HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 12 11 Consent 401 Potable Water Consumptive Use Permit
ITEM 401
December 11, 2006
REQUEST: Utility Department Requesting Authorization to Utilize the Consulting Services
of SMW GeoSciences, Inc. for hydrogeological and environmental technical
assistance relating to the Potable Water Consumptive Use Permit Application
with the St. Johns River Water Management District.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request authorization to expend an estimated
$20,000 with SMW GeoSciences, Inc. to assist in the staff response to the St. Johns
River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Request for Additional Information
(RAI) relating to the Potable Water Consumptive Use Permit.
This agenda item is needed to provide staff technical assistance in acquiring the
Potable Water Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) from the SJRWMD. The CUP regulates the
amount of groundwater withdrawals allowed for the City's potable (drinking) water supply.
It expired in October of 2006 and staff submitted a renewal permit application prior to
expiration as required. We had been provided estimates of $50,000 to $75,000 in consulting
fees for the CUP renewal process. However, we felt staff could perform most of the work in
house. Led by Doug Taylor, Utility Superintendent, the application was submitted on time.
The SJRWMD response to the permit application (called a Request for Additional
Information - RAI) required information in three areas outside of staff expertise; 1)
groundwater modeling to ascertain the impact to area water bodies, 2) development of a
plan to monitor horizontal and vertical water quality variations in the Florida aquifer, and 3)
groundwater withdrawal projected requests.
121106_ COMM _ Consent_ 401_ Utility _ Hydrogeologist
December 11, 2006
Consent Agenda Item 401
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Staff contacted SMW GeoSciences, Inc. of Orlando about providing assistance.
SMW is headed by Sarah Whitaker who is a professional geologist and a former CUP permit
reviewer with the SJR WMD. Ms. Whitaker provided the attached proposal.
Sufficient funds are available in the Utility Consulting Engineer line 3600-53160 for
the estimated expense of $20,000. Expenditure of the funds will occur over the next 60 days.
It is recommended that request authorization be granted to expend an
estimated $20,000 with SMW GeoSciences, Inc. for hydrogeological and
environmental services to assist in the staff response to the 8t. Johns River Water
Management District (SJRWMD) Request for Additional Information (RAI) relating
to the Potable Water Consumptive Use Permit.
The staff response to the Request for Additional Information will be completed by
January 26, 2007.
1. SMW Geosciences, Inc Proposal
121106_ CQMM _ Consent_ 401_ Utility _ Hydrogeo1ogist
Water Resources, Geological, Geophysical,
Environmental and Marine Survey Studies
SMW GeoSciences, Inc.
Hydrogeological & Environmental Services
1411 Edgewater Drive, Suite 103
Or1ando, Florida 32804
Fax: 407-999-8399
December 1, 2006
TO: Kipton D. Lockcuff, P.E.
Public WorkslUtility Director
City of Winter Springs
1126 East S.R. 434
Winter Springs, FL 32108
SUBJECT: Proposal for CUP Assistance
SJRWMD RAI Letter Dated October 24.2006. Item Nos. 16, 11 and 18
City of Winter Springs CUP Application
Dear Mr. Lockcuff:
We are pleased to submit this proposal to the assist the City of Winter Springs address items 16,
Hand 18 of the St. Johns River Water Managemenfs (SJRWMD) Request for Additional
Information (RAI) letter dated November 16, 2005. Based upon our understanding of the proposed
CUP and RAI request, the fOllowing scope of services is provided:
Task 1.
Attendance at meetinas with client. their reoresentatives and SJRWMD
For this task we have allowed for 40 hours of professional time.
Task 1 will be billed based upon actual time spent.
Budget not to exceed:
Task 2.
Groundwater Modelina and ImDact Evaluation CRAlltems 16 and 18)
SMW GeoSciences. Inc. will construct a groundwater model to evaluate the potential
impacts to wetlands, surface waters, saline water intrusion and spring flows, due to the
City's requested groundwater withdrawal. We will utilize the District's East Central
Florida model as a basis for impact review. Required inputs to the groundwater model
will include the existing and proposed well locations. well construction information and
individual well allocations as requested in the CUP application.
A report documenting model construction, model inputs and the results of the analysis
will be provided to the City for submittal with their RAI response. Based upon the results
of groundwater modeling, we also will address the potential environmental impacts of
the proposed uses of water requested in RAI item 18.
We anticipate that we can complete groundwater modeling and impact evaluation
services and provide a letter report within two weeks of approval of this task.
Please note that the final scope of services required to address all resource issues may
be dependent upon the City's approved groundwater withdrawals, its ability to offset
these demands with alternative sources and the negotiated duration of the permit. If
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significant impacts are predicted, due to the City's requested withdrawals, or if the
District perceives that cumulative withdrawals are unacceptable and additional
modeling runs are required, then a modified scope of services will be provided.
Task fee not to exceed
Task 3.
Floridan aauifer aroundwat8r auality monitorina Dlan iRAlltem 17)
SMW GeoSciences will develop a groundwater monitoring plan that will be suitable to
monitor horizontal and vertical water quality variations in the Floridan aquifer. The plan
will document propose well locations, well construction details, groundwater sampling
methodologies and sampling frequencies for the District's review and approval.
Available literature and water quality data from wells owned by the City and wells owned
and monitored by the U.S. Geological SUNey, Florida Department of Environmental
Protection and the St. Johns River Water Management District will be reviewed to
develop and support the recommendations of the plan.
We anticipate that we can review data and provide a report with the proposed
groundwater monitoring plan within 6 weeks of approval of this task.
Task fee not to exceed:
Although every attempt will be made to submit a complete RAI response to items 16, 17 and 18, if
the District requires additional information, requires modification of the proposed groundwater
monitoring plan or requires a field wetland impact assessment, a separate scope of seNices and
cost estimate will be provided at your request For all work, we will invoice only for the work
performed, using the unit rates or task fees provided in this proposal.
We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and we look forward to working with you on
this project. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office.
Sarah M. Whl
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