HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 08 11 Regular F Appointment to City of Winter Springs' Alternate to the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority
Public Hearing
Regular X
August 11. 2003
Regular Meeting
Mgr. /
The City Clerk requests that the City Commission remove from the Table and
then approve an Appointment to replace Mr. Roy Prince who prior to his recent
resignation has served as the City of Winter Springs' Alternate to the South
Seminole And North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority.
At the last Regular City Commission Meeting, a similar Agenda Item was Tabled.
The Mayor and City Commission are now being requested to remove this from the
Table, and then make an Appointment to replace Mr. Roy Prince who has been
serving as the City of Winter Springs' Alternate on the South Seminole And
North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority.
At the July 28, 2003 City Commission Regular Meeting, this same Agenda Item
was on the Agenda, and subsequently Tabled.
Mr. Donald Gilmore is currently serving in the capacity of Representative (for the
City of Winter Springs) to the South Seminole And North Orange County
Wastewater Transmission Authority.
Mr. Roy Prince had been serving as the City of Winter Springs' Alternate (for the
City of Winter Springs) to the South Seminole And North Orange County
Wastewater Transmission Authority, until his letter of Resignation was recently
As a result, the City Commission is being requested to make an Appointment to
replace Mr. Roy Prince as the City of Winter Springs's Alternate to the South
Seminole And North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority.
Any Appointment should be made in consideration of the criteria provided from
the South Seminole And North Orange County Wastewater Transmission
Authority in Attachment "B" - specifically 78-6l7 - Section 4.
A copy of the Resignation letter from Mr. Roy Prince was forwarded to the Mayor
and City Commission upon original receipt ofMr. Prince's letter of Resignation.
If an Appointment is not made at this Meeting, it will be placed on subsequent
Agendas, until this vacancy has been filled.
It is recommended that an Appointment be nominated and approved for the City
of Winter Springs' next Alternate to the South Seminole And North Orange
County Wastewater Transmission Authority.
A. A copy of the Resignation letter from Mr. Roy Prince.
B. Introductory information from the South Seminole And North Orange County
Wastewater Transmission Authority and excerpt from 78-6l7 - (including
Section 4.).
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June 10, 2003
Mayor Bush
City Hall
1126 East State Road 434
Wmter Springs, FL 32750
Dear Mayor,
I hereby resign from my volunteer position as a member of the Board of Directors for the
South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater District. .
( )
Roy Prince
"B "
t. )
410 Lake Howell Road
P.O. Box 941837
Maitland, FL 32794-1837
Telephone 407/628-3419
Fax 407/628-3419
'. The Sduth Seminole &. North Orange County Wastewater
Transmission Authority, an existing Independent Special District,
owns and operates an untreated wastewater transmission system
located.in portions of .Seminole County, Orange County, the Cities
of Casselberry, Winter park, and the City of Maitland. The
Authority provides such transmission service to Seminole County,
The Cities of Maitland, Casselberry and Winter Park and can
provide service to the City. of Winter Springs.
The Transmission System consists of nineteen (19) pumping
stations and approximately thirty (30) miles of pipeline ranging
in size from. eight (8) inches to forty-eight(48) inches. The
total transmission system of piping has a total hydraulic
capacity, under peak conditions, of more than forty (40) million
gallons per day. The current load on the system averages
approximately eleven (11) million gallons per day.
The Wastewater. Transmission Authority was created by an Act
of the Florida Legislature in 1978 and began its design work in
the spring'of 1979. . Design was completed, a Construction Grant
was obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency, and Bond
Anticipation Notes were issued' during 1981, with construction on
the system beginning in February 1982. Initial flows into the
. system were begun in February 1983 and the total system completed
in the fall of 1983. Bond Anticipation. Notes issued in December
1981 were replaced by Sewer Revenue Bonds in December 1983 and
replaced at lower interest rates with bond issues in 1986 and
During the. next ten years we do not anticipate any specific
identifiable replacement of these facilities, but as equipment
fails or becomes overloaded, it will be replaced out of current
reserve funds or at the' cost of a developer who may be imposing
such overload of the system~ Our current anticipation as to
capacity and demand remains at the forty (40) million gallons
plus and ultimate capacity with a probable average demand between
fifteen (15) to twenty (20) million gallons per day. .
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Senate Bill N~. 1341
AN AC~ creating .the South S._I"ole and North orin9~ County
wastevatet Tran..leslon Authorl~y, 4eclarln9 the Intent
and purpose of !laid act, prov'ldlng a' legal dIBcrlptlon
~f the authority's boundary and a eethod of aodSfylng
the boundary lln~.J provldi"g (or a governing board"
providing definitions, pr,scrlbift9 the purpole and
povers . of the authcfrity, pro..,ldlng for the Jsluanc~ of
revenue bonds, providing a method for charging for
.services' performed, I"equltlng customeU to provide a
Illethod to pay for services.' recalved" provldln9
peaaltles for nonpayme"i, providing for 8ealed bids for
contracts for construction or illlPrbvelllentS~ prohlbltln9
(ree vastewater trans!lllS'slon services' provldln9 for
conveyance of' property to the' authority' vlthout
consideration, providing (or cooperation vlth other
90vernmenul ~nlts, boards, Ind agenclU and
Individuals' providing for covenant' of the lute not to
. ilter or limit the rights and l1'veu ot. the authority,
providing for exemption of theiuthorlty froa tuatlon,
providing .for exemption of the authority 'frolll certain
regulations, providing for deposit of, JlOney received,
providing (or sale of surplUS property, provldl"9 for
'lIberal construction and severability, providing an
effective date. . .-
-- .~....
E;e It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florldu
Short title.--Thls act ~ay be kn~wn and cited as the
and North Orange County Wastevater Transmission
section 1.
South Sellllnole
l.uthori ty Act.
Section 2. Intent and pur'I:lose.--tt II hereby declared to be the
Intent of the Le91slaturethat the best interesU of the public
health', safety, and welfare vlthln the boundarlis of the South
~f!IIllnole and North orange County wastewater Tranlllhsion Authority,
~erelnafter created, necessitate the for~atlon of a.separate local
agency of the government vlth povers designed to meet the particular
needs of said area In relationship to transmission,of vaatevater to
the ~eqlonal Sevage Treat.ent 'P1ant. The vastewater Is to be
received from the retail collection syste~s owned and ~perated by the
municipalitieS, counties .and others and' tranlported by the authority
through Its facilities to the Regional Sevage Treat~ent plant which
Is to be owned and operated t:'Y ot.hers. . It II the intent that the
~uthorlty created herein be limited In It I poverl, responsibilities,
facilities and Icope of operation and ~.Intenanc.'~ctlvlties In order
to . avoid. duplication ~f operating and lllintenance. persol\l\~l,
equlplllent, and hclll ties with' those existing of the' repres,ented
sponsoring governllents. It is further th' Intent of the Legislature
that needs he .~et in such D vay as to eause ~lnl~u. damage to the
area'~ resource. and environment .nd'pr.ven~ additional environmental
probleml fro~ being' created, a~ vell as providing solutions t:
nlstlnCJ probl..,s.. MnllllUIll use of exletlng syltelllS sh.ll be iliad t
vhenever feaSible', and consistent wStb the' purpolt. of this act. I
Is also the' Intent of, the Legls)ature tba~ current and long ran3:
planning ahall be c:afrled out so'. th.lI~ required lervices are ~ e
available at the lovest pOssible cost as the Ch~racterlstics of t~e
area cha~. In ordu to carry out .the Intent expressed herein t
\ 348
tJW .~.utborlty Ibl11 nave ",.- .~....- ,. -
'" ..aSntaln, operate, own or le... In the capacity of leasor or lessee a
" . "..uwaur tuna.halon systea except as otherwise proYlded In this
_ ~.~ Ict and. to grant luch additional rights and powers as ber.lnalter
.~onferred. .
.' ~ .": , .'
.' .. Sect.lon 3. Boundarles.--There is hereby created! and .stablish d
"t', political lubdlvhion of t.he ltate to be \no"" a. the South 5eal:ol:
...,.~ North, Orang' County Wastevater nal\$alaslon Auth' it
~t ,.relnatt.er referred to 'as the authority, which shan ellbrae:r a~d
_~',. Include portlone of the unIncorporated areas of OraftC). and S I 1
~,~ County, Florida, Ind portions of the incorporaUIt areas of th:a ~~t e
}r~ of Maitland, the. City of WInter Park, the City of Casselber ~
-i;.r.'th. city of winter Springs, Florida, as follovs: . ry, an
~. .
.t~-..... 8egln at the SW corner of the Sf: 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of' SectS 12
'C'f '.!-'!ovnlhlp 22 South, Range 29 East, ru~ thence East 3/4 IIlle to t~: SE
: . 'corner of said Section 121 also being the SW c:orner of Section 1
;J fovnshlp 22 South, Range 30 tast, thence East 982..1 feet alon th;
~r,. South line of said Section 7 to a point. 129 feet East of ~h W
'~~..com.r of Lot. 44, Block 35 of Beverly Shores as recorded In Plat: N k
':: 0, page 44 of the pubHc Records of orange County. F'lorlda the 00
:.' 80uth 158.66 feet to a point on the North llne of NottlnghalD'. nee
. ( . f 43 f ^venue
,;:.:-: 129 het East of the SE corner 0 Lot 0 hid Block 3Sr thence
:~:,soutblalt.r1Y along the tast line of Nottln9ham Avenue 238 feet more
:,'l:~r leas to the centerline of the abandoned Seaboard CoastUne
,.': .:loRaUroadr thence NortheasterlY alon9 said cenurHne 265.5 reet to
'1~;;tb. tut line of the NW 1/4 of the N\of 1/4 of Sec:tion 18, Townshl 22
.;;,:,~, South, Range 30 tilt, thence South, to the SW corner of the NE 1/l (
";~: tbe NW 1/4 of said Sect Ion 18, thence East 1/4 11\11e- to the SE 0
':;~ of the NE l/~ of ,the NW 1/4 of said Section 18, thence South l/:o~~~~
'.~?;. t'o the SW corner of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 18
.:-: thence Eeat along the South line of said SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 t ;
~t' point 435.7 feet west of the SE corner of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/: 0:
-:'&. aald Section 18, thence Southvesterly to the SW eorner of Lot 8
~'1. 8lock C of the. Ripples as recorded in Plat Book S, PaCJe 26 of th'
;~,:;' "ubllc Recordl of orange County,. Florida J conti nue thenc:
~..l'. Southvesterly 289 feet 110ft or less to the mouth of -Spring Br h-
.~... t L k h 5 h 1 1 Id .S . . anc
:~~:: a a e Suer t ence out .aster Y : ~n9 sa pr1ng 8ranch- 566 feet
:'.~, to the center of a .concrete y In the center of said .S r I
;~.: Iranch-,'thenceN 76036't 88 feet, thence 5.860)0'E 693.86 feet ~o n~
tr.~ poln. t on the East 'rlght of vay Une of winter Park Road. thence North'
.; ~'Ilong aald right of vay Un. 581.3 feet I\lOre or less to' a point 20
.:;. t' re,t South of the NW corner of 810ck F of parkhndo No. 2 as recorded
_.~. In plat Book N, Page 45 of the Public Records of Orange County
: .... rlorlda, thence East 632 feet IItOU or less to a point on the '
~ Une of .aldBlock r, thence North 20 feet to the NE corner of ;:~~
~~I'lock Fr thence North 329.5 feet to the NE corner of the SE 1/4 of
~.t~"ctlon 18, Tovnlhlp 22 South, ~ange 30 East, thence H 890 09' 40. E
~310 feet to . point 54.78 feet East of the SW Corner of Lot 15 Block
~~~,~, of ouaSI Hollow as recorded In Plat Book.). Pagel 53 'S4 of the
'~1:. 'ubllcRecorda of Orange County, Florida, thenee S 49040' 25- t 124 86
::~~f.et to the South corner of said Lot 15, thence N 16043' E 86.2 fe;t
',~ thence S 89009'40. W 0.3 (eet, thence N 0055'49- E 175 feet to the S~
':...:. eornu of Lot 12 of II id Block 0; thence N 89009' CO. E 230 fee t to
:~~the, SE corner of Lot 11 of said Block 0, thence South 115 Ceet to
l.~t.h. SW corner of E 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 11
~.~ownah,lp 22 South. Range 30 Eastr thence East 1/8 lIile to the sf:
. .Oorn'r of the SW 1/4 of the )lW 1/4. of said Section 17, thence )I thO
.\' .1293.16 'feet 'IIOre or lellS to a point 30 feet South of the NE co~~er
~If..~f the SW 1/4 of U1' NW l/C of said Seetion 11r thence East 1/2 aile
: '4' .
\.o.lJI"r..",n .v-.....
.; . \~") .
..to a PoInt 30 feet South of the ME cornu .of the SM 1/4 of the N'I 1/4
~of .ald section 17, thence North 30 feet to ..Id ~I corner, thene.
East 1/4 aile to the 51 corner of the HE 1/4 of the ME 1/4 of aald
Section 1'7, 'aho being the SW corner of the IfM 1/4.of th."M 1/4 of
section 16,. TownShip 22. South, Range 30 E..t, thence la.t 96.feet
1II0r. or lea. to the w.st right of vay Une of L.hMnt' ,Avenue,' also
known .. the Orlando-Winter Park Road, thence Southerly along said
right' of vay line 1/4,IIU, 1Il0U or hn to a point 30' f.et North and
30 feet wut of the SM corner of the NW 1/4 of Seetion .16, Township
22 South, Range 30 Ea.t, thenCe East 3~ flit, thence South 30 feet to
said SW corner, thence East 3/16 aile aore or 1... to'the SE corner
of ~ot 2 of Mac CallUM's Subdivision as recor4ed In,Plat Book A, Page
98 of the Pui)llc Recorda of OUnge county, 'lorld., thence North 1/4
mile to the Inter.ectlon of the Northerly Ixtenllon of the ~a.t line
of said Lot 2 '11th the South, line of the Infl/4 of the NW 1/4 of said
Section 16, thence last 15 .feet more or leu to the 51 corner of the
W 1/2 of the st 1/4 of the IfW f/4 of the NM 1/4 of..ald Section 16,
thence North 1/8 aUe to the NE corner of tile M 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of
the NW 1/4 of the, NW 1/4 of saId Section 16, thence Melt.960 feet
more or Ie.. to . point 30 feet East of thl SW corner of the NW 1/4
of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Slctlon 16, 'alio.~tlngon the
East right of yay line of . Lakelllont ~~J!nut' thenei Nort~ 1/161111.
along saicS rlC)ht of yay line to . poInt ]0 feet IllOre Of less East of
th~ SW co~ne r of the N 1/2 of the NM 1/4 of the HM 1/4 of the NW 1/4
of said Section 16, thence East. 630' feet IllOrt or' Ius to the SE
corner of the N 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of the HW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said
sect Ion 16, thence North 330 feet 1I0re. of Ie.. to the NE co rner of
the NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of the ~W 1/4 of' said Section' 16, thence East
3/8 mile to the NE corner of the NN 1/4 of saId Section 16,. thence
South 346.1 feet IIIOteor leas to the SW corner of. the Ii 1/4 of the NW
1/4 . of the NE 1/4 of said Section 161 thence East 1/4 IIllle to the SE
corner of the N. 1/4 of the NM 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of' said Section 16,'
thence South 2336.85 feet 1l0U or Ius to the SM. 'corner of the E 1/2
of thl ~E 1/4 of sald Section 16, thence East 1/4 lIih to the St
corner of the HE 1/4 of Bald Section 16, ..id corner beIng the Wut
1/4 corner of Section 15, Tovrtshlp 22' South, Range 30 East, thence
tast to the hit 1/4 corner of said Section 15, sald point being the
West 1/4 corner of Section 14, Township 22 South, Ringe 30 East,
thence East 1/4 IIlle to the SE-corner of the West 1/2 of the NW 1/4
of said SectIon 14, thence South 1/8 mile to the .SW . corner of the
North 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of said Sectlon'14, thence East
to the SE corner of the North 1/2 of thl HE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of said
Section 14, .ald corner being on t.he cenurllne of state Road IS-A,
also knovn as Goldenrod Road, thence North along the centerline of
sa Id State. Road 15-1. to the 'NM corner of the SE 1/4 of sa I d Sect I~n
14, thence &n.t along the, North line of the SEl/4 of said Section
14, . dletance of 41 feet lIore or less to a point 2599.02 feet ~est
of the East 1/4 corner of 0 said Section 14, thence Southerly and
Eaaterly a10n9 the West and South lines of Ivanhoe Eatates Unit 3 a.
reco.rded .In plat Book 3, PaC)e 50 o( the Public 'ecords of Orang"
County, rlorlda, to the SE corner of Lot 12, Block G of said Ivanhoe 0
Estat's, Unit 3, thence E~st.rly and'Northerly along the South and
~ast lines of Ivanhoe Estates, Unit 2, al re~ord~d In Plat ~ook 3,
paq. 46 of the' Public Records of Oran9lCounty, Florida, to the NE
corner of Lot 43, Block 8. of IIld Ivanhoe tsUU., Unit 2: .the~C;e
Nprtherlyan4 Westerly along the tilt and North line. o.f' Ivanhoe
Estate., U~lt 1 .asrecorded In plat Book 2, Pege 129 of the publiC
Recorda of OU"ge County, rlorJd., to the Klf corner of Lot 1, Block ,.
of ',ald Ivanhoe Eatates UnIt 1, thence Wllterly along the North lint
of Ivanhoe tautell, Unit 4." as recorded In Plat Book 3, itaC)e 68 0
the Public ~ecord. of Oran" County, Florida, to the centerline 0'
'!J!'"'lld state Road 151, sald ctnterllne beIng me wea~ una ot tile HZ
I lie of s.ctlon 14., Town.hip 22 South, Ranfe 30 East, thence Northuly
:-. \ to' the North 1/4 corner of said Section 14, laid point belftg the
.~' louth 1/4 corner of SecUon 11, Tovnshlp 22 South, Ranfe 30 Eut,
I' ',thence Northerly .~ong the .Nut line of the SE 1/4 of .ald Section
',,11.1/8 .11e IIOrt or' leas to.the SW corner of th_.North 1/2 of the'SW
.. ,'.114 of the n 1/4 of aald section 111 thence !astedy .10ng the South
o~k Un.' to .tIl. U corner of the North' 1/2 of the S\If 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of
~~. .ald Section 111 thence Northerly ~10n9 the East Une of the liorth
:,~';1/2 ~f the SW 1/4 of the SE 114 of said Section 11, to the NE corner
;1ji of the North 1/2 of the SM 1/4 of th,e SE .1/4 of said Section 11, said
~;: point belftC) the southeast corner of Lot 29 of Laurel Springs
.~~ Subdivision aa recorded In plat Book 4, Page.16, Public Records of
~i'onftC)e County, 'Florida, thenee Northerly ~lonCJ the East line of'sald
(~.. Laurel springs to the Northeast corner of Lot 17, Laurel Spr lngs,
~~~..Id corner belnC) on the North line of the SE 1/4 of said Section' 11,
~~ thence Nesterly aloftC) the North line of sald Laurel Springs to the
o~: Clnterllne of sute Road 15-1., said point being the NM. corner o! the
o~: U 1/4 of SectIon 111 thence Northerly alonC) the centerline of sald
1t~ 8ta~e Roael 15-A to the point of Intersection with the centerline of
:,'''2' r10rlda Technological University (F.T.U.) Boulevard, thence Easterly
;'r 110ng the centerline. of said F.T.U. Boulevard to the point of
;~ Interaectlon with the East line of the SE 1/4 of Section 1, Tovnshlp
:,~~:; 22 . South, Range 30 East, thence North alonCJ the East line of tt;e SE
:~.~: 1/4 to the East, 1/4 <<:orner of ~a Id Section ,1, thence North alon9 the
~.I..t Une of the Northent 1/4 to the NE corner of said Section 1,
;.;.. ..ld corner belnCJ on dividing Une betveen Orange and Sellllnole County
~~~and also being the SW corner of Section 31, TownShip 21 South ~aftCJe
";i:;' u tnt, thence East alonCJ the Selllnole CountY-OUnge County 11n~ to
.:~r{ Dlan Roach thence Northwesterly along the East ri9ht-of-vay line of
0':,: Dean Road to the Intersection of Dean Road and State Road 426. tt:ence
~-'1 1I0rthusterly along the East rlght-of-vay line of State Road 426 to
~, the East Une of the HE 1/4 of section 20, Tovnshlp 21 South !\a e
;;,r J1 East, thence Northerly alonCJ the East line of Sections 20 : 7 ~8
~~ and 5, all_said sections being in Township 21 South, RanC)e 31' Ea;t
.~o,to the Northeast .comer . of said section 5 said corner betnc) th;
~~,80utheast corner of sectlo.n 32, TovnshIp 20 South, Raft(je 31 East;
~;;_ thence Northerly along the East line of said Section 32 to the South
~~: .hore of La~e. Jessup, thence proceeding C)enerally Westerly and
,.:: 1I0rtherly llIeanderlnq alonC) said South shore of Lake Jessup to the
~~,Welt end of La~e'Je.sup at' the mouth of Soldiers Creek, belnCJ a point
:r,..... on the MOIU E. Levy Grant Une, thence generally Westerly alonC) the
~ .ald Mo... E. Levy Grant line to East right of vay line of State Road
o~.400 (being U.S. RIC)hway 17-92), thence C)enerally Southerly and
',oj;. ,W.ater1y along said East r1C)ht of way line of State Road 400 to the
~'Intersectlon of said East right of way line vi th the South r J;ht of
',\o~, WIY line of Sellllnola Boulevard, thence Westerly and Northerly along
;:i ..Id South right of WIY line of seminole Boulevard to the East right
:'o~ of yay line of state Road 427, thence southerly and Westerly alo"9
1:.~.uld Ent right of wlY Une of State Road 427 to the Intersection
R':' with the East r19ht of vay Une of the Seaboard CoasUlne Railroad;
~,;thence Southerly and westerly along the East rlC)ht of Yay line of
:,l!~."ld Seaboard CQuUlne Railroad rlC)ht of yay line to the Clunge
~:County-semlnole County llne, thence wuterly alonCJ the Orange County-
:$,e.lno1e County Hne to the East rlqht of vay'l1ne of Interstate "0.
j"'i 4, thence Southerly alonCJ the. East right of way line of said
.Jnt~r.tate No.4 to the Interaec~lon vlth a line defined as runnln9
,:,'htveen a point 991.11 feet North of the Southwest corner of the
.:.Iorthvut 1/4 of Section 35, TownshIp 21 South, Range 29 East and a
,~'~'POlnt 991.11 feet North of the Southeast corner of the Horth;ut 1/4
~!r .ald Section 35, thence East alon9 said line to the point 991.11
, ..
.~, "--:-
teet' North bf the soutlleast corner ..~f ~~. Korth...t 1/4 of said
.,' sectt'ctn 35, thIne. Elst on . 11'". parallel with tht South lIn. of
SectIon ~6, Township 21 South, Range 29 East, 662.00 feet. thence rUn
South to . poInt 662.00 feet Euto! th.. Southwelt. corner of aald
Section 36. thence East alon9 the South Une of ..Id Section 36 to .
point 1190.4 feet Weat of the East lIne of the Northwelt 1/4 of
section 1,' TownshIp 22 South, Ra"ge 29 tast, thence South, parallel
to said East line, 641 feet" then~. w.st., parallel to t.he Mort.h line
of saId sectlon~ 1, 234.1 feet more or le.s to a Point on the East
line 36.6 feet South of the N~rtheast corner of Lot 5, Block.. C of
Late Bell Terrace a~ recorded in Plat 'oo~ V, Pag' 13 of't.he'publlc
'Recordsof Orange County; Florid., thenee Southerly ~long the East.
lIne of aald Lake Bell Terrace. 2.3~42 felt to tho SB corner of Lot 3,
lHock D. 'thence Easterly 125.69 fut to the NE cornet of Lot 4 of
said Block 0, thence' Southerly .long the East line of Blocks 0, t,'
and F of said Lalte Bell Terrace ~51.6 fut to a poInt 1436 feet South
of the North 11ne of' said Seetlon i, thence East, parallel to said
North line 114.8 feet to a point 12.45 fu.t South of the North line
and 157.35 feet East of the West line of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of
said Section 1, thence Southerly to a point on the South right of way
line of Lee Road 122 feet East of the West Iln~ of the Southeast 1/4.
of the North",est 1/4 of sald ,Section ~, thence East along the South
right of vay line of" Lee Road to \tSr Intluection.vith the East rilJht
of vay line of Gay Road, thence South along said right of way lIne to
itslnteueetion with the North 11ne of Gay ~oad to .the East, thfnce
West 101.3 feet more or less to a point on the Northerly extension of
the West line of Bioc~ E of Kill.rney Shores as recorded'ln Plat Boo~
0, palJe 135 of the' public Records of orange County, Florida, run
thence South 793.9 feet ~ore or' less to the S~ corner of said Block
E, thence East, alon9 the South line of said KIllarney Shores to the
SE corner of Lot 8, Blod: C, the nee North .146.36 feet to the NE
corner of said Lot 8, thence west 60 (eet to ttte Eltst right of \lay
line of Robert Avenue, thence North along said rl9ht of , way and Its
extension to the North right of vay ~Ine of Gay Roa~, thence Easterly
along said Notth rIght of vay llne to' a point 100 feet West of. the
East lIne of Lot 3 of Lord's Sub4ivlsion as recorded in Pla~ Book P,
Page 89 of the Public Record~ of Orange County, Florida, thence North
SO feet, thence East 100 feet 1II0re or Ius to the Eest Une of said
Lot 3, at a point 50 feet North of the North right of way line of Gay .
ROlld, thence South along ,said Eut line. and the East 11ne of'
Klllarney Shores as recorded In Pl.t Book 0, pag. 1~5, of the public
Records of Orange County,' Florida to the NB corner of Lot 1, Block C
of .ald KUlarney Shores; thence West 245 feet lIor. or le.s to the NW
corner of Lot 2 of Block D of ..Id KIllarney. Shores, thence South
146~36 feet to the SW corner of said lot 2, thence East 245' feet more
or less to the SE corner of Lot )'of sald.Block C, thence South ,to
the SE corner of Lot 2, Block C of L.A. Chase's'Addltlon.as recorded
In Plat Book A, Page 13 of the. Public Records of Orange County,
Florid., thence ~eBt 100 feet, thence North 115~5 feet parallel to,
the' East line of Lots 1 and 2 of said Block C to'a point 105.5 feet
South of the North,llne of sild'Lot 1, thence West, 'paraUel to the
North line of said Block C to a point I1n the West Une of Lot. 7 of
said Block C, thence Southerly along the West line of said Lot 7 to
the NW corner of Lot 1 of E.8. "endsen'. 'Subdivl.lon as recorded In
Plat 'Book G, Page 143 of the Public Recorda of Orange county,
FlorIda, thence Southerly along'th~ We~t line of said E.8. "end~en fS
Subdivision to a point 25 feft South of the HW corner of Lot 5 0
said !.8. "endsen~. Subdivision also being the NW corner of that
portion of. KIllerney ~states as' recorded In Plat Book ~, paqi 11 of
the Public Rec9rds of Orange County, . Florida lying in, Section l~
Township 22 Soutll~ RlInge 29 E.s~. thence SoutherlY along the Wts
~':'lift'. of 'nld kUlutley, Eltne. ~o ~n. ~ou~n un. or .ald Section I,
, , ."thence Wtlt to the IN corner of, t.he HE 1/' of Sect.lon 12, Township 21
, .~ louth, Range 29. East, thence South 810"9 the "tat lIn. of said NE Ii..
, i" 1190 rut IIC)f' or lea. to the ME corner of Lot 3. Block C of
'.. tawndd., 3rd' Addition as recorded In plat Boolt L, 'age . 95 of the
..... 'public Records of Ora"ge Count.y, Florida, thence. ....t 157 feet. to the
'l"): !Of corner of .ald Lot 3, then,", South along th. w.at Un. of .ald
~i~f'II0Ck C 252 feet DOre or less to tht SW corner of Lot 7, thence Ea.t.
~' 140.3 fut to the SE corner of said Lot 7, th!nce South alo"9' the
~!, "eat' line of the HE 114 of Sectlbn 12, fo,,".h~p .22 South, Range 29
~~ la.t 325 feet. to the HE corner of the S 1/2 of Lot 4, Block F of .ald
~,Lawndale, 3rd AddltlC)n, thence West 140 fee~ to the NM corner of the
J;.: S 1/2 of said Lot 4, thence South 245 feet to the SW corner of Lot 7
~J of said Block r, thence East 140 feet to t.he S2 corner of Lot 9 of
:;.;. ..Id Block F,. thence south 25 feet to the JfW corner of the SE 1/4 of
~. Section 12, Township 22 Sout6, Range 29 Eaat, thence South 1/4 aile
h: to the SW corner of the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 12,
.~;' thence West 1/4 IIlle to the NW corner of the SE 1/4 of t.he SW 1/4 of
.":0:::, said Section 12, thence'South 1/4 IIllle to the P.O.B.
':.~:\" Section 4. Governing board.--
'.P'.~" (1) Selection of lIelllbers. The !=Ity of "altland, the City of
~, . cuse1berry, ~he city of Winter Springs, the City of Winter Park, 'and
T{; 6elll,,01e County shall be entitled to representation on' the governing
~~.board. tach governmental entity shall appoint one lIellber and one
'~~'~~'.ltern8te member, an.d the alternate lIlembe~ shall be authorized by
~; ;'. aach respective entity to act In all ~atters for tbe member durlftlJ
{J. ~ the 'absence of the member at any duly authorhed board lIeeting.
..~~, Appointees shall be qualified electors within the appoInting
:.~::~ governmental entity. "ellben of the board lIay be elected officials,
:~. ellployees of the respective entities, or citizens realdln9 within the
'.;:;., respective entitles, but shall not be a professional enqlneer,
;~~ attorney, or flacal advisor ,contracted to provide service to any of
'~;'': the entitles, whether or not the contract is for compensation and
.!!,t:~, vhether or not the contract Is written, and shall not be party to a
~~, contract to provide construction or maintenance ,for the authority,
,~:{ and shall not be an elllployee of or owner of any interest In a
::-.. privately owned sewer utility. The appolntlnq qovernlllental entitles
~~, aay remoye its appointed member or alternate mellber from office at
,,1+, Iny tllle wi thou~ state.ent of cause and may appoint a nev lIember for
~~,;the remainder of the term. "embers and alternate. lIembers lIay be
;~. reappointed to luccesslve ter~s. A member or alternate member not
'._,. reappointed at the expiration of a term shall continue to serve as a
.::;:: fUlly authorl~ed member or alternate melllber until reappointed,
,4(: relloved from office, or a successor IS lIppolnted.
':,r (2) Representation of board ~elllbers. In all matters cOlllnq
~~b'fo:e the board, the weIght of votes ~hal1 bet
~_' (a) The first 50 voteS shall be divided equally among board
~{~. .'lIbeu, plus
~f.:' (b) An additional 50 votes shail be ,divided allong board lIe.bera
;~ In the 'proportion that waatewater flow froD each governllental entity
:':~:~ bean to the total wastewater' flow frolll all governmental entities.
. ~low frolD any private utility which Is . direct cu.tomer of the
'.. :lIIthorlty shall not be'lncluded In determining allocation of voting.
.' .If a private utility is a customer of a governmental entity and the
:~~ ,overnllental entity Is responsIble for billing and collecting for
~ authorl ty servlees r.endered to the' private uUllty, the private
~~' 3S3
, '~I'~'
C!tAPTZIt ~8-fjl1
tAWS or rLUftlUA
"'....r I~" I e-tll-!
:ut'l1lt~i" wa.,tewatu flow .hUl be Ine~uc!ed fn deterlllnlng the
lJovern.entll entity" a~loeatlon of vote..
. .
(c) Walt~wat"r 'f~oY for deteulnlng "'Ight of yoUng ahall be the
quantity of vaatewater In ona' year ending Septe.bar 30. ~.
proportion. .o.'derlved ahall.deterelnt velghtof vo\lng from October
l,to September 30 of the following' year_
(c!) The flnt year of opeutlon shan beCJln ""en th.Oflrit flow.
of wastewater I_ transported to the regional sewage tr,abent.. plant
throulJh any part of the authority's sYltee and ~hall end on the
following Septea!)er 30. During the Hut year of operation, lhe
votes. tflat are apportioned by flow 'I\all be. divided II, follow81
1.. City of Winter sprl"g's...........~~.............~.~.....~ 0 Votee.
2. City of Casselbe~ry .....~.....................~...~.19 Yotes.
3. $~mlnol. County ....~..................~.......~..... , Vo~.~.
4. City of ..altland........'.....""........................ 8 Vot.es.
. 5. City of Winter Park .....~.....~.....................17 Yotee.
An entity with no flow of vaslev~ter In the ~uthorlty" eystem shall
have none of the votes proP9rtloned by flow but shall: ehare. equally
In' the . f1 nt fl fty .voles. Voting before the beqlnnlng of .the fI nt
year of operation shall be by one vote per entity. For determining
votes weighted by flow, flo'" collect~d by a local collection system
owned and operated by a governm,"tal entity shall be attributed. to
that entity vhether or not the va.tevatH flow odglnatell In or out
of the municipal or county boundaries of the entity.
(3) , Date of selection..! The dut board aridalt..ernate members
shall be appointed within 30 days afur this act ta!tes effect' Cor. a
term c~mminclng Oct~ber 1, 1978 and~termlnatlngl .
(a) For llIU1beu appointed by ~~mlno1e County, Septelnber 30', 1919,.
(b) For melnberl appointed byth, City of Casselberry, september
30, 1980.
a~polnted by .the City of 'Winter
Ie) Tor, ~e.b~rl
Septelllber 30, 1981.
(d) For .ember~ appointed by the City
of "altland, September 30,
(e) For ~~llIbers.appolnted by the City of Wln~er park, September.
30, 1982.'
J After thls Urat tum, tU1I1I of o[flce IIh~U be [our, years',
terll\l~atlnlJ on September 30.
(4) rllllng ;acanelel. If a ~..berof th, 'board II unable t:
serve for any reallon, the entity rtpresented shall, within 30. day
After notification of that Inability, appoln' a new llIemb.r:r
alternate .e",ber or both,' to aervt the rellalnlng tel'. of oHlc;
Said notl.L-lcatlon shaUbe 'addressed to the lI!ayor or. chairman of th
. (" '. .
.. ,
QlftrT"K 111-011
. ~~o UC c~vn&uft
CHAPTER 711-61
board of the tepu.tnt.d governllental entlty and Ihl11 be InlUahl
,~. by.
.~: (a) Absence fro. tVo'eoneecutlve 'duly authorhed lIeetlnqs of th,
~. board aa evidenced b~ IIllnutes of board lIeetlngs, or
~. (b) the melllber's dechlon of InaMBty to .erve.
~~,' (5) Selection of officers. TtI~ bOard ahall~e1ect I chalOlan and
;r.':. ylce chalrlllan fro. among: Its lIember, at It IS flrat meetings by
.~ ..jorlty yote, who shall serve until, the follo"lng Sephmber 30. 111.
~~ ehalraan and vice chalrllan for each succeeding year shall be
:~J .ll.llarly selected at the last ~eetlng of the board that precedes
-;.:,. Septellber 30. The chairman shall conduct and call lIeetlngs of the
..;\. board, the board shall direct action and poUcyof the authority
.\,,' director, and the chairman of, the board and Individual board membeu
'~:, and alternate members shIll have no. further participation In the
.~,;;. op.~atlon of the authority. In the absence or Inability of the
~, ctaalr.an to act, the vice chairman shall perforlll the duties of the
v chairman.
. (6) Records. All actions of the board shall be recorded In the
..:: .lnutes of Itll '.eetlngs. Mlnut.es shall be approved at each
:',,'>. lueeeedlng muting. Approved minutes shall be dlstrlbuted by mall
:~~:: within 7 day. after t.he meeting, at vhlch they are approved. to each
.1: board ~ember and to the mayor or. chairman of the represented
.~~. governmental entlt.les. 'Publlc access to meetings, minutes, and all
. '~. other records of the authority shall be as required by state and
~: federal regulation.
;~ .(7) The Initial meeting of the board shall be wlt.hln 90 days
't after this act ta~es effect, and the board shall meet not less thin
~,. once each calendar quarter thereafter. The board Ilay change the day,
,... thlle, location of any or all meetings or may call special meetIngs by
.ajorlty vote at a regular meeting. Special meetings not called at a
regullr lI,etlng Inay be called by the chairman, by the vice chairman
acting as chalrllan, or by mutual consent of any two board Ilembers by
'. glvlnq 72 hours' notice by regIstered mall to each lIlelllber and
. Ilternate lIellber, and with notification to lIedla as required by state
~: and federal regulation. The board ~ay cancel lIleetlngs but In no case
".,' shall there be fever than one meeting each quarter of the year. The
.~. board' shall deteralne Ita own rules of order for conduct of meetings
., uceptthat Robert's Rulee of Order, ReVised, shall apply for
plrllallentary .attere. All lIeetlngs shall be public to the extent
required by state and federal regulations.
'. T.
\ ,I
'-r..-' "
, ~
i! (81 OuoruM. A quoru_ eh.ll be neceslary for voting on any lIatter
';'~t before the board and shall consist of four lIe..bers. Regardless of
~~"total 'vot" no action lIlay be ta~en vlthout the votes of at least two
.~ ..lIbers. ~nI natter llI.y.be reviewed at eny re9ular or properly
~(called sp,c al lIeetlng vhen'a quoru~ II not present but no vote .ay
":'.l!'. be taken except when a quorum is present.
,~.. .
;;:.. (9) Requlrtd vote. lfo board llIeaber .,y Ufnln or abstain froe
~,; yotlng on any .atter properly before the bo.rd, except .s provided by
:~ statute concernln9. conflict of Int.reat, but .ay aove to table or
~~d.f.r action on a lIatter. If any board aember bellevea that voting
::'j; would be a conUlct ol Interest, such possible conflict shall be
~k Uplalned by that lIember to the board, and that uplanatlon shall be
'~,: ahown In the minutes of the meetln9. Deterlllnatlon of whether a
{:, matter I~ proper for consideration by the board Is defined by scope
~~ 'c~
CHArTEIl ,18-611
. LAWS or'rLUftl~ft
-..--- ..-.. ... ...'
;And ~"ers within this a~t and the.. Intent of tbt d~fJnJtlo.n Is'to
111l1t and not broade" the scope of acUvlty. Deter.lnaUon' of
propriety .ay be' voted, at the. request of any '.'lIber and luch
deter.lnatlon s"all talte precedence over .U other .attera b"~n the
board at, that tl... Voting ahall only be by ...bers or alternate
~e~ber. pr~sent at a properly authorl~ed lIeetlnt. rallure of a
qovetr\lltntal entity to berepruente~ at a properly authorhed board
meetln, shall not alone cons.tltute cause to recons.lder e. .atter.
elO) Compensation.. No' co..penutlon Ih~l1: bt, perllltted a boird.
lIlelllber, alternate Illelllber, the chalfll1an or "Ice chalrllan for being e
me.ber or for upenses of any nature froll funds of the author I ty or
(roll'_ny profesllonal,.servlc,; or construction contractor that ha.
business with the authority. A governmental entity represented by a
board member or alternate ~jmber illY pay lalarlee or .expenses of Its
melllber or alternate melllber as It.~ee.s Ipp~oprlate~ but Ilay not pay'
Any ~alary or expense of a member representing ,anotber entity. In
all matters concerning the authority, board ~e.bers or aiternlt.e
~embers shall be governed by state and fe~eral regulation .concernlng
conflict of Interest, Itlcltback, contributions, and gifts. Stat.
public financial cSisclosure regulations shall app~y.
, ~'
(11) IndellnlflcaUon. After appolntJllent 81 a board l!IelllbiH or
alternate member and before bell'l9 eligible to yote In Iny matte'f,
~ach lIIelllber and alternate Illelllb~fshall execute II. bond In the penal
~Ulll of $50,000, payable to t.heaut.ho,tlty' and conditioned upon the
Calthful performance of duties prescribed or Illplled herein, vhich
hond shall be. approved by the council Of c~lIImlsslon of the
governmental entity 'represented by the member or alternate lIIember.
The represented governmental entity shill pay the cost of the bond.
The represented governmental entity may provlcfe said ~ond by p1edqe
of Its own assets or Illay act as coguarantor [or a bonding COlllpany.
Rondlng companies sball be approved to d~ buslness'ln the state.
Section 5. Deflnltlons.--~s used In this act, ~hefollovlng vordS
and terms shall have tbe foiiovlng Jlleanlngs, unless the context
oth~rvlse requlresl
(1) . -~uthorlty" tIluna the South SemInole and North Orange County
wastevater Transaisalon ~uthorlty..
(2) -BoarcS. ~eans the melllbers of the governing body of the' South
Sellllnole and Nort.h Orange County wastevater Trlnslllls~lon ~uthorlty
~ppOlnted. to represent each governmental entity encompassed by this
act. ' .
(3) -Director- ~eans II person appointed by the board to aerve at
the pleasure of the board and to funetlon as Its chief executive
oUlcer. .
(e) -wastevater" lII..ns sevage or e~pu,nt. of any nat~re or
originating frolll any source," Includln'g ruldenthl "astes~ or
Industrlal "utea ruultlnq~' frolll any processes or' IndustrY'
manufactur., trade, or bU91~es',' or f~olll the development of any
natural resources. . . .
(~.) "cu~tOlltr. IIUnS any' 9ov,rnlDt"Ul entity or prlvste utility
which delivers vas~,vater'~o the' facilities of the' euth9rlty for
transmission. . .
. \" -...
s.ctlon ,~ PurPo.', and power..--Tht .u~horl~y created
, ..tablhhed by thta aet 1. bUlby Cjunted and shan' have an '
~. rlghte, pow.rs, and authority necess.ry, appurtenant, or Incldent,
~ to the cafrylng out of the purposes of t.hls act, Including tl
. following rlqhta and poveUI
~;.', . ' . . '
.il~. . (1) To .-ploy I director who 'shen ~ a person of UCOCJnht
.~t~ abIlity and ~xperlence to serve at,th.' pleaeure of the board, t
~~., contract for. legal counsel,' englneera, conSUltants, technlcl
,~" sxperts, and 8gents for any purpose of the. board Includll
~~ englneerlnq, architectural design, ..anage..nt, aewer plannlftCJ a
'j";,' other . studlte concerning the' design or faCilities, arid' t;
~. acquisition,' eon.tructIon, operation, "1ntenance re I tl .
l~~' consolidation, and flnanclnl)' of the trans.lsslon, s' ste. gu; ~;
authority, to deterlllne the qualifications and fix th~ cOllpe: atll
..'~ of such penons, flrllS, or corporations, and to dele9ate ,to 0:.
:(. aore of Its agents or ellployees any of Ita povers as It shall de.
..:, necessary to carry out the purposuof this act., subject alwa s
:~'=., the supervlllon and control of the board. Notvlthetandl~ t'
:~. provision herein at.ated, It shall be the reaponslblllty or9 t
~~ authority ~o utilize the aerv.ces of the staffs of partlclpatl
',~' aelllbers to the fullest extent practicable and to not employ p
~~: whose duties are essentially a duplication of the partlcl;~:~
,:i;;,.. lIelllbera' staHl.
1'" :
purchase, condelln
the provisions
to laprove, enlarg
regulate a seva
(3) To enter on any land, vaters, or pr..lsee located within t
.~::~ authority In order to carey out the purposes of this act'.
~. (4) To provide for all surveys and for the preparation of phI'!
.~' lpeclflcatlons, and estlllates In connection with the construction .
::<.:' a sewage tr .nsllII as Ion sy. teJll.
':'~.. (5) To enter into contracts and other InstruII.nts vlt.h
,~. i ,overnll.nt of tht United Stites, or any other departllent
:~: lubdlvlelon of the United states or the state of Florida, or with
~~? .unlclpallty or' private corporation, for or r I tl
]:;" transllll..ion of wastewater and for other · a ng to
, purposes necessa~y
~..;, proper to effectuate. this act.
r.t:'.. , '(6) To borrow aoney, to lesue ulcSencel of Indebtedness t
~r:. for and acc.pt grants and administer 9ranta and co.ply vithO ;~~
~~ conditions on ~half of the authority and It. sponsoring entities,
it.,: aalte donations or loane, to provide dcS for tbe plannll
~~~~ conetructlon or reconstruction, or financing of any syatelll and
~$ enter contracts, lease8, or other transactions with any ageneY of
.;~-.! United St.tel governllent, the atate, any agency of the sta
',~" Se.lnoh County, orange County, or any _unlelpallty or any ot.'
,~:';; public body of the'sute, and to accept 9unU or donations frOIl .
~. other source, of elthe~ ~ney, property, labor, or other things
: !: ..lu., to be held, uud, and applied only for the purposes {or vb
: lach grant. or donation. aay be lIade.
~tf( (7) To fh, alter, charge, estabUsh, set,
.; tate., hU, renUls, and other chugee
'.,.. faclUt1e!l furnished by the systell and
~" .'
. ",.
, ..
and colltct reasona
for the 's.rvlces
owned or ope ra ted bi
cnPTER. U-I17
\,nI\r IL" "'-ell
.... .
I,uuiority, .~d tor uUnq eon~.~tloni .n4.,,'" of ...., and to ."fore.
penalties' or other l~CJd .ea.u.t.. for, deUnqueney, Intbe. payaent is
heninafter. provided, w~lcb r,ttl, f..., rental., ."~ other charges
. shall alway. b. eufflclent to comply with any cov.nl~ts ~d. with the
holders of any bonds Issu.d pul'suant to thla act a"dwh"l~h . ~h...ll. be
just and .qui Uble and uniform for' the .lJa, chss of cu.tolllers and
consistent with applicable fede!al' requlr~ments for..alll'. .
(8)' To s.tve'. as. a wholesalestfvlc.' C1,Istoau .of the .ntity or
entlUn wblch operat, the Regional "Sewage ,Tnateent, Plant, to
rec.lve chargeD for such services, and to al~oclt. such.charg.s to
.the various participating entltl~..accordlng to the requirements of
this act and according to regulations adopted pun\1lnt hereto.
- '
(9) To' require. connection to theauthorJty'. tr"lnemlulon systelll
and to require all. vast.v.ter co.llectlon systells recdvihg or
collecting vuuvater. froll the'. ,public and op'ratlng facllltles
located vithln the al,lthorlty's bol..n~darlu to d!8charge. ~e.ir
collected .eva9' dlr~cUy ~r Indirectly Into the authorlty'e syahll
ror trans$leelon by the authority to the re910~al se"age treatlllent
plant. As for an exception, It. Is speclflc~lly noted that the
Facility plan, orlando tasterly'201 ptannlng Area, July, 1~77, does
not call for the connection of winter springs to the l!uthorlty's
!>ystem until winter Spr In9s East plant reaches In aVerage annu'al
dllily, flow of 1.00 "GD and Winter Springs weit pllnt reaches an'
Averag' annual 4ally flov of,O.75 "GD. As a further exception, it Is
duly noted that Se.lnole cou~~y currently dlleh~rgee no treated
vastevater to surface "aters and .hIS' a v~lld operation permit for the
Dth Road facl1Hy. Therefore, the. County ,,111 be required only to
pay Its portion of debt service. That portion of debt service. 'shall
be deterllllned by adding th~ flow ~r~ated at the Dike Road facility to
the system flo" to. deter~lne a base total, the flow' at the County
faclllty vlll then be dlvldedby the base .total and lftuHlpl1ed by the
annual eystell debt service to determine the County's portion of debt
service. The County'e portlon.of debt service viII b,pald 'In tvelve
(12) monthly p&yaents, this method of paynent shall', continue untlJ
'the Dik~ Road facility exceeds ,an. average annual dally flo" o~ 1.00
".G.D. at vhlch time the County ,,111 connect; to the system and Ita
rlltes vl1l becollle .those In effect tor the Authority 'and further
outlined In related sections of this Act. . .
(10) To contractvlth any lIunt~lpallty, county, or other
governmental entity to provide the service of transllls~l~n of
weste"ater through the authorlty'ssystelll.' TtIe authority may also
contract'vlth'any private utility which has a valld certificate'
Iss~ed by the Florida PUblic Service Commission, which certificate Is
In existence on the date thIs act takes effect.f provided, hovever,
the private utlllty shall 'flrst attelllpt to"nego~1ate a sponsorship
aqreement '11th the governaental entity ,In vhOBe territory the
major~ty of the private utility'. syetem 1. located.
(11) To contract wltb the represented participating governlllent.
or other entity cUltOmers or ~Ith a private contractor or contractors
[or opeutlon and JilalntenaJ:\ce of luthor! ty-owned Hft Itattons, foree
mains, and other faclllt~es according to the follo"lng guidelines.
(I) All 11ft .tatlons s.rYlng only on. entity 'Ihlll b. operated.
and ulntalntrd by that entity at Its 0,," experuse~ In accordanc.e wl.th
standards prollulgated by th, authority, except,that ..jor'repal~a or
r~pl.ct~ents costing $l,50Q or ~re ahallbl 'contracted by the'
authority At It. upense. ..' . .
-.. --- -- ... -. - ..
.'~ , (b; Th, authority .haU eontract the opu..Uon Ind ..Intenance c.
" " ~lft station.' serving .on than one ,entity. The operation II.
~ .alnt.nance COlt. shall be allocated unlfor.ly to users of the Ilf
, station based on flov, except' that lIajor' repairs or replacelftent
. coating $1,500. or' lIOn ehall be c:ontrac~ed by the authorJty at It
..pense. Tb. contract for operation. and aalntenance shall be vith
In.order of'p~eferenc.&
, -l
*-'1..; .-
.~.. .
'~;; .
, I:'
~.:.t; t
1. The' entity, If any, which owned the 11ft station prIor t,
I_plellentatlon of the authority's system.
. .2. . An e.lstlng govern.ental entity, or
3. . A private contr.ctor.
(c) The authority shall contract the operation and lIlalntenance 0
Its syste~ of force mains and appurtenant facilities to one or ~r
of the .represented participating governmental entities or to
private contractor.
(12) to seek Injunctive relief In . court of co.peten
jurladlctlon, rule or regulation adopted PUrsuant to the pover
granted by this act, without the necessity of showing a publl
nuisance In such legal proceeding"
,t, ,
~.. .
(13) To require the ,pre~rutJllent of Industrial v'astes when th
lall. ar. not ~_.nable to. treatlllent with nO(lIal dOlllestlc se"age befor
accepting Industrial waste for transllllsslon, and to refuse to accep
Industrial vutes when not sufficlently pretreated to standards a
set by the board or state or federal regulatory authorities, or owne
of the Regional Treat~ent Plant. .
~I ~
.... ..(14) To construct, Install, erect. acquire and to operate
'.~,~. .alntain, hlprove, extend, or enlarge,' and reconstruct a sevag
'.' transportation syetem or systems vlthln the boundaries of th
,..),: authority, and to have the exclusive control and jurlsdict:Jo
thereof, to pay all or part of the cost of such construction
~, reconstruction, erectlon~ acquisition, or Installation of such sevaq
'i: transportation system and additions, extenSions, and Improvement
:i~;:, thereto as other"lae provided In this act. The authority sha1
\, conetruet and own the system of force mains and 11ft stations sho~
~.; on pagel VIII 0-47 through 60 of volullle III, Technical Appendix c
:;,~'~:: p~:j~~~t~12:~;;022~r1;:~~ :;:~:~IY I:O\:~:~~~~~e~re:~o~~lY;s 19~:
!t,~ Northerly' 'Interceptor Systelll, the connecting points for vhlch II
'~; Itelfthed In Table 3-1, Page VIII 0-10 of the facUlty plan. Rovevel
~~ a. final design progresses for each Incre~ent of construction l
~< ~~:ng~:s~;n:~:~ec~~;~e~~~::1 :~: d:~me~h:d;~::~~:e~ra~h:n~~~~~~ t~: :
....,' repreeented on the board, aald changes shall be a 110ved Tt
:~. authority ahall acquire those'elements of the Northerly Inte;ceptc
~- Systelll currentlr owned by the units of local government vhlch are ,
;~ be utilized by the authorltlee. If Bald acquisition Is by purchasl
:~. the unlt.e of loeal governllent shall sell these elelllents to tt
~: author I ty for an alllount equal to the portion ullllnlng at .the t:J~e I
~. Icqulsition of. the o,utsta"dlng debt attributed to these racllltlel
, lowever, In no ca.e ,shall the acquisition alllount: nceed the portll
~~' of the outltandlng debt attributed to these facilities reallnlng .
\!f': o~ January 1,.1978. TtI. authority lIIay eatabIhh the IIInhlum level ·
!,Jt,'.' plrticlpatlon In nllonable costs of acquisition of facllltles n.
~' o"ned by a local government as of January 1, 1918 and vhlch are
~.. .
b.~o..: at pirt of t.h. IIorth.rly lnterc.ptor SYIU.. n .. IIV", ..nw
,dnten(.' of this action to vlo1a.te ..taUnt bond co..nanU, t.Ilereton,
. whet. additional ~ney. of action. a~' requlre4., the authority and
the ..ller' shall, cooperate fully to Insur' that. the transaction I,
co~pleted at .Inl.at additional. costl. Ref.renc. I. .ad. ~o
subseetlon (II) for speclflc.llaltatlons and guidelines on the
operatlon,and ~alnt.nance of the authorlty.s eyate., to 8ubs.etlon
(7) for specUle lllllltatlons ,nd' gu.ldellnu for the ,llpanlllon of the
authority's syste., and to subsictlon (19) for' aSlIuMptlon ..or
retlre~ent of Indebtedness.
(IS), To acquire. pUrchase, hold; l.all' 'as lessee. and use .ny
franchise; property, real, per~onll, or 1II11.d, t.n~lble: or
I ntanCJIb1e, or any .Interest th.reln necelll~ry for carrylnCJ out the
purposes of the authority ex~ePt as prohlbl:e~ herein.
(16) To provide wholesale wastewater tran~llllon servlc. vlthln
the authority'. boundaries. How~ver~ the authority. I.. IIpeelflea1ly
prohibited from owning or operating facllltl.. or .In any other way
provldlnCJ retaU sevage collection service directly to homeowners or
other retail customers, or providing lewage treatlllent or effluent
dltlpoul servlcn, or any other service other than . vho1ua1e
vastewater trans~lsslon servl~e. ~'
(17) To develop plans t~ provide vastevater transmilslon ser*i~e
to present an~ future population centers vltbln the authority'.
boundaries In a timely I118nner and to coordinate Hs planning and
program. vith those of the appropriate lIlunlclpal, ~ounty, st8~e, and
(eder.l .CJencl... Before the authorlty'l Interceptor sy.telll shall be.
expanded beyond the scope of facUlties defined as ttle Nor~herly
Interceptor system, the facility pl~n shall be a.ended to Include the
proposed expansion In accordan.ce vith applicabl~ [ederal and state
hvs and regulations. The amended facUlty plan Ihall be approved by
the authority, said approval shall require th, affirlllative vote of a
IIdnimulll of three members of the .Board. The local ~hare of the costs
of s.ld expansions beyond th~ scope of facllllles shown _~8 the
Northerly Interceptor System'shall be paid by the entity or e~tlties
to be served by the expansion, unless the'authorlty board unanl~ouslY
lIpprovedalloc.tlnq said. costs uniformly to all users of the
authority's systelll.
(18) To contract for necessary laboratory services with the owner
of the regional plant or .other governmental or private entity. . The:
authority shall specifically no~ const!uct, own or operate, or rent.
or lease laboratories.
(19) To .uullle 'or retire the cUrrent Indebtedness of any Iystem
or systems for which the authority assumes responiibility.
(20) To IsIU, nvenue ~o"ds for the purpon of this act, in the
manner hereinafter provided. .
(21) To p1edg~, or encumber all or any' part of the revenues,
ratu, fees, rentals, or other charges or recelpti of ' the' authoritY
as securl~y for 011 or any of the obllg.tlons,o( this authority.
(22) To suea"d b~ sued, llllplead and be lapleaded,coJllplal" an.d
defend In .11 courtil. . .
(23) To'pledge to the punctual -pa~ent of bonds pursuant. to thl~
act, and inter~st thereon, an amount of the 'reven~e derived frolll the.
. ,
ff"l::i~dl~;- paitt thereof tIler.tofon acquuea VI" ~n.uucua D'f 8810
.~~~ authority, InclucUnC) llten.lons and Improve.ents thereof thereafter
. ~, constructed 'or .cqulred, sufficient to P'Y .ald bonda and the
.' r .Interut thereon as the s.lIle shall ~colle due, and to create and
: ~ .alntaln rea.on.ble're..rv.. therefor, and .In addition. to pledg. any
.~ 'special allSeullenU levied as provld.d herein. Such a.ount.llay
~., consist of all or any part of such revenues. .
.~~ ~ (24) To uit, In connection vith the eoru'hucUon, acqulsitfon,
:'~i laprovelllent. operation. or maintenance of Buch vastewater
~~.'tran8els.lon .ystea, . any right-of-vay, easement, lands under vater,
r~ or oth.r' sl.Uar property rights, necessary, convenient, or
"",~': desirable, held by the state or any polltlcal lubdlvlslon wid:
'~~: consents to such use, whenever necessary to carry out the purposes of
!.;..,'. this act and vben. In reasonable confor.! ty with the Intent of local
~:~, Ugulatlons.
~;;" (25) TO' prescribe and promulgate necessary rule. and recJuhtlons
~:. consistent with the provl81ons of thIs act,. tv re~ulate the use of
::i' the translllsslon syste., and to set standards and specifications for
.~~. physical facilities and their operation and .~intenan~~.
~, Section 7. luuance of lIevenue 80nds.--
~~ (1) Scope.. To pay all or part of, the coat of the acquisition,
~~~ construction, el~enslon, or improvement of sewage transportation
.r.~ systems, the purch~se froa gov~rnlllental entitles of existing sewage
~~ transportation facllltlel. and any and all other Improvelllents vhlc~
.~, .ay be authorized or per.ltted by this act (hereinafter collectively
,~.. called .projects-), the authority is authorized to Issue, from tillle
., to tiee, revenue bonds (hereinafter called -bonds.). in amount!
,'::' aufflclent for such purposes. The bonds may be In coupon or full)
.:~: registered for!l', in such de"ollllnatlon or dena.lnatlons, bear internl
f,. It such a rate or rat,s not'exceedlng that rate per annum allowabl.
. ':.' by general lav, and lIature at such tlllle or times, not exceeding Cl
',::.~' years froll their d.te or datu, as may be deter.lned by the board,
. The bonds may be made redeemable before maturity, at the option 01
~' the board, a~ !luch price or prices and under such terms anI
;j .condltlons al lIay be filled by the board prior to their Issuance. Thl
~;~ board ah.n deterlllne the place or places of pay.ef)t of the princlpa,
:.;"" of' a"d Interest on the bonds which may be at any bank or trus
..~:;.. COMpany within or outside the atate. The bonds ~hall be signed b
"::.' the lIanual or facs.I.Ue slCJnaturea of the c:hal r.an and the secretar
.,~,. of the board, provided, "owever, that the bonda .shall bear thereo
~J.~ the unual elgnature of one of such officers. The coupons attache
.Ii to- the bondI, if any.' shall bear the facsi.lle signature 0
;~.' .Ignatures of .uch officer or officer. as shall be designated by th
~~ board. Ths bonds shall h.ve the leal of the board affixed
" ,t.ptlnted, reproduced, or lithographed thereon, and the coupons, I
',.!-!".'.ny,...y have printed thereon ~(Seal)-, all IS Illay be prescribed I
'~~, the resolution or res~lutionl authorizing the issuance thereof. Th
i..;': bonds shall be lold at publiC sale. In the event an offer of ·
'l'tt. h.ue of bOnds at public sale produces no bid, or In the event .1
.~, bids r~celv.d'ar. rejected, the a~thorlty Is authorized to I\egotlat
~':.t~., for the slle of such bonds under luch rate. and terlls as II
::~.. Icceptable. provided that no such bonds shall' beaole! or delivered ·
. :iW" hrll. le" favorable than the teUIS contained In Iny bids rejected I
. :~( tb, public aale thereof, .or the terllls contained In the notlce ·
:~ publl~ sale If no bldl vere received at such pu~llc sale.
.~~ 361
,.u.y- ."11 'a-.~ _:".-. .
J I · (2J.:tm~~41'n~>: :bo'nd~. ' '~~b;tet. 'to 'tlit ll~itltloft" co~taln.d h\
< ~ull..ct.~(U,:, the board ..y luue bctnd. (huelnlfter elUtd
.nfundJn,~b!~'.L to . refund .ny bo"~' h.ued punuant to this act
Ilnd prolFI41for ~h"_ rl9ht. of the holdeu the,eof. '11:", ,refundlft,9
bond. ..;;1 bi;. I..u~d I., an ..ount .ufflclent to paYI
. .:;.~~~~.,;.:.::.... - . ..
(a) ..,~ifpifri~lpa1 ,of th., outst.ndlng ~nd.,
'..:'.~r.;/..'..;...:' . - '. .. '. . . . . .
(b) ~~'Th.' tnter..t due a~d payabl. on the outstanding bond. to and
inc1udlni:ihe Ur.t date upon, which the outltandl", bonds .haH, be
callabl.:;.iprloc.;, to, uturlty or the dates upon which the prln~lpal,
thereof .hall' ..ture, .
.~.' . .
(ef' ~-h'i' r.de~ptton prelllu"" If any, and,
(d) A~i expen..s of the lasuance and sale 'of the refunding bonds.,
(3) ,Security. 'The principal of and Interelt on the bonds.ha~l
be payable .olely. fro. the rate., feu, chargu, and other revenues
derived by the authority fro. the. operation o~ the projects.and lIay
be. additionally payable ho. .the principal of or Intere.t on any
Invest.enU of' .uch revenues. Th. 'Wlndpal of .nd Interut on the
refundln9 bonds shall be payable lolely fro. luch revenues or any
other funds of the authority leqa~ly av.llable therefor.
(.c), Megotlable Inltrulllents. The bond. and the refunding bonds
shall aho be ind they are hereby constJtuted negot.able In.trullents
(or the purpo'" of and under the laws .of ~he statl. '
(5) R"eferendulI. No ref~r,ndulll or election olquallfied voters
shall be required for the eurclse of a.ny of the, Jlrovlalonsof thh
act unless such referendulll shall be required by law.
(6) Co.t of project. The cost. of the acquisition and
construction of the projects shall be deellled to InclUde, but not be
ll111lted t.o, the cost of acqulsfUon of rul prope.rty and Interes~s .In
real property, leqal, enqlneer~nq, fiscal, and archltectura~ fees and
fees of all other esperts' or consult.antl, 'enqlneerlnq or
IIrchltectuul Itudle., surveys, phn" and deslqns, the
capltalliatlon of Intere.t for a reason.blt period aft~r Issuanee of
the bond., the.establlshlllent'of reasonable reserve. for.debt service,
all 'expenselI of the IIsuance, authorluUon, ind sele of the bonds
IInd proceedlnq. neee.sery or appropriate In connectl9n therewith, and
such other expenses... are necessary, Incidental, or appurtenant to
t.he purpose' authorhed h.reunde~, InCluding the r,llIbursellent of the
hoard for any expenditure for any project authorized hereby which
shall h.ve been mad. by the board prior, to the .Issu.nce of the bonds
h.reln authorized. .
section 8. charges.--The authority shall develop a syste. of
charqe. which sh.ll provide sufflelent revenU'S to recover ,debt
~ervlce. pay~ent., operation and ~alnt.en.nce' eOlts, renewal and
replaeellent fund requl tellenU, and such other coStl. nee.... ry .for the
proper and efficient operation of the. authority In carrying out the
Int.ent of this act. To the extent practical, the c"argell .hap be
bIlled t.o the custo.er .of the .uthorlty on the basis of . eost per
unit. yolulle of I.w.g_ received by t~e authority. All. char,es shal~
be consistent with applicable' 10c.l, st.te, .nd fed~r~l law' an
regulations and with any bond' covenants that lIIay be In effect froe
Ullle to thlle. .
t., ,. '. .
, ~', ,SectIon 9. euato.'rI to .d~pt .~".r. ..nlee chlrg...-!.cb
',J eu.tollu Ihln .dopt .nd ,uineS appropriate sever Itnlce .yete.. or
~" other ...ni of obtaining funds - . within ,tbl. ar.. of 'ud.dlctlo"
...".ccordlft9 ,to .ppIlcabIe local. state" and feder.l law. ancl
:. regulaUon., to provide sufficient periodic payaent- to authority for
~, " ch.rgu levied by the .utho~lty. .',. .. . .
l ~.,.. .. . . . '..
<;.-$. seetion 10. . ptnaltt.. for .nonpa)'llent.--The authority .hlU bill
:~~~ ..ch cuato..r' for services on a aonthty baels In accordance with the
..-, Ihndardbll1lng procedure of the aut.horlty. . Each cuatoller shan pay
~ .uehbllUngavlthln 30 daye of the date the IIGhthly bUll. .aned.
~C;. If . culto.er doei, not. pay within the 30-day period, the custolllr
.!f ,ball pay an additional late char,e . as, dee.ed appropriate by the
'. ~: board~ If a billing or a portion of a blllln9 Is outstandIng for a
~~ period of aore than ,60 days fro. the date of . the original billing.
,~, ~he CUst.Oller shall be considered 'In default and the authority. In
:;'4: addition to all other rights and relledle., lIay., by suit, action,
~,..ndallus, or luch other proceecllngs at law o~ In,equlty. enforce or
'~I' co.pel the customer and any'of the officers"agent., or ellployees of
.~' '. the custoller to perfor. and carry out, their duties and obligations
;i uncler this act and other. applicable law.
',: t .
\. Section 11. Contracts for const.ructlon or IlIprovellent.s, sealed
.:....... blds.-Al1 contracts let, . awarded, or entered into by the authority
:i!{.. for the construction, reconstruction, acquisition, or Improvelllent of
~~ a sever system or .ny part thereof, If the amount thereof shall
~~' eKceed $5,000, shall be avarded only after public advertisement and
{:t;: call for sealed bid. therefot', in a newspaper published In the county
'J. circulating In the service area of the aut.hority or. If t.here be no
~~" luch newspaper, then In a. n."spaper published In the sute and
..:" circulating. In the service area, such advertlselllent to be publIshed
;'. .t least once nO less than 21 days before the date sel for the
'~~; recelpt of such bid.. ~uch advertlsellenU hfor bidS, In addition t.o
},,., the other necessary and pertinent lIatters, s all state In genenl
terml the nature and description of the Improvement and I.prove_ent,
';:.'. to be undertaken and .hall state that detaUed plans and
"~.!, .peclflcatlons for such vork are on file for Inspection In t.he office
~.: of the authority and copies thereof shall be furnished to any
.:~:.'~ _nterested par:ty upon payment o~ reasonable c:harges to rel.burse the
~. authority for Its expenses in providing such copies. The avard shall
,~" be lIade to the responsIble and cOllpetent bidder or bidders who shall
~", offer to underUIte the hlprove.ents at the lowest cost to the
::~;.:, 'l,It~orlty and. luch bidder or bidders shall be required to file bond
,;' for the full and fal thful performance of luch work In such allount IS
:..',' the authority board shall de~erlllne. < In all other respects the
~~: letting of such construction contracts shall cOllply wIth appllclbl~
,'!;.:.. provisions of general law relating to the lettering of public
,~~ contracts. Hothlng In thl. .ectlon shall be deeaed to prevent the
~:~ lutborlty frol hiring or retaining such consulting engineers,
:::;.: IUorneys, [.Jnanclaluperts, or other technicians as It shall dee.
;~~ necessary; or froll undertaking any construction work with It. own
:!i~ rnources, without any such public adve~tlselllent, except as required
:~'.. by law.>provlded. however.. If an emergency nlst. " defined henln,
~; ~ bldl Ihan no't be required. Prov Ided. the authority board shall
. ::i plac. on publlc .record the clrculllstan~e. creating the ellltrgency.'
: ;. .~trgency. eeanl any circumstance creating an 1..lnent peril of the
. . ,10., of Ilf. or property or endangering public health, ..fety, and
, ..'. 91neral welfare, Including financial welfan, of the authority.
....J!. .
J _..
:.~:; Section 12. Free wastewater tranlunfsslon lervices prohlblted.--
17~ thuc)es shall be' fixed and collected froll any county, sch:lol
,---\ ,'..:, 363
\,~ . ~~i;
C.....P'tER 78-617
"'^":J uc r ...,,"&.,...
-..... . -.... . - ..-.
., .. _. . ..
,,~I~t~J:t, or o~h.r polltteal. lubdi,t.ron ullnt tht .er,lc., .nd.
facllltle. of ~he authority'. tr.ns.lsslon syste..s are fl.ed and
eoll.~ted fro- other users of luch facllltlu .In the .'lIle class. No
free .ervlce sh.ll be rendered by the authorlty'and no dl.crl.ln.tlon
shall exist In.the charges'for users of the .allle cl....
. Section 13. .Convey.nce of property without eonelderatlon.--Any
m~nlclp.llty or political subdivision II authori&ed to .sel1, le..e,
grant, or convey any real or perlon.1 proper.ty to the .uthorlty, and
any_~uch sale, gr.nt, le~~e, or conveyance IIl'Y be .ade without forlllal
consldoration. However, any such sale, giant, lease, or co~Yeyance
shall not be deeaed co.plete unless for.al~y accepted by the board.
Section 14. cooperation with other un~ts, bo.r~s, ag~neles, and
Indlvlduall.-~Express aut~orlty and power Is hereby given and granted
counties, lIIunlclpalltles. drainage d1strlet~~ road and brldgt!
districts, school districts, or ,any other political subdivisions,
boards, co.llllsslon.; or Individuals In or of the state to lIlake 'nd
enter Into contracts. le.les~ conveyances, or other agreements 'wlth
the authority, consistent with the provisions an~ purposes. of this
act. The authority is hereby expressly ,uthorlzed to lII.ke and enter
I nto contracts, lease.s, convey~ncH, and other agreelllenU with any
political subdivision, agency, or .fnstru..entallty of the state and
llny and all federal agencies, corporations, and indivldu.1s for the
purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act.
Section 15. Covenant. of the state.--The stlte pledges to, .nd
aqr~es with. the United'States, that In th~ event an~ federal agency
shall construct, or contribute any. funds for the completion,
extension. or illlprovement 9f, the authorlty's sys,te. or any part or
portion thereof, the, state ,,111 not .lter or~ llmlt the rl9hts .nd
powers of the authority .In. any manner vhlchvould be .Inconslstent
with the continued maintenance and operation of the system or the
completion, exunslon, or illlp~ovelllent thereof, or which would be
Inconsistent with the due p~Fforlllaneeof .ny agreements between the
authority and any such federal agency, and the authority shall
cO!'tlnue. to have and lIIay exercfse all powers herdn 'granted '0' 10n9
~s the sallie .shall be necessary or desirable for carrying out the
purposes of the United States In the completion, eltenslon, or
IllIpronme'nts of tt!e sevage sys tem or any pa rt or port Ion thereof.
Section 16. Exemption frolll. t.latlon.--Th, effectuation of the
Authorized purposes of the authority created under this act i8, in
~ll respects, [or the benefit of tht people of the state and.the
clthens of the district, for the hnprov....nt of their health' and
living conditions, and because such aut~orlty perfo.rllls essential
';Iovernlllental functions In eUectuatlnq .such purpo..s, the authority
shall not'be requlr.d to p.y any tal~S or .ssessmentl of any kind or
nature whatsoever upon any property acquired or \fsed by it . fo'r such
purposes, or upon any rates, fees, rental., r~celpts, .inc~III', or
charges .t any tillle received by It, and the ~nds issued by, lhe
Authority. and theIr transfer, and the Income t~erefro., Including
ftny profits .ade on the sale thereof, shall at all times be Iree from
taxation of any kind by the' state or by any political subdivision,
tulng agency, or' Instrumentality. thereof. However, the exelllptlon
,qranted by tht. section aha11 not be'appllcable to any tax laposed by
chapter 220, rlorldA Statu~.s, on Interest, Inco... or pioflt. on
d.bt obllgat~ons owned' by corpor.tlons. When propertY of the
authority is leas.d, It sh.ll be ~Ielllpt frolll ad valorea tales only If
the use by the lessee qualifies the proprrty for exelllptlon under s.
196',199. ~rlda Statutes. .
\ ~~. ~
. '
, ....
section l1~ tr.mptlon fro. regulatlone.--Tht public sewer.qi
lielllths OPIUUft9 In and under the, authority of tbh ..ct an.
wltMn the ana of the .uthorlty shan be e.eapt fro. any of the
tequlatof)' provhions of chapter 367, Florida Statute., a. It now
nlaU or IS It .ay. be a.ended. '
s.ctlon 18. "on.ys of authority' eystea.--The MOney. of the
authority derived fro. euch eyste., after bonde or other obligations
bave been Issued pursuant to this' act, ahall be depoalted In one or
.ore banks or truit co.p.nies In a special account or accounts and
Ihall constitute trust fund., to be administered aolely In accordance
with the provisions .of, the resolution or resolutions authorlzl~
bonds or other o~llqatlons pursuant to this eet. and any funds not
required [or the retlre~ent of bond obligations shall be administered
at the, sole discretion of the authority..
Section 19. sale of .yste~.--The board shall have the power.te
transfer, sell, or a.sign any of the property of the authority vhle~
it finds. Is. not needed to carry out the purposes of this act to any
other governlllental agencY" according to whatever teras It dee..
reasonable or at a pu~llc sale after notice, unleas the property bas
been pledged [or the repayment of Indebtednes.. .
. ~~
".. :1
~.. .
. .
\ .
Section 20. Liberal constructlon.--The provision o'f this ael
:,;..;, shall be llberaUy con~trued to effect Its purposes.
Section 21. Severability of provlslons.--1f any provision of thlt
~ct or the .pplicatlon thereof to any person or circumstance is hele
Invalid, . the Invalidity shall not affect other provisions 01
Ippllcatlons of the act vhlch ean be g~ven effect without the Invalle
ptovlslon or application, and to this end the provisions of this ael
are deelared leverable.
.. ,
Section 22. This act sh.ll take effect upon becoming a l.v.
Bec.me a lav without the Governor's approval.
Filed In Office Secretary of State June 23, 1978.
CH"PTER 78-618
House Bill No. 1342
~K ."CT relating to Sarasota County, creating a special park
and recreation district, a political subdivision of the
State of Florid., for the unincorporated Irea known as
Trl-par Estates Subdivision., Including all additions,
as Is More particularly set forth below according to
the public r,cords of Sarasota Count)', providing for
the adalnlstratlon of the affairs of said district by a
board of nine trustees and' defining their powers and
duties, providing for the qualification of eleetor. In
the dl.~rlct .nd the ~nner of conducting the first
election of trultees and for biennial election of
trustee. thereefter, providing fo~ relllo"al of trust...
l!nd appointment to fill vacancies, providing for the
assess~ent and collection of . recreation dlltrlct t.x
asselsed against eaeh Improved r.sldentlal parcel of
real property within the district, providing that such.
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