HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 11 10 Informational 302 Capital Improvement Projects
ITEM 302
November 10, 2003
MGR. jl/' /DEPT Iff'
REQUEST: Public Works Department is advising the City Commission of the status of various
Capital Improvement Projects
PURPOSE: This agenda item is to update the Commission on the status of current Capital
Improvement projects.
SR 434 Improvements (Village Walk) - The County is waiting for FDOT to exeeute the LAP (funding)
agreement and will proceed to bid when received. FDOT has eertified the right of way and approved 2 of
the 9 landseape easements. The remaining 7 easements will be bid as alternates pending execution
satisfaetory to FDOT. The County has seleeted a CEI for the job - Ameriean BridgelWCG. The $3.8
million dollar projeet includes medians, landseaping, signalization upgrades, deeorative stamped asphalt
at the interseetions, milling and resurfaeing. We are awaiting an interloeal from the County for the
maintenance of 434. The bids for the projeet are seheduled to be opened November 21st with
construction commencing in April 2004. Project completion is expected to be April 2005. (I 1/10/03)
Tuskawilla Road/ SR 434 Traffic Signal- Construetion eomplete except for the removal of the eonerete
poles and puneh list items. (tIll 0/03)
Main Street / Hickory Grove Streetscape - This $850K projeet includes sidewalks, irrigation, and
landseaping on Tuskawilla Road, Blumberg Boulevard, and Doran Drive in the Town Center. Magnolia
Park size (0.64 or 0.79 aeres) being negotiated with Sehrimsher. Contractor working on the Market
Square and Magnolia Square fountains. Irrigation and eleetrical conduits eomplete. Sidewalks underway.
Projeeted completion is February 2004. (11/10/03)
SR 434/ Wagner's Curve Traffic Signal- Construction eomplete. Puneh list items remain. (11/10/03)
SR 419/ Edgemon Traffic Signal - Seminole County administering LAP Agreement due to FDOT
funding up to $211,000 for the signalization and turn lane improvements. Chinchor Eleetric is seheduled
to reeeive the mast arms in November. County has received bids for the turn lane eonstruction whieh will
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be authorized under separate contraet. Turn lane eonstruetion will eommence after the mast arms are
installed. Projeeted construetion eompletion is January 2004. (11/1 0/03)
SR 434/ Doran Drive Traffic Signal - FDOT conditional approval of the signal warrant analysis has
been reeeived. Design 90% complete. The amount of additional right of way needed for the right turn
lane is being determined. The City Hall/Tuskawilla Trails median opening will be required to be ehanged
to a direetional only to get signalization at Doran Drive. A public meeting diseussing these improvements
is projeeted for November. Projected signal installation is August 2004. (11/1 0/03)
SR 434 Highway Beautification Grant - Funding amount approved $214,079.03. Notiee to Proeeed
issued Mareh 2003 for 12 month eonstruetion period with a 6 month extension for the eonflict with the
trail bridge. Irrigation is 95% complete and plant installation is 30% eomplete. Confliets with trial bridge
being addressed. Work being performed by Public Works and Utility Department staff (11/1 0/03)
SR 419/ Moss Road Turn Lane - Design complete by PEC. FDOT approval reeeived. FDOT has
offered $100,000 towards the projeet that ean be done through a joint projeet agreement instead of the
LAP agreement originally indicated. This should help expedite the projeet. (11/1 0/03)
Cross Seminole Trail (Wade Street to Town Center/Bridge to Gardena Avenue) - Design being
modified by Inwood Consulting to address arsenie remediation plan. The proposed eonstruetion limits for
the paved trail are from Wade Street to approximately 500 east of Magnolia Park and from the SR 434
trail bridge to Gardena. The unpaved portion of the trail and paved portion in the middle of the
Sehrimsher property impaeted by the eagle are not included in the design. Construetion is projeeted to
begin April 2004 with a 9 month construction period. (11/10/03)
Pedestrian Bridge - Cross Seminole Trail- Construetion by the design/build team of Jones Bros./Mactec
underway. Proposal for upgrades to the feneing and lighting are pending FDOT approval ofthe waiver to
require the feneing to eover the top. Northside piers 90% eomplete. Work will then shift to south side.
Spans projeeted to be set April 1, 2004. The design/build eontraet is seheduled to be eompleted Oetober
2004. (11/10/03)
Cross Seminole Trail (Wade Street to Wekiva Trail) - Preliminary Design and Corridor Analysis
underway by VHB. Alignments being considered along the rear/north side of the proposed elementary
school, auto reeYcler, Grove Counseling Center and the proposed Utility/Public Works Compound. We
are diseouraging an alignment to close to the City property beeause the visibility of the eonstruction
nature of the compound would detract from the trail experienee. (9/8/03)
Fisher Road - Construetion eommenced Oetober 1, 2003. Southland Construction is the contractor for
this $648,000 projeet. Clearing and grubbing 90% eomplete. Projeet completion projeeted for April 1,
2004. (11/10/03)
Central Winds Park Way - Preliminary design ongoing by CPH in eonjunction with Michael Design
Associates. Road configuration is being eoordinated with park expansion grading plan. Additional right
of way is being requested from Leerdam property. SJRWMD permit was submitted in October.
Construetion start date is spring 2004. (11/10/03)
Deceleration Lane Study - Study underway. Estimated completion date is Deeember 2003. (11/10/2003)
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Winter Springs Boulevard Reconstruction - Reviewed projeet seope with eonsultant. PEC to provide
proposal for phased pavement analysis and seope of repairs required. (8/11/03)
SR 434 Water Main (Vistawilla Road to Spine Road) - Design 90% complete. Waiting for Casseells to
exeeute the utility easement. Sehrimsher easement is pending. (11/10/03)
Utility / Public Works Compound Force Main - Construction eommeneed on Oetober 1st. The force
main will be installed from the lift station on Moss Road aeross 419 to the Utility property. Construetion
will be eomplete by Deeember 31 st. (11/1 0/03)
Utility / Public Works Compound - Final draft of coneeptual site plan and building layouts based on
Needs and Space Analysis reeeived. Comments baek to SRI due by 11/15 for finalized coneept plan.
Preliminary eost estimate at $2.8 million. (9/8/03)
Well #4 - Consumptive Use Permit received. Bids were opened on 10/29/03. City Commission award
projected for November 24, 2003. The new proposed well location is adjaeent to Northern Way in
Trotwood Park. (11/1 0/03)
Reclaimed Water Augmentation - CPR revising report to refleet new eonsumption data provided by
staff (4/14/03)
Sunshine Park ADA Improvements - Construetion 50% complete. Seope includes restroom/storage
building replaeement and electronie aeeess doors on the Senior Center and Civie Center. Projeeted
completion date is Deeember 31, 2003. (11/10/2003) .
Torcaso Park Expansion - Projeet eomplete. Final payment made to the eontraetor. (11/10/03)
Central Winds Park Expansion Phase I (Sitework) - Clearing and grubbing complete. Grading is 60%
eomplete. Construction progress to date is behind sehedule. (11/10/03)
Central Winds Park Expansion Phase II (Landscape& Irrigation) - Design eomplete. Parks staff is
pricing the irrigation work as well as the pump station upgrades. (11/10/03)
Moss Park Buffer Wall - SRI has completed the design. The Advertisements for Bids will oeeur
11/2/03. Bid opening is 11/20/03. (11/10/03)
Public Safety Building Expansion - Commission approved award on Oetober 27, 2003. Notiee of
Award and Agreement form to be exeeuted. (11/10/03)