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Date: 101303
The following Document was referenced by
Deputy Mayor Miller on 10/13/03 during
"Reports" .
Commissioner, District One
Winter Springs
22 September 2003
Subject: Reston Conference Highlights on Town Centers.
To: Winter Springs City Commission.
I attended the 11-12 September 2003 conference on "Place Making: Developing Town
Centers, Transit Villages, and Main Streets. " It was a valuable occasion for cities
involved in town centers like ours, to better understand the latest developments in Town
Centers nationwide, and to review what has worked and not worked.
In almost all areas Winter Springs seemed to be on the right track. Several points kept
coming through over and over as the various speakers and panels described what was
good and what was not. Among those contributing to success were the following main
1. Always strive to include things which congregate people, such as :
1. Great public places
2. Amenities designed visually and aesthetically to please
3. An attractive environment.
2. Leaders involved in the design of town centers must remember the following
which are too often forgotten:
1. I will not put parking in front!
2. I will not turn my back on main streets!
3. My main street stores will have front doors that open!
4. I will not allow things that detract from the overall image!
3. Planners encouraged city leaders to always keep in mind that cars and people
don't mix well in town centers, and that:
1. The road to Hell... is paved with good intentions
2. The road to Hell ... is paved with bad inventions
3. And that the road to Hell.... Is paved!
4. So the more public amenities such as parks. green areas. trees and landscaping -
the better.
4. Above all, to always remember that Town Centers are about creating VALUE for
a bi!!:!!:er community. and thus require attention to FLEXIBILITY over time to
accommodate change as it occurs.
5. One of the most prevalent and reoccurring features in successful town centers
nationally were trulv e:reat water features of all types.
The conference closed emphasizing GREAT PUBLIC SPACES as one of the key
features which contribute to enduring Town Center successes over time. If the
public wants to "hang out" there, to eat, socialize, play, learn, or maybe just watch their
children, they will keep coming because it's a Great Place.
The single area in which the Winter Springs Town Center seemed to have made a poor
design choice to date, was allowing the planned Wendy's drive through to completely
surr that store. This issue should be urgently revisited if possible to re-address this
ssue beft re construction begins..
. City Commission
. Mayor
. City Manager
. City Attorney
· City Planning Staff
Commissioner, District One
Winter Springs
22 September 2003
Subject: Reston Conference Highlights on Town Centers.
To: Winter Springs City Commission.
I attended the 11-12 September 2003 conference on "Place Making: Developing Town
Centers, Transit Villages, and Main Streets. " It was a valuable occasion for cities
involved in town centers like ours, to better understand the latest deyelopments in Town
Centers nationwide, and to review what has worked and not worked.
In almost all areas Winter Springs seemed to be on the right track. Several points kept
coming through over and over as the various speakers and panels described what was
good and what was not. Among those contributing to success were the following main
1. Always strive to include things which congregate people, such as :
1. Great public places
2. Amenities designed visually and aesthetically to please
3. An attractive environment.
2. Leaders involved in the design of town centers must remember the following
which are too often forgotten:
1. I will not put parking in front!
2. I will not turn my back on main streets!
3. My main street stores will have front doors that open!
4. I will not allow things that detract from the overall image!
3. Planners encouraged city leaders to always keep in mind that cars and people
don't mix well in town centers, and that:
1. The road to Hell... is paved with good intentions
2. The road to Hell ... is paved with bad inventions
3. And that the road to Hell.... Is paved!
4. So the more public amenities such as parks. green areas. trees and landscaping -
the better.
4. Above all, to always remember that Town Centers are about creating VALUE for
a bie:e:er community. and thus require attention to FLEXIBILITY over time to
accommodate change as it occurs.
5. One of the most prevalent and reoccurring features in successful town centers
nationally were truly e:reat water features of all types.
The conference closed emphasizing GREAT PUBLIC SPACES as one of the key
features which contribute to enduring Town Center successes over time. If the
public wants to "hang out" there, to eat, socialize, play, learn, or maybe just watch their
children, they will keep coming because it's a Great Place.
The single area in which the Winter Springs Town Center seemed to have made a poor
design choice to date, was allowing the planned Wendy's drive through to completely
surr that store. This issue should be urgently revisited if possible to re-address this
. ssue beti re construction begins..
. City Commission
. Mayor
. City Manager
. City Attorney .
. City Planning Staff