HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 11 10 Informational 300 Current Planning Projects
ITEM 300
November 10,2003
REQUEST: Community Development Department is advising the City Commission of
the status of various current planning projects.
PURPOSE: This agenda item is to update the Commission on the status of current planning
Badcock Shopping Center - On June 5, 2003, plans were submitted for a 27,000 square foot
addition to the 45,700 square foot recently up-graded shopping center, located at the northwest
corner of Sherry Avenue and SR 434. The plans were reviewed at the June 17, 2003, DR~.
The traffic study is being reviewed by the City's consultants and the site plan was reviewed at
the October 7, 2003 DRC. per 10/27/03 agenda.
Barclay Woods (Town/wmes) - On October 14,2003, a conditional use application and
supporting concept site plan were submitted for an 88 unit town-home project on 7.56 acres on
the north side of SR 434, just west of the entrance to Barrington Estates and immediately west
of the Don King Concrete office. The conditional use was discussed at the 10/21/03 DRC and
is scheduled for 11/06/03 BOA. per 11/10/03 agenda
Belfaire (aka "Barrington Estates" & formerly "Battle Ridge'~ - Home construction
continues. Storm, under-drain, and R/W inspections have been completed. As-built utility
inspection was completed 10/22/03. "Punch-lists" have been generated and forwarded to
developer. per 11/10/03 agenda
Colt Drive - The City Attorney has 'provided a warranty deed to Richland Properties,
requesting that they execute it to convey possession of Colt Drive to the City. per 7/14/03
Dr. Courtney's Office - In December 2002, Dr. Courtney submitted preliminary
engineering/site plans for a dentist office on the wooded 0.72 acre site immediately west of
City Hall, between City Hall and the equipment rental facility. The engineering plans were
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revised, consistent with the geometry plan that was conceptually approved at the February 10,
2003, City Commission meeting. The final engineering plans, architectural renderings, and
floor-plan for the eastern Yz ofthe building were approved at the October 13, 2003, City
Commission meeting. per 10/27/03 agenda
Dollar General Store - Plans for an 8,125 square-foot Dollar General store were submitted on
April 15, 2003, for the 1.3 acre parcel between the Winter Springs Golf Club and the Sheoah
Section 1 dwellings. This project was reviewed at the May 6 and June 17,2003, DRC
meetings. The final engineering/site plan received a recommendation for approval at the
August 6, 2003, Planning and Zoning Board meeting. At its August 25 meeting, the City
Commission tabled the final engineering/site plan. The final engineering plans were approved
at the September 8, 2003, City Commission meeting. The applicant is to bring the building
elevations back to the Commission before a building permit will be approved. per 9/22/03
Dumpster Enclosure Noticing - Certified Letters were sent out to 105 property owners
noticing them about the dumpster enclosure ordinance and the March 1, 2004, compliance
date. Staff received 18 phone calls within the first week. The primary questions have been
related to what alternative materials can be used, since the Code states".. .Dumpsters shall be
screened by an opaque wall made of concrete, brick, stone, or other suitable durable material.
provided,..." and "Dumpsters shall be placed on a concrete pad or other impervious surface
deemed suitable.. .". per 9/22/03 agenda.
Fox Run Preliminary Subdivision Plan- On March 26, staff received the application and plans
for preliminary subdivision of a 5-10t residential subdivision on 1.28 acres at the west end of
Panama Circle. This item was reviewed at the April 2, 2002, DRC. Staff awaits are-submittal
per 4/22/02 agenda
Garcia Driveway Re-Iocate. - Construction has still not resumed due to area maintaining high
ground water level (as of 10/30(03). per 11/10/03 agenda
Highlands Apts., Phase II - The 42 unit apartment (3 floor) final site plan was approved on
October 14, 2002. A pre-construction conference was held March 27,2003. The applicant
needed to provide either a storm-water permit or letter of exemption from the SJRWMD (the
site was once part of the larger adjacent Seville on the Green) before commencing clearing.
Building plans were reviewed by staff and the applicant must resubmit revised plans. On
August 8, 2003, the applicant submitted a revised final engineering/site plan with on-site
storm-water management, which was reviewed at the August 26, 2003, DRC. per 9/08/03
JDC Calhoun - Construction continues. Buildings 9, 10, 11, 13, and 14 have received
certificates of occupancy (COs). Building No.1 is under construction. An incomplete plat to
subdivide the Wendy's site from the 15 acre IDC tract was submitted May 7 and reviewed at
the June 2,2003, staffDRC meeting. Staffis awaiting changes to the plat and the legal
description attached to the title certification, in order for the City's consultant to certify the plat
and for staff to bring it to the City Commission for approval..
A Second Amendment to the Development Agreement was approved at the June 23,2003,
commission meeting, allowing Building No. 1 to be a tall single floor structure with the
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appearance of a 2 floor structure, designed to accommodate a second floor if/when the market
A revised site lighting plan was provided to staff, reviewed by the City Manager, and was
approved on August 25, 2003.
City records indicate the following businesses are locating in the IDC Calhoun Town Center:
Building 8 - Leslie Pool Supply, a dentist, and a tanning salon;
Building 9 - Red Bug Cleaners, E-Nails, Great Clips, California Yogurt, and Subway;
Building 10 - Washington Mutual;
Building 11 - State Farm, H & R Block, Rachel Nicole's Salon, ShapeXpress,and a dentist;
Building 12 - Publix;
Building 13 - Winter Springs Liquors, Mailboxes, Etc., and Choice Cellular;
Building 14 - Papa Via's Take & Bake and China Feast; and
Building 15 - Wendy's.
Two commissioners, the City Manager, and the City's 2 planners attended the Urban Land
Institute's "Place Making" conference in Reston, Virginia, to learn more about town center
development. The Doran team also had a significant entourage at the conference.
per 11/10/03 agenda
Miranda - The applicant submitted a site plan on October 17,2002, and re-submittals on
December 24, January 29, and June 2. The staffDRC reviewed and provided comments at the
June 17,2003, staffDRC meeting. A request to amend the signage was denied at the June 23,
2003, commission meeting. The final engineering/site plan and development agreement
building rendering exhibit were approved at the August 11,2003, City Commission meeting
and a pre-construction meeting was held September 5. Revised site signage and a construction
sign were approved by the City Commission at the October 27,2003, meeting. per 11/10/03
Nursery Road (Phil Reece) - The City closed on the park properties on November 25,2002.
The final engineering/site plan was submitted 10/30/03 and is scheduled for the 11/11/03 DRC.
per 11/10/03 agenda
Oak Forest Unit 7 (Triangular-shaped O.86-Acre Tract between Oak Forest & Tuskawilla
Office Park) Trees that the homeowners removed without a permit have not been replaced.
BJM Associates has submitted 2 draft plats and 1 boundary survey for preliminary review.
Staff met with BJM and reviewed the progress on the plat. BJM is in the process of having the
plat executed, which is complicated by the number of owners and mortgage holders. Staffhas
met with BJM and have provided necessary documentation to mortgage holders to help
expedite the re-plat. per 2/24/03 agenda
Parkstone - The FLU amendment was heard by the LP A at its September 3 and October 1,
2003, meetings and had a transmittal hearing at the October 27,2003, City Commission
meeting. The applicant has had a pre-application conference with the DRC to discuss a
subdivision plan submittal. per 11/10/03 agenda
SR 434 Retail(a.k.a. Villagio) - Crews have completed cleaning and repair of storm system
that was inspected 1 0120/03. Video of sanitary line was viewed and accepted as completed to
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standard. Design change with a new sanitary line and structure is to be constructed behind
building and will tie into SS-2. This is scheduled to be started after building footers and walls
have been completed to a point that"construction of new sanitary will not conflict with building
construction. NOTE: Storm system was cleaned to standard although during "lamping" facet
of inspection. There were a few joints that appeared to have border line tolerances in
deflection. Without the ability of entering pipe or video of the line in question, measurement of
joint gap was undetermined, though joints were not "seeping". On site water has been pressure
tested and is awaiting "Bac- Tee" test results from independent lab. Crews are now working on
foundation of building pad and underground electrical. per 11/10/03 agenda
Tuskawilla Office Park - Final acceptance of water and sewer is scheduled for this meeting.
per 11/1 0/03 agenda
Tuskawilla Trails. - As of 10/27103, Mid-State has completed "on site" water main and
services. On 10/29/03, the crew started off-site water main which runs along north RJW on
Natures Way and will continue until they reach the point in which boring will take place to
cross Tuskawill Rd. (still awaiting final decision from engineer regarding method, due to
conflicts with trees) Crew has also finished "on-site" sanitary with the exception of both pipe
and S-9 due to conflict with power and cable. The storm system and under-drain was
completed 10/25/03. Mitered end sections are scheduled to be formed and poured, shortly. The
crew has been progressing with grading of building pads and excavation of pond. NOTE: Mid-
State has yet to remove unsuitable material from site, as of 10/30/03, which has now, after
removing what contractor was trying to place within foot print of pond, generated a large
stock-pile. Staff suggested to the contractor that he can use this material as a top soil, ifroot-
raked, in a lift depth of no more that 1-1/2" in the front and back yard areas of building pads.
per 11/10/03 agenda
Wagner's Curve (a.k.a. Heritage Park) - Home building has not yet begun. Centex is still
awaiting DEP certification for sanitary system. They have proposed an up-grade in fence
material from vinyl to aluminum along a portion of the west property boundary. The proposal
will require amending the development agreement. The contractor is still working on the
sidewalk in common areas that include the SR434 connection from subdivision. per 11/10/03
Winter Springs Elementary. - A memo has been sent to the City Attorney requesting
verification ofthe applicability of the City's sign and dumpster pad enclosure regulations on
school sites. The City Attorney has verbally opined that signage is subject to the City's
regulations. per 9/23/02 agenda
Winter Springs Elementary (New - located on SR 419) - A preliminary site plan for a new
elementary school, located generally northwest of the intersection of SR 434 and SR 419, was
submitted August 21 and reviewed on September 3, 2002, and again conceptually at the
January 7,2002, DRC. Other re-submittals were reviewed at the February 4 and May 20,
2003, DRC meetings. A Future Land Use designation amendment (from Industrial to
Public/Semi-Public) had a Transmittal Hearing at the June 9, 2003, City Commission meeting.
The final site plan was approved in conjunction with a letter of understanding and permission
to remove a number of specimen trees. per 7/14/03 agenda
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Board of Adjustment - Three sign variance requests and 2 conditional use requests have been
received for the November BOA. per 10/27/03 agenda
FUNDING: None required.