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2004 12 13 Regular Item 506
CITY COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 506 Consent Information Public Hearin2 Re2ular X December 13.2004 Meeting Mgr.~ v~ IDept. ) REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Planning Division and City Attorney request the City Commission Approve the Study Area and the Old Sanford Oviedo Road Annexation Report ("Report"). PURPOSE: To consider the Study Area and Report prepared by Staff for three parcels in an unincorporated enclave south of Old Sanford Oviedo Road APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Florida Statute Chapter 171. Municipal Annexation or Contraction. Florida Statute Chapter 171.042. (1) Prior to commencing annexation procedures under s. 171.0413, the governing body of the municipality shall prepare a report setting forth the plans to provide urban services to any area to be annexed ... (2) Prior to commencing the annexation procedures under s. 171.0413, the governing body of the municipality shall file a copy of the report required by this section with the board of county commISSIoners. Winter Sprines Comprehensive Plan. Policy 1.8.2: In order to reduce land use conflicts and for efficient public service provision, the City shall investigate and, where feasible, annex all enclaves as soon as possible. CONSIDERA TIONS: . The Annexation Study Area is a 3.75-acre enclave included within the city's industrial area. . The Study Area is compact and contiguous to the City. . Annexation of this area furthers the State of Florida policy to eliminate enclaves. . Annexation of this area also furthers the 1987 lnterlocal Agreement between the City of Winter Springs and Seminole County which identified enclaves as "areas of concern" to be eliminated. @) City Commission Agenda Item 506 December 13, 2004 · The City has capacity to provide this area with the same urban services provided to other areas of the City. The City has included within the Annexation Study Report the location of existing utility lines (including water and sewer) that will service the area. . Annexation will enable the City to continue its work toward providing efficient use of public facilities and services by reducing an existing county enclave. . The Annexation Report is consistent with all applicable goals, objectives and policies of the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. . The Study Area is currently designated "Industrial" on the County Future Land Use Map. Adjacent properties to the north, east, and west are in the City and have a future land use of "Industrial". Property to the south has a City future land use designation of "Commercial". . The Study Area is currently designated "M-I" on the County Zoning Map. Adjacent properties to the north, east, and west are in the City and are zoned "I -I" Light Industrial". Property to the south has a City zoning of "C-I" Neighborhood Commercial. . This annexation procedure is considered involuntary and requires the consent from owners of at least 50% of the land area and the consent from owners of at least 50% of the parcels in the Study Area. Because there are no registered electors on the property, a referendum is not required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the request the City Commission Approve the Study Area and the Old Sanford Oviedo Road Annexation Report ("Report"). ATTACHMENTS: A- Old Sanford Oviedo Road Annexation Study Report COMMISSION ACTION: 2 City Commission Agenda Item 506 December 13, 2004 ATTACHMENT- A Old Sanford Oviedo Road Annexation Study Report 3 CITY OF WINTER.. SPR..INGS OLD SANFOR.D OVIEDO R.OAD ANNEXATION REPORT This report establishes that the proposed annexation of an Annexation Study Area located south of Old Sanford Oviedo Road, meets the requirements for annexation as outlined in Chapter 171 of the Florida Statutes. The Annexation Study Area consists of approximately 3.75 acres ofland with existing structures being used for industrial purposes. There are no residential units, nor any registered electors living in the Annexation Study area. This Annexation Study Area Report is provided as fulfillment to the State requirements of subsection 171.042 of the Florida Statutes, entitled "Prerequisites to Annexation". Annexation of this area furthers the State of Florida policy to eliminate enclaves. Annexation of this area also furthers the 1987 InterLocal Agreement between the City of Winter Springs and Seminole County which identified this enclave as an "area of concern", to be encouraged to annex into the City. Hence, Seminole County has agreed to encourage and support annexation of the annexation Area into the corporate boundaries of the City of Winter Springs. Annexation of this Area is also consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, FLU Objective 1.8: Annexation. The City shall pursue a policy of annexation which will provide for the most efficient use of public facilities and services, eliminate areas of jurisdictional problems, and provide for sound growth and development of the City and surrounding area. Subsequent policies falling under ()bjective 1.8 are also relevant, in addition to the City's Code of ()rdinances, section 2.03 regarding annexation procedures. Introduction The annexation area considered in this study is located in an unincorporated Seminole County enclave, in the area south of Old Sanford Oviedo Road. (See Exhibit 1 - Location Map.) The entire study area's boundaries are surrounded by the City of Winter Springs. The Annexation Study Area is in Seminole County Commission District #2, which is currently represented by Commissioner Randy Morris. If annexed into the City of Winter Springs the area will be included in City Commission District #4, which is now represented by City Commissioner Sally McGinnis. (See Exhibit 2 - Commissioner 4 District). The development pattern within and surrounding the Annexation Study Area has been primarily light manufacturing. Seminole County's designation ofM-l, with its allowable uses, will seamlessly transition into the city's light industrial land use classification. The property in the Annexation Study Area is expected to develop in a pattern of slightly higher intensity, yet remain consistent with the overall intended use for the surrounding area. The Annexation Study Area is contiguous to existing city boundaries and is not a part of another incorporated municipality, but rather is part of an unincorporated County enclave. The Annexation Study Area is urban in character and is currently being used for urban purposes with its entire external boundary adjacent to areas developed for similar industrial purposes. Therefore, the Annexation Study Area meets the criteria set forth in subsection 171.043 ofthe Florida Statutes, entitled, "Character of the Area to be Annexed". Current and Proposed Future Land Use and Zonine: Following annexation, the City of Winter Springs will initiate comprehensive plan amendments to assign the appropriate City future land use designations for the annexed properties. The proposed future land use designations and zoning classifications presented in this Annexation Study Report are preliminary and may be modified once a more detailed land use analysis occurs when initiating the necessary comprehensive plan amendments. However, a Light Industrial designation is likely and already supported by the City's Comprehensive Plan. Pursuant to Section I 71.062 Florida Statutes, Seminole County future land use and zoning regulations will remain in effect until the City of Winter Springs adopts a comprehensive plan amendment and zoning for the annexed area. Please refer to Exhibit 3 - Existing Future Land Use Designations, Exhibit 4 - Proposed Future Land Use Designations, Exhibit 5 - Existing Zoning, and Exhibit 6 - Proposed Zoning. Provision of Public Facilities and Services The table below gives the current service providers and the potential providers that would serve the community if the annexation ordinance is adopted. Exhibits 7-1 and 7-2 illustrate the location of City of Winter Springs water & sanitary utility lines and storm water utility lines in the area. Current and Potential Service Providers Service Potable Water Wastewater Reclaimed Water Electric Service Solid Waste Storm water Police Fire Current Service Providers (Seminole County) Private Well Private Septic Systems None Progress Energy Browning Ferris On-Site City of Winter Springs City of Winter Springs Potential Service Providers (City of Winter Sprine:s) City of Winter Springs City of Winter Springs None Progress Energy Waste Services of Florida, Inc. City of Winter Springs City of Winter Springs City of Winter Springs What follows is a brief description of how the City of Winter Springs will provide each of the needed urban services to the Old Sanford Oviedo Road Annexation Study Area upon annexation. Potable Water: The Annexation Study Area is not currently served by the City of Winter Springs for potable water, although a 8" service line extends on the south side of Old Sanford Oviedo Road, adjacent to the Annexation Study Area from the west end ofthe area eastward to Wade Street, and down that road. Ifannexed into the City of Winter Springs, the subject properties will be able to connect to City potable water service. Wastewater: Developed lots within the Annexation Study Area are currently served by private septic systems for wastewater.services. Ifannexed into the City of Winter Springs, the subject properties will be able to connect to City sewer service, via a 6" PVC running east to west along ()ld Sanford Oviedo Road. Reclaimed Water: There are no reclaimed water lines in place to service the study area with reclaimed water at this time. Electric Service: The City of Winter Springs, as well as the Annexation Study Area is serviced by Progress Energy for electric service. If annexed, the Annexation Study Area will remain with Progress Energy without any interruption of service. Annexation will not impact the current electric rates. Solid Waste: The City of Winter Springs currently has a franchise agreement and is serviced by Waste Services of Florida, Inc., a private solid waste contractor. Upon annexation, Waste Services of Florida, Inc. will provide service to this area. Stormwater Management: The Annexation Study Areas will be subject to the City of Winter Springs stormwater utility program upon annexation. Currently, stormwater drainage areas are located on the MNK, Inc properties. On site storm water treatment and abatement will be required consistent with City and SJR WMD regulations. Police Protection: The Annexation Study Area is part of "an area of concern" identified within a 1987 InterLocal Agreement between Seminole County and the City of Winter Springs. The Agreement states that Seminole County is not able to provide life safety services to these "areas of concern" and that the City of Winter Springs is responsible for police protection. Fire Protection: The Annexation Study Area is part of "an area of concern" identified within a 1987 InterLocal Agreement between Seminole County and the City of Winter Springs. The Agreement states that Seminole County is not able to provide life safety services to these "areas of concern" and that the City of Winter Springs is responsible for fire protection. Summary: The Old Sanford Oviedo Road Annexation Study Area is contiguous and compact and upon annexation, will provide a logical extension of City boundaries. The annexation of the Old Sanford Oviedo Road Annexation Study Area meets the requirements of Chapter 171 of the Florida Statutes. More specifically, this report entitled, "City of Winter Springs Old Sanford Oviedo Road Annexation Study Area" satisfies the requirement of Section I 71.042 of the Florida Statutes entitled, "Prerequisites to Annexation." In addition, the urban character of the annexation area, meets the urban purposes requirements set forth in Section 171.043 of the Florida Statutes entitled, "Character of the Area to be Annexed". The City of Winter Springs has, and can provide, the necessary public facilities and services to serve the Old Sanford Oviedo Road Annexation Study Area. EXHIBIT 1- LOCATION MAP ■ r Opp "ANFO ; i` Still: re f 4 FLOR - -- ��""",�,,, _- - P -ILL IDA OW ER AN LIG HT- °1 ' r '"""�►•,._ � e - �MF'ANY EASE � - NT CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ANNEXATION STUDY AREA LEGEND: Study Area City Limits PREPARED: 18 NOVEMBER 2004; CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PLANNING DEPT. EXHIBIT 1A- ANNEXATION STUDY REPORT- PROPERTY OWNERS BY PARCEL OWNER NAME 1 MNK, Inc. OWNER ADDRESS PARCEL 10 # 235 Old Sanford Oviedo Road, W.S. FL 32708 34-20-30-5AW-0000-0070 34-20-30-5AW-oOOO-007 A ACREAGE 100,728 SF= 2.31 Acres 2 Latanza, Carmine Seidelman, Eric PO Box 520580 Longwood FL 32752 34-20-30-5AW-0000-0080 62,645 SF= 1.44 Acres TOTAL ACREAGE 4.75 Acres ANNEXATION CONSENT 2.31 Acres • EXHIBIT 2- COMMISSIONER 4 DISTRICT \ .% \ \ r........ ` T co urt �": PRA ;, y `� = \ \ ■ \ \ -■-.............*:- 1 \ -- - 1 \ \ r, +t1 - 1 "1411 111 1111111 1 OUT OUT ORIDq p _.� A. w�AND HT � 2MpgN Y EASEMI� N � — ■ , Vi.` T ■ 1 n Commissioner Sally McGinnis District /Seat 4 MAP 510 Club Drive Winter Springs, FL 32708 407 - 327 -7583 (city hall) 407 - 327 -4753 (fax) smcginnis(awinterspringsfl.ora (city email) PREPARED: 18 NOVEMBER 2004; CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PLANNING DEPT. EXHIBIT 3- EXISTING FLITUR.E LAND USE MAP im ii 2 4441 li •LD SANFpRa 6 0 • a . i I l . rea li, 1801 100 .. ,,, .. o m 14A al." NM ® � , s , .4„, © ®® ® ® � STATE Il +a► _ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ANNEXATION STUDY AREA LEGEND: CITY FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORIES II I Commercial Industrial Crvation Medium Density Overla onse y Residential (3.6 DU to 0.0 DU / ACM) COUNTY FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORIES IND INDUSTRIAL Study Area City Limits PREPARED: 18 NOVEMBER 2004; CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PLANNING DEPT. EXHIBIT 4- PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE MAP 2 Q •••� Pin 9 ilki% Ili It Study Area II ,00 OA T o m tl&r, ""---- -..._ ... 1 ......... 1 , 111111 ®� ile ATE RD 419 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ANNEXATION STUDY AREA LEGEND: CITY FUTURE LAND USE CATEGORIES a Commercial Industrial �� % Conservation Medium Density :.; ; Residential / Overlay / tae ou to 6.0 ou / acre) Study Area mu1111111u... City Limits PREPARED: 18 NOVEMBER 2004; CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PLANNING DEPT. EXHIBIT 5- EXISTING ZONING MAP No • Area 1 � ►� it•9 �63 STA -- AIM rE —R ___.,x_419 P , 6969 IN anlinner CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ANNEXATION STUDY AREA LEGEND: CITY ZONING CATEGORIES , c -1 I -1 °r ��baLoodCammrcial ( L 4 ht [nducit:aFj R - -,/ - %% Conservation iv - - -m e con, � ioc j // Overlay COUNTY ZONING CATEGORIES M -1 - LIGHT MANUFACTURING DISTRICT — Study Area IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII City Limits PREPARED: 23 NOVEMBER 2004; CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PLANNING DEPT. EXHIBIT 6 - PROPOSED ZONING MAP AIM � * STAT EROAD 419 r p CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ANNEXATION STUDY AREA LEGEND: CITY ZONING CATEGORIES C-1 ■ I -I ch.une a c c;a1 (lAght Industrial) Conservation (Mamma 6.600 sq ft . lot; / Overlay - Study Area City Limits PREPARED: 23 NOVEMBER 2004; CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PLANNING DEPT. EXHIBIT 7 -1- WATER & SANITARY UTILITIES SEPTEMBER 2004 \ \ : ` 240 24;0 . ,7 -1 = - 360 t y 1 X 223 �, 380 ti, 580 4 Stu I y ,. rea 30 37 t , r 560 �h t ro OUT - - ---_ gq .„„.�a t� ,T. _ __sui CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ANNEXATION STUDY AREA PREPARED: 18 NOVEMBER 2004; CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PLANNING DEPT. J 1 EXHIBIT 7 -2- STORMWATER UTILITIES JANUARY 2004 ■ 240 t 225.:38o \ y ` 235 _ 1 245 `- p \ 1 1 580 Sill y ' T @A 30 \ 325 U ' 560 OUT -- -- 11 - 2 IIIIIIIIIIIII 11 11111111 550 W iuk, iti - - --------------______ .. � rig, PA a i em u CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ANNEXATION STUDY AREA PREPARED: 18 NOVEMBER 2004; CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PLANNING DEPT.