HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 10 13 Informational 302 Information Technology Plan
ITEM 302
Informational X
Public Hearing
October 13.2003
Regular Meeting
Mr ~t.
Information Services wishes to update the commission on
the status of the I.T. Plan created in FY 2002.
The purpose of this item is to update the commission on the LT. Plan
which was created in FY 2002.
See attached Projects worksheet
LT. Projects worksheet - Attachment 1 (3 pages)
Regular Commission Meeting
Informational 302 - Attachment 1
October 13. 2003
I.T. Strategic Plan
Status of Projects for FY 2004
Items completed as I If not
of this date when is project
September 8, 2003 expected to be
Project Due Date denoted with ./ completed
Server Upgrades. Attempt to move toward flat Windows 2000 Environment
City Hall PDC (move to Windows 2000 Server) 9/30/2003 ./
Exchange (move to Exchange 2000 and Windows 2000 Server) 9/30/2003 ./
Track-It Server (move to Windows 2000 Server) 9/30/2003 ./
WebSense/SuperScout (move to Windows 2000 Server) 9/30/2003 ./
File and Print Server (move from City Hall POC to separate Windows 2000 Server) 9/30/2003 ./
Centralized Backup - City Hall Side
Networklbackup analysis performed 9/30/2003 ./
Obtain Commission authorization to purchase equipment from state contract 9/30/2003 ./
Equipment and software purchase 9/30/2003 ./
Installation & Implementation 11/30/2003 in progress 11/30/2003
Network Infrastructure & Support Initiatives - to Improve network performance and to
avoid data loss
Network analysis - entire network layout - hubs. switches. routers. etc. 9/30/2003 ./
Obtain Commission authorization to purchase equipment from state contract 9/30/2003 ./
Network analysis - Equipment and software purchase 9/30/2003 ./
Network analysis - Installation and Implementation 11/30/2003 in progress 11/30/2003
Remote Control/Support of Workstations 9/30/2003 ./
UPS for each workstation 9/30/2003 ./
Full Implementation of Blue Ocean Track-It! 10/31/2003 in progress 10/31/2003
Architectural Standards Policy 12/31/2003 in orogress 12/31/2003
Operating Systems Upgrade from Windows NT4 to Windows 2000 Server platform 9/30/2003 ./
Technology Policies & Procedures plan 12/31/2003 in progress 12/31/2003
VPN of I.S. Support 9/30/2003 ./
Disaster Recovery Plan 12/31/2003 in progress 12/31/2003
Full implementation of workgroup printing 9/30/2003 ./
WorkStation Upgrades
Analysis of systems that need to be upgraded in order to move away from Windows 98
platform 9/30/2003 ./
Purchase of Phase I Systems (PII or below, running Windows-S8) I 10/31/2003 I in oroaress I 1 0/31/2003
Revised 10/7/2003
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Regular Commission Meeting
Informational 302 - Attachment 1
October 13. 2003
I.T. Strategic Plan
Status of Projects for FY 2004
If not
Items completed as completed,
of this date when Is project
September 8, 2003 expected to be
Project Due Date denoted with ./ completed
Geographic Information Systems
Purchase of WorkStation GIS software for Community Development - Planning Division - 1
workstation 9/30/2003 ./
New Position - Media Specialist
Hire new Media Specialist (Web. Multimedia. and Application Specialist) 9/30/2003 ./
New Web Site Design
Survey and research changes needed for new web site to be more robust and effective for e -c-
government 9/30/2003 ./
Create demo of new web site and present to the City Commission 9/30/2003 ./
Obtain Commission authorization to proceed - new web site should be up and running 9/30/2003 ./
City Forms Conversion to PDF
Research each departments forms and establish plan for their conversion 10/31/2003 in progress 10/31/2003
Implement conversion plan 12/31/2003 not yet started 12/31/2003
Document Management System
Research and put together RFP document
Establish whether or not we must go out to bid or if we can go with existing SNAPs
The rest of this project will depend upon the decision made with the previous item
(re: bid) and additional staffing - may have to move this out to FY 2004 to give us more
time. I.S. Shorthanded and have other higher priorities
first to be imaged is Clerks records (old minutes. agendas. ordinances and resolutions)
Munis Office Implementation
Implement and train on Munis Office 9/30/2003 ./
Revised 10/7/2003
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Regular Commission Meeting
Informational 302 - Attachment 1
October 13, 2003
I.T. Strategic Plan
Status of Projects for FY 2004
If not
Items completed as completed,
of this date when is project
September 8, 2003 expected to be
Project Due Date denoted with '" completed
Munis/ForMunls Implementation
Implement E-Purchase Orders 11/1/2003 in progress 11/1/2003
Online Complaint Tracking (Better Place)
BetterPlace Online complaint tracking (this will be implemented with new web site) 9/30/2003 '"
Munis On-line initiatives
Establish Financial/credit card policies (Regular G - July 14, 2003 Commission Meeting) 9/30/2003 '"
Viewing of Utility Bills online (via intemet - will be implemented with new web site) 12/31/2003 in progress 12/31/2003
Acceptance of bank drafts (Regular G - July 14, 2003 Commission Meeting) 12/31/2003 in progress 12/31/2003
Online payment of Utility Bills (via credit/debit cards - Regular G - July 14, 2003 Commission
Meeting) 12/31/2003 in progress 12/31/2003
KIVA Interface
Research and outline scope of work for Munis/Kiva interface 9/30/2003 '"
Plan with impIementors/programmers/City Staff 12/1/2003 inol-ogress 12/1/2003
Implement this interface 3/1/2004 not yet started 3/1/2004
MultiMedia Productions
Create multimedia productions for SGTV (this project may be delayed until FY 04) - - -
City Hall Access
Kiosk in lobby (this project was cut out for FY 03 and FY 04 by I.S. Director and City
Manager) - - -
Cartegraph Software
Training and implementation of Cartegraph software for Public Works 9/30/2003 '"
Applications Training
on-going Munis and Kiva applications training ongoing
on-aoing Microsoft Office modules training onQoina
Revised 101712003
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