HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 08 25 Regular E Appointment to City of Winter Springs' Alternate to the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority
Public Hearing
Regular X
August 25, 2003
Regular Meeting
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Mgr. / ~:Pt.
The City Clerk requests that the City Commission remove from the Table and
then approve an Appointment to replace Mr. Roy Prince who prior to his recent
resignation has served as the City of Winter Springs' Alternate to the South
Seminole And North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority.
The Mayor and City Commission are being requested to remove this from the
Table, and then make an Appointment to replace Mr. Roy Prince who has been
serving as the City of Winter Springs' Alternate on the South Seminole And
North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority.
At the August 11, 2003 City Commission Regular Meeting, this Agenda Item was
on the Agenda, however no action was taken.
At the July 28, 2003 City Commission Regular Meeting, this same Agenda Item
was on the Agenda, and subsequently Tabled.
Mr. Donald Gilmore is currently serving in the capacity of Representative (for the
City of Winter Springs) to the South Seminole And North Orange County
Wastewater Transmission Authority.
Mr. Roy Prince had been serving as the City of Winter Springs' Alternate (for the
City of Winter Springs) to the South Seminole And North Orange County
Wastewater Transmission Authority, until his letter of Resignation was recently
As a result, the City Commission is being requested to make an Appointment to
replace Mr. Roy Prince as the City of Winter Springs's Alternate to the South
Seminole And North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority.
Any Appointment should be made in consideration of the criteria provided from
the South Seminole And North Orange County Wastewater Transmission
Authority in Attachment "B" - specifically 78-617 - Section 4.
A copy of the Resignation letter from Mr. Roy Prince was forwarded to the Mayor
and City Commission upon original receipt ofMr. Prince's letter of Resignation.
If an Appointment is not made at this Meeting, it will be placed on subsequent
Agendas, until this vacancy has been filled.
It is recommended that an Appointment be nominated and approved for the City
of Winter Springs' next Alternate to the South Seminole And North Orange
County Wastewater Transmission Authority.
A. A copy of the Resignation letter from Mr. Roy Prince.
B. Introductory infonnation from the South Seminole And North Orange County
Wastewater Transmission Authority and excerpt from 78-617 - (including
Section 4.).
/' '.
JUN 1 2 'n03
CITY HAll .. / ^ .J
Ct. cejCf/4 CITf C
June 10, 2003
Mayor Bush
City Hall
1126 East State Road 434
Wmter Springs, FL 32750
Dear Mayor,
I hereby resign from my volunteer position as a member of the Board of Directors for the
South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater District
Roy Prince
'410 Lake Howell Road
P.O. Box 941837
Maitland,' FL 32794-1837
Telephone 4071628-3419
Fax 407/628-3419
. The South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater
Transmission Authority, an existing Independent Special District,
owps and operates ~n untreated wastewater transmission system
located in portions of Seminole County, Orange County, the Cities
of Casselberry, Winter park, and the City of Maitland. The .
Authority provides such transmission service to Seminole County,
,The Cities of Maitland, Casselberry and Winter Park and can
provide service to the City of Winter Springs.
The Transmission .System consists of nineteen (19) pumping
stations and approximately thirty (30) miles of pipeline ranging
.in size from. eight (8) inches to forty-eight(48) inches. The
total transmission system.of piping has a total hydraulic
capacity, under peak conditions; of more than forty (40) million
gallons per day. The current load on the system averages
approximately eleven (11) million gallons per day.
The 'Wastewater.Transmission Authority was created by an Act
of the. Florida Legislature in 1978 and began its design work in
the spring'of 1979. . Design was completed, a Construction Grant
was obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency, and Bond
Anticipation Notes were issued' during 1981, with construction on
the system beginning in February 1982. Initial flows into the
. system were begun in February 1983 and the total system completed
'in the fall of 1983. Bond Anticipation. Notes issued' in December
1981 were replaced by' Sewer Revenue Bonds in December 1983 and
replaced at lower interest'rates with bond issues in 1986 and
During the next ten years we do not anticipate any specific
identifiable replacement of these facilities, but as equipment
fails or becomes overloaded, it will be replaced out of current
reserve funds or at the cost of a developer who may be imposing
such overload of the system~ Our current anticipation as to
capacity and demand remains at the forty (40) million gallons
.plus and ultimate capacity with a probable average demand between
fifteen (15) to twenty (20) million gallons per day.
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':H"nER' -II-n ,
Senate 8111 No. 1341
AN "C'l' creating .the South S~!lII"o1e and North oring~ County
wastevater Tran..I..lo~ Aut~ort~y,' declarln, the Intent
and purpose of said act, providing a'legal d.scrlptlon
,of the authC?rlty's ~undary and' .ethod of aoellfylng
'the boundary Un,s, proY'dlng for a governing board"
providing defi~ltlon., pr,scrlblng the purpose and
povers . of the authdrlty, proYld~n9 for the J..uanc~ of
revenue bonds, pr~Yldlng ~ ~ethod for ebarglng for
~erYices' performed, requiring custo~er. to provide a
lIlethod to. pay for services. '. recdved" providing
pualtlea fot nOnpayme"t, provlcHn9 for sealed bid. for
contracts for construction or Impr~vem.nts, prohibitIng
free va.~evater transml$slon. se~vlce.' providing for
conveyance of . property .to the authority. vlthout
conslde'utlon, provldln9 for coope'ratlon vlth other
90vernmental ~nlts, boards, .nd agenclu and
Indlvldua1iu provlcUng for coven!lnt' of the sut, not to
. ~1ter or U~it the rJghts and ~veCl of. tM authority,
provldln9 for exemption of th,'luthorlty.froa taxation,
provfdln9 .for exe~Ptlori of the authority 'ffO. certain
u9ulations, prQvldlng for depos~t of.lIOney ncelvech
providing for sale of surplUS proputy, providln9 for
Hberal construction and s"v~rabl1lty' prov.leUng an_
effective date.
. .
~e It: .Enacted by the Le9islature of the State of Fl!)rldu
Short tltle.--This act ~ay be knbvn and cited as the
and North Orange County Wastevater Transmission
section 1.
South Sellllnole
Authority Act.
Section 2. Intent and pur~ose.--It 11 hereby declar~d to be the
intent of the Legislature 'that tlll! best Int,relts of the pubUc
health, . safety, and welfare vlthin the boundar lis of the' South
s~mlnole and North Orange County Wastevater Tran~.laslon Authority,
~erelnafter' created, necessitate the for~atlon of a.sepa~ate local
agency of the government with povers designed to !leet the particular
ne.~s of said Irea In relationship to trans.lsalon.~f va.te",ater to
the ~e9lonal Sevage Trea'tlllentPlant. 'Ib~ vastewaur Is to be
r.celved frOIll thereUll collect'ion sylltelll' 'owned Ind operated by the
lIIunlcipalltles, counties ~nd others and' transported by the authority
through its facUlties to the ~e9iol'l.1 Sevage Treatment plant )/hlch
I.s to be ovned and operated by others. . It is the I"unt tt'!at the
lIuthoritY created herein be 'Umlted In ita povers, usponllbllltles,
{acllltles and scope of operation. and 1II11ntenance'Actlvltles In order
to avoid. duplication. of openUn9 and IIlIntenance. pers~I\I\,I,
equlplllent, and facilitieS 'lith' those nlsting of the.' represllnted
~ponso(lnq governlllehtS. It Is further the intent of the ~eglslatur'
that ne.ds be.~et in such a way a~ to eause ~Inl.u. dalllage to th-
area'.' relources and ,nvlroneent and'preY.n~ additional environment.l
problell' frolll being' created, a. well as providll'l9 lolut IonS :0
el!lstlncJ probh.... Maxhllu,- use o.f .dsUn9 systed shall be lBa ~
vhenever feasible-and eonaSst,nt wSth .~e'purpole' o~ this act. 1.
Is also the' Intent of. the Le9ls~ature tha~ current and lo~9 ra"~e
phnnlng sball be carried out 150 '. t.h.a~ r~qulud services are ~ he
avall.ble at the lovest pOsslbl, cost a. t.he cb,rlc~erlstlc' of t .
~ru cb!l~. In ordef to CllffY o~t .the .ntent t1tpru.ecS herein th'
\.., He .~.
.~.utborlty .b111 n... "'.. ."11-- ,. -
. ..Sntlln, operate, ova or 1.... In the capacity of l...or or les..
, ~"..tevaur tun..lulon 5y.tea except .. oCher"t.. ~o"Jdecl 1ft ~J
, ~ .Iet .nll to 9rant.such IdcUtlonal I'lC)bt8 and povers as her.lnaft r
. ,~~onftrr'd. . . ,
. '- "'. , .
, .. section 3. aoundarh..-There Is hereby ereat~ and ..tabU h d
i't poll tIcal lubdlvlslon of ~e aute to be \no,," as the South S.:I: a
""and North' orange County Wastevater TtaNSllllasloft Autb' o.
:. ~ 'ertlnafur referred to '.sthe authority, whIch sball -bra orit ,
~~ inClude portion. of the unincorporated are.. of On"9. ;;d see I a d
~~ County, Florida, ."d portlon. of the Incorporated anas of th:- ~~ e
:f'et of Maitland, the.' city of Wlnter park, the City of Casselber X
'\~rtb' City of winter Sprln9S, florida, as follovs: . ry, a
:1-J.\. ' '
'~.~': . Begin at the SW corner of the SE .1/4 of the SW 1/4 of' Section 1
....f . '~vnshlp 22 South, Range 29 Ellt, run thence East: 3/4 .Ue to th
:_ 'oorner of \laid Section 12, also belnC) the SW Corner of secUe
:',1' Tovnshlp 22 south, Range 30 tast, thence East 982.1 feet alon on
. ".8~uth llne of .aid sec~lon 1 to a point 129 feet East of ~he
rj'~ .comer of Lot 44, Block 35 of Beverly Shores as recorded In PI t
,;:, 0, p.ge 44 of the pubHc Records of OranC)e County, florlda at
0.; South lS8.66 feet to a .polnt on the North Une of NottlnC)halll' A:: e
".:-: 129 feet East of the SE corner of Lot U of said Block 35, the ce
~~:.southeasterlY alon9 the East line of Nottin9ham Avenue 238 feet - re
:.,r_r leu to the centerline of the abandoned Seaboard Coast! ne
"f ~R.Uroad' thence Northeasterly alon9 sdd centerline 265.5 reet to
-1~~ tb. East line of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of S~cUon 18, Townshl 22
>i:!'~. South, ~ang. ~O East, thence South. to the SW corner of the NE III f
":~. tbe NW 1/4 of said Section 18, thence East 1/4 1l\11e- to the SE 0
':;:'. of the NE 1/4 of. the NW 1/4 of sald Section 18, thence South 1I~0~ ;~
.~, t.o the SW corner of the SW 1/4 of the NE U4 of said Section 8
.:': thence East along the South line of said SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 t 1
~!... point 43S.7 feet weat of the SE corner of the SW 1/4 of the NE 0 ·
-:'~. sald hctlon 18, thence Southvesterly to the SW corner of L~~4:f
1~) 'lock c of the. Ripples as recorded In Plat Book S, Page 26 of h~
>~,.;..."~bllc Records of orllnge County,' Florida. continue the ce
t{; Southvesterly 289 fut IlIOU or less to the ~uth of .Sprln9' Bran h.
:~:; .t L.ke s~e, thence Southeasterly :1~"9 said Sprln9 Branch. 566' et
:.~, to the center of a .concrete y In the center of said .5 r
~~;' lunch., . thence.M 760)6' E 88 feet, thence S. 86030' E 693.86 feet ~ n:
~.;; poJnt on the E< 'rIght of vay line of winter Park Road, thence N rth'
.; ,'a1orl9 sald right of vay line 581.3 feet IIlOre or less to a int 20
.~._ het South of the MM corner of Block F of parkhn40 Mo. 2 as ~eco ded
',~. In pl~t Book N, '1ge 45 of the Public Records of Or_nge tou ty
: .... florida, thence East 632 feet lIlore or less to a point on the '
. ~ Une of sald .Block r, thence North 20 feet to the NE corner of :~~
~~l1oc~ F, thence North 329.5 feet to the HE corner of the SE 1/ of
~~!-'ectlon 18, Tovnahlp 22 South, ~ange 30 East, thence M 890 09'40 E
~)10 feet to a point 54.18 feet tast of the S~ corner of Lot 15 Bock
r~...,'D, of o.uall Hollov. as recorded $n Plat Book ,3, hCJu $3 . 54 of the
\~,;. )UbUcRe~ords of orange county, Florida, thence S 49040'25. E 12 86
::f~f.et to the South corner of said Lot 15, thence N 1604)' E 86.2 f ;t
-,f the.nee S 8900,'40. W 0.3 feet, thence M 0055149- E 175 feet to th s:,
. .~ ~.~ eorner of Lot 12 of aald 'D1ock DJ thence N 89009' 40. E 230 fee to
:t:J,;, the. s! corner of Lot 11 of said Block D, ~hence South 175 h to
~t.h. SW corner of E 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 1'7
"'~ovn.h.lp 22 South, RancJe 30 East, thence East 1/8 .11e to t e s~
. ~~orner Qf the sw 1/4 of the NIf 1/4. of said Section 17, thence 0 ttJ'
,.,-1293.16 'feet 'IIOre or leas to a polnt 30 feet South of the NE r_,
~~ ~f the SIf 1/4 of tlle NIf 1/4 of said Section 11, thence East 1/2c ~~;
: ~. .
,-"",r.... .v-_..
; . \;1 .
',.to . PoJn~ 30 lilt South of the ltl corn.t.ot the SW 1/4 ~f the ME 1/4
.of ..ld Section 11, thence "oUh 30 feet to ..14 .,1 corner, th.nee
East 1/4 aIle to the BE corner o~ th, 111 1/4 of 'the MI 1/4 of safd
Sect$on 11, aho being the SM corner of the 11M 1/4 'of the 1fW 1/4 of
S.etlon 16,' Township 22. South, Ran,e 30 1.lt, th~ftce I~st 96.fiet
11I01" or l's. to the w..t right of v,y Une of Lah_nt". . Avenue,. .lso
known .s the ~rl.ndo-Mlnt.r P.rk Road, thence Sout~erly along said
right. of way lSn. 1/4,IIU, !Ilore or It" to a point 3~f.tt North and
30 feet west. of the SM corn.r of the IIW UC of Section .1~, Township
22 South, Rang. 30 E..t, thence East 3~ feet' thence South 30 feet to
said 8M corner,thenc. East 3/16 all. ~re or 1_. a to the 5E corner
~f ~ot 2 of ~c callu.'s Subdlvl.lo~ ai r.cor~e4 In.Plat Book A, 'age
98 of the Pu~llc Records of Orange county, rlQrlda, thence North 1/4
mile to the Interaectlon of the Northerly exten.l~n of the ~ast line
of said Lot 2 with the South, Une of the 1Iw'1I4 ~f the IIW 1/4 of s1l14.
'Sectlon 16, th.n~' last 15 .feet IIOre or leu to the SE corner of the
W 112 of the st 114 of the NM J/4 o~ the NW lI4 of, ..Id Section 16,
thence North 1/8 aUe to the NE corn~r of. tile W 1/2 of' the SI 1/4 of
~he NW 1/4 of th.. NW 1/4 of sllld Section 16, thence we.~960 feet
more or le.a to . point 30 feet E~at of the SW corner of the . NW 1/4
of the NW 1/4 of the KW 1/4 of sal4 Section 16,alio'~elrig 'on the
East rl9ht of vay Un. of. Lakellont ~~ilu.,th!lnc:. Korth 1/1611I11,
along said right of way Une U . ~lnt 30 feet IIIO~' or less Eeat of
thlt SW co~ner of the N .1/;l of the N\II 1/4 -of the HW 1/4 of the NW 1/4
of safd Section 16, thence East. 630' feet JIOrt or' leas to the SE
corner of the 11 1/2 of the NIf 1/4 of the IfW 1/4 of tho N\II 1/4 of sdd
section 16, thence North 330 het 1I0U.' or leu to the NE corner of
the NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of the ~W 1/4 of' nld Section' 16, thence Eaat
3/8 alh to t.he NI corner of the NW 1/4 of said section 16, . thence
South 346.1 feet IlClreor lees t.o the SW corner of. tblt Ii 114 of the NW
1/4 . of the NE 1/4 of said Section 16, thence East 1/4 aile t.o the SE
corner of the K. 1/4 of the NW Ii. of the NE l/4 of' saf4 Section 16,'
thence South 2336.85 feet 1l0rJi or leu to the Sl( corner of the .f: 1/2
of the ~E 1/4 of sald Section 16, thence Eut 1/4 lIih to t.he St
corner of the NE' 1/4 of said Section 16, ....d corner being th,' West
1/4 corner of Section 15, Towrtahlp 22'South, Range 30 &est, thence
East to the Eut 1/4 corner of said Section 15, said point ~lng the
West 1/4 corner of Section 14, Township 22 South, Range 30 East.,
thence tast 1/4 1111. to the St.comer of the We.t 1/2 of the NW 1/4
of said Section 14, thence South 1/8 IIUe to theSW eornel' of .the
North' 1/2 of the Nt 1/4 of the SW 1/4 'of aald Sectlon'le, thence East
to the SE corner 'of the North 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the'Sw 1/4 of .lIld
Sectlo" 14, aafd eorner being on t.he centerline of State Road IS-A,
also ~nown as Goldenrod Road, thence ~orth along the centerline of
nld State, Ro.d l5-A to theNW corner of the SE 1/4 of said Section
14, thence 'E~st along the North Un, of the SElIC of said Section
14, a distance of 41 feet eare or less to . point 2599.02 feet West
of the East. l/C corner of. .s.14 section 14, thence Southerly IInd
Eaaterly along the We.~ and South lines of Ivanhoe t.tates Unit 3 as'
ree~rd.d .In Plat Book l, Page 5(1 of '. the p'ubllc Jlec~rds . of ounge
County, Florid., to the Sit corner' of Lot 12, Block G of said Ivanhoe'
EstateS, Unit 3, thence Easterly and'~ortherly along the Sout~ and
teat Unes of lYan~o' Estates, Unit 2, as tee:orde4 In plat Boo Ie 3,
page 46 of th..PubU~ Recorda of Oran9...eount.y. Florid." to the tiE
corner of Lo~ 43, Block B.of ..Id Ivanhoe Estate', Unit 2,thef!ce
~9rtherly 'and w.sterly along the East and Nor~h lines' of' Ivanhoe
. tIUt.ei, Ul'lt 1 .ais re~ord.d in Plat Book 2, Page 129 of the public
Records of Orange County, Florid', to the Jnf corner of Lot 1, Block A
of 'I~ld Ivan~o. Eltates unJt I, then~e we.terly along the Nor~h lint
of tvanhoe Eatat.~, Unit 4, 'as recorded In Plat Book 3, Page 68 o.
the 'ub~ ~ecord. 0," OTan~. ~ounty, r~orldll, to the centerline o~
,'. ) .._Id state Road ISl, ..14 c.aterllne belftC) m. ....t 11M Of tilt IIZ
. 1/e of section 14-, TownahSp 22 Sout", Ra",. 30 Rut, thence North. ly
l' \ to' the North 1/4 corner of ~ld s.ctlon 14,. 'ald point. bel ·
. ' lout. II 1/4 corner of section 11, . Townah I p 22 South, Range 3:' Ea U
I'thence Northerly along the .weat ,11n. of the 5E 11'4 of said Sect. on
'" 11. 1/1 .U. 110ft of has to. the sw corner of th. Horth 112 of the'SII
.. '.l/C of the SI 1/4 of .a14 section 111 thence Eaaterly along the $0 th
.~. Un..' to .the 51 corner of the NorttJ'1/2 of the S.. 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of
~~. .ald Section 111 thence Northerly along the hat. line of the 50 'tlt
.11':1/2 of the SM l/C of the SE 1/4 01 said Section 11. to the NE cor er
:~ of the North 112 of the SW 1/4 of th.e SE .1/4 of said Section 11, s Id
.~;: point belft9 the southeast corner of. Lot 29 of Laurel Sprl .
.~ti Subdivision II. recorded In plat Book 4, Page.16, Public Records of
.~~'ouftge County, 'rlorl~a, thence Northerly ~long the East line of' Id
i-" Laurel Springs to the Noctheast corner of Lot 17, l.aurU Sprl.
.:..t!~~.ald corner being on the North line of the 5E 1/4 of sald Section
~ thence Westerly along the North Une of sald Laurel SprlftCJs to
. ~~ centerllne of State Road IS-A, said point being the NW. corner 0:
,~. II 1/4 of Sectlon 111 thence Northerly along the centerUne of
-iJ sute Road 15-A to the point of Intersection with the centerlin
:~. florlda Technological University (F.T.U.) Boulevard, thence tut
"r dong the centerllne. of said F.T.U. Boulevard to the poln
_:1..inhuectlon wUh the East 11ne of the SE 1/4 of Section 1, Town
:}.".:. 22 . South, Range 30 East, thence North along the East Une of th
:~: 1/4 . to the Eut. lIC corner of ~a1d Section. 1 J thence North along the
~. lut lln. of the Northeast 1/4 to the NE corner of said Sectlo 1,
~.' . .ald corner being on dividing line between Orange and Sellllnole Co nty
~.'l.....rid also being the SW corner of Section 31, TownShip 21 South !\ nge
';i.i:o' 31 tnt, thence East along the Selllnole CountY-OuftCJe County lin~ to
.=f.f,i'.D.an Road, thence Northwesterly along the East rlght-of-vay lIn of
..::: nean Roa4 to the Intersection of Dean Road and State Road 426, tt: nee
~,~ Wortheuter1y along the Eut right-of-way line of State Road 42 to
~. the East Une of the NE 1/4. of Section 20, Township 21 South !i .
~J: 31 E..t, thence Northerly along the EutUne of Sections 20 : ~8
~~. and 5, all..ald sections being In Township 21 South, Range 31' E ;t,
.~.to the Northeast .comer .of said Section 5 said corner being the
~~:80utheast corner of Section 32, Tovnshlp 20 South, Range 31 [st,
!;,. thence Northerly dong the East Une of said Section 32 to the S uth
~~: ahore of Lake. Jessup, thence proceeding generally Westerly and
..!: lIortherly lIIeanderlng along add South shore of Lalte Jessup t.o the
-:~, We.t end of Lake' Jessup at' the mouth of Sold 1 en Cuek. bel"9 II Int
:1;..:.' on the Mos!!a E. Levy Grant Une, thence generally Westerly along the
.~ .ald Mou. E. Levy Grant. Une to East right of way Une of State oad
~~400 (being U.S. H19hvay 17-92), thence generally Southerly and
.,~-:'\,,,e.ttrly alo"9 sald East. right of vay line of State Road 400 to the
~ interaectlon of s.ld tast right of vay line with the South rlih of
'.\.~. w'1' Une of Sellllnola Boulevard, thence Westerly and Northerly a 0119
;'-;J' .ald South right of way Une of Sellllnola Boulevard to the East I' C)ht.
;4: of way line of State Road CH, thence southerly and Westerly a onlJ
't~.~."ld East right o~' vay line' of State ROlld 427 to the Inteuec Ion
.,ti," with the Eut: right of WilY Une of the Seaboard Coastline Rallr adJ
,:It;thtnce Southerly and weaterly along the East right of WilY Un of
:,t~..ald Seaboard c/?uUlne lIaUroad right of vay line to the Or n e
~:eou".ty-selllnole County llne, thence westerly 610"9 the Orange Co t~-
;1(; I..lnol. County line to the East right of vay.Une of Interstate No.
\.'~i 4, thence southerly along the. tast right of way 11ne of said
Jht~ratate No.4 to the Interaectlon with a line defined as ru Ing
. ,;:'htve.n a point 991.11 feet. North of the Southwest corner 0 the
:.IOfthwut 1/4 of Section 35, Township 21 South, Range 29 East a a
.h."$."polnt 991.11 feet North of the Southeast corner of the North;.. 1/4
~!f aald Section 35, thenee East along said line to the point 9 1.11
, '.
t..t 'tc~tth of the soutllell~ ~,fttf \of Ut, wortb...t 1/4 .of "Id
.,' s.etf~ft 35, thine. E..t on . lh' pI.-.Ud with the South Une of
SectIon ~6, TownshIp 21 South, R'^9' 29 t..t, 6l2.00 r.et, thence rUn
South .to . poInt '62.QO feet E.st.of th.. Soutbve,t. eorner of a.td
Section' 36, thence East along the South 11~. of ...~ Section 36 to .
poln~ 1190.4 f.et Welt of the E.~t lln, of the worthv..t 1/4 of
section 1,' Tovnahlp 22 South, . Ra"ge 2' tnt, th.nce South, paraUel
to ..Id East Une, 641 feet" then~e West., parallel to Ul' North line
of sild Sectlon~ 1, 234.7 feet ~re or le.s to . poln~ on the ~..t
Une 36.6 feet South of the No.rt.hust f:orner of tot 5,. 8~ock '. C of
Lalte Bell Terrace as recorded In Plat Book V, P.ge 13 of' UlePubllc
. Records 'of Orang. county; Florida, thence Sout~~rly along the tast
~I~e of said. Lake Bell Terrace. 243~42 felt to the SI corner of Lot 3.
Block D, . thence Easterly 125.69 feet. to the NE corner of .Lot 4 of
said Block 0, thenCe' Southerly along the Eallt line of fJlocks D, t,.
and r of said Lalte Bell Terrace ~5l.6 fut to a point H36 feet South
of the Nort~ line of' said Sectlon.i, thence East, parallel to said
North line 714.8 feet to a' point 12.45 fut Soutb of the North line
and 151.35 feet East of the West line of the SE 1/4 of the.HW 1/4 of
said Section 1, thence southerly to ~ point on the South right of vay
line of Lee ~oad 122 feet East of th! Wrst Iln~ of the Southeast 1/4.
of the Nor.thv.ut 1/4 of sald .S~ctlon 1, th~nce East along the South
rIght of ~ay line of' Lee Road to its, inteuectlClllvlth the East right
of vay line of Gay Road; thence' South along saId right of vay line to
I tslntersectlon with t.he North line of Gay Bold to the East, thtnce
west 101.3 fnt Il!ore or Ius to . point C)n the Northerly exhnsion of
the West line of Bioek E o~ KIllarney Shores as recorded'in Plat Boo~
0, Page'135 of the Public Records of Ora.nge Co~nty, Florida, rUn
thence South '93.9 feet ~ore or' less to the S~ corner of said Block
E, thence East, along the South.llne of said Kill.rney Shores to the
SEcorner of Lot 8, Blocle ~; thence North .146.36 ~eet to the NE
corner of said Lot 8; thence west 60 feet to t~ East right of vay
line of Robert Avenue, thence North along said right of'wayand Its
n.tenalon to the North right of yay Une of Gay 1l0ac1' thence Easterly
along said North rtght of way line to' a point 100 feet West of the
East line of Lot 3 of Lord's Sub~lvlslon is recorded In Pla~ Boole P,
Page B9 of the Public Records' of Oranqe County, Florida, thence North .
SO feet, thence East 100 feet more or less to the East lIne of said
Lot 3, at a point 50 feet ~orth of the North right of vay line of Gay .
ROAd. thence South along .sald East Une. and the East 1I"e of'
KIllarney Shores as recorded In Plat Book 0, Page 1~5, of the PublIc
RecoreSs of Oringe County. nodda to the ,,~ cClrner of Lot I, Block C
of said Itll1arney Shores; thence west 245 feet lIore or less to the NW
corner of Lot 2 of Block D of said Xlllarney. Shor~s, thence South
l46~36 feet to the SW corner of said Lot 2, thence East 245' f~et more.
or leu t.o the SE corner of Lot 3 of said. Block C, thence South . to
the SE corner of Lot 2, Block C of L.A. thase'~'Addltlon.as recorded
in Pht BoC)k A, page 73 of the. Public Records of Or~ng, County,
Florid., thence ~est 100 feet, thence North 115~5 feet parallel to
the East line of Lots 1 IInd 2 of $lId Block C to'. point 10s.Sfeel
South of the North ,line of $~ld'Lot. J, then~' west,'p,ralle1t9 the
North llne of add $lock C to a po.nt on the west Une of Lot, 1 of
said Block C, thence Southerly along t~e'West line of said Lot' to
the NW corner of Lot lor' E.I.' "tndelln'- Subdlvl..lon as recorded In
Plat 'Book 0, P89' i4) 0' the. Public R_cords of ~range Cou~t!'
Florida, thence Southerly alon9'the We,t llne.of ,aid E.B. Mend~e";
subdivision to a pol~t 25 feet South of the HW Corner of Lot 5 0
'sald t.B. "endsen'.. Subdlvhlon also being the NW corner of ~h8t
portion of. Itlllarney ~.tat,s 'as' recorded In plat Book It, Page 11 of
the Public Rec:~rd8 of OraneJe County,. Florida lying In. Sectlon 1,
TownshIp' 22 South.. Range 29 tot, thenCe Sout"erlyal~ng the We~t
~~lih'. of',ald Illl.fftty.!,t.t.. to tn. ~ou~n A&a. or ..ld Sectlo
'.tIt_nc. Welt to the NW COrfttr of. the HE 1/. of Section U. Town.hl
.co louth, Rang' 29, tut, thence South alOne) the "tat. 11". of ..14 II
'~ 1790 feet IIOr.. or lea. to the NE corner of Lot J. Bloct
....L.vnd.1e, 3rd'Udltloft al recorded {n'lat Boo\: 10, 'ag. .95 of
. At 'Public Record. of ounge County, Florld., th~nee. W..t 157 feet t
...,,}: Jnf corner of .ald Lot 3, thence South dong the Weat Une of
:..~' 'Bloek C 252 feet IIOre or less to th. SW corner of Lo~ 7, thence
~~' 140.3 feet to the.BE corn.r. of said Lot 7, thtnce South .long
~. Weat' line of the NE 1/4. of SectIbn 12, 1o"".h~p .22 South, Ra 29
~~ I..t 325 feet to the Nt corner of the S 1/2 of Lot 4, 810ck F of ..1
~. Lavndale, 3rd Addltl~n, thence West 140 feet to .the NW corner 0 UI
It.: S 1/2 of !laid tot c, thence South 245 feet to the SW corner of L t
~ of .ald Block r, thence East 140 feet to t~e SE corner of Lot 9 0
1;';' uld Block Fl. thence South 25 feet to the NW corner of the SE 1/ 0
~. SectIon 12, TOVftshlp 22 Soutft, Range 29 Eaat, thence South 1/4 11
.~: to the SW corner of the Nlf .1/4 o~ the SE 1/. of said Section 12,
,-:,;' thence West l/C lI11e to th~' NW corner of th~ SE 1/4 of t.he SW 1 4 ofl
'.,:.'. aald Section 12, thence South 1/4 mile to the P.O.B.
Ji,1', Section 4. Governing board.--
""of' (1) SelectIon of lIembere. The !=tty of "altland, the Cl y of!
~. . cuselbeHY, ~~e City of Winter Springs, the City of Minter Park.nd
, . 6eml~~le County shall be entitled to representation on the gove nlng
~.board. Each governmental entity shall appoint one member and on~
~~~~'.lternate member, and the alternate member shall be authorlz ~
~ ~ .ach reapectlve entity to act In all matters for the meaber d rl~1
::jS the absence of the member at any duly authorized board mee 1ng.
/~~ Appointee. ahall be qualified electors vlthln the appol tl
:.~:."" governmental entity. "ellhers of the board lIlay be elected ofUc Ills,
~~. ellployees of the respective entitles, or citizens residing vlthl th
',i;., rupec:tlve . entitles, but shall not be a professional engl eer,1
.~..:- attorney, or flscal advisor contracted to provide service to an . 0 '
:~;loJ the entitles, whether or' not the contract Is for cOlllpensatlo a
,~~:Yhether or not the contract Is vrltten, and 8h.ll not be party 0
:~~, contract to provide construction or maintenance ,for the au tho ItYI
~i ind shall not be an employee of or ovner of any Interest n
T; prlvately owned sever utility. The appointIng governmental ent tie
~~~ aay remove Its appointed member or alternate lIlember frolll ofllc 8
,.11-. Iny tllle vlthou~ etatellent of cause and lIay appoint. nev lIIembe fo
.~,:. the re.llalnder of thet.trll. Melllbers and alternate. Ilelllber~ lIa
',~. reappointed to suecesalve terllls. A lIember or alternate lIellbe
~~ reappointed at the expiration of a term shall continue to serve
.t;:. fully author hed lIIelllber or alternate member until reappol tedJ
'~C felloved frolll office. or a succeSsor 15 appointed. j
:~~' (2) Repre.entatlon of board ~ellbers. In all matters c .In
~~before the board, t.he veI~htof votes ~hall bel
~~~ (~) The fIrst' 50 votes shall be divided equally alllOng .r
~:~. .e..ben, plus . 1
~~:, (b) An ~dltlon.1 50 votes s~ail be .dlvlded .lIIon9 board .e ber
;~ In t.he'proportlon that .astevater f10v froD .a~h governllental ~ tit
: be.r. to the total vaat.water'flov from all 9overnll.ntal entl les
. tlov froll any private utility vhleh I. a direct eu.toller of th
"w:authorlty ahall not be'lnc1uded In deurmlnln9 aUocaUon of vo Ing
. .' .,.If . prly'ate utility Is a customer of a goverl\lllental entity and th
1ii lovernllental entity .ts responsl ble for bIlling .nd collectln fo
~~uthorltY servIces rendered to the 'prlvate utility, the PI' vat
~ 353
~~'l!' ,-.
C~"ZK ~8-S11 LAWS or n.URW~ ......run llJ"e.n
;utfUt,'" wa.t.vattr flow .UIl bt tneJucf.d In detetllln!nC) tht
9ov.rnln.ntal entIty" a~loeatlon of vot... .
(c) w..t~water 'f~ov for det.ulnlnC) -'Ight of voUng shall be h.
qu.n~U;Y' of w..~_.~.r In on.' year .ndlne) Septeaber 30. ~.
propon h)n. .0:' del' hed ahaU. d.terlllne vel~ht .of y!)\lnCJ fro. October
1.~o September 30 of the fol10wlng'y.ar.
(d) The first y"~ of opere.Uon shan b'91" "".n the'flrit UO'f.
of w..tevater II tranlpGrUd to tht rit,IGna1 sewa,. t"at.llent.. plant
throUCJh any part of 'the authorlty's 'Yltem and ~hall end on the
fGllGwl"g Sept,lI~er 30. ourln9 the. flrat year Of Gperatlon, lhe
votu. ttlat are apportioned by flow shall be, divided II fGllowSI
. .
1.. City of WInter sprlng's.........~.!..............~..~.....~ 0 Votes.
2. City of Casselberry .....~.....................~~...,.19 Votes.
3. Seminole CGuntf ....~................................ 6 VGtes.
4. City of Maitland...................,........................ 8 Votes.
. 5. ~lty of Winter Pa[~ .....~...~.~.....................17 Votes.
~n entity with nG ftov Gf vastev~ter In th, ~uthorlty'. syste. shall
have nGne of the VGtes proportlGIled by flow but shall: share. equally
In . the" flrwt flf~y vGte~. Votlll' before the beginning of .the fIrst
year'of operatIon shall be by one yote pe~ entIty. FGr determining
VGt.. welqhted by flow, flow coHect,d by a local collection system
ovned and operated by a governlll'!ltal entity shall be. att"lt~uted. to
that entity whether or not the ~a.tevaUr flov ~rlCJlnetu In or out
ot the munlclpel or county bOUndaries of the entity.
(3) . Date of selection.'! The fl~st board ariddUrnate lIIembers
shall be appointed wIthin 30 days afur this act ta1tu effect (or' a
terll cr,mlllenclng october I, 1978 and:. terlllnatlngl
(a) For members appolnte4 by' ~tmlnole County, Septelllber 30, 1979.
(b) For melllben appolntelS byth!t City of Casselberry, September'
30, 1980.
appolnt~d by .the CitY' Gf Winter
Sprl n91',
(c) 'For. .ftellben
September 30, 19~1.
(d) ror lIellben appoInted by the
1982. .
City of Maitland, September 30,
(e) ror ~~Illber..appolnted by the City of Winter ~ark, September.
30, 1982.'
J After this Urat: term, terlls of 'oUlee shlU be four / Veau', .
terlllnatlng on Septe.ber JO.
(e, rllltng i.caneles. If. ~.~b.r.oi th,'boar4 I. unlb1eto
serve for any reason, the enUty. represented shall, . within JO day'
Aft~r notification of that Ina~llltY, appoln, a nev lIembet or
alternate .ember or both,'to serve ttle reealnl", ter. of offlc~.
saId notl..U..catJon shaUbe' addruStd tG the I"'Yl)r or. cha~r.an of ttle
. . r ,. . . .. . ,
".. .
. IJI."O \Ie c ..unA.,"
QlAn".. 18-".11
: board of the repUlinttd governllental entity In4 IhlU be lnl
.." by. .
(a) Ablence iro. tWo' Consecutive' duly 'tltho~hed IIUU",. th
I~ board a. evidenced b~ mlnut.. of board. .eetln9s. Gr
''':" (b) The lIlelllber'. aeclalon of InalHlIty to ..~ve.
~. ';!, . (5) SelectIon of offleen. TtJ~ bOard shall' '~e1eet 8 chaJnaa
,,:. .lee chdrllan frOB SIlOng : Its .ember. at It" first llleeUng
.~ .ajorlty vote, who shall serve until. the {ollowhlg Septelllber 30.
~~ chalraan and vice ehalrlnan for each succeeding year shal
:';'.1 . ...Uarly selected at the last lIutlng of the board that pre
-;.:.. Septellbar 30. The chalrm.n .shan conduct and' call ...Ungs of
.,;" board, the board shan dl rect acHon and POlley' of the auth
,,>.' director, and the chairman of. the board and IndiVidual board me
'~:, an~ alternate lIlelllbers shall hllVe nG. further partlclpatlon I
.'::::1'. op.ratlon of the authority. In the absence or Inability of
~, chaIrman to act. the vice chalrm.n shall perform the duties 0
:-,: ehalr",an.
. :~ . (6) Records.. All action. o{ lhe board 8hall be recorded th
",:l! alnutes of. Its .eetlngs. Minutes shall be approved at each
~~; aucceedlng lIleetlng. Approved minutes shall be distributed by lllall
,~:~ vlthln 7 days after the meeting, at vhlch they are approved. to eac~
,~; board lIlellber and to the mayor or. chairman of the repres nted
.,-. governlllental entities. 'Public access to lleeUnga, IIlnutes, and all
. 'i. other records of the I'Qthor I ty shall be as requl red by stat an4
of;: federal regulation. 1
~~ .(7) The Initial meetIng of the board shall be within 90 day
.t after this act ta~es effect, and the board shall meet not less th~
::,. Gnc, each calendar quarter thereafter. The board eay chanqe the day
,"~ tillie, lGcatlon of any or aU meetings or lIay call speelal lIeeUn a
:,' aajGrlty vote at a regular .eetlnq. Special llleeUngs not called at
!~. regUlar lI,etlng may be called by the chairman, by the vice cha rea
'. T, actlnq n. chalr.an, or by mutual consent of any two board 1De1l~ a b
" 9lvlng 72' hours' notice by re91ster~d mall to each member anll
. Ilternate lIember, and with notifiCation to eedl. as required by tatt
.;: Ind federal re9ulatlon. TtJ. board lIlay cancel lIeetlngs but In no cast
".; .hall there be (ewer than one meeting each quarter of ~he year. '11\.
;#' boar4'shall deter.lne Its own rules of order for conduct: of lI.e 1"9
_, exc.pt: .that Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall app1 fo
.' p.rllallentery matters. All lIutlng. shall be public to the e ten
~ required by state and federal ftqulatlons.
~}. (8) Ouoruln. A quorum shall be necessary for votln9 on any. tte
';"~j before lhe board and. shaU consist of {our m..ben. Re9.rdles G
~;;:', total. vot." nG actl~n llIay be talten wIthout the votes of at lea. tv
" '. .."'ben. ~nI natter Ilay. be revlew.d at any reqular or pro erl
~~~ c.ll~d sp,c al ...tlng vhan'a quorum Is not present but no vot ..
":-11', b. t!lktn except when a quorulII Is present.
~. .
~"" (9) . Requlrtd vote. Jlo board lIelBber .ay refrain or abatdn fro
I~ ,; Yotlng on any..atttr properly before the board, exeept as provld d b
: atatut, con~.rnlng. cGnfllct of Interest, but .ay aove to tab e 0
. 'defar action on a .attn. If any board .ell~r belle"e. that v tl
J~ Would be a conflict of Interest, such po..lbl. conflIct aha 1
;~, el~I.lned by that lIellber to the board, and that explanatIon shal
,~~ ahown In the .lnutes of the meeting. Otterlllnatlon of ""et er
i~ ~~ .athr I~ proper for consideration by the board Is d!.!.~ntd by cop
',=/ .: 'cc
CR~PTn .ii':u 1
. .
;an4 ~'U~ ~Ithln this a~t and the. Intent of tb. "~flnltlon h'to
llalt and not broaden the scope of activity. Deter.lnatlon' of
propriety aay, be' voted. at tJst, requelt of .ny '..ebtr and luch
deter.lnatlon shall ta~. precedence over all other .atters before the
board at. that tl... votJng shalt only be by .e.ber. or alternate
rne~bers present at a properly authorlt,d e..tlnt. raSlur. of a
govetneental entity to be 'represente~ at . properly authorized board
lIIeetlmJ shall not done eons.tHute c:.ute to r,c:ons.lder '. utter ~
(10) Compensation.. No' co~ptnll.tlon I"'U: b.. ptr.l~ted ~ boird.
tnelllbar, alternate .e~ber, the chllr",a" Of .,Ice. cl!alrllan for being a
lIIe_ber or forespenses. of any nature fro. funds of th~ authority or
(ro" ~ny Plohallonat,. ~ervlce; or c.onltructlon .contractor that. haa
business 'lUll the author! ty. ~ 90vern!l'ental entity reprellented by a
board melllber or alternate Illeinber !Ilay paY salarles or . expenses of Its
lIIember' or alternate ee!llber as It.~te.s ap.proprl.tt~ but may not pay'
Any ~alary or expense of a !Ilember repre.entlng .another entity. In
all matters concerning ~~ 'aut~orlty, board ~..~ers or alternate
...elllber~ shall be gover.n~c! by state and federal relJUlatlon . concerning"
confllc:t of Interest, \l~tbact, ~ont~lb~~lons, and 91ft.. State'
public financial cHsclosure rtgulatlor'.s shall app~y.
. . . ~ .
(11) tndnnlfleaUon. Aftu'appolntlllent as~' boar., ",ellbH or
aHernate llIU1ber and before belnq ,Uqlble tc) vote In .ny matte'r,
uc:h eember and alternate llIemb,r shall uecu.U .. ~nd 1,\ the penal
~Ulll of S50,000, payable to theautho#l~y IInd condlt'lon.d upon the
(althful perforlllance of duties prescribed or IlIpUed herein, which
hond shall be. approved by the council Of cOlllmlsslon of the
qovern~entat entity 'represented by the .member or alternate member.
The represented qovernmental entity shan ~y the cost of the bond.
The represented 90vernlllental entl ty may provld'e said bo.nd by pledqe
of Its ovn assets or may act as coquarantor for . bondlnq company.
8ondln~ cOlllpanles shall be approved to d~ buslne~s'ln the state.
Section 5. Del I nl t Ions. --1.s used In this act,~hefollovl ng vordll
and terllls shall have the foBovlng Jlleanlnqs, unless the contut
o~huv~se requires!
, UWS or. r1."".II".
-,,--.- ,- -.. ~,. .....
(1) '.AuthorIty8l1leans the South Seminole and North OranC,3e County
wuteva.ter TranslIlsalon 1.uthorlty.
(2) . -Board. lIunS the me!llbeu of' the CJovernl.ng body of the' South
Sellllnoll!! and North Oranqe 'Cou~ty Washvater Tran~lllls.lon ~uth~rl ty
~ppolnted' to represent each 90y,rnmtntal ent~ty t~colllpassed by thiS
ae.t. .
(3) .Dlrector. lIeanS . per.on appointed by the board to serve at
the pleasure ofothe board and to. function as Its ~hlef executive
(.) .wastevater8 Jlun, sevaC)e or e~f1u,nt. of any na:tC:lrt or
orl.91natJng frOlll itny sourc:e," Includln'CJ resl~entlal vastes~ or
lnd"atrlal "utes. rUl,lltlnCJ! fro1ll ~ny proCt"'. or' Indu~UY,
a.nufac:turer trade, or bU91~es'I' or from the development of any
~atural resources. . .
(~') "Custo~tr. lleanl any' CJovunetntal entity orprlvate ut U I t.y
which del.yerl ~as~e.aterto ~he . (acllltles o( the' auth~rlty fo~
transmlssSon. . :
. \
". ....
.~ !
" .'
.', I..ctlon ,. Purpo". and povere_-"" autborlt-
.... "":' e.bbUI1Iel! by thla aet II ~tr.by 9r.nted .M .".U" ...::":
~~ 'rlgb~'. po..rs, and authorJty neceslary. appurtenant. or lnc
~ to tile cnrylnt out of the purposes. of thla act. tneluctl
. following rl9hU ana po.erat
....,. ." .. .
~~~ .' (i) "0 "ploy . director vbo '~.11 be a penon of r.
.f.{:,. IblUty .neS tllperlence to ..rve at. the plenure of the boa
1t~.:co~tract for' legal counsel. enCJlneer., consultants,
.~ uperta, and agents for any purpose. of tb.. board In Iud
~ englneerlnq, architectural design, ~ana,e.ent, lever p1.nnl
ll:" other . .tudl.. coneernlnCJ the' deslln or faelllUe'r an ·
~. .cqulsltfon, construction, operat onr "'nten.nce. re u atl
~ consolIdation, and flnanefng' of the trans.lsslon. sYlte.' f
:::- authority, to deter.lne the quallfications and fix the coape I t t
'~ of such pertonl, fJr.., or corporations, and to delegate to n:
:.l~' .ore of Its agenU or ellployees any of Ita powen as It Iha 1 d
.1:, neculary to carry out the purposes .of this act. lubject a1. Y'
~}... the supefYI.lon and control of the board. NotwltbstaneS n '
!:)', pr.ovhlon henln stated, It shall be the responslbJllty fCJ t
:<'if authority to utilize the aervlc.. of the ataU. of partle t
.-::: .elllbeu to the fullest extent practicable and to not etlIploy P:.
~;<, "lIose duties are essentially a duplication of the partie pat
. .'..~. I!ember~' staffs.
fl'" :
,. -..r.:
, t.
purcha.., con
the prov Is 1
to laprover e
regulate a
(3) To enter on any.tand, vaters, or pr..lses located wit
~::. authority In order to -carry ou!:: the purposes of this act'.
. ~ (4) To proylde for .U surveys and for the preparation 0
,;;;. l~c1flca.tlons, and e~tllllatu In connection with the construe
?<.:' . sewage transmluion systelll.
:.~~ (5) To enter into contracts and
.~: i 90vernllent of th, unlte4 States, or
:~' tubdJvlllon of the UnIted states or the
:~:;.:' .un~elpallty or' prlvate corporation,
j:;r". tuns.inlon of vastewatu and for
:;:,~ proper to effectuate. this act.
, '
r.r.:" . . (6) To borrow aoney, to haue nidenc.. of indebtedn,..
~~. for and ace'pt 9rants and adllllnlster grants and co.p1y vit 0 a
ij~ eondltlons on behalf of the authority and It. sponsoring entl Ie:
~: la~e donatlonl or loan" to provide .Id for the p ann I
~. construction. or reconstruction, or flnanelng of Iny sYltea an
:~~ 'nt~r contracts, leas.., or other transactions with any ag.n of
~~ United St.tel governlllent, the state, any a,ency of th at
.~:. ..alnol. County,' orang. county, or any aunlelpallty or an 0
t~';. pUblic body of the sute, and to accept 9Untl or donations roa
,.~. other source, of either IIOney. property, labor, or other th n9'
, ~: "lue, to be held, uled, and applied only for the purpo.e. ( r
, loch grantl Of donation. aay be llIade. ,
It (7) T. UO, .ltor. chOf'o. ....bU.h. sS'. ~.d. eollo.'
. ., tabl, r.u, rentals, and other eharg,. for the
"j;, hclUth~ furnished by the ~y,te. and evn,d or
other InatrUllents
any other departJl
state ~f Florida, or
for or relatIng
other purposes neces
C~PT!~. U-til1 . ~tfS ,or ~O~JDA '-ftl'ru.~ 11I'-.11
. lautho~lty~ I~d lOT ..t.~ eonn,~tlon. .~d~u.. of ...., .nd to .nforet
peftlltl.. or oth.~ le9al .e.sur.a for. ~tltnqu~ncy, In .the.pay.tht il
hereinafter. provided, whh:h r,tel. f..., rental., '"~ ~thtf char91t'
. shaU '1way. be sufflclent to co.ply ~Ith any c9vtn,n.h iliad. Wit" tilt
lIo1dera of any bond. Issued pu~lIu.nt to thh act a"ct .vh'h~h . !I"'-U. ~
just and ~ultlble and unlfor. for' th~ IIJI!I' clu. of cultolllen and
consistent with applicable fede.ralrequlre.llenU for .alllt. '.
(8)' To' setve' as. a wholesdt'lerv1e'cu1t:o!8tr .of' the entity or
entlU.. vhJeh operat, the'. Re91ona~..Sewag. .Tre.be"t. Plant. to
receive charge. for .uch Bervlce~~ and to alloc.te sucb.charges to
.the varloue participating entltles..ccordlng to the requIrellents of
this act and accordlncJ to ugulaHonll a~opt,d pursuant hereto. .
. . ,
(,) To' require. eonnectl~n to the 'autllorlty'a tr."a.luJo" syahlll
and to require all. vastewater co.llectlon ayste.. receivIng or
coUectlng vute"ater froJ! the'. .pubUc and opefaUng facUlties
located within the al,lthorttY'.bou~d.rles to . dhchuge ~e.tr
coUeeted sevac;e dlr~ct1y OJ' Indlrec~ly Into the luthorlty's syshll
for transmission by the authority ~o the re9lo"ll ,e"lgetreatment
pl~nt. AI for an eseept.~n, It. II .peelfle.~ly not,d that the
Faelllty Plan. orlando Easterly2~1 ptlnnlnc; Are.. July. 1'77. doe,
not eall for the connection of winter Springs to the a,uthorl~yls
~ystem until Wlnter Springs East pl~nt reaches In averag_ annual
dlllly flow of 1.00 MGD and Winter Springs Weit plant reaches an'
.AVenge annual ~.Uy flow of'O.75I1GD.. As a further t"caption, It Is
duly, noted that S..lnole Couil~y cu.rrenUy dllch~r9es flO tr,at.d
vastevater to surface waters and'ha,' a v.lld operation permit for the
DI~e Road !aclll~y. Theretore; .the.County viII be required oniy to
pay Ita portion of debt servlee. That portion of clebt servlc.. . shall
be ~etermlned by adding the flow tre.te~ ~t theDlkt Road faCility to
the s1Stelll flov to.deter~lne a base total, the fl~v. at the County
faclllty will then be d1vldedby the base .total and .uHlplled by the
annual syste.. debt s~rvlce to deterlllnethe County's portion of debt
service. The County's portion.,o! debt ,.rvlce ,,111 b, .pald In twelve
(12) eonthly pa~ents. this method of payraent shall'. continue u~tll
the Dlk, Road facUlty nceeds .an. aVenge ~n~u.l dally flow cif' 1.00
".G.D.' at ~hlch time the County will connec:t to the syistem' and Its
rlltes wIll becolle .thos, In effeet for the Authority 'and' further
outlined In r.elated sections of this ~ct. . .
(10) 10 eontrlct .vith any 'IIUni~lpallty. eounty. or other
qovernllental entity to proylde the .~rvleeof translllssl~n of
waste"ater through the luthoHty'ssystem.' The luthorltY'III1Y also
contraet 'wlth' any private utility which' haa a valid certlflc:ate
Issued by the rlorlda Public Servlee C9metsslon, Which eertlflcate Is
In uhtence on the da~e thh aet t.ltes. efCe~~ provided, however,
the private utility shal~flrst att,-pt ~o ne90~late.a sponsorship
aque.ent wH~ the' governlll.nUl en~lty .In vt\C)I" territory the
. majorJty of the private utUlt,y'. syau. II loclted.
. '
(11) To contract v'th tht fepresen~e~ participating 90vern~ent:s
or other entity cUlto.era o~ ~lt~ a prlvat. contractor or contr,ctorl
[or optratlon and lilalntenance of I"thorlty~ovn.d lUt Itatlons, force
",alns. and other. facUlt!ei aceordlng to the following guleSeUnesa
(I) All 11ft .tltlonl ..r!I~9 only on. entity Ih.ll be operated.
and .alntalned by that entity at Ita 0,," esp'n"~ In accordanc~ vlth
staneSards pro.ulgatecS by th, authority, eicept,th.~ ..'or.tepalts or
rephulIIents c:osUng $1,50(1 or ~re ,haUbe 'contracted by the'
Iluthorlty~~ It. espen~e. ..' .' .
" . (b) Th. luthorlty ....11 eontraet the operation Ind ..Int,n, . ~
, 11ft atatlon.' .tryl", MU thin one. entity. The optntlo 11\
~ ..Intenance COIU shill be alloclted unlf.or.ly to us.rs of th III
" atatlon ba.ad on floW, escept' that .Ijot' l'elNttrs Or raphc enJ~
,- . co.Un9' $1,500. or' lIOn ahdl be contuc~ed by the authorJty t I
~~. a.pena. e. Th,'contract for operation. and ..lntenanee ah_ll be wit
~:~ In.ord.r of'p~eferencel
!'-' 1. The' tntlty. If Iny. which olmed t.be 11ft. ataUon pr r '
!l> I_ph.entatlon of tilt authority's system.
.~.., ..2. An exbUng governllental entity, of
. .~~,
.;;; .
" .
3. : A' prlv.te contr'etor.
(e) The authority shall contract the operation and ~alntena
It. sy.stem of force mains and appurtenant facilities to one or
of the .repfelented participating governmental entities or
private eo"traetor.
(12) 1'0 leelr Injunctive relief In a court of eOIl
'ur1a41ctlon. rule or regulatlo" adopted punuant to the
granted by this act, without the necessl ty of shovlncJ a
nuisance In such legal proceedlnc;.
, ,
~~':' (13) To .require tho .pr'etreetlllent of Industrial ';a~tea vh n th
~J 1111. are not a.enable to. treat.ent vlth norllal domestIc sewlge fot
~'. accepting Indultrla1 wa.te for transmIssion. and to refuse to ccep
.,~~~. Industrial wutes ""en n~t suff1den~ly putreUeeS to standar s .
:~. set by the board or state or federal regulatory authorities, or ovne
~f~:' of the Regional Treatlllent Plant. . . 1
'"t' .(14)' To construct, Install. erect, ac:qulre and to op rat
'-:~. aalntaln. 11IIprove, estend. or enlarge.' and reconstruct a eva,
.":, transportation sy.telll or systellls within the boundarl.. 0 t~
.:),: authority. and to hive th.. exclusive control and jurlsd ctJo
thereof, to pay all or part of the cost of 'sueh constru tloll
.~. reconstruction, erection. acquisition. or Install~tlon of such eva,
);'" tranaporUt!on system and additions. extenslona. and IlIIprov lIlen~
t~-" thereto as otherwise provided In thls act. The authority ahet
\. construct and own the systell of force Ilalns and lilt stations sho.
;:...:; on pages VIII p..47 through 60 of Volume III. Technical Append x
.~:.,theraclllty P11n, Orlando Easterly 201 Plannl"9 Area, .July 19'7
.it~ E'A Project c120JU022. Such syste", 1a hereinafter known ~ t
;1..:.; "lorthetlY' 'Intereeptor Systelll, the connecting points for whl h a
,:... tellhed In Table 3-1. ,ag. VIII 0-10 of the facUlty plan. Ro eve
~,j a. final d.'lgn progres.es for each Incre.ent of construct I n. l
~,'.~_" ehhlng..s Iln eondnectlng pqlntslare deellledhadvlsable by the lIajorl y
,.~ t e des gnate representat ves of t e governllental entitles to
,~'" repruented on the board. IIdd changes shall be aUoved.
~,authorlty ahlll acquire those. elements of the Northerly Inter ept
.go ~y.tell currently owned by the unl ts of local 90Ytfruaent vhlch a e I
;~~:-- be utUlzed bytbe .utborltles. If .1115 acquisition Is by pur haln
,~. the unl~8 of loeal c;overnllent' shall sell these elelllents t U
~: authority for an alllount equal to the portion uaalnln9 at .the t ..
: .,' .cqulaltlon of t)le o.uutandlng debt. attributed to these faeU U.
IIov,ver, In no ca.. .shaU the acquisition .lllOunt eseeed the rtl
,:~.',')i"l..~ of the out.tandlng debt attributed to these fecUltles re..inl 9
v~ of January 1,.1'7$. Th. authority .ay establish the ...lllua 1. el I
~a.' pirtlclpatlon In reasonable coats of acquisition of facllltl.
~. owned 'by . local governMent as of January 1. 1978 and vblch
b.~oa.: at pirt of the Rortherly lfttlrc.pto, B"~". n a. r~~, \.II.
J dftttn~.' of till. a~tlon to vlo1a.tt e'!ElsU", bon4 co.."a"U, Undon,
. vhete .c1cUtlonal 1IO".ys or IctSO'" If._ require",. the authority an"
the s.ll.r' ah.l1 . cooperate fully to Insur. that the tran..ctlon Is
co.plete4 at _lnla.1 addltlon.l' COlt,. Refer.enee I. .ad. .to
sub..~Uon (11) for Iptcl,lc .1l.lt~t1on. and 9uld.llnes on the
operatlon. and lIalnt.nance of the lluthorlty'. .y.tea. to .ubse~t.lo"
(}') for specIfic 11_ltatlons ~nd guldellnes for the expa~slon of the
authorIty'. sy.tea. .nd to .ubsectlon (19) for' a~.ueptlon . or
retlr.-ent of Indebtednes..
(15). To acqulr., pUrch.se, hold; l~ase'~a 1.....' and use any
franchise; property, real, personal, or .lled, t.n~lble \ or
Intangible, or any .Interest thenln nece'l~ry .for carrying out the
purposes of the authority except a. prohlbl~e~ herein.
(16) To provide wholesale vastevater tran..llslon .er~lc. within
the authority'. bou~darles. Hov.v.r~ the authority. la. specIfically
prohibited froll owning or operating facllltl.1 orin any other way
providing retail se"age collection servlc. directly to hOlDeowners ot.
other r,uU c:ust:ollleu. or providing Bevag., tr,atlllent or eff~uent
dlspos.l services, or any .other service other ~han a Vholesale
vastevater transmission servl~'. ~.
(17) To develop pla~s ~~ provide wastewater transmission ser~i~e
to present .nd future population ce~ter.' within the author$ty'.
boundar lea In a tllllely .manner and to. coordinate lU planning and
progullls with those of the appropriate lIlunlclpal,' eounty, state, and
{edetal agencies. Before the authorltyl. Intercep~ot aYlte~ shall be.
exp~nded beyond the scope of facilities defined: III 'the"or~herly
Interceptor System, the facUlty pl~n ahall be a.,,,ded to Include the
proposed expanllon In accordan.ce vlt~ applleabl~ fedet~l and state
hvs an" regulations. The amended facility phn shall be approved by
the authod tv, sall5 approval shaU require the affirmative .vote of a
~lnllllulI' of three llIembers of the Board. The local ahare of the costs
of said expansions beyond th~ scope of (aClUlles' shown .as the
Northerly Interceptor System'~hall be paid by the entity or ~~tltles
to be served by the expansion, u~hss the 'authorlty. board unanllllou.ly
IIpprov.dallocatlng sald. costs uniformly to aU users of the
authority's systea.
(lS) To co"tuct for necessary la.bontory servlc..a with tlle owner.
of the regional plant or 'other qovernlllental or private entity. . The..
authorl ty shall speclUcallY not. cons~rl.lct, o,,;n or operate, or rent.
or lease laboratories. '
(19) To assume. or uti u the current indebtedness of any aystelll
or systellls for whIch the authority assumes respon.I~llity.
(20) To 1slSU~ revenue ~"ds for the purpose 0(' tMs act, In the
manner henlnlifter provided. . .
(21) To pledge, or enculllber all or any part of the revlnues,
rates, fees, rentah, or othe.r chargu or receipt;. of ' the' authoritY
as securIty (or all or any of the obll9atlons. of this authorIty.
. (22) To aue 'a"d b~ 'sued, hnplud an~ be l.pleaded~ 'eolllplaln an"
deftnd In all courti.' .
(23) To'pledge to the punctuel'pa~tnt of bond. pursuant. to tblS
act, and Int,r~st th,reon, an a~~Dnt of t~e 'reVe"~e derived from the.
,. !::i::i~: "j:~l~j~;of t~:::~:~:r:n:C:~~::e:~n:~::::;a tb~.. :~; I
, j. eonstrueted.'or acquired. .uff.lclent to P'Y sald bond. .,,4 the.
:' t . Int.rest tII.non ... the. .... shall ~colle due. .nd to crelte .ne!
. . ..1 ntll n reaaon.b1e' reiUV.. thereto r, and. I n add 1 tlon, to plug any
.j\f 'spechl ..ius.entS levied as provld.d herein. Such aJIOun ..y
~, con. 1st of all or Iny part of ~uch revenues.
~i~ (24) To ute, In connection vlth the eonstructlon. acqulsi lon,
.;'~i laprov'llent, operation, or llIa1ntenanee of such waste tet
~f."tr.n..I..lon Iyste., . any rlght-of-vay, easeaent. lands under v ter,
~ or other' sillUar property rights, necessary, conyenlent, or
~,~: de.trable, held by t~e state or any politIcal aubdlvl.lon teh
".7~~. con.ents to .uch use, vhenever necessary to carry out the purpos S 0]
!:'!':" this act and when. In reasonable confor.ity with the Intent of oca'
.:.:;. r.gulatlon~.' .
:Y:;" (25) To' prescribe and prolDul9at. n.cessary rules and requla Ion
.A consistent with the provisions of this act, .to requlate the us of
:.l.' the tun.lllaslon syste., and to set standards and specIfication
.~:. phyol.oI ...l1ltl.' .n' ,hd. 'p.u..on .n. ..In"n.n.~. fOl:
~. Section 7. Issuance of lIevenue Bonds.-
'1fI!. (1) Scope., To pay aU or patt of. tb. cost of the acqulsl Ion
.~~ ~onltructlon, eltenslon, or improve.ent of se"age transport tlon
,,;..; .y.teIlS, the purch..e fro. governmental entitles of exhtlnfJ S ",ag.
it' transportation facUlties, and any and all other Improveaents ie!!
:.... . .ay be authorhed Or perliltted by this act (hereinafter collect ve1~
.,~'. called -projects-), the authority 1. authorhed to Issue, froll till.
".' to tillie, revenue bond. (hereinafter called .bonds.), In aID untt
.<::' lufflclent for luch purpo.... The bond. may be In coupon or u11)
~~: ttglltered forlll, In such denolBlnation or denollinatlons, bear Int res~
{i' at such a rate or utes not 'uceedlng that rat. per annuli 8U abll
.:.~ by general law, and aature at such tllBe or Ulles, not uceedl q .1
'.'::~'. yelrll froll their date or datu, as I118Y be determined by the ard~
The bond. llIay be made redeelllab1e before lIlaturlty,' at the opt! n 0
'\:' the bOard, .~ Juch price or prices and under such terll a
!i.~. 'concUtlons as ..y be flud by the board prior to theIr h.uance 3'
'0": board .lblU deterlllne the place or places of pa"'nt of the prl c:1pa.
,,'~' of' and Interest on the bond. which lIay be at any banll: or tru .
\~";.. co.pany within or ouulde the .tate. The bonds !Shall be sign d it
':(. the Ilanual or fae.llIne 119natunsof the chat rlllan and the see eta~
.,; of the board, provided, ~owever, that the bondl . shall bear t ered
:~~ the ...nual signature of one of such officers. The coupons at acb_
.r:.' to- the bonds, If any,' Ihall bear. the facd_Ue slgnatu e j'
i:J..; I1gnatu~es of .ueh off leer or officers as. shall be desIgnated t
~~ bo.rd. The bo.nd. shall have the aeal of the board af Ixe
.' ,I.pflnted, reproduced, or UthQCJraphed thereon, and the coupo s,
c'i.!".any,'lIay have pr'lnte" thenon .(seall-, all .. Illay be pre.crl d
'~~. the r.solutlon or re.~lutiona a",thod dng the Issl,Jance thereof
t~;." bond. shill be lold at pUbliC sale. In the event an offer f .
'.,~, t..u. of bOnds at public .ale produce. no bid, or In the ev. t ai
,:-'\. bId. r..cel".d' are rejected. the author! ty i. authorhed to neg th
.., ;' tor the ..le of such bond. under. .ucb rat.. and tens 8'
:'~.. acceptablt, provided th.t no .uch bonds shall' beaold or' dallve ed
. ~~.~ hrll. lea, favorable than the tit.. contained In any bid. rej.c ed
. ~ the public aa1t tbereof,or the terlll8 contained In the not! e
~ pu~li~ .ale If no bids vere received at su~h pu~llc sale.
.'!f.... 361
,r'\ .
"U'V'."" 10-..6 .:.... .
" ' r 2). :tmhaf~:-: :bond~.' . ~~b;eet . 'to . th, U';'ltatlonl' contaln-'d I"
. '.~'.Ull1l'''' till bo..~ .or ,.... lIoad. (hettl..ft., ..n.d
-reCantS- bonO..). to . refund any bonds 1~lu.a purluant to thl. act
~nd pro.14.'for'~h.~rI9htl of the holders thereof. ~e. ~efundl~9
bondl "fA be'"'; Jllu'!d I" an .1II0U,.t .ufflelent to pay' .
ea) :.~if.~{J~~~~Pa1 .of th., o~tatlndlntj' ~ndl' .
'..~.~.......#." . ~ . ~..' .'
(b) ~:::"~~:" Snter-tlt duj a,,~ payabi_ on tht ClutlUltdlng bo"dl t.o and
tnc1udlntrthe flut date upon, vhlch the ouutancHng bonds shan. be
caUable:Uprlor;, to, IIIIturlty or t"! dates upon vhlch the prlnc::lpal.
t.hereof ,ball' ..ture, .
. . ~.~
.~., . .
ecf' i~.' rede..ptlon pUIIIUJII, If allY' and.
(d) :"A~Y upens.. of the fuuance and sa1. 'of t.he ~.fundlnl) bonds.,
(3) Security. . The principal of and Interest Oft the bonds.s~all
be payahl. lolely. fro. t.he rates, hea, chargel,. and other revenuu'
derived by t.he authority fro.. the. operation C!~ t.he proj.cts. and lIIay
be. addltlonaUy payable ho. .the pd"clpal of or Interellt on any
I nvut_eMs of' luch revenues. The .~lndpa1 of and Intereat on the
refundln9 bonds .hall be payable solely. frOlll ~uch revenues or any
other funds of th~ authoritf ~e9apy IV.nable therefor.
(4): N~otlabh lnetrulllents. The bond. and the refundlft9 bonds
shall .h~ be and they are hereby const.ltut.ed negoUable instruments.
(or the purposes of and under. the I...., of ~e atat.. .
(5) R'efertndulI. No ref,rendulD or tlec:tio'n o( quaUfled voters
shall be required for the exercise ~~ any of the'l'rovlsJons .of thh
act unleas such referendum shal~ be required by lav.
(6) Co.t of project. The cost. of t.ht acqulaltlon and
construction. of the pro'ects Ihall be dee~td to Inc:~ude, but not be
1 "nlUd to, the cost of. acquhftlon of real propeJty and I'nteresta .In
feal property, leqal, enqlneer'nq, fiscal, and archlt!ctural fees and
LeU of . all other experts. or consultants, enl)lneerln9 or
IHchitectural Itudles, lurvey., pl~n" and dul9ns, the
cepltalliatlon of Interelt for a re.sonible period after lssua~ce of
the'bondl, th....tabll~h~ent of reasonablt r.~erYtl for.debt service,
all . expenses of the hauance, authorlutJon, i"d sale of the bonds
and proceedlnl)l neceasary or appropriate in connec~lon th,revJth, and
such other expeneee as' are ne~euary, Ineldental, or appurtenant to
the purposes authorhed h.ereundef, Induding the r,llIbursement of the
board for any expendlt.ure for any pr~j.ct aut.horlzed hereby ~hlch
shall have been .ade by the board prior, to tht .Issuance of the bonds,
hpreln aut~orlzed. .
section 8. Char,es.--The authorIty shall .dlvelop a' systell of
chafge. which sh.ll p~ovlde SUfficient revenu.. to reeover .debt.
~erylc'. paYlllent., operation and lIIalntenance' cOlte, renev,l and
rephce.ent fund re4u.lrell~nte,and such other ~a~.' n.e....ry :lor the
proper and efficient oper.~I~n or the authority In carryIng o~t the'
int.ent of this act. To th~ e.t~nt practlc.l, the c~ar9.' sha~l ~:
bJ)le~ to the custo..tof th~ .uthorlty on the b.sls of . cost per
unit .01U8e of .tw8ge received by t~e authorIty. Allch.rl).' shall
. be conalstentwlth ~pp1tcable' 1oed~ state, ."e! fe4~ral tavs end
re,ulatlons and with any bond'~yenents that .ay ~ In effec~. froa
tJllle to tIlIle.
. . leeti~ft t. OtIlO..f. te ~opt ~"tf ..nlce dlar,...- cia I
. eUlto..r .b.ll .dopt and .siind .pproprJate liver 'e~le. ".t... or I
. otber ...nil of obtainS", fundI' .vithln .",la aua of ~ad.cUc Ion I
.."ieeorcUIIIJ to .ppllc.ble local. state.. and federal lava anO
:.re9ol.tloni, to provide sufficient periodIc payaen~ to authorlt, for
", '. charge. hvltd by the authority. .
tI:; .'.. "
''J.'{ .' Section 10. . penaltl,. for .nonpay.~nt.-Tb. authority .haU 111
:I!~' Uch cu.to~er for servlctltOn a aonthly ballls In accordance vlt.h the
.'-~ etandard 'blUlng .procedure of the authority. . tach ca.to.er shan pay
~ IUchbl1Ungawlthln 30 day. of the date the IlOnt.hl, bill I. eel ed.
~lj, If . custo.er do... not. pay vlthln the JD-day period, the cust Nr
,iJ.~ Iiha11. pay an addltlonll late charge. as, dee.ed appropriate by the
. ..' board. If a bllllnl) or . portion of a bUHn, Is ouUtandJIIIJ f r a
~s period of ~r. than 60 day. fro. the date of .the original bill ng,
;!;, t.he eust.o..r ahan be considered In default and t.he authority In
.",'? addition to all ot.her rll)hU and rtllledlu, IIl.Y~ by suit, act on,
~,..ndaaus, or luch other proceedings at law or In. equity. enfore o~
,;.1;, cOllptlthe eustoller and any' of the officers,. aClentl, or "ploy... of
fl" t.he cuat.Oller to pefforlll and car~y ou~ t.helr duties and oblll)at on.
';,:>' 'under this act and other. appllc.ble lav.
'.:, .
;.~., Section 11. cont.racts for construction Of IlIprove.ents, Ie led
.:~ blds.~All contracts let,'avarded, or entered Into by the autho It.y
:'f!t' tor the construction, reconstruction, acqulsltlon, or laproveaen of I'
J~;i.' '. ae".r systelll or any part thereof, If the allount thereof s.ll,
~. ..ceed $5,000, ,hall be avar4ed only after public advertlse.ent and
,;~: call for ieal.1I bids therefof, In a nevspaper publIshed In the co nty
. ~'! cl~cul.tlng In the ae~vlce a~ea of t.he authority or, If there no
~~, luch newspaper, then In a. ne~spaper published In the state and
":' clrculating. In the service area, such adver~lselllent to be publl hed
;__/, at least once nO leu than 21 days before the d.te set' for the
.~~ receipt of such bids. Such advertisements hforllblds, In addltl t.o
., the other necessary and perdnent lIIatters. a a state In ,e ral
:?, t.ras the nature and description of the Improve.ent and laprove nts
':;.'. to be undert.aken a.nd shall state that detalled plans .nd
.(,,!" ,pecIfleations for such vork ere on file for InspectIon In t.he 0 flce
~': of the authority and c~plU thereof shaU be furnished to any
";', Interuted party upon payment of reasonable charI)" to rehlburs the
',~:' authorlt.y for Ita upenses In .provldlng such copies. The avard h.ll
,~~ be lIade to the responsible and competent bidder or bidders who hall
~i" offer toundettalte the IllprovelllenU at the lovest co.t to th
;:~;r:\ a\Jt"orlty and.. such bidder or bidders shall be required to file bon
,i~ for the full and faithful performance of such vork In such .~un a
..~:. the authority board shan deterllllne. < In .11 other respect th
~~~ let.tlng of such construction contracts shall coaply vlth appll abl.
.r:... provlllons or genenl lav relating to the lettering of p bll
.~;;. contracts. Hothlng In thla I.ctlon sha~l be du.ed to puvent t.h
1,;-, authority froll hiring or retaining such consulting engln ers
};, Utorneys, financial experts, or other technicians as 1~ shaU de
:~:: n.cusary; or' frOIl undertalting any construction vort vlth It ov
7ft-. Ulources, vlt.hout any such publlc advel.'tlseaent, eacept.. req Ire
:~.: by lav.)provlded, hovever.. If an elllergeney .dstl a. defined he eln
i.. b141.ahall not be required. Provided, the .uthorlty board. hill
.. : ,; ,lac.' on public recorc3 the clrcu..t.n~e. c~..tln9 ~. ..er9 ncy ,
; ...~.rg.ncy. .ean. any elrcUII\stanee creatlft9 an lealnent peril of th
, . ,10" of 11 ft or property or endanger ing pubUc health, ..fUy anet
~~ ,.ntral welfare, Including financial vel fare, of the autborlty.
'l"1.' s
;'i~ Section 12. Free vastewat.r translllsslon lervlce. prohibit d.-
:f' Charl)u shall be' flu" and collected frOIll any county. s h:lO
~t... .
.'!.', 363
. ;~~;
Cff"P'ftR 18-617
1.1\";:' IIr r ....n......
"J .. .J' . .
,.~U~t'r:'f~t, or othtr pollttea!' .uMltl,fonullnt tilt se"lets end.
[aellltles of ~be authority" trlns.l.slon .y.te. " Ir. fl.ed Ind
coUec:ted' fro. other users of .uch fadU~I.. .In the "lIle cl.... No
~ree .ervlee ahall be tendered by the authorlty'.nd no dl.crlalnation
shall ealst In.the charges"or ueers of the .allle'ci.ls.
. SectIon 13. .Conveyanee of property without eonll~.r.tlon.--Any
m~nlclpallty or political subdivision I.. ~ut~Drlltd to ..ell,' lease,
grant, or convey any real.or perlon.l proper.ty to the authority, and
any. ~ueh sale, grant, lea~e, or conveyance aay be .ade without for.al
conslderatlon. Hovever. any sUFh sah. gr'ant, 1.a.., or eo"v.yance'
shall not be deellled coaplett unless forlllal~y accepted by the board.
Section 14. Cooperation with other u~~ta, bo'rds, 89.neles, and
~ ndlviduah.-~bpUs' author! ty and pover I. hereby given '.nd granted
counties, municipalities.. drainage dlstrlcts~ toad and brfdgf
district., school districts, or ,any. other polltlc.l subdivisions,
boards, co.mls.lons~ or' Individuals .In or of the st.te to lIlake and
enter Into contracts, le,ses', conveyances, or ott,er agreeaents 'wlth
the authority, consl.tent vlth the provisions an~ purposes,of this
act. The authority is hereby expresslY .uthorlz.d to .ate and enter
Into contracts, lea~.s, convey~nc~, an~ 'other agreelllents ~Ith any
polt tical subdivision, agency, or .lnsU'JllentaUty of the state and
any and all tederal agencies, corporatIon., and Individuals for the
purpose of carryIng out the provIsions of this act.
Section 15. tov.nant. of the state.~-'he atate pledges to, and
aqrees vlt~. the unlted'States, that In the event any federal agency
shall construct, or cQntr I butt any. funds. for the c:olllp1etlon,
~xtenslon. or Improvement of, the authority's sys.tea or any part or
portIon thereof, the. state vIlI not alter or: Umlt the r1qhts and
pove rs of the author I tyl n. any manner whIch.. "Dule! be . Inconsistent
vith the continued maintenance and operat$on of the aystea or the
completion, extension, or ImpP:lvelllent thereof, or which vould be
Inconsistent vlth the ~ue p~lforlllance.of any agreements betveen the
authority and any such federal agency, and the authority shall
cO!'tlnue. to have and lIIay exercise all povers herdngranted .0 10n9
ItS the same .shall be necessary or des! uble for carrying out the
purposes or the united States In the co~pletlon, extension, or
IlIIprovelllents oftl'!e sevage systu or any part or portion t.hereof.
Section 16. ~x~mptlon frolll. taxatlon~--rh' effectuation of the
authorlze~ purposes of the authority created under this act Is, In
~11 respects, for the benefit of th~ people of the state and the
c1tlun~ of the cHstrlc:t. for the hllp"oveilent of their health' 'and
1'Ivlng conditions, and because such auttlorlty performs usentlal
~overnlllental function. In effectQatlng .such purpol", the authority
shall not'be required to pay any taxes oral.ess.lnt' of any kind or
nature vhatsoever upon any property acquired or ~sed by'it fot such
purposes, or upon any r~tes, fe~s, rentals,recelpu, Incolle. or
charges at any time received by It, and the ~nds Issued by. the
3uthority, and their transf,r, an~ the Incometherefrolll, Including
Ilny proflU IIlde on the sale t~treof, s:,,11 at .11' Hllu be hee [rolll
tuatlon of any kind by. the state' or by any political SUbdivision.
tllXlng agency, or Inst.rullle'iltalfty. thueof. Hoveger, th'e eUlIIptlon
. qunted by thh section ahall not be 'app.lIcable to any tax IlIpose" by.
chapter 220, rlorldA statu~es, oft Jnterut, Inco.., or pr~f1U 0"
d.bt obll9at~ons owned' by corporations. When .property of the
authority Is leased, It Bhall be rXtlllpt fro'" ad vllloftll taxes only If
the use by the lessee quallfle. the pror~rty [or exellptlon under s.
196.199, ~rld. Statutes. . .
. /
\. ~f.
l \
\ '
Section 11. Is,aptlon fro. r-vulatloft-.--The public., r.qi
licllltles optr.~lng In and under the' authority of thls.c .n~
vltMn the are. of the .uthorlty shan be I.eapt froa a.. th'
te9i1latory provisions of chapter 367, Flor.lda Statutea. as y I nOl
exists or as It mly.be a.ended. .
Sectlon 18. "oney' of authority' .,ste..--Tbe lIO"ey. ft~:th~
authority derived fro. such .yste-, after bond. or other oblt9
have been Issued pursuant to this' act, ahall be deposited In
.ore banks or truit coapanl.. In a special account or account
shall constitute trust fund., to be adllllnlstered solely In .ceo dan~
vlth the provisions .of. the resolution or resolutions autho Izl~
bond. or' other o~ll~atlons pursuant to this act, and any fun s nd,t
required for the retlrellent of bond obligations shall be adllln! tered
at ttle, sole dhcretlon of the authority. I
Section 19. Sal' of .ystem.--Ttle board shall have the po er.to
transfer, sell, or assign .ny of the property of the authority Vhldh
It finds . Is. not. needed to carry out the pu~p08e. of thIs act 0 an)
other governmental age.ncf' according to vbatever ter.. It dee..
reaionable or at a pu~llc .ale after notice, unless the proper 1. h.lI
bien pledged [or the replyment of Indebtednes.. . I
Section 20. Liberal constructlon.--The provisIon 01 th s ael
:,:.:.ahall be liberally con!ltrued to effect Its purposes. I
~1 Section 21. Severability of provlslonB.--If any prOVision 0 thll
_.ct or th~ application thereof to any person or eireulllstance I. heic
Invalid, . the invalidity shall not affect other provlslo s 01
applications of the act "hlch can be g~ven effect vlthout the I valte
provl.lon or application, and to this end the provisions of th s ael
are declared severable.
. '
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:i:' .
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Section 22. This act shall take effect upon becoming ala".
Became a 1av without the Governor's approval.
Filed In Office Secretary of state June 23, 1978.
. ,
CH"PTER 78-618
Roule Bill No. 1342
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AK"cr relating to Sarasota County, cre.tlng a specl.l par
and recreation dl.trlct, a political subdl.Sslon of th
State of FlorId" for the unlncorpor.ted .rea known a
Trl-par tst.ates SUbdlvl'lon.~ including all additions,
as I..ore particularly .et fQrth below according t
the public reeords of SaraBota county, providing fo
the ad.lnistratlon of the affair. of said di.trlct by
bo~r~ of nln. trust.eeB and. defining their povers an
dutle., provldlng for the quallfleatlon of elector. I
the di.~rlct tnd the ..nner of conducting the fira
election of tru.tees and' for biennial election 0
trustee. ther~.fterl providing fo~ re.oval of truste.
l!nd appolntllent to [lllvacanel.., provldln9 for th
ass.ssllltnt and colltctlon of a recreation dl.trlct t.
.sse~led ."lnst tach Improved re.ldentl.l parcel 0
real property within the district, providing that sue
.~~ .
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,,\~ .