HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 03 31 Regular A Cypress Pointe Apartment Project
033103 Special Meeting
Regular "An
Cypress Pointe Apartment Project
Public Hearing
Regular X
Ap!JH'2l, 2003
Mgr~ Dept.
REQUEST: City Manager requesting the City Commission to provide the City Manager
direction relative to the proposed Cypress Pointe Apartment Project.
PURPOSE: This Agenda Item is needed to obtain further direction for the Commission relative
to the proposed Cypress Pointe Apartment Complex.
CONSIDERATIONS: On March 24, 2003 the City Commission approved a conditional use
permit and concept plan for Davis Heritage G. P. Holding, LLC. to build a 120 unit apartment
complex, and attendant Club House and support facilities on property located adjacent to Golf
Terrace Apartments and Winter Springs Golf Club. The Commission also scheduled a Special
Meeting for March 31, 2003 to discuss the project further.
Davis also has a contract on the Leerdam tract on S.R. 434 adjacent to the entrance to Central
Winds Park to build 60 apartment units and is considering another 60 units on the Wincey
property located adjacent to Central Winds Park. The Cypress Pointe Project is an affordable
housing project. The two other projects are full T and D market rate projects. If the project on
the Wincey property should go forward the City will be requesting that Davis build a road
connecting to Central Winds Park, thus completing the loop in and out of Central Winds Park,
and providing parking spaces for events at the Park.
The Cypress Pointe Project will be developed by a sub-corporation of Davis named Cypress
Pointe of Winter Springs, Ltd. The other projects will be developed by a sub-Corporation named
Wagner's Curve of Winter Springs, Ltd.
033103 Special Meeting
Regular "An
Cypress Pointe Apartment Project
Page 2 Of2
The City Manager and Davis representatives have continued to evolve the Cypress Pointe Project
concept including the following:
1. The City of Winter Springs will make a $150,000 donation to Cypress Pointe of Winter
Springs to provide for amenities for the project.
2. Consistent with Davis Heritage G. P. Holding, LLC's. Corporate Policy of participation
in local community programs in communities in which they develop and own properties,
Wagner's Curve of Winter Springs Ltd. will donate $250,000 to expand City park
facilities of any type, and at any park site chosen by the City in order to enhance
recreational opportunities for the residents of Winter Springs.
3. If the Cypress Pointe Project should not be approved by the Florida Housing and Finance
Authority, Wagner's Curve of Winter Springs will donate $250,000 to the City of Winter
4. The transfer of funds will be controlled by a Development Agreement by and between the
City and Davis which will provide that Davis will construct two projects in Winter
Springs; the Cypress Pointe Project and the Wagner's Curve Project. The City will agree
to provide a $150,000 cash grant to the Cypress Pointe Project. Upon approval of a site
plan for either Cypress Pointe or Wagner's Curve, whichever shall come first, Winter
Springs will disburse a $150,000 check to Cypress Pointe of Winter Springs, Ltd.
Concurrently, Wagner's Curve of Winter Springs, Ltd. will disburse a check of $250,000
to the City of Winter Springs.
RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Manager is recommending the following:
1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Florida Housing Financing Authority Local
Government Verification of Contribution Grant Form to verify a $150,000 grant to
Cypress Pointe of Winter Springs Ltd. to provide amenities to the project. This form
may be withdrawn if the City and Davis fail to execute a Development Agreement.
2. Authorize the City Attorney and City Manager to prepare a Master Development
Agreement with Davis to contract the projects in Winter Springs as provided above for
Commission review and approval.
Local Government Verification of Contribution Grant form
Mar 28 2003 11:43
Name of Dcvclopment: Cypress Pointe Apartments
Address of Development Site: SR 434; Inter8ection of SF. 434 0. Timoerlane Trail, Winter springs, FL 32708
Amount of Grant: $150,000.00
On of before 03/31/2003
the City/County of Winter Spri.ngs
(Name of Cil)' or County)
$150,000.00 as a grant to the Applicant for its we solely for assisting the proposed Development
referenced above. The City/County does Dot expect to be repaid or reimbursed by the Applicant. or any other
entity. provided the funds arc expended solely for the Development referenced above. No consideration or
promise of consideration hll.'l been given with respect to the grant. For purpose.s of the foregoing, the promise of
providing affordable housing does not constitute consideration. This grant is provided specifically with respect
to the proposed Development.
The SO\m:e oftbe grant is:
The following government point of contact can verify the above stated contribution:
NIUIIC ofGovemment Contact: Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager
Address: 1126 E. S.R. 434
Winter Springs. Florida 3~706
Telephone Nwnbcr: (407) 327-1800
1 certify that the foregoing information is true and correct and that this cormnitment is effective
tlllough 12/31/2003
Ronald W. MCLemote
Print or Type Name
(407) 327-1800
Tolepbono Number
City Manaser
Print or Type Title
This ~ertifieation must be signed by the Mayor, City MAnager. County Manager IAdministrator/Coordinator, Chairperson of
the City CouneillCommiasion or ChaJrpCTSon of the Board of COUllty Cormnissioners. If" the contrib\ltion is from a Ltlnd
Authority organized pwsuant 10 Chapter 380.0663, Florida Statules, this certification must be sis;nc:d by the Chair of the
Land Authority. One of thc authorized pel'llol'ls nAmed abOVe may sign this form for certificatioo of state, federal Or Local
Oovcmmc.ot fuucls initially obtained by or dcrivl.'ld from a Local Government that is dir~tly administered by an intermediary
s\lch as a housing finance authority. 8 oonummity reinvestment cOlpOnltion, or a state-certified Community Housing
Development Organization (CHDO). Other signatories are not 8QC(:ptablc. The Applicant will not r~eive credit for this
contribution jfthe cemfleation is improperly signed.
This contributioll will l10t bc er;Jnsidercd if the ~crtification contains corrections or 'white-out'. If Iho certification is
SCtiWlcd, izmged. altcr~ or retyped. the Application will fail thrcshold :lIld will be rejecled Automatically. The certification
may be photocopied..
UA10lcS (Rev. 4-(3)