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ITEM 517
Public Hearin
Re ular
January 12.,2004
MGR. ~ /Dept.
REQUEST: City Manager requesting the Commission to delay further consideration of
contracting with Seminole County for Fire and EMS Services until such time as the City
Commission is ready to open a fully manned third station.
PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed to bring closure to the question of contracting out Fire
and EMS Services and/or consolidating Fire and EMS Services with Seminole County.
On November 11, 2002 the City Commission authorized the staff to initiate a feasibility study
regarding consolidation of Fire and EMS Services with Seminole County.
On June 30, 2003 the staff presented a feasibility study report to the Commission recommending
that the staff explore contracting services to the County in the alternative to consolidating. The
City Commission agreed to allow the staff to further study this alternative.
After considerable discussion with the County on December 12, 2003 the County returned a
proposed agreement in which the County would agree to a Contract for Services until FY 2006,
at which time consolidation would take place by operation of the agreement.
Staff does not believe this is an acceptable agreement since it does not give the Commission the
flexibility to delay the third station decision beyond FY 2006, and the fact that opening a fully
manned third station would involve a certain property tax increase.
Fiscal Impact: Although a contract for services could be implemented for roughly the same cost
of the City providing the service, consolidation in 2006 would require the imposition of the
County MSTU which is currently 2.6334 mills. We do not know what that rate will be in 2006.
The current millage equivalent for fire services performed by the City is 2.6334. As stated in our
previous feasibility report, there does not appear to be any economic savings offered by joining
the county-wide MSTU through consolidation until such time as the City is ready to open a fully
manned third station, and to raise the additional millage that would be required to fund it. It is
possible that the Commission may choose to delay opening of the third station several years after
2006 and thus prevent the tax increase associated with it until that time.
RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the Commission direct the City Manager to
advise the County that it is not prepared to commit to a date certain for consolidation of Fire and
EMS Services, and the imposition of the County Fire and EMS MSTU, and that the question of
consolidation should be: reopened at the point and time at which the Commission is prepared to
commit to opening a fully manned third station.
A. Analysis of the County Fire and EMS Proposal.
B. County Proposal for Fire and EMS Agreement
Representative and Contract Monitor The City of Winter Springs requires that Chief Chief Lallathin shall be appointed as liaison for the
Lallathin after being hired into Seminole County initial 12 months of this agreement The liaison
be available for coordination of transition of shall be charged with providing any requested
services. reports or information requested by the City.
Services to be Provided City currently maintains an ISO rating of 4, County The County shall provide to the City a
agrees to maintain or improve that rating within comprehensive level of fire, rescue and
City boundaries. emergency medical services at a standard
corresponding to or greater than the level of
service immediately prior to this Agreement as
provided by the City, exclusive of fire prevention
services which shall continue to be provided by
the City. The County shall maintain within the Cit)
an ISO rating equal to or greater than that of
other non-rural county areas. Except as
otherwise set forth herein, such comprehensive
fire/rescue and EMS protection shall encompass
all duties and functions customarily provided by
the City Fire Department and County Fire
Department in accordance with the Charters of
the City and County, and applicable laws of the
State of Florida.
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Response Time For localized, non-emergency incidents the City For the duration of this agreement, the County
Manager or designee will contact Fire-Rescue shall strive to maintain or reduce the current
Communications to request assistance. Call Winter Springs Fire Department average
Processing Time: For the duration of this response times for all emergency calls.
Agreement the County shall provide the time
objective for call processing time for one-minute
(60 second) to 90 percent of all emergency calls.
Turn Out Time: For the duration of this Agreement
the County shall provide the time objective for turn
out time of personnel for one-minute (60 seconds)
to 90 percent of all emergency calls. Response
Times: For the duration of this Agreement the
County shall provide the time objective for first
response to all medical emergencies in not more
than four minutes (240 seconds) with BLS
capability and not more than eight minutes (480
seconds) with ALS capability including Medical
Transport capability to 90 percent of all calls.
First response to all fire suppression incidents for
the first arriving engine company not more than
four minutes (240 seconds) and/or eight minutes
(480 seconds) or less for the deployment of a full
first alarm to 90 percent of all fire incidents.
Services to be Provided The County and the City hereby recognize that The County and the City hereby recognize that
the County, through Fire-Rescue, provides fire- the County, through Fire-Rescue, provides fire-
rescue services throughout the County and those rescue services throughout the County and those
services, at the County's discretion, may be services, at the County's discretion, may be
provided from facilities and with personnel and provided from facilities and with personnel and
apparatus located within or without the municipal apparatus located within or without the municipal
boundaries of the City provided that the services boundaries of the City provided that the services
standards provided herein are never standards provided herein are not negatively
compromised. impacted.
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State Retirement County agrees that all employees hired into County agrees that all employees hired into
County employment by this agreement who County employment by this agreement shall be
maintain a satisfactory level of performance shall included in the Florida Retirement System.
be retained until fully vested in the State
Retirement system unless said employees shall
become physically incapable of performing their
job duties, or shall voluntarily separate from
Level of Staffing Level of Staffinq - During the term of this Level of Staffinq - During the term of this
Agreement, the County shall staff the stations Agreement, the County shall qenerallv staff the
-- with no less than 13 personnel on rluty. stations '.^lith 12 personnel on duty.
Facilities - Existing The City desires to use all of the Administrative The County desires to use a portion of the
Office space at Fire Station 24. Administrative space for County employees.
Facilities - New At a point in time in which the City or the County Upon entrance into the MSTU on or before
shall determine that additional stations shall be October 1, 2006, County will assume all costs
required to maintain the City's desired level of fire associated with the construction and operation of
service, the City shall construct said station or additional facilities. At that time, the balance of all
stations at its expense and lease said station to City Fire/Rescue impact fees shall be transferred
the County as provided in Section 6.3 of this to the County along with the future collection of
agreement. Manning levels for said station shall Fire/Rescue impact fees for all construction within
be determined by the parties so as to provide not the City limits.
less than the level of service provided on the first
day of the effective date of this agreement. The
cost of maintaining and operating said additional
station or stations shall be derived on the same
basis as services in place immediately prior to the
addition of said additional station or stations to
ensure that no premium in cost is experienced by
either party. To accomplish this objective all cost
streams shall be calculated as to represent a
reasonable increment in cost existing prior to the
additional station or stations being placed into
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Facilities - Repairs & Maintenance County shall be responsible for maintaining the County shall be responsible for maintaining the
two stand alone (Citv-owned) Fire Stations and two stand alone (City-owned) Fire Stations and
the City Hall Sub-Station in its existing condition, the City Hall Sub-Station in its existing condition,
normal wear and tear excepted. normal wear and tear excepted. Capital repairs of
$1,500 or more shall be borne by the City for any
leased stations.
Equipment and Vehicles Transferred to the County either through lease or Transferred to the County at no cost.
purchase at net book value.
Utilities The County shall be responsible for the utilities of County shall assume responsibility for utility
Fire Stations 24, 26, & 28. services at-Fire Station 26 and shall remit to the
City_ % of the utilities for Station 24 and
_ % of utility costs for Station 28 on a
lauarterly basis.
Worker's Compensation Ongoing claims to be the responsibility of the City. Ongoing and previous claims to be the
responsibility of the City.
Transfer of Vehicles and equipment The City gives the County either an option to In the event the City re-establishes a municipal
Lease or Purchase the existing equipment. The Fire Department, County shall transfer back like
City reserves the right to repurchase the condition and quantity equipment to the City at no
equipment and vehicles at net book value from cost (e.g. 5 year old vehicle at time of contract
the County should the City resume fire operations. execution would be replaced with a 5 year old
vehicle at cancellation of contract). Equipment
solely purchased by the MSTU (i.e. fire stations
and apparatus) shall be offered for sale to the City
at appraised value minus any City impact fees
used for purchase of said facilities or equipment.
After 5 full years of participation in the MSTU, any
assets purchased by the County MSTU shall be
transferred to the City at no cost.
Contract Price The City laid out a compensation plan for 10 years The County agreed to the first three years of the
including escalators for the 2 Stand-Alone Fire contract price but stipulates that :At or before the
Stations and the 1 Sub-Station at City Hall. end of Year 3 (October 1, 2006), City shall enter
the County MSTU and authorize County to
assess ad valorem taxes to all property in the
municipal limits for Fire/Rescue services.
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Should the City wish to join the Fire Rescue Prior to or on October 1, 2006, City will begin
MSTU, or have an MSTU/MSBU created around participation in the County Fire/Rescue MSTU.
the municipal boundaries of the City, it must do so City shall execute any necessary Ordinances and
in accordance with the requirements of Section Resolutions to implement their participation in a
125.01, Florida Statutes, which requires that an timely manner in order to effectuate participation
ordinance be enacted by the governing bodies of in the MSTU for FY 06/07. Upon entry into the
both parties. Such an ordinance must be adopted County MSTU, all fire impact fees shall be
prior to December first of any year to be effective assigned to the County, and the County shall
no sooner than October first of the following year. assume responsibility for future capital
County shall assume the responsibility and costs improvements for Fire/Rescue services within the
of an implementation study if such a study is City.
deemed necessary, which cost of study may be
recouped through the MSTU/MSBU.
The City will continue to collect and maintain Fire The City will continue to collect and maintain Fire
Impact Fees for future construction of a third fire Impact Fees for future construction of a third fire
station and will maintain existing fund balances in station until entrance in the County MSTU, at
the Fire Impact Fee Fund. which time the City will transfer existing fund
balances in the Fire Impact Fee Fund to the
A log of all calls for service within the City shall be The County agrees to maintain statistical
maintained and presented monthly to the City information at all times during the term of this
Manager in the format currently provided to the agreement and provide to the City, upon request,
City Manager at Exhibit D. The County shall written reports regarding response times, number
promptly report to the City Manager in the event and types of calls, fire property dollar loss,
of the following: A. Substantial property damage, sprinkler system activations, ISO rating
B. Civilian injuries, C. Fatalities. information, staffing levels and false alarm
response information. The County shall also track
and be capable of producing statistical data
reports consisting of incidents that occurred only
within the City.
This Agreement shall not be terminated by either
party, at any time, unless a) agreed to in writing
by both parties; b) either party shall default on any
of its material obligations and fail to cure said
default in accordance with this Agreement; or c)
either party invokes termination with a minimum 0
12 months notice of intent to terminate.
Fire Impact Fees
Termination of Agreement
This Agreement shall not be terminated by either
party, at any time during its term or any renewal
thereof, unless ID agreed to in writing by both
parties; Ql either party shall default on any of its
material obligations and fail to cure said default in
accordance with this Agreement.
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Return of Personnel The city shall have the right to choose which if Upon termination of this agreement the City
any employees assigned to Winter Springs it Manager and County Manager shall determine the
desires to employ, provided that no employees scope of re-employment and/or transfer of County
pay shall be reduced. In such case employees employees to City.
shall remain in the State Retirement System until
such time as they are fully vested, after which
they shall become members of the city retirement
Annual Report The County shall submit an annual report of the Upon Request.
status and activities of the fire-rescue services
provided to the City pursuant to this Agreement
that shaii inciude aii pertinent information relating
to number and classification of calls, response
time, programs proposed, programs deleted,
services proposed, services recommended to be
deleted, and the need for additional services, if
any. This report shall be completed by January
15 following completion of each fiscal year during
the term of this Agreement.
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