HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 01 12 Regular 507
ITEM 507
~R~ /DEFT Firiance
January 12, 2004
REQUEST: The Commission:
. authorize the formation of a 3 member Audit Selection Committee
illcludillg selectioll of a City Commissioller,
. authorization for the City Manager to issue an RFP for Audit Services in
compliance with the Competitive Auditor Selection Procedures set forth
in Florida Statutes Section 11.45(3)(a) 6 and 7 (Competitive Negotiations
. and authorization for the City Manager to negotiate a contract for Audit
Services for review and approval by the Commission.
PURPOSE: To authorize the City Manager to form an Audit Selection Committee, issue an
RFP for Audit Services and negotiate a contract for review and approval by the
. Section 4.12 of the City of Winter Springs Charter requires that the City designate an
accounting firm annually or for a period not exceeding three years provided that the
designation for any particular fiscal year shall be made no later than six months after the
beginning of the fiscal year.
. The City must designate an accounting firm by March 31, 2004 for the FY 04 audit.
. Pursuant to Section 11.45(3)( a) 6, Florida Statutes, the governing body of a municipality,
special district, or charter school must establish an "auditor selection committee" and
"competitive auditor selection procedures".
An audit fee of$35,000 is currently budgeted in the General Fund.
The Finance Department recommends the:
1. Formation of a 3 member Audit Selection Committee comprised of the City Manager, a City
Commissioner (selected by the City Commission) and the City Controller.
2. Issuance of an RFP.
3. City Manager negotiate a contract, subject to Commission approval, for Audit Services based
on Audit Selection Committee recommendation.
I Monday, January 12, 2004 (Comm mtg) City Controller gain Commission
Authorization for RFP and City Commission
select a City Commissioner to serve on the
Audit Selection Committee.
Tuesday, January 13,2004 City Controller arrange for general ad in
paper, place RFP on Demand Star, and send
out RFP's to those firms currently doing audits
for the local cities in Seminole County.
Friday, February 13, 2004 Proposals due to City from audit firms.
Week of February 16, 2004 Committee members independently review
proposals and prepare rankings.
Monday, February 23, 2004 (Comm mtg day) Committee members come together to review
the results of the members independent review
of the proposals, and selects five firms to make
oral presentations to the committee.
Tuesday, February 24, 2004 City Controller schedule oral presentations.
Monday, March 8, 2004 (Comm mtg day) Auditors give oral presentations to Committee
Monday, March 8, 2004 (Comm mtg day) Committee selects and ranks three of the five
firms that made orals presentations to
negotiate with.
Tuesday, March 9,2004 City Manager negotiate including fee with the
#1 ranked firm first. Ifunable to reach
agreement, negotiations with the #1 ranked
firm are terminated and negotiations with the
#2 firm commence and so forth. If negotiations
fail with the first 3 firms, the committee is free
to begin negotiations with the remaining firms
in rankinf! order.
Monday, March 22, 2004 (Comm mtg )
City Manager recommend to the Commission
and gain approval to sign contract for audit
Florida Statute Section 11.45(3)( a) 6 and 7
Section 4.12 ofthe City Charter "Independent Audits"
Draft RFP
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F.s. 200J
Auditor General nor any employee of the Auditor Gen-
eral shall become a candidate for election to public
office unless she or he shall first resign from office or
History.-s. 3, ch. 67-470; s. 3, ch. 69-82; s. I, ch. 86-217; s, 1, ch. 91-162; s.
1, ch. 94.322; s, 1308, ch. 95-147; s, 2, ch. 95-395; s. 24, ch. 96.318; s. 1, ch. 97.2;
s. 71, ch, 97-190; s. 1, ch. 99-4; s. 2, ch. 99-333.
Note.-Former s. 11.183.
11.45 Definitions; duties; audits; reports.-
(1) As used in this section, the term:
(a) "County agency," for the exclusive purposes of
this section, means a board of county commissioners
or other legislative and governing body of a county,
however styled, including that of a consolidated or met-
ropolitan government, a clerk of the circuit court, a sep-
arate or. ex officio clerk of the county court, a sheriff, a
property appraiser, a tax collector, a supervisor of elec-
tions, or any other officer in whom any portion of the fis-
cal duties of the above are under law separately
placed. Each county agency is a local governmental
entity for purposes of subparagraph (3)(a)5.
(b) "Financial audit" means an examination of
financial statements in order to express an opinion on
the fairness with which they present financial position,
results of operations, and changes in financial position
in conformity with generally accepted accounting prin-
ciples and an examination to determine whether opera-
tions are properly conducted in accordance with legal
and regulatory requirements. Financial audits must be
conducted in accordance with generally accepted
auditing standards and governmental auditing stand-
ards as adopted by the Board of Accountancy.
(c) "Governmental entity" means a state agency, a
county agency, or any other entity, however styled, that
independently exercises any type of state or local gov-
ernmental function.
(d) "local governmental entity" means a county
agency, municipality, or special district as defined in s.
189.403, but does not include any housing authority
established under chapter 421.
(e) "Management letter" means a statement of the
auditor's comments and recommendations.
(f) "Operational audit" means a financial-related
audit whose purpose is to evaluate management's per-
formance in administering assigned responsibilities in
accordance with applicable laws, administrative rules,
and other guidelines and to determine the extent to
which the internal control, as designed and placed in
operation, promotes and encourages the achievement
of management's control objectives in the categories of
compliance, economic and efficient operations, reliabil-
ity of financial records and reports, and safeguarding of
(g) "Performance audit" means an examination of a
program, activity, or function of a governmental entity,
conducted in accordance with applicable government
auditing standards or auditing and evaluation stand-
ards of other appropriate authoritative bodies. The term
includes an examination of issues related to:
1. Economy, efficiency, or effectiveness of the
2. Structure or design of the program to accom-
plish its goals and objectives.
3. Adequacy of the program to meet the needs
identified by the Legislature or governing body.
4. Alternative methods of providing program ser.
vices or products.
5. Goals, objectives, and performance measures
used by the agency to monitor and report progrCllll
6. The accuracy or adequacy of public documen~
reports, or requests prepared under the program ~
state agencies.
7. Compliance of the program with appropriate
policies, rules, or laws.
8. Any other issues related to governmental en~
ties as directed by the Legislative Auditing Committee,
(h) "Political subdivision" means a separate agenCj
or unit of local government created or established ~
law and includes, but is not limited to, the following and
the officers thereof: authority, board, branch, bUrea~
city, commission, consolidated government, coun~
department, district, institution, metropolitan gover~
ment, municipality, office, officer, public Corporatio~
town, or village.
(i) "State agency" means a separate agency Of
unit of state government created or established by law
and includes, but is not limited to, the following and the
officers thereof: authority, board, branch, bureau, com-
mission, department, division, institution, office, officer,
or public corporation, as the case may be, except any
such agency or unit other than the Florida Public Ser.
vice Commission within the legislative branch of stale
government. .
(2) The Auditor General shall make financial audits
and performance audits of public records and perform
related duties as prescribed by law or concurrent reso-
lution of the Legislature. The Auditor General shall per.
form his or her duties independently but under the gen.
eral policies established by the Legislative Auditini'
(3)(a)1. The Auditor General shall annually make!
financial audits of the accounts and records of all stalel
agencies, as defined in this section, of all district school,
boards in counties with populations of fewer than:
125,000, according to the most recent federal decerrl
nial statewide census, and of all district boards of trusl'i
ees of community colleges. The Auditor General shall!
at least every other year, make operational audits of the I
accounts and records of all state agencies, as defined!
. in this section. The Auditor General shall, at least once:
every 3 years, make financial audits of the accou~tsl;
and records of all district school boards in counties with
populations of 125,000 or more. For each of the 2ye~rs'
that the Auditor General does not make the financl~
audit, each district school board shall contract for ani
independent certified public accountant to pe~orm aj
financial audit as defined in paragraph (1 )(b). ThiS see)
tion does not limit the Auditor General's discretionaryi
authority to conduct performance audits of these 901'-1
ernmental entities as authorized in subparagraph 3, Ai
district school board may select an independent certl'i.
fied public accountant to perform a financial audlt;1
defined in paragraph (1 )(b) notwithstanding the no ,:
cation provisions of this section. In addition, a distnc(,
school board may employ an internal auditor to perfonrt
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ongoing financial verification of the financial records of
a school district, who must report directly to the district
school board or its designee. The Auditor General
shall, at a minimum, provide to the successor
independent certified public accountant of a district
school board the prior year's working papers, including
documentation of planning, internal control, audit
results, and other matters of continuing accounting and
auditing significance, such as the working paper analy-
sis of balance sheet accounts and those relating to con-
2, Each charter school established under s.
228.056 shall have an annual financial audit of its
accounts and records completed within 12 months after
the end of its fiscal year by an independent certified
public accountant retained by it and paid from its funds.
The independent certified public accountant who is
selected to perform an annual financial audit of the
charter school shall provide a copy of the audit report
to the district school board, the Department of Educa-
tion, and the Auditor General. A management letter
must be prepared and included as a part of each finan-
cial audit report. The Auditor General may, pursuant to
his or her own authority or at the direction of the Joint
Legislative Auditing Committee, conduct an audit of a
charter school.
3. The Auditor General may at any time make
financial audits and performance audits of the accounts
and records of all governmental entities created pursu-
ant to law. The audits referred to in this subparagraph
must be made whenever determined by the Auditor
General, whenever directed by the Legislative Auditing
Committee, or whenever otherwise required by law or
concurrent resolution. A district school board, express-
way authority, or bridge authority may require that the
annual financial audit of its accounts and records be
completed within 12 months after the end of its fiscal
year. If the Auditor General is unable to meet that
requirement, the Auditor General shall notify the school
board, the expressway authority, or the bridge authority
pursuant to subparagraph 5.
4. The Office of Program Policy Analysis and Gov-
~mment Accountability within the Office of the Auditor
e~eral shall maintain a schedule of performance
audits of state programs. In conducting a performance
~Udlt o~ a state program, the Office of Program Policy
~alysls and Government Accountability, when appro-
P ate, shall identify and comment upon alternatives for
~ccomplishing the goals of the program being audited.
if ~Ch alte~natives may include funding techniques and,
e ppropnate, must describe how other states or gov-
r~mental units accomplish similar goals.
bo~ d If by July 1 in any fiscal year a district school
fied~h or lo?al g?vernmental entity has not been noti-
form ~t a finanCial audit for that fiscal year will be per-
Sub ~ by the Auditor General pursuant to
nue~ ragraph 3., each municipality with either reve-
SPecia~r expenditures of more than $100,000, each
more th dlS~ICt with either revenues or expenditures of
each di~n 50,000, and each county agency shall, and
finanCial nct ~chool board may, require that an annual
pleted w.aUdlt of its accounts and records be com-
, Ithln 12 months after the end of its respective
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fiscal year, by an independent certified public account-
ant retained by it and paid from its public funds. An
independent certified public accountant who is selected
to perform an annual financial audit of a school district
must report directly to the district school board or its
designee. A management letter must be prepared and
included as a part of each financial audit report. Each
local government finance commission, board, or coun-
cil, and each municipal power corporation, created as
a separate legal or administrative entity by interlocal
agreement under s. 163.01 (7), shall provide the Auditor
General, within 12 months after the end of its fiscal
year, with an annual financial audit report of its
accounts and records and a written statement or expla-
nation or rebuttal concerning the auditor's comments,
including corrective action to be taken. The county
audit shall be one document that includes a separate
audit of each county agency. The county audit must
include an audit of the deposits into and expenditures
from the Public Records Modernization Trust Fund.
The Auditor General shall tabulate the results of the
audits of the Public Records Modemization Trust Fund
and report a summary of the audits to the Legislature
6. The governing body of a municipality; special
district, or charter school must establish an auditor
selection committee and competitive auditor selection
procedures. The governing board may elect to use its
own competitive auditor selection procedures or the
procedures outlined in subparagraph 7.
7. The governing body of a noncharter county or
district school board that retains a certified public
accountant must establish an auditor selection commit-
tee and select an independent certified public account-
ant according to the following procedure:
a. For each noncharter county, the auditor selec-
tion committee. must consist of the county officers
elected pursuant to s. 1 (d), Art. VIII of the State Consti-
tution, and one member of the board of county commis-
sioners or its designee.
b. The committee shall publicly announce, in a
uniform and consistent manner, each occasion when
auditing services are required to be purchased. Public
notice must include a general description of the audit
and must indicate how interested certified public
accountants can apply for consideration.
c. The committee shall encourage firms engaged
in the lawful practice. of public accounting who desire to
provide professional services to submit annually a
statement of qualifications and performance data. ,
d.' Any certified public accountant desiring to pro-
vide auditing services must first be qualified pursuant to
law. The committee shall make a finding that the firm or
individual to be employed is fully qualified to render the
required services. Among the factors to be considered
in making this finding are the capabilities, adequacy of
personnel, past record, and experience of the firm or
e, The committee shall adopt procedures for the
evaluation of professional services, including, but not
limited to, capabilities, adequacy of personnel, past
record, experience, results of recent external quality
control reviews, and such other factors as may be
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F.S. 2000
determined by the committee to be applicable to its par-
ticular requirements.
1. The public must not be excluded from the pro-
ceedings under this subparagraph.
g. The committee shall evaluate current state-
ments of qualifications and performance data on file
with the committee, together with those that may be
submitted by other firms regarding the proposed audit,
and shall conduct discussions with, and may require
public presentations by, no fewer than three firms
regarding their qualifications, approach to the audit,
and ability to furnish the required services.
, h.The committee shall select no fewer than three
firms deemed to be the most highly qualified to perform
the required services after considering such factors as
the ability of professional personnel; past performance;
willingness to meet time requirements; location; recent,
current, and projected workloads of the firms; and the
volume of work previously awarded to the firm by the
agency, with the object of effecting an equitable distri-
bution of contracts among qualified firms, provided
such distribution does not violate the principle of selec-
tion of the most highly qualified firms. If fewer than
three firms desire to perform the services, the commit-
tee shall recommend such firms as it determines to be
. i. ' If the goveming board receives more than one
- proposal for the same engagement, the board may
rank, in order of preference, the firms to perform the
engagement The firm ranked first may then negotiate
a contract with the board giving, among other things, a
basis of its fee for that engagement If the board is
unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with that
firm, negotiations with that firm shall be formally termi-
nated, and the board shall then undertake negotiations
with the second-ranked firm. Failing accord with the
. second-ranked firm, negotiations shall then be termi-
nated with that firm 'and undertaken with the third-
ranked firm. Negotiations with the other ranked firms
shall be undertaken in the same manner. The board, in
negotiating with firms, may reopen formal negotiations
with anyone of the three top-ranked firms, but it may
not negotiate with more than one firm at a time. The
board shall,also negotiate on the scope and quality of
services. In making such determination, the board shall
conduct a detailed analysis of the cost of the profes-
sional services required in addition to considering their
scope and complexity. For contracts over $50,000, the
board shall require the firm receiving the award to exe-
cute a truth-in-negotiation certificate stating that the
rates of compensation and other factual unit costs sup-
porting the compensation are accurate, complete, and
current at the time of contracting. Such certificate shall
also contain a description and disclosure of any under-
standing that places a limit on current or future years'
audit contract fees, including any arrangements under
which fixed limits on fees will not be subject to reconsid-
eration if unexpected accounting or auditing issues are
encountered. Such certificate shall also contain a
description of any services rendered by the certified
public accountant or firm of certified public accountants
at rates or terms that are not customary. Any auditing
service contract under which such a certificate is
required must contain a provision that the original con.
tract price and any additions thereto shall be adjusted
to exclude any significant sums by which the board
determines the contract price was increased due to
inaccurate or incomplete factual unit costs. All SUch
contract adjustments shall be made within 1 year fOI.
lowing the end of the contract.
j. If the board is unable to negotiate a satisfactory
contract with any of the selected firms, the committee
shall select additional firms, and the board shall Con.
tinue negotiations in accordance with this subsection
until an agreement is reached.
8. At the conclusion of the audit field work, the
independent certified public accountant shall discuss
with the head of each local governmental entity or the
chair's designee or with the chair of the district school
board or the chair's designee, or with the chair of the
board of the charter school or the chair's designee, as
appropriate, all of the auditor's comments that will be
included in the audit report. If the officer is not available
to discuss the auditor's comments, their discussion is
presumed when the comments are delivered in writing
to his or her office. The auditor shall notify each memo
ber of the governing body of a local governmental entity
for which deteriorating financial conditions exist which
may cause a condition described in S. 218.503(1) to
occur if actions are not taken to address such condi.
9. The officer's written statement of explanation or
rebuttal concerning the auditor's comments, including
corrective action to be taken, must be filed with the gov.
erning body of the local governmental entity, district
school board, or charter school within 30 days after the
delivery of the financial audit report.
10. The Auditor General, in consultation with the
Board of Accountancy, shall adopt rules for the form
and conduct of all financial audits subject to this section
and conducted by independent certified public accoun-
tants. The Auditor General, in consultation with the
Department of Education, shall develop a compliance
supplement for the financial audit of a district scho~
board conducted by an independent certified public
accountant. The rules for audits of local government~
entities and district school boards must include, but are
not limited to, requirements for the reporting of informa-
, tion necessary to carry out the purposes of the Local
Government Financial Emergencies Act as stated ins
11. Any local governmental entity or district schad
board financial audit report required under
subparagraph 5. or charter school financial audit repon
required under subparagraph 2. and the officer's wri!-
ten statement of explanation or rebuttal concerning the
auditor's comments, including corrective action to ~
taken, must be submitted to the Auditor General w~hm
45 days after delivery of the audit report to the lo~
governmental entity, district school board, or chartef
school, but no later than 12 months after the end oflhl
fiscal year. If the Auditor General does not receive tl1e
financial audit report within the prescribed period, he~
she must notify the Legislative Auditing Committee th
the governmental.entity or charter school has not.co~
plied with this subparagraph. Following notifieatrond
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authorized by law or forfeiture of his office, or in
the event no one is elected to the office of mayor or
. commission member.
(b) Forfeiture of office. A commissioner or mayor
shall forfeit his office if he:
(1) Lacks at any time during his term of office
any qualifications prescribed by this Char-
ter or by law; or
(2) Knowingly and willfully violates any ex-
press prohibition of this Charter; or
(3) Is convicted of a felony; or
(4) Fails to attend three (3) consecutive reg~
ular meetings of the commission without
being duly excused by the commission.
(c) Filling of vacancies. A vacancy in a commis-
sion member's seat shall be filled until the next
regular election to be held for the office of the
commissioner from that seat by a majority vote of
all its remaining members.
Section 4.09. Judge of qualifications.
The commission shall be the judge of the elec-
tion and qualifications of its members and of the
grounds of forfeiture of their office and for that
purpose shall have power to subpoena witnesses,
administer oaths and require production of evi-
dence. A member charged with conduct constitut-
ing grounds for forfeiture of his office shall be so
notified by certified mail and shall be entitled to a
public hearing on demand, and notice of such
hearing shall be published in one or more news-
papers of a general circulation in the city at least
one week in advance of the hearing. Decisions
made by the commission under this section shall
be subject to review by the courts.
Section 4.10. City clerk.
(a) The city commission, after receiving a nom-
ination from either the mayor or a commission
member(s) shall, by a vote of not less than four (4)
commission members, appoint an officer of the
city who shall have the title of city clerk. The city
clerk shall give notice of commission meetings to
its members and the public, keep the journal ofits
Supp. No.2
proceedings and perform such other duties as are
provided by this Charter, by the commission or by
(b) The city clerk may be removed by a vote of
not less than four (4) commission members.
Section 4.11. Investigations.
The commission may make investigations into
the affairs of the city and the conduct of any city
department, office or agency and for this purpose
may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take
testimony and require the production of evidence.
Any person who fails or refuses to obey a lawful
order issued in the exercise of these powers by the
commission shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
punishable by a fine of not more than five hun-
dred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not
more than ninety (90) days or both.
Section 4.12. Independent audits.
The commission shall provide for an indepen-
dent audit of all city accounts and may provide for
such more frequent audits as it deems necessary.
Such audits shall be' made by a certified public
accountant or firm of accountants who have no
personal interest, direct or indirect in the fiscal
affairs of the city government or any of its officers.
The commission may designate such accountant
or firm annually or for a period not exceeding
three (3) years provided that the designation for
any particular fiscal year shall be made no later
than six (6) months after the beginning of such
fiscal year. If the state makes such an audit the
commission may accept it as satisfying the re-
quirement of this section.
Section 4.13. Procedure.
(a) Meetings. The commission shall meet reg-
ularly at least once every month at such times
and places as the commission may prescribe by
rule. Special meetings shall be held on the call of
the mayor or three (3) or more members and
whenever practicable, upon no less than twelve
(12) hours' notice to each member. All meetings
shall be public.
Telephone (407) 327-1800
The City of Winter Springs, Florida invites Independent Certified Public Accountants,
who are licensed to practice in the State of Florida, to submit proposals for the
performance of an examination of Winter Spring's financial statements. The purpose of
the examination is to express an opinion on the fairness with which the financial
statements present the City's financial position, changes in financial position and cash
flow and budgetary comparisons for major funds in conformity with generally accepted
governmental accounting principles, and to determine whether operations were
conducted in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements.
A. General Information
1. The City will contract for the annual audit for fiscal years ending September 30,
2004, 2005 and 2006.
2. Winter Springs, Florida is a City Commission/City Manager form of municipal
government. The City is primarily a retail, office and residential area with a
population of 32,000. The City employs approximately 264 employees and
administers a combined budget of $37,000,000.
3. Copies of the City's Annual Financial Report for fiscal year ended September 30,
2002, which included an unqualified audit opinion, will be made available on
request, as well as the 2004 Annual Budget.
4. The City's accounting system is fully automated. The City's mainframe computer
is run on a UNIX platform. All Finance Department personnel have connection
via personal computers. General Ledger, Fixed Assets, Purchasing, Cash
Receipts, and Utility Billing systems are fully automated. Budgets are initially
recorded in the automated accounting system, and amendments and transfers
are subsequently documented within the system.
5. Audits for the fiscal years ending September 30, 2000 - 2003 were performed by
McDirmit Davis Puckett, Orlando, Florida.
6. The City has no internal audit department. Finance personnel working on the
audit includes the City Controller, Management and Budget Analyst, Revenue
Manager, Utility Billing Manager and two staff accountants. Finance personnel
are committed to furnishing documents and preparing audit work schedules and
being available to assist with the preparation of any additional information
needed. Financial statements will be prepared by the audit firm.
7. The City is a recipient of various grants, none of which are anticipated to be a
major program for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004.
8. The entity to be audited includes the following fund types:
General Fund
Special Revenue Funds (17)
Debt Service Funds (7)
Capital Projects Funds (7)
Enterprise Fund (3)
The City has no component units.
9. The City has received the Government Finance Officers Associations Certificate
of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the fiscal years ending
September 30,1997, 1998,2000,2001 and is awaiting response regarding 2002.
10. The City implemented GASB 34 for FY 2002.
B. Performance Specifications:
1. To be eligible to qualify as an external auditor, the following minimum
requirements must be met:
a) The firm must be established as a legal entity and be licensed in the State of
Florida. The principals of the firm must have performed continuous auditing
services to local governments for a minimum of five (5) years.
b) The firm must meet the independence and education requirements of the
Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the
United States.
c) The firm must have no record of substandard audit work.
d) The firm must be a member of the American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants, the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the
Government Finance Officers Association.
e) All individuals who will be working on the audit must have at least 24 hours of
governmental accounting and auditing CPE.
2. The audit shall be performed in compliance with the following as they exist or as
each may be subsequently amended:
a) Generally Accepted Auditing Standards.
b) Governmental Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the
United States.
c) Rules adopted by Auditor General for form and content of local governmental
unit audits.
d) Audits of State and Local Governmental Units (AICPA Audit Guide Revised).
e) Single Audit Act of 1984 and OMB Circular A-133.
3. The audit shall be a financial audit as defined in Sec. 11.45(1 )(b), Florida
4. The audit is to be conducted and the statements prepared in accordance with
GASB 34, and the audit shall include a review and evaluation of the City's
system of internal accounting controls.
5. The auditor shall submit, no later than fifteen (15) days after the end of field work,
a draft of the management letter, which shall identify weaknesses observed in
the system of internal accounting controls, assess their effect on the system and
propose steps to eliminate such weaknesses.
6. Working papers are the property of the auditor and should be held locally for a
period of five (5) years. Working papers will be available for examination or
duplication without charge to authorized City personnel as well as
representatives of the cognizant Federal Audit Agency, the General Accounting
Office, the State of Florida Auditor General or the State Board of Accountancy.
They will be made available for examination or duplication at a reasonable
charge to subsequent auditors engaged by the City.
7. The auditor will agree to immediately notify the City if the Board of Accountancy
or any other regulatory agency requests a review of the audit work papers
concerning the City or any government client audited by the firm's local office.
8. The City will expect immediate compliance with any expanded scope definitions
and will consider fee adjustment where significant change can be demonstrated
which will materially affect what the City should have expected the auditor to
accomplish at the time of fee determination.
9. The Auditor will assist the City in complying with changes in reporting
requirements to remain in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting
10. If the City issues debt during the contract period for which the official statement
contains financial statements and the report of independent accounts, the firm
shall be required to issue a "consent and citation of expertise" as auditor and any
necessary "comfort letters" at a cost to be negotiated with the City.
c. Instructions for Proposals:
1. Proposals, in not less than 5 copies, shall be mailed or delivered to:
Attn: City Clerk
City of Winter Springs
1126 East SR. 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
2. Proposals must be received by the City not later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday,
February 13, 2004, in order to be considered.
3. Proposals must be delivered in a sealed envelope or sealed box with the name of
the proposer and RFP # 006/04/JC Audit Services clearly marked on the
outside for easy identification. No facsimile or telegraphic proposal submissions
will be accepted.
4. Cost of the preparation and submittal of proposals is an operational cost of the
proposer, and the City of Winter Springs shall not be responsible for any such
costs incurred.
D. Information to be included in the Proposal:
1. Title Page - The proposer should identify the RFP number and subject, the name
of the firm, local address, telephone number, name and title of contact person,
and date of submission.
2. Table of Contents - Provide a clear identification of the material by section and
by page number.
3. Letter of Transmittal - Should be brief, and introductory in nature.
4. A statement setting forth the proposer's understanding of the work to be done, a
brief description of the audit procedures to be followed and major areas of
emphasis, and a tentative schedule for performing the key phases of the audit.
5. An express agreement to meet or exceed Performance Specifications listed in
Section B. List any exceptions taken to these specifications,
6. Description and history of the firm, including whether the firm is local, regional or
7. The location of the office from which the work is to be done, the number of
personnel in that office who would be working on the audit and the relevant prior
governmental auditing experience of the assigned office. Firm-wide experience
may be submitted in addition to, but not in lieu of, the assigned office's or staff's
8. An identification of the partners, managers and supervisors who will work on the
audit, including staff from other than the local office if necessary for the audit.
Note whether members of the proposed audit team are employees of the firm or
are contracted consultants. Also indicate persons authorized to represent and
commit the firm, including business address and phone number.
Resumes for each managerial and supervisory person to be assigned to the
audit should be submitted and include the following information:
a) Formal education.
b) Supplemental education relative to governmental accounting and auditing.
c) Experience in public accounting in general.
d) Experience in private business or government.
e) Experience with governmental units.
f) Experience with preparation of GASB 34 statements.
g) Experience and expertise in auditing computer systems.
h) Membership in various national and state governmental accounting boards,
committees, or associations (past and present).
i) Professional recognition, such as Certified Public Accounting licenses,
awards etc.
It is understood that managerial, supervisory and audit staff may be changed for
a variety of reasons. Replacements may be made at the discretion of the
proposer, provided there is no compromise in qualifications or experience and
replacements (new staff) are acceptable to the City.
9. A description of the office's experience in preparing GASB 34 financial
statements and in providing assistance in obtaining the Certificate of
Achievement. List those municipalities for whom you currently prepare or have
prepared a CAFR in accordance with GASB 34, and those who received the
Certificate of Achievement during your tenure as auditor.
10. A current listing of Florida municipalities for which the firm is providing or has
provided auditing services, the scope of such service, and the time periods of
such service. Please provide a contact person, address and phone number, as
these clients may be contacted for references.
11. A description of the firm's approach to peer review and a copy of the most recent
peer review report. Indicate whether that peer review included a review of local
government client activities.
12. Firm promotional material may also be included as supplemental information;
however, it will not be considered a substitute for the proposal.
13. Disclosure of any unresolved or pending regulatory disciplinary actions and/or
litigation including negative declaration if applicable.
E. Evaluation Procedure:
The City desires to award the contract to the most responsive and responsible
proposer that demonstrates the ability to provide the highest quality of service at the
best cost. To accomplish this goal, the city criteria for selection shall include, but not
be limited to, the following criteria:
Evaluation Criteria Points
1. The firm's specific municipal audit experience with 20
municipalities of comparable size.
2. Professional certification, education and experience of 20
personnel to be assiqned to the audit.
3. Understanding of the scope of services to be provided as 10
demonstrated by the stated audit approach.
4. Responses of references. 5
5. Past, current and projected work assignments of assigned 10
audit staff.
6. History of performing quality audits as demonstrated by 5
recent peer review report.
7. Willingness to meet the City's timeline (fieldwork start date 15
in November, CAFR issuance by end of January).
8. Location within 50 miles of the City of Winter Springs. 5
9. Overall presentation of proposal and oral presentation. 10
F. Selection Process:
A three-member Auditor Selection Committee will consist of the City Manager, City
Controller and a City' Commissioner. The Auditor Selection Committee will evaluate
and rank proposals based on a weighted score point formula. The Committee will
select a list of not less than five firms as finalists for oral presentations and
interviews. After oral presentations and interviews with each of the five firms, the
Committee will rank the finalists and undertake fee negotiations with the top ranking
finalist. Should agreement not be reached, negotiations will begin with the remaining
firms in ranking order. The Auditor Selection Committee will then present a
recommendation to the City Commission on March 22, 2004.
G. Terms and Conditions:
1. All responses shall become the property of the City of Winter Springs.
2. Proposals shall be prepared simply, providing straightforward responses to
satisfy the requirements of this RFP.
3. Each firm shall examine all parts of this RFP and shall determine all matters
relating to the interpretation of such documents. Only those firms that have
received and responded to this RFP will be considered. Any changes to the RFP
will be addressed by addenda to all firms who have received this RFP.
4. A response to this RFP does not constitute a bid; therefore, the City retains their
right to contact any/all proposers after submittal in order to obtain supplemental
information and/or clarification.
5. All questions for clarification or additional information should be directed to the
City Clerk. No other City Staff, Board, Commission members, or contracted
consultants shall be contacted. Such unauthorized contact shall be cause for
6. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all submittals received, to
waive irregularities and technicalities, and to request re-submission or to re-
advertise for all or any part of the RFP. The City shall be the sole judge of the
proposal and the resulting negotiated agreement that is in the City's best interest,
and the City's decision shall be final.
H. Reauest for Additional Information:
The proposer shall furnish such additional information as the City may reasonably
require. This includes information, which indicates financial resources as well as
ability to provide and maintain the system and/or services. The City reserves the
right to make investigations of the qualifications of the proposer or any of its agents
as it deems appropriate.
I. Addendum and Amendment to Reauest for Proposals:
If it becomes necessary to revise or amend any part of this Request for Proposal, the
revision will be furnished by written Addendum to all prospective proposers who
received a Request for Proposal.
J. BillinQs and Payment:
Progress payments not to exceed 80% of the total annual fee will be made on receipt
of invoice from the proposer, in accordance with a mutually agreed schedule. Final
payment will be made upon receipt and acceptance of final audit reports, opinion
letters and management letter.
K. On-Site Inspections:
Proposers are welcome to inspect recent CAFRs and the current budget or make an
on-site inspection of City facilities in connection with preparing proposals, providing
that arrangements are made in advance with the City Clerk.
L. Non-Collusion:
By offering submission to the RFP, the proposer certifies the proposer has not
divulged to, discussed or compared his/her proposal with other proposers or parties
to this proposal whatsoever.
M. Public Entitv Crimes:
A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a
conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any
goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public
entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit
bids on leases or real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform
work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor or consultant under a contract with any
public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the
threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO, for a period of
36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.
N. Additional Information:
Requests for additional information should be made to:
Attn: City Clerk
City of Winter Springs
1126 East S.R. 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
407 -327 -5955
NOTE: All prospective proposers are hereby cautioned not to contact any member
of the City of Winter Springs Commission, or any other staff member except the City
Clerk, regarding this proposal. Such unauthorized contact shall be cause for
RFP's Mailed
Return Deadline for RFP's - (5:00 p.m.)
RFP's Submitted to Auditor Selection Committee
Preliminary Ranking to Determine Finalists
Schedule Oral Presentations
Oral Presentations with Finalist's Firms
Final Ranking by Committee Complete
Contract Negotiations
Recommended Contract Presented to Commission
January 13, 2004
February 13, 2004
February 16, 2004
February 23, 2004
February 24, 2004
March 8, 2004
March 8, 2004
March 9, 2004
March 22, 2004
Description of Contract:
Name of company responding
Name of authorized individual signing
being the first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is the respondent in the
above proposal, that the only person or persons interested in said proposal are
named therein; that no officer, employee or agent of the City of Winter Springs or of
any other party is interested in said request for proposal; and that affiant makes the
above proposal with no past or present collusion with any other person, firm or
Sworn and subscribed before me this
20 , in the State of Florida, County of
day of
Notary Public
My Commission Expires:
If you do not intend to respond to this Request for Proposal, please complete and
return this form prior to the date shown for receipt of proposals to:
Attn: City Clerk
City of Winter Springs
1126 East S.R. 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
We, the undersigned, have declined to propose on RFP # 006/04/JC, audit services,
for the following reasons:
Company Name:
Phone Number: