HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 11 14 Informational 305
ITEM 305
November 14, 2005
REQUEST: Public Works Department is advising the City Commission of the status of
various Capital Improvement Projects
PURPOSE: This agenda item is to update the Commission on the status of current
Capital Improvement projects.
SR 434 Improvements (Village Walk) - All new traffic signal are operation and the old poles
removed. Street lights atop the traffic signals are pending the shipment of the decorative
gold crowns for the light globes. Final course of asphalt completed the week of October
24th and the asphalt stamping will follow. The turn lane at Moss Road is complete and
open. Irrigation work should be complete the week of November 11th and landscaping
completed by middle November. Contractor expects to be substantially complete by
middle of November. Liquidated damages are being tracked as contract time has expired.
Some portion of the contingency funding provided by the city will be required for the CEI
cost beyond the original contract period. (11/8/05)
SR 434 Town Center Corridor Analysis - The revisions to the report have been received and we
anticipate receiving a response from FDOT on the signal spacing by November 11 tho (11/4/2005)
SR 434/ Hayes Road Turn Lane - Design is complete and traffic accident information has
been forwarded to PEC for development of traffic study. Survey has been completed and
city attorney continues work for obtaining the needed Right of Way. (11/8/05)
SR 434/ Doran Drive Traffic Signal- Notice to Proceed has been issued to Traffic Control
Devices to order the mast arm traffic signal and to Central Florida Environmental (CFE)
to begin the road work. A preconstruction meeting was held 1 November with all
stakeholders for the intersection improvements to be coordinated. Anticipate construction
of turn lane on Doran Drive to begin first week of January. Developer's contractor
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expects his portion of the intersection improvements of McLeod's Way to be complete
prior to the CFE beginning work the first week of January to avoid conflict. (11/8/05)
SR 419/ Moss Road Turn Lane - Construction is complete, and funds have been received
from FDOT for the $100,000 reimbursement. (11/5/05)
Cross Seminole Trail North (Wade Street to Town Gardena Avenue) - Construction of this
portion of the trail is complete. (10/19/05)
Cross Seminole Trail Connector (Wade Street to Wekiva Trail) - Staff is working with County
staff on evaluating the wetlands along the preferred route. The City Manager and Mayor are
working with Rep. Mealor on state and/or federal funding for this alternative. The wetlands have
been flagged and staff met with Seminole County and the consultant on May 25th.. Seminole
County is pursuing legislative funding in the coming session. (10/1 0/05)
Magnolia Park Phase II - Phase II of Magnolia Park consists of the construction of the
Amphitheater with restrooms and drinking fountains to act as a trail head for the Cross Seminole
Trail and an inter active water feature in this 0.67:1:: acres. Starmer Ranaldi Planning and
Architecture, Inc (SRI) was approved by the Commission on January 10, 2005, for the
architectural services. CPR Engineers, Inc has been authorized by the Commission under
Amendment 78 on June 9, 2003, for services related to the landscape and hardscape design in
conjunction with SRI. Both SRI and CPR Engineers are currently developing the plans for the
construction of Magnolia Park Phase II. Wetland flagging by the City's environmental
consultant has been forwarded to CPH to have surveyed for determination of impact on
moving the trail to accommodate the proposed park trailhead/ amphitheater. (11/5/05)
Blumberg Boulevard Trail - The Blumberg Boulevard Trail consist of the construction of the
trail with amenities from Magnolia Park to the intersection of Blumberg Boulevard and Doran
Drive. The trail will have stone pavers with sitting arboretum and proposed sculpture gardens, to
include the Rotary Club sponsored Veterans Memorial. Starmer Ranaldi Planning and
Architecture, Inc (SRI) was approved by the Commission on January 10, 2005, for the
architectural services. CPR Engineers, Inc has been authorized by the Commission under
Amendment 78 on June 9, 2003, for services related to the landscape and hardscape design in
conjunction with SRI. Updated plans have been requested from CPH for review.
Information for swapping the current median crossing for the proposed median crossing to
allow delivery trucks to cross being prepared for submission to the Department of
Greenways and Trails. (11/5/05)
Central Winds Park Way - Final road design ongoing by CPR. Additional right of way has
been requested from the Leerdam property and they will be submitting a conceptual site plan to
the City Commission. Final Plan review will incorporate their proposed site plan.(4/18/05)
Winter Springs Boulevard Reconstruction - Preliminary report was presented to the City
Commission on April 11th. Staff is evaluating the costs of all projects in the One Cent Sales Tax
to develop a schedule. The initial cost estimate for reconstruction is 2.4 million dollars. Based
on Commission input the new plan for reconstruction is still being developed by PEe.
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Utility/Public Works Compound - Design is 100% complete. Advertisement for Invitation to
Bid ran on Sunday, October 30th with Bid Opening scheduled for December 7. Payment to
River Run, Inc for wetland mitigation made on November 11. Easement forwarded to
FDEP. Expect FDEP Permit to be issued by 1 December. (11/8/05)
Well #4 - Well development complete. Water quality analysis received and submitted
November 1, 2005. FDEP permit pending. (10/19/05)
Reclaimed Water Augmentation - Final Draft was received on 9/12 and scheduled for
presentation on 11/14. (9/19/05)
Tuskawilla Road Stormwater Improvements - The scope of this project to install two 24" storm
pipes and fill the existing ditches along with a strainer/ trash collection box with spreader swale
to improve the quality of run off entering Lake Jesup from Tuskawilla Road North of S1. Johns
Landing and Orange Avenue. The contract was awarded to Sunshine Building and Development
with a pre-construction meeting held on June 16th. . Construction is substantially complete.
Minor revisions to the design have been made due to weather conditions. (11/8/05)
City Hall Expansion - The design of the expanSIOn of City Hall was approved by the
Commission on February 28, 2005. Starmer Ranaldi Planning and Architecture, Inc (SRI)
provided the design of this 4,980 square foot addition to City Hall in the northwest corner of the
City Hall building. New layout presented to Commission at 8/1 workshop and direction
received. Planning meeting scheduled for the week of November 14 to further define details
of plan and scope of the project. (11/8/05)