HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 06 09 Regular H JDC Modification Agreement
060903 _Regular_H_JDC _Modification_Agreement
Public Hearing
Regular X
June 9, 2003
Mgr. /<-., / Dept.
REQUEST: City Manager requesting the City Commission to approve a Second
Modification Amendment to the Development Agreement with IDC Calhoun, Inc.
regarding Building 1.
PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed to memorialize the direction the Commission provided
in the May 27, 2003 Commission Meeting related to Regular Agenda Item "A", and May 12,
2003 Regular Agenda Item "G", regarding Building I of the JDC Master Plan.
On May 27, 2003 the City Commission reviewed proposals from JDC Calhoun to modify the
construction of Building 1 to provide for a two-story building without a requirement for an
occupiable second floor and second story flooring system, and to allow the building to be
developed as a speculative building. The City Commission agreed to allow the proposals as
provided in the attached Second Modifi~ation Amendment to the Development Agreement with
This agreement will reduce impact fees by approximately 50%.
RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the City Commission review the Second
Amendment to the Development Agreement and make any changes it deems necessary.
Second Modification Amendment
Prepared by and Return to:
Anthony A. Garganese. City Attorney
Brown. SaJ7.I1Uln, Weiss &, Gargancsc, P.A.
Two LaIldmaik Center
225 East Robinson Street,. Suite 660
Post Office Box 2873
Orlando, Florid.a 32802-2873
(407) 425-9S6<.i
This Second Modification of Agreement is made and entered into as of this _ day of
June, 2003 by and between IDC CALHOUN, INC., a Georgia corporation, hereinafter referred to
as "roc," and the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida municipal corporation existing under the
laws ofthe State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "City."
WHEREAS, roc and the City previously entered into that certain Agreement dated August
WHEREAS, IDC and the City previously amended the Agreement by that certain First
Modification of Agreement dated July 2,2001 (the Agreement and First Modification of Agreement
shall be hereinafter referred to collectively as the" Agreement"); and
WHEREAS, IDC and the City desire to modify the terms and provisions of such Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions set forth in this Second
Modification of Agreement, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged by the parties, the City and IDC agree to the fOllowing:
1.0. Section ill(t) of the Agreement is hereby amended as follows (underlil1eq type
indicates additions and Strik:col1t type indicates deletions) :
f) The City prefers that all buildings constructed on the IDC Property be two (2)
to four (4) stories in height and that each story be suita.ble for occupancy. To that end, IDC
and City agree the-drugstore anc;oor (or other use as contemplated herein) on the corner of
!\.l3,m Street ll:l'1d StAte ROAd 434 and the buildings located along Main Street shall be a
minimum of two (2) stories as defined in Section 20-1 of the CitX zoning ordinance with
second and higher stories suitable fOf occupancy in the initial !nate of construction other than
second and higher story interior finishes. Specifically. the second and higher stories shall have
a floor and ceiling and the electrical. plumbing. HV AC. and fire sprinklers (ifreauirc{J). Other
interior systems shall be sized and ..stubbed out" to accommodate occupan~ on such stories,
In addition. the flooring of the second and higher stories shall be a slab or n1Y)Vood sub-floor
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and the particular finished flooring materials (such as calpet. tile. or finished wood) and the
interior wall material (such as drvwall) shall be completed as part of the tenant finish work
at a later date so that the space will meet the needs ofthe..,parricular tenant. but the sec;ond
and higher ~tOri"3 1M' consist of a: shell story consisti,"l$ of finished exterior waH~, roof,
windows, and otbGI 3tl2f4CU and Ail yt'&Il;i)I,~ ;'Jt...~;o,. However. Building One located on
the corner of Main Street and State Road 434 may be constructed ~j;hout an occupied
second story and second story flooring system Pl:':oJciped that the following conditions are
II ~uilding One_J;hall be a two-story building in heigbt and constructed in
accordance with the elevations Dreviously approved by the City Commission~
1} The structural. electrical. mechanical. air conditioning. plumbin~. fire defense. .
elevator and other building sy.stems shall be constructed to satisfY all code
requirements for the initial 'Phase of the Building One construction. and
modifiable to accommodate an occuDied second floor. if an" when a second
floor may be desired for Building One.
;u Real transparent operable window systems shall be installed for the first and
second stories of Buildin~ One in the initial phase of construction in
accordance with the building elevations previously 81',RfOVed bv the City
~ All internal wall sy,stems shall be at lea..c;t ~o hour fire rated walls.
~ Building One shall be constructed as a speculative building requiring a
certificate of completion issued by the City which shall indicate completion of
the building shell in accordance with all..pJans and codes prior to occupancy.
Q} Certificates of occupan~ for Building One will be issued only to tenant
soaces which ate constructed in accordance with the provisions of this
Ag(eement and all appli.cable plans and codes. Building pennits and
certificate of occupancies shall t2e independently issued for each tenant space,
AM shell stories shall b~ dG~l$1'led a:nd enginecrc.d so ~ to accofiiiHOaJl.tG occupanGy at li later
date:- The City agrees that all other buildings on the IDe Property may be one (1) story
occupancy buildings provided that IDC constructs the buildings to a height of at least two (2)
stories in order to achieve the vertical character aod scale required by the 'rown Center
District Code. IDe agrees that such one story occupancy buildings will incorporate a parapet
wall, which the City hereby deems acceptable. or other architectural feature suitable to the
City that visually make the buildings appear to be at least two (2) story buildings on aU sides. .
However, nothing contained in this paragraph shall prohibit roc from constructing full
occupancy buildings of two (2) to four (4) stories, where not otherwise required by this
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Agreement, if IDC determines that market conditions would allow such construction,
2.0 It is acknowledged that a drug store anchor is not required to be located in Building
One. Building One may be occupied with any of the uses permitted under the Town Center District
3.0, All other provisions contained in the Agreement which are not amended by this
Second Modification shall remain unchanged and shall continue to be in full force and effect.
a Georgia corporation
Shane Doran, Vice President
Print Name:
Print Name;
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of June, 2003 by
Shane Doran, Vice President of IDC Calhoun, Inc., a Georgia corporation, who executed the
foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that be executed the same for the uses and
purposes therein expressed and who is personally known to me or who has. produced
as identification and who did not take an oath.
Notary Public Signature
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a Florida municipal corporation
Andrea Lorenzo-Luaccs. City Cler:k
John F. Bush. Mayor
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Date: 060903
The following was provided to the City
Commission during the discussion of Regular
Item "H" on 06/09/03.
JUN. 9. 2003 4: 54PM
NO. 050
P. 2/7
I,. ,
To Anthony Garganese, Esq.
Cc Ron McLemore
From Charles C. Carrington
Date June 9, 2003
Re Proposed Second Modification of Agreement
I am attaching a copy of your chaft Second Modification which is marked up to show
IDe's comments. I received your draft of the Second Modification at 11:30 a.m. today and
Shane reviewed it and provided me these comments by 3:00 p.m. However, even though I have
made good progress at my end, it may not be possible for you, Ron and me to fully communicate
on these comments prior to the hearing. Fortunately, you did a good job with the dtaft and it
appears we are very close. We feel the limited conunents we have made are minor in nature and
in keeping with what was agreed to at the last hearing. For your convenience, I have numbered
each comment/change in the margin.
Comment 1 is self-explanatory.
Comment 2 relates to the fact that Shane only agreed to this with respect to the second
story, not third and higher stories, if any. At the present time, Shane has no obligation to do any
stories higher than the second story. At the present time, market conditions do not allow
additional stories and Shane is not planning third or higher levels. It would seem that if market
conditions change such that Shane can consider doing third or higher stories, the last thing the
City and IDC would want to do is to create a disincentive by requiring that those stories be
finished to the same level as the second level. If it becomes remotely possible to do third or
higher stories it would seem that everyone would be pleased and shelling out such levels per the
original agreement would be fine.
Comment 3 is very important. Shane is certainly in agreement that the second story must
have a floor and a ceiling, but the electrical, plumbing, HV AC, fire sprinklers (if required) and
\\orl-srvOl \23531 0v01 \6,19/03'150129 .01 0700
JUN. 9. 2003 4 :54PM
NO. 050
p, 3/7
other interior systems must be sized and stubbed to accommodate occupancy of the second story.
The placement of electrical outlets, plumbing fixtures and the configuration of the Ale and fire
sprinklers (if required) will depend upon the tenants' needs as to the placement of interior walls,
proposed uses and other tenant specifications.
Comments 4 and 5 are the same as above.
Conunents 6 and 7 are self-explanatory. This is more of a drafting comment.
Comment 8 relates to issues of ownership and operation. It is not custOmary for windows
in office environments to be operable. The problem is that as the owner you do not want tenants
opening windows and thereby creating power use and maintenance issues. This is standard in
the industry.
. Comment 9 is selfMexplanatory.
Comment 10 is self-explanatory. A copy of subsection ill (c) is attached for your
convenient reference.
Again, we do not anticipate that these comments will present a problem. I plan to be
there tonight. However, I do understand there is a heavy agenda. Since this is pretty
straightforward, I may not stay the entire time. I do not have authority for changes beyond what
is reflected here, anyway. In that event, I request that you or Ron read this memo into the record.
We feel we have kept the comments to a bare minimum and that the comments we have made
are minor. Each of the comments are very important to IDe or we would not have made them -
we need this approved tonight so that we can get started.
Thank you.