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2003 03 10 Regular I JDC Calhoun Town Center Site Sign Proposal
COMMISSION AGENDA March 10.2003 Meeting' Consent Information Public Hearine Reeular X ITEM I MGR. V IDept./ff REQUEST: Community Development Department requests that the City Commission consider signs proposed for within the IDC Calhoun Town Center site. PURPOSE: The purpose ofthis Agenda Item is for the City Commission to consider certain wall signs within the JDC Calhoun Town Center site. The Town Center Code states that "All signs shall be subject to a Discretionary Aesthetic Appropriateness Review by the DRC in order that all signs are consistent and in harmony with the Winter Springs Town Center." CONSIDERATION: Signage should be coordinated in placement and proportional to the store-front, should be tasteful, and should not clash with other signage on the building. While not clashing with other existing signage on the building, it should reflect the individual "signature" of its associated business, rather than conform to a monolithic and repetitious style. The applicant is proposing signage in the portions of the building that the architectural rendering did not designate for signage. Therefore, the signage must receive City Commission approval before staff may issue sign permits. Although the proposed Subway signage appears reasonable and would be proportional to the front of the building, staff believes that it should better reflect the neo-traditional theme of the Town Center. Attached (in Attachment B) are various alternatives for consideration. March 10,2003 Regular Item I Page 2 of2 APPLICABLE CODE: Section'20 - 327. Architectural guidelines. ATTACHMENTS: A - Subway wall signs B - Alternative fonts and styles C - Existing permitted wall signs on Building No.9 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Commission approve the proposed signage with a different and less generic font (particularly one that depicts depth of the individual letters) that will better reflect the Town Center theme and not clash with existing signage on Building No.9. CITY COMMISSION ACTION: gz ;! ....lI> - o c:r> ;DC") c CO ..., ::lI:l ~:I:. trJ Cl\>o"'i5 :J:>Z Z l:!I~.C;; c: ;::~,..CI> Oi! -4 2\"1) ~ G')~ ~ 8::! ~ CCCI>:l> !'"2:::!i- -c.t-< ~~> I:l 0 ~ r" IE -4 ~-. :K:m ....0 ec..... c ~ =:""'3 e:~ :~ ~~ ? ('") ""'3 ::,.c..... = 0 ;:2: ;0 rJl~ .rJl ~::;e ~~ o ~ a ~ ~ ('") o t"" .... ..... oo~ ~~ t;o ~rJl f(o~ ~o =~ ~~ Cif.l ftl ~ .., ..... -< ftl l" ~ ~a~ ~Q~ Q ~c:r .- ~ " s: ~.~ e ~~ .. OJ ~ 1];;- ~ '" ~ ;::;. ~1i3'iS' is:~';; a l::l.;:;:' ~ld i3:a- ~ ~ e.g ~--r 15 ". ~eo' " '" Q~' ~~ Ol~ -!~ -~ ii! ~~ iil pur 1JPr. 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"Sl. hl~ U~tj~ ~ S ~ ... ~ f[ !tC:"f-<!!. 0 en.l:lo ~" r"tH~a~'g ~ Ci C!i ":l 5- 1i';~jf!!F.li'n ~ \AI N ~ g. 1V LNJ(WH3V~~V ens~ Note: Photo over/ay below is for reference only... it is not intended as true to scale visual representation due to inaccuracy of camera angle, camera distance, or unsurveyed field conditions. ~ '1:- ~::.: B C I/2lnch I1CI'II Jlcfnch 314i1dl 1!Cb:tl,l-l/1Ilnch 1 Rch 7500W'+ 1.1/2 n:n ~ PrUn.y IIec1ricld CllIRClI1I2 i1. ~. ~~5':tOO~l~etIIlhownl. SPACING TABLE A. s.tw..l prinwy Yririllll_ irIlIllIIte:t tigft ndtllll wimg. D. Batw-. itadlltld billh vette;. wirin; Ill~ dud llIQII wn.. wiIlrllll pIrdeIl"d/lllltlltarIllOl"_l'~"d;naecDon" C, Bth\"'l\elIlItrbe(ifMll'7500voItcin:uit,...dn"'C1~rfact. D. 8~'MnIl~hlghvobgtOClll~CI'ccmPor.nts.IMid. poi:Il:-;l'lUldld tnInsfarm_'1nlf dud nllllllgrtUldJ. kmo \"aItI;II cftuiI:conductonalldb\gfl"can4lctwld~potarfty. 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LISTED byQUllllfied_ IBstinglaborotoly aEClRIC SIGN SECl1aJ UL#XXI< ObF 0 Dwg. No, USlo.lll.2 Iu.uMlNATED CHANNEllETTEfl INSUlATING BOOT AND SlEEVE DryIrlndorm...1ocatIon 0..., Moy 1999 Selie: None A ttal!.h dlannel e.. mbe.d ryIen tin to le.Jfer5, using '/~"fcLpt!.Dns wI IYz'~IN.) SOlid Cant-rete. (f11i nimum J..f per letter) vt! - ~ (v'S1~ IBID US IDENTITY ."":', G R 0 U P :2120 Highway 427, North longwood, Flortdo 32750 'W\wi,Usldentlty.com r]:407 -831-3484 (P) 1 "407 -831,3272 (F) q~flft,E~S3~~i~'~'!~S;}ff8?!U!J;,?ill~t10'~~ili:J}Yl~.)} 8!J:1!i!I1ft ~~i1i~i~~U~1.~m~&rJfEf~rJ~ttrt~?a~fL+~~l,J~~)Ji~ sales,person: K. Soday Jo~,Name: Subway 72618 Job LOCation: Winter Springs, FL Shilei: 2 of 2 ~~fj~jg~;Fjii~im;;f-~t?l~;m[&~~~'l]tt~~,&:!i~ O'ate: 11121/02 Jo~ii1umber. 022150 c":;," ~!e: as notad Qra'w~,By: L Hadfield ~~trti:~NZtiid~~1.~~~t,&~~{B:'"&:~l ~:' <"/' <"'" ~':~~!are Foot Calculations :, :,i..,......'..'2":';...:.1 0" 9' 0" 1SI;zl ;>::,.- X - = :.'.., ,;';'; each set '..'-'.',..:f...... "";,,, ". '-;'.> ;"i;./ ,.;,. ',~- r~.~~ 2 1/16/03 . ". ~., .,,'., ...;;.,: -' )~.' O)J,PROVEO o APPROVEO AS NOTEO C~I~".T SIGNATURE DATE' NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT This Original design (except Registered or existing Trade Ma",s) Is the property of Unned Studios Design Group, UNLESS PURCHASED SEPARATELY, from Unrted Studios Design Group. This drawing may not be reproduced or photo copied in part or In whole, without the written pe""isslon of United Studios Design Group, "i :,:.:;.",.~, :~':.: t"'l:..~'J' '.;~ :;,(;,'! ;". ,~; ::;: '';;'''~~'''::J " THtS n~8~Gf~ rs S~~f~i~}":~'1(l..!:r;:f~L.tV~ i.\C!.':~ i:O~ ~20 nf~i~~~~ & so S:~~~f:.G. C~;J~.~:lr ~~~i'f"r~CtI D!\~ ffr.f'rnt""."f:'j,"'Pi"ii"'f;; r,,"~;''":'),',' ^F"'l' (, 8 it! i=i~~.y; '~~:;.F:";'.;Ul~U~ ti:'~rr t ~1.' '4~.~.th), ...~.: '~~\'i lP f,i~W?'}" itj:l ~!O r,'t':q',;., 1',';",'" V',l, 'l.iI'fl,.!i~ if ,!inV'I:"H...;..1,,~If., il~~~ll.t.",,;~~'~H'~;,i; \~,1~')'~~i::.,,: s. W. side of Building No.9 ~ 91-0 .. ---J Q _0 f\I (2) SETS FLUSH MOUNT ILLUM. CHANNEL LETTERS - 3/411=11-0" ......~ ..........,..............,..""......J..j~SfJc..itjn;;~~::'I;:~:..::.',i:;:;:.:.'...;;:,~.. '" '.~ ',:':., * ALUMINUM FABRICATED LETTERS.....090" BACKS WI 5" DEEP WELDED RETURNS OF .063 A.LUM. * LETTERCANS PAINTED TO MATCH PMS BLACK * 1/8" ACRYLIC LETTER FACES...WHITE #7328 & YELLOW # 2037...1" BLACK JEWELlTE TR!MCAP * ILLUMINATED WITH 15MM DOUBLESTROKE 7500 WHITE NEON AS REQ. FOR EVEN LIGHTING * LETTERS ATTACH FLUSH TO WALL. * REMOTE TRANSFORMERS BEHIND WALL * UL LISTING AND DISCONNEG SWITCH -. . JelIu.-#709 : Pag.e 2/4 2AM 11 09/19/02 407 539 0563j tee UI IO;J!l:l~ ~UOl lilt wcu alt~ - . . ==.~~..........- t Li., .," "~i \\'~.'~~):'.~i~~\Yl)\\\\'! \ ~:', ::'~y., <\Z\~~.\ill~-J'tf;f.-- '\ \ ....~f,-:~ ~.>* -.-._.... I'\.'-~,~ ~ - ~ ~.[ i: -.....M.~-.. :.-' .. '" : :: ".:. . . /f ~.. . ',. o. ...,0' I · ~. ;,'.. . 1-: : Ii ; ~: f~:. ....... fi:H d./ ......0 :: ".: -.. ._f_ -...- --\ ( \ .1- ..' ., \~~ 0 . . :.: ;> ~, . f,. '. 11 . h' ..' f. ]) J J. . i>i ~.. ,f; .ll . . "",.... ,/ " ^ I . . <J aJ . . _, '" .... : r::~ ~ G . 1Ja;.v /':"' ~O en', ." 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Miller, Essex Road, Isling'ton, London Top: This shop has retained all its, Edwardian dignity and is well preserved _ _ __ _ ~ -.1 _ __~ _ _ _. ...... 1_ _.... .... r _.. 1 l\. T . 1 r""t . 1 T'\. 1 ~ .. t\;. t;. 1'.. :-" ',. ,,, '. I"~ .':0-.:- ~t r.;~. ~i rei ~~ i,"', ~. ;:.: ~~" ~;~. tc. f~ ~~l' :':: ~', .,. ~'I ~i [:'1: ~:~. l~ ~;': F'.. .. ~:'~i~l ,-" j. '?b>~j"''< ....-. Il\:~':.':.'L<:' -'.-, ,~-':. . ."'..... .' b,~/.C:.r.. lr' ~ .~~.;;."'" i.::" =' ~ I"~ . l\':N~'~?~~"'\%; . ,I.. '" .>.... " !l-:'~::,"~" Il i-.. ~i"... ...... ,[ ~'..' I;:~"~' i" .~. " I! --",' -....: . " .;-: ~ !;..~ ~;.~;t.., I ':-' I;I::l = ;:I Q.' ; PI' <I> o .? ~ '" .. Q. o = .. '!: j <I> o ::r $' t'"'. o ::l Q. o ::l ~ [ PI' ~ .? ::c ~ '!: ... " fa I:::l o 9- fA ~ I:::l o ;;! ~ ~ r ::c '" 3 -< ;:I PI' g> ? I;I::l Q; " 0- .. ?- I:::l " ., o ;:I I . . :> )i1 5' ~ o PI' r.n o p1 Q ::! '- '" 3 fl r.n 2, ;. PI' ~ .? Z " ~ o ~ 0- .. Q. '!: ... " ~ t'"' o ::l Q. o ::l I;I::l ;' ::l Q. PI' r.n o p 7. ciJ 2. So '" r.n ::l ~ r.n ::r o l' C"l ::r '" .. 5' <Ill Q o '" '" ~ o '" ?- t'"' o ::l Q. o ::l ~ " PI' ~ P ... C"l o o ". "' r> .., PI' r.n o ? c:: "0 "0 " .. r.n =1 r> fa ... ~ 5' <Ill o .? ~ ::l Q. o ::l GOOD EXAMPLES OF INTERIOR LIT SIGNAGE selected by Winter Springs Design Review Committee These examples are preferred because they include: . Two Font Styles . Two Heights of Lettering . Dimension Variety (lettering depth) . Multiple Lines of Text I~-~-------~--~~~--;-~~~-~~ . ( A l I filar - ATTACHMENT C BUILDING NO.9 SIGNAGE r- a.c..r .:~'......'..<...'......... "~~ ... . .;: : ... {,'