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ITEM 305
Informational X
Public Hearing
October 25, 2004
Regular Meeting
Mgr. / Dept.
The Parks and Recreation Department requests that the City Commission
review information from the Senior Citizen Center Annual General
Membership Meeting and Treasurer's Report.
The purpose of this item is to inform the City Commission of the Senior
Citizen Center Annual General Membership Meeting and Treasurer's
. The Winter Springs Senior Citizen Center conducts an annual membership meeting in
. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss senior business and to go over the treasurer's
. The minutes of the meeting and treasurer's report are attached for the City Commission
N/A. Informational Only.
Informational Agenda Item 305
October 25, 2004
Page 2
This Item is for Informational Purposes.
Attaclunent # 1
Minutes of Winter Springs Senior Center Annual Meeting and Treasurer's
General Membership Meeting
October 13,2004
The meeting was called to order by President John Ferring at 11 :02 a.m.
A prayer was given for all ill or absent members and for our Armed Forces. This was
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The President introduced the attending Board of Members.
The Secretary's report for the April 12 General Membership meeting, recorded by an
acting secretary, was read by an acting secretary and approved. A letter from the Missing
Children's Center was read that stated another child had been found and thanking us for
our donations toward this outcome.
The Treasurer's report was given, with a current balance of $21,469.22. This includes
monies from two CDs, our money market and the checking account. The Treasurer also
announced that we had purchased a new television set for the lounge and made donations
to the Missing Children's Center and Meals on Wheels. She announced that the Board
desired to make contributions to local charities and the Board was open to suggestions
from its members.
The President had a number of items to bring to the attention of our members:
1. Phil Kulbes had asked about the "Are you OK" program by the Winter Springs
Police Department. They still have such a program and all one needs to do is call
the police and they will come out and discuss this program with you and set up a
time for each call.
2. The Police Department will also check on your homes when you are absent for a
period of time. Once again, all you need to do it call them.
3. Weare very proud of our Center's Director, Susie, as she attended a meeting with
the Lynx people and was able to negotiate a contract for another year at the
current price. This is for a bus to pick up seniors living in Winter Springs and
bringing them to the Senior Center;
4. We have Entertainment Books for sale for only $20 - this will raise money for
our Center as we make $4.00 on each sale. All of the rest of the books were
quickly sold. Thanks for your response.
5. A new sound system has been installed and we once again thank the City of
Winter Springs and Susie for this needed addition.
6. The Thanksgiving Dinner will be held on November 28 at 1 :00 p.m. The cost
will be $4.00 for members and $6.50 for non-members. This not only includes a
delicious catered meal but entertainment.
7. We really need someone to fill the position of secretary as the current treasurer is
acting as secretary until this position is filled. Annette Boyd volunteered for this
position. We thank her for her willingness to serve.
8. Polly has resigned from the Board and was our Sunshine Committee chairman.
Jean Roberts volunteered to fill this position. The Board thanks her for her
willingness to serve.
The President asked for comments from the members. One asked about a needed
expansion of our current building. Susie informed us she was waiting to here from an
The question was raised about repairing the Bingo Board. There appears to be only one
man in the area who can do this and he states he is really busy and it may be some time
before this can be repaired. We just cross our fingers and hope this just not break down
totally as a replacement will cost us in the neighborhood of$15,000.
Susie announced that there was a gentleman who had video operas and would be willing
to come in and show them it there was an interest. Anyone interested should speak with
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned. A delicious catered meal of
roast beef and all the trimmings was served to approximately 100 people. Great
Resvectfully submitted, "'-
~dJ2 .~- '- ~~ /
Acting Secretary
What a wonderful turnout we had for the General Assembly meeting October 13. We
served over 100 delicious roast beef dinners.
We acknowledged the wonderful job Susie has been doing, especially her ability to
negotiate a new contract for the senior bus with no increase in cost. Also, the addition of
a new sound system.
President John Ferring had checked with the Winter Springs Police Department on the
"Are you OK?" program. This is still in effect, although only 21 seniors are currently
enrolled. Just call the Police Department and they will set up the time for the daily call to
check on whether you are ok. The Police Department also checks on your house when
you are gone for any period of time. Once again, simply call them.
Annette Boyd has volunteered to fill the position of Secretary on the Board of Directors.
A most welcome addition. Jean Roberts volunteered to be our Sunshine person and will
be working with Susie to ensure that we send out cards of condolence and get well.
Thanks to both of these volunteers.
The Thanksgiving dinner will be November 28 at 1 :00 p.m. The cost is $4.00 for
members and $6.50 for non-members. This will cover the dinner and entertainment. Let
Susie know if you plan to attend and be sure to pay her prior to November 26.
Treasure~s Report
September 2004
Date Check Name Lunch Bingo Mem/shio Ice Cream Donation Misc. Total Lunch Bingo Ice Cream Coffee Paper Memorials Phone Misc. Total
1-Sep 1888 Buck's Catere~s 7,931.35
30 lunches 9-1 135.00 135.00
7 addllunches 8-29 34.00 34.00
Lunch 8-29 3.00
Lunch 9-1 135.00r 9.60 9.60
(less 9.60 Susie/napkins 8.00 8.00
less 8.00 Isla/napkins 121.40
8 1889 Buck's Catere~s 117.00 117.00
1890 J FerringlTea,trashbags 84.24 6.38 90.62
1891 Bingo Supplies of CF 176.20 176.20
1892 Peninsular Paper Co. 168.90 168.90
Ice Cream 9-1 4.00
Donation 9-1 6.87
Bingo 9-1 138.00
Lunch 9-8 (less $10 to 111.00 10.00 10.00
Elaine for ice cream 259.87
15 Bingo 9-8 136.00
Bingo 9-10 99.00
Ice cream 9-8 3.50
Donation 9-8 5.90
Ice cream 9-10 4.55
Donation 9-10 I 5.45
Lunch 9-15 144.00'
Donation 1.00 394.40
1893 Buck's Catere~s 135.00 135.00
1894 Bell South 44.43 44.43
1896 Standard Coffee 51.82 51.82
22 1897 Buck's Catere~s 157.50 157.50
Binao 9-15 124.00
Bingo 9-17 46.00
Ice Cream 9-15 2.50
Donation 9-15 5.55
Ice Cream 9-17 , 1.00
Donation 9-17 6.00
Lunch 9-22 157.50 342.55
29 1898 Buck's Catere~s 144.00 144.00
29 Ice Cream 9-22 5.50
Donation 9-22 ! 8.65
Lunch 9-29 148.50 162.65
TOTAL 699.00 543.00 0.00 21.05 39.42 0.00 1,280.87 723.50 176.20 10.00 136.06 192.88 0.00 44.43 0.00 1,282.07 7.957.75
O/S cks 1896 51.82
1898 144.00 -.- - - ---- 195.82
CD's 1002615031 3,615.65 8.153.57
1002615032 2,237.70
Monev Market 7658.12 TOTAL ASSETS 21 469.22