HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 04 28 Regular A Feasibility Study Presentation on Toll Road042803 Commission Meeting
Regular "A"
Feasibility Study Presentation on Toll Road
Apri128, 2003
Public Hearing
Regular X
M / Dept.
REQUEST: City Manager requesting the City Commission to receive a presentation by
Randy Fox, Turnpike Planning Manager addressing issued raised by the Commission
regarding a Feasibility Study on State Road 417.
PURPOSE: This Agenda Item is needed to provide the Commission with additional information
the Commission desires regarding S.R. 417.
CONSIDERATIONS: On December 7, 2002 representatives of Florida Turnpike Enterprises
provided a report to the City Commission regarding the results of a feasibility study evaluating
the feasibility of reducing tolls on S.R. 417 between S.R. 434 and Red Bug Lake Road.
The report failed to satisfy the Commission's concerns and questions which resulted in the
Commission directing the City Manager to request additional information from Turnpike
On January 30, 2003 the City Manager forwarded a letter to the Director of the Turnpike
Enterprises which was answered in a letter of March 6, 2003.
On March 14, 2003 the City Manager requested Turnpike Enterprises to schedule a presentation
to the Commission at the April 14, 2003 meeting, to which they consented.
FUNDING: Not Applicable.
042803Commission Meeting
Regular "A"
Feasibility Study Presentation on Toll Road
Page 2 Of 2
RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Manager recommends that the Commission hear the report
to be provided by Turnpike representatives and to provide the City Manager with any direction it
deems necessary.
1) December 9, 2002 Regular Agenda Item "A".
2) City Manager Letter of January 30, 2003.
3) City Manager Letter of February 25, 2003.
4) James Ely Letter of March 6, 2003.
120902 Regular A TRIP Results
December 9, 2002
Public Hearing
Regular X
Mgr. / Dept.
REQUEST: City Manager requesting the Commission to receive a report from the
Florida's Turnpike Enterprise on the results of the Toll Rebate Incentive Program (TRIP),
a one-year pilot program to reduce tolls on State Road 417 between State Road 434 and
Red Bug Road.
PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed to advise the City Commission the results of the one-
yearpilot program.
CONSIDERATIONS: The Florida Turnpike Enterprise performed cone-year pilot program to
determine the feasibility of reducing traffic on local roads by reducing tolls on SR 417 thereby
encouraging motorists to use SR 417.
The one-year pilot program included a toll reduction for all Sun Pass and E Pass users. Sun Pass
and E Pass users received a toll reduction of up to 44-cents per trip, for trips between S.R. 434
and Red Bug Road.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Commission receive the presentation of
Mr. Joey Gordon, Regional Planning Administrator for Central Florida's Turnpike Enterprise.
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
January 30, 2003
James Ely, Executive Director
Turnpike Enterprise
Post Office Box 613069
Ocoee, Florida 34761-3069
Dear Sir:
On December 9, 2002 Representatives Joey Gordon, Regional Planning Administrator
and Saad Shbaklo, Senior Transportation Engineer, Turnpike Enterprises, Turkey Lake
Road, Ocoee, Florida, presented the results of the authority's study regarding the
feasibility of reducing the toll rates on S.R. 417 between S.R. 434 and Red Bug Lake
Your representatives attempted to justify why the rates along this section of the comdor
was .30 per mile rather than what was reported to be .12 1/2 per mile for other sections of
the toll road system. Their attempts were not successful and it was obvious to everyone
present that your representatives did not understand the basis upon which your rate is
structured. In all fairness to your representatives, they did point out that they were not
the appropriate people to provide this discussion.
Therefore, the Commission has directed me to contact you and to arrange a date
convenient to you to appear before the Commission to answer some questions, including
the following:
1. What methodology is utilized for developing your toll rates?
2. Why is the toll for this section of road based upon .30 per mile rather than the .12-
1/2 per mile rate which the Commission believes to be the standard rate?
3. A proposal was forwarded to the authority to federalize S.R. 417 making it a part
of the interstate system. That proposal was based upon the belief that it would be
less costly in monetary and political capital for the Federal Government to take
ownership of S.R. 417 and defease the outstanding debt in the alternative to
widening I-4. This was based upon the belief that the removal of tolls and the
savings of time resulting from bypassing downtown Orlando for motorists who do
not have a downtown Orlando destination would result in motorists electing to use
S.R. 417 in large numbers, thus reducing I-4 traffic dramatically.
In addressing this question, I think it would be appropriate to advise you that you have
some very astute and accomplished business people on the Winter Springs Commission
with extensive financial management backgrounds and experience with local, state, and
federal government policy making. They clearly understand the ways in which bond
holders can be make whole in the restructuring of debt, and the ability of local, state, and
federal officials to develop special law and means to deal with unique issues. For
example, Jacksonville eliminated their toll road system through the passage of: a sales tax
by local referendum to fund the debt and operations of their system of toll roads.
Therefore, if the reason is political rather than financial I would suggest that you explain
the dynamics of that.
If you need any additional information from me regarding this matter, please don't
hesitate to contact me at your convenience.
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Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
cc: Mayor and Commission
01/03 Letters/Central Florida Toll Road Authority
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Ronald W. McLemore
Ciry Manager
February 25, 2003
James Ely, Executive Director
Turnpike Authority
Post Office Box 613069
Ocoee, Florida 34761-3069
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Dear Mr. Ely:
On January 30, 2003 I sent a letter requesting that you come before the City Commission
to answer questions regarding the authority's above referenced feasibility study. As of
this date I have had no response.
After reviewing the attached letter, or if you need additional information, please don't
hesitate to contact me at 407-327-5957 to arrange a time for you to come before the City
Commission regarding this matter.
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Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
cc: Mayor and Commission
U:\Docs\Word\Letters\Year 2003\Feb 03\Expressway Authority Second Request.doc
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JEB BUSH Florida's Turnpike Enterprise
GOVERNOR P.O. Box 613069
Ocoee, Florida 34761
March 6, 2003
Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs,. Florida 32708-2799
Dear Mr. McLemore:
MAC 1 3 2003.
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The following information is provided in response to the questions raised in your
letter dated January 30, 2003. Turnpike staff are available to appear before the City
Commission if additional information is desired.
What methodology is utilized for developing your toll rates?
The Turnpike uses an efficient pricing tool that ensures consistency throughout the
system while balancing our customer's needs and toll equity for all patrons to the
maximum extent feasible. The initial 12 miles of the Seminole Expressway extended
from SR 426/Aloma Avenue to US 17/92/Airport Boulevard. A traveler completing the
entire route was charged a single toll of $1.50. at the mainline barrier located on the
north side of Lake Jesup for a total fee of 12.5 cents per mile ($1.50 divided by 12
miles). This toll per mile is consistent with the rate used on similar toll roads in the
state. With the recent extension of the Seminole Expressway to I-4, the distance
traveled for the $1.50 toll is now 18 miles.
Why is the toll for this section of road based upon $.30 per mile rather that the
$.125 per mile rate which the Commission believes to be the standard rate?
The average system-wide toll rate on the Seminole Expressway was 12.Ei cents per mile
when it was established at a public hearing before the opening of the facility in 1994.
Toll rates are based on the entire distance a vehicle may travel before paying another
toll or exiting the facility. For example, a vehicle entering the facility at SR 434 to travel
south may exit the facility at Aloma Avenue without paying. additional tolls. The toll rate
for this movement is $.75 for a distance of six miles, which is equal to 12.5 cents per
mile: A small proportion of travelers choose to make a shorter distance trip and exit at
Red Bug Lake Road.
Mr. Ronald W. McLemore
March 7, 2003
Page Two
A proposal was forwarded to the authority to federalize SR 417 making if part of
the interstate system.
The Turnpike Enterprise is not aware of any proposal to "federalize" SR 417. The issue
of eliminating tolls on SR 417 has been raised on a few occasions since the facility
opened in 1994 as one suggestion for reducing traffic volumes on I-4. However, these
proposals have lacked sufficient support due to the absence of adequate funding
sources. A substantial amount of state or federal revenues would be needed to pay for
---=the°bonds=used-~to-finance construction=of~the facility-and the-recurring expenses-for law
enforcement and the continued maintenance of the facility. These expenses are
currently funded completely through toll revenues and do not reduce the funds available
for other transportation improvements in the region.
Turnpike Enterprise staff are available to appear before the Commission to
discuss these or any other Turnpike issues in greater detail. Please feel free to contact
Randy Fox, Turnpike Planning Manager, at (407) 532-3999 ext. 3041 to answer
additional questions or to schedule a presentation.
mes L. Ely, DPA
ecutive Director
c: The Honorable John F. Bush, Mayor
The Honorable Robert S. Miller, District/Seat 1
The Honorable Michael S. Blake, District/Seat 2
The Honorable Edward Martinez, Jr., District/Seat 3
The Honorable Sally McGinnis, District/Seat 4
The Honorable David W. McLeod, District/Seat 5
Nancy Clements, Turnpike Enterprise
Randy Fox, Turnpike Enterprise
Date: 042803
The following was provided to the City
Commission by Mr. Fox during the discussion
of Regular Agenda Item "A" on 04/28/03.
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