HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 01 12 Regular 508
ITEM 508
Public Hearing
Regular X
January 12. 2004
Regular Meeting
Mgr. / ept.
The City Clerk respectfully requests that the City Commission consider several
issues related to Elections.
This Agenda Item is being presented to the City Commission for their
consideration in terms of a few issues related to City Elections.
In terms of City Elections, over the past couple of years, various concerns have
been brought up.
One concern had been problems at the Lord of Life Church, (located on
Tuskawilla Road) such as the lack of parking spaces; backlogged traffic onto
Tuskawilla Road from this church; and the related confusion of having two (2)
precincts at this tight location. (Please see Attachment "A" for background
information). Based on the current list of Polling Places from the Supervisor of
Elections, the Lord of Life Church is no longer listed as any of our City
precincts/polling places.
A second problem which has existed in previous elections, has involved St.
Stephen's Catholic Church. (Please see Attachment "A" for background
information). As far as I know, nothing has officially been resolved or changed
regarding this issuellocation.
A third issue is related to the dates for Qualifying which by City Code are from
September 1 through September 15. As for this issue, there are two (2) secondary
and related concerns.
At a recent (November 2003) meeting of most of the City Clerks in Seminole
County with Ms. Sandra Goard, Supervisor of Elections for Seminole County, the
City Clerks were officially advised that for the November 2004 Election, and
future Elections, each Seminole County City must have the names of their
candidates (who have officially qualified) and other ballot language (such as
referendum questions etc.) to the Supervisor of Elections no later than AUJlust
With our "Qualifying" period running from September 1 through September 15
(by City Code), we would not be able to meet this new deadline set by the
Supervisor of Elections. For background information, the August 31st deadline
has been set so that ballots can be printed in time for early voting requirements
and to mail absentee ballots to overseas voters.
As it seems that the City of Winter Springs will now need to change their
Qualifying dates, besides getting the word out to the public, the only other issue
which could be a plus or a minus depending on how one looks at it, is that the
campaign period will now run a couple of weeks longer for qualified candidates.
In changing the City of Winter Springs' "Qualifying" period, rather than choosing
certain dates within a month, such as from the 15th of August to the 30th of
August, which could perhaps begin on a Friday or a Saturdays, etc. - we may wish
to specify the dates as the 3rd Monday through Friday of that 3rd week in August,
followed by the 4th Monday through Friday of that 4th week of August. If we
followed this format, we would always give interested candidates a full ten (10)
business days for the "Qualifying" period.
As has happened in previous years, most previous "Qualifying" periods have
been cut short a day due to the Labor Day holiday, and then of course, Saturdays
and Sundays were usually never included. The City Commission may also
consider reducing the Qualifying period to perhaps just 5 business days.
Whatever the City Commission decides upon, Staff believes that the City
Attorney should be requested to draw up an Ordinance specifying the new dates
and times for "Qualifying."
The next secondary issue - pursuant to an opinion from City Attorney Anthony A.
Garganese, is that we need to have the hours and days specified as to when Staff
at City Hall needs to be available to assist individuals interested in "Qualifying".
To this effect, Staff believes that an Ordinance should be drawn up specifying that
the hours (and days) that City Hall would be open for "Qualifying" would be
during regular business hours - 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., (Monday through
Friday), and not including any City recognized Holidays in which City Hall would
normally be closed.
The following information pertains to:
Sec. 2-87. Qualification of candidates.
.... .AII candidates for office in municipal elections shall be registered and qualified electors
of the city at the time of their qualifying as a candidate with the city clerk and shall file an
application designating the office for which he/she is a candidate and pay the qualifying
fee provided for in section 2-88. Such application shall be filed and the qualifying fee paid
between the first day of September and the fifteenth day of September, during which the
office shall be open for qualifying for election."
The following information pertains to City of Winter Springs' eleven (11) Polling
PlaceslPrecincts as listed on the Supervisor of Elections' Website:
13 Winter Springs Civic Center
400 North Edgemon A venue, Winter Springs
24 Seventh Day Adventist Church
50 South Moss Road, Winter Springs
50 Tuscawilla Country Club
1500 Winter Springs Boulevard, Winter Springs
67 Seventh Day Adventist Church
50 South Moss Road, Winter Springs
75 St. Stephen's Catholic Church
575 Tuskawilla Road, Winter Springs
76 Church of The New Covenant
800 Tuskawilla Road, Winter Springs
78 Winter Springs Civic Center
400 North Edgemon Avenue, Winter Springs
94 Tuscawilla Country Club
1500 Winter Springs Boulevard, Winter Springs
95 Wedgewood Tennis Villas
1401 Forest Hills Drive, Winter Springs
96 Winter Springs City Hall
1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs
103 First Baptist Church of Winter Springs
817 East State Road 434, Winter Springs
The City Commission is being requested to direct Staff to decide upon new
Qualifying Dates for the City of Winter Springs and to request that the City
Attorney draw up an Ordinance(s) to this effect, including dates and times.
The City Commission may also wish to direct Staff to handle any other Election
concerns that they may wish pursued.
A. Copy of Regular Agenda Item "G" from the April 28, 2003 City Commission
Meeting which addressed previous Election concerns.
B. Copy of an Opinion Letter dated August 8, 2003 from City Attorney Anthony
A. Garganese.
C. Polling Place information from the Supervisor of Elections website.
Public Hearing
Regular X
April 28. 2003
Regular Meeting
~ )
Mgr. / . pt.
The City Clerk requests that the City Commission consider information in
response to Deputy Mayor Robert S. Miller's comments from the April 14, 2003
Regular Meeting, pertaining to a recent Election.
This Agenda Item should address Deputy Mayor Robert S. Miller's comments
from the April 14, 2003 Regular Meeting, pertaining to a recent Election.
At the January 27,2003 Deputy Mayor Robert S. Miller mentioned some concerns
he had with the November 2002 Election, in terms of double Precincts and a lack
of adequate parking at the Lord of Life Church; and people not being allowed to
be on the St. Stephens Catholic Church property.
In response to Deputy Mayor Miller's concerns, the City Clerk sent a letter (dated
February 4, 2003 - with documentation) to Ms. Sandra Goard, Supervisor of
Elections for the County of Seminole.
To date, I have not received any response (written or verbal) from Ms. Goard.
It is recommended that the City Commission decide what further action, if any,
they wish to take in regards to these issues.
A. An excerpt from the approved Minutes of the January 27, 2003 Regular
Meeting of the City Commission.
B. Copy of a letter (with enclosures), dated February 4, 2003, sent by the City
Clerk to Ms. Sandra Goard, Supervisor of Elections for the County of
C. A draft excerpt from the unapproved Minutes of the April 14, 2003 Regular
Meeting of the City Commission.
PAGE 20 OF 23
36. H-5. Office Of The City Manager
Requesting The City Commission To Approve Section 4 Of The Proposed Rewrite
Of The City's Pension Plan Providing For The Purchase Of Employee Benefits By
City Employees.
Again, as stated earlier in the Meeting, this Agenda Item was pulled from this evening's
Agenda as this Agenda Item "Will be discussed at our next Regular Meeting."
37. A. City Attorney - Anthony A. Garganese, Esquire
No Report.
38. B. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore
No Report.
39. C. City Clerk - Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces
City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces brought up that the City Commission had recently
agreed to have new photographs taken. With discussion, the Commission agreed to meet
at City Hall on Monday, February 3,2003 at 5:45 p.m. for a photo session. Mayor Bush
added, "You [Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces] will remind everybody a week ahead of time."
Secondly, City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces mentioned that problems existed at two (2) City
precincts in the November 2002 Election, and asked if the City Commission desired to
have anything done. With discussion, Mayor Bush stated, "Why don't we ask the - Clerk
to check with the Supervisor of Elections, and see if she has made any plans to change
precincts in the future - do a little bit of inquiry, and let it go at that, and see what she
comes back with."
Telephone: (407) 327.1800
Fax: (407) 327-4753
Webslte: www.winterspringsfl.org
February 4, 2003
The Honorable Sandra S. Goard
Supervisor Of Elections
County Of Seminole
116 West First Street
Sanford, Florida 32771
Dear Ms. Goard,
At the request of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, I have been asked
to notify you about some of the problems that were experienced during the November
2002 Election. Please find enclosed a copy of my written notes (along with a photograph
that I took) from November 5, 2002 which should be of assistance to you.
In regards to the problems that were brought to my attention on November 5, 2002 - do
you currently have any plans to adjust any of the Polling PlaceslPrecincts 10cated in the
City of Winter Springs in the near future; and do you have any suggestions which might
solve future problems?
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
/" J)l ---------
Ci Cle
. COPY: Mayor And City Commission
Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager
Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney
City of Winter Springs
Office of the City Clerk
Notes from November 5, 2002 Municipal Election:
About 9 a.m. on Tuesday, November 5, 2002, Ms. Ian Palladino told me that Chief of
Police Daniel J. Kerr had called and said that I should check out the two (2) precincts
located at the Lord of Life Church on Tuskawilla Road - that traffic was jammed at that
Shortly thereafter, I drove out to the Lord of Life Church on Tuskawilla Road and saw
that our Police Officers were there assisting with traffic control. I spoke briefly with
Captain Mike Noland about the problems. I did notice that there were cars backed up
along Tuskawilla Road trying to drive into the Lord of Life Church parking lot, which
appeared packed.
I then called Sandra Goard's [Supervisor of Elections] office, but only got Ms. Goard's
voice mail. I left a voice mail message regarding the problem at the Lord of Life Church.
About 9:30 a.m., near City Manager Ronald W. McLemore's office at City Hall, I spoke
briefly with Ms. Margo Miller who advised me that she had been asked to get off of St.
Stephen's Catholic Church property, and that she had to go and stand in the street.
About 10:15 a.m., Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell called me and spoke of her concern with
St. Stephen's Catholic Church, and said that people were told to stand in the street.
Deputy Mayor Gennell asked that I contact Sandra Goard regarding this situation.
A little while later, Commissioner Robert S. Miller came into my office and also
. commented on the problems with the Lord of Life Church on Tuskawilla Road and said
that shortly before, there were about 100 cars along Tuskawilla Road trying to get onto
the Lord of Life Church property. Commissioner Miller also spoke of the problems at St.
Stephen's Catholic Church, and added that they were also told that "They had to stand in
the street," and that something needed to be done. I advised Commissioner Miller that
although this was a County election, I would contact Sandra Goard's office.
Shortly thereafter, I took a camera, drove to the Lord of Life Church and took a
photograph of the traffic congestion, (which was not as bad as earlier). I briefly spoke
with a (City of Winter Springs) Police Officer who agreed that this location had been a
waving and holding signs on the street in front of St. Stephen's Catholic Church.
I then called Sandra Goard's office and spoke with Mr. Dennis Joyner. Mr. Joyner
listened to my concerns related to the Lord of Life Church and St. Stephen's Catholic
Church. Mr. Joyner said that he would call the Seminole County Sheriffs Office and see
if they could assist with traffic control at the Lord of Life Church; and that he would try
to contact the trainer for the Poll Deputy for St. Stephen's Catholic Church to see if this
might help with the problem at St. Stephen's Catholic Church.
During the next few hours, I made several more trips to see how things were going at the
Lord of Life Church and St. Stephen's Catholic Church.
Around 4 p.m., Commissioner Michael S. Blake called me and noted his concern with
traffic problems at the Lord of Life Church location.
About 5:10 p.m., I took a camera and again drove past St. Stephen's Catholic Church and
the Lord of Life, Church. I took a couple of photographs of the traffic congestion at the
Lord of Life Church, which was not as bad - however, it was beginning to rain.
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PAGE 25 OF 27
31. E. Commission Seat Four - Sally McGinnis
Commissioner McGinnis stated, "I would like to at next meeting, discuss alternates to
Boards." Mayor Bush stated, "Mr. McLemore will take care of that."
32. F. Commission Seat Five - David W. McLeod
No Report.
33. G. Commission Seat OnelDeputy Mayor - Robert S. Miller
Deputy Mayor Miller spoke of the Tree behind Publix and said, "I would like to see it
saved." Deputy Mayor Miller added, "So, I will bring that up probably at next Meeting."
Secondly, "I would like the City Attorney or the City Clerk to look into this issue of the
Lord of Life voting Precinct. We need to get with Sandra Goard, and put her on notice
that there were serious problems there last time with traffic congestion." Deputy Mayor
Miller added, "I would like to get it very clear, in writing with Sandra Goard so that if she
doesn't do anything, the next time it will be an item that we can say, 'look how many
times do we have to bring this up with you.' So, that is my suggestion - whatever the
legal issues are or whatever, we need to put the Seminole County Voting Office on record
- and there is also the issue with St. Stephens [Catholic Church]. I would also like to
make sure that they understand that they can't just inadvertently come out and run people
off of their property, which they have done in two (2) Elections now. I don't think that is
right - they are the only precinct that does it and I think they need to be notified that if
they don't want to be a Precinct, then just let Sandra Goard know, and Sandra [Goard]
will fmd someplace else.
Commissioner McGinnis departed the Meeting at 11:00 p.m.
Deputy Mayor Miller stated, "It is not right for the State, at this time to start handing out
Tax - benefits to tax holidays." Further, Deputy Mayor Miller said, "I think we need to
tell the State that this City is not in favor ofthat."
Next, Deputy Mayor Miller spoke about excessive trash at two (2) fourplexes, and said,
"I think we need to throw the book at these folks and if nothing else, tell them we are
going to close it down, unless they put a fence around their dumpster and tell their people
to clean it up."
Attorneys at Law
Usher L. Brown ·
Suzanne D'AgrestaD
Anthony A. Garganeseo
Gary S. Salzman"
John H. Ward ·
Jeffrey S. Weiss
Offices in Orlando, Kissimmee,
Cocoa & Viera
r~.-~" ~_...~: ~:tl'~~. r;~: ~~ '~~if ~:~ ..,...~
~:J '''''.,,~ ~ ~,~...:.~ ~t~:;.'{ ~'i<.~~) ;". ~
AUG 0 9 2002
Debra S. Babb
Jeffrey P. Buak
Alfred Truesdell
Joseph E. Blitch
Scott D. Danahy
Theodore F. Greene, III
Kristine R. Kutz
Todd K. Norman
Vincent E. Scarlatos
.Board Certified. Civil Trial Lawyer
"Board Certified Business Litigation Lawyer
oBoard Certified City, County & Local Government Law
Erin J. O'Leary
Of Counsel
August 8, 2002
Sent Via Facsimile & US Mail
Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces
City. Clerk
Cityof'Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL32708
Re: Legal Opinion - Candidate Qualification Period
City of Winter Springs - General
Our File No.: 1193
Dear Andrea:
Please allow this correspondence to acknowledge your request for a legal opinion
regarding the candidate qualification period for the 2002 general election. You have
substantially asked, where the election period ends on a Sunday, does the qualification
period end on the preceding Friday?
We are of the opinion the qualification period ends on Sunday, September 15,
2002, as the City Code currently provides.
Section 100.3605(2), Florida Statutes, provides in pertinent part, "[T]he governing
body of a municipality may, by ordinance, change the dates forqualifying..." Section 2-87
of the City Code requires candidate applications be filed and the qualifying fee paid
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 660. P.O. Box 2873. Orlando, Florida 32802-2873
Orlando (407) 425-9566 Fax (407) 425-9596. Kissimmee (321) 402-0144' Cocoa & Viera (866) 425-9566
Website: www.orlandolaw.net . Email: firm@orlandolaw.net
Andrea Lorenzo Luaces
August 8, 2002
Page 2
between the first day of September and the fifteenth day of September, during which the
filing officer's office shall be open for qualifying for election. The Code does not address
the days and times which your office will be open for qualifying.
Based upon the foregoing, we are of the opinion your office should be open during
normal business hours on Sunday, September 15, 2002, to accept any last minute filings.
Alternatively, an ordinance could be prepared for the Commissions consideration which
would address this issue, now and in the future. For instance, the ordinance could amend
section 2-87 by specifying your office will be open to qualify candidates during normal
business hours, Monday through Friday. Where the qualification periods ends on a
weekend or holiday, the qualification period shall be extended until the close of the next
normal business day.
If you have any questions regarding this matter or if you need assistance with
preparing an ordinance, as discussed above, please do not hesitate to call our offices.
Very truly yours,
kffft'P. -Buak
Assistant City Attorney
cc: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney
F:ILawyer\jeffbICity of Winter SpringslCorrespondencelLuaces . Candidate Quallflcatlon.wpd
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 660. P.O. Box 2873. Orlando, Florida 32802-2873
Orlando (407) 425-9566 Fax (407) 425-9596 . Kissimmee (321) 402-0144. Cocoa & Viera (866) 425-9566
Website: www.orlandolaw.net . Email: firm@orlandolaw.net
SCSOE - Polling Place Locations (Precinct)
Page I of7
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Polling Place Locations
March 9, 2004
Prct Location
1 Markham Woods 5210 Markham Woods
Presbyterian Church Road, Lake Mary
2 Sports Training Center at 845 Lake Markham
Sylvan Lake Park Road, Sanford
3 Midway Elementary School 2251 Jitway, Sanford
4 Altamonte Springs City Hall 225 Newburyport
Avenue, Altamonte
5 Oviedo East Branch Library 310 Division Street,
6 Geneva Elementary School 275 First Street, Geneva
(Family Resource Center)
7 VFW Post 10139 1135 7th St., Chuluota
8 Tuskawilla United 3925 Red Bug Lake
Methodist Church Road, Casselberry
9 First Baptist Church of 3800 Wekiva Springs
Sweetwater Road, Longwood
10 St. Peter's Episcopal 700 Rinehart Road, Lake
Church Mary
11 Seventh Day Adventist 455 Maitland Avenue,
Church Altamonte Springs
12 Country Creek Inn and 620 Country Creek
Racquet Club Parkway, Altamonte
13 Winter Springs Civic Center 400 N. Edgemon
Avenue, Winter Springs
14 Northland Church 530 Dog Track Road,
http://www .semcoelections. org/precinctl
Seminole County
Reglstered Voters
Republican 93,016
Democrat 65,109
Other 41,151
TOTALS 199,276
detailed statistics
click h..... feN' an
.A- Where
~ dD
YDU vol:e?
click here to find out!
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SCSOE - Polling Place Locations (Precinct)
Page 2 of7
15 Holy Cross Lutheran 760 Sun Drive, Lake
Church Mary
16 Maranatha Seventh Day 1400 Bear Lake Road,
Adventist Church Apopka
17 Community United 4921 S. Highway 17-92,
Methodist Church Casselberry
18 Sanora Club House 239 Sanora Boulevard,
19 Sem. Co. Public Health & 400 W. Airport
Human Services Boulevard, Sanford
20 Holiday Inn Express 3401 S. Orlando Drive
(17-92), Sanford
21 Sanford City Hall 300 N. Park Avenue,
22 Sanford Church of Christ 1500 S. Park Avenue,
Sa nford
23 Countryside Baptist Church 590 S. Country Club
Road, Lake Mary
24 Seventh Day Adventist 50 S. Moss Road, Winter
Church Springs
25 Eastmonte Civic Center 830 Magnolia Avenue,
Altamonte Springs
26 Lake Mary Community Hall 260 N. Country Club
Road, Lake Mary
27 Seminole County 250 W. County Home
Cooperative Extension Road, Building 240,
Auditorium Sanford
28 Crossings Community 390 Longwood Lake
Church Mary Road, Lake Mary
29 West Sanford Boys & Girls 919 Persimmon Avenue,
Club Sanford
30 Safe Harbor Christian 730 Upsala Road,
Church Sanford
31 Cypress Springs 210 Welcome Way, Fern
Apartments Park
32 Grace United Methodist 499 N. Country Club
Church Road, Lake Mary
33 Longwood City Hall 175 W. Warren Avenue,
34 First Baptist Church of 900 North Street,
Altamonte Springs Longwood
http://www.semcoel ections. org/precinctl
SCSOE - Polling Place Locations (Precinct)
Page 3 of7
35 Spring Oaks Community 500 Spring Oaks
Clubhouse Boulevard, Altamonte
36 Church on the Edge 3600 McNeil Road,
37 Garden Club of Sanford 200 Fairmont Drive,
38 Jean Rhein Central Branch 215 N. Oxford Road,
Library Casselberry
39 American Legion Post 183 2706 Wells Avenue,
Fern Park
40 Elks Club 4755 Howell Branch
Road, Winter Park
41 Spring Hill Suites by 201 N. Towne Road,
Marriott Sanford
42 First Church of the 2581 Sanford Avenue,
Nazarene Fellowship Hall Sanford
43 Faith Outreach Church 3110 Howell Branch
Road, Winter Park
44 Westminster Presbyterian 2641 Red Bug Lake
Church Road, Casselberry
45 Summit Village 205 Esplanade Way,
Condominium Clubhouse Casselberry
46 First Baptist Church of 900 North Street,
Altamonte Springs Longwood
47 Longwood Aquatic Club 1655 E.E. Williamson
Road, Longwood
48 Senior Citizens 200 N. Triplet Lake
Multipurpose Center Drive, Casselberry
49 St. Richard's Episcopal 5151 Lake Howell Road,
Church Winter Park
50 Tuscawilla Country Club 1500 Winter Springs
Boulevard, Winter
51 First Baptist Church 742 Sanlando Road,
Sanlando Springs Altamonte Springs
52 Senior Citizens 200 N. Triplet Lake
Multipurpose Center Drive, Casselberry
53 Longwood Hills 1255 E. E. Williamson
Congregational Church Road, Longwood
54 First Baptist Church of 3800 Wekiva Springs
Sweetwater Road, Longwood
http://www . semcoelections.org/precinctl
SCSOE - Polling Place Locations (Precinct)
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55 Reformed Theological 1231 Reformation Drive,
Seminary Oviedo
56 New Life Fellowship Church 970 Tuskawilla Road,
Winter Springs
57 Westminster Presbyterian 2641 Red Bug Lake
Church Road, Casselberry
58 Orthodox Church of St. 1895 Lake Emma Road,
Stephen Longwood
59 Altamonte Chapel U.c.c. 825 E. Altamonte Drive,
Altamonte Springs
60 First Baptist Church 742 Sanlando Road,
Sanlando Springs Altamonte Springs
61 Pinecrest Baptist Church 601 E. Airport
Boulevard, Sanford
62 Sanford Civic Center 401 E. Seminole
Boulevard, Sanford
63 Westview Baptist Church 4100 C.R. 46A, (Aka
H.E.Thomas Jr. Pkwy.),
64 Altamonte Springs 525 Pineview Street,
Elementary School Altamonte Springs
65 Forest City Elementary 1010 Sand Lake Road,
School Altamonte Springs
66 Central Church of Christ 875 Oak Drive,
Altamonte Springs
67 Seventh Day Adventist 50 S. Moss Road, Winter
Church Springs
68 Elks Club 4755 Howell Branch
Road, Winter Park
69 HOliday Inn 230 W. Highway 436,
Altamonte Springs
70 Hampton Inn 151 Douglas Avenue,
Altamonte Springs
71 First Baptist Church of 3800 We kiva Springs
Sweetwater Road, Longwood
72 Longwood Church of the 200 Wayman Avenue,
Nazarene Fellowship Hall Longwood
73 Lutheran Haven Fellowship 2041 W. State Road
Hall 426, Oviedo
74 Faith Outreach Church 3110 Howell Branch
Road, Winter Park
75 St. Stephen's Catholic 575 Tuskawilla Road,
http://www .semcoelections. org/preci nctl
SCSOE - Polling Place Locations (Precinct)
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Church Winter Springs
76 Church of The New 800 Tuskawilla Road,
Covenant Winter Springs
77 Senior Citizens 200 N. Triplet Lake
Multipurpose Center Drive, Casselberry
78 Winter Springs Civic Center 400 N. Edgemon
Avenue, Winter Springs
79 Sterling Park Elementary 201 Eagle Circle,
School Casselberry
80 Maranatha Seventh Day 1400 Bear Lake Road,
Adventist Church Apopka
81 West Branch Library 245 N. Hunt Club
Boulevard, Longwood
82 Wekiva Community Center 239 Hunt Club Blvd.
(Suite 101), Longwood
83 St. Stephen Lutheran 2140 W. State Road
Church 434, Longwood
84 River Oaks Presbyterian 405 Washington
Church Avenue, Lake Mary
85 Oviedo Riverside Park 1600 Lockwood
Boulevard, Oviedo
86 Markham Woods 5210 Markham Woods
Presbyterian Church Road, Lake Mary
87 Hampton Inn 151 Douglas Avenue,
Altamonte Springs
88 Cornerstone Community 4600 Gabriella Lane,
Church Winter Park
89 Grace Presbyterian Church 1111 Tuskawilla Road,
Winter Springs
90 South Seminole Church of 5410 Lake Howell Road,
Christ Winter Park
91 Spring Lake Elementary 695 Orange Avenue,
School Activity Center Altamonte Springs
92 We kiva Presbyterian 211 Wekiva Springs
Church Lane, Longwood
93 Neighborhood Alliance 301 Markham Woods
Church Road, Longwood
94 Tuscawilla Country Club 1500 Winter Springs
Boulevard, Winter
95 Wedgewood Tennis Villas 1401 Forest Hills Drive,
Winter Springs
http://www .semcoel ections.org/precinctl
SCSOE - Polling Place Locations (Precinct)
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96 Winter Springs City Hall 1126 E. State Road 434,
Winter Springs
97 Tuskawilla Presbyterian 3600 W. State Road
Church 426, Oviedo
98 Lutheran Haven Fellowship 2041 W. State Road
Hall 426, Oviedo
99 Palm Valley Club House 500 Palm Valley Drive,
100 Oviedo Riverside Park 1600 Lockwood
Boulevard, Oviedo
101 Division of Forestry 1350 Snow Hill Road,
102 Oviedo Women's Club 414 King Street, Oviedo
103 First Baptist Church of 817 E. State Road 434,
Winter Springs Winter Springs
104 River Oaks Presbyterian 405 Washington
Church Avenue, Lake Mary
105 Calvary Temple of Praise 2020 McCracken Road,
Church Sanford
106 Safe Harbor Christian 730 Upsala Road,
Church Sanford
107 Markham Woods Seventh 505 Markham Woods
Day Adventist Church Road, Longwood
108 No Site No Site, No Site
109 Geneva Elementary School 275 First Street, Geneva
(Family Resource Center)
110 Live Oak Community 1900 Live Oak Reserve
Center Boulevard, Oviedo
111 Lake Mary Community Hall 260 N. Country Club
Road, Lake Mary
112 Strang Communications 600 Rinehart Road, Lake
113 "EI Redentor" Presbyterian 6971 Red Bug Lake
Church Road, Oviedo
114 Reformed Theological 1231 Reformation Drive,
Seminary Oviedo
115 Wekiva Presbyterian 211 We kiva Springs
Church Lane, Longwood
116 St. Alban's Anglican 3348 W. State Road
Cathedral 426, Oviedo
117 New Covenant Assembly Of 1991 Lake Drive,
God Church Casselberry
SCSOE - Polling Place Locations (Precinct)
Page 70f7
118 First Presbyterian Church 128 W. Wilbur Avenue,
Lake Mary Lake Mary
119 Northwest Branch Library 580 Green Way
Boulevard, Lake Mary
120 Oviedo City Hall 400 Alexandria
Boulevard, Oviedo
121 Oviedo Presbyterian 2400 Lockwood
Church Boulevard, Oviedo
122 Markham Woods Seventh 505 Markham Woods
Day Adventist Church Road, Longwood
123 Hamilton Elementary 1501 E. 8th Street,
School Sanford
124 Comfort Inn 590 Ava Court, Sanford
125 Sanford Civic Center 401 E. Seminole
Boulevard, Sanford
126 Seminole Community 5070 Orange Boulevard,
Church Sanford
Seminole County Supervisor of Elections Office
116 West 1st Street
P.O. Box 1479
Sanford, Florida 32772-1479
Phone: 407-665-7700
Fax: 407-665-7705
Office Hours: M - F 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
http://www .semcoelections.org/precinctl