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ITEM 508
Public Hearin
Re ular X
March 8 2004 MGR. /2~ /Dept.
REQUEST: City Manager requesting authority from the City Commission to enter into an
emergency contract with J. Raymond Construction Company to construct sidewalk
improvements in front of :Building 1 in the Town Center in the amount of $ l 05,160.
PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed to change the scope of sidewalk construction on the
Tuskawilla Road side of Building 1 in the Town Center in time for opening of Building 1 in
- The city is responsible for sidewalk construction in the Town Center.
- The construction of Building 1 revealed that the floor elevations of Building 1 did
not match the sidewalk elevation on the city's sidewalk construction plans,
requiring a redesign of the sidewalk in front of Building 1.
- The city's consultants strongly recommend the elimination of parking spaces in
front of Building 1 to accommodate the enhancement of the sidewalk design to
incorporate wider sidewalks, and a sidewalk cafe in front of Building 1 that would
work together with Market Square Park to create a pedestrian focal point in front
of Building 1 that would enhance retail and restaurant activity.
- On Thursday, March 4, 2004 the city staff and J.D.C. staff held a meeting
regarding construction issues in the Town Center.
- One of the issues of discussion was the dire necessity of the sidewalk being
completed in time to accommodate the opening of tenant businesses on the first of
- In order to meet this date it will be necessary for the city to proceed immediately
to construction with a negotiated contract with J. Raymond Construction
Company in order to coordinate building construction with sidewalk construction
in the most expeditious manner.
This project can be built in two sections.
Alternative "A" $79,979:
Alternative "A" includes only that section in front of the main entrance of
Building 1 and requires the removal of two parking spaces.
Alternative "B" $27,181:
This alternative extends the project the full length of Building 1 as recommended
by our retail consultants, and removes all six parking spaces. Staff and City
Consultants strongly recommend the full project be funded at $105,160.
- Florida Statutes, Section 255.0525(a) allows municipalities to negotiate
construction projects in an amount less than $200,000 without bidding.
- City Code, Section 2-152(vii) allows the Commission to made emergency
purchases without bids when the Commission deems the purchase to be within the
best interest of the City.
Funding for this Project is the 1 ¢ Local Option Sales Tax in the amount of $105,160.
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the City Manager to enter into an emergency
contract with J. Raymond and Associates to construct sidewalk improvements in front of
Building 1 in the amount of $105,160.
A) J. Raymond Cost Projections.
B) Retail Improvement Recommendation -Street Sense Retail Advisors.
C) Building "1"Issues -February 4, 2004 Town Center Workshop
Dates 3/8/04 Times 11:50 AM Tos ® 4073276686
JRCC Fax OS Pages 003-003
Town Center Building 1 Sidewalk redesign J Raymond Construction
465 West Warren Avenue
Construction cost estimate Longwood Florida 32750
March 8 2004 407 862-6966
Plan sheet A-1 dated 2 24 04
rchitect: Starmer Ranaldi
Base Bid Taking 2 parallel parking spaces only
Descri tion Quanti unit cost Subtotal Total
remove curb 70 If $8 $560
remove pavers 470 sf $1 $470
dumpster 2 ea $250 $500
new curb and gutter 70 If $18 $1,260
planter foundations 18 cy $250 $4,500
ribbon curbing 150 If $22 $3,300
filled cells 6 cy $150 $900
precast wall cap 185 If $25 $4,625
concrete steps 3 cy $300 $900
8" CMU 1100 blk $8 $8,800
Concrete pavers 1900 sf $9 $17,100
Metal railings 80 If $95 $7,600
Arcustone on Planter walls 1200 sf $8 $9,600
Landscaping by city $0
Irrigation 1 Is $1,500 $1,500
Empty Conduit for speakers 1 Is $1,000 $1,000
Fire Hydrant relocate by city $0
Light Pole relocate by City $0
Demolcap existing electric 1 Is $775 $775
General Contractor supervision 3 wks $1,500 $4,500
General Contractor general conditions 3 wks $1,000 $3,000
Construction subtotal $70,890
Overhead and profit 10 % $7,089
Project total $77,g7g
Dates 3/8/04 Times 1150 AM To: ~ 4073276686
JRCC Fax O5 Page: 002-003
Town Center Building 1 Sidewalk redesign J Raymond Construction
465 West Warren Avenue
Construction cost estimate Longwood Florida 32750
March 8 2004 407 862-6966
• Plan sheet A-1 dated 2 24 04
Architect: Starmer Ranaldi
Alternate One Taking out all parking
Descri lion Quantit unit cost Subtotal Total
remove curb 80 If $8 $640
remove pavers 560 sf $1 $560
dumpster 2 ea $250 $500
new curb and gutter 80 If $18 $1,440
planter foundations 0 cy $250 $0
ribbon curbing 150 If $22 $3,300
tilled cells 0 cy $150 $0
precast wall cap 0 If $25 $0
concrete steps 0 cY $300 $0
8" CMU 0 blk $8 $0
Concrete pavers 2030 sf $9 $18,270
Metal railings 0 If $95 $0
Arcustone on Planter walls 0 sf $8 $0
Landscaping by city $0
Irrigation Ols $1,500 $0
Empty Conduit for speakers 0 Is $1,000 $0
Fire Hydrant relocate by city $0
Light Pole relocate by City $0
Demolcap existing electric 0 Is $775 $0
Tree grates by City
General Contractor supervision 0 wks $1,500 $0
General Contractor general conditions 0 wks $1,000 $0
Construction subtotal $24,710
Overhead and profit 10 % $2,471
Project total $27,181
Retail Improvement Recommendations
~ Recommendations for Improving Existing Retail Conditions
Widen sidewalk to replace parallel parking
Speed table at entrance to Market Square area
immediately slows cars and shifts the emphasis
to the pedestrian environment.
Casual, movable seating as well as tables and
chairs in Market Square visually refer to the
restaurant space in Building 1
Outdoor seating abng Building 1 serves as an
extension of the indoor dining rooms.
Street paving that matches the sidewalk outside
Building 1 creates a visual ark sensory connection
between the fountain plaza and the restaurant
Employee parking abng State Road 434 keeps
Winter Springs Town Center looking "open and
~ The Market Square plaza must be linked to the activity in Building 1, or it will risk becoming an uninhabited
Open space like the Market Square plaza needs to be 'claimed" by an adjacent and complementary use. Basically, nearby
residents, office workers or shopowners need to have a daily, vested interest in keeping the plaza safe, maintained, and
occupied. With the possible addition of restaurants in Building 1, these retailers are the ideal keepers' of Market Square.
Efforts to psychologically extend the functions of the restaurants to the Market Square will further reinforce this notion. One
possible option is simply providing space where people can wait for tables.
Obstacles between the restaurants and the plaza space need to be minimized. Discussion of removing the six parallel
' parking spaces supports this effort. Allowing cars to pass through this area is important to the visibility and viability of these
restaurants However. while cars should still be permitted along this side road. the street environment must send signals Ihat
pedestrians have priority in this space through the inclusion of a speed table or a narrower drive lane (please consult Glatting
Jackson consultants on the best method to achieve this objective) Visual impediments should also be kept to a minimum.
Given the grade separation at this locat~er:. any plant,ngs or ground cover should be kept under r~re!ve inches (12").
Designate parking along State Road 434 as employee parking. Allocate spaces for this use to each retailer or
professional office tenant in Buildings 9, 10, 11, and 1.
The view from the highway should be of a bustling center where everyone wants to be. These spaces should almost never be
empty. With the current roadway configuration for the commercial town center, these parking spaces are the last options that
' a visitor to Winter Springs Town Center would encounter. For this reason among others. they are the least likely to be filled,
even though they are the most Visible to passing traffic. Therefore, so employees are not parking in spaces that are desirous
f to customers and to convey a sense of bustling activity at the Town Center, the parking spaces along State Road 434 for
buildings 10, 11 and 1 should be designated for employees. Please note: it is important That this arrangement be handled
through agreements with tenants and not through any formalized signage program.
Plaza area.
Pavers indicate an extension of the
sidewalk across a loading access
Expanded concrete sidewalk with a
band o` pavers on either side to better
accommodate customers.
Trash receptacles. benches, and
bike racks should be added to
sidewalks to activate this small park
adjacent to the plaza.
Improve sidewalk conditions along the north side of Buildings 10, 11, and the west wing of 1.
The sidewalk environment to the north of these commercial spaces will support more pedestrian activity than first anticipated.
For this reason, the concrete sidewalks should be expanded to at least six to eight feet (b-8') wide (,preferably ten feet if this
width can be accommodated} and supplemented with street furniture such as trash receptacles, bike racks. and benches.
This sidewalk space should function as an extension of the plaza area behind Building 1.
Create a documented system or identified member of the developer team who is responsible for coordination
between the architects' drawingslintent and the general contractor on site.
Construction methods that treat the facades of buildings as stage scenery and not as buildings with a sensible structural
system are unacceptable. JDC must be responsible for monitoring and correcting these issues wherever possible. These
mistakes cause serious concern about future phases The burden of monitoring construction activities should remain w.th
JDC and the services on an on-site architect's representative or construction coordinator should be required for future
building, These errors have created ~ unfair burden on Ciiy permitting officials and negatively impacted the quality of this
development to-date.
Recommendations for Existing Retai[
Building "1" Issues
Pedestrian friendly sidewalks demand sidewalks wide enough to promote people activity,
particularly outdoor dining, sales exhibits, leisure sitting areas, street trees, and a free
flow of hopefully, heavy pedestrian traffic. This requires wide unobstructed sidewalks,
and at grade entry into buildings.
Sufficient width of sidewalks has not been provided on the Main Street side of the
building to promote a pedestrian friendly, leisure shopping and dining environment, and
street trees.
Grade differentials have indicated the need for sidewalk steps and steps into buildings.
Sidewalk steps are pedestrian unfi-iendly, obstructing the free flow of pedestrian traffic
and increasing the potential for pedestrian injuries. Internal steps reduce usable floor
The Town Center Code requires operable doors not less than fifty feet apart. One door in
the building presents a problem since the floor grade cannot be matched with the
_._ _. __._side~alk._This_gr_~d~ problem u_eE~~tates either door steps on the sidewalk or steps
internal to the building. As stated above internal steps reduce rentable space. External
door steps obstruct the free flow of pedestrian traffic and increases the potential for
pedestrian injuries.
The orientation of buildings and tenant space to pedestrian friendly sidewalks and streets
is one of the most fundamental principles of Neo-Traditional Developments. This
fundamental concept has been severely compromised in the J.D.C. Development
resulting in the orientation of building, and most importantly numerous tenant spaces to
the rear parking field rather than the street fronts.
Staff has made it very clear that the compromises made in other parts of the development
would not be allowed on Main Street.
Building "1" includes a rear plaza area which is designed to orient the tenant space to the
rear. Internal buildings systems have not been coordinated with the building facade
resulting in structural members, piping, and tenant partitions obstructing windows, and
window transparency.
Measures need to be taken to counter balance the potential harmful effects of this design
and to best ensure a vibrant, active Main Street. These measures need to include the
1. Widening of Main Street sidewalks to provide pedestrian friendly shopping,
dining, and leisure experiences on Main Street.
2. Incorporation and integration of the assets offered by Market Square into the
enhanced sidewalk environment.
Strict prohibition of building and most importantly, tenant improvements which
will obstruct window transparency and tenant orientation to the street.
The city has undertaken four strategies to deal with these issues as follows:
1. Three architects were asked to submit design solutions for sidewalk
enhancements, and resolution of the grade, steps, and door issues. They include
Randall Paulson, Street Sense Retail Advisor, and Dover Kohl. The city's
Consulting Architect Starmer Rinaldi was asked to review the three designs and
combine them into a fmal design solution. That process has resulted in what we
believe to be a good design solution.
2. The city has employed the firm of Street Sense Retail Advisors to develop tenant
regulations and design standards with the goal of maximizing tenant success and
town center design. The project is to be completed within sixty (60) days. J.D.C.
is encouraged to be a participant in the development of these new regulations.
3. In order to prevent further possible erosion of the Main Street environment from
development in progress the city has adopted the first reading of a temporary
ordinance addressing tenant building and tenant issues in Building 1 and future
4. J.D.C. is encouraged to install a system of blinds to hide the view of the structural
members, and HVAC systems in the second story windows.
~~~ Ranaldi
28 Jan 04
Ron McLemore
City Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 East SR 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Planning and Architecture Inc
Re: Town Center Building One
Construction Concerns
We have taken a look at the concerns the City has with "building one" as constructed in the town
center, and have the following responses.
Issue One: The exterior door opening in the east wall of suite 1 D was improperly installed,
.. such that the sill of the door is approximately 24" to 30 "below the finished slab.
Solution: In our opinion the door in question can be removed and this wall opening will be
a simple window wall to match the window wall panel immediately adjacent, to
the north.
If this suite is not a contiguous space to the corner suite and the door is needed
for exiting, then we suggest the door head and sill be raised to match the existing
finished floor level, and providing a stair and ramp similar to that delineated on
the attached exhibit "A".
Issue Two: There is a significant difference in grade elevations, varying from 17'' to 31",
between the entrance to suite 1 D and the adjacent curb to the east, making a
level outdoor dining area very difficult.
Solution; In our opinion the patio or walkway in front of the building entry should be kept
fairly level to accommodate tables and chairs, and the transition down to street
level can be accomplished through the use of a terraced planter at the edge of the
curb with a minimum of two levels each stepping up approximately 14".
890 Northern Way Suite E 1 Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Ph 407 977 1080 Fx 407 977 1019 www.sriarch.com AP,-002984
Issue Three: There are several locations in the upper windows around the building where
structural columns, beams, utility pipes, or stud walls are directly visible in the
middle of the window openings.
Solution: Although there are several alternatives to hiding these insensitive conditions, in
our opinion the best solution is some form of blinds or curtains that will -hide the
condition, while still allowing some light though the windows to simulate activity
with in.
Please see the attached exhibit "B" showing all four elevations of the building
and the windows in question. Since there are so many bays or store fronts that
have this condition, we recommend alternating blinds with drapes or at least
alternate colors to avoid an uncharacteristic look of continuity.
We trust the opinions herein will be well received, and feel free to contact our
offic if we can be of any further assistance on this manner
Re ards
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