HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 08 25 Other - Document was Read into Record by Commissioner Martinez
Date: 082503
The following Document was read into the
Record by Commissioner Martinez on 8/25/03.
Edward Martinez Ir,
Winter Springs, Florida
August 25, 2003
Harassment- Stalking of Innocent Persons by Devious Individuals
Since the beginning of time the world has had their fill of devious charlatans, whose
acts/actions have led to disassociation from a vital and vibrant society.
Winter Springs, being part of our world is no different and over the years has developed
an insidious group calling themselves People for Good Government and led by such a
devious charlatan.
This individual, whom we shall call an obedient dog; for he obeys every command from
those who direct his actions but are never seen nor heard, perennially employ innuendo,
half truths, outright deception and anonymous-unsigned letters and fact sheets through
yellow journalism in their efforts to prevail in their evil ways over exactly what they
purport to represent "GOOD GOVERNMENT".
The conduct of their President and his supporters in recent years presents a unique if not
somewhat bizarre view of government by almost anyone standards:
*The former Mayor publicly chastised its president during a public Commission meeting,
for publicly mouthing rude insults and making obscene sexual hand gestures which
disgusted many at a Commission meeting. He was warned that such public outbursts in
the future would be grounds for being removed from the public forum,
The charlatan's written reply to the above warning was not the apology most decent folks
expected, but a challenge instead to "Sue me if you got the guts?"
The same person responsible for devious acts and deeds sent a letter to City leaders
indicating that he had files with such incriminating information that he could destroy the
top management at City Hall, and would do so without hesitation. Is this a form of blatant
blackmail, rather than anyone's idea of "good government"?
*This group engaged in the dissemination of highly unflattering personal information
about a dependent of a City employee. Have we lowered the standards of ethics and
clean politics to the level that we are dedicating the efforts of a PAC to destroy the lives,
reputation and character assassination of unsuspecting City representative relatives in
order to satiate the ego of an apparent demented individual?
* At a recent public city meeting, the very sarcastic and hypocritical individual
continuously waived a small black object in the air over his head; a small black object
containing a glowing red light. He also made facial contortions while silently mouthing
what appeared to be obscenities at the dais,
*On three separate occasions this sick individual threatened female employees of the City
and told them to go to Walgreen's and buy Vaseline because he was coming to City Hall
and was going to need the Vaseline because it is going to be shoved something up your
The leader was placed on the State of Florida's "Vexatious Litigants" for his many
frivolous and unsupported law suits against the City and its elected officials.
. ,
*This very dog~ pardon the compariso~ it is just that he is so obedient and complies with
command from the shadow riders, was publicly ridiculed and insulted in correspondence
from his legal associates who addressed him as ''Dear Shithead" for he is always being
childish, and always relying on incorrect assumptions and poorly supported facts.
*The very leader of this obnoxious organization, stated publicly at a City meeting that
Black Americans, and other American minority groups had no right being at a voting
precinct and found it comical that any Black American would be outraged when forced to
leave a voting precinct by the police when he had done nothing wrong.
*The group's president and the person referred to throughout this repertoire, barged into a
Special "for owners only" Highlands Homeowners Association meeting, with the
support of some of the leadership there, called to recall the HOA Treasurer. Not being a
resident nor a homeowner, this individual; was repeatedly asked to leave that meeting and
the premises. He refused and ignored the requests. Unfortunately, no one there had the
foresight to call the police for he was trespassing.
This is part of their hat of tricks. He and his twin doberman have twice over the space of
three years requested under threat of subpoena the financial records of the Tuskawilla H
o A. He joined the H 0 A in order to have the right to request this records to no avail.
The one who follows his instruction to the T, recently went through the same exercise,
except that this time he was accompanied by another interIoper~ a CPA from the
Highlands, who could not stand the scrutiny of an audit by an outside firm of the
financial records of the subdivision he represents.
*This brings me to the present and more sickening incident:
This sick, unrestrained charlatan of devious character did after the break of the August
11 th Public Hearing meeting, noticed my wife, who is ill and has never ever even
whispered a bad word against anyone, saw her while readying self to exit the building,
ran out to his vehicle, got his camera and waited for my wife to commence her descent
walk from the steps of City Hall while heading for her parked vehicle, aimed his camera
and took her picture.
As always with charlatans and cowards, he jumped in his vehicle and left the scene.
What is the object of this unsolicited and unwanted intrusion into my wife's private life?
My wife was taken aback and became very nervous and started to shake, as she did not
know the ramifications involved.
Is this person looking to force an incident? He is not an official City photographer, he is
not with the media, so why the affront?
Are we in this City going to continue to support the antics of an apparent sick and
demented individual whose only goals are destructive?
Are family members, friends, etc. going to be exposed to constant harassment and
possible stalking by the thugs who continually ask to be sued because they have no assets
on record?
Are we as upright citizens going to continue to bless the acts/actions of individuals whose
acts/actions are tearing at the fabric of the great City that we are?
I have no idea why my wife's picture was taken. But I can tell you that if an adulterated
photo or as we know, with today's technology photos can be doctored, turns up
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anywhere, damaging the character and reputation of a lady of integrity and undisputed
character, I will sue my way and you need not worry about assets.
It is my belief that these actions are part of a strategy to drive me over the edge, for
political expediency.
I am asking politely for your PAC to desist from such actions and to abandon your sickly
practice of picking on relatives of City Staff
I will not put up with abuse against my wife who is ill and whose only wish is to continue
her life in this world until Our Lord calls for her.
1 have contacted the court and have been informed that defending a spouse is the sworn
duty of any individual of intestinal fortitude.
What has this lobby group's advocacy been on serious City improvement issues such as
the Tuskawilla community referendum to tax itself for improvements, Charter Revision,
the Town Center, the Dyson Road annexation issue, and a host of other city
All negative for they have openly and noisily opposed them and refers to them as
"boondoggles," which put the City in "bondage."
*1 implore all of our citizens to give no credence to the poisonous yellow journalism
missive of self serving PAC's such as People for Good Government and its sickening
The President of this group and orchestrator of many of the ugliness displayed openly
does not reside in Tuskawilla.
He does not pay taxes to the City of Winter Springs but is always meddling into the
financial affairs of our City.
These folks are only seeking to bring to a halt the progress of a great city; Winter
Our residents demand quality development, integrity in government, and leaders with
high ethics and no conflict of interest.
I will close by saying - Beware for the drop of water constantly dropping on a rock
eventually cracks it.
. '.
," l:II.
Edward Martinez Jr.
Winter Springs, Florida
August 25, 2003
Harassment- Stalking of Inn.ocent Persons by Devious Individuals
Since the beginning of time the world has had their fill of devious charlatans, whose
acts/actions have led to disassociation from a vital and vibrant society,
Winter Springs, being part of our world is no different and over the years has developed
an insidious group calling themselves People for Good Government and led by such a
devious. charlatan.
This individual, whom we shall call an obedient dog; for he obeys every command from
those who direct his actions but are never seen nor heard, perennially employ innuendo,
half truths, outright deception and anonymous-unsigned letters and fact sheets through
yellow journalism in their efforts to prevail in their evil ways over exactly what they
purport to represent "GOOD GOVERNMENT".
The conduct of their President and his supporters in recent years presents a unique if not
somewhat bizarre view of government by almost anyone standards:
*The former Mayor publicly chastised its president during a public Commission meeting,
for publicly mouthing rude insults and making obscene sexual hand gestures which
disgusted many at a Commission meeting. He was warned that such public outbursts in
the future would be grounds for being removed from the public forum.
The charlatan's written reply to the above warning was not the apology most decent folks
expected, but a challenge instead to "Sue me if you got the guts?"
The same person responsible for devious acts and deeds sent a letter to City leaders
indicating that he had files with such incriminating information that he could destroy the
top management at City Hall, and would do so without hesitation. Is this a form of blatant
blackmail, rather thari anyone's idea of "good government"?
*This group engaged in the dissemination of higWy unflattering personal information
about a dependent of a City employee. Have we lowered the standards of ethics and
c~ean politics to the level that we are dedicating the efforts of a PAC to destroy the lives,
reputation and character assassination of unsuspecting City representative relatives in
order to satiate the ego of an apparent demented individual?
* At a recent public city meeting, the very sarcastic and hypocritical individual
continuously waived a small black object in the air over his head; a small black object
containing a glowing red light. He also made facial contortions while silently mouthing
what app~ed to.beobscenities at the dais.
*On three separate occasions this sick individual threatened female employees of the City
and told them to go to Walgreen's and buy Vaseline because he was coming to City Hall
and was going to need the Vaseline because it is going to be shoved something up your
The leader was placed on the State of Florida's "Vexatious Litigants" for his many
frivolous and unsupported law suits against the City and its elected officials.
. ,
*This very dog~ pardon the comparison, it is just that he is so obedient and complies with
command from the shadow riders, was publicly ridiculed and insulted in correspondence
from his legal associates who addressed him as "Dear Shithead" for he is always being
childish, and always relying on incorrect assumptions and poorly supported facts.
*The very leader of this obnoxious organization, stated publicly at a City meeting that
Black Americans, and other American minority groups had no right being at a voting
precinct and found it comical that any Black American would be outraged when forced to
leave a voting precinct by the police when he had done nothing wrong.
*The group's president and the person referred to throughout this repertoire, barged into a
Special "for owners only" Highlands Homeowners Association meeting, with the
support of some of the leadership there, called to recall the HOA Treasurer. Not being a
resident nor a homeowner, this individual~ was repeatedly asked to leave that meeting and
the premises. He refused and ignored the requests. Unfortunately, no one there had the
foresight to call the police for he was trespassing.
This is part of their hat of tricks. He and his twin doberman have twice over the space of
three years requested under threat of subpoena the financial records of the Tuskawilla H
o A. He joined the H 0 A in order to have the right to request this records to no avail.
The one who follows his instruction to the T, recently went through the same exercise,
except that this time he was accompanied by another interloper~ a CPA from the
Highlands, who could not stand the scrutiny of an audit by an outside firm of the
financial records of the subdivision he represents.
*This brings me to the present and more s~ckening incident:
This sick, unrestrained charlatan of devious character did after the break of the August
11 th Public Hearing meeting, noticed my wife, who is ill and has never ever even
whispered a bad word against anyone, saw her while readying self to exit the building,
ran out to his vehicle, got his camera and waited for my wife to commence her descent
walk from the steps of City Hall while heading for her parked vehicle, aimed his camera
and took her picture.
As always with charlatans and cowards, he jumped in his vehicle and left the scene,
What is the object of this unsolicited and unwanted intrusion into my wife's private life?
My wife was taken aback and became very nervous and started to shake, as she did not
know the ramifications involved.
Is this person looking to force an incident? He is not an official City photographer, he is
not with the media, so why the affront?
Are we in this City going to continue to support the antics of an apparent sick and
demented individual whose only goals are destructive?
Are family members, friends, etc. going to be exposed to constant harassment and
possible stalking by the thugs who continually ask to be sued because they have no assets
on record?
Are we as upright citizens going to continue to bless the acts/actions of individuals whose
acts/actions are tearing at the fabric of the great City that we are?
I have no idea why my wife's picture was taken. But I can tell you that if an adulterated
photo or as we know, with today's technology photos can be doctored, turns up
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, .
anywhere, damaging the character and reputation of a lady of integrity and undisputed
character, I will sue my way and you need not wony about assets.
It is my belief that these actions are part of a strategy to drive me over the edge, for
political expediency.
I am asking politely for your PAC to desist from such actions and to abandon your sickly
practice of picking on relatives of City Staff
I will not put up with abuse against my wife who is ill and whose only wish is to continue
her life in this world until Our Lord calls for her.
1 have contacted the court and have been informed that defending a spouse is the sworn
duty of any individual of intestinal fortitude,
What has this lobby group's advocacy been on serious City improvement issues such as
the Tuskawilla community referendum to tax itself for improvements, Charter Revision,
the Town Center, the Dyson Road annexation issue, and a host of other city
All negative for they have openly and noisily opposed them and refers to them as
"boondoggles," which put the City in "bondage."
*1 implore all of our citizens to give no credence to the poisonous yellow journalism
missive of self serving PAC's such as People for Good Government and its sickening
The President of this group and orchestrator of many of the ugliness displayed openly
does not reside in Tuskawilla.
He does not pay taxes to the City of Winter Springs but is always meddling into the
financial affairs of our City.
These folks are only seeking to bring to a halt the progress of a great city; Winter
Springs. ..
Our residents demand quality development, integrity in government, and leaders with
high ethics and no conflict of interest.
1 will close by saying - Beware for the drop of water constantly dropping on arock
eventually cracks it.
.. ,>J
..It ~
.- ".
, ..
Edward Martinez Jr.
Winter Springs, Florida
August 25, 2003
Harassment-- Stalking of Innocent Persons by Devious Individuals
Since the beginning of time the world has had their fill of devious charlatans, whose
acts/actions have led to disassociation from a vital and vibrant society,
Winter Springs, being part of our world is no different and over the years has developed
an insidious group calling themselves People for Good Government and led by such a
devious- charlatan.
This individual, whom we shall call an obedient dog~ for he obeys every command from
those who direct his actions but are never seen nor heard, perennially employ innuendo,
half truths, outright deception and anonymous-unsigned letters and fact sheets through
yellow journalism in their efforts to prevail in their evil ways over exactly what they
purport to represent "GOOD GOVERNMENT".
The conduct of their President and his supporters in recent years presents a unique if not
somewhat bizarre view of government by almost anyone standards:
*The former Mayor publicly chastised its president during a public Commission meeting,
for publicly mouthing rude insults and making obscene sexual hand gestures which
disgusted many at a Commission meeting. He was warned that such public outbursts in
the future would be grounds for being removed from the public forum.
The charlatan's written reply to the above warning was not the apology most decent folks
expected, but a challenge instead to "Sue me if you got the guts?"
The same person responsible for devious acts and deeds sent a letter to City leaders
indicating that he had files with such incriminating information that he could destroy the
top management at City Hall, and would do so without hesitation. Is this a form of blatant
blackmail, rather than anyone's idea of "good government"?
*This group engaged in the dissemination of highly unflattering personal information
about a dependent of a City employee. Have we lowered the standards of ethics and
clean politics to the level that we are dedicating the efforts of a PAC to destroy the lives,
reputation and character assassination ofunsuspecting City representative relatives in
order to satiate the ego of an apparent demented individual?
* At a recent public city meeting, the very sarcastic and hypocritical individual
continuously waived a small black object in the air over his head; a small black object
containing.a glowing red light. He also made facial contortions while silently mouthing
what appe~ed to. be .obscenities at the dais.
*On three separate occasions this sick individual threatened female employees of the City
and told them to go to Walgreen's and buy Vaseline because he was coming to City Hall
and was going to need the Vaseline because it is going to be shoved something up your
The leader was placed on the State of Florida's "Vexatious Litigants" for his many.
frivolous and unsupported law suits against the City and its elected officials.
, ,
*This very dog~ pardon the comparison, it is just that he is so obedient and complies with
command from the shadow riders, was publicly ridiculed and insulted in correspondence
from his legal associates who addressed him as ''Dear Shithead" for he is always being
childish, and always relying on incorrect assumptions and poorly supported facts.
*The very leader of this obnoxious organization, stated publicly at a City meeting that
Black Americans, and other American minority groups had no right being at a voting
precinct and found it comical that any Black American would be outraged when forced to
leave a voting precinct by the police when he had done nothing wrong.
*The group's president and the person referred to throughout this repertoire, barged into a
Special "for owners only" Highlands Homeowners Association meeting, with the
support of some of the leadership there, called to recall the HOA Treasurer. Not b<?ing a
resident nor a homeowner, this individual~ was repeatedly asked to leave that meeting and
the premises. He refused and ignored the requests. Unfortunately, no one there had the
foresight to call the police for he was trespassing.
This is part of their hat of tricks. He and his twin doberman have twice over the space of
three years requested under threat of subpoena the financial records of the Tuskawilla H
o A He joined the H 0 A in order to have the right to request this records to no avail.
The one who follows his instruction to the T, recently went through the same exercise,
except that this time he was accompanied by another interloper~ a CPA from the
Highlands, who could not stand the scrutiny of an audit by an outside firm of the
financial records of the subdivision he represents.
*This brings me to the present and more sickening incident:
This sick, unrestrained charlatan of devious character did after the break of the August
11th Public Hearing meeting, noticed my wife, who is ill and has never ever even
whispered a bad word against anyone, saw her while readying self to exit the building,
ran out to his vehicle, got his camera and waited for my wife to commence her descent
walk from the steps of City Hall while heading for her parked vehicle, aimed his camera
and took her picture.
As always with charlatans and cowards, he jumped in his vehicle and left the scene.
What is the object of this unsolicited and unwanted intrusion into my wife's private life?
My wife was taken aback and became very nervous and started to shake, as she did not
know the ramifications involved.
Is this person looking to force an incident? He is not an official City photographer, he is
not with the media, so why the affront?
Are we in this City going to continue to support the antics of an apparent sick and
demented individual whose only goals are destructive?
Are family members, friends, etc. going to be exposed to constant harassment and
possible stalking by the thugs who continually ask to be sued because they have no assets
on record?
Are we as upright citizens going to continue to bless the acts/actions of individuals whose
acts/actions are tearing at the fabric of the great City that we are?
I have no idea why my wife's picture was taken. But I can tell you that if an adulterated
photo or as we know, with today's technology photos can be doctored, turns up
, r'" '"
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anywhere, damaging the character and reputation of a lady of integrity and undisputed
character, I will sue my way and you need not worry about assets.
It is my belief that these actions are part ofa strategy to drive me over the edge, for
political expediency.
I am asking politely for your PAC to desist from such actions and to abandon your sickly
practice of picking on relatives of City Staff
I will not put up with abuse against my wife who is ill and whose only wish is to continue
her life in this world until Our Lord calls for her.
I have contacted the court and have been informed that defending a spouse is the sworn
duty of any individual of intestinal fortitude.
What has this lobby group's advocacy been on serious City improvement issues such as
the Tuskawilla community referendum to tax itself for improvements, Charter Revision,
the Town Center, the Dyson Road annexation issue, and a host of other city
All negative for they have openly and m)isily opposed them and refers to them as
"boondoggles," which put the City in ''bondage.''
*1 implore all of our citizens to give no credence to the poisonous yellow journalism
missive of self serving PAC's such as People for Good Government and its sickening
The President of this group and orchestrator of many of the ugliness displayed openly
does not reside in Tuskawilla.
He does not pay taxes to the City of Winter Springs but is always meddling into the
fmancial affairs of our City.
These folks ar~ only seeking to bring to a halt the progress of a great city; Winter
Our residents demand quality development, integrity in government, and leaders with
high ethics and no contlict of interest.
I will close by saying - Beware for the drop of water constantly dropping on a.rock
eventually cracks it.