HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 06 09 Regular D Conceptual Development Plan for Apartment Complex
June 9. 2003
Public Hearine
Reeular X
MGR.~ /Dept ~
Community Development Department requests the Commission re-consider and approve a conceptual
development plan for a 192 unit apartment complex on 10.7 acres in the Town Center, along the
southwest side of SR 434, between the Mobil station and the proposed Cross Seminole Trail.
The purpose of this Agenda Item is for the Commission to re-consider, provide comment on, and
approve a conceptual development plan for a 192 unit apartment complex on what is presently a wooded
10.7 acre site immediately southeast of the Mobil station, along the south\yest side ofSR 434, within the
Town Center. The developer has met with staff, addressing the primary issues raised by staff in the
previous agenda item.
Preliminary and final site plan approval are required before the project may be permitted or commence
construction. Scaled and more detailed architectural rendering should be required for the individual
buildings (in contrast to the conceptual generic prototypes provided) during the final engineering/site
plan approval (or at the latest, before building permit applications are submitted). Please note the
following: (1) that the site abuts the ramped portion (for the bridge over SR 434) of the proposed trail
and (2) that Dover Kohl & Partners have looked at the concept plan and provide comments (attached).
Chapter 9, City Code.
Town Center District Code.
1. The proposed development is located within the City of Winter Springs, within the Town Center
zoning district.
June 9, 2003
Regular Item D
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2. The proposed development site is immediately adjacent to the southeast side ofthe Mobil station
and the west side of the Cross Seminole Trail. Staff contacted the City's Town Center consultant,
Dover Kohl& Partners, regarding the applicable design scenario (please see attached memo).
3. The basic site "foot-print" is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and City Code of
Ordinances, subject to the Dover Kohl comments, although additional minor adjustments may be
required throughout the site plan approval process.
The applicant has indicated a willingness to negotiate minor modifications to improve the basic
4. The Town Center encourages mixed uses. A portion of the project should be planned to
accommodate retail. Retail at the corners of Street "B" would be ideal.
Trends in central business areas demonstrate rented units converting to retail and condominium
uses as the units mature. Therefore, the construction of rental units should be in such a way as to
facilitate conversion of the units as they mature in their life cycle. Ceiling height and higher quality
finishes facilitate conversion of rental units to ownership units. Fourteen foot floor to ceiling heights on
the first floor of buildings fronting on SR 434 will facilitate future conversion of the rental units to retail.
The applicant indicates a willingness to construct the first floor of the units facing SR 434 with the
high ceilings and built-up floors, which would facilitate conversion to retail or office when the
demand becomes available. They have also indicated a willingness to construct the other
residential units in a manner that will allow them to eventually be converted to condominiums.
5. A certain number of affordable housing units is needed to accommodate the labor force in a
viable town center. The concentration of affordable units is not recommended for sustainable housing.
Therefore, it is recommended that 50 percent of the residential units be traditional neighborhood
development (TND) style ownership units with 50 percent being rental units. Additionally, not more
than 50 percent of all the residential units should be below the market rate.
The applicant states an inability to integrate market rate and affordable housing inside this
project, due to their tax rate eligibility requirements (which allows them to rent at lower than
market rates). The applicant has indicated a willingness to participate in a charrette, addressing
the entire area east of Tuskawilla Road (this could and should address market rate housing,
preferably owner-occupied - e.g. town-houses, condominiums, or row houses).
6. . As we understand it this is to be an affordable housing project. As such, the owners should be
prepared to discuss with the City Commission any local participation from the City that may be required
to facilitate financing for the project.
The applicant has agreed to make a contribution to the City's existing affordable housing
program and not to ask the City for financial assistance.
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Regular Item D
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7. The applicant has agreed to participate in funding a charrette, addressing the future
development of the area east of Tuskawilla Road.
Staff recommends that the City Commission reconsider and approve of the conceptual design, in
consideration of the developer's responses to staff concerns.
1. That a substantial number of housing units will be market rate, preferably not less than 50
percent - the applicant states an inability to integrate market and affordable housing in the
same project, but is willing to help fund a charrette, addressing the future of the area east
of Tuskawilla Road;
2. That a substantial number of the residential units will be TND style ownership units, preferably
50 percent - the applicant states an inability to integrate ownership units with the
affordable housing rentals, but is willing to design for future ownership, if the market
demand is there;
3. That rental units will be designed in such a manner as to facilitate future conversion to ownership
units as they mature in their "life cycle" - the applicant is willing to design and construct for
future ownership, to allow for conversion in the event the market demand warrants;
4. That first floor residential units facing SR 434 will be designed to facilitate future conversion to
retail upon market demand - the applicant is willing to provide high ceilings and built-up
floors; and
5. More detailed architectural renderings for each building demonstrating the incorporation of these
recommendations and the Town Center Code will be provided at final engineering - the
applicant is willing to provide these.
6. The developer is willing to make a donation to the City's redevelopment program.
A - Dover Kohl memo
B - Conceptual Development Plan
Apr-04-03 05:04P Dover, Kohl & Partners
305 666 0360
l.own planning
To: John Baker
City of Winter Springs
From: James Dougherty
Date: 4 April, 2003
Subject: Town Parke Residential Project
The preliminary sketches for the Town Parke residential project you sent appear to be
moving in a very positive direction.
The addition of this substantial quantity of residential will be very beneficial to the
Town Center for a number of reasons. It will greatly aid in making the Town Center an
authentic 24 hour community. 'It will provide customers within walking distance of
Town Center commercial uses (a big 'step in reducing auto-dependency), It will add the
valuable option of 'Town Center residential' to the range of residential choices available
in Winter Springs.
Positive aspects of the design:
I. Buildings are built close to the sidewalks, giving the streets good spatial definition
and providing natural surveillance.
2. Gaps between buildings are generally minimized, further enhancing street definition.
3. A frontage road is used along the edge ofS.R.434 creating a traffic-calmed pcdcstrian-
friendly frontage that can be faced with buildings.
4. Parking lots are concealed mid-block.
5. Parallel on-street parking is provided along street frontages.
6, The preliminary building elevations generally appear to be well proportioned and
appropriate in character for the Town Center. The multi-story building heights will
help to create well-defined street spaces with enough verticality to provide a sense of
spatial enclosure.
7. The proposed community amenities will be of great benefit to residents, and should
help to ensure the product is competitive.
Some things to be sure are included as the design develops:
1. Sidewalks as required in the Town Center District Code.
2. Street trees as required in the Town Center District Code, especially in the frontage
road median. ,
3. Ground floor residential uses should be raised a minimum of 2 feet above sidewalk
grade. A water table line (a small horizontal molding on the exterior facade marking
the height of the finished ground floor) is useful to accentuate the visual impact of the
raised finish floor.
~pr-04-03 05:04P Dover, Kohl & Partners
305 666 0360
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I. Terminate this street with
a building and offset the
alley entrance.
2. Line these'block faces
with a street or a mid-block
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develops. A sidewalk along
the fronts of the units,
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