HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 06 09 Other - Document was Handed out to the City Commission
Date: 060903
The following document was handed out to the
City Commission on 6/9/03.
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Promote the use 0 f surface water supplies for irrigation purposes;
Use best management principles and practices in order to reduce pesticide and fertIlizer run-
off, prevent soil erosion, and preserve water quality.
This section shall not be construed to violate any provision of State law providing fer the
right to engage in agricultural activities or to constihlte a taking of property.
The intent of this Section is to provide waterfront property owners with reasonable boat ingress and
egress to the waterbodies and waterways of Sanford, to protect the environmental integrity and
function of the waterbodies and waterways of Sanford, and to assure that the siting and construction
of docking facilities will not pre-empt other public interests and uses of the water])odies ,md
waterways of Sanford.
For the purpose of these land development regulations, the term docking facilities shall mean any
fixed or floating structure providing access on or over submerged lands (all those lands lying
waterward of the mean high water) and the area occupied or caused to be occupied by that dock.
including its mooring pilings. A mooring piling may include a stake, post, pillar, pilings used for
the purpose of berthing buoyant vessels either temporarily or indefinitely or fora finite period,
whether or not used in conjunction with a dock.
Dcveiopment Plan Review shall be required for docks and piers. The following general provisions'
shall be met prior to the issuance of any permits, that is site plan approval or pennit approval, for
docking facilities:
A. No docking facility may occupy or cause to occupy more than twenty-fIve (25) percent of
any waterway width as measured at the location of the docking facility, excluding forested
\,,'etla...i)d a.'1d1or cypress areas. The watetWay width with respect to any dock to which the
measure applies, shall be the straight line distance from the point at which the centerline of
the dock or pier intersects the mean high water line measured to the nearest point on the
mean high water line of the opposite shore of the waterway. If forested mangrove or
cypress areas exist on either of both shorelines waterward of the lvIH\VL, then the distance
shall be measured from the most water ward edge of those mangroves or cypress.
B. No docking facility may be located in such a manner as to impede nonnal navigation.
C. The location of mooring areas over productive submerged grass beds shall'be avoided when
it is detennined that such a location will destroy such marshes and grass beds.
D. Access to docking facilities through any shoreline protection zone area including cypress
and or wetland communities shall comply with the applicable provisions which protect
these resources set forth in the Sanford Comprehensive PI an,
E. When state and/or federal permits are required for the construction of a docking facility
such pennits must be obtained prior to the issuance of a development order by the City.
These agencies may include, but are not limited, to the Department of EnvirolUnental
Protection and/or the Army Corp of Engineers.
f. Docking facilities must be located in such a manner as to avoid the need for dredging
activities in productive grass beds, maintenance dredging of previously approved dredged
areas and silted areas caused by upland runoff shall be excluded from this requirement.
G. No docking facility shall occupy or cause to occupy any required setback areas.
H. The maximum length of a docking facility shall include those areas of tbe fadli!)' that
occupy or cause to occupy the affected water surface.
1. The minimum water depth at any dock mooring area shall be two (2) feet above mean low
water (ML W).
J. The maximwn length of any docking facility may be extended to provide a sate navigable
depth 0 f four (4) feet above mean low water (ML W) at the mooring area, provided that the
extension is not in conflict with other applicable proviSIons of this Section.
K. The construction of roofed structures, other than boat shelters on or over any docking
facility or navigable waterways is prohibited.
L. Docking facilities are recognized as accessory uses to a primary use of the adjacent upland
property. As such, no docking facility shall be constructed prior to the establishment of a
primary use, except for si.ngle docking facilities on single family zoned lots when l:.llc.wed
by the zoning. In the case of such exceptions no "live-aboards" shall be pennitted.
M. When the location of any riparian line is in dispute or doubt a riparian line survey prepared
by a licensed land surveyor at the ccst to the applicant may be required by tbe City.
K. Applicants must comply with all applicable State and Federal land development
regulations particularly those that apply the Aquatic Preserves.
O. The installation, repair or replacement of riprap may be authorized provided that:
1. [f the riprap is subject to the permitting requirements of Chapter 161, Florida
Statutes, it has been authorized pursuant to Chapter 161, Florida Statutes;
2. Clean rock material free of metal products, organic materials, and unsightly debris is
3. The toe of the riprap is located at or within 10 feet of the mean or ordinary high
water line;
4. The slope is not greater than 2 horizontal: I vertical;
5. The length does not exceed 150 linear feet;
6. It does not damage or destroy wetland vegetation on sovereign lands;
7. The activity is necessary to prevent erosion or is required as part ofan authorization
granted by another agency.
P. Docks shall be constructed in a manner that Voo'ill withstand a 100 M.P.H. wind load. Top of
docks shall be one (1) foot above the ordinary high water level and the dock shall start at no
less than the ordinary high water level.
The following standards shall be met prior to the issuance of any development orders for any non-
commercial single family or single establishment docking facility by the City.
A. Size and Dimension Criteria:
I. Maximum Width of Access Pier: 6 feet
2. Maximum Total PJatfonn(s) Area: 300 feet
(A platform is any portion or portions of a dock with a width in excess of the
allowable width of the access pier).
3. Setbacks: 25 feet from riparian lines.
4. Maximum Length of Docking Facility: 200 feet, measured perpendicular t.o the
OHWL excluding forested mangrove or cypress areas, except as allowed in Section
(10) above.
B. The required setbacks may be reduced up the receipt of a written consent of the adjacent,
affected property owners(s).
C. A boat shelter may be permitted in association with a docking facility provided that the
structure is no greater than 500 square feet in area and is no greater than 20 feet in height
above the adjacent access pier or platform.
D. The mooring of vessels at a non-commercial single family dock facility shall be restricted to
pleasure crafts registered to the adjacent upland property owner, the upland property owner's
guests and neighbors. '
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~cmy Corps of Engineors, Permit Section
?0. Drawer 59 .
~i~ml Be~ch, FL 331)9
5tu~rt Regulatory Office
$lIi te 208, Arthur Dellon Building
Colorado Avenue
Stua~t, FL 33494
Joint application mail in duplic~te to:
Department of ~vironmental Regulation
Dredge and Fill Permitting
27~~ SE MOrningside Boulevard
rort Saint Lucie, rL 334S2
30=;-) 35-4310
DER (lndian River County)
)319 Maquire Boulevard
Suite 232
Orlando. FL 32903
Oc?artment of Natural Resources
~tat~ Lands Management
J900 Commonwealth Boulevard
T~ll~hassQe, FL 32)03
Required Approval
,":-t i ~ icilllly Crea ted Watel'\olays.
".'nnsLruction - I.ess than 500 .sq. ft.
~~~dgln9 and filling associated with
co~stnJct ion
X x
)C x
)( X I X
\Jt~ral Waterways
':onslcuction - Less thaTl 500 sq. ft.
Grc.:lter than 500 sc.i. ft.
i'.:pl~(;"mcnt or repair
~red9inq and fi11in9 associated with
cor.struction or repair
~r~":ic~ally Created Waterways
:':-0"5 t ruct ion
~redginq and backfillin9 associated with
~c~struction or restoration
~;J tu::-a I lVateI"orlays
~c~''''r.:Jt ion
Dn".:-I:r.<;l .:lncJ filling ilssociatcd with
c(')r'.~( rllL.t ivn or rc.'s\.or<1tion
Ail Jpp1ications are considered on a case by case basis.
for ~urther in!or~~tio~ please contact above references.
~ .
S1833.1 All dredging, filling, excavation and waterfront construction
, . . ~~uch ~s docks, piers, wharves, bridges, groins, jetties, moles,
breakwaters, seawalls, revetments, causeways, artificial nourishment of
beaches or other deposition or removal of material in all water' areas
within the area of jurisdiction of this code shall be planned and designed
by a Professional Engineer, except as noted in ~1633.2, in accordance with
this code and the applicable standards and requirements of the
administrative authority.
g1833.2 The requirement for professional design will not be required by
the building official for bulkheads, docks, piers and similar structures
constructed in conjunction with private residences on lakes, private canals
and similar water frontage not subject to wind, wave or tidal action; do
not involve unusual soil conditions, slopes or unstable soil and are not
part of a foundation or support for an above-grade structure.