HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 11 22 Consent 204
ITEM 204
November 22,2004
REQUEST: Utility Department Requesting additional ftmding for the construction of
Well #4
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request additional funding for the construction of
Well #4 in the amount of$86, 174.00.
This project is needed to complete the construction of the raw water well at WTP #1
on Northern Way. It was originally approved by the City Commission on November 24,
2003, in the amount of $271,956.00. The additional request is to redrill the well with a
modified casing design that reduces the depth of the original casing design to take advantage
of upper level production zones that are needed for the well to be viable. The final well will
produce an estimated 1,200 gpm (gallons per minute) instead of the 1,500 gpm originally
sought. This will still be sufficient to meet our long term potable water supply needs.
The amount of the contract is currently $287,418.50 which includes $5,517.00 for
Change Order #1 (Test Well #1) and $9,945.00 for Change Order #2 (Test Well #2). Funds
expended to date are $117,024.55 less 10% retainage. The primary balance of the work still
to be performed under the original contract is the installation of the 12" raw water line to the
The original well (1) was drilled to a depth of 300 feet where testing indicated the
capacity was not as good as was expected. Due to conditions of the well, it was decided to
drill a 5" test well (2) near the first well (1) to determine ifthere was better capacity and
quality at a shallower depth. Indications of the test well (2) showed evidence of
Consent Agenda Item 204
November 22,2004
Page 2
sufficient capacity at approximately 190 feet but the hydrogen sulfide levels were slightly
higher than what was hoped for. It was believed that drilling another test well (3) farther
away from the lake (by the tennis courts) could result in a better quality of water. The
second test well (3) did not in fact produce the results that were any better than the first test
well (2).
Based on the information from all three wells, it is the engineer's recommendation
that a new raw water well be drilled in the proximity of the original well (1) at a depth near
190 feet. The engineers' recommendation is attached. Staff concurs with the engineers'
Funding for the project is from the Utility Enterprise Fund 2004 Construction Fund.
The amount originally budgeted for the project was $300,000.00. This additional request will
bring the total authorization to $373,592.50 plus 10% contingency. The additional funding
needed for this project will be transferred from the 434 Water Line Project (3640-65000-
30038) in the 2000 Utility Construction Fund.
It is recommended that authorization be given to increase the contract for the
construction of Well #4 to $373,592.50 plus 10% contingency payable from the 2000
Utility Construction Fund with the additional funds needed to come from the 434
Water Line Project (3640-65000-30038).
The scope of work will be completed within 90 days of approval.
Engineer Recommendation
Cost Proposal from Sunshine Building and Development Corp
Attachment No. 1
CPR Engineers, Inc.
1117 East Robinson
Suite C
Orlando, Florida 32801
Phone: 407-425-0452
Date: November 3,2004
To: Kip Lockcuff, P.E., City of Winter Springs
Cc: Doug Taylor, City of Winter Springs
Cc: Greg Bishop, City of Winter Springs
Cc: Steve Baggs, e.O., City of Winter Springs
Cc: John Bush, Sunshine Building and Developing Corporation
Cc: Roy Silberstein, P.E., Groundwater Engineering, Inc.
From: Scott A. Breitenstein, P.E., CPR Engineers, Inc.
Re: WTP 1 - Well No.4 and Raw Water Main - Progress Report NO.8
CPR Job No.: W04104.3
On August 11th the City approved the installation of Test Well No.2 located by the tennis courts
in Trotwood Park. The contract driller installed the test well, and Roy Silberstein, P.E.,
conducted the first set of field sampling on September 21 st. Mr. Silberstein prepared a summary
of work, and provided a recommendation of discontinuance of Test Well NO.2 via his e-mail
dated September 22nd, which is reprinted as follows:
The 5-inch diameter Test Well 2 was cased into first limestone at 135 feet and drilled
to a total depth of 205 feet. A cavity was encountered below 200 feet where loss of
drill mud oCClI"ed Sand and clay above soft limestone with the cavity consisting of
dark muddy cemented silts and lime. Water discharge was dark brown during air
Field testing was conducted at Test Well 2 on Tuesday Sept 21. Pumping rate was
120 gpm for 3 hours with 4.0 feet of drawdown resulting in a marginal capacity of 30
gpm/ft. Test Weill produced 130 gpm with less than 1.0 ft drawdown cased to 85ft
when drilled to a depth of 190ft.
Water discharge was initially silty brown clearing after 45 minutes. Field
conductivity was 400 umhoslcm with a chloride of 40 mg/l, H2S of 2.25 mg/l, and
iron of 0.25 mg/l. Although conductivity was 700 umhos and chloride was 140 mg/l
at Test Well 1, H2S and iron are not improved at Test Well 2. After 90 minutes of
pumping at 120 gpm, the well produced a large amount of quartz sand for a
few minutes with some reduction over time - but was still evident with high turbidity
at the end of pumping 90 minutes later.
Recommend discontinuing drilling at Test Well 2 and consider options for drilling
supply well 4 at Test Weill site. Test Weill and 2 data will be summarized in the
final report for supply well 4.
Mr. Breitenstein discussed the results of Test Well NO.2 with Mr. Lockcuff, and indicated that he
supported Mr. Silberstein's recommendation of drilling a second Well No.4, near Test Well No. I.
Also, Mr. Breitenstein indicated that based on the data from Test Well No.1, the new Well NO.4
would need approximately 50-feet of 24-inch steel casing, 80-feet of 16-inch steel casing, and
have a total depth between 190 feet and 400 feet. Mr. Breitenstein stated it appeared that the
hydrogen sulfide concentration at these depths would be approximately 2.5 mgIL, and that
additional aeration treatment would be necessary per the FDEP.
Mr. Lockcuff requested that Mr. Breitenstein obtain an estimated cost form Sunshine
Development to drill a new Well No.4. Mr. Breitenstein stated that although the pay items
would be the same (i.e. District permit, 24" casing, 16" casing, grouting, etc.), the unit costs of
the original pay items may have increased since the project began, because of material cost
increases. Mr. Lockcuff acknowledged that this could be the case, but stated to go ahead and get
the cost estimation.
After several discussions with the driller, Mr. Silberstein, and Mr. Breitenstein, Sunshine
Development provided CPR the attached itemized cost estimate to drill the new Well No.4.
Based on the attachment, the estimated cost to drill the new Well 4 is estimated to be $86.174.00.
The work and materials necessary to drill the new well will include SJR WMD permitting, drilling
the 24-inch casing, drilling the 16-inch casing, grouting of the casings, drilling the IS-inch open
hole, installation of a temporary pump, and well development. The driller stated that partial
mobilization to the site would be necessary, for drilling rig set up and preparation, as shown in
Pay Item I-b. In addition, all field and laboratory sampling required for the Aquifer Performance
Test Report, as required by the City's CUP, and the approved sampling plan prepared by Mr.
Silberstein, are covered in Pay Items 6-b, 6-c, 8, and 10. Please note that Pay Items 11 through
14 are reprinted and/or presented as a summary of the original pay items 13 through 25, and the
unit costs have not changed.
CPR has reviewed the attached cost estimation provided Sunshine Development, and
recommends that the new Well NO.4 be installed, if City approved.
Attachment No. 2
Proposal - 2nd Well Sunshine Building and Development Corp. 11/210
Job le06
Item Available
No. Description Prapo,sa' Test Tota' Original Contract
1.a St. John's Permit $ 1,380.00 $ 1,380.00
1-b MObilizatJon . Well Rigging 10',925.00 10,925.00
2 F & I 24n Casing
50 LF @ $200 10,000.00 10,000.00
3 23" BorehOle
30 LF @ $100 3,000.00 3,000.00
4 F & 116" Casing
80 LF @ $138 11,040.00 11,040.00
5 Grout 16" Well
250 Sacks @ $36 9,000,00 9,000.00
6-a 15" Borehole
320 LF @ $63.20 20,224.00 20,224.00
6-b 3 Days Waler Testing
Spec. 4,02
FIeld Analysis 1,500.00 S 3,450.00 4,950.00
e.c 7 Samples
lab Analysis 500.00 3,220.00 3,720,00
7 F,I, & Remove
Test Pump 9.775.00 9,775.00
8 Well Development
24 Hrs. ~ $90 1,585.00 575.00 2.160.00
9 Aquifer Performance
Test (Step Drawc:lown) 3,565.00 805.00 4,370.00 S 4,370.0Gl
10 PhyslCjiUChemlcal
Sampling & Testing 1,725.00
4 Samples during
Development 1,840.00
1 Sampfe End; Stop 460.00 4,025.00 4.025.00
11 Disinfection 862.00 862.00 862.00
12 BT Sampling & Test 575.00
20 Samples 2,300.00 2,875.00 2,875.00
13 FOEP 345.00
1 Sample 2.875.00 3,220.00 3.220.00
14 Pump & Molor 120.825.80 120.825.80 120,825.8CJ
Through BulJdrng Permit
Total $ 206,826.80 $115,525.00 $222,351.80 $ 136,177 .81)
Less Stored Material (14,070.00) (14,070.00)
$20',281.80 $ 122,107.80
New Cost to drill second well S 'S,17 ".00
Since many items are with the ortglnal contract prices, we reserve the option of revising prices
due to material increases (such as those experienced lately in steel, fuel, concrete, grout. etc.)
We will exhaust all avenues open to us in order to hold our prices.
Ilem NO.2 - Well figging consists of lear down old rigs; era ne. welding, shoes. tumbuctdes,
tooling and pit digging to set up rig.