HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 11 22 Consent 203
ITEM 203
November 22,2004
REQUEST: Public Works Department Requesting Approval to enter into a contract to
install traffic signal at the intersection of Doran Drive and State Road 434.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request authorization to piggyback off the
Seminole County Push Button Contract (A/B - 30210/GG) and enter into a
contractual agreement with Traffic Control Devices for the installation of the mast
arm traffic signal at the intersection of Doran Drive and State Road 434 at a cost
of$141,865.42 plus 10% contingency.
This project is needed to improve traffic flow in the Town Center and is required
as part of the intersection improvement that adds an additional right lane on Doran Drive
and allows for traffic to make a left turn from Doran Drive onto eastbound SR 434. This
project was advertised as a part of the Doran Drive and State Road 434 Intersection
Improvements ITB 016-04/GB. The low bid for the entire project was $539,900 which
far exceeded the amount budgeted for the project and the two bids were rejected. The
traffic signal portion of the low bid was approximately $207,000. A request for bid from
Traffic Control Devices under the Seminole County Push Button Contract (A/B -
30210/GG) was solicited and received at a cost of $141,865.42 which is significantly
under the original bid. Bids and alternatives for the roadway work are being pursued
through existing Seminole County contracts and they will be brought forward for
Commission consideration at a later date. The lead time for the mast arms is
approximately 20 weeks which is why this part of the project needs to move forward now.
The cost for the traffic signal under the Seminole County Contract is $141,865.42.
The hid summarv from Traffic Control Devices. Inc is attached.
Consent Agenda Item 203
November 22, 2004
Page 2
The scope of work includes installation of the mast arms, traffic lights, lighted
street signs, pedestrian crossing signs and associated traffic markings. The completion of
this project will allow for the intersection improvements under a separate contract and
enhance the safety of the intersection.
The funding for this project is budgeted in the current fiscal year under the
Transportation Impact Fee line code 140-65000-30022. The amount budgeted for this
project is $225,000.00 of which $150,000 was for the signal and $75,000 for the road
work. Additional funds will have to be transferred to this project when the roadway
improvements are brought to the Commission for consideration at the December or
January meeting.
It is recommended that authorization be given to enter into a contractual
agreement with Traffic Control Devices, Inc under the Seminole County Push
Button Contract (A/B - 30210/GG) in the amount of $141,865.42.00 plus 10%
contingency payable from line code 140-65000-30022.
The scope of work will be completed within 210 days of approval.
Issuance of the Notice of Award is contingent upon completion of the purchase of
right of way from Juanita Blumberg and also the easement from Highlander
properties for the location of the mast arms.
1. Traffic Control Devices Bid Summary
Consent Agenda Item 203
~~~ November 22, 2004
rr;;,,, Attachment 1
October 14, 2004
Mr. Kipton Lockcuff, P..E.
Public Works !Utility Director
City of Winter Springs
1126 E. State Road 434
! Winter Springs, Florida 32708
RE: SR 434 and Doran Drive
Sigualization Project
De::ar Kip:
. Attached are the initial bid and revised bid from Traffic Control Devices, fnc. for the construction of
. the tr.rlIic signal improvements at this intersection. The bid is based on Traffic Control Device!;, fne.
Push Button ContrdCt with Seminole County(AIB - 30210/00). The initial bid was in the amount of
$155,968.88. The revised bid amount is $141,865.42.
Please note that this is a unit cost contract and therefore, we recommend budgeting the bid price plus
10% contingency.
If you have any questions, please contact m<:.
Very truly yours,
f~n- VlllNr-i<!
Fursan S. Munjoo, P. E.
Project Manager/Associate Principal
(j:",!er;.;.r'.HIGIfWA "\1'1-:( .,WS.Ol ].~lOlltT kip wimerspriDgs.OIpd
cc: File: WS-012 contract
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: , l.>..: '..'~' Of, .:;: .:.
T r a. f lie Con t r 01 0 e vie e s, In c. ~a. 5206
Traffic Contr\.. Devic
0, 1
, oc T. 1 2. 20 i) 4 1: 15 PM
580 west rnwklin Avenue
Altamontc Springs Florida 32114
Ph01l(f. 401 ~869-5300
Fax: 407 -682-0016
Web SiU! www_TCD-USAcom
Ocr fl2! 20G~
I' r::.o .~.:.~, ,:,-.lOZ :,:,IL~
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Sutxnilted To: Professional engineering Consultantlil, Ine. Bid Title:
Acrcfre$S: Suite 1560 Eola Park Centre Bid Humber.
200 E. Robinson SL ProJect LoGation:
Or1ando, FL 32801
Contact Fllf80n Munjid ProjKt City, Statu; Winter Springs, FL
PhCfla: 407-422-8062 Fax: 407-849-9402 Englneer1A/'1:hilsct: P1ofssclonal Enginooring Consultants,
OH~ _~?~ :; ,;~Lf. .~;,'; ~
"1mfEt'~laIt - ...." i::' ":
Jt8mNo. tWIn DescrIption Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Tobl Price
101-1 MobIllza1lOll 6% 1.00 LS $6.755.50 ~6,755.50
Total Price for the abow NOse. il8lM: ~6.765.60
Trame S1a~
1 102-1 Maintenance ofTraflic 1.00 LS $150.00 ~1:m.OD
102-99 Variable Message Signi 14.00 EACH $1 0.5 .lJ2 $1,481.48
8 620-1-1 GRUld Rods 200.00 LF $3.41 $682.00
9 630.1-11 Conduit Above Ground &l.00 u= S10.aJ $649.80
10 630-1-12 Conduit Underground 1,200.00 LF $2.90 $3.480.00
14 630-1-17 Conduit Dfrectlanal80ra 450.00 LF $11.32 $5,094.00
17 632-7-1 Slgn~ Cable 1.00 INT $2.403.18 $2,403.18
29 635-1-11 PuU Box 16.00 EACH $210.74 $3.161.10
33 639-1-22 Eectrloal Service 1.00 EACH 5534.41 $:i34.41
34 639-2-1 E1ectl1oaJ Service Wire 100.00 LF $0.79 $79.00
34' 646-1145F Mast Arm Assm. Fluted 1.00 EACH $7,71~OO $7.712.00
Single Ann 46'
3<13 648-1'-50F Maiat Arm Assm. F1utl!KJ 2.00 EACH $8,171.00 $16,Jq.OO
Single Arm 50'
345 64B-11-56F Mast Arm AsSnt. Fluted 1.00 EACH $8,221.00 $8,221.00
Single Arm 56'
438 648-S&O Mat Arm Oecoratlvo Ban 4.00 EACH $1,921.00 $7,684.00
4-47 715-99 l.1Jmlnalre ' Acorn Style F&I 4.00 EACH '1,714.00 $6.858.00
89 648-1848" Concrete Foundation for 64.00 LF $202.16 $12,938.24
Mast Arm
184 660-1-111 B Red Led Ba. 6.00 EACH $102.11 $612.66
187 650-1.111 E Yttllow BalllEld 6.00 EACH $114.49 $686.94
190 G5Q.l-111H Green Ball LEO 6.00 EACH $191.30 $1.147.80
196 650-1-111N Yellow ArffNl LEO 2.00 EACH $108.30 $216.60
190 A501.1110 Green Arrow LED 2.00 EACH $145.46 $290.92
205 650-1-131 TSA3S1W 4.00 EACH $396.08 S1.580.36
227 155O-B-151 TSA 6 SectiOn 2.00 EACH $642.85 ~1,285.70
Page 1 af3
. OCT. 12. 2004 1: 16PM Traffic Centro: Devices, [ n c, NO, 5706 ? 2
653-181 Pede&trian SIgnal LEO 8.00 EACH $514.71 $3,DBS.26
237 659-108 Steel Pedeml 2.00 EACH $400.94 $961.88
238 659.109 ConG/'ete Pedestal 1.00 EACH $490.23 $490.23
248 66O-1-1C5loop Ostl;lClor Inducliv8 7.00 EACH $252.91 $1, nO.37
Type 5
250 680-1-106 \.oQp Detector Indut:tive 1.00 EACH $252.91 $252.91
TyPe 6
256 660-2-102 Loop AA.qf!rYlbly Type B 6.00 EACH $358.17 $2,960.16
2ST 880-2.106 LocI) ~lIembly Type t- 4.00 EACH $506 .27 $2,025.08
258 6fiO.+4 AWG #14 Loop I.ilad-in 1,750.00 LF SUO $1,~,OO
CO#1-262 663-70C VehIcle OetecIlon 4--Way 1.00 EACH 55,326.98 $5,326.96
284 565-11 I"ledestl'tan Detector 6.00 EACH $86.35 $518.10
670-5-11 Controller Type V TS2/TY1 Special 1.00 EACH $17,529.31 $17,529.31
294 700-a9-1a Intemally \Ruminated 4.00 EACH $1.889.80 $6,159.20
708-3 Refllldivs pavment Markings 41.00 EACH $8.91 $365.31
711-4 Diredional ArrrNI Therma 2.00 EACH $86.83 $173.66
711-3lH)1 Sond 6" Thermo White 875.00 LF $1.44 $1.260.00
111-35-241 Sofn:l2.... Thermo Whibi 78.00 LF $4.89 $381.42
15 ',.635-1-11A FibB( Optlc pur Box . 2.00 EACH $536.88 $1.073.78
21 1535-1-16 Fiber Optic Endo~ure 1.00 EACH $429.78 $42e.1S
38 684-140 FIber Optic Cable 1,000.00 Lf $2.78 12.780.00
46 685-179 Fiber OptiC AdBpler ST MM 12.00 EACH $10.44 $125.28
47 8850180 FIber Optic Adpater ST SM 12.00 EACH $10.44 $126.28
51 886-184 Fiber Optic Jumer ST 8M 2.00 EACH $40.72 $81.44
54 685-157 Fiber Optio Pigtails MM 12.00 EACH ~14.44 $17326
55 e85-188 FIber 01)~ Pigtail 8M 12.00 EACH $lB.a2 $225.84
'51 6B~~'9OA Fbsr Opllc Splice 24.00 EACH $33.00 $792.00
00 685-193 Spa Tray 2.00 EACH $35.70 $71.40
62 88S-3OOA Fiber T esti"9 24.00 EACH $7.70 $184.80
Total Price fw the above TraffllI Signals itBms: $136;109.92
Total BId Pries: $141.865.42
Notes: · This propmmlls a unit prir.e proposal. The total sum is: an approximate sum balled on the esllmsll3d QlJsnlltles on
the attached proposal (which is en Integral part of Ihb propoMlj !it tha unit prices depicted thereon. The final
contract amoont of any contract ta'luHk19 for this pnlPoset shall be baaed on the quantlU~ actually in~ned l!nd
field wrified by the owner's archi1Elctf~neer at lleGe unit prieM.
· All wot1< is gU9rahteed to be Inst8Ded In acoordance WIth the latest applloable Code regUlation6, and to be free
from me<:hanical and eledrlcal dete$ for one year from the dale of acceptance.
. No Items quoted herein may be "broken out" without priar lIPPI'tI'J81 In writing.
· All $Urvey worlt 1G to be perfo~d by others.
· Thia proposal is per the Seminole County MBsler Contract NB-3021 D1/GG.
. Bid items 102-99, 1553-181, 67Q.S.11, 706-3,711-4, 711-J5.{i1 and 711-350-241 are non-contract nem&.
paymot'rt Terms:
Paymanta are to be made to U$ by the tenth day of the month for aU work lnBtalled and materfal$ p1~ on the
lob slte during the preceding month. less five (6%) percent retalnage (unl8S$ the Prime eomract OOUG for II
different Rttainage percentage). Final Psyment, including ~8iM9B, will be due not morv then thirty (30) days
after co"'r.AtIon end acceptance of the work. Arri c:;onlract raaull1ng from Urts fll'DPUtli:tI shaD be on the terms
and conditions mutually tlcc;Elpt!lble to the pu~~er and Traffic Control Devices, Inet