shall be screened by an opaque wall made of
concrete, brick, stone, or other similar durable material, provided the material used is compatible
with the architectural design of the principal structure. The wall shall be at least six (6) feet in
height or the height of the dumpster, whichever is greater. The wall shall be designed to permit
adequate and reasonable truck pick-up by the solid waste hauler.
(2) The front of the dumpster shall be screened by an opaque gate which shall remain closed at
all times, except for trash disposal and pick-up.
(3) Dumpsters shall be placed in an area that is least visible from the public right-of-way and
shall be situated so as to provide for adequate and reasonable truck pick-up by the solid waste
(4) Dumpsters shall be placed on a concrete pad or other impervious surface deemed suitable
by the city.
(5) Restaurants or other commercial businesses that discard significant amounts of food or
other materials that decay, produce offensive odors or liquids, and/or attract infectious diseases
shall be required to equip the dumpster site with a sewer drain and water. The sewer drain and
water source shall be subject to approval by the city. These dumpster sites shall be cleaned with
water and appropriate cleaning products frequently and as often as necessary to keep the
dumpster in a sanitary condition.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No.
Page 2 of 12
(6) Landscaping around the dumpster may be required if deemed necessary by the city in order
to make the dumpster compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and the site development.
(7) All new dumpsters shall comply with the minimum requirements set forth herein upon the
effective date of this division. The city commission may has, by resolution 2004-06, approveg a
standard set of engineering plans for an enclosed dumpster. Said plans may be used by the public to
permit and construct an enclosure which will satisfy the requirements of this section.
ill All dumpsters existing on the effective date of this division shall comply with the minimum
requirements set forth herein by Maf6h October 1, 2004, except as provided herein:
ill that any such existing dumpster enclosure shall be grandfathered from the six-foot
height requirement set forth in section 9-281(1) and applicable zoning setback requirements,
provided the dumpster enclosure fully complies with all other provisions of this section.
ili2 In addition, existing dumpsters, without enclosures, may comply with the screening
requirements of this section by providing be screened by an opaque vinyl screen, provided the
material is deemed durable and of high quality by the city in terms of design and in accordance with
current building code standards. Where due to existing site conditions, compliance with terms of
this section are impossible or impose a substantial hardship upon the property owner, compliance
may be achieved as follows:
ill where the existing dumpster is located in such a manner as to not be seen from
either the public right-of-way or adiacent properties, from a height of five (5) feet above existing
grade, the property owner may apply for a variance from this section, in accordance with the
procedures provided in Chapter 20 of this Code" reducing or eliminating the required screening
under this section; or
ill the property owner may provide wheeled refuse containers, in lieu of
dumpsters, upon demonstrating acknowledgement and consent to such service by the City's solid
waste franchisee. Where wheeled canisters are provided such canisters shall be adequately screened,
stored and provided for as regulated bv Chapter 19 of this Code.
(8) Dumpsters located within an enclosed building are exempt from this section.
Section 3. The City of Winter Springs Code, Chapter 19 entitled Utilities, is hereby
amended as follows: (underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions,
while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing in Chapter19. It is
intended that the text in Chapter 19 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall
remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance),
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Sec. 19-1. Carbage service to be pr~Yided fer eertain tenants Purpose.
(a) Property owners owning property in multi family residential or commercial zoning
classifications '.vho lease such properties to tenants shall provide garbage collection and removal
services for the properties they o'lIn.
(b) Such garbage collection and removal services shall include a sufficient number of commercial
or industrial size dumpsters to adequately aecommodate the volume of garbage generated by the
property and its tenants.
(c) L^.ny person who yiolates this section shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in section 1
15. The imposition of one (1) penalty for aa)' violatioa shall ROt excuse the violatioa or permit it to
continue, and all such persons shall be required to eorrect or remedy such violatioas within a
reasoHable time; aad when not otherwise specified, eaoh ten (10) days that prohibited conditioas are
maintained shall constitute a separate offense. The application of the above penalty shall not be held
to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions.
It is the purpose of this article to set forth the customer's obligations, responsibilities and
requirements for the collection and disposal of solid waste within the city.
Sec. 19-2. Definitions. The following words and phrases contained in this article shall have the
meaning ascribed in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, but in any case shall
not be inconsistent with the definitions provided within Section 403.703, Florida Statutes (2003), as
may be amended.
Approved container means dumpsters and individual containers provided by any customer ofthe city
solid waste removal service and acceptable to the city.
Business means and includes all retaiL professionaL wholesale and industrial facilities and any other
commercial enterprises offering goods or services to the public.
Collector means any person or entity authorized bv the city to collect and remove solid waste.
Commercial means and includes all retaiL professional and wholesale facilities, but shall not include
industrial facilities.
Construction and demolition debris means discarded materials generally considered to be not water-
soluble and non-hazardous in nature, including but not limited to steeL glass, brick, concrete, asphalt
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roofing material. pipe, gypsum wallboard, and lumber from the construction or destruction of a
structure as part of a construction or demolition project or from the renovation of a structure, and
including rocks, soils, tree remains, trees, and other vegetative matter that normally results in land
clearing or land development operations for a construction project. including such debris from
construction of structures as a site remote from the construction or demolition project site.
Designated facility means a disposal processing, recovery, recycling or transfer facility designated
by the city manager, or the city manager's designee.
Dumpster container or dumpster means a one (1) to nine (9) cubic yard container which can be
emptied by mechanical means into a specifically equipped truck for transporting said waste.
Hazardous waste means solid waste, or a combination of solid wastes, which because of its quantity,
concentration, or physical. chemical. or infectious characteristics, may cause, or significantly
contribute to, an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating
reversible illness or may pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the
environment when improperly transported, disposed of, stored, treated, or otherwise managed. The
term does not include human remains that are disposed of by persons licensed under F.S. ch. 470.
Individual container means a plastic or galvanized metal can, of a type which is commonly sold as a
garbage can, which does not exceed 32 gallons capacity or 50 pounds in weight when full. unless
and until an automated cart program (wheeled canisters) is implemented bv the City. Each such can
shall have two (2) handles upon the sides ofthe can or a bail by which it may be lifted by a person
and shall have a tight fitting top and shall also mean disposable plastic or paper bags (with or
without sack holders and not less than 1 mm thick) of a type which is acceptable to be used for
refuse storage and disposal.
Industrial means establishments generating solid waste accumulation of metal. metal products,
minerals, chemicals, rock, cement, asphalt, tar, oil. grease, glass, crockery, rubber, tires, bottles,
cans, lumber, sawdust. wastes from animal packing or slaughterhouses or materials usually created
bv industrial enterprises.
Multiple dwelling means and includes any building or structure containing four or more contiguous
living units and intended exclusively for residential use by single persons or families.
Recoverable materials means metal, paper, glass, plastic, textile, or rubber materials that have
known recycling potential. can be feasibly recycled, and have been diverted and source separated or
have been removed from the solid waste stream for sale, use, or reuse as raw materials, whether or
not the materials require subsequent processing or separation from each other, but does not include
materials destined for anv use that constitutes disposal. Recovered materials as described above are
not solid waste.
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Recvclable material means newspapers (including inserts), aluminum cans, plastic containers
(HDPE and PET), brown, clear and green glass bottles and iars, and other solid waste materials
added upon written Agreement between the city and the Collector, when such materials have been
either diverted from the remaining solid waste stream or removed prior to their entry into the
remaining solid waste stream.
Residential Unit means any dwelling with kitchen facilities, such as located in single family, duplex,
triplex, or multi-family residential buildings or mobile homes.
Roll-off container. An open or closed container, larger than ten (10) cubic yards, that is temporarily
located at a construction site for the temporary collection of construction and demolition debris.
Roll-off containers are serviced by a specially equipped truck.
Solid waste means bulk trash, refuse, vegetative waste, and recyclable materials or any combination
th ereo f.
Special container means anv container provided by the city or Collector to segregate and collect any
type of solid waste.
Soecial waste means solid waste that requires special handling and management by the Collector,
and which is not accepted at the designated facility or other disposal facility or which is accepted at
the designated facility or other disposal facility at higher rates than are charged for refuse,
including, but not limited to, asbestos, whole tires which do not constitute household trash, used oiL
lead-acid batteries, and biohazardous wastes.
Vegetative waste means any vegetative matter resulting from routine and normal yard and
landscaping maintenance generated on site and shall include materials such as tree and shrub
materials, grass clippings, palm fronds, Christmas trees, tree branches and similar vegetative matter
usually produced in the care of lawns, landscaping and yards.
Wheeled canister, means a container, provided by the City or collector, with two (2) wheels for
rolling and with a non-removable hinged lid, which is placed at the curb for collection service and is
emptied by mechanical hoisting on specialized trucks. Wheeled canisters when filled shall not
exceed two hundred fifty (250) pounds.
Sec. 19-3. Authority of city to collect.
Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to prevent the city from creating or acting
as its own solid waste collection or disposal service or facility, either independently, exclusively or
in coni unction with others.
Sec. 19-4. Ownership bv city.
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Ownership of solid waste set out for collection shall be vested in the city. It shall be unlawful
for any person other than the authorized collector to disturb, scatter, spread out, or remove any solid
waste set out for collection. Law enforcement agencies and their personnel when within the scope of
their employment are exempt from the provisions of this section.
Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting commercial establishments that
generate recoverable materials from selling or otherwise conveying their recoverable material to any
properly certified recovered materials dealer which satisfies the conditions provided in F.S. &
Sec. 19-5. Schedule of fees.
(a) Owners of any residential unit, business, commercial or industrial use within the city shall pay
solid waste fees as established by the city commission. The schedule offees shall be established by a
Solid Waste Collection Rate Resolution. Such collection rates may be reviewed and adiusted
periodically as may be necessitated by change in operating costs and administrative costs incurred
by the city and/or the collector, changes in landfill tipping fees, and other costs or changes
associated with compliance with federal, state or local regulations.
(b) Failure of users to pay fees within thirty (30) days of the billing date shall be a violation of
this article. In addition, the city shall have the right to seek enforcement and collection of the
overdue fee through civil lJroceedings in a court of competent iurisdiction, including a reasonable
attorney's fee and costs, if such civil action is necessary.
(c) All fees becoming due and payable on or after the effective date of the ordinance from which
this article is derived shall constitute and are imposed as a special assessment lien against the real
property served by the city solid waste collection service, and until fully paid and discharged shall
remain liens equal in dignity with the city's ad valorem taxes, and superior in rank and dignity to all
liens, encumbrances, titles and claims in, to or against the real property involved. Such fees shall
become delinquent if not fully paid within 30 days after the due date. All delinquent service charges
shall bear a late charge often percent of such fees due. Unpaid delinquent service charges, together
with all late charges and fees imposed thereon, shall remain and constitute special assessment liens
against the real property involved.
Sec. 19-6. Complaint procedure.
The collector is obligated to promptly respond to all complaints concerning the quality or
absence of collection service. All complaints with regard to refuse and trash collection service
directed by this chapter shall be made to the city, and subsequently directed to the collector by the
city manager.
Sec. 19-7. Transportinl!.
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Unless a person shall have been specifically authorized and licensed by the city commission
to do so, it shall be unlawful for any person to transport solid waste through or over the public streets
or alleys of the city, except as otherwise provided in section 19-11( d). This provision shall be
liberally construed to protect the public health, safety and general welfare ofthe inhabitants of the
Sec. 19-8. Containers required.
(a) All owners, residents and all occupants of any residential unit and the owner, user, manager or
occupants of any multiple-dwelling unit, or of any place or business, commercial or industrial
establishment within the city are required to provide at least one individual container or dumpster
(as provided herein) to hold four days' accumulation of solid waste. Sunken containers are
specifically prohibited.
(b) All residential units (single-family, duplex, and triplex residences), until such time as the
City and/or its collector provide an automated cart program, owners or occupants shall provide
individual containers. Residential units shall not be permitted to use dumpsters, but may use
temporary roll-off containers for the collection of construction and demolition debris.
(c) All multi-family units, business, commercial or industrial uses shall be required to provide
dumpsters for the collection and disposal of solid waste. All dumpsters shall be screened, as
required by Section 9-281, of this Code.
Multi- family fee simple (condominium) residential units shall not be required to provide and
maintain dumpsters and dumpster enclosures, provided the association representing such
development has obtained approval for individual solid waste collection under the terms of an
approved development agreement or by making application for approval to the city manager. Such
request shall include, consent ofthe collector, a signed statement indicating that the amount of trash
generated will not exceed two (2) wheeled canisters per week, and acknowledgement that if
additional trash should be generated in the future the applicant understands that approval for
wheeled canister service will be terminated. Applicant shall also submit a site plan showing the
proposed paved storage location for the wheeled canisters with the proposed screening material. as
provided in section 9-281.
(d) It shall be the duty ofthe owner, manager, tenant or occupant of any multiple-dwelling unit to
furnish or see that each unit with cooking facilities of said multiple dwelling is furnished or supplied
with an individual container or containers or dumpster adequate and sufficient in size to complv with
the terms of this article. All such solid waste containers shall be kept tightly covered at all times
except when it is necessarv to lift the cover for disposal or removal of solid waste or to deposit solid
waste therein. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit solid waste in such amount in the
individual containers or dumpsters that will not permit the cover thereof to be kept tightly in place
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Sec. 19-9. Residential solid waste pickup conditions.
(a) Separation of solid waste. Each individual container shall contain solid waste, excluding yard
trash, recyclable or recoverable materials, which shall be wrapped or inserted into individual
containers in a plastic or paper bag before being inserted into individual containers.
(b) Reeve/able or recoverable material. Recyclable or recoverable materials shall be placed in
special containers provided by the city, except in the case of a commercial establishment which has
contracted with a properly certified recovered materials dealer, as provided above in section 19-5 of
this article. Only recyclable or recoverable materials may be contained in the special containers.
Special containers shall be provided for each single-family residence, duplex and triplex and shall be
placed bv each owner, resident or occupant at curbside in front of such residential unit. Multiple
dwelling units shall be provided special containers for use by all occupants of such unit which shall
be located at the discretion ofthe city manager. No solid waste, other than recyclable or recoverable
materials, shall be placed in a special container. Recoverable items made of glass shall not be placed
in special containers in a broken condition and shall not be broken in special containers.
(c) Vegetative Waste. e Vegetative waste must be placed in a reusable container which shall not
include any paper or plastic bag, unless such bag is a specialized vegetative waste bag approved by
the designated facility. Vegetative waste shall not be commingled with any other solid waste or
recyclable or recoverable material. Limbs shall not exceed four feet in length and shall not weigh in
excess of 50 pounds. Limbs should be stacked in a uniform direction, and may be bundled by
securing with rope, string, twine, cord or tape. Containers for vegetative waste shall be provided by
the owner, resident, or occupant of any residential unit.
(d) Solid waste. Solid waste other than vegetative waste and recyclable or recoverable materials
shall be placed in individual containers, unless an automated cart program is provided. Each
individual container shall not exceed 50 pounds of solid waste. Any item of solid waste shall not
exceed the measurement of four feet in any direction. Containers for solid waste shall be provided by
the owner, resident or occupant of any residential unit. Recyclable materials and vard trash shall not
be commingled with other solid waste.
(e) Pickup. Each owner, resident and occupant of any single-family residence, duplex, or triplex
shall place individual containers and special containers within three (3) feet of curbside in front of
such residential unit. Solid waste shall be removed by the collector according to schedules that the
city from time to time shall publish. No individual containers or special containers shall be placed
curbside earlier than sunset of the dav prior to collection and retrieved no later than sunset the day
of collection. Where the occupant of any residential unit is disabled or physically unable to deliver
the individual or special containers curbside, and there is no other person occupying the residential
unit physically able to do so and these conditions are certified to the collector by the city, back yard
or side yard location for collection may be arranged at no extra cost.
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(f) Location of solid waste containers. Solid waste containers shall not be located in such places
or under such conditions as to cause unnecessary or unreasonable offense to sightliness, cleanliness,
safety or other sanitary conditions. Solid waste containers shall not be kept upon neighboring
property, whether such neighboring property be vacant or improved, without the written consent of
the person having the right to possession and use of the neighboring property. No solid waste
container shall be placed on any city right-of-way, except for immediate pickup, unless authorized in
writing by the city manager in advance. Dumpsters shall not be placed in such manner as to hinder
the closing of container lids.
Sec. 19-10 Proper disposal prerequisite to collection.
No removal or collection of solid waste shall be required by the collector from any premises
within the city, unless the solid waste is deposited in proper containers.
Sec. 19-11. Unlawful acts.
(a) Obstruction. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle in such a way that the
collector cannot service dumpsters or otherwise to block access to such containers.
(b) Container of another. It shall be unlawful for a person to place solid waste in a container
assigned to another address, without written permission of the owner.
(c) Burninf! or burvinf! of solid waste. It shall be unlawful for any person to bury solid waste
within the city. No such solid waste shall be burned within the corporate limits of the city.
(d) Unlawful accumulation. It shall be unlawful for the owner, resident, occupant or manager or
person responsible for any land or premises to permit, suffer or allow, either by commission or
omission, any accumulation of solid waste upon l'remises or property within the city for a period
longer than four days without having arranged for disposal ofthe accumulation by the collector to
perform such services and it shall be unlawful and a violation of this article for any person, whether
owner, resident, manager or occupant of anv premises to fail to provide a sufficient number of solid
waste containers per unit as provided in this article to amply provide for any four-day period of solid
waste accumulation. Nothing contained in this section shall prevent the owner or occupant, resident,
mana~er or person responsible for the premises to remove accumulations of solid waste on their own
behalf, to a proper place of disposal.
(e) Unlawful disposal. It shall be unlawful to deposit or dispose of solid waste upon the premises
of another, or upon any street, alley, parkway or other public property, or any canal, ditch, water,
waterway, river, ocean, beach, pool, pond or the like within the city or in the container of another,
except that tenants of multiple dwellings or businesses, where authorized, may deposit such
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accumulations in containers which the owner or manager of the multiple dwelling or business
building has authorized for the use of the tenants thereof.
(f) Hazardous waste. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit or dispose of any hazardous
waste in individual or dumpsters from which the collector removes solid wastes for the city.
Sec. 19-12. Penalties.
Any person who violates anv provision of this article, upon conviction in a court of
competent iurisdiction, may be punished as provided in section 1-15. The city, at its option, may
utilize it's Code Enforcement Board and the procedures set forth in Chapter 2 of this Code and
Chapter 162, Florida Statutes, for code enforcement matters. Additionally, the City or the collector
may discontinue any service to an owner or occupant of any residential unit or business, commercial
or industrial use who/which fails to comply with any of the provisions of this article or any
regulations promulgated pursuant to this article, including those related to payment.
Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior
inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior
ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 4. Incorporation Into Code. This ordinance shall be incorporated into the
Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be
changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing.
Section 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or
provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall
be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the
validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon
adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to the City
ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the _ day of , 2004.
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City Clerk
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only
Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Effective Date:
G:\Lawyer\jeflb\City of Winter Springs\Ordinances\Solid_ Waste_Dumpster_ord.doc
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102504 Agenda Item Regular 505
WHEREAS, the City Commission is granted the authority, under Section 2(b), Article
VIII, of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when
expressly prohibited by law; and
WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs finds it in the public interest to ensure that all
areas within its limits are provided with high quality collection of solid waste and recyclable
WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs has determined that certain multi-family and
commercial sites are better served by individual solid waste collection; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds
this ordinance to be in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of
Winter Springs.
Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully
incorporated by this reference.
Section 2. Ordinance 537 Repealed. The City of Winter Springs hereby repeals
Ordinance 537 relating to solid waste collection.
Section 3. Code Amendment, Chapter 9, Article IV, Division 7 and Chapter 19
Article I. The City of Winter Springs Code, Chapter 9, Article IV, Division 7, and Chapter 19,
Article I, is hereby amended as follows (underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type
indicates deletions, while asterisks (***) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing
in Chapter 9. It is intended that the text in Chapter 9 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this
Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this
102504 Agenda Item Regular 505
Article IV. Required Improvements
Division 7. Dumpsters
Sec. 9-280. Definitions.
As used in this division the word "dumpster" shall mean allY container, between one (1) and nine
(9) cubic yards in size, which is used for the collection and disposal of bulk trash, refuse,
vegetative waste, recyclable materials or other kinds of waste, and which may be of the open or
enclosed ','ariety and which is typically hoisted onto or mechanically emptied into a specifically
equipped truck for transporting said waste to a designated facility. Dumpsters are typically used
for multi family, commeroial, and industrial land uses.
Sec. 9-281. Minimum screening requirements.
(8) Dumpsters located within an enclosed building are exempt from this section. Also
exempted are entities making application to change from dumpster to wheeled canister
service, until the status of their application is determined. Should the application be
denied, the entity would then be required to comply fully with the screening requirements
stated herein.
(9) Dumpsters located on sites where the container can not be seen offsite, at a height of five
feet above existing grade at any property line of the site, may apply for Special Exception
to the screening requirements of this section.
(10) A building permit must be obtained prior to the construction and/or installation of an
102504 Agenda Item Regular 505
Sec. 19-1. Carbage seryiee to be provided far eertain tenants.
(a) Property owners owning property in multi family residential or commeroial zoning
olassifications who lease suoh properties to tenants shall provide garbage oollection and removal
services for the properties they own.
(b) Such garbage collection and removal services shall inolude a sufficient number of
commeroial or industrial size dumpsters to adequately aooommodate the volume of garbage
generated by the property and its tenants
(0) Any person who violates this section shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in
section 1 15. The imposition of one (1) penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or
permit it to oontinue, and all suoh persons shall be required to correot or remedy such violations
within a reasonable time; and when not otherwise specified, eaoh ten (10) days that prohibited
oonditions are maintained shall eonstitute a separate offense. The applioation of the above
penalty shall not be held to prevent the enf{)roed removal of prohibited conditions.
(Ord. No. 409,99 1--3,2-22-88)
As used in this Article, and unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the following
terms and phrases shall be defined and construed to mean as follows:
(a) Business. commercial or industrial sites. Any business, commercial, or industrial site
which produces or accumulates solid waste and which is required to maintain dumpster service,
except as established in this Article.
(b) Construction and demolition debris. Non-hazardous solid waste generally considered
not to be water soluble, including, but not limited to, steel. concrete, glass, brick, asphalt roofing
material. pipe, gypsum wall board and lumber from a construction or demolition site.
(c) Construction or demolition sites. Any construction or demolition site on which
temporary waste is produced or accumulated shall be required to maintain roll off container /
open top service.
(d) Dumoster. A container, between one (1 ) and nine (9) cubic yards in size, which is
used for the collection and disposal of bulk trash, refuse, vegetative waste, recyclable materials
or other kinds of waste, which is mechanically emptied into a specificallv equipped truck for
transporting said waste to a designated facility.
( e) Franchisee. Any person or entity to whom the City has granted an exclusive
franchise for the collection of solid waste and recyclable materials.
(f) Garba'i!e. All solid and semi-solid kitchen refuse subiect to decay and all putrescible
animal and vegetable waste resulting from growing, processing, marketing and preparation of
food items, including the containers in which such items are packaged, as well as all items not
defined herein as "yard trash" which are customarily generated in a normal residential
(g) Individual solid waste collection. Separate solid waste collection for an occupant of a
residential unit or business, where a refuse can or wheeled canister is placed at the roadside for
102504 Agenda Item Regular 505
(h) Industrial wastes. Any solid waste generated by manufacturing or industrial
processes that are not hazardous waste, but which, because of their volume or nature, do not lend
themselves to collection, incineration, or disposal commingled with ordinary solid waste: or
which, because of their nature and surrounding circumstances or for reasons of safety or health,
should be handled as a special solid waste.
(i) Recvclable materials. Newspaper, glass, aluminum, steel cans, plastic bottles, and
such other solid waste materials (as may be designated from time to time), which are capable of
being recycled by the City or its franchisee. Recyclable materials are placed in City approved
bins and placed at the roadside for collection. Recyclable materials as defined herein does not
include materials primary to the operation of a business, commercial or industrial site.
en Refuse can. A receptacle for solid waste collection with a capacity not greater than 32
gallons or 50 lbs. in weight, consisting of non-absorbent material construction, which is placed at
the roadside for collection service and which can be manually hoisted by a single individual. No
oil drums shall be used as refuse cans.
(k) Residential unit. Any dwelling with kitchen facilities such as located in a single
family, duplex, triplex, or multi-family residential building, or mobile home.
(l) Roll off container / open toP. A container, 20 cubic yards or greater, that is
temporarily located at a construction site for the temporary collection and storage of construction
and demolition debris, land clearing debris or other waste. Roll-off containers are serviced for
collection bv a speciallv equipped truck.
(m) Solid waste. All discarded, non-hazardous, solid waste material resulting from
residential. business, commercial and industrial operations including, but not limited to, garbage,
yard trash, and industrial wastes.
(n) Solid Waste Collection Rate Resolution. A resolution of the City Commission, which
establishes rates and maximum permissible rates, for all options of solid waste collection in the
(0) Wheeled canister. A container for solid waste collection, provided by the City or its
Franchisee, with two (2) wheels for rolling and with a non-removable hinged lid, which is placed
at the roadside for collection service and emptied by mechanical hoisting by specialized trucks.
Wheeled canisters, when filled shall not exceed 250 lbs. Wheeled canister service will be made
available to residential units and business sites.
(0) Yard trash. Vegetative matter, resulting from yard and landscaping maintenance
including tree and shrub trimmings, grass clipping, and palm fronds or small tree branches not
exceeding four feet in length and four inches in diameter.
Sec. 19-2. Solid Waste Collection - Generallv.
(a) The City shall collect. or cause to be collected through issuance or renewal of a
negotiated franchise, all solid waste and recyclable materials at regular intervals to be determined
by the City.
Ch) The City shall establish uniform rates for refuse can and wheeled canister solid waste
collection and maximum permissible rates for dumpster, open top container / roll-off, and
compactor solid waste collection, by adoption of the Solid Waste Collection Rate Resolution.
Such collection rates shall be reviewed and adiusted periodically as may be necessitated by
change in operating costs and administrative costs incurred by the City and/or it franchisee,
changes in landfill tipping fees, and other costs or changes associated with compliance with
county, state, or federal environmental regulations.
102504 Agenda Item Regular 505
(c) All residential units in the City shall be required to have solid waste and recyclable
materials removed and disposed of by the City or its franchisee and for such service, or the
availability of such service, shall pay the City or its franchisee such uniform rates as set by the
Solid Waste Collection Rate Resolution. Residential units within a homeowner's association
which, as of the effective date of this ordinance, has in place a self-owned and operated solid
waste collection system that complies with all applicable local, state and federal laws and
regulations, shall be exempt from the provisions of this ordinance; provided, however, that
should such self-owned and operated solid waste collection system ever be discontinued, all
residential units previously served therebv shall immediately be subject to this ordinance.
(d) All business, commercial or industrial sites shall be required to have solid waste
materials removed and disposed of by the City or its franchisee and for such service, or the
availability of such service, shall pay the City or its franchisee according to the rates established
in the Solid Waste Collection Rate Resolution. Rates for dumpster, open top container / roll-off,
and compactor solid waste collection may be negotiated between the franchisee and the
individual customer, subject to the maximum permissible business and commercial rates set by
the Solid Waste Collection Rate Resolution.
(e) All solid waste or recyclable materials generated in the City shall be collected,
transported and disposed of only by the City or by its franchisee. No person shall collect,
transport or dispose of any solid waste or recyclable materials generated in the City without a
written contract, license, franchise or permit fee from the City. This subsection shall not prohibit
haulers of solid waste generated or accumulated outside the City from transporting the same over
the streets of the City, provided that haulers comply with all laws and ordinances governing the
transport of such materials.
(f) The City's franchisee shall have the authority to suggest such regulations governing
the days and regulations for collection of solid waste and recyclable materials as it may deem
necessary and to suggest changes and modifications to such regulations to the City Commission,
provided that such changes and modifications are not contrary to this Article and are in
compliance with any applicable franchise agreement.
(g) The property owner of each residential unit, or business, commercial or industrial site,
jointly and severally with the occupant (if other than the owner), shall be liable for the payment
of the fees provided for in this Article and in the Solid Waste Collection Rate Resolution
regardless of whether the unit is occupied or whether the owner or occupant utilizes the
collection service provided for herein.
(h) Owners of mobile home parks, multi-family apartments, or commercial property who
lease tenant space, shall provide solid waste collection service for the properties they own. Such
service shall include a sufficient number of dumpsters to adequately accommodate the volume of
garbage generated by the property and its occupants, unless it has been established as defined in
this Article that the propertv qualifies for individual solid waste collection for each residential
unit or business site. In cases where it has been established that individual solid waste collection
for each residential unit or business site is justified, collection will be by City approved
container, such as a wheeled canister.
(i) Multi-family fee simple residential units shall not be required to provide and maintain
dumpsters and dumpster enclosures, if thev have been approved for individual solid waste
collection, under the terms of a Development Agreement or by making application to the City.
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(j) All dumpsters shall be placed within an approved enclosure as described in Section 9-
281. Gates and latches on dumpster enclosures shall be kept fully operable and shall be closed
except during scheduled collection periods.
(k) Dumpsters and wheeled canisters shall be free of overflowing refuse at all times.
When the volume of trash warrants it, the City shall have the authority to require more frequent
solid waste collection at any location within the City, require wheeled canisters to be replaced by
dumpsters, or require existing dumpsters be supplemented or replaced by additional or larger
dumpsters, with any related expense being born by the property owner.
(l) The City shall have the authority to refuse to collect unreasonable amounts of trash or
refuse that does not meet the standards of this Article or policies of the City. Such trash shall be
removed by the owner.
(m) No hazardous materials or materials which are prohibited bv law from being
disposed of in a landfill shall be deposited in any refuse can, wheeled canister, dumpster, open
top container / roll off, compactor, or left at roadside for collection. The City and its franchisee
mav refuse to collect any such materials thought to be in violation of this Article.
(n) Any person who violates this Article shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in
Section 1-15. The imposition of one (1) penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or
permit it to continue, and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations
within a reasonable time: and when not otherwise specified, each ten (10) days that prohibited
conditions are maintained shall constitute a separate offense. The application of the above
penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions.
Sec. 19-3. Re2ulations Re2ardin2 Individual Solid Waste Collection.
(a) Wheeled canisters, refuse cans, and recyclable materials to be collected by the City or
its franchisee shall be placed at roadside for collection no earlier than sunset of the dav prior to
garbage collection and returned to storage by sunset of the day of collection. Where the occupant
of a residential unit is disabled or physically unable to deliver solid waste or recyclable materials
to the roadside, and there is no other person occupying the unit physicallv able to do so and these
conditions are certified to the franchise by the City, a back yard or side yard location for
collection mav be arranged at no extra cost to the resident.
(b) Until such time as the City or the City's franchisee provides wheeled canisters,
occupants of residential units are required to furnish their own refuse can, as defined herein.
(c) Wheeled canisters shall be placed within a designated storage area when not being
made accessible for trash pickup or shall be subject to fine.
(d) Storage of wheeled canisters shall be on a paved surface in an area that is screened
from view from public rights-of-way and adjacent properties. Screening shall be constructed of
durable material that is architecturally compatible and consistent with the adjacent building or
shrubbery of ample size mav be substituted as suitable screening material.
(e) Occupants utilizing individual solid waste collection are required to keep wheeled
canisters in a designated storage area when not being made accessible for trash pickup or shall be
subject to fine.
(f) Multi-family residential units or business, commercial or industrial sites with existing
dumpsters who wish to be considered for wheeled canister service must:
(1) Make application to the City requesting wheeled canister service:
(2) Sign a statement indicating that the amount of trash generated will not
exceed two (2) wheeled canisters a week, and if additional trash should be
102504 Agenda Item Regular 505
generated in the future the applicant understands that consideration for wheeled
canister service will be terminated. In anv case where wheeled canister service is
terminated, service will revert back to dumpster service and the applicant will be
responsible for any of the costs associated with meeting the current code
requirements related to dumpsters:
(3) Submit with the application, a site plan showing the proposed paved
storage location (for UP to two (2) wheeled canisters), with screening material
(4) Agree to keep the wheeled canister(s) in the designated storage area at all
times except when being made accessible for trash pickup:
(g) The City shall provide recycling bins for depositing recyclable materials at roadside
for collection. Only recyclable materials, as defined herein, shall be deposited in such recycling
bins. Excess newspapers shall be put in a paper bag, or securely tied in a bundle, and place on
top of or immediately next to the recvcling bin.
(h) All yard trash shall be bundled and tied, or placed in bags or refuse cans or wheeled
canisters for collection.
(i) All other regulations regarding the collection of solid waste and recvclable materials
from residential units shall be established bv resolution of the City Commission, with the advice
and input of its franchisee.
Sec. 19-4. Prohibited Acts; Penalties for Offenses
(a) Except as provided in this Article, it shall be unlawful and a violation of the Code for
any person other that the City and its Franchisee to:
(1 ) Engage in the for profit collection, transportation or disposal of solid
waste or recyclable materials generated by any residential unit or business,
commercial or industrial site in the City.
(2) Remove solid waste or recyclable materials from any collection container
or recycling bin.
(3) Place or cause to be placed any solid waste or recyclable materials in a
location not serviced by the City or its franchisee.
(4) Place or cause to be placed any solid waste or recyclable materials on the
property of another.
(5) Offer or authorize solid waste or recyclable materials for collection,
transport or disposal by any person other than the City or its franchisee provided,
however, that voluntary and non-profit organizations mav collect recyclable
materials for charitable, philanthropic or fundraising purposes.
(6) Fail to make timelv payment to the City or its franchisee for the services
made available pursuant to this Article.
(7) Do anv act prohibited, or fail to do any act required, bv this Ordinance.
(b) The penalties for any violation of the provisions of the Article are as provided for by
(c) The City at its option may utilize its Code Enforcement Board and the procedures set
forth in Chapter 2, Article III, Division 2 of this Code for enforcement of this Article.
(d) The City or its franchisee may discontinue any service to an owner or occupant of any
residential unit or business, commercial or industrial site who fails to comply with any of the
provisions of this Article or any regulations promulgated pursuant to this Article, including those
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relating to payment. The City shall have the authority, however, to direct its franchisee to
continue service notwithstanding any delinquency in payment upon written assumption by the
City of the delinquency and any additional fees which accrue by virtue of the franchisee's
continued service.
Sec. 19-5-19-25 Reserved.
Section 4. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior
inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior
ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 5. Incorporation into the Code. This ordinance shall be incorporated into
the Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading
may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing.
Section 6. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or
provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court or
competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion
shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect
the validity of the remaining protons of this ordinance.
Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon
adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
ADOPTED by the City Commission ofthe City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the _ day of , 2004.
Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only:
First Reading:
102504 Agenda Item Regular 505
Second Reading:
Effective Date: