HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 11 14 Consent 213
City of Winter Springs
Commission Meeting November 14.2005
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ITEM 213
Consent X
Public Hearing
November 14, 2005
Regular Meeting
Mgr.F- / Dept.
REQUEST: The City Manager requesting authority from the City Commission to adjust
salary range maximums for FY06,
PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed for the City Manager to be able to gIve a merit
increase at the full amount for FY06.
The City has adopted a merit based pay for a performance compensation plan.
Merit based pay for performance plans include salary ranges that have a minimum and maximum
salary that is determined by surveys of like positions at the local, state, regional, and national
levels depending upon the type of jobs involved.
For example, the range for a fireman is Range 25.
The dollar range between the minimum and the maximum is referred to as the job classification
BAN or the market value of the job.
In the Winter Springs Pay Plan there is a 52.25% spread between the minimum and maximum of
all job classifications.
In order to comply with equal pay for equal work laws, the assignment of market value to jobs
cannot be made in an arbitrary and capricious manner. Ranges have to be assigned on the basis
City of Winter Springs
Commission Meeting November 14,2005
J J 1405_COMM_ConsenC2I 3_Salary_Range_Adjustments
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of job content and job qualifications. The width of the range or BAN (the amount of the spread
between the minimum and the maximum) has to be uniform throughout the pay plan.
When an employee, through annual merit increases gets to the maximum of his or her range
assignment the base pay is capped at that point, and the employee is, in common jargon "topped
out". Therefore, if an employee is topped out and receives a 4% merit pay increase, the
employee receives the 4% in a lump sum payment rather than an increase in the employee's base
pay that would take the employee's base pay over the maximum.
In Winter Springs we traditionally revise our salary ranges every two years through a salary
survey of the market place performed by a compensation consultant. When the salary ranges are
adjusted upward they reduce or eliminate the number of employees who are "topped out".
We will perform a salary survey in this fiscal period to provide a revised pay plan that will be
approved by the Commission for FY07.
To date employees on the attached page are either already topped out, or will be topped out in
FY06. These employees will receive lump sum payments rather than increases in base pay in
FY06 unless some extraordinary actions are taken this year.
This extraordinary action can be achieved by waiving the CAP for one year.
The funding for this action would be fully contained within the 4% merit pay authorized in the
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the City Manager to waive range maximums
in FY06 in cases where employees will be topped out.
Cody Study of Employees Topped Out.
9/6/2005 (Mr
CODY STUDY 10/01/2005
Last Name First Name Job Title Department Pay Grade Min Max
Caldwell Christopher Rec Supervisor/Sports Parks & Rec 25* $29,796 $45,365
Coffman Susie Senior Center Mgr Parks & Rec 25* $29,796 $45,365
Kerr Daniel Police Chief Police 40 $61,944 $94,310
Lallathin Timothy Fire Chief Fire 39* $58,995 $89,818
Lockcuff Kipton Utilitv/PW Dir Utilitv 41* $65,042 $99,025
Pula Chuck Parks & Rec Dir Parks & Rec 37* $53,510 $81 ,468
Roberts Bonita Maintenance Worker Parks & Rec 16 $19,207 $29,243
Rolon Justino WWPO/Lab Coord Utility 24* $28,377 $43,204
Schneider Bruce Siqn Maint Tech Public Works 18* $21,176 $32,239
Schraff Patricia Admin Secretary Fire 20 $23,346 $35,544
Simpson Ellen Admin Secretary Police 20* $23,346 $35,544
* will be topped at next evaluation