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2003 02 24 Informational D Central Winds Park Expansion
COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM D CONSENT INFORMATIONAL X PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR. MGR. fJ/' ~EPT c-Q Authorization 02 /24/03 Meeting REQUEST: The Parks and Recreation Department is notifying the City Commission of the status of the Florida Recreational Development Assistance Program Grants regarding Central Winds Park Expansion. PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to update the City Commission on the status of the grant application. CONSIDERATION: . On August 12,2002, the Commission approved the submission of two Florida Recreational Development Assistance Program Grants to the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Protection. . On February 6, 2003, City Staff received the Project Priority List (ranking) of all grant applications. . The City of Winter Springs; Central Winds Park Phase II Project, scored #19 out of 190 large projects submitted. This ranking should qualify the city to receive funding in the amount of $ 200,000.00 subject to State appropriations in the next fiscal year. . This project includes construction of 2 Football, 2 Soccer, 2 Baseball, 2 Softball Fields on the expansion property. . The City of Winter Springs; Central Winds Park Phase I Project scored #56 out of 190 large projects submitted and is just two (2) projects below the department recommended funding level. I . This project includes the Soccer Field Lighting, Playground Renovation, and Asphalt Trail Connections, all in the developed Central Winds Park. . Staff will be lobbying for increased funding to FRDAP to include the Central Winds Park Phase I Project. FUNDING: None required. RECOMMENDATION: None required. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: July 2003 Aug-Oct. 2003 January 2004 February 2004 Final Legislative approval and grant award. Execution of project agreement and implementation Workshop. Completion documentation submitted. Minimum $ 200,000.00 funding received by the City of Winter Springs. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment# 1 Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program Application Priority List COMMISSION ACTION: 2 Page 2 015 1'1 CIt/ c/ fagIe ~ Polk Eagle I.aIte IJl.I1ldpal Park (40189) 78 3 $50,000 $0 SO 18 TO'Ml cI C\rlllee POOl Lake ~ PaJI(, Pl\8Se 1(40341) 75 1 $50,ClOO .$0 SO 19 CIIy cl Cooper Clly 8roward Pocl and l~rlS Cel\tel' PIaygrOUlId (40138) 14 1 S50,000 $0 SO z!l a""", _ C<uIIy -- _r.....(_'~1 ~4 2 ~,OQO $0 ;0 21 Town of Indian SborerJ PiIlelIas 1861h Avenue East Patte (40010) 74 3 $50,000 $0 SO 22 Clly ClIlsl~ IlClaCII PlneIIu Bayside Pari( (40146) 73 1 $50,000 $0 SO ,23 Town 01 M'.canogy AIachua MiCilllopy PaJ1C 140227) ?:l 2 $50,000 $0 SO 24 City 01 Poet 0tang8 VoIUSlll GmnbIe Place (40224) 72 1 $SO,ooo $0 SO 25 TClYIIl at lndalatIIle BfMtd Orlando PaJIc (40075) 72 2 $50,000 $0 $0 211 TOIln 01 KaWe)'1tIollleol1ll1S lSe Griffin PaJltRanovaIims (40:236) 72 :l $50,000 SO $0 Z1 Sao1a Rosa CwnIr Santa Rosa McCaIIsler Pm (4021&) 71 1 SSQ,ooo $0 SO 28 atyol AlacM Ala.ehva MlIlde Lewis Plllk (4004S) 70 1 $50.000 $0 SO 29 Clly (II Narth t.tiaIIli IleatII Daile H~ VII. PIaygIO\IIld (40140) 611 1 $50,000 $0 SO 30 QIy 01 LiVe Oak Suwllnnee Lm 00 MiIaMitnn Padc.11 (40052) 68 1 $50.000 SO $0 31 ~ of LIasctJ(le ~ Mascotte Recteclllonal Complex (40190) 5S 1 $5O,ClOO $0 SO 32 ~OIPalalka Putnam . Fred Grean PaJIc (40275) 65 2 S50.ooo $0 $0 33 cay of SaleIile Belw;h Btllvatd PelICan BeacII PaIlc PlWOllld ('lOW) C!5 :I $50,000 $0 SO S4 aty 01 GrlMlland Lake J. T. MllllIOlial BalIpaIt ccm~ (40178) 64 I $50,000 $0 SO :l5 CIly llf C18l11lC1nt Lm: t~ PmlI(401l1Z) eo ~ $0 so 36 CtJ Cf CletmOlll l.ake ChB$lmJ PIlrlc (40183) 60 ~ $50,000 $0 SO fJ City ~ OaIIllhl!ll Nowau EWIng Palk. Ph8se r-I (40214) 59 1 $50,000 $0 SO 38 TtNnl of 8akt.W'I DwaI 0Rver s. Pazk (40244) 59 2 " $50,000 $0 SO sa City m FroslpRlCll PeIk atlCIl !.aka 80at Ramp (40245) 58 1 $SO.OOll SO SO 40 aty Of HolnllS BeacII ~es 8ellch WabIer.I (400S4) fj/ 1 $30.000 SO SO 41 Clly 01 /dItoIl SanIa Rosa S8I11lenl Slrllet P8I1r: - lllllnla CoutIs (40198) !it ~ $50,000 $0 SO 42 CiyafLaksWalBt; Polk l.aI<e Walles Boat R3Iftp ~ (040208) fj/ 3 $SO,\1OO $0 SO 43 Cily 01 ArcIlet AlacIlua Old Fie Station Complex (40084) fj/ 4 $50,000 SO SO 44 Cllyof~ Pclk Wison PaR (4mSS) fj/ S $50,000 $0 SO 45 OtfGf~ 0Iceechctlee f1ager PIlrk f2 (40340) 64 1 $SO,ooo $0 SO 46 cay at Avon ParIc Hi/lllal'lds LaJce Tulane Playground (-4029'1) 53 1 $50,000 $0 SO 47 Clly at HawtI'lIlme Al8dlua H~ Rec;1eelion OtrnpllX (40241) 53 2 $SO,ooo $0 50 TOCaI 82,s3O,OOO ~,2lI1 GIeaIer hn ssO,ooo-1laI'lllopn'aln FIIlds AVlMle: $&,94;6,825 RANK APP\.lCANT COUNTY AAOJECT SCORE liE AMOUNT AMOUNT C1,IIAJU l1VE BREAKER REClUSSTEO REGOMMCNOEO AMOUNT 1 City III 5anfOIlf Sttninole Fort~ PaJIc (40055) 106 1 $200,000 $2QO,ooo saOO,ooo 2 Clly 01 Veolee Sarascla Venioe ComllUlily cenllll'(4012S) 105 1 $'200,000 $200.000 S4OO.OOO s . at; CI Palm Coasl . Fladar Nolll\ Selle TeIre Pat1< (40306) 104 1 $200,000 S200,000 $llOO,ooo 4 Cl\y rJ \.Ja.IdeIllii Broward Walk Pazk Far;iilies (40026) 104 2 $200,000 $2CO.ooo S8Q0,000 S Ik'evatd Ca.MIy BrevanI V"IllI'a Ragional paJlt (~ 103 1 $200,000 $200,000 $1,000,000 6 Cly 01 SanbeI Lee Roadside Plllk (40143) IDS 2 52IlOJlOO $200,000 $1 ,2OQ,OllO 7 C'ittJ 01 C<<cn4 Cl8ell Broward V/'itlM\iI Patte Facl"ilies (40012) 102 1 ~ $200.000 $1,400,000 & ~0I WUslon l.4vy ~es $pons CompIlIX (40'305) 102 2 S2OO.ooo $2QO,ooo 51.lloo,000 II IImward 0luItly Browanl W6$l Lakll Palt lmptllYlmenlS (40294) 101 1 $200,000 S2Q0.000 $1,BOll.000 10 CiIy 0/ West PUn BeadI Pafm BeaJ:Il Gaines PllIf< . Phase n (40141) 101 2 $200,000 $'200,000 $2,000,000 11 OlIYoIDGIlr;m VoIusia W~ Crila PaJk InIpc'tl1'll11lll1~ (4Q2.43) 101 3 $200,000 $200.000 ~ 12 CiIy oj Nlm Pal Ridley Pll9QO Grand lloufMld Greenway, Pl1a$e ( (40173) 101 4 $2OO,OOll $200,000 $2.400,000 IS City 01 W85lCn Broward VISIa Palt Fadilies (40021) 101 5 8200,000 $200,000 $2,600,000 14 ~~ WashrlglQn Orange HiI Clmrwily Past (40207) 101 8 $150,000 $1 so.ooo $2,750,000 15 ~c/OV'.edo SIl1lincllO CMeclo SIIoI1s Conlllex (40172) 101 7 $200,000 $200.000 S2,1)SO.000 1& Cltyoll&atall1m Monroe MataIhon ComnIJriIy Pm (40000) 101 8 $200,000 $200.000 ~,150,000 17 Cily c/ Kotf.Yood BtOwatll 0akJldge Pm (40150) 100 1 '150,000 $150,000 $3,300,000 18 City 0/ IAalgale BmHard RIlyaJ Palm Pad! Enllancemenli (40036) 100 2 $200,000 $ZllO,llOO $3.S00.llOO 18 01)'01 ~ Splt~ Slninde Ctnlral Wit\& Pallc, PNase n (402631 99 1 saoo,ooo $200.000 $3.700.000 ao lawn oj Grand PJdge Jackson JOh~n Rae. ~texllnplMmllnlS (40320) 99 2 ~ooo $200.000 $3.900,000 21 Town of Davie Bro\Mard falcons Lea Par\ (40119) w 1 $132,000 $132,000 54,032,000 22 Clly 01 Fort WaDGl'I ~ Okaloosa L!lt.lde Strip Pall< (40002) 96 2 $1 B4,ll5O $184,850 $4,118,851l 2S 0Iy Gf K&y CoIorrJ BeecIl MCllroe Key CoI<<ly 8es;h - Su_ Park (40:238) 97 1 $112,500 $112,!iOO $4,329,350 24 VrNIe Comly Vdosia GIgen Sptfng Patk (402.8.1) VI 2 $200,000 -. $200,000 54,529,sso 25 Lee ColI1ty Lee l8Q County VelenlrlS Patte (40084) 91 ~ $200.000 $2llO,llOO $4,729.350 26 City of IIc:lynton Beach Palm Beech SOU1Ilel=t Pazk (40023) 97 4 $200.000 $200.000 $4,929,350 ~O'd 117:6 roo 9 qa.:l S~-B817-OS8:xe.:l S~~~d ~ J3~/d3a.:l Page.s of 5 'Z1 ~~I~1lislrict PalnI BelId'o Al:R!aga ComrtuIily Pll1lc (40011) 97 5 $<!OO,OOQ '. -~ $2llO,ooo $5,129,350 28 CIty 01 Bonita Spmgs \.ee Th81s1an11 Pall< (40195) !is 1 $200,000 . . ~ooo $5.329.350 29 City oIl.ll1go PlroeIIa$ Nor1ll~ Palt, PIlase II (40123) 98 2 $125,000 $125,000 $5,454,350 30 CJrt 01 0lmgII Clly VlllW~ VaIenllml f'1ll1I' Pnaae II 14=2) 90 ;l $11~,~ f112,500 $G,GiG,e;;O 81 Cllyof Hsi1e5 Cly Pclk Uka Eva (40187) 98 4 $200,000 $200,000 ss,766,8SO 32 ~ 01 C:Ipe CGJa1 lae Nei!tllxIri1ood Pw'I NQ. 1 (40014) 95 1 $ZOO,OOO saoo,ooo $5,966,850 S3 Na$$aj COI.Illy Nassllll GoIlin9Ii1I8 Park (44107) 94 $200,000 $200,000 $6,166,850 34 NdI County Marlln /legiQnllI PlIrll(40194) 94 Z $200.000 $200,000 $6.$86.850 55 Ci!tt$ CtxAlIy Clllu$ EllIll1 Pane (40132) 94 3 $100.000 $100,000 $6,466,850 38 Cily cI L.vgo PineIlas OaIsko Palk. Pllase , (40UO) 94 4 $200,000 1lZ00,ooo ~ ~ Ciy ci OIiJEy wash"J\pl ~ Park -1'tles$1I (40286) 94 5 $200.000 ~,OOO $6.868.850 38 CiIy aI C'.Hpliy Was/IilgfrAl Pars Part. Pnase I (4II3OS) 94 6 $200.000 $2lXl,000 $1.066.850 39 ClIV of \'IDsm lJNi 41Il Slrea Park. FY2003004 (~ 94 7 $200,000 GZoo,ooo $7,266,850 40 City 01 SCuIh Miami Oade South tAiami'& Palmar PaJt (40301) OS , $112.soo $112,500 S7,379,!SO .1 Cl~ 01 Scull\ Di)'ln. Vdusia Fleed Can:II PaJi (4m11) 93 2 m,QOO $200.000 $7 ,579,35D 42 TownofP\11IIII1IlPaz1t Putnam Greenvlle Pw'l (40257) 92 1 $200,000 $200,000 $7 ;m,sso 43 CiIy ~ PIalIalion B/OWUId ClllIttal P2Il< . Pnasa I'J (40122) 92 2 $200,000 GZOO.OOO S1,97S,3!iO 44 Oly of ~ Palm Bsad1 Palm IleacII VeletlV\s Parle, Phase II (40169) 92 3 $200,000 $200.000 $8.179.350 45 TO\\Il Cl5oulllWeSll'ollnel1e:l BrQwanl SUIl$l1J1C flancne:ll:quesll1a/l PatIl-IIJ (40215) ~ 4 $18:1,800 '1e:;,GOO ~1$O 4S CIlf oIldllllson Madson lanler FIeld R8:reallon Area. PIIase III (40316) 92 5 $200,000 $200,000 $ll.MS. ~ 41 CilyCll~ Semlnole Reaer Pw1c Re'lOv8liCl'l(40142) 91 1 5200.000 $200,000 $8,745,150 4S ~ot Bata S9~ Lee Depot Park (40206) 91 2 " $2CO,ooo $200.000 ~,94S, 150 49 NassalI Oqwrty NaSSaU Y\4ee Sports ~ (40154) 91 3 ~OOO $200,000 S9,14$,1SO SO CiIy CI Royal Pam Se8cb Palm Beadl Velatans PaJI<. PIlase I (40111) 91 4 $200,000 $200,000 $9.346.150 51 CiIy at PCIll St Joe WI Lamar FaIslln Adds (40108) 90 1 $200,000 $2ClO,ooo ' S9,546.1 !ill 52 ()qe CotJ1Iy 0:w1ge l.illIG ceen~(4OO3S) 90 2 $200,000 $200,000 $\1,"45,150 53 lee CoIrily 1M Sdlsndler Hall COIl'lTlIll'iti Park (40015) 90 3 $20?.?oo $200,000 G9,94:i, 150 54 Pulnam CGunty Putnam ffl1llCls Youth Com\1ler. Phase II (40114) 90 4 $200,000 $1,675 ~8,825 55 ~Cw1\Y Flagler Oklllilde Park (40183) 90 5 S2OO,OOO $0 SO !ill Qf 01 WIII1er SprIng; ~ CenIr.J 'Mnd& PaJl<, Pl\ase I (402Ill) 90 6 R<lO,OOO SO $0 57 TOIr4'l III Pomcna PaIk Pulnarn W11!a1d F. HaZ81 MsrncrIaI PaIlc (4OV4) ll~ 1 $200.000 $0 $0 sa IIIlags dTBq1I!$I4 Pakn BtacIl CorIsd~ Pale (40144) 89 2 $2CO.ooo $0 $0 59 ~Cw1\y 0keecIlCIbee CMt: CMlllt Il'llJlI'OWIllenls (401911 89 3 $2QO,ooo $0 $0 60 ~ GcII1ly HrJIma& 0, 0, E1~ MelIIOflaI Pmk (40044) S9 4 $200,000 $0 $0 61 Qydllal'lesOly POllc lletIu1e Neighl101!lOOiS CII. Park (401 n) S9 5 $200,000 $0 $0 62 T<Mtl oI~ Palm BeadI Ovedoalc Par\: (40193) .89 6 $112,SOQ $0 $0 83 cay <<1l<lniflIY Holmes MemcraJ Park (40043) 59 7 $200,000 $0 $0 64 TCMn 01 Yat'IIlIllIlOWn Levt ~~. G\M PathwaY PrcI8CI (40281) 89 8 $ZOO,ooo $0 SO 65 Dade Cwt.y Dade HaIllov1!t 1lBal:II(40118) fl6 1 $200.000 $0 $0 66 CCIiet Ccclnly CdIIer Nor1h Naples ~~ Pmk (40096') 88 2 $20(1,000 $0 $0 ttI Sl'Jahna ~ St Jchll& Vall PCilIl P8/1(, PIlase I (40025) 88 3 $200,000 $0 $0 '88 CIly III Splirgield Bay Aghl AVllIlUll ReaaaliCnaI Park .IV (40139) llll 4 $112,500 $0 $0 69 City III C6llat Kay le'J)' Cedar J(ey CIy PaJlc. Phae 1(40302) rt 1 $200,000 $0 SO 10 MIll1Ill Cwrlly MatlIn JocIc ~on Park (40197) ff1 2 $:200.000 SO SO 71 CIIy gj SebasIi8n Inctan RIver Sebeslian P~ (40048) 87 3 $200,000 SO SO 72 City Cf Pllrt StI.UCill Sl.~ SllUd8 Nortll Park (4OO6S) 8G 1 $200,000 $0 $0 73 mt III Nell!Illny AIac:Ilua Nev.tell)' SpciIt1l ~ PIlaSeZ (40077) 86 ~ $112,500 $0 $0 74 Clly at P<<t St Lude Sl. Lude WinllllfalQl$ Pall( (olClCla) as 1 ~ SO SO, 75 Cly ClTaft'pa HISIlOtOugIl PIcnlc Island Pmk (40163) es 2 $200,000 SO $0 76 SLI1IteI ClKln\y Sumter L.ak8 Panasoftkee ReereatiOn PaJIt (40210) 85 3 $l45,ClOO $0 $0 11 ClyOfCllallallcxx:l1 Gadsden Chaltlllood'lee Canwcund (4021S) 85 4 $200,000 $0 $0 78 Clly d CI'aSCII\I ~ Pulrlam Nar1h Pmk I~ts (40271) 85 6 $200,000 SO $0 79 Clly III 0ewi$IlIn Handiy S\lgwland Park (40009) 85 6 $150.000 $0 $0 80 TClf/II\ III lJt.e PIadd tI~ LaI<e.ute ~rQ\IlI'l1lll1ll(4CI28I} as 7 $200.000 $0 Sll 81 TCMIl of tlO'M HGhleS Noma TOlll\ PQll(.1'J (40267) 85 8 lZoo,DllO $0 $0 a2 City 0I1'UI_ CI\y DllY OUland TenlICe Part (40307) 84 1 $112.500 SO $0 OS IJletly CClJlly I..Rl8rly V&tM'8 MemolIaI Par1<, Pb_ & (40093) 84 2 S2OO.ooo SO SO 114 Clay County Oar Twfn..- P8IIl. Phase P (40101) 83 1 $95,000 $0 $0 85 Cly of P'flellas PaIk PIrdIs Freedom l.sIaI Padc (~1) 83 2 $112,500 $0 $0 88 CIlydS~ Bay Aiglll Avenue ReG~a1 Pal\C. V (401$5) 83 a $112.500 $0 ~ rt GmilIl CMly Glldsden SalWllusl Part (40095) 82 , $12:5,000 $0 $0 88 TayIorC~ T~ T~~Sports Complex, PIlase2 (40290) 82 2 $200,000 $0 so 119 T*Ctull)', T$t Ta}'lorCllUnlySj'JOItS COIllIIeX. Phase I (40293) 82 3 $200,000 $0 $0 90 GIn CClIrny Gulf IirrmcMew~ (40126) 82 4 $200,000 $0 $0 91 01y of st. Pets Baad1 PinelIsS ~ PaJlc. Phase I (40078) 82 5 $200,000 $0 $0 92 Cly III ~ GreelI Harclee BlM!ing GnBl ~ PaItt (40318) 82 6 S2OO,ooo SO $0 -- - .- 170'd 117:6 ~O, 9 qa.:l S9~-8817-0S8:XE.:l S~~~d ~ J3~/d3a.:l . . . .........- ....-..........--........-....----....,..-.""".- -- . u..__.w ..w.._. '.._' .. . Page,S of 5 15$ CIty of CAway ~ Callaway RecreallonaJ ~ .IV (40256) ~ S $112.500 " -- Ill) SO lSi City 01 Panckee Palm Beach Pahokae CaJrwluld & Mama (40114) 61 6 $200.000 .' so $0 160 TOlM'l cI ~ Han'ilon JO'U'oil1g'$ City ?aile (40212) ~ 7 $200,000 so $0 '0' Town at-" "- """" l;lor1< P....(40081) G7 8 $200,000 ;SO ~ '82 ClrjalSulrlse Broward R~Par1l~$(40211) 66 1 $112,SOO so $0 163 CIty III Ml. Cola LaJce Palm Island ilOaRlwak (4Q223) 68 2 $180.000 $0 $0 164 Cily 01 $taJlCe 8n\dIllnl Edwards "'* p~ ("*?) 66 $ $:200,000 $0 $0 166 TQIIll d Jerv$1gs HarriIlon City P;:t, PIwe 2 (_ 6a 4 $20?.?oo $0 $0 168 TOIrI'l oIl131dwi\ IluvaI ClllEman Pllll< (402$9) 66 S $12Q,OOO $0 $0 167 Cilyct ~ Bear;h ~er ~l.8ke Pal1c 1_ 65 I s:too'0Q) $0 $0 168 Incbn Rtler CoIIlty In<ian RiWr WGSl~Paz1<, PIWoU (~) 6S 2 $112.500 $0 $0 169 City of Pensac:da Escambla W2letII'lIIl1 PaJ1(BoantN:IlIc (40018) 6S 8 $100.000 $0 $0 110 Glades ~ GIade& ~ WllIdden M (40)>.1) 65 4 $75,OOQ $0 so 171 City of Hi:lJedI\ Gam8ns Dacfe Joe SMacn hilt 1mpRlvMl/ltdS (.40161) 65 5 593.750 $0 so '112 Ci1y oIl)nn HaYen B~ Cin GdIftn ParIIoPhase U (40082) 6S 6 Sl12.500 $0 $0 173 'City 0/ Ma=I8My ~ MaCdaMy RacnlalianaI ~ (40038) 65 1 $199,700 $0 $0 174 Tav.n oIli1ianl Nassau Buck lluchanlIl Pallr, Phasa II (4Q204) 65 8 ~ $I) SO 175 TOIII\ 0I1ltan1<<d Bradlord HalCIl Falriy ~ PI/!l (40184) 64 1 $200.000 $0 10 176 Cll)' III GnlsniI;nl:s PtItrt llea::n GteeneI:It$ f'rliOllOtl'l PIlle (coal 0) 84 2 "12,500 110 ~ m City 01 Fml'lere IIdan ~ Ser,lor lIapPallc , PIIase 10 (4Ol111) 64 3 $75.000 SO $0 178 ~ 01 Port Sl JQe GIS Frat<< pa PilIll, PIlasa n 140110) 64 4 5200,000 SO SO 179 Cil'f0l~ Franl4In VeIemn', PaI1c. PhaSe a (40094) 64 5 " $200.000 so so 180 TOM! ct LflW,e' Jadcsan ,kjtmy Wilisns Meml1iaI pm, Phasa 2 (40080) 64 8 li200,0Q) $0 $II 181 ttamanclO Caunly HmlIaMo Aiclg9 Manor ClrMulJy Park 14OOG) 63 1 $20a,000 $0 $0 182 CIty 01 Fort PIerce St. Lucle Ilou$ Elh Pille (4014S) 62 1 $200.000 $0 so W'aJyalApopta ~ Alclnzj) Wiiaml; Palk (40338) 62 <I sgo,ooo $0 $0 184 CIlr of P2lm Coast ~r 8lnI 0/ PwlIse Pal1c (-4Om) 61 1 $128,700 so so 185 ~oI~City CoIun'tlia WeslwimI~ "'- D (4Om7) 1IO 1 $200.000 $0 $0 188 cay of Wltdo AIachua SkI Mantl PaIk(401B8) 60 2 $l12.soo $ll $0 187 cay Of CSmlbllII\l flanldin Tiail UiJet PQltr, PIIll9llI (40127) 60 3 $200.000 so $0 188 ftaaml Counly F~n Nad PorletPadl (~) 59 1 $200,000 $0 $0 18& Cllyct~ Frankln VelenIns PaI1c. Phase IV (40128) 53 1 $200,000 $ll $0 190 CiIy Qt CalTibeDe Frankfn ClltrabeIe RI\Ierwat, ~ 6 (40069) 53 2 $200,000 so $0 Total ~S67 $9,946.825 GmiletIlll1l$lSO,OOO- TIlIi ~ Firlds AvaB8IlIe: $461,554 IW4K APPUCANT COUNTY PROJECT SCORE llE AMOUNT AIIOUNl' 0UI.M..Al1VE BREAKER REOUIl5'l'Rl ~D!:D AMOUNT 1 CiIy of AIJlumdale Polk lECO TmiI (@1S) 97 , $200.000 S2OO,COO $200.000 2 vOllls,i COWll1f VIIIusla DeBarv HlllI Tl8JIead l40282I 97 2 $2CO.GCO $200,000 S4OlI,GCO S Cily of 8l\lOkl!MIIll It8manc1o Good ~TraIlead (40258) 90 1 $loa.750 $61,554 S461,$ 4 TOllIl lit 80ulrMesI ~ 8rowanI Milllld llIe TraiIll-i'IlaIllI (40217) 90 2 ~ 12,SOO $0 $0 S Cltyol~ Alal:Ilua Gaiw.it'I CIpOI Padc (4C23S) 87 1 S2lXI,OCO $0 $0 a CiIy 0/ MaIVBfe BlIIl1aId RIlc:k I&Iind Rllad I.il8ar Greenway PItIl (40234) 84 1 fl2OO,OOO $0 $0 7 cay 01 Sar:Isola SarIl$OIa SdlOQI ~ R~Tl'an (40337) B2 1 $200,000 sa $0 8 Ciy Of KissitMlllQ 0&ce0Ia LakeTdlo Slcyde Palh (~l 74 I $200,000 $Q $0 9 T~dFGrlWhIte Cab1lIia Fort Whit Tram Depcl TraiRleall (40008) 68 1 ~30,000 $0 $0 TotlI $1,551,250 . S461,554 GraIICI Total S4Q.650.Q8 $12,095,000 S12,09S,000 Tolal AslIlflC8lion& 28S go'd ~17:6 ~O. 9 qa.:l S99~-88I7-OS8:xe.:l S~~d ~ J~d30.:l