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2004 10 25 Public Hearings 401
COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 401 Consent Information Public Hearing X Regular October 25. 2004 Regular Meeting (,/MGR. Iff lDept./ff REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests the Ci.ty Commission conduct a public hearing for the 2nd Reading and Adoption of Ordinance 2004-48, annexing three parcels located at 1740 Deleon Street equaling approximately 4.05 acres and owned by Cynthia Rook. PURPOSE: To consider the Annexation request of Cynthia Rook related to her 3 parcels located at approximately 1740 Deleon Street, totaling 4.05 acres, more or less. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Florida Statute Chapter 171. Municipal Annexation or Contraction. Florida Statute Chapter 171.044 (1). The owner or owners of real property in an , unincorporated area of a county which is contiguous to a municipality and reasonably compact may petition the governing body of said municipality that said property be annexed to the municipality. Winter Sprin2s Charter Section 2.03. Annexation procedure. Winter Sprin2s Code Section 16-77. Outdoor display/billboards--Off-premises signs prohibited. ( e) CHRONOLOGY: Oct. 4, 2004- Application Received Oct. 4, 2004- 15t Reading of Ordinance 2004-48 Oct. 4, 2004- Notification of Cities, County, Sch. Bd per InterLocal Agreement of 1997 Oct. 5, 2004- Certified Mail Notification of Seminole Co. Bd. of Commissioners Oct. 7,2004- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel (2x in two consecutive weeks) Oct. 14,2004- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel (2x in two consecutive weeks) EW COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 401 October 25,2004 Oct. 18, 2004- Oct. 19,2004- Oct. 20, 2004- Oct. 21, 2004- Oct. 25, 2004- Special Meeting of City Commission canceled Certified Mail Re-Notification of Seminole Co. Bd. of Commissioners Re-Notification of Cities, County, Sch. Bd per InterLocal Agreemt of 1997 Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel (2x in two consecutive weeks) Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel (2x in two consecutive weeks) CONSIDERATIONS: . The application petition bears the signature of the property owner. . The subject area is contiguous with the City's existing boundaries to the west and south, and located on Deleon Street immediately north ofthe Weaver property. The subject area lies on the east side ofthe County's urban rural boundary. . The following three parcels are under consideration: Parcel # 03-21-31-300-0070-0000 Parcel # 03-21-31-300-0050-0000 Parcel # 03-21-31-300-007 A-OOOO . The owner/ applicant is currently residing in a single family home located on parcel # 03-21- 31-300-007 A-OOOO . The Applicant has expressed interest in the inclusion of her properties within the Conservation Village concept. . The City has capacity to provide these parcels with the same urban services provided to other areas ofthe City. . The request is consistent with all applicable goals, objectives and policies of the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. . The subject properties are currently designated "Rural-3", and "Rural-3" & "Conservation" on the County Future Land Use Map, as are the adjacent properties. Those directly to the west and south are within the City, while properties directly to the north and the east remain in the County. . The subject property is currently designated "A-3 Agricultural" on the County Zoning Map. Adjacent properties to the west are in the City and still retain the County Zoning. . Letters notifying the adjacent property owners have been sent. . The property will be posted before the second reading. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Commission hold a public hearing for 2nd Reading and Adoption of Ordinance 2004-48, that would annex three (3) contiguous parcels at 1740 Deleon Street, equaling approximately 4.05 acres and owned by Cynthia Rook. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: Oct. 25, 2004- 2nd Reading and Adoption of Ordinance 2004-46 COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 401 October 25,2004 ATTACHMENTS: A. Application for Annexation with property owner signatures including survey B. Ordinance 2004-48 with location map COMMISSION ACTION: COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 401 October 25,2004 ATTACHMENT- A Application for Annexation with property owner signature CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT f;,.O t 1 2 6 S TAT E R 0 A D 43 4 \~ WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 ~V~ k\~\\" 4 0 7 - 3 2 7 - 5 9 6 7 ~ <( \) ~\~0~ C\ \" \ (i:J? r<P' FAX: 4 0 7 - 3 2 7 - 6 6 9 5 "~~",\~~,,\o\1~ "N 0 -( 0<( v\'l\\1 c\'\,.o~~ APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION AND SUBSEQUENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT & REZONING PETITION 3coK elf}JfAr'A 1~'SI First MAIUNG ADDRESS: _ll!:L~le()N 6:.t /) \I i 8itJ hm.4D7-~~l, ~-to 4 5-3 FL_ ,-3~ 710.5 Stale Zip Code C'..e 11- 4() 7 -,1 7 fa- 4<0 c., S( APPLICANT: L-, Middle PHONE: ff Applicant does NOT own the property: PROPERTY OWNER: Last First Middle MAILING ADDRESS: Cily Slate Zip Code PHONE: This request is for the property described below: PROPERTY ADDRESS: \,.., ~O ::De\eoD <:}\-, Ov~ Fd(') I El ,~71t' S TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 5'ee ~& I SIZE OF PARCEL: 0. ~ ~ fO'p ~ y~ Q.~ ,e S Square Feel Acres Please state the reasons or justification for your Annexation, Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Future Land Use Change), and Rezonin request:..b ''0 Ue , , e... e \ ~\-_-' a0e 01 Current COUNTY TURE LAND USE Classifi ation: (,~rn ~ -h+ - RIlI,oat .3 Request for a Change to CITY of Winter Springs FUTURE LAND USE dassification: LA/! CSr C.D~ruA--h o).J If you are requesting an Amendment to the Goals, Objectives, & Policies of the City's comprehensive Plan, l/ilb'lE set forth the proposed Amendment in detail and provide supporting documentation, Current COUNTY ZONING Classification: A -3 Requcst for a Change to CITY of Winter Springs ZONING Classification: L)) f2 0 i-C Of\ 5e II JA.-h 0 nil,' IIQ1E ponn !t(.'vi,<;<.'\l April 30, 2004 itg(;~B'W5~ oe, 0 tt lOM ANNEXATIONS, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS and REZONINGS are subject to the Approval of the, SPRINGS City Commission. Each action is only effcctive when the Notice and Vote Requiremems of Chapter 16Q.\3"I\tI\"-m~I~b~~~IOjlmOnl Florida Statutes have been achieved. c~mmu 1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS arc subject to the Approval of the City Commission, Each action is only effective when the Notice and Vote Requirements of Chapter 166 and 171, Florida Statutes have been achieved, LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS arc subject to Approval by the Florida Department of Community Affairs and are not effective until the Department ofComrnunity Affairs issues a "Notice of (ntemnio find the Comprehensive Plan Amendment in compl iance with the requiremcnts of Chapter 163.3184 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes. Unless otherwise provided by law, the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Winter Springs shall bc amended only twice per year in accordance with 163.3187( 1) F,S. and Winter Springs Code of Ordinanccs, Section 15-32 as follows: AfJP/icaliOIl slIbmi/l(/( deadlines.' !:J'prillg, No laler than 5:00 p,m. on the first Wedncsday in February. The 3pplieation(s) will be reviewed at a meeting of the local planning agency to be hcld in April or as otherwise practicable, Fall, No later than 5:00p.m, on the first Wednesday in August. The application(s) will be reviewed 3t a meeting of lhe local planning agcncy to be held in Octobcr or as othclwise practicable, SMALL SCALE AMENDMENTS may be 3pprovcd without regard to statutory limits on the frequency of consideration of amendments under the conditions approved by law, APPLICANTS arc advised, that if they decide to appeal any decisions made atlhe meetings or hearings, with respect to any m3ttcr considered at the meetings or hearings, they will need a record of the proceedings und, for such purposes, they will need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is madc, at their cost, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, per 286.0105, Florida Statutes. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE TO BE SUPPLIED WITH THIS APPLICATION: -r A copy of the most recent SURVEY of the subject property with Metes and Bounds description. )fJ A copy of the LEGAL DESCRIPTION. '9K 11 x 17 MAP showing ADJACENT STREETS and ZONING AND LAND USE classifications "" on the ADJACENT PROPERTY. )iJ JUSTIFICATION for the Request. 'a. NAMES and ADDRESSES of each property owner within 150 ft. of each property line. ,~ Notarized AUTHORIZATION of the Owner, IF the Applicant is other than the Owner or Attorney for the Owner (see below). o APPLICATION FEES: FEES are as SHOWN BELOW plus ACTUAL COSTS inculTed for ADVERTISING or NOTIFICATION, and for REIMBURSEMENT for TECHNICAL and/or PROFESSIONAL SERVICES which may be required in connection with the review, inspection or approval of any development (based on accounting submitted by the City's Consultant) , payable prior to approval of the pertinent stage of development. ANNEXA nON $ 500 $ Exempt (Property applying for Anne.xation by invitation of lhe City are cxclllptli'\'lm this Fcc) PRE-ANNEXA nON AGREEMENT (Optional) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT .per Applicant Small Scale (Generally 10 acres or fewer) Large Scale (Generally More than lOacres; Text Amendments) (Property applying for Annexation by invitation ofthc City arc exempt from this Fee) REZONING per Applicant $ 300 $ $ 500 $ 1000 $ Exemp!. · Pursuant to Cha ter I tut . $ 500 Plus $ 25/acre Fonn Rt'\;st'tl :\pril 30. 2004 -- .~.. .....~__.___u ~f&!<<;~a\#~@ ocr 0 4- Z@04 ************************************************************.***********~U~*Qi~~R'NGS CommunIty Oovulopment FOR USE WHEN APPLICANT IS OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY: Sw~n to and SUb~b'~7Jol'e me this ,,", J I -. day of .t!,lfi.l{}-PA._ 20~. i c 'r'"") r-r2 6/~~l~ \ - . ~~ N tury Public My Commission expires: ,./ Personally Known Produced Identification: (Type) Did take an Oath Did Not take and Oath ~' ~ Esmle P Ross ~<~; Mot CommiMion CC1DGl1tT" ~.,,., Ex"ires MIIV 02.2005 *****************.****.********************.....*******..*******************.***.***** FOR USE WHEN APPLICANT IS NOT OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY: I , do hereby with my notarized signature allow to represent me in the Annexation and Subsequent Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning Petition of my properly. TIle property is identified as: Tax Parcel Number(s) Located at and as further identified on the Metes and Bounds description provided with this Application. Signature ofOwncr(s) Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of 20_. Notary Public My Commission expires: Personally Known Produced ID: (Type) Did take an Oath Did Not take and Oath Form Rcvisc'd April 30, :rx)4 !Ji?~ ~({;;~[j n \!fLt!' C rJC, {J City ~ 1!JfJ4 Co",o" l1.? rnUflity"'te" SP~ Ollelo IIvGS 'PIrIOf/t Address each of the following factors related to the request. Attach additional paper as necessary: ~ What effect will the proposed amendment have on the City's budget or the economy ~ the region? b,u{ '-' ..11 Q -, K'('{(l3,Q ~, J)'YO'" Q " ~c~ (tta- MiL!l.rA, tPu~~ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REQUEST Taken from Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Section 15-36. ';(;7 ,tLJ. Describe how the City might provide adequate services from public facilities to the affected property. Will the amendment promote the cost effective use of or will it unduly burden public facilities? frD(f\O~ - C~~.4 c~" ~~ov (de ,Service ~ +o~((j~'~ \l +-.hr LJecw er~ \>;-~ -\:or""" ,"1n ,Ci .., Ill\ f "'1<>:l-e s . \ ~ Describe the impact that the proposed amendment will have on the Level of Service (LOS) of public facilities including sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, traffic circulation, and recreation. /l,k.JLJ aJ!2 &...A1..hJJ -(I~ AlO1U' ~ ~<M4 --ML~~ o What impact will the proposed amendment have on the environment, natural resources, historical resources of the City or the region? 4 J\priI30. :ro4 - 4 ~. ;';'.'-4.",-""-.-,::-~~:c':.'_"""""" ~ ~~@fu, ~CQ;;:. ., Oc, {} f!;}& C/r'y ~ If}p; Co Of."l1r. u, o Identify surrounding neighborhoods and land use. Is the amendment co~adt21~ sP~ i? ~ 4-.) ~d:;;G' . -0 -MRS "'... ~< tifP-<> ))~ ~ ~-.JUJ ak~ ,e lOrn /J~1i.L "-ef} Will the proposed amendment promote or adversely affect the public health, safety, /;'elfare, economic order, or aesthetics of the City or region? ~~ : ..::~ - ~ n~~~l~ . . ,. ~k . . G~,z\~~., U)() .W ~~~ )lLPA~'-f~ V ~v o Identify how the requ[st is Co~si~te~t with the Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Will approval of the amendment cause any internally inconsistencies? fJD ;}~~:~ -ectJ>4 cd \'CI\A~T~V~ o . Describe how the proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan set forth in Chapter 187, Florida Statutes, and the East Central Florida Regional Policy Plan, adopted by Rule 29 F-19.001, Florida Administrative Code. ~~ol::9~ t~~-O,L4r.; f~ 5 April 30, 20(}l ~;._--="';."''1,.-...,."- .-"'" ....._______ __~_ ~~., ~~ (JCt :9~~ CI)'y IJ fi ' ;0 JUSTIFICATION FOR THE REZONING Co.:n~':-~", lUg, Taken from Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Section 20-102(d). ~l}i,>-~l:Iy.s/) v010.o ~/i\( Address each of the following standards related to the REZONING request. Attach ~Ol}tG.s additional paper as necessary: o Is the proposed rezoning in compliance with all procedural requirements established by City code and law? o Identify how the request is consistent with the objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan including, but not limited to, the Future Land Use Map. Will the proposed change have an adverse effect on the Comprehensive Plan? I-JJR f & o Is the proposed rezoning consistent with any master plan applicable to the property? ~.JJct o Is the proposed rezoning contrary to the land use pattern established by the City's Comprehensive Plan? C,uJ,},!~~ ~1 DlI.- ~IY\\ V~~ 4 I\pril 30, 2OJ4 l"--~-:--;'-:'",~<:".~ -'..~ ---+---.. ..--.-7-'.<.:..,;-:.::'::<:.-~ --.---.-- "-...;c~___._.... _._._____ ~ v~~ ~~ Oc ~l'. "/.1).. l' IJ Q?~ ~ ~C1~ ~ .~~ Substantiate how the proposed rezoning will not create a spot zone (prohibiteO?btl\lJ'~ ~Q'Q( law). oOj,.~.s'.o #=!!f;:~Qd~('4~~~Q, o Does the proposed rezoning materially alter the population density pattern in a manner that will overtax the load on public facilities and services such as schools, utilities, streets, and other municipal services and infrastructure? In () o Does the proposed rezoning result in existing zoning district boundaries that are illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property and the surrounding area and the land use pattern established by the City's Comprehensive Plan? Ii'/) , o Do changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning necessary? t lQ4 o Will the proposed rezoning seriously reduce light or air to adjacent areas? 100 5 J\pril 30. 2004 rT-:=-"-~ l'",....-..".'_.,. . ....~...n -.. _ ........,... 0;--' -_~__:-'::-;f.-:-l')O-"''-'-_ __.__ ___.-.._..... _ ~ _ . . . ~f& ~~ J>I ~ur vc, ~~ C'1'y IJ ~ ~<f) COJ'J] 0,<:- IOu. ~ Does the Applicant understand that, IF the City were to be presented with I11V!)~~l>1? '( competent substantial evidence indicating that the property values would be adversely OVE":I?,,,,o affected by the proposed rezoning, that the Applicant would then need to demonstrate '>Ie!), ~ that the proposed rezoning change would not adversely affect property values in the surrounding area? ~f o Describe how the proposed rezoning will not be a substantial detriment to the future improvement or development of vacant adjacent property. ~~:W~ ' 1 <" ( o Describe how the proposed rezoning does not constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner as contrasted with the public welfare? ~0'<-h\ i" >,i M (l.o~ \()/~~d 0(1 ~ - 0 " o Explain how the proposed rezoning is in scale or compatible with the needs of the neighborhood or the City. L~ ~~ ~ jJ~~ &~Fn:lf? o Does the proposed rezoning violate any of the City's applicable land use regulations? I0fJ 6 J\pril 30, 2CX.)4 .;~".---.....,- .....".._....Ql..~:~:.-~....--._....- r-H 'u_ -",u-:-~b(fN6T--:PAy~::,':'.;~::~:T;>-'.:--;il . .. . - '. '., -. .' : ; '. "':' .. .. :~ 'j J!11SISN01Aijtl,k._".~:,P .., ., August 14, 2000 03-21-31-300-0050-0000 01 2000 NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPGID TAXES . SEMINOLE COUNTY TAXING Auf"'~~_ REAL ESTATE -~#~~ '" EXPlANATION: Co. 200.069, florida Statutes, Oc 1 IJ ".IJ;) COLUMN 1 -"YOUR PROPERTY TAXES LAST YEAR' ell'" ~ ;p~ 0,,", fJJ This column shows the taxes lhal applied last yenr to your property. These ~J1 ~ on budgels led '-'1' l'l!:~ lust yenr and your priMous llOOlblo v.:llue. f,y 00 'T Sp"" ~o!. "/A, COLUMN 2 -'YOUR TAXES If PROPOSED BUDGET CHANGE IS MADE' iJp",,;'CS This column shows wlUlt your taxes will !xl lhls yoar undor tho UUDGl I ACTUAllY flHOPOSCD by cach ~( llllClng lIUthority, The proposal is NOT tinal and mny b9 nmandod at the public hearings shown on IhlS notice, COLUMN 3 ''YOUR TAXES If NO BUDGET CHANGE IS MADE' This column shows what YOUI tax09 wil bo this year If EACH TAXING AlfTHORfTY DOES NOT INCREASE ITS PROPERlY TAX LEVY. These amounts are basad on last yenr's budgets and your ClUTent Rssessment The dlfftlronCIJ bolWOOn columns 2 and 3 is the Ulll change proposod by each Iocallnxing authority and is NOT the rosu~ of highcr PROPERTY ADORESS: DELEON ST OVIEDO LEGAL DESC: LEG SEC 03 TWP 21S RGE N 1/2 OF NE 1/4 OF SW OF NW 1/4 (LESS N 70 F ROOK CYNTHIA L ROOK CYNTHIA L 1740 DELEON ST OVIEDO FL 32765-8242 8SH~~Smonts. ASSESSED VAlUE moans: For nomcstead property: value .s limited by lho Slote Constitution: for egricuJtuml sn<J similarly osscssed properly: classified use value: for an oU1Cl' propony: markor value. 'IF YOU FEEL TilE Ml\RKH VALUI; OF YOUR PROf'(IIIY IS INACCURAtE on DOES Nor HEfl.eellNIl MAHKITVAlUE. CONTACT YOUR COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER AT: 1101 E. 15t St. Sanford FL32n1 _ Ph. 407 665 7506 'If THE PROPERlY APPRAISER'S OfFICE IS UNABLE TO RESOLVE THE MAlTER AS TO MARKET VAlUE. YOU MAY fiLE A PETITION fOR ADJUSTMENT WITH THE VALUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD. PETITION FORMS ARE AVAIlABLE FROM THE COUNTY PROPERlY APPRAISER AND MUST BE fil.ED ON OR BEFORE: Sept 8, 2000 lAST YEAR THIS YEAR MARKH VAlUE: 28,160 28,160 ASSf.ssm VPJ UP 28,160 28,160 EXEMPnONS 0 0 rAXABlE VAlUE: 28,160 28,160 -~-+- +_H -' -.-----^-.-- ..-.... .._----,- -- ..... .-..... ---- ~---+- -._-.-- ~.".._.~_._.. YOUR PROPERlY VAlUE AS or JANUARY 1 'YOUR FiNAl TAX BILL MAY CONTAIN NON.AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS WHICH MAY NOT BE REfLECTED ON THIS NOTICE SUCH AS ASSESSMENTS fOR ROADS. DRAINAGE. GARBAGE, FIRE, UGHTING. WATER. SEWER. OR OTHER GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES AND fACILmES WHICH MAY BE LEVIED BY YOUR COUNTY. CITY. OR ANY SPECIAl DISTRICr. The taxing RlJlhorilin.. which IBvy property taxes sg;lin... your property WI)I SOOll hold PUBUC HEARINGS to 8dDpt budgets 8Ild lax rotes for the next yaar. The purposo of tho PU8UC HEARINGS is 10 rreoivo opinions from /lIC gcllOlol pubPc and to lI1l5WOr quasI/ens un lho ploposoo to" ch.lrl{l6 and budgol PRIOR TO TAKING FINAL ACTION. Each taxing authority may AMEND OR ALTER hs proposals 01 the hearing. * THE ASTERISK INDICATES YOU ARE RECEIVING A SENIOR EXEMPTION, THE EXEMPTION ONLY EFFECTS THE TAX OF THE AUTHORIZING JURISDICTION. TAXING AUTHORl1Yi . VOVR f!ROPEllTY lWfI~S 1.111. ~., ',. iWll: ~lS IffIS:. : ,', "', ;.! ~,.:, ....::',': .-'-' " <:,,,:,~ '::i:.- H ' , ~.:: .'.C. .11\JtES . C-.. ;.,... . :ifl'llOroSEOlIl..IllGa' .;,: 't'EAIl ~ NO DUIX",Ff;--- . " ;. -' - - .: . - ; ,: - -.." "~ !:., '- , '.":: :: '.. -: -: ! . t-. 'i1-.AA.. . ., Cwwcti ISMAOl1- :.. 'l;HANGElli MAUf. , . "-"'--~' ,..;............,.,.~;4-:~..... -:'--~"J;-':<.:~~....::,.,__;.__.::..,:.;.. .- ,..--.......- ..-.,--..-- ..-~~ -.- ,-"'-,.- -_._--_._.~ -~-- .- ... -..-_..- .---.- ~.~ .'/ ' ... ...... '.' ....., . ' , ,'::.'.. ( ':'.:A., f,'UBLiC)II:AfUNG ON THe PROPOSED : 'rAXES:~t!.O ~l!D,GET WILLSC HI!I..O: COUNTY 140.77 140.77 135.62 PUBlIC SCHOOlS: BY STATE lAW BY lOCAl. BOAllD 170.62 76.76 9/13/00 7PM COUNTY SERVICES BLDG 1101 EAST 1ST STREET 407-665-7172 167,27 76.45 164.37 73.95 9/12/00 5:30PM SCHOOL BOARD OFFC 400 ELK MARY BLVD 407-320-0040 FIRE & ROAD 77.61 77.61 74.76 HEARING FOR FIRE & ROAD HELD WITH COUNTY SHOWN ABOVE WATER MANAGEMHII D1S11l1C1 13.57 13.29 13.04 INOm:NIltNT SPECIAl D1SlR1ClS 9/12/00 6PM ST JOHNS WATER MGMT HWY 100 W, PALATKA 904-329-4443 VOTER APPROVED DEBT PAYMEr-IIS' 24.58 22.48 22.48 INCLUDES DEBT OF COUNTY & SCHOOL TOTPJ. PIlOI'FRlY TAXIS 503,91 COLUMN ,. 497.87 COLUMN 2" (DOES NOT INCLUDE NON-AD VALOREM) NOTE: AMOUNTS SHOWH ON THIS fORM DO NOT REfLECT EARLY PAYMENT DISCOUNTS YOU MAY HAVE RECEIVED OR MAY BE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE. (DISCOUNTS ARE A MAXIMUM Of 4 PERCENT Of THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ON THIS FORM.' ...... _.~---- "'--'-~-'----" . , .L ., "",;.~,., . :; ; APPROVED DEBT. CONTACT YOUR TAX COLLECTOR AT: oW7-665-7636 484.22 COLUMN 3' 'fOR DETAILS ON INDEPENDENT SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND VOTER ~~'-,,-:~~~,; r~:- '~-'-'-~:~DONOT;PAY:i-~ ::;:~":;:'t;T~T~~1 _lIHtS~IS ~Ot~A:'~~~'L .... ~:.l.~_~~'_~~;:;_'. i August 14, 2000 03-21-31-300-0070-0000 01 2000 NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPERTY TAXES SEMINOLE COUNTY TAXING~pORITIES REAL ESTATE ~~~ EXPLANATION: fa. 200.069, Florida SWlut",,) OC)> Il?~ COLUMN 1 -'YOUR PROPERlY TAXES LAST Y1iAR' 0, I {} .& ~ Ii') This column shows the tax"" thai applied lam year to yOur property. The'e-~15 were ~ f/J'RO"IS aaopted last year and your pravious lll><abl6 value, "1111l~ 11r,1\f~ UU1 COLUMN 2 -'YOUR TAXES IF PROPOSED BUDGET CHANGE IS MADE' 'JII}. O~(:"? ~'.o ~a~, 'rffIJ-... This column showu What yOUt taxes will bo this year undor tho BUDGl.:l ACTUAllY PH~, ~"""ta^ '<9'$' lOcal taxing authority. Tha ptllpOsal is NOr Iinnl and may bn nmanded a' Iha public hemi"ll'l shown on this not~ COLUMN 3 -'YOUR TAXES IF NO BUDGET CHANGE IS MADE' This column shows What yOur taxes will be !his year IF EACH TAXING AUTHORITY DOES NOT INCREASE rrs PROPERTY TAX, LEVY. These amounts ato bnSOd on last year's budgets and your C\llTont assoSSlTlllnt. Tho dlfforonce betwoen columns 2 and 3 is tho laX chango P'oposed by oach lOcal taxing authority and is NOT the rosult 0' higher PROPERTY ADDRESS: DELEON ST OVIEDO LEGAL DESC: LEG SEC 03 TWP 21 S RGE N 70 FT OF E 165 FT OF 330 FT OF NE 1/4 OF SW ROOK CYNTHIA L ROOK CYNTHIA L 1740 DELEON ST OVIEDO FL 32765-8242 n.oma.~rnunts. ASSESSED VAlUE moans: For homestead property: value as limited by the Stalo Constitutioo: For ngriculluml ond simj)(uly ossessed P<OPertv: c/;Jssilied use value; For nil other proporty: mllrkot value. 'IF YOU I.EEL THE MARKET VAlUE OF YOUl1l'HOrclnY IS INACCUllAlE on DOES NOT REI.LECT FAI/1 MARKET VAlUE. CONTACT YOUR COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER At: 1101 E. 1st S1. Sanford FL 32771 - Ph. 407 6657506 'IF THE PROPERTY APPRAlSER'S OFFICE IS UNABLE TO RESOLVE THE MATTER AS TO MARKET VALUE. YOU MAY FILE A PETmON FOR ADJUSTMENT WITH THE VALUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD, PETITION FORMS ARE AVAIlABLE FROM THE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER AND MUST BE FILED ON OR BEFORE: Sept 8, 2000 LAST 'fEAR THIS YEAR MAJl1(f1 VAl Uf: 3,868 3,868 ASSfSSl'D VAlUf: 3,868 3,868 I)([MP'fTONS 0 0 TAXAlIl.f VAlUE: 3,868 3,868 L......._. _. ._~.. ._...~_.__. ~ -- .-~ ~+.., -.- -- ---~_._-___...._. __ _n." .----.,- ..-....-.-------.-,.-. YOUR PROPERlY VALUE lIS OF JANUARY 1 .YOUR FINAl TAX BIll. MAY CONTAIN NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS WHICH MAY NOT BE REFLECTED ON llilS NOTICE SUCH AS ASSESSMENTS FOR ROADS, DRAINAGE. GARBAGE, FIRE, UGHTlNG. WATER. SEWER, OR OlliER GOVERNMENTAL SERVlCES AND FAClLmES WHICH MAY BE lEVIED BY YOUR COUNTY, CITY, OR ANY SPECIAl DISTRICT. The rflXing 8uthoritie.. whir.h Iovy property t8X8!l oga;n..t your fJ<<lp/11ty Will roon hold PUBLIC HEARINGS to E1dorJt budgets and tax rolB.. lor /1Ie next yaar. The ptJ/poso of tho PUBLIC HEARINGS is to rccoivo opinions from rho genoral public lUId to llIISwer qUtJsl10ns on tfHJ /Napo:;od tax chnngo fInd budget PRIOR TO TAKING FINAL ArnON. Each taxing outhority may AMEND OR AI.7FR its proposals 81 the hearing, + THE ASTERISK INDICATES YOU ARE RECEIVING A SENIOR EXEMPTION. THE EXEMPTION ONLY EFFECTS THE TAX OF THE AUTHORIZING JURISDICTION. ; : V(I'JIf ~ffiy .. , TAXING :, AUlHOAllY fJ\)Q'S E1i~~~~!~'."_'L" --. __ ..., ___u "__ ..___._ ...- .., . ,- .. -,. .-... '. ... ,-- -.--. . :l~!~~,'-"'~~i' "-, -,. '. . . . , A~~Bi:J9~~INGONTHEPRt)l:>OSeo ,_." ,;~,~Es;~oaYOGETW'll8EHELO: ..m':-l :'1 j I COUN1V 19.34 WATER MANAIlIMNT DlS1R1CT 1.86 19.34 18.63 9/13/00 7PM COUNTY SERVICES BLDG 1101 EAST 1ST STREET 407-665-7172 22.98 22.58 10.50 10.16 9/12/00 5:30PM SCHOOL BOARD OFFC 400 ELK MARY BLVD 407-320-0040 10.66 10,27 HEARING FOR FIRE & ROAD HELD WITH COUNTY SHOWN ABOVE 1.83 1.79 9/12/00 6PM ST JOHNS WATER MGMT HWY 100 W, PALATKA 904-329-4443 PUBliC SCHOOlS: BY STArr lAW BY lOCAlIlOARD 23.44 10,54 FIRE & ROAD 10.66 INDEPENDENT SPECtAl DlST1Ul:TS VllTUl AI'PIlDVEO DOlT PAYM[NTS' 3.38 3.09 3,09 INCLUDES DEBT OF COUNTY & SCHOOL 'FOR DETAILS ON INDEPENDENT SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND VOTER . APPROVED DEBT. CONTACT YOUR TAX COLLECTOR AT : 407-665-7636 NOTE: AMOUNTS SHOWN ON THIS FORM 00 NOT REFLECT EARLY PAYMENT DISCOUNTS YOU MAY HAVE RECEIVED OR MAY BE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE. [DISCOUNTS ARE A MAXIMUM OF 4 PERCENT OF lliE AMOUNTS SHOWN ON THIS FORM.! 69.22 COlUMN ,. 68.40 COlUMN 2" (DOES NOT INCLUDE NON-AD VALOREM) TOTAl, PllOl'ERTY TAXES 66.52 COLUMN 3. ~~:;;:~-:..__._~.=-_-=--:...'--:t-.,;;l;.-::::;W'C"'-~""._ ., 'DONOTPAYi . rHIS IS NOT AaU;~ . August 14, 2000 r 2000 NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROPERTY TAXES SEMINOLE COUNTY TAXING AU, RITIES REAL ESTATE @k, EXPLANATION: (I. 200.069, Florida Statutes) Or ~C 0.,;7, COLUMN 1 .'YOUR PROPERlY TAXES LAST YEAR' I{. 'l b . ~ ~ This column shows the 11Ixas thai appIierllaSI Yellr to your property. These lI~J'~s~ basJi{4,?&s lIdoPt~ IIlst YlllIr and your pr<MOUS IllXllblo value. '-%111(; ':l?"'r. [?/ COLUMN 2 ,'YOUR TAXES IF PROPOSED BUDGET CHANGE IS MADE' ~fo- 0 t:'/i 8- Qj,." )('l&......... 1h1s colUmn ohows what your IIlxas wm bo this year under tho BUDGI;;, AClUAlLY PROPOSED'~;::'l'G1i1 UlXing outhority, Tho proposal is NOT final and m,IV 00 nmondod ot tho pub"c hoorings shown on lhls notice. C'/I ~ COLUMN 3.'YOUR TAXES IF NO BUDGET CHANGE IS MADE' This column sIlows what your taxos w~1 be this yoor IF EACH TAXING AUTHORITY DOES NOT INCREASE ITS PROPERTY TAX LEVY, Toose amounl:l Ole basod on last year's budgots and your CUfT8lllassossment The dlfforontO belWOCn columns 2 and 3 is the UIl< change proposed by each local taxing authority and is NOT tha result 01 higher assossments. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1740 DELEON ST OVIEDO LEGAL DESC: LEG SEC 03 TWP 21S RGE N 70 FT OF W 165 FT OF 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/ 03-21-31-300-007 A-OOOO 01 ROOK CYNTHIA L ROOK CYNTHIA L 1740 DELEON ST OVIEDO FL 32765-8242 ASSESSED VALUE moans: For homestead propst\y: volue 03 limited by tho Sl8te Constitution; For Ilgriculturul and similarly assessed properly: clllsslfiod USll value; For oU other propeny: I'l1.'lrkOl wlue. 'IF YOU FEEL THE MARKET VALUI;; OF YOUR PROPEmy IS INACCURArc on DOES NO'r IlEFLEcr rAm MARKET VALU~. CONTACT YOUR COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER AT: 1101 E. 1st St. Sanford FL 32771 - Ph. 407 6657506 'IF THE PROPERTY APPRAlSER'S OFFICE IS UNABLE TO RESOLVE THE MATIER AS TO MARKl:T V,\LUE. YOU MAY FILE A f>ET1TION FOR ADJUSTMENT WITH THE VAlUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD. PETITION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER AND MUST BF AI.ED ON OR BEFORE: Sept 8, 2000 I.AST YEAR THIS YEAR MARKET VAIUf: 33,790 33,991 ASSFSSFU VA/.uE: 33,395 33,991 EXEMPllOfolS: 25,000 25,000 lAXAlll.E VAlUE. 8,395 8,991 .----_..~----, ._~ . --.-- _...H' ._.__...-".0---;__._... L........ '.- --..--- -~.._-- ----------.. '. YOUIl PflOPEIlTY VAlUE AS OF JANUARY 1 .YOUR FINAl TAX BILL MAY CONTAIN NON.AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS WHICH MAY NOT BE REFLECTED ON nus NOTICE SUCH AS ASSESSMENTS FOR ROADS, DRAINAGE, GARBAGE, FIRE, UGHTlNG, WATER, SEWeR, OR OTHER GOVERNMENTAl SERVICES AND FACllmES WHICH MAY BE LEVIED BY YOUR COUNTY, CITY. on ANY SPECIAl DISTRICT. Tho lBJ<ing authDriria, whir.h levy pmpetty taxes Dgain., yoU! property will """" hold PUBLIC HEARINGS 10 odopt budgets and tax mIllS for the nttXl year. Tho ptJfTJO!',{) of tho PUBUC HEARINGS is to recoive opinions from rhe genolOl pubbc and to a"..,." qlJ85lions on the proposed I1IX th:Jngo and /Judg81 PRIOn TO TAKING FINAL ACTION, Each taxing BUthority may AMEND OR ALTER its rxoposals sl the hearing. .. THE ASTERISK INDICATES YOU ARE RECEIVING A SENIOR EXEMPTION. THE EXEMPTION ONLY EFFECTS THE TAX OF THE AUTHORIZING JURISDICTION. YOUR i'RoPalrv TOulIlIIXES THl$YEAH : V!;J\I~ 1~~<.Sl'HJS Ap.USUC~~GON1HE PROPOS!:O , ''''~~S;A~~.8U~':I~llflJ~ HE!-O; . L..l' ;" AJr~b~l-6:;.) :.iL~~:;:i~,:.~~:~:.~t;j,~~;;J:.;' COUmY 41.97 44,95 43.30 PUllllC SCHOOlS: BY STAn: LAW llY lOCAlIlOARD 50.87 22.88 53.41 24.41 52.48 23.61 9/13/00 7PM COUNTY SERVICES BLDG 1101 EAST 1ST STREET 407-665-7172 9/12/00 5:30PM SCHOOL BOARD OFFC 400 E LK MARY BLVD 407-320-0040 FIRE & ROAD 23.14 24.78 23.87 WATER MANAGEMalT OISTRlCl 4.05 4.24 4,16 HEARING FOR FIRE & ROAD HELD WITH COUNTY SHOWN ABOVE 9/12/00 6PM ST JOHNS WATER MGMT HWY 100 W, PALATKA 904-329-4443 INOfl'ENDOO SI'ECW. OISTRJCIS \lOFER III'I'ROVEO OEBTMYMfNTS' 7.33 7.18 7,18 INCLUDES DEBT OF COUNTY & SCHOOL (DOES NOT INCLUDE NON-AD VALOREM) TOTAl, PIlOPf.RTY TAKES 150.24 COLUMN 1. "FOR DETAlI.s ON INDEPENDENT SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND VOTER APPROVED DEBT. CONTACT YOUR TAX COLLECTOR AT : 407-a65-7638 NOTE; AMOUNTS SHOWN ON THIS FORM DO NOT REFLECT EARLY PAYMENT DISCOUNTS YOU MAY HAVE RECEIVED OR MAY BE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE. (DISCOUNTS ARE A MAXIMUM OF 4 PERCENT OF THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ON THIS FORM.J "~.'::-::-"'.~-,-.....---:---~~ " l:l '\i '3 ~ ~ -:z ~ .!A"~ &4" e. .k1J LJ.."I" J..,I'" '9"' ....."u..... J"" u... .....C,".2'.3' I['~,OD' b' &...i!&I!lo ",/lea. pc.. $ a ~ ~ oA ~ ~~ ~ II \:. -::l o ~I 8'1" ~ 54" .,J a.t.C>' Zh.t.l ~I :. ~ 40' ;~?%~'ij'4 "q :;;"/;/:f??;; ~ IQ ~~2P04'? ~o' ;:/%o~~ "0 ~'1~/ . 'N ... <~%" rv ~ tf~~ ,/<~ "/:, ." 21 1[,6,0' "'r-7 fll'f'e.. ~p.Ft /"'t.,~' t to' ::J.""l'. Z'-~' ,.... ' o..D.~'"",L,.....Ll "'-<.. ~1j. . 9 ~ lU r- ~ 10,0,' t . ~ ~ l'~ ~1:R II'TlIJ:.: fIll' North J() l~t 0>1 tlw \.il;'llt Ib') h~'l 'II rhl "oi' I/e. 01 tho <>W II.. (:If Llu: "W lIt. ,.f l. Tcl'olnllhll'.;1 :-ivlIlh. R;lll~" l' r",..t.. li"ol.uQl,' ("\I...t~. F1,"ld.o ~r'~: .~. _,.. .... .. .__11.",.\... ~;t'll.llh. S('~ 1';II.ot(' ~ 1'1 } !i'Ht {(.... -!:>oE.f II!:'. COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 401 October 25, 2004 ATTACHMENT-B ORDINANCE 2004-48 . . . ORDINANCE NO. 2004-48 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ANNEXING THREE (3) PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 4.05 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED GENERALLY WEST OF DELEON STREET WITHIN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND FULLY INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF WINTER SPRINGS CHARTER, ARTICLE II, BOUNDARIES, TO INCORPORATE THE REAL PROPERTY INTO THE CITY BOUNDARIES; PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF THE REVISED WINTER SPRINGS CHARTER WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE, PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, this is a voluntary annexation which shall be pursuant to the annexation procedures contained in Section 171.044, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that the subject real property is reasonably compact and contiguous with the boundaries of the City of Winter Springs and will not create an enclave and otherwise satisfies the requirements for annexation; and WHEREAS, this annexation is in compliance and consistent with the goals and objectives of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, City Charter, and City Code; and WHEREAS, upon adoption of this Ordinance, the municipal boundary lines of the City of Winter Springs, contained in the Winter Springs Charter, Article IT, shall be redefined to include the subject real property; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds that this Ordinance is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by this reference. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2004-48 Page 1 of 3 . . . Section 2. Annexation of Real Property. The area of real property, which is more particularly described in the metes and bounds legal description and map attached hereto as Exhibit "A," is hereby annexed into the City of Winter Springs by the City Commission. Exhibit "A" is hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference. The real property shall be known as existing within the boundaries of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, from the effective date of this ordinance. Section 3. City Boundaries Redefined; Winter Springs Charter Amended. Pursuant to Section 166.031(3), Florida Statutes, and Section 171.091, Florida Statutes, the City of Winter Springs Charter, Article II, Section 2.01, shall hereby be amended to redefine the corporate boundaries of the City of Winter Springs to include the area of real property described in Section 2 of this Ordinance. The City Clerk shall file the revised Winter Springs Charter, Article II, Section 2.01, with the Department of State within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this Ordinance. The City Clerk shall also file this Ordinance with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Seminole County, the Chief Administrator of Seminole County, and the Department of State within seven (7) days of the effective date. Section 4. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 5. Severability. Should any section or provision of this Ordinance, or any portion hereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereto as a whole or part thereof to be declared invalid. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to the City Charter. [signatures on following page] City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2004-48 Page 2 of 3 . . . ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the _ day of , 2004. John F. Bush, Mayor ATTEST: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney First Reading: Second Reading: Effective Date: City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2004-48 Page 3 of 3 . . . COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 400 October 18, 2004 LOCATION MAP .,_L , .., .. . '....... ...-::~. "~'-"'..'-' .._, ~~r S.R. 434 ~\ ~ I: I: r ATTACHMENT- C ORDINANCE 2004-48 EXHIBIT "A" SUBJECT SITE eLeon St. Parcel # 03-21-31-300-0070-0000 Parcel # 03-21-31-300-0050-0000 Parcel # 03-21-31-300-007 A-OOOO Leaal Description: LEG SEe 03 TWP 21 S RGE 31 E N ~ OF NE ~ of SW ~ OF NW ~, LESS N 70 FT OF NE ~ OF NE % OF SW % OF NW % '. . . Ordinance 2004-48 EXHIBIT 'A', cont'd METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION: The North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 3, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, Seminole County, Florida, less the north 70.00 feet thereof, as described in Official Records Book 3137, Page 0122, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, Together with the North 70.00 feet of the West 165.00 feet of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 3, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, Seminole County, Florida, as described in Official Records Book 2856, Page 1376, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, Together with the North 70.00 feet of the East 165.00 feet of the West 330.00 feet of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 3, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, Seminole County, Florida, as described in Official Records Book 3569, Page 1133, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of that parcel described in Official Records Book 3137, Page 0122, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, being a point on the westerly right of way line of DeLeon Street and 30.00 feet west of the east line of the North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 3, Township 21 South, Range 31 East; thence run N 89057'27" W along the south line of said North 1/2 a distance of 629.52 feet to the southwest corner of said parcel, being a point on the west line of said North 1/2; thence, N 00009'38" W along said west line a distance of 332.07 feet to the northwest corner of that parcel described in Official Records Book 2856, Page 1376 Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, being the northwest corner of said North 1/2; thence, S 89058'54" E along the north line of said North 1/2 a distance of 330.00 feet to the northeast corner of that parcel described in Official Records Book 3569, Page 1133, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence, leaving said north line, run S 00009'37" E a distance of 70.00 feet; thence, S 89058'54" E along the south line of the north 70.00 feet of said North 1/2 a distance of 299.65 feet to the northeast corner of the aforesaid parcel described in Official Records Book 3137, Page 0122, being a point on the aforesaid westerly right of way line; thence S 00007'55" E 30.00 feet west of and parallel with the east line of said North 1/2 and along said right of way line a distance of 262.34 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 4.320 acres, more or less. .. COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 401 Consent Information Public Hearin2 X Re2ular October 25.2004 Regular Meeting MGR.~ /Dept. ADDITIONAL ITEMS (ATTACHED) TO BE INCLUDED INTO THE RECORD. ! o @ o c w - > o N DI ISION 5T r W I- (J) I- o W ..., m :::) (J) [~ a:::: - ~ - .:--..,..~ --CJ)t1.\ (,. oj WRE~. H~M/;Ji)_ 1'( - I,Wr85C,Ol~01'?P i ,l~~~. \" / ,u'{ .~'.;_L ,~_.t'Y~..J_-' ,/ I, '< h., .: I I i 11 ! I, ~ ij"~~(;~-J'I~H~_: ljJ~ '. W " '<,()~'>i t> I I CRANSTON SI "'-, _\Ll'( '.J" I T I : i" .... "./ _.. , I Z \- .>-.\ . -- , - 3: '.J.' :!l:t (II") ~ Nn VlI~DNVHS Oct. 15, 2004 3:27PM CPH No, 4826 P. 1/1 .' October 15, 2004 1U7 East Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 328D1 Phone: 407.425.0452 Fax: 407.648.1036 www.cphrmginecrs.com City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Water and Sewer Facilities Treatment Capacities CPH File Number W0403.15 Attn.: Eloise Sahlstrom, Senior Planner Gentlemen: We understand that the City is considering the annexation of three parcels on the eastem side of the City at approximately 1740 DeLeon Street; Parcel Numbers 03-21-300-0050-0000, 03-21- 300-0070-0000 and 03-21-300.007 A.OOOO. Based on recent studies performed for the City of Winter Springs, the City water treatment facilities have available capacity to serve the properties in question. Winter Springs has successfully used reclaimed water, conservation efforts and planning to keep the City within the allocated capacities by the SJRWMD. These capacities are based on projected population growth of the service area and are contained in the City of Winter Springs Consumptive Use Permit. The Winter Springs East Water Reclamation Facility is the facility that serves this area of the City. It is permitted for an average daily flow capacity of 2.012 MGD and currently treats an average daily flow of 1.143 MGD. Based on the wastewater master planning documents, there is capacity available to serve the areas described above. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, -~t" . J:\W0403.15\word\DeLeon Annexation Capacity Letter.doc Engineers, Planners, Landscape Architects, Surveyors, Construction Management, Design/Build Sanford Orlando DeLand Jacksonville Tampa Fort Myers Palm City Palm Coast Dallas Seilgovll1e Puerto Rico '_.~' ...:, ., of t." "t.~,,~~ \"~~':I. ........':: l . - : '3,479 due et lease Incept/on. ' : Includes first month'B paymO ' , , & refundable Orla,ndoSendD.el security deposl , OrlanabSentineLco'in Lease besed r., . ' ' on 10,000 mlies ..AY, OCTOBER 21, 2004 per year. Tex, t/ ,[1,:,: ':SECTION G 'lIcenso & doc f ( , of "89.00 'extra I NOTICE OF ANNEXATION OF REAL PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS THe CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PROPOSES TOAD.oPT THE, FOL,L,OWING ORDINANCE: ~~' I.........,....~..~.,..~.... ORDINANCE NO. 2004-48 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF. THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ANNEXING THREE (3) .PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAIN-' ING 4;05 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED GENERAL. L Y WEST OF DELEON STREET WITHIN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND FULLY INCOR- PORATED HEREIN BYTHIS REFERENCE;, PROVID. ING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF WINTER'SPRINGS i , , SUBJECT, SITE Florida Ave. ,',' ." PUBLIC HEARING FOR 2ND READING / ADOPTION WILL BE HELD ON MONOA Y, OCTOBER 25, 2004 AT 6:30 P.M, OR SOON THEREAFTER, IN THE'COMMIS510N CHAMBERS LOCATED AT THE WlNTER'SPRINGS CITY HALL - 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, Fl 93 Suzuki MlC JS1GR7BAXP2102S1S CSES894877 OCT,21 ,2004 I nterested parties are advised that they may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordi- nance. The prOpOsed ordlnonce and the complete legal de- scription of the property by metes and bounds may be ob- tained by interested parties between 8 a,m. and 5 p.m" Monday through Friday, at the City's Clerk's OHlce, locat. 'ed at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida. Far more Information call (407) 327-1800.11227, Persons with dls. abilities needing assistance to partiCipate hi any of these proceedings should contact the Employee Relations Deport- ment Coordinator, 48 hours Inadvance'of, the',meetlng at (407) 327-1800" Extension 236"Thls)sa pupllc hearing: If yOU decide to appeal any recommendation/decision m'ode by the City Commission with respect to any molter consid- ered at this meeting,you will need a record of'lhe proceed- ings, and for such purposes, yOU may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the prOCeedings' Is made upon' whICh the appeal Is based. SOUTH FLORIOA WATER MANAGEMENT OISTRICT PU8UC NOTICE, OF APPUCATION , AOVERTISEME BY GIV. THE HOUSING AU 0' Final CITY OF ORLAN closure PROJECT DESCRI1I1~j,~~ 21130 . Interlon of the 210' Apartme 'e Ninth Units at Lake, and for ;(RE-BID). No orlda, In Pre.Bld, Tues IMccoy ber 2, 2004 @ 9: ITH are Community R d'TYM. Mann Homes, E LAKE' Ave., Orlando fAT ION,' DATE/PLACE, INC" Is November 10, ell to the P.M. local tlm Idder for Ave. Orlando e County Contact: Bev --, , CSE5894474 dtT,21,25,2004 ~g.~~~~z~~f.ni L...'~LfiG"lJI!!JI!:L.........-...LtLc;,eL-.ELs!;!lLMgf1qgeme_ot --c'~--~ _.,~. '"--..........---~----~_._- - Nollce Is hereby given that pu'rsuant 'to, Chapter, 373, 'Florida Statutes, the fOllow' Ing'OPpllcatlon(s) for 'per- . mlt have been r.ecelved for proJect(s) In Orange Coun. ty: ' US Heime Corporation (Wyndhom Lokes Estates) 151 Wymore Rd. Ste' 4000, Altamonte Springs, FI 32714, has submitted Application 040916-16 for a Woter Use Permit to'dewater 950 acres ^f. .........."'....__l__...__......._ ::L '"j'l ;1' ~1'""!~ b , ;':~. ....2 :~., ,'"' . ..", .-~:-;~; ~~ ; 1 i:, . '.:;~ ""~ "'ij i.\1 ,., !: ~:j ~ . .~; . ::.,.rl~ , ...j.,....... , IJ j: '!" ~ ,~ ~- t- ~~ ~~ vlronmental Resource Reg- ulation "PO Box 24680, West Palm Beach, fI 33416-4680, but such comments or 're- quests must be recclved by 5:00 PM within 21 days from the'date of publication. No furth'er public notice will be provided regarding this application. A copy ot the staff report must be reo quested In order to remain advised of further proceed- Ings, SubstantiallY affected persons are. entitled to re- quest, an administrative heorlng re90rdlng the pro. posed agenCy action by sub. mlttlng a written request therefore ofter reViewing the stoff report, Attention Drivers: Hubbard Construction Is planning Intermittent road closures on W Church St, Ferguson Dr & Ortman Dr under the SR408 (EIW Ex- pressway) overpasses ,over the next 2yrs. These neces- sary road closurcs' are planned from 7am.4pm on weekdays to allow workers" to'build bridge structures as part of the SR408 Widening project, Si9ns wil.l direct mo orlsts along clearly morked routes for the peri- odic road closures, In each case, drivers will be routed to the next closest side street. 'HUBBARD CON. STRUCTION ' Any Questions coli, Kathy Putman @ 321-229.6282 COR5889510 OCT,18,19,20,21,22,23.24,2oo4: ~\(' 10 ') I . .... ' :...":,' ::.. -:. BAF~~~tTfr68,IV~Rv~~/s;j oppls, Free consult, Pymt Pions, Elkins, & Freedman AttyS, Alto. ~b~gr'o~7j~?~5~J?Mr Cel- NOTICE - The hiring of, 0 lawyer Is on Important decision that should 'not e:rft~:~e~r~~I~e~g~~ ~~~ , decide, oak to have sent to yoU free written Infor- mation about quallflca. tlon., and experience. ", Under Florida law, non. lawyers are permitted to s e I I legal forms & kits and type In the Information provided by their cu's. tamer. They may' not, however, give legal advice or provide legal services. .LJ \~ . ' '! .' "I. 'if'...' d. r~;i:S le ~.......S . . .. . .' '. . '.' - - ~- . .' ~ . .','.. ..' :.- , . .' . . . ~ . I" ,:.~" '"L " ! ~ I ~. i.:'~.1 l",~ ~..., ~~~~, ~" "'~ D~ "'j- ,! -;i '\11 . j' ;,'\ . i '!~ I ,'}\ i rl,..oj.. 4) H:~ .f, , 11 ~. t '!;J ... '. ,l,~ . '~;f .....;.. . ~, t .\t., 1;:; . , . ,,( ; ~ ,- J~;~ Orlando Sentinel OrlandoSentinel,com MONDAY, OcrOBER25;;..20Q4 " SE<;:TIOj>T,::F. . ...~ ~J' ;. '" . ~ f .s, Street Vendors and 'aid'Oistributian USPS ED CIRCULATION L (Samples, compti- JGH THE USPS: 0 THE MAIL (Carriers 1m of 150 and 15E): iC and 15F)': . nted, Spoiled after i (2);' ,0 CIRCULATION 'ublished Nearest to 1) JLATlON .COUNTY MAil TlONS Street Vendors and d Distribution PS ,D CIRCU'LATlON , COR5895492 OCTOBE R 25, 2004 NOTICE OF ANNEXATION OF REAl PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PROPOSES TO ADOPT THE f;OLLOWING ORDINANCE: ORDINANCE NO, 2004-48 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ANNEXING THREE (3) PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAIN. ING 4,05 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED GENERAL- L Y WEST OF DELEON STREET WITHIN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND FULLY INCOR- PORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE; PROVID- ING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF WINTER SPRINGS CHARTER, ARTICLE II, BOUNDARIES, TO INCORPO. RATE THE REAL PROPERTY INTO THE CITY BOUND- ARIES; PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF THE RE- VISED WINTER SPRINGS CHARTER WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE, PROVIDING FOR THE RE' PEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. SUBJECT SITE Florida Ave_ j" " PUBLIC HEARING FOR 2ND READING I ADOPTION WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2004 AT 6:30 P.M. OR SOON THEREAFTER, IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS LOCATED AT THE WINTER SPRINGS CITY HAU 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRJNGS, R I nterested parties are advised that they may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordi- nance. The propOsed ordinance and the complete legal de- scription of the proP.ertv by metes and bounds may be ob- tained by intel'eSted 'parties between 8 a.m. and 5 p,m., Monday thro~ Friday, at the City's Clerk's Office, locat. ed at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida. For more information call (407) 327-1800 #227. Persons with dis- abilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Employee Relations Depart- ment Coordinator, 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (407) 327-1800, Extension 236, This is a public hearing. If YOU decide to appeal any recommendation/decision made by the Citv Commission with respect to any matter consid. ered at this meeting, yoU will need 0 record of the proceed- ings, and for such purposes, yOU may need to ensure that a verbotim record of the proceedings is made upon which the appeal is based. CSE5894474 NonCE FOR SIOS , CITY OF WINTER GAROEN. flORIDA SOUTH PARK AVENUE . A._ .~~~.~~!I,ON OCT,21 25,2004 Work sholl include but mav not be limited to the follow. In9: clearing, grubbing and removal of eXisting im- provements; construction of COR5899646 OCT,24,2004 INVITATION TO SIO BID DATE: NOVEMBER 5TH, 2004 @ 10 AM PROJECT: STUCCO RE- PLACEMENT MAYNARD EVANS HIGH SCHOOL SUB CONTRACTOR BIDS ARE BEING SOLICITED BY WHARTON-SMITH, INC. THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER FOR. THE RE- PLACEMENT OF THE EX- ISTING STUCCO SYSTEM AT MAYNARD' EVANS HIGH SCHOOL L:.OCATED IN ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WORK INCLUDES THE COMPLETE STUCCO RE- PLACEMENT OF THE EX- ISTING AUDITORIUM AND BAND, BUILDING EXTERIOR WALL SUR- F ACES. NON -MANDATORY PRE. BID CONFERENCES IS SCHEDULED FOR OCTO. BER 29TH, 2004 AT 10:00 AM,M, THE PREBID MEETING WILL BE HELD AT THE AUDITORIUM BUILDING AT MAYNARD EVANS HIGH SCHOOL LO- CATED AT 4949 SILVER STAR ROAD ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32808, M6E/WBE SUBCONTRAC- TORS AND SUPPLIERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO PARTICIPATE, MBE/WBE GOAL FOR THIS PROJECT IS 27 In%, BID DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR RE- VIEW AT 701 INTERNA. TIONAL PARKWAY, SUITE 150' LAKE MARY, FL 32746 AND PLANS & SPECS 1407-786-3755), ALL REQUESTS FOR IN- FORMATION FOR THIS PROJECT SHOULD BE 01. RECTED TO LESLIE MERCADO, AT WHAR- TON.SMITH, 701 INTER- NATIONAL PARKWAY, SUITE 150, LAKE MARY, FL 32746. PHONE NUM- BER IS 407.321-8410 AND FAX NUMBER IS 407.829- 4453. DO NOT CONTACT THE ARCHITECT, CON- SUL TANT, OR OWNER FOR INFORMATION ON THIS PROJECT, CO R5898346 OCT,23,24,25,2004 PeL Ca.slluclars Sahamas LId, Raquasl for "Statement of Inleresf Trade Contractors Phaso rrla~o&~a::dlitrai.cts The Atlontis Phose III B He- tcl & Reloted Projccts ore being devcloped by Kcrzner Intern'lllional Developmcnt Limiled on Parodisc Island, Nassau Bahamas. The pro- j~~~;~~~~:,~ oOt~~~cJ~~ ter Pork covering approxi. motely 50 acres ond includ- Ing fresh water swimming pools, snorkcling lagoons, woter slides and water rides ond 10lV rivers, 0 150,000 s.f. expansion to an eXisting Convention Centre, and c Dolphin Experiencc includ- ing SWimming with dol. phins, dolphin encounters nnrt nn.nhin ~hn..,.. Architectural Speciollies Roofing & Sheet Metol Looding Dock Equipmcnt E I FS, Plaster & Stucco Food Scrvice Equlpmcnt Swimming Pools Building Controls Plumbing Air Conditioning & Ventilo- tion Fire Protection Elcctrical Dorothy Burkholtcr, Town Clcrk COR59007l8 OCT,24,25,2004 NOTICE OF QUASI JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEAR- ING FOR THE TOWN' OF MONTVERDE Notice is hcrcbv givcn that Town Council will meet on Tuesdov, Novcmber 9, 2004 ot 7:30 p,m, ot thc Town Hell Auditorium to consider dividing 0 porccl at land. This rcqucst is submittcd bv Williom Vonderwill, thc property owner of the fol. lowing described real prop. ertv in the Town of Mont- verde. Interested trade contractors orc invitcd to submit the fol- lowing: 1. A complcted pre-quolili- cotion form {obtainable tram PCL Constructors Bo- homos LId,}. Including 011 Appcndices ond ottochcd re- sumes. 2, A letter from on insur- once compony stoting the firm's liability insurance limits.3. Letter from 0 no- tionollv rCCOgnllCd Surctv Componv indicoting the Controctor's ovoiloblc bond- ing copacitv in thc Boho- mas. 4. A overview of informo. tlon defining capobilities, manpower resources and equipmcnt which would bc particular to these projects entailing high volumc, high qualitv work to bc cxccutcd over 0 short time frame. Written confirmation that 011 such policics will be 101- lowcd for thc durotion 01 thc project. Inquiries relating to the scopes of work are to be d i- rectcd to: PCL Constructors Bohomas LId, Ion Stewort . 242-363-4660 irstewort@pcl.com Fox 242-363-4661 Bids will be invited from the list of pre.qualifled Trade Controctors. The prc.quoli. fieation process will include on assessment and ranking of the Contractor's previous performances in a number of areas, including but not limited to: similar work, workmonshlp, schcdullng, management, correction of construction deficiencies and I/nal completion. Sub. missions foiling to provldc all of the solicited informa- tion mav be subject to dis- quoliflcotion. Submissions will be acceptcd bv moll, c- moil or fax, clcarlv marked . Projects - Atlontls Phose III - Expression of Interest for, (idcntifV trode)" ore to be recclvcd no loter thon: 3:00 p.m. Wedncsdov, No- vcmber 3, 2004 at PCL Constructors Bohamas Ltd. c/o Kerzner Intcrnational Dcvelopment Limited Cosuarino Drive Devclop- ment Olfices Paradise Island, Nassau, Bahamas Aftention: Mr. I, Stcwort, Project Executlvc PCL Constructors Bohomos Ltd. and Kerzner Intcrno. Iionol Dcvelopmcnt Limitcd rescrve the right to pre- qualifv onlv those Cant roc. tors that orc deemed most copable ond qualified to un. dertake the Work and lor rc- jcct 011 submissions dcemed !!'l.o.!=~.e?_ta~le, MONTVERDE, MORN- INGSIDE PARK FROM MOST NE'L Y COR OF LOT 7, BLK A RUN SW'L Y ALONG LOT LINE 12 FT TO POB, CONT SW'L Y ALONG LOT LINE TO SE'L Y COR OF LOT 7, NE'L Y ALONG LOT LINE 45 FT, SE'L Y TO POB, LOTS 8, 9, LOT 10-LESS S'LY 30 FT--, FROM SE'L Y COR OF LOT 20, BLK A RUN N'LY ALONG LOT LINE 30 FT TO POB, TURN LEFT AN ANGLE OF 90DEG & RUN W'L Y 10 FT, NWW'LY, N'LY PARALLEL WITH E'L Y LINE OF LOTS 20,21 & 22 TO THE EX. TENSION NW'L Y OF N'L Y LINE OF LOT 9, SE'LY ALONG SAID EXTENSION TO NW'L Y OF N'L Y LIINE OF LOT 9, SE'LY ALONG SAID EXTENSION TO NW'L Y COR OF LOT 9, S'L Y ALONG W'L Y L1NE.OF LOTS 9 & 10' TO POB Unless made at the he~rin'g on' the case, oil' oral and written communicaHo'ns concerning the cose, be." tween the Plonning & Zon- Ing or thc Town Council on thc one hond, ond the oppli- cont or thc public on thc other hond, orc prohibited by Florida Low, Anv persons WiShing to ap- peol 0 decision mode bv thc Council ot the heoring on the Varionce rcquest should ensure himself thar 0 verba- lim record of thc proceed. Ings is mode. Denise Nook, Town Clerk 17404 Sixth Street Montverde, F L 34756 COR5901316 OCT,25,2oo4 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE TOWN OF MONTVERDE Plcasc toke nolice that on TueSday, November 9, 2004, at 7:30 p.m, or thercofter os the molter con be hcord, at the Town HolI Auditorium, Montvcrde, Florida, Town Council will hold 0 public heorlng on the pctltlon of Dennis Benbow review and approve the preliminory plot for Montverde Eslates, o proposed subdivision of the following described real propertv In thc Town of corner of lot 1, block C, ac- cording to the plat of'morn. Ingsidc pork, filed 18' No- vember 1925 and recordcd in plot book 6, poge JJI;' pub- lic records of Loke Oounty, Florido, run south 2j3' feel to the southwcst co;;!,er 01 soid lot 1; thencc wes! 442 fcet; thence north 34. leet: thence cost to 0 paint on the west side of Lakemont Ave. nve; hence in a southeaster- ly direction following' the west boundorv of soid Loke- mont Avenue to the north- west corncr of lot 1 in block c, the point of beginning. al- so, thc south 345 fect of thc north 990 fcct of the ~ost 1/2 of the sw 1/4 of the nc 1/4 01 scction I L ,township 22 south, rangc 26 eost, of the Tallahassee meridian' less thc east 112 leet thercof, bc- gin ot 0 point 495 feet wcst of the northeast corner of sw 1/4 of ne,1/4, section 11, township 22 south, ronge 26 east, ond run south 520 Icet, thence cast..165 fcet, thence north 25 le'et, thence cost to the point of ."intersection with the west'r.ight of wov linc of Lakcmont Avenue os shown' on the- plot of morn- ingsidc pork, filed 18 No- vember 1925 ond rccordcd in plot book 6, pogc 34, pub- lic records 01 Lokc Countv, Florida, run thence norther- Iv olong said right of WOy line of Lokemont Avcnue ta o point eost of thc point of beginning for this dcscrip- tion, thence west to, the point of beginning, less .rlght of way for public 'rood across north end, sfort ot thc northwest corne.:'al the sw 1/4 01 thc nc 1/4 01 ~cction "~r ~~~t~S~~~ 2~;~tU1~~;it~ thcncc south 520 Icef lor 0 pOint of" ,beginning,. run thence east 165 feet, thcrice ~orth 25 feet, thence E!o$t 600 Icct to west edgc of'l"okc- mo.nt, Avenue.,. fhenc~~ou,th along_west linc of soltt-l.okc- ,mont," Avcnuc 150" Jeet, thehce.west 765 feel,4hence north 125 fcet to point 01 be'- ginning. \ also known as: the "nbrttr. eost 1/4 of thc southwcst 1/4 01 the northeast 1/4 or scc;- tion 11, townShip 22 sOutIT, range 26 eost, Lokc Count)", Florido, Ivlng soutll 01 Ridgewood Avenue, less, the west 165.00 feet 01 the north 645,00 feet thereof; and, the south 1/2 of the southwcst 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of the northeast 1/4; and, the southeost 1/4 of the south' west 1/4 01 the northeost 1/4; ond, that portion of' the south In of the southeast 1M of the northeast 1/4 lYing west of the westerly righll- of-wav line of countv 'roa~ number 455; less any! POl"- lion thercof, lying within the plot of mornin9side .park, os recorded in plot bOOk 6, page 34, public records of Lake Countv, Florida, and iess ony portion thereof II'- Ing within the right-of-way of Morningside Drive;;ancl, that portion of the northweS(/ 1/4 of the southeast, 1/4 of said section 11, lying north'of thc northcrlv rlght-af'wav line 01 the csx railroad,'(foll- mallv Tavares & 9ulf'rai~ rood and seaboard toas.! line railroad); and, 'thell portion of the northwe~t W nf th.. ......~.......__. ~,. _. .." ORDINANCE N0.2004-48 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ANNEXING THREE (3) PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING 4.05 ACRE5, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED GENERALLY WEST OF DELEON STREET WITHIN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND FULLY INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF WINTER SPRINGS CHARTER, ARTICLE II, BOUNDARIES, TO INCORPORATE THE REAL PROPERTY INTO THE CITY BOUNDARIES; PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF THE REVISED WINTER SPRINGS CHARTER WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE, PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, this is a voluntary annexation which shall be pursuant to the annexation procedures contained in Section 171.044, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that the subject real property is reasonably compact and contiguous with the boundaries of the City of Winter Springs and will not create an enclave and otherwise satisfies the requirements for annexation; and WHEREAS, this annexation is incompliance and consistent with the goals and objectives of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, City Charter, and City Code; and WHEREAS, upon adoption of this Ordinance, the municipal boundary lines of the City of Winter Springs, contained in the Winter Springs Charter, Article II, shall be redefined to include the subject real property; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds that this Ordinance is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by this reference. MARYi~IE MORSE, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT City of Winter Springs CLERK OF SEMINOLE COUNTY Ordinance No. 2004-48 81( 46950 Fqs 1?3~ - 1?.3'!; (6pn5 f Page 1 of 3 FILE NUM `ttQ9t?3t729c REC~iRUFD 03/14/x448 02: it3:4~ PM RECORDIh~ FEES 55,54 RECORDED BY J Eckenrath IIIIIIIIIIININNNNIIIIIIN~INIIIIIINIIINNNIIINIiI Section 2. Annexation of Real Property. The area of real property, which is more particularly described in the metes and bounds legal description and map attached hereto as Exhibit "A," is hereby annexed into the City of Winter Springs by the City Commission. Exhibit "A" is hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference. The real property shall be known as existing within the boundaries of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, from the effective date of this ordinance. Section 3. City Boundaries Redefined; Winter Springs Charter Amended. Pursuant to Section 166.031(3), Florida Statutes, and Section 171.091, Florida Statutes, the City of Winter Springs Charter, Article II, Section 2.01, shall hereby be amended to redefine the corporate boundaries of the City of Winter Springs to include the area of real property described in Section 2 of this Ordinance. The City Clerk shall file the revised Winter Springs Charter, Article II, Section 2.01, with the Department of State within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this Ordinance. The City Clerk shall also file this Ordinance with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Seminole County, the Chief Administrator of Seminole County, and the Department of State within seven (7) days of the effective date. Section 4. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 5. Severability. Should any section or provision of this Ordinance, or any portion hereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereto as a whole or part thereof to be declared invalid. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to the City Charter. [signatures on following page] City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2004-48 Page 2 of 3 ~^- `•! ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter.. 'ngs, >~i'orida`~~;'~';r~u~•, meeting assembled on the 25th day of October i , 2 4. ~ C~ ,.•'' '•.~`r~ '., ,` r ~ .1' ~ ~~ V ~ nv .Y ~~ •~ w De u~ Mayor f or John F. Bush, Mayor, r" ~ d ' Kf •~~ ~~ ~, ,, . Approved to legal form and sufficiency for the Ci of inter Springs only: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney First Reading: October 4, 2004 Second Reading: October 25, 2004 Effective Date: See Section 6. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2004-48 Page 3 of 3 COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 400 October 18, 2004 ATTACHMENT- C ORDINANCE 2004-48 EXHIBIT "A" LOCATION MAP Q. z ~. . r ~. ~ ~~~ a O 6. o J 4. .] .;... ~. Q U ,...© < W ~ W S.R. 434 SUBJECT SITE eLeon S~. Parcel # 03-21-31-300-0070-0000 Parcel # 03-21-31-300-0050-0000 Parcel # 03-21-31-300-007A-0000 Legal Description: LEG SEC 03 TWP 21 S RGE 31 E N '/2 OF NE '/4 of SW '/ OF NW'/, LESS N 70 FT OF NE'/4 OF NE'/ OF SW'/< OF NW'/4 Ordinance 2004-48 EXHIBIT `A', cont'd METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION: The North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 3, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, Seminole County, Florida, less the north 70.00 feet thereof, as described in Official Records Book 3137, Page 0122, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, Together with the North 70.00 feet of the West 165.00 feet of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 3, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, Seminole County, Florida, as described in Official Records Book 2856, Page 1376, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, Together with the North 70.00 feet of the East 165.00 feet of the West 330.00 feet of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 3, Township 21 South, Range 31 East, Seminole County, Florida, as described in Official Records Book 3569, Page 1133, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of that parcel described in Official Records Book 3137, Page 0122, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, being a point on the westerly right of way line of DeLeon Street and 30.00 feet west of the east line of the North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 3, Township 21 South, Range 31 East; thence run N 89°57'27" W along the south line of said North 1/2 a distance of 629.52 feet to the southwest corner of said parcel, being a point on the west line of said North 1/2; thence, N 00°09'38" W along said west line a distance of 332.07 feet to the northwest corner of that parcel described in Official Records Book 2856, Page 1376 Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, being the northwest corner of said North 1/2; thence, S 89°58'54" E along the north line of said North 1/2 a distance of 330.00 feet to the northeast corner of that parcel described in Official Records Book 3569, Page 1133, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence, leaving said north line, run S 00°09'37" E a distance of 70.00 feet; thence, S 89°58'54" E along the south line of the north 70.00 feet of said North 1/2 a distance of 299.65 feet to the northeast corner of the aforesaid parcel described in Official Records Book 3137, Page 0122, being a point on the aforesaid westerly right of way line; thence S 00°07'55" E 30.00 feet west of and parallel with the east line of said North 1/2 and along said right of way line a distance of 262.34 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 4.320 acres, more or less. I oFA~luiiort a~l~u Morarrr >ro~ atr o~rrlNrol s~res THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PROROS'ESTOADOPTTHE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE: f~tDINANCENO.l904.4! AN OROIfnANCE OF THE CITYiCOMMISSION OF THE CITI~ OF.WINTER SPRINGS,. FLORIDA, ANNEXING THREE,(3) PARGELS.OF MEAL PROPERTY CONTAIN- . L:Y FLORIDA, AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN A" ATTACHED HEREiO AND FULLY INCOR- HEREIN BY THIS.REFERENCE; PROYID- THE AMENDMENT OF WINTER SPRINGS ART4CLE II, BOUNDARIES, T01NCORPQ- (REAL PROPERTY INTO THE CITY BOUND- ROV.IDING FOR THE FILING OF THE RE- INTER SPRINGS CHARTER WITH THE ENT OF STATE, PROVIDING.FOR THE RE- PRIOR iNCGNSISTENT ORDINANCES AND ONS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECT~YE DATE. sus~~~r~~i'e°. . ,....... eteon St. ~-- Florida Ave. ;.. OVIEDO 8:R.434 ,.. { PUBLIC MEARING'FOR ' 2ND kEA01NGYADOPTION WILL BE HELD ON . BONDAY;'OCTOBER 25,29114 AT 6:30 P.M.OR SOON THERREAFTER, IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS LOCATED AT THE WHITER SPRWGS diY NA1l 1126 EAST STATE AOAD 434 WIN1Elt Sl?WN68, Ft -- nterested potties ore advised that they. maY appeardt the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordi- Hance. The proposed ordinance and the complete legal de- scription of.the property by metes and bounds maY be ob- 4ained by tnterested parties between 8 a.m. aad S p.m., Monday }hrough Friday,,pt the Cifl's Clerk's Office, locat- ed at 1126 East State 12~ 434, Winter Springs, Florida. For more information wll .S4ot~} 327.18001F771T. Persons with dis• abilities needing assistattte to participate in any of these praceedirigs should contact the Employee Relations Depart- ment Coordinator, 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (407? 327.1800, Extension 236. This is a public hearing. If you decide to appeal any recommendatioNdecision made i by the City Commission with respect to any mdtter consid- ered at this meeting, ynu will need a record of the proceed• ings, and for such purposes, You may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings Is made upon which the aPPealisbased, CS E5894474 OCT.21.25,2004 Ch-lando___ ___._____ ___ ______ _ Sentinel Published Daily estate of ,~'loriba s.s. COUNTY OF ORANGE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared DANIEL ORT I Z who on oath says that he/she is the Legal Advertising Representative of Orlando Sentinel, a dally newspaper published at ~ P T' ^ ~ ii~+l T - ~~ ~'~-~ ~ ,,3,.. ~: in ;:a i y : -, t ~.. County, Florida; that the attached co yy of advertisement being a '' ' ~-,xj~ T i in the matter of ;X~XX~fXXX~+X~(XX~X'-ti( 0 in the ~; '~Z 3 ,f ' t_ - Court, was published in said newspaper in the issue; of ~..;;_/~i~1~ ~? ?/~''_=/D`* Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at t~ TAB ~.,;; - ~ > ~ i ?1/:;'; in said ~ ' .~'Mi ~~;I~= County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said ~" `° i~'i '"= County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office inf. T "' " ` T'- ~ ~' _s { t,t `' ~ in said t: ~~ :~ t ~; ,f - County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that helshe has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or discount, rebate, commission or refund for the pur a of securin this ertisement for publication in the said newspaper. The foregoing instrument was acknowledge a me this_2Fi-day of n r'T , 201- , by who is personally known to me and w i take an h. (SEAL) l -,.._ ,,..:.~..~- _z... r Y. ~\ ~ My Ccar.-t Exp. a, L ";" ;~ __._ -NOix~ Of AIMINU-il0ll ~ AEIILt~tIOP~N TD TtE qTY OF YY11iEII SPA1161 THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PROPOSES TO ADOPT THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE: (NIBg1ANCE ~. 2004x1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY .COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ANNEXING THREE (3) PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY CONTAIN- ING4.05 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED GENERAL- LY WEST OF DELEON STREET WITHIN'SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDArAND LEGALLY DESCRIBEp tN EXHIBIT'A'iATTACMIEDRERETO AND FULLY 1MCOR- PORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE;. PROVID- ING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF WINTER. SPRINGS CHARTER,:ART1fLE I I; BOUN©ARRES, TO INCORPO- RATE THE REAL PROPERTY INTO THE CITY BOUND- ARIES; PRppV1DING,FOR THE FILING OF THE RE- VISED WIN'iER SPRINGS CHARTER NNTH THE tEiOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, AND' AN EI DATE_ .: i ~ ~ i .eLeon SL _~, ~ - L. ~ I',. ~-ICI .. r - - Flor[da Ave: r , „_ - S.R. 434 •~. ", PUBLIC NEARING FOR 2ND READING /ADOPTION WILL BE HELD ON ttlamnr, oc~oael zs, 200+ A7 6:30 P.M. OR SOON THEREAFTER, IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS LOCATED AT THE Wi118157MWti plr NALL 11 ~STA R43/ Interested parties cre advised that then mar appear at the meeting and be heard with respect M the proposed ardl• nonce. The proposed ordiironce and ,ttte complete legal de• scription of the property by trretes and bounds may be ab 'tained by interested parties behNeen.B a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, of the'City's Clerk's ORirR, locat- ed at 1126 Ecst State Rood X91, Winter Sprir<ps,. Flor(da. For more information call: (~D)') 327.1100.0221. Persons with dir abilities nee0in9-assistance•to pgrticipafe in am of these praceetlin9s should contact the Employee Relatlans Deparh merit Coordinator, (/;hours in advance of the meet n9 at (401) 321.1100, Extension 236. Tfils Is o publk:heariaa. if rou decide to oppeot any recommendatioNdecision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter consid- ered at this meeting; You'wlll need.o record of the proceed- ings, and for such purposes, rou mar need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedlrips Is made upon which the appeal is txrsed. CSE_589M74 OCT.21,Z5,2004