HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 11 08 Informational 304
ITEM 304
Informational X
Public Hearing
November 8. 2004
Regular Meeting
Mgr. / Dept.
Information Services wishes to update the commission on
the status of the I.T. Plan created in FY 2002.
The purpose ofthis item is to update the commission on the LT. Plan
which was created in FY 2002. Additional projects and tasks have also
been added to the end of this document.
See attached Projects worksheet
The Information Services (LS.) Department strives to complete assigned
projects in a timely manner. However, things sometimes happen that
prohibit us from meeting those deadlines. Thus, we are forced to move
our projected completion dates further out.
LT. Projects worksheet - Attachment 1
S:\Infonnation _ Services\Admin_ Docs\Agenda Items\FY 2005\November 2004\November 08,
2004\110804_ COMM _ Informationat 304 _Infonnation _Technology_Plan _ Update. doc
I.T. Strategic Plan
Status of Projects for FY 2004
. .
,.' '.- .
InfonnaUon T~chno1ogy
Project Ortglnal completed as
Number Project Grouping Code Projected of this date
Due Date denoted with Revised
Due Date Comments
I.T. Strateolc Plan Pro eets and Tasks
101 Centrallzed'B..cl<ili\z.:'CitViHad'SldecfUiolel" .... Network
10103 Networt<lbackua anatvsis oerfonned Network 9/30/2003 "
101-b Obtain Commission authorization 10 purchase eQuiament from state contract Network 9130/2003 "
101-c Eouinment and software purchase Network 9/30/2003 "
101-d Installation & Imnlementation - General servers Network 11/30/2003 "
101-e RMAN confio Network 6110/2004 "
101-f Installation & Implementation - SOL & Oracle Network 6/30/2004 "
10/29104 Oracle CD has been received. However, we will wail until the Kiva support person is
101-g Testing of database restores Network 8120/2004 1/31/2005 hired 10 coordinate both the server migration as well as the Oracle 9i upgrade and backup
103 Cltv Forms,Coliverslon.t,fPDF. JacQlIl . Other - FOtTT1S ConvEllSion
103-a Research deoartmental fOtTT1S and establish alan for conversion Other. Forms Conversion 10/31/2003 in Drooress 1211512004 Met with HR. Researchino technoloov usino XML Adobe and ASP.
103-b Benin lmolementation of conversion Ian Other - Forms Conversion 12131/2003 not vet started 11212005 Need to oet Intranel uo and runnino before Ihis can haaaen.
104 Document'Mana....irient'$Wtem(JacQul&:RMS'TeaIl1F". '. ...;. Records Mom!
104-3 Retain consultant Records Mom! 11/11/2003 "
104-b Research and outtino toaetherimplementation alan Records Mgm! 2/29/03 "
104-c FLC submits alan to City Staff for revisions and aooroval Records Momt 4/2612004 "
104-d FLC submits nlan 10 City Commission for aaaroval Records M m! 5124/2004 "
104-e Beain alan irnolementation Records M m! 512512004 "
l04-f Meetino between 1.5. and Clerk's Office (Records Manaoement Team Records M m! 11/4/2004
104-g Create Work Plan for 2005 Records M m! 11/24/2004
104-h Overview with Denartmenl Head Staff - FLC & Records Manaoement Team Records M m! 11/24/2004
104-i Create Work Plan for 2006 Records Mom! 6130/2005
104-' End alan irnolementation fooal date) Records Mom! 9/30/2006 Ian is 3 vear alan FY 04-06 with onooino costs after the 3 veers
106 Munls 2004' ReJeaSe'llTlIllilmenblion'. JaCOull,c , Munis
106-a Load into test Munis 7/27/2004 "
106-b Jac.nui 10 create aroiectlwork alan Munts "
106-c Status Meetinos comolete 11/15/04 - 2114105 Munis 2114/2005
106-d Trainino Phase: Establish Training Needs 11/15/04 - 11/16/04 Munis 11/1612004
106-8 Trainino Phase: Execute Trainino oITesters 11/17/04 -11/23104) Munts 11/23/2004
106-f Trainino Phase: Execute Trainino of Users 1/16/05 - 1/25105 Munis 1/2512005
106-0 Trainino Phase: General User Training Sessions 11/20/05 - 2117105 Munis 2117/2005
106-h Tesl Phase: Unit Testino (11/24/04 - 1/19/05 Munis 1/19/2005
106-1 Test Phase: Inlearation Testina (1/20/05 - 312105 Munis 31212005
106-' Uaload Munis 2004 Release into Live environment Munis 3/4/2005
106-k Uacrade Unix O/S frem 5.05 to 5.07 OR 5.5 Munis tbd
107 Munls E-Purchase. Ordilr ImalementatlonlJacoun Munis
107-a Beain research interview deats research coaies location of documents ete Munis Ibd
107-b Process Desion Munis Ibd This has been moved 10 a lower priority in order to accommodate Finance request for Munis
107-c Setuo with ForMunis Munis Illd Crystal Reports and Munis 2004 implementation. Want to do the 2004 release firslthen the
107-d Implement & OlA Munis tbd Munis Receivina before we aet to this item.
109 Munls- Acceatance Of credit canis for utilltv bID oavments JacoulJ Munis
109-a Establish FinanciaVcredil card aolicies (Reaular G - Julv 14 2003 Commission Meetinc\ Munis 9/30/2003 "
l09-b Started over on this aroiect - issues with vendor and contracl Munis 11212004 "
109-c Researchina OPe & SoeedPav Munis sn/2oo4 "
109-d Determine best vendor Munis sn/2004 "
109-& Finance and 1.5. Questions answered Munis 5128/2004 "
109-f Create Policv (Finance Munis 7/13/2004 6/20/2004
109-0 Create Imalementation Plan Munis 6/25/2004
109-h Policv review bv Cilv attomev Munis 10/1/2004
109-i Commission aooroval of vendor, policv and imnlementation alan Munis 6114/2004 10/11/2004
109-i Testinn Phase Munis
""-STER IT ~~logoIoCcmmiulgn_,..
I.T, Strategic Plan
Status of Projects for FY 2004
.. ~.. ..
Infonnatlan r echno1ogy
Project Original completed as
Number Project Grouping Code Projected of this date
Due Date denoted with Revised
Due Date Comments
109-k Trainino Phase Munis
109-m Advertisin" and "ublicisin" of this credit card caoabilitv Munis 111/2005
109-n Go Live for Credit Card AccePtance Munis 1/1/2005
110 Munis- Banl<,!,rlift nn,lOriijllillV'bllfiiavrneniS Jacoul\ ~ Munis
110-0 Testino - Prenotes - 4 .-vcles (Anriln. Mav 2m Munis 5/20/2004 ./
110-b Testinn - Bank Drafts - 4 cvcles June 22 - Julv 13\ Munis 7/20/2004 ./
110-c Policv crealion Munis 7/31/2004 ./
11D-d Policv Review: 1,5. Munis 8/20/2004 ./
11D-e Policv Review: L~al Munis 9/1/2004 ./
11D-f Commission annraval of Policv Munis 9/1312004 ./
110-0 Mailoutslaonlications to residents comnlete Munis 10/20/2004
110-h Live Pranotes to bank - 4 '""'"'es Munis 11/30/2004
110-i ~ Munis 12/30/2004
112. Muols n"!e~:~~,~~~",.pu;~~seOrders . ... Munis - .0
112-0 Set uo traininn Munis 5/15/2004 t1xl this has been moved to a lower priority in order to accommodate Finance request for Munis
112-b Testino & Trainin" for small tesl "rouo Munis 6/18/2004 tbd Crystal Reports and Munis 2004 implementation. Wait until after Munis 2004 retease
112-<: Trainino Munis 8/25/2004 Ibd implementation
112-d lmolement Munis 8/28/2004 Ibd
115 Cltv'H~II.A ' "s:::~i.:-,+:.=_:~-:-:~-:::c:,....~:.~ ::~~: ',;:F' ...:. :.: Other. Kiosk On hold until further notice per City Manager
115-a =-03 and FY04 bv Citv Mananer\ Other - Kiosk
-.-u . . Other - Crystal Re]>orts
117' C to .frrilsh 'Jacnul'
117-a class 1 of 2 Other - Cn tal Reoorts 5/31/2004 ./
117-b class 2 of2 Other - Cn tal Reports 7/25/2004 reschedule
118 C""""IRendrtS'Ent~rtse'seltii'i(Jacituf-&'T""ml'" . .,.- Other 'Cn talR~ ... !~....,.
118-a ourchase Server Other - Cn tal Rennrts 5/31/2004 ./
118-b trainino for Jacoui Other - Cn tal Reoorts 6/1/2004 9/20-9/23
118-c Set uo server comolete Other - C IStal Renorts 6/1/2004 10/19/2004
118-d Set uo Users comnlete Other - Crv<tal Renorts 11/1/2004
118-e trainino for users beoin Other - C=tal Rennrts 6/15/2004 1/1012004
118-f Dro-ect colTlDletion Other - Crvstal ReDorts 6/30/2004 1/24/2005
123 ' Collection'and.creatlon of Wireless Documentation /BIIO Networl< . Wireless
123-a Document wireless eoui ment Access Points Print Serveri \ Networ1< - Wireless 6/15/2004 ./
123-b Basic Standard Contiouraton for Access Points Networ1< - Wireless 6/15/2004 Ibd Dependent upon Commission Decision on Wireless
123-<: Wireless Host Confinuration Networ1< . Wireless 6/15/2004 lbd
123-d Create oracedure for addino wireless clients Networ1< - Wireless 6/15/2004 tbd
.126 WebSeriSitreeonficiuratlori>lBlI1 ,.." ~... , Network - Websense MAY be unnecessary after Pix and ISA install (11/29/04 - 12/10/04); need to further investigate
126-a WebSense reloaded Networ1< - Websense 4/13/2004 ./
126-b R~ Networ1< . Websense 71212004 10/29/2004 the reporting available with ISA
128 Exc:han rtS and Monltorlria (Louie . ".,' Networl< - Exchanne 6/18/2004 3/31/2005 Look al this AFTER Exchanoe Mi ration 11/29/04 - 12/10/04
130 Exchan .MltiiaUon-/BIII & Loule\ . . Networl< Exchanoe 1/31/2005 12/1012004
130-a User instruction/procedure sheet for cleaning out and maintenance of mail boxes Joanne emailed Andrea with list of questions that need to be answered before document can be
Document to contain the following crileria: user 10 perform routine maintenance on a scheduled
130-b User training on instruction/procedure document basis; 300mb lillit on mailbox; 5MB limit on attachment size; how user can view mailbox size;
130-c Actual user c1eanUD of mailboxes comoleted
,131 Pix 520 Firewall recorifinuration Bill Networ1< - Pix 913012004 Unnecessarv as Pix 520 Firewall will be renlaced 111/29104 - 12/10/04
132 McAfee Grounshleld on Exchanoe Server (Louie) Networl< - McAfee & Exchanoe
132-a Install and continure nrevious version Networ1< - McAfee & Exchanne 5/21/2004 12/31/2004 will wail until after mioration to Exchanne 2003 Sometime after 12/10/04
135 usa HandheldslDatamatlc Utilitv Billinn - Handhelds 5/2812004 6/31/2004
I.T. Strategic PI.n
Status of Projects for FY 2004
Project Orlgln.l completed .s
Number Project Grouping Code Projected olthls d.te
Due D.te denoted wllh Revised
Due D.te Comments
135-. Trainina Utilitv Billin - H.ndhelds
135-b EauiDment .nd Software Installed Utility BUlin - Handhelds Did nol go .s anticipated; awaiting software patch
135-c Testina Utility Billin - Handhelds
135-d lmolementation Utilitv Billin - Handhelds
131 Web Site IIl1t.m8t..Enliall""meh~jJacQIII& Team . Web Sile
137-a SeDarale web nane for Utilitv Billinn to include ""rbaoe issues Web Site 6/1812004 ./
137-b Creation of Permittinn and Zonlnn Customer Service web pane Web Sile ./
137-c lmorovements to I.S. none on Internel web site Web Site tbd
137-d Add bid automation to web site bid aDDlication (Jamu; Web Site tM
138 KIva Uoaralles, KlYaA:dihljjlstr.ilorr'::.,;i.~L :':1.:': ., Kiva After attending the Kiva Conference, I recommend we relook at this project and carefully
13B-a Uoorade database to Orade 9i - bAnin oro'ect Kiva 7/31/2004 tbd
138-b Additional user trainina needed for enhancements/new features Kiva 8120/2004 tbd consider what needs to be done. Should wait until Kiva Administralor position is filled in
138-c UDara~ Kiva 8/31/2004 1M NovemberlDecember '04.
140 Domalll 5'2Q031iBIIt&;'reain -~~ NetworI< . Domain Mlclration . 12/10/2004
1510" Pentama . Pentamalloo
151-a obtain auotes & order hardware Pentamation 5/14/2004 ./
157-b install & confioure server & Unix OS Pentamation 1/912004 ./
157-c install & confinure hardware - """"'rvaull backuD Pentamation 719/2004 ./ migration done; printing not worIdng, Bill in louch with Pentamation on fixing this problem.
~ Pentamation lbd
157-e install & conftnure software - Inlotmix Database Pentamation 8/11/2004 ./
157-1 miorale Pentamation database over to new server Pentamation 8/11/2004 9130/2004
157-0 wor!< with Pentamation on PrinlinolPrinter issue - can' arint to line nrin'o. Pentamation 11/1212004 11/1212004
158 POllclestoiliij,iW'lflei,c&cForm..-m:iiiVl5ii' ;roarin8 &:Teain 'j Poficies
158-a ArChitectural Standards PoIi"" Policies 12/31/2003 in nmoress tbd
158-b T echnol~v Policies & Procedures olan Policies 12/31/2003 in oroaress Ibd
158-c Disaster Recoverv Plan Policies 12/31/2003 in orooress tbd
158-<l Wireless Poli'" - ~siblv combine with comouler use & oerinheral device noliN Policies
158-<l1 POlicv Creation Policies 5/2612004
158-d2 Staff Revisions Policies 5/26/2004
158-d3 Attomev review Policies 6/11/2004
158-d4 COmmission aDarov.1 Policies 6/2812004
158-e Reouest for MultiMedia Services Policies ./ tM
draft to be reviewed bv I.S. Staff Policies 10/5/2004 ./
revisions to be comnleted and aolicv to be issued no Iaterlhan... Policies 10/1212004 ./
158-f Go To Mv PC Policies tbd
158-0 New and De=rtirin User Forms Policies tM
158-h Pro'eels Re;;[,est and Status Form Policies tbd
158-i SoftwareJApalication Troubleshootina Procedure Policies 8/30/2004 ./
158-; Nelwor!< Paninn Procedure Policies tM
Computer Use Policy - Revision needed - possibly combine with peripheral use and Policies
158-k wiretess ooIicv tbd
Peripheral Devices Access Policy - possibly combine with computer use and wireless Policies
158-1 oIicv tbd
158-rn Web Postina noli"" Teitv Attornevl Policies tbd Joanne emailed Citv attornev on draftina of Dolicv on 10f7104
158-n Overlime and callout noli"" Policies
158-0 PoIicv & Procedure lor web site submission and Dostinas J3N'U;l Policies 11/1/2004
159 Fulllmolemenla1lon of Blue Ocean Track...tl Jacaul & Louie Networl< - Track-It!
159-3 Table c1eanua Network - Track-it! 7/16/2004 ./
159-b Priorities Table and Dates Functionalitv CleanuD and Confinure Nelwor!< - Track-it! 1017/2004
159-c User tmnnrt Networ!< - Track-it! 9/13/2004 9/29/2004
159-d Set ua auditinn Networ!< - Track-it! 10/11/2004
159-0 User trainino Network - Track-it! 10/13/2004 11/1812004
159-1 Go live Network - Track-It! 10/27/2004 11130/2004
160 Issue P....., to be written for discussion '_!=nUl Other - Issue Paner
P-ee 3 of 51
o . ..
Commercial Customer Enterprise Setup re' business license, utility customer, customer
Munls MesSliWllen'approlralS:andiioliilcallo",; Ja""ul\
How-to doc sent out
nro' ect cormlete
Munls Enhaiiciiriient Reauests (Jacaull
UB Fonn Uodate
Delinquent bill form revision
Delinauent card indices revision
163-d Resolve issue of Public Records redaction on UB Online (Jacqui)
1~;; R:';~iglliiiii~~~J-. '
11~a ~~On(BIII&ioUle)
166-b review rest of Cilv
175 "enlill -'__ '--.' __. __0.
1:: _ ~~Ie o"Clerk's Offlce (Juslin & JaCQuiJ
'178 . or 10 ects Clerk' Justin & Jacaui
179 ~ Mun s Tnlnlf:- after 2004 unnrade-(Aoril 2005 --
180 Munls '~lpartlal project) -this Is not the entire Munis Crystal
Imole .
180-a load C""'tal on 2 rrachines
180-b set UP tables and views
18O-c download reports
18O-d test reports
18O-e QO live
180-f draft comment and concern document to Finance reoardinp Crvstal
181 Direct Nolillcalioris V1aSMTP
181-a APe PowerChute UPS Software
181-b LanSafe PowerWare UPS Software
182 Public Works;ComrlleXData &PhoneCommunlcalions
182-a Plannina ahase with Public WorI:s
182-b Implementation - fiber & conduit infrastructure
182-c Imolementation - data enuipment
182-d lmolementation - ahone equipment
182-e lmolementalion - keYless entry equipment Buildinns 1 & 31
183 e-8l11ino for Utllitv BiDs Jacaul)
183-a Check for Munis feature availabilitv
183-b Submit enhancement reauestto Munis
183-c Submit enhancement Quote to City Manaaer
183-d Research
183-e Take item back to Commission as Reaular Aaenda Item
183-f Review this at a later date as to when it will be available from Munis
184 DeDOslt Refunds for Utilitv Bililng (Ja""ul
184-a Review with Utilitv Billina
Rw.~ 1~
I.T, Strategic Plan
Status of Projects for FY 2004
Grouping Code
Other - Issue Paper
Munis - Enhancement ~equests
Munis - Enhancement Requests
Munis - Enhancement Requests
Munis - Enhancement Requests
Munis - Enhancement Requests
Munis - Enhancement Requests
OtI1er - Resource Reservations
. Networ1<
Other - 10 Badges
Other - automated poslina
Other - autom:lled postino
Network - Notifications
Network - Notificalions
Network - Notifications
Network - PW Facill1
Network - PW Facili
Network - PW Facili
Network - PW Facilit
Network - PW Facili
NelWO<k - PW Facili
Due Date
completed as
of this date
denoted with
in prooress
Due Date
:~~~~:;:: Jacqui needs to get sign-off from JudVthese dates still good per Jacqui on 10/5/04 staff meeting
10/29/2004 Wants to put the $5 late fee an the post cards. waiting on BL to be completed firsL Then GBF
will work on this farm.
Jacqui submitted enhancement request to Munis; Munis responded that it will cost $3,000 to
complete this enhancement;Joanne wrote to Mr. Peterson asking for assistance with this matter.
he said it would be induded in a future release at no cost to us 1 st Olr 2005.
JaCQui to submit an enhancement reQuest to Munis
12/1012004 NelWO<k Uaorades (11/29104 - 12/10104\
1 0/31/2004
Research complete on several optionslcompanies. Joanne to proceed with HR to see what
funds need to be appropriated to finish this uo. Annroved bv City Manaaer.
Training with Paul, Judi, and Rosanne has been done. Roseann getting permissions error.
8/1312004 Jacqui to check with Judi.
10/29/2004 Need technical assistance from ITBI - no consulting money available
Not available at this time - Jacqui submitted enhancement request to Munis; received letter
slating they can do this far $4,000. City Manager wants more information such as what % of
customers would actually use this. Working with Finance Department on this research. Per
Michelle, they did not have this capability at Oviedo with HTE. Need to revisit this after 2004
release to see whenflf they are going to implement in near Mure.
PIIp 401f.
I,T. Strategic Plan
Status of Projects for FY 2004
Project Original completed as
Number Project Grouping Code Projected of this date
Due Date denoted with Revfsed
Due Dale Comments
184-b Munis Trainino Munis ". Bug fIX 2003.04 did nOI fix problem. Laurie Littlejohn (Munis) working on this problem as a bug
184-c Buns found - reoorted 10 Munis Munis ". fix at this time.
184-<1 Bun Fix 2003.04 to be loaded Munis 9/16/2004
184-e Implement process Munis 9/24/2004
185 Bellsou1ll'P.lfone:C:lRidkPi'<iliicf AiL1in'-'.. -,,- --,- Police Proiects
165-a installinn and lestino comnlete Police Pro' ects ". 8130/2004
185-b jn;;;'lementation to desktons Police Prruects ".
185-c ~~~;;"~;l~dam'~' Police Proiects 11/112004
188 Police Proiects 121112004 3/1/2005
194 Police Prniects 913012004
194-a external Police Prolects ".
194-1> internal Police Proiects Ibd
-, ns(Adam) . . Police Projects-
195 Imnleme 913012004 1013112004 MCrs wor1<inn fine, Awaitinn Counlv connectivitv 10 FDLE Matrix s""tem lor wor1<stations
. ," Police PrOjects
196 Imole ml " 211/2005 Awaitino SCSO Develooment
197 .Imole 'daml '.,' Police Projects 11112005 . .
,.,,'~-"- . I.
"198 R in, I:. .. .:, 1011512004 . 11/612004 10.26.04 awaltinn shlomant
199 - lin,,1e '(AdamI Police Projects , 913012004 1113012004
I 'C Police Prniects . ".
Police Proieets
201 R;;;id Pa -." Munis ..
201-a Research with Munis to see if the;;- can aulomate Munis 10/612004
201-1> Workinn on manual orocess Munis ". 10/1112004
201-<: Dalennine if automated is feasible Munis 1211012004
201-<1 Imtliemenl manual orocess Munis ". 1 0/412004
201... Imnlemenl automated DracesS Munis tbd Awaitino Resoonse from Munis for enhancemenl renuesl
202 Renlace Toij'nhllOO~',Kilybciard... AdamI Police Prniects 11/112004
202-a leslino Police Pro'ects ".
202-1> implementation Police Pro'ects 11/1512004 Awaitino on Panasonic. All on back order. 10,26.04
205 PD Phone FiilfollilriDJSaSt"rPlan AdamI" Police Proiects 1111/2004 Meelings with PD. BellSouth. County E-911 Coordinator, IS, Fire Chief: 1st meeting on 1016104;
205-a Coordinate wlBellsouth & SC Public SafelY Adam Police Pro'ects 2nd meetino 10113104' final meetinn scheduled lor 11/10/04
206 InstallllmiileinenlrlewAPs'software IAdam , Police Pro'ects
206-a -Voice Police Pro' eets 11/1512004 ".
206-1> -Swioes Police Pro' ects 1 1130/2004
206-<: -Crash & t=Tickel Police Pro' ects 1211512004 11/1/2004
206-<1 Printer 1=& Ticket Police Pro' ects 12115/2004
209 ReloCate, "'. Ad~iiI'i'" ...., ,...., Pollee Prniects 121112004 ON HOLD
210 Renlace iiiiPDDISPA1CH AND EOC AiL1ml Police Prniects
210-a Patch Panels Police Proiects 1/112005 Data cabling quotes received! still need electrical quotes/unable to obtain an electrical
210-1> Under Floor Boxes dlsoatchl Police Pro'ects 1/1/2005 contractor at this time
210-<: unde~i~lli~r Police Pro' ects 1/1/2005
211 InstallP From Chambers Adam\ --,- Police Pro' ects 12/112004
212 Renlace Adam\J',' . .. ,', .' Police Pr ' eets 11/1512004
215 EOC DlsasterPIarI Adartlf":--:- .. Police Pro' ects
215-a -Phone Setuos Police Prolects ".
215-1> -Comnuter Setu'ns Police Projects ".
215-<: -Plan Created Police Proiects tbd
217 Web Site Items SUbmlsslon and POS1Inn Pollr.v & Procedure Ja~ul' Web Site. Inlernet tbd
218 Firewalllnslall Network. eauiDO'l!!nt 1211012004
219 VPN Conoentra1or Network - Anuinment 12/1012004
MASTER lT~~_.lOgoI.DCarnrniaclcn_.
I.T. Strategic Plan
Status 01 Projects lor FY 2004
. .
Project Onglnal completed as
Number Project Grouping Code Projected ollhls date
Due Date denoted with Revised
Due Date Comments
223 ROdeslonc,COimMlt ' ....Collectlo'-'''rol:8SS JacqiJlI Coonlv Oce License Just waitina to be tested bvSvlvia in Buildina De""rtment as 0110/5/04
224 Web SlIlI'fiiltaliefiiE ii~ljJustih&,"ja&iull', '~'/i Web Sne - Intranet
224-a Create Intranet Home Paoe '"""""Ietion Web Site - Intranet ~ 12/1312004
224-b Create HR Intranet Paae Web Site - Intranet tbd
224-c Create I.S. Intranel Pane Web Site - Intranet tbd
224-d ~ Web Site - Intranet tbd
225 T' bled:llcldlt "roblem: !.:ouW' Network - Track:.tt! ,10115/2004 ,. .. due to shin on Fndav 1018104 - will need to install after received sometime week 0I1O/ll-10115?
226 l~IBm:':t:oiJki'Adaml "- .. Software - Testino tbd
226-a Testinn Software - Testino Ibd
226-b t~lementation Plan Software - Testino tbd
226-c Imnlementation Roll-out Software - Testino tbd
227 OIIiclal ClMLooo.'fJustlnc&'Jacoull~,"~'"?. ,'.' ,. i .. Other - CItv Lono Ron said he'd look for what he had and Kip said Alan had some items. I emailed Justin with this
227-a Find alllnoD-related ilems fumished to us bv our nrevious PR firm Other - Cilv Lnoo
227-b Write oosion Other - Cilv Loao info and asked him to get with Jan and Alan.
. . ,
228 Review Network AD previously not replicating; now n is; we have decided to wait until all our new equipment is
. " installed with Neil's help (Dyntek) and then we'l review the issue with Neil and County
~ n tst Meeting loak place on 1016104; several options were presented by BellSouth; other options
were discussed as well as funding for each. The general concensus was that we first need to
10/612004 ~ move the Muxes from the 2 points 01 failure into secure facilities with generation power
229-1> 10113/2004 capabilities. Will wait to see what 2nd meeting scl1eduled far 10/13/04 produces.
231 I 1113012004
232 :~ 12115/2004
Network tk::",rformance and
102 to avoid .. "
102-a Network ana~s - entire network ,a;;;;rt- hubs SWItches routers etc. 9130/2003 ~
l02-b Obtain ColTVTlission authorization to nurchase enuiament from state contract 913012003 ~
10200 Network analvsis - Eauiament and software ourchase 913012003 ~
102-<l Network analvsis - Installation and Imnlementalion - 3 GB network switcl1es 1113012003 ~
102-0 Remote ControllSunnrut 01 War1<stalions 913012003 ~
102-f UPS for eacl1 war1<station 913012003 ~
102.0 O""ratinn SVO:lems Unorade from Windows NT4 to Windows 2000 Server nlatiarm 9/3012003 ~
102-h VPN 01 LS. Suooort 913012003 ~
102-i Full im lementation 01 workaroua anntina 913012003 ~
105 Munls 2003.03 Releas..'lmnlernentallon rJacaun
105-a Loaded into test area 4/1612004 ~
105-b Waitinn for Buildina Deat ISvlvial to tesl 51312004 ~
105-c Database reload 5/2612004 ~
105-d Dennis will test bill annlino 5/2612004 ~ 6/1012004
105-c Wailinn for Finance /Judi to review test results 61212004 ~ 6/1012004
105-d Load into Live 61312004 ~ 6/1012004
108 Munls - Online V1ewirio cif,UlIIltv Bills via Internet _ Jacaui'
106-a software enhancement needed to make this work 2/2912004 ~
106-b Demo for Utility Billino stall mananement 4/1712004 ~ Test failed. Waiting on new fix from Munis
106-0 Utilitv bill revision rrove customer number and account number 5130/2004 ~
108-d Put link on web site/Proiect camnletion 6/112004 ~
111 Munls Positive Pav - nreventlon of check fraud IJacaul1
lll-a Pro'ect bPnin 4/512004 ~
lll-b Traininn 5/1412004 ~
lll-c Set up with bank 5/2112004 ~
111-<l Oetermine if Munis must create an enhancement for file format 5/2612004 ~
111-0 T estino/transferrinn file comolete 6/412004 ~ Waitina on Svlvia to review discreaancv in reoorts - then forward to Countv. Ja""ui to meet with
p.. 5 aft
LT. Strategic Plan
Status of Projects for FY 2004
. .
~ _. . ..m. ..
. "
Project Orlglnal completed as
Number Project Grouping Code Projected of this date
Due Date denoted with Revised
Due Date Comments
111-f Go live 6/1112004 ./ 8/6/2004 Max today 9/14/04.
113 KIVA IntertaceYlrclaririe c',".... ,
113-a Research and outline scone of work for Munis/Kiva interface 913012003 ./
113-b Plan with imnlementorsioroorarrrnersiCitv Staff 12/112003 in orooress 6/112004
113-0 lmolement this interlace 3/112004 not vet started 8/1/2004
114 MultIMedlal'iiiilui:ttonsc", . . '- . '.'
.. No longer a priority or projecl
114-a Create multimedia oreductions for SGTV
116 OccuaationaltlCensa?FOO'COllactIOnC:fOr Counl\l/Jacoull
116-a finish data enlN 5/3112004 ./
116-b fonn modifications 5/3112004 ./
116-c lestinn of forms 5/3112004 ./ Reroove this from the plan. Too expensive and some additional unknown expenses on Munis
116-d reoort creation 5/1012004 ./ side.
116-0 reoort lestinn & clean un 7/912004 in nrnnress 10/112004
116-f trainina for end user ./
116-0 ~nc:::otlOn'wltli'countv' ./
119 4123/2004 ./
120 Munls : ..:',::':- c' . Spoke to Munis about this. They do nol recommend thai we move 10 Windows. They
120-a Booin imolementation 101112004 X cancelled recommend staying on the plalfonn we are currenUy on until further notice. We are ok with thai
120-b oro'ect co~lelion 12/3112004 X cancelled for security reasons.
4~ $OO,Ili!ln1;~62I"':..'.:'f'" ,,,:,,c. T
~ . ~
~ ~. ~
42:! .. . I" ...~;;;,J.:~~'"'i~,;"">:t:+':;~' ,;H~~ ....
~ 4rn>I2OO4
-I22-lJ Et3ff re"isiem: 5m2OO4
~ a4OOOO4
~ 6IW2OO4 Can't be done
124 uration"-' 613012004 8/2012004
12S' C uration :,: , 4/8/2004 ./
127 ',-" .C"
127-a Install SOL database and confinuration 4/1912004 ./
m.__ 4/1912004 ./
129 2003 In uDDrade 12/3112004 100 exoensive - scrao this oro'ect
~.: . llI3OOOO4
134 arel mlnratlon to server (loulel
134-a mioration to server 412612004 ./ will have consultanl work on this week of June 7-11th
134-b instalVconfiaure IP access unit 5/2112004 ./ 6/1812004 found another wav 10 do this withoul restructurinn ins
136 ServerlClhint:rji!fr.iiiinenliilon annllcatlon OlskKee""'rI
Server install of Diskkeeper - installed on CH1, CHServices, WSmait1, wspd - 1 exlra
136-a oossiblv will install on"" services server 5/16/2004 ./ Ouotes carre in around $10,000. Not in currenl budget. Would need additional appropriation
136-b Client side -
awaitinn nuote for slle license (Louie - mav be too exoensive 6/1512004 Ibd this year OR budgel for next year.
order dient licenses 6/1512004 Iud
receiv~ 613012004 Ibd
139 Clty-Wide':of Domalnnp Scheme Bill & Team\ 7/1112004 ./ 6/1112004
141 Carleoran" 2- .... .'.
141-a Trainino and i.;;;;jementation of Cartenraoh software for Public Works 913012003 ./
142 Munls 2003,01 Reklaselmnlemeritatlon .. 12/1912003 ./
142-a Testino with all de""rtmentsJdata 12/1212003 "
142-b lmolementation of .01 release 12/1912003 ./
143 Munls 2003.02 Release Imolemealation 3/1112004 ./
143-a Testino with all de""rtmentsJdata 3/3112004 "
143-b lmolementation of .02 release 3/3112004 ./
Online Comolalni'Tilid<lnlJIBolterPlacel:'
BetterPlace Online comolainl tracJ<jna Ithis wiD be imolemented with new web site)
Munls Office'lmDklnieritaUOR":"l... .:, ~':' ,,; ,
Imnlement and train on Munis Office
NewWebSltll:-Desiiirl"'" '\'''''/ ..... .:.,
Survey and research changes needed for new web site to be more robust and effective
lor A-lIovemment
Create demo of new web site and oresent to the City Corrrnission
Obtain Commission authorizalion to proceed - new web site should be up and runnina
New PasitlOI'f:.:rMedla'SiiiiClaIl$l: '-
Hire new Media Soeciatist (Web Muflimedia. and Aoolicalion Soecialist)
ranhli'lli\f6rmalloh'iS ','
Purchase of WorkStation GIS software f()( COITlITUnity Development - Planning Division _
1 workstation
Worl<SlatlolfI!1DOrades'.'~.',:, :':,,,;';, . ._""
Analysis of systems that need to be upgraded in order to lroVe away from Windows 98
Purchase of Phase I SYStems PI! or below runnino Windows 98
Server. Uoailiile's:~A:ltei1i"t'to'mQ....'towartlflal'Wu1dows'2000 environment
Citv HaD PDC (lroVe to Windows 2000 Server
Exchanae (move to Exchanoe 2000 and Windows 2000 Server
Track-II Server move to Windows 2000 Server)
WebSenseJSuoerScout move to Windows 2000 Serverl
_ileand. CitvHal! POC~teWindows 2000Serverl
. ,":..>. :.,:.'''.'
Investiaate broken trust relationship
Idenli/v and fix DNS records
Add new SCSO servers/domain controllers into our DNS zones
_build . eminole CountvSheriff's Office
Month '. .....
New Co S' ieci!Micorifloun.,' ,.
TralnlnfiaiJre. .fO.r:WI"',Tess:-::c,.:':".,...
Ne .... .i
Lalito ollce'DeIlar1menF.' .. i....,... ..:
Lex islies 180% comolete
Hardware (70% COI11Dletel
Software 150% comoletel
Distribution 160% mmnlete
Domain controlk!r:tobe located at scse
Bill to meet with Art SCSO
Rear.East doilr,- electronic door lock - need toreoJacelatch
DlsclalrilerlCOnfidenllalltY' clause Ianaua_ to be added to outaolng ernalls
this is an issue related to roulina of outbound erml!.
Trust IsSue between City and County - create secondarY trust to PO servlces
NA T to PO services as secondary - add dns entries
test to insure trust is not broken durina city hall reboots
I.T. Strategic Plan
Status of Projects for FY 2004
Original completed as
Grouping Code Projected of this date
Due Date denoted with Revised
Due Date Comments
9/3012003 ./
9/3012003 ./
913012003 ./
9/3012003 ./
9/3012003 ./
9/3012003 ./
9/30/2003 ./
9/3012003 ./
12/3112003 ./
9/3012003 ./
9130/2003 ./
9/3012003 ./
9/3012003 ./
913012003 ./
41812004 ./
3/3112004 ./
3/3112004 ./
3/3112004 ./
3/3112004 ./
3/3112004 ./
1/3112004 ./
3/3112004 ./
51112004 ./
412612004 ./
8/31/2004 ./
7/3112004 Iatchllock still not worlOno nronerlvltechnician called in aaain
./ Exchanoe 2003 will resolve this issue
9/3012004 ./
61712004 ./ 6/1812004
1/3112005 ./
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