HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 03 08 Informational 306
ITEM 306
March 8. 2004
REQUEST: Public Works Department wishes to inform the Commission of the
recommendation of the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification Committee to
provide additional landscaping and irrigation along the Oak Forest Wall:'
PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed to inform the Commission regarding recomnl;endations
for additional landscaping and irrigation by the Oak Forest Wall and B,~utification
Committee that the City Commission will be considering during upcoming budget
meetings and adoptions and also resolutions for increasing the maintenance
The Oak Forest Capital Improvement Construction Fund Program was designed to
provide wall and landscaping improvements for the Oak Forest community. This program
,provided three primary benefits: Noise Abatement, Light Abatement, and Beautification. After
the original scope of the project was completed, there were considerable savings on construction
costs and fees.
The Advisory Committee is recommending additional improvements to further enhaw~e
the overall project which include more landscaping and irrigation installations along the Oak
Forest Wall at an estimated cost of$80,000. The current Capital Assessment fees will not
increase due to this additional work but the maintenance assessment would if these improvemfnts
are approved. It is estimated that the Annual Maintenance Assessment would be increased frQlU
$26.00 to $42.00 per B.u. (benefit unit), which is needed to fund the maintenance of new
landscaping and irrigation installations. Staff will presenting the details ofthe capital
improvement budget during the upcoming budget workshops.
March 8, 2004
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Proiected Cost Schedule
CaDital Costs
Design and Plans
Bid Advert.
Cert. Mailings
Contingency (10%)
Maintenance Costs
Landscape and Irrigation
Fertilization and Pest
Water Billing
Water Billing
Total Maint.
No recommendation for action at this time.
Government Services Group (GSG) is currently calculating the impact to the maintenance
assessment. The City Commission will have the opportunity to consider this project during the
budget workshop and Public Hearing regarding the Amended Final Resolution and Adoption of
the New Assessment Roll. Construction of the project could begin first quarter of 2005.
1. GSG - Improvements program revision of maintenance costs letter.
2. Conceptual photo oflandscaping enhancements.
COMMISSION ACTION: No action required at this time.
March 8, 2004
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Attachment No.1
Government Services Group, Inc.
Dedicated to solving fundJ1tQ and UNlee delivery Issues In "'8 pub/Ie
," .. I ...... . I..... ,l I ~.'. I, t Jll f',
1500 Mahan Drive, Sv~o 250 . Tallahassee, FL 32308. Phone (850) 681-3717. Fax (850)
224-7206. E-mail: gsgCgovserv.com
January 15, 2004
Kipton D. Lockcuff, P.E.
Director of Public Works
City of Winter Springs
1126 East S.R. 434
Winter Springs. FL 32708
Re: Oak Forest Wall Neighborhood Improvements Assessment
Program Revision of Maintenance Costs for Fiscal Year 2004-
Mr. Lockcuff:
Winter Springs has completed its fourth year of the annual assessment program
for the Oak Forest Wall initiated in Fiscal Year 1999-2000. Govemment Services
Group, Inc. ("GSG") and Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson, P .A. rNG&N") are pleased
to have assisted Winter Springs in undertaking and successfully implementing
this recurring revenue source.
It is GSG and NG&N's understanding that the City wants to revise the
maintenance Ibudget associated with this project. It is our further understanding
that this revision will not result in a change in the service area nor any change in
the capital budget associated with the wall's construction. As we have previously
discussed, this revision will not cause the City to have to revisit the Notice of
Intent process.
To move forward with this change in the project and to reviSE! the rates GSG witt
need a revised copy of the maintenance budget at your earliest convenience.
Once we have that information, we can calculate an assessment budget and
recalculate the rates for the maintenance portion of this project.
Once the rates have been recalculated GSG can prepare first class notices to
inform the property owners within this service area of the rate change, We would
recommend 81 public hearing date sometime in mid to late July or August. This
March 8, 2004
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Mr. Kipton D. Lockcuff, P.E.
January 15, 2004
Page Two
will enable the City to adopt an amended resolution to reflect the rate change at
the same time the City certifies the non-ad valorem assessment roll to the Tax
Collector for the Oak Forest Wall service area.
Per our earlier discussion the costs (in addition to our current agreement with the
City for continuing annual services related to the Oak Forest Wall project) to the
City to revise tine rates, write an amended resolution. attend the public hearing
and send out first class notices to the property owners are: $5,000 for NG&N to
review the existing documentation, review rates. prepare an amended resolution
and attend the public hearing; and, $1.25 per first class notice to GSG to create
and send out the notices. The cost of calculating the revised rate and certifying
the roll to the Tax Collector is covered in GSG's original agreement with the City.
The execution of this letter agreement indicates acceptance of this proposal and
Notice to Proceed. Upon execution of this agreement, please provide us with
one signed copy for our files.
We look fOJWard to working with the City of Winter Springs on this important
project. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to
call me.
Cc: Chris Traber. Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson, P.A.
Judy Cooper. Controllerllnterim Finance Director. City of Winter
March 8, 2004
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Mr. Kipton D. Lockcuff, P.E.
January 15, 2004
Page Four
Critical Events Sehedule
(revised Jan. 14, 2004)
JanuarylFeb. 2004
Notice to Proceed
Revision of Maintenance Budget
Feb. - May 2004
Calculate Revised Maintenance Rates
Feb. - May 2004
Send First Class Notices (at least 20 days prior to
date of Public Hearing)
May - June 2004
Hold Public Hearing fOf Amended Final Resolution August 2004
and Adopt the Assessment Roll
Certify Annual Assessment Roll August-September
March 8, 2004
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Attachment No.2
-- Conceptual rendering of sectional landscape design along Oak Forest Wall- Tuskawilla Road.