HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 11 10 Consent 200 Paved Access Road in Central Winds Park
ITEM 200
MGR. ~ /DEPT cry
REQUEST: The Parks and Recreation Department is requesting authorization to piggyback
off of the Osceola County Bid # 03-351-BC for SIll Asphalt Pavement for Paved
Access Roads in Central Winds Park.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to request authorization to piggyback off of Osceola
County Bid # 03-351-BC for SIll Asphalt Pavement For Paved Access Roads in
Central Winds Park in the amount of $ 69, 304.21.
. FRDAP Grant 5 was approved at the 9/22/03 City Commission Meeting (Central
Winds Park Paved Access Roads need to be competed to meet Grant requirements).
. Parks and Recreation consulted with several Asphalt Companies to price out paved
access roads in Central Winds Park.
. The best available price is by piggybacking the Osceola County Bid with AP AC.
. The paving will be done in the Soccer parking area and on all the currently unpaved
Access Road within the Soccer field area. This paving will not be affected at all by
the new road and boulevard coming into and through Central Winds Park.
. The Public Works/Utility Director and Building Official have reviewed the paving
$ 200,000 - FRDAP Grant # 5 Funds were provide in the budget.
The Parks and Recreation Department recommends that authorization be given to
piggyback off of Osceola County Bid # 03-351-BC for SIll Asphalt Pavement for Paved
Access Roads at Central Winds Park in the amount of $ 69,304.21.
The paved access roads will be completed within 60 days of approval.
#1 AP AC Proposal.
#2 Osceola Bid # 03-351-BC.
Nov-03-Z003 08:30am From-APAC-SQUTHEAST INC
407 Z08 9435
T-875 P,OOZ/OOZ F-768
APAC-Southeast, Inc.. Central Florida Division
Or1ando Branch · 3504 Lake Lynda Drive, Ste. 170. Ortando, Florida 32817. (407) 208-1445
Centrnl W'lDCb PIlI'k
LOCATION: Winter Springs. Florida
Quote No. 3405 Rev 1
Quote Date:
Michacl E. l{nc)ttB
Oetober 30, 2003
APAc.s~ lite. lrudJp oJfm U) perform tMfolk1tring ~ t11I tlJe abmll reft!rt1llCtlllprojlfCl tIl tM priu:I ~
Item No.
Quantity Unit
5,056.00 SY
2,5%5.00 SY
3,.155.00 SY
1,067.00 SY
636.00 SY
1,soo.00 SY
UDit Prke
Prime & Sand
Limerock Base
20' -1 112" s..m Aspbalt Pavement
10' - 1111" s..m Asphalt Pavemeat
8' - 11/2" s..li Asphalt Pavement
I" S.ill Asphalt Pavement
· No penaitst f'*t or testiDg is illduded. Payment and Performance Bonda are not ~
· No Maintenanc:e 01 Tnfrk (Signs, Arrow or Meuage Boards, Barricades or Flagmen) is ioeluded unless at specifte
line item for sbda is included in the above pria:.
. Main~ of Traffic dditieoc:idJ on dais project tbat C8UIIC delays to APAC'. work wiD I"eSQJt in baclmharges for stancl-by time.
· One mobWzation(s) Ibduck..... Additional mobili2atiobs to CUfDplete the project will require a $ 1000.00 charge
per addidoDaJ mobWzaUon.
· Aapha)t pm is based on FDOT SpedtlcatioDs to!' Asphalt Materials and may indude the use ofReeyded
Asphalt Product UDless othenrise specified.
· Minimum dIarge for Prime & Sand is $500.00 per Prime & Sand mobilization.
· Unless die words Lump Sum. appear oen to a prit1e for aD item, aD prkea are per unit, and payments -wiD be:
based ..pon the adUal Dumber of UDib performed at that price. The prices qootcd are binding for 30 da~, but
may be accepted at any later date at the sole optiOb of APAC-FIorida, Jne., and subJed to ef~IQtion blUed upon
bIueases in APAC's costs.
· Ovemms due to existing c:GDcl1tIons wnt be biDed au an extra at
Item 3 Yield is estimated at
Item 4 Yield is catbnalCd at
Item 5 Yield is estimated at
Item 6 Y'JekI is estimated at
S68.60 per ton.
165 NISY
165 #/SY
110 t#ISY
· APAC will perform the work. in aa>>~ with its normal operating scl!edule.
.1'his quote is contiageat upon APAC's sadsfaetioD with credit eond'tions.
· APAC-FJorida wiD not be responsible for the protection or ct-nn.g of any decorative paven or.:urbs.
· Due to the nature of mod parking lots, 'We cannot gwlnU1tee any miDimum thiclams wOI be met.
. Owner rcspons1b~ for l'CIboval aDd disposal 01 aD vegdation in the areas to be paved .
1 of 1
cc: Division Administrator
(provide detail and attach copies of all information and/or back-up)
Public Works
Road & Bridge
Sid Bronson
REQUEST: Award of Annual Requirements Bid #03-351-BC, entitled "Road Base Asphalt Leveling &
Resurfacing" to APAC Southeast, Inc, Central Florida Division of Kissimmee, FL for the one year period of June 10,
2003 through June 9, 2004; $3,500,000
The following Departments have reviewed:
County Attorney
Financial Services
Other Procurement Services
This engagement provides for paving and resurfacing operations throughout Osceola County on an as needed basis..
Procurement Services supports the Road & Bridge Department's recommendation for the award to AP AC Southeast,
Inc. Central Florida Division as the most responsive bidder meeting Osceola County's requirements.
Bid No; A/R#03-351-BC Due Dale: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p.m, I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5@osceola,orq Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee. FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax; (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
Invitation to Bid
Osceola County Board of County Commissioners
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
Bid Number: AlR#03-351-BC
Requesting Department: Road & Bridge Bid Contact: Barb Carter, Procurement Services
Bid Due Date: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 Bid Time Due: 2:00 p.m. Local Time
Location to Deliver Bid: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200, Kissimmee, FL 34741
In accordance with the intent and content of this Invitation to Bid (ITB), we the undersigned do hereby offer to perform
as stipulated in this response. Failure to do so may result in the forfeiting of bid security, removal from the County's
bidder list, or other remedies available to the County under the laws of the State of Florida.
Legal Name of Bidder:
Business Address:
Phone Number: I Fax Number: E-Mail Address:
Osceola County Occupational License Number:
Contractor's Florida License Number (as applicable):
Authorized Signature (manual): Date:
Printed Signature: Title:
General Instructions/Declarations
1. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud by a representative of the Procurement Services Office in the
Procurement Conference Room (1 Courthouse Square. Suite 1200. Kissimmee, FL) on the appropriate date and
time as shown above. All bid openings are open to the public. Interested parties are welcomed to attend the bid
2. Bids must be SUBMITTED ON THE FORM FURNISHED BY THE COUNTY and in accordance with
specifications and list of quantities desired.
3. Page One must be completed and submitted as the top sheet of your bid response.
4. It is the intent and purpose of Osceola County that this Invitation to Bid promotes competitive bidding. It shall be
the bidder's responsibility to advise the Procurement Services Office at the address noted above, if any
language, requirements, etc.. or any combination thereof. inadvertently restricts or limits the requirements stated
in this Invitation to Bid to a single source, Such notification must be submitted in writing and must be received by
the Procurement Services Office not later than seven (7) calendar days prior to the bid closing date.
Page 1 of 19
Bid No: A1R#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p,m. 1 Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5@osceola,orQ Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
A1. Bid Price Sheet: Each bidder shall furnish the information required on the Bid Price Schedule,
Section F, and each accompanying sheet thereof on which he makes an entry. Offers submitted
on any other format may be disqualified.
A2. Bid Submittal: All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, plainly marked on the outside
with the invitation to bid number, date, time of opening and vendor's name.
A3. Bid Copies: All bids must be submitted in triplicate; one (1) oriqinal and two (2) copies, This
includes specifically the bid cover page, any section on which annotations are required or
exceptions are taken, the Bid Schedule, and any supporting documentation or literature being
submitted with your bid.
A4. It is the bidder's responsibility to assure that Bids are received in the Osceola County
Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200, Kissimmee, FL 34741, not later
than 2:00 P.M,. on the date indicated. Any received after this date and time will not be accepted
or considered, and will be returned unopened to the bidder. No teleqraphic or facsimile offers will
be considered. No offers will be accepted or received in any other Osceola County office.
AS. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the PROCUREMENT CONFERENCE ROOM on
the above appointed date at 2:00 P.M. or as soon as possible thereafter.
AG. Bids may not be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days after the bid opening date. However,
bids may be withdrawn anytime before the bid opening, A bidder may withdraw his bid without
prejudice to himself, not later than the day and hour set for opening of bids, by communicating his
purpose in writing to the County and his bid will be returned to him unopened.
A7. Bidders' attention is specifically called to the terms and conditions of this solicitation. As
witnessed by your signature on the cover page and the proposal page(s) bidders, without
exception, will be solely responsible for all aspects of the terms, conditions and special provisions
of this solicitation.
AS, Unit Price Accuracy: Please check your unit prices before submitting your bid, as no change in
prices will be allowed after the opening. All prices and notations must be in ink or typewritten. In
cases of the extended price irregularities, unit pricing will prevail. Please note that the County
reserves the right to clarify and correct blatant unit price or extended amount errors.
A9, Proper Signatures: Failure to sign and witness your signature may result in a disqualification of
your bid. Please be sure your bid is signed, sealed and properly witnessed.
A10, All items bid must be in total compliance with specifications. Alternate bids will not be considered
unless they are specifically called for in this solicitation.
A11, Bidders are advised that the County will not accept limitations on liability. The successful Bidder
will be fully liable for all damages and events caused by them without any limitations as to dollar
amount. The County will pursue liable Bidders to the extent allowed by law. Any bid received
that limits liability to the amount of the bid or the resulting contract will be considered
unresponsive and the bidder non-responsible and as such, the bid will not be accepted by the
A12. Protests: The County abides by the parameters set forth in Florida Statutes (Chapter 120)
relative to the consideration and addressing of valid bid protests. Any actual or prospective bidder
who protests the reasonableness, award recommendation, necessity or competitiveness of the
Page 2 of 19
Bid No: AlR#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p,m. I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5(Q)osceola.orQ Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
terms and/or conditions of the invitation to bid, selection or award recommendation shall file such
protest in writing with the Procurement Services Director within three (3) business days after
Board action/award,
A 13, Questions: Questions relative to interpretation of specifications or any aspect of the solicitation
process, shall be addressed to the Procurement Representative, in writing, at least seven (7)
calendar days before the bid opening date. Any interpretations, clarifications or changes made
will be in the form of written addenda issued by the Procurement Services Department. Oral
answers by any member of the Procurement Services Department or requesting department will
not be authoritative and the County will not entertain any protests based on a verbal instruction.
A14. It will be the responsibility of the bidder to contact the Procurement Services Department prior to
submitting a bid to ascertain if any addenda have been issued, to obtain all such addenda, and to
return executed addenda with their bid. The County will not consider requests to reopen a bid as
a result of the failure of the bidder to secure addenda.
A 15. Bidders are requested to refrain from contacting the requesting/evaluating Departments or
Divisions during the bid process. ANY QUESTIONS FROM 81DDERS OR EVALUATING
A16. Failure to comply with any of the foregoing instruction or any other essential element of
this bid may result in disqualification of your bid.
81. Receiving/Payment/Invoicing: No payment will be made for materials ordered without
proper purchase order authorization. Osceola County shall pay all vendors pursuant to and in
accordance with the promulgations set forth by the State of Florida's Prompt Payment Act
(Florida Statutes Section 218.70). Payment shall not be made until materials, goods or services,
have been received, inspected and accepted by the County in the quality and quantity ordered.
Payment will be accomplished by submission of invoice, in duplicate, with Purchase Order
Number referenced thereon and mailed to the address set forth in the Purchase Order. Payment
in advance of receipt of goods or services by Osceola County cannot be made.
82, Fund Availability: Any contract resulting from this solicitation is deemed effective only to the
extent that appropriations are available. Pursuant to Florida Statutes all appropriations lapse at
the end of the Fiscal Year. Multi-year awards shall be adequately funded but the County reserves
the right not to appropriate for an ongoing procurement if it is deemed in its best interest.
83. Occupational License: The Tax Collector of Osceola County requires an Osceola County
Occupational License. Please contact the Tax Collector/Occupational Licenses Office directly at
407-343-4000, for information concerning this requirement. In accordance with Florida State
Statute 205.065, a current Department of Professional Regulation certificate may be provided in
lieu of an Osceola County Occupational License, with a copy of the Occupational License of
home state/county/city.
84. Permits/Licenses/Fees: Any permits, licenses or fees required will be the responsibility of the
85, Taxes: Osceola County does not pay Federal Excise nor State Sales taxes. Osceola County's
tax exemption number is 59-00-010372-53C. Federal Exemption 10 No. 59-6000780.
86. Independent Pricing: By submission of this bid, the bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid
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Bid No: AlR#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15. 2003 @ 2:00 p.m. I Advertised Date: March 23. 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5@osceola,orq Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200.
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, that in connection with this procurement:
(a) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently, without consultation,
communication, collusion or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition, as to
any matter relating to such prices with any other offeror or with any competitor.
(b) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not
been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder
prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any offeror or to any competitor; and
(c) No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person or
firm to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition.
87, Inspection/Acceptance Title: Inspection and acceptance will be at destination unless otherwise
stipulated. Title and risk of loss or damage to all items shall be the responsibility of the shipper
(vendor) until accepted by the using department of Osceola County, unless loss or damage
results from negligence by Osceola County or its using Department.
68, The Contract: Notice of an award by Osceola County will constitute acceptance of the Bid from
the overall lowest priced, most responsive and responsible bidder. The Bid package signed by
the successful bidder along with documentation included in the bidder's submittal as required by
this Invitation to Bid and other additional materials submitted by the bidder and accepted by the
County shall constitute the contract. A purchase order and/or other award document will be
issued by the County when appropriate to do so.
69. Laws Governing this Contract: Any contractual arrangement between Osceola County and the
vendor shall be consistent with, and be governed by, the ordinances of Osceola County, the
whole law of the State of Florida, both procedural and substantive, and applicable federal
statutes, rules and regulations. Any and all litigation arising under any contractual arrangement
shall be brought in the appropriate court in Osceola County, Florida.
610. Conflict of Interest: All offerors must disclose with their offer the name of any officer, director, or
agent who is also an officer or employee of Osceola County. Further, all bidders must disclose
the name of any Osceola County officer or employee who owns, directly or indirectly an interest
of ten (10%) percent or more of the bidder's firm or any of its branches. Failure to disclose in this
manner will result in disqualification of your bid or cancellation of work. The County will seek
damages for recoupment of losses in having to re-bid or re-assign.
811. Additional Terms and Conditions: No additional terms and conditions included with the bid
response shall be evaluated or considered and any and all such additional terms and conditions
shall have no force and effect and are inapplicable to this bid. If submitted either purposely
through intent or design or inadvertently appearing separately in transmitting letters,
specifications, literature, price lists, or warranties it is understood and agreed the general and
special conditions in this solicitation are the only conditions applicable to this bid and the bidders
authorized affixed to the bid signature section attests to this.
612. Changes: Osceola County reserves the right to order, in writing, changes in the work within the
scope of the contract such as change in quantity or delivery schedule. The contractor has the
right to request an equitable price adjustment in cases where changes to the contract under the
authority of this clause result in increased costs to the contractor.
613. Modifications: In addition to modifications made under the changes clause, any contract
resulting from this solicitation may be modified within the scope of the contract upon the written
and mutual consent of both parties, and approval by appropriate legal bodies in Osceola County.
614. Assignment & Subcontracting: The vendor will not be permitted to assign its contract with
Page 4 of 19
Bid No: A1R#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p.m, I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5@osceola,oro Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
Osceola County, or to subcontract any of the work requirements to be performed without
obtaining prior written approval of Osceola County.
B15. Liability: The vendor shall act as an independent contractor and not as an employee of Osceola
County. The vendor will be required to indemnify, defend, and hold and save harmless Osceola
County, its officers, agents, and employees, from damages arising from the vendor's performance
of, or failure to perform, any task or duty required to be performed by the vendor.
B16, Termination for Default: The performance of the Agreement may be terminated by Osceola
County in accordance with this clause, in whole or in part, in writing, whenever the County shall
determine that the contractor has failed to meet performance requirement(s) of the Agreement.
B17. Termination for Convenience: Osceola County reserves the right to terminate the Agreement in
whole or part by giving the vendor written notice at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date
of the termination. Upon receipt of termination from Osceola County, the vendor shall only
provide those services specifically approved or directed by Osceola County. All other rights and
duties of the parties under the Agreement shall continue during such notice period, and Osceola
County shall continue to be responsible to the vendor for the payment of any obligations to the
extent such responsibility has not been excused by breach of default of the vendor.
Upon termination, vendor shall bill Osceola County for all amounts not previously billed and due
the vendor at that time. The vendor shall not be entitled to a professional fee nor expenses for
any work commenced or expenses incurred after the notice of termination was received by the
vendor, unless specifically approved or requested by Osceola County. The vendor shall,
however, be entitled to payment for services commenced and approved by Osceola County prior
to the receipt of notice, or with the express written consent of Osceola County, prior to the
effective date of termination.
B18. Bid as Public Domain: All documents and other materials made or received in conjunction with
this project will be subject to public disclosure requirements of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. The
bid will become part of the public domain upon opening. Vendors shall not submit pages marked
"proprietary" or otherwise restricted.
B19. Force Majeure: Neither party to this agreement shall be liable to the other for any cost or
damages if the failure to perform the agreement arises out of causes beyond the control and
without the fault or negligence of the parties. Such causes may include, but are not restricted to,
acts of God, fires, quarantine restriction, strikes and freight embargoes. In all cases, the failure to
perform must be totally beyond the control and without any fault or negligence of the party.
620. Indemnification: The successful proposer(s) agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the County
from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action, including, but not
limited to, any and all costs, expenses, legal fees and liabilities incurred in and about the
investigation and defense thereof, for personal injuries, including death or property damage
suffered by any person, firm or corporation whatsoever and arising from or in any way connected
with the negligent acts, negligent performance of the Agreement, willful misconduct, violation of
law or breach of this Agreement by the successful proposer(s), their agent(s), servant(s), or
employees under this Agreement.
The County agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the successful proposer(s) from and against
any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action, including, but not limited to, any and all
costs, expenses, legal fees and liabilities incurred in and about the investigation and defense
thereof, for personal injuries, including death or property damage suffered by any person, firm or
corporation whatsoever and arising from or in any way connected with the negligent acts of'the
County, its agents, servants or employees in assisting the successful proposer(s) in the
Page 5 of 19
Bid No: A1R#03-3S1-BC Due Date: April1S, 2003 @ 2:00 p.m. I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter BcarStID.osceola,ora Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
performance of their obligations under this Agreement.
B21. Public Entities Crimes: A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list
following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any
goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the
construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real
property to public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier,
subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact
business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Florida State
Statutes, Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being
placed on the convicted vendor list. By signature on this solicitation, vendor certifies that they are
qualified to do business with Osceola County in accordance with Florida State Statute.
B22. Debarred Vendors: The County reserves the right to withhold award, rescind award or forego
award to any vendor or contractor who is found to have been debarred from doing business with
the State of Florida or any other public entity. It shall be County's sole determination as to the
desirability of contracting with a contractor or vendor who has been debarred from doing business
with any public entity.
B23. Equal Opportunity: Osceola County recognizes fair and open competition as a basic tenet of
public procurement and encourages participation by minority and women owned business
enterprises. The County requests minority and women owned business enterprises to submit
evidence of such certification with submittals.
B24, Other Entity Use: All Bidders/Proposer submitting a response to this Invitation to Bid agree that
such response also constitutes a bid to all governmental agencies, under the same conditions, for
the same contract price, and for the same effective period as this bid, should the Bidder feel it is
in their best interest to do so.
Each governmental agency desiring to accept these bids, and make an award thereof, shall do so
independently of any other governmental agency. Each agency shall be responsible for its own
purchases and each shall be liable only for materials and/or services ordered and received by it,
and no agency assumes any liability by virtue of this bid/proposal.
This agreement in no way restricts or interferes with the right of any governmental agency to
rebid any or all items.
B25. Public Emergencies: It is hereby made a part of this bid that before, during, and after a public
emergency, disaster, hurricane, tornado, flood, or other acts of God that Osceola County shall
require a "First Priority" for goods and services. It is vital and imperative that the majority of
citizens are protected from any emergency situation that threatens public health and safety, as
determined by the County. Vendor/contractor agrees to renVsell/lease all goods and services to
the County or governmental entities on a "first priority" basis. The County expects to pay a fair
and reasonable price for all products and services rendered or contracted in the event of a
disaster, emergency, hurricane, tornado or other acts of God.
C1. Minimum Standard: Specifications listed herein describe the expected minimum standard.
These specifications are intended to be descriptive in nature and are not intended to eliminate
any vendor from submitting a bid.
C2. Bidder's Specifications: Each bidder shall make accurate statements in his bid, particularly as
to types of systems used and any special requirements.
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Bid No: A/R#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p,m. I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5@osceola,oro Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
C3. Not Bidding: If not bidding any or all items, please so state.
C4. Firm Prices: Prices for goods and/or services covered in the specifications shall be firm, net
delivered to the ordering agency, F.O,B. DESTINATION, vendor paying all delivery costs and
shall remain firm for the period of any agreement reached as a result of this Annual Requirement.
C5, Period of Agreement: Agreement shall be awarded for a one (1) year term to begin upon
approval and execution of the County.
CG. Option to Extend/Renew: The performance period of any contract or purchase order resulting
from this invitation to bid may be extended upon mutual agreement between the vendor and
Osceola County with no change in terms or conditions. Any extension of performance period
under this provision shall be in one (1) year increments. Total contract length, including individual
one (1) year extensions shall be in the County's best interest and sole discretion. Any agreement
or amendment to the agreement resulting from this solicitation shall be subject to fund availability
and mutual written agreement between the County and the successful bidder.
C7. Exercise of Option: Exercise of option to extend term of contract: If the County wishes to enter
into an option period, the County shall request from the contractor their written statement of
desire to enter into an extension of the performance period.
ca. Acceptance of Goods/Services: Receipt of goods/services shall not constitute acceptance.
Final acceptance and authorization of payment shall be given only after a thorough inspection
indicates that the producUperformance meets bid specifications and conditions. Should the
products/services differ in any respect from specifications, payment will be withheld until such
time as the supplier takes necessary corrective action. If the proposed corrective action is not
acceptable to the agency, the Procurement Services Office may authorize the recipient to refuse
final acceptance of the goods/ services. Should a representative of Osceola County agree to
accept the goods/services on condition that the contractor will correct his performance within a
stipulated time period, then payment will be withheld until the services are performed as
Cg. Supervision: The County shall not exercise any supervision or control over the Bidder's
employees performing services under this contract. Such employees shall be accountable not to
the County, but solely to the Bidder, who in turn is responsible to the County.
C10, Pre-award Inspection: The County reserves the right to make a pre-award inspection of the
bidder's facilities and/or equipment, to determine the capabilities of the bidder to service the
County, prior to award of any agreement.
C11, Existing Permits and Identification Numbers: Any permits and/or Dept. of Environmental
Protection identification numbers are to be available for review upon request.
C12, Estimated Dollar Amount: The estimated dollar amount to be expended during the bid period of
twelve (12) months is $3,500,000. Please note that this is an estimate only and in no way
obligates the County to purchase this amount. This estimate is intended as a guide in submitting
your bid. The actual quantities purchased under this bid may be more or may be less.
C13. New Product: Any and all products provided under this bid shall be new and unused.
C14. Inadequate Service: In cases where services are not properly delivered, the contractor will either
remedy the defect or be responsible for reimbursement of the difference to the County for the
contractor selected to remedy the defect. Acceptance of materials or service shall remain the
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Bid No: AlR#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p,m. I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5@.osceola,orQ Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
county's sole discretion.
C15. Capability and References: Bidders shall provide, with their bids, substantial material suitable
for evaluating the ability of the potential Bidder to execute a project of this type (See Attachment
D). This includes references for the company. Therefore, the Bidder is required to provide a list
of references to be verified. The list of references should include names, affiliation, address and
phone numbers of an appropriate contact person(s). All reference materials provided will become
the property of Osceola County and also becomes public record.
C16, Experience of Bidder: Bidder must be a contractor currently doing business with the general
public, currently servicing a minimum of three (3) commercial accounts equal in size and scope to
this bid and be properly licensed to do business in the State of Florida. Bidder, under their
current business name, must also have a minimum of one (1) consecutive year of verifiable
experience servicing commercial accounts equal in size and scope to this project.
C17. Additional Information: The Osceola County Procurement Office reserves the right to request
any additional information needed for clarification from any bidder/proposer' for evaluation
C18, Insurance: The contractor shall, during the entire period of performance of the contract resulting
from this solicitation, procure and maintain at least the minimum kinds of insurance as stipulated
in Attachment A. Proof of such insurance must be provided to the County prior to beginning of
contract performance.
C19, Attachments: All attachments are made an essential part of this bid.
Attachment A - Insurance Requirements
Attachment B - Statement of No Bid
Attachment C - Drug Free Workplace
Attachment D - Experience of Bidder
Attachment A must be complied with by the successful bidder. If you choose not to bid on this
Invitation to Bid, please complete and return Attachment B.
C20, Probationary Period: The first ninety (90) days of the contract are to be considered a
"probationary" period. At the County's election, the successful bidder's contract may be
terminated, based on the performance of the contractor, and a new award be granted without
another formal bid.
01. Award of Contract/Purchase Order: Award will be made to the responsible bidder most
responsive to the solicitation with the lowest bid meeting specifications.
02, Delivery: Delivery may be a factor in the award. Failure to perform within delivery deadline(s) set
forth in the specifications or any other contract document shall constitute default.
03. Split Award: Osceola County reserves the right to make award to one vendor, to split the award
between vendors, or to not award some or all items, depending on the best interest of the County.
The County may accept any item or group of items on any bid unless the offeror qualifies his bid
by specific limitations.
04. Right to Reject: The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids, with or without cause,
without recourse, to waive technicalities or to accept the bid which in its judgement best serves
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Bid No: AlR#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p.m. I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5@.osceola,orq Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
the interest of the County. Cost of submittal of this bid is considered an operational cost of the
bidder and shall not be passed on to or be borne by the County. Osceola County also reserves
the right to reject the bid of a bidder who has previously failed to perform properly or complete on
time contracts of a similar nature, or who investigation shows is not in a position to perform the
05. Bid Results: The bid tabulation sheet should be available within forty eight (48) hours of the bid
opening date and can be read from the Osceola County homepage at ''http://www.osceola.org''. If
you do not have access to the Internet, you may contact DemandStar by On via at (800) 711-1712
for the results.
06, Best Prices: Award will be made without further negotiation based upon competitive bids,
therefore your best price should be submitted in response to this invitation to bid.
07. Reasonable Prices: A reasonable unit price must be submitted for each work element. In the
event that any pay item unit price is determined to be unreasonably low or unreasonably high, the
bid may be declared non-responsive and may not be considered.
08. Local Vendor Preference: According to Osceola County Administrative Code, Chapter 3,
Section 3.09, all local vendors will be given a three (3%) percent preference in bid prices. A local
vendor is defined as a vendor who has an office or branch within the boundaries of Osceola
County and has a current Osceola County Occupational License. Three percent will be deducted
from the local vendor's price for comparison purposes onlv.
09. Drug-Free Workplace Preference: Whenever two or more bids which are equal with respect to
price, quality, delivery and services are received for procurement subject to the Osceola County
Administrative Code, a bid received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug-
free workplace program shall be given preference, in accordance with Florida State Statute
287.087. Certification of an implemented drug-free workplace program must be included with the
bid when the bid is submitted. Further information regarding the Florida Statute is available in the
Osceola County Procurement Services Office, (407) 343-3125.
010. Determining Responsibility: In determining responsibility, the following qualifications will be
a. The bidder's ability, capacity and skill to perform the contract or provide the service within
the time specified.
b. The reputation, judgment and experience of the bidder.
c. The quality of performance of previous contracts or services including previous
performance with the County.
d. Previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the
contract or service.
e. Financial resources of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service.
f, Ability to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the
g. Whether the bidder is in arrears to the County on a debt or contract or is a defaulter on
surety to the County, or whether the bidder's taxes or assessments are delinquent.
1.1 Work shall consist of the furnishing and installation of road base asphalt at various locations in
Osceola County. The exact location and limits of work will be designated per individual projects
by the Osceola County Road & Bridge Department. Successful contractor shall be responsible
Page 9 of 19
Bid No: A1R#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p,m. I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5\alosceola,orQ Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
for providing all supervision, labor, equipment, materials and tools to perform specified services.
2,1 Site Supervisor: The contractor shall provide an individual who will be on-site and responsible
for the performance of the work. The name of this person and an alternate who shall act on
behalf of the contractor when the supervisor is unavailable shall be designated in writing on
Attachment D.
2,2 Authority: The supervisor or alternate shall have full authority to act on behalf of the contractor
on all matters relating to daily operation of this contract.
2,3 Availability: The supervisor or alternate shall be available during normal business hours within
four (4) hours to meet with County personnel to discuss problem areas.
2.4 Contractor Personnel Appearance: Contractor's personnel shall present a neat appearance
and be easily recognized. This may be accomplished by wearing distinctive clothing bearing the
company name or by wearing appropriate badges that contain the company and employee
2,5 Vehicle Operator Licenses: The contractor shall ensure that all vehicle operators have a valid
Florida operators' license for the type vehicle being driven, prior to commencement of work.
2,6 Hours of Work: Work may be performed by the contractor between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to
thirty (30) minutes before sunset, Monday through Friday. No work may be performed after the
above specified hours without advance permission from the Project Manager. Exception: Work
may be performed after above specified hours if it is determined necessary for the completion of
work in progress (Le. asphalt on ground needs attention, finish rolling, set up time.. .etc.). Normal
working hours as established above may be further restricted by the Road & Bridge Department if
traffic conditions warrant.
2,7 Liability for Injury or Damage: Inspection and approval of the contractors equipment by the
County shall not relieve the contractor of responsibility or liability for injury to persons or damage
to property caused by the operation of the equipment.
2,8 Schedule of Work: The Contractor shall proceed with work at the specified job location within
thirty (30) calendar days of written notice or receipt of purchase order provided by the County.
After commencing work, the work shall continue and be carried out with dispatch in a
workmanlike manner.
2.9 Method of Operation: The contractor shall not commence contract until properly authorized by
the County, in writing (Le. issuance of a purchase order), to do so. After the initial notification, the
Contractor shall provide service in accordance with the approved work schedule.
2.10 Work Interruptions/Impediments: When work by County employees, by other contractors or
weather conditions of a temporary nature, prevent the Contractor from servicing any area,
additional time will be permitted to complete the work. Amount of additional time permitted will be
determined by the Project Manager.
2,11 Personnel: The personnel who perform these services shall be under the sole responsibility of
the contractor. Personnel shall be supervised at all times. Personnel shall be competent,
experienced, courteous, neatly dressed and skilled in the service specified herein.
2,12 Safety: The contractor shall exercise proper safety procedures that are in accordance with all
Page 10 of 19
Bid No: A1R#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p,m. I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5@.osceola,orQ Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
state, local, and OSHA regulations or standards.
All materials and work performed shall meet all Federal Health and Safety laws currently in effect.
In addition, contractor shall provide and ensure the wearing of protective clothing, masks, eye
protection, etc. as required by law, regulations, ordinances and/or manufacturer instructions for
materials and equipment.
In addition, Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of his/her employees on
the job and of the general public. Maintenance work shall be scheduled to provide the least
inconvenience to pedestrians and motorists.
2.13 Damage to County Property: Care is to be taken at all times to prevent damage to facilities or
structures on site, both public and private, including but not limited to, signage, lighting, benches,
private and public fencing, sidewalks, curbing, culverts, inlet and outlet structures. Any existing
damage is to be reported immediately to the Project Manager. Damage attributed to the
contractor, their agents due to wrongful or negligent acts will be repaired and deducted from
payment due to the contractor.
2.14 Contractor Responsibilities: The contractor certifies, by submission of his bid, that the
Contractor will perform the services agreed upon in a timely and professional manner in
accordance with currently accepted professional standards. All work performed will be in
accordance with an FDEP assurance plan, FHRS certification, and all site specific quality
assurance plans.
2.15 All construction shall be in compliance with the Florida Department of Transportation Standard
Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction, 1991 Edition, and any supplements thereto.
2.16 Warranty: The bidder shall provide a one (1) year warranty against defective workmanship and
materials for all products. Upon notification, the vendor shall replace/repair defective products or
workmanship within ten (10) business days of notification at no additional cost to the County.
2.17 Additional Services: In addition to the basic bid requirements, additional work not specified
herein may be needed from time to time. Any costs associated with additional work required,
beyond the scope of the bid specifications, shall be negotiated separately through the Project
3.1 Road Base Asphalt: The work shall consist of cleaning the surface, furnishing and applying a
tack coat and furnishing, applying and compacting an asphaltic concrete surface course on
designated areas. In some cases the surface may have to be placed in more than one course. A
tack coat, and the furnishing, applying and compacting an asphaltic concrete surface course on
designated areas may be required. The tack coat shall be required prior to the application of the
leveling course. The leveling course and each course of surface shall be compacted after
For the purpose of the bid, the surfacing or resurfacing may cover any or all of the following three
1) Application of asphaltic concrete wearing surfaces in one or more courses to newly
constructed and previously primed areas built by others. These areas may consist of
sections of roadway, parking lots, turnouts, acceleration lanes, deceleration lanes, etc.
2) Application of asphaltic concrete wearing surfaces to existing wearing surfaces.
Page 11 of 19
Bid No: A1R#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p,m. I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5allosceola,oro Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
3) Application of asphaltic concrete leveling courses to existing wearing surfaces prior to and in
preparation for item (2), above.
The leveling course shall be placed at a minimum rate of 50 Ibs. per square yard. The surface
course shall be placed at a thickness that meets the Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT) specifications for the particular design mix being applied.
3.2 Pricing: The successful bidder shall furnish and apply product at the price per ton quoted for
the applicable distance to any location within Osceola County. The applicable distance shall be
the shortest route available for truck traffic from the point of origin of the mix to the job site.
In addition, from time to time the County may require work to be performed at night, after
standard business hours. Contractor shall provide a surcharge per ton for this service. All terms
and conditions specified herein apply to any and all work performed, regardless of hour.
3,3 Plans: There are no separate plans for this project. Typical sketches will accompany each
individual project that may result from this bid.
3,4 Maintenance of Traffic: The Contractor shall furnish all barricades, signs and flagmen
necessary for the performance of the work to include any and all required temporary stripina in
accordance with applicable FDOT specifications or as called for in the project plans. In addition,
contractor shall have a minimum of one employee on site at all times that is FDOT certified in
maintenance of traffic as specified per FDOT Section 600.
3.5 Traffic Flow: The contractor shall maintain a clear, well defined method of traffic control at all
times while performing the work, and shall be consistent with current requirements as established
in FDOT standard indexes 600-651. The contractor will not be allowed to block pedestrian
walkways, park benches, or impede the flow of vehicular traffic in any manner.
3,6 Materials: All materials furnished and placed shall conform to the Florida Department of
Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 2000 edition
3,7 Method of Measurement: Measurement for the purpose of payment shall be by weight
measured in tons. The weight shall be determined as provided in FDOT Section 320 of the
Standard Specifications with no deduction made for the weight of the bituminous material in the
3.8 Increase and Decrease of Materials: The price per ton will be adjusted to reflect changes, both
increase and decreases, in the Florida Department of Transportation's Asphalt Index price of
bituminous material from the Index price in effect during the month in which bids were awarded
for this contract.
3.9 Mix Designs: All mix designs must meet current FDOT Standard Specifications. Upon award of
bid, vendor shall submit mix designs to the Road & Bridge Department for approval prior to
commencement of work.
3,10 Distance In Miles: On the Bid Schedule column two is entitled "Distance In Miles". This
distance is calculated from your plant location to the Road & Bridge Yard #1 located at 2350
Kissimmee Park Road, St. Cloud, FL 34769.
Page 12 of 19
Bid No: AlR#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p.m. I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5@osceola.ora Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
In accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications, the undersigned bidder hereby submits the
following prices for supplying Osceola County with the goods and/or services called for in AlR#03-351-
Price per ton furnished and installed in place:
TYPE DISTANCE 10-50 50-1 00 1 00-500 OVER
S-I: 0-10 $ $ $ $
10-20 $ $ $ $
over 20 $ $ $ $
S-III: 0-10 $ $ $ $
10-20 $ $ $ $
over 20 $ $ $ $
Micro Pave: 0-10 $ $ $ $
10-20 $ $ $ $
over 20 $ $ $ $
FC-2 with 0-10 $ $ $ $
10-20 $ $ $ $
over 20 $ $ $ $
FC-3 with 0-10 $ $ $ $
10-20 $ $ $ $
over 20 $ $ $ $
FC-5 with 0-10 $ $ $ $
10-20 $ $ $ $
over 20 $ $ $ $
Surcharge per
ton for work $ $ $ $
performed at
Page 13 of 19
Bid No: A1R#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p,m. I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5@.osceola,orQ Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
To the Bid Director: By my signature below I/We the undersigned certify that this Bid is genuine, not a sham or collusive or
made in behalf of another person, firm or corporation not herein named and that the undersigned has not directly or
indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to submit a sham bid or any other person, firm or corporation to refrain
from bidding and that the undersigned has not in any manner sought collusion to secure himself an advantage over any
other bidder. By submittal of this bid the undersigned agrees to abide by all terms and conditions set forth herein
Including but not limited to the specifications, bid security, prompt contracting and timely delivery of the services and/or
equipment to be procured hereby.
Are you willing to provide services as a secondary vendor for this requirement: -yes _no
Prompt Payment Discount: Days
Discount for rom t a ment of 30 da or Ion er ma be considered in Evaluation of Award.
Osceola County is currently contracted with Bank of America for the utilization of their Visa credit card. Is your firm able to
accept the Bank of America Visa credit card for payment of services/commodities? Please indicate if your company will
acce t VISA a ments in lieu of a Coun check. Yes or No
Signature of Authorized Representative: Date:
Printed Name:
Vendor Witness:
Page 14 of 19
Bid No: A/R#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p.m, I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5(ci)osceola,orQ Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
1. The successful bidder shall not commence any work in connection with this agreement until it has obtained all of
the following types of insurance and such insurance has been approved by the COUNTY, nor shall the
successful bidder allow any Subcontractor to commence work on its subcontract until all similar insurance
required of the Subcontractor has been so obtained and approved. All insurance pOlicies shall be with insurers
qualified and doing business in Florida.
2. Loss Deductible Clause: The COUNTY shall be exempt from, and in no way liable for, any sums of money which
may represent a deductible in any insurance policy. The payment of such deductible shall be the sole
responsibility of the Contractor and/or Subcontractor providing such insurance.
3. Worker's Compensation Insurance: The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this Agreement,
Worker's Compensation Insurance for all of its employees connected with the work of this project and, in case
any work is sublet, the Contractor shall require the Subcontractor similarly to provide Worker's Compensation
Insurance for all of the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the
Contractor. Such insurance shall comply fully with the Florida Worker's Compensation Law. In case any class of
employees engaged in hazardous work under this contract at the site of the project is not protected under the
Worker's Compensation statute, the Contractor shall provide, and cause each Subcontractor to provide,
adequate insurance, satisfactory to the COUNTY for the protection of its employees not otherwise protected.
4. Excess Umbrella Liability: The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of the Agreement an
Excess Umbrella Liability policy in the minimum amount of $500,000.00. All umbrella insurance shall be noted to
be following form, and shall be no more restrictive than is required of the underlying coverage.
5. Contractor's Public Liability and Property Damaae Insurance: The Contractor shall take out and maintain during
the life of this agreement Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance as shall protect it from claims for
damage for personal injury, including accidental death, as well as claims for property damages, which may arise
from operations under this Agreement whether such operations be by itself or by anyone directly or indirectly
employed by it, and the amounts of such insurance shall be the minimum limits as follows:
$500,000 operations each claim per person
$500,000 completed operations each claim per person
(a) Bodily Injury:
$250,000 each claim per person
$500,000 aggregate
(b) Property Damage:
$100,000 each claim per person
$100,000 aggregate
(3) PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY (other than automobile)
$500,000 each claim per person
$500,000 operations per claim
$500,000 protective per claim (covering automobile)
$500,000 contractual per claim
6. Subcontractor's Public Liability and Property Damaae Insurance: The Contractor shall require each of its
Subcontractors to procure and maintain during the life of this subcontract, insurance of the type specified above
or insure the activities of his Subcontractors in its policy, as specified above.
7. Owner's Protective Liability Insurance: The Owner shall be responsible for purchasing and maintaining his own
liability insurance and, at his option, may purchase and maintain such insurance as will protect him against
claims which may arise from his operations under the Contract.
8. Certificates of Insurance: Certificate of Insurance Forms will be furnished by the Contractor upon notice of award.
These shall be completed by the authorized Resident Agent and returned to the Procurement Services
Department. This certificate shall be dated and show:
(1) The name of the insured Contractor, the specified job by name and job number, the name of
the insurer, the number of the policy, its effective date, its termination date.
(2) Statement that the Insurer will mail notice to the COUNTY at least thirty (30) days prior to any
material changes in provisions or cancellation of the policy.
(3) County shall be named or additional named insured on Public Liability Insurance and
Automobile Liability Insurance.
Page 15 of 19
Bid No: A1R#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p.m, I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5lalosceola,orq Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
If you do not intent to bid on this requirement, please complete and return this form prior to the date
shown for receipt of bids to the Osceola County Procurement Services Department, 1 Courthouse
Square, Suite 1200, Kissimmee, FL 34741.
We have declined to bid on A/R#03-351-BC, Road Base Asphalt Levelinq & ResurfacinQ, for the following
Specifications are too "restrictive". i.e. geared toward one toward one brand or
manufacturer (please explain below)
Insufficient time to respond to Invitation to Bid
We do not offer this product or equivalent
Our product schedule would not permit us to perform
Unable to meet specifications
Unable to meet bond requirements
Specifications unclear (please explain below)
Other (please specify below).
We understand that if the "No Bid" letter is not executed and returned, our name may be deleted from the
list of qualified bidders for Osceola County Board of County Commissioners for future projects.
Typed Name and Title
Company Name
Signature and Title
Telephone Number
Page 16 of 19
Bid No: A1R#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p.m, I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter BcarS@osceola,oro Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
In case of tie bids, preference must be given to vendors submitting a certification with their bidl proposal
certifying they have a drug-free workplace in accordance with Section 287.087, Florida Statutes. The
drug-free certification form below must be signed and returned with your bid.
In order to have a drug-free workplace program, a business shall:
(1) Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing,
possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that
will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. (2) Inform employees about the
dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business' policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any
available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may
be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. (3) Give each employee engaged in providing the
commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in the first
paragraph. (4) In the statement specified in the first paragraph, notify the employees that, as a condition
of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the
terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo
contendere to, any violation of chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any
state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. (5)
Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation
program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. (6)
Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this
As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above
Vendor's Signature, Title, Date
PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority
who, after being first sworn by me, affixed his/her signature in the space provided above on
this day of . 20
_Personally known
Produced 1.0
Notary Public
Page 17 of 19
Bid No: A1R#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p,m, I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5@osceola,ora Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Tille: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
The following questionnaire shall be answered by the bidder for use in evaluating the bid to determine the
lowest and best bid meeting the specifications outlines.
Phone: Fax:
Name of primary contact responsible for work performance:
Phone: Cell Phone:
Name of alternate contact should primary not be available:
Phone: Cell Phone:
Surety Company:
Agent Company:
Agent Contact:
Total Bonding Capacity:$
N/A to this bid Value of Work Presently Bonded: N/A to this bid
Years in business:
Years in business under this name:
Years performing this type of work:
Value of work now under contract:
Value of work in place last year:
Percentage (%) of work usually self-performed:
Name of subcontractors you may use:
Has firm: Failed to complete a contract:
Been involved in bankruptcy or reorganization:
Pending judgement claims or suits against firm:
4. EQUIPMENT: Itemize all equil::ment owned bv bidder (attach list if necessarv)
Description of Unit Number of units Method of Ownership Approximate Age of ~A~I-l
currentlv in use I (own/lease/rent) unit
Page 18 of 19
Bid No: A1R#03-351-BC Due Date: April 15, 2003 @ 2:00 p.m, I Advertised Date: March 23, 2003
Buyer: Barb Carter Bcar5@.osceola,ora Respond to: Procurement Services Office, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 1200,
Kissimmee, FL 34741 Phone: (407) 343-3132 Fax: (407) 343-3130
Bid Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
How many employees does your company employee:
Management _Full time
Site/Crew Supervisors _Full time
Workers/Laborers _Full time
Clerical _Full time
Other _Full time
_Part time
Part time
Part time
_Part time
_Part time
List your three (3) most significant commercial projects where the contract was similar in scope and size
to this bid completed in the last three (3) years:
Reference #1 :
Company/Agency Name:
Contact Person:
Project Description:
Contract $ Amount:
Date Completed:
Reference #2:
Company/Agency Name:
Contact Person:
Project Description:
Contract $ Amount:
Date Completed:
Reference #3:
Company/Agency Name:
Contact Person:
Project Description:
Contract $ Amount:
Date Completed:
PLANT LOCATIONS: List your exact plant location(s) in relation to Kissimmee, Florida:
Plant Name/Number Plant Address Distance in miles from
Kissimmee FL
Page 19 of 19
Bid: AfR#03-351-BC APAC Southeast, Ine,
Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing Kissimmee, FL
Board Approved: 6/9/03
Tenn: 6/10/03-6/9/04 Vendor #: 11186 - B2
Approved Dollars: $3,500,000 Bid Contact: Don Carter
(407) 208-1445
Type 5-1:
1a S-I. 0-10 miles, 10-50 tons $ 101,00
1b S-I, 0-10 miles, 50-100 tons $ 89,00
1e S-I, 0-10 miles. 100-500 tons $ 68,60
1d S.I, 0-10 miles. over 500 tons $ 50,70
.- ---
2a S.I, 10-20 miles. 10-50 tons $ 101,00
2b S.I, 10-20 miles, 50-100 tons $ 89,00
2e S-I. 10-20 miles, 100.500 tons $ 68,60
2d S-I, 10-20 miles, over 500 tons $ 50,70
~.- ~ -----~_._._-_.__.._- ~_. _._------~--
3a S-I, over 20 miles, 10-50 tons $ 101,00
3b S.I, over 20 miles, 50-100 tons $ 89,00
3c S.I, over 20 miles. 100-500 tons $ 68,60
3d S.I, over 20 miles, over 500 tons $ 50,70
-- ---- '------- -_._~ --.~-~--~.~-
Type 5-11I:
4a S.III, 0-10 miles. 10.50 tons $ 101,00
4b S-III, 0-10 miles, 50.100 tons $ 89,00
4e S-III. 0-10 miles, 100-500 tons $ 68,60
4d S-III, 0-10 miles, over 500 tons $ 50,70
- -- ~--- ---.--- ~--- ~'-' "~~'.-~ -----
5a S.III. 10-20 miles. 10-50 tons $ 101,00
5b S-III, 10-20 miles, 50-100 tons $ 89,00
5c S-III, 10-20 miles, 100-500 tons $ 68,60
5d S-III, 10-20 miles, over 500 tons $ 50,70
---~ -~~_.._----~-_.~ ----- ~-- .----- -.-.---
6a S-III, over 20 miles. 10-50 tons $ 101,00
6b S.III, over 20 miles, 50-100 tons $ 89,00
6e S.III, over 20 miles, 100-500 tons $ 68,60
6d S-III, over 20 miles, over 500 tons $ 50,70
-- ._----"----~_._-~-~ -- ---"- .._----~~----
Type Micro Pave:
7a Micro Pave, 0-10 miles, 10-50 tons $ 110,00
7b Micro Pave, 0-10 miles, 50-100 tons $ 98,00
7e Micro Pave, 0-10 miles. 100-500 tons $ 76,60
7d Micro Pave, 0-10 miles, over 500 tons $ 58,70
, -- ---'-- -,-- ---._---'- - ...~ ----------- -~._-
-- ,------ ------cc---------.-
Sa Micro Pave, 10-20 miles. 10-50 tons $ 110,00
8b Micro Pave, 10-20 miles, 50.100 tons $ 98,00
Be Micro Pave. 10-20 miles, 100-500 tons $ 76,60
8d Micro Pave, 10-20 miles, over 500 tons $ 58,70
- - -- - -'-"~ -'----- -' ------ ------ -- - ._--~-
ie' ,I", ____,__________ ---.
9a Micro Pave, over 20 miles. 10.50 tons ' $ 110,00
9b Micro Pave, over 20 miles, 50-100 tons $ 98,00
ge Micro Pave. over 20 miles. 100-500 tons $ 76,60
9d Micro Pave. over 20 miles. over 500 tons $ 58,70
---- -'---- ---- - -".---- ._...__ _______ _ ,_ ,.., .,_ 'H___ __,__
-- ", -~---~- _.-
Type FC-2 With Rubber:
10a FG-2 with rubber, 0-10 miles, 10.50 tons $ 110,00
10b FG-2 with rubber, 0-10 miles, 50-100 tons $ 105,00
10e FG-2 with rubber. 0-10 miles, 100-500 tons $ 80,25
10d FG-2 with rubber, 0-10 miles. over 500 tons $ 62,35
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Bid: AlR#03-351-BC APAC Southeast, Inc,
Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing Kissimmee, FL
Board Approved: 6/9/03
Term: 6/10/03-6/9/04 Vendor #: 11166 - B2
Approved Dollars: $3,500,000 Bid Contact: Don Carter
(407) 208-1445
lla FC-2 with rubber, 10-20 miles, 10-50 tons $ 110,00
lib FC-2 with rubber, 10-20 miles, 50-100 tons $ 105,00
llc FC-2 with rubber, 10.20 miles, 100.500 tons $ 80,25
lid FC-2 with rubber, 10-20 miles, over 500 tons $ 62,35
- -~'- ~-_..
FC-2 with rubber, over 20 miles, 10-50 tons -~
12a $ 110,00
12b FC-2 with rubber, over 20 miles, 50-100 tons $ 105,00
12c FC-2 with rubber, over 20 miles, 100-500 tons $ 80,25
12d FC-2 with rubber, over 20 miles, over 500 tons $ 62,35
Type FC-3 With Rubber:
13a FC-3 with rubber, 0-10 miles, 10.50 tons $ 105,00
13b FC-3 with rubber, 0-10 miles, 50-100 tons $ 85,00
13c FC-3 with rubber, 0-10 miles, 100-500 tons $ 77.35
13d FC-3 with rubber, 0.10 miles, over 500 tons $ 59.45
-- ------- ,-- -----. - .-~ -----,-----,---~ -
14a FC-3 with rubber, 10.20 miles, 10-50 tons $ 105,00
14b FC-3 with rubber, 10-20 miles, 50-100 tons $ 85,00
14c FC-3 with rubber, 10-20 miles, 100-500 tons $ 77.35
14d FC-3 with rubber, 10-20 miles, over 500 tons $ 59,45
--' -~~---_._-
15a FC-3 with rubber, over 20 miles, 10-50 tons $ 105,00
15b FC-3 with rubber, over 20 miles, 50-100 tons $ 65,00
15c FC-3 with rubber, over 20 miles, 100-500 tons $ 77.35
15d FC-3 with rubber, over 20 miles, over 500 tons $ 59,45
Type FC-5 With Rubber:
16a FC-5 with rubber, 0.10 miles, 10-50 tons $ 112,00
16b FC-5 with rubber, 0-10 miles, 50.100 tons $ 102,00
16c FC-5 with rubber, 0-10 miles, 100-500 tons $ 83,10
16<1 FC-5 with rubber, 0-10 miles, over 500 tons $ 65,15
17a FC-5 with rubber, 10-20 miles, 10-50 tons $ 112,00
17b FC-5 with rubber, 10-20 miles, 50-100 tons $ 102,00
17c FC-5 with rubber, 10-20 miles, 100-500 tons $ 83,10
17d FC-5 with rubber, 10-20 miles, over 500 tons $ 65,15
.,.,j".," -~------------. -~----~
18a FC-5 with rubber, over 20 miles, 10-50 tons $ 112,00
18b FC-5 with rubber, over 20 miles, 50-100 tons $ 102,00
lac FC-5 with rubber, over 20 miles, 100.500 tons $ 83,10
18d FC-5 with rubber, over 20 miles, over 500 tons $ 65,15
-.-------- ---. --~-----_.- .-
" ;
Surcharge For Night Work:
19a Surcharge for night wor1<, 10-50 tons $ 2,00
19b Surcharge for night wor1<, 50-100 tons $ 0,75
19c Surcharge for night wor1<, 100-500 tons $ 0,30
19d Surcharge for night wor1<, over 500 tons $ 0,15
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Bid: AIR#03-351-BC
Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing
Opened: 4/15/03 @ 2 p,m,
Type 5-1:
1a 5-1,0-10 miles, 10-50 tons
1b 5-1,0-10 miles, 50-100 tons
1e 5-1,0-10 miles, 100-500 tons
1d 5-1,0-10 miles, over 500 tons
1 $
I $
I $
'___~J $
t $
I $
I $
-------.-J $
-- $
2a 5-1, 10-20 miles, 10-50 tons
2b 5-1, 10-20 miles, 50-100 tons
2e 5-1, 10-20 miles, 100-500 tons
2d 5-1,10-20 miles, over 500 tons
3a 5-1, over 20 miles, 10-50 tons
3b 5-1, over 20 miles, 50-100 tons
3c 5-1, over 20 miles, 100-500 tons
3d 5-1, over 20 miles, over 500 tons
Type 5-11I: -1
4a 5-111,0-10 miles, 10-50 tons I $
4b 5-111,0-10 miles, 50-100 tons I $
4c 5-111, 0-10 miles, 100-500 tons I $
~ S-III~0-1O_~f3~,_ove~~o..tons _,_____ _____1 $
sa 5-111, 10-:-20 miles, 10-50 ton5---- -'--I $
5b 5-111, 10-20 miles, 50-100 tons $
5c 5-111,10-20 miles, 100-500 tons I $
_~ 5-111, 10..::2.9 mile~~~r.~o.t~s __ ___ ____'_, _ ___I $
6a 5-111, over 20 miles, 10-50 tons
6b 5-11I, over 20 miles, 50-100 tons
6c 5-111, over 20 miles, 100-500 tons
6d 5-111, over 20 miles, over 500 tons
--1 $
Type Micro Pave:
7a Micro Pave, 0-10 miles, 10-50 tons
7b Micro Pave, 0-10 miles, 50-100 tons
7e Micro Pave, 0-10 miles, 100-500 tons
7d Micro Pave, 0-10 miles, over 500 tons
-- -, .' -- .. ----------
I $
I $
I $
"- ---
8a Micro Pave, 10-20 miles, 10-50 ions
8b Micro Pave, 10-20 miles, 50-100 tons
8e Micro Pave, 10-20 miles, 100-500 tons
8d Micro Pave, 10-20 miles. over 500 tons
__________ - _. I $
-, $
1 $
I $
__ ___d ___J $
9a Micro Pave, over 20 miles, 10-50 tons
9b Micro Pave, over 20 miles, 50-100 tons
ge Micro Pave, over 20 miles, 100-500 tons
~ ~ave,~~r 20 ~es, o~r (;()~,tCl':ls. '_
Type FC-2 With Rubber:
10a FC-2 with rubber, 0-10 miles, 10-50 tons
10b FC-2 with rubber, 0-10 miles, 50-100 tons
10c FC-2 with rubber, 0-10 miles, 100-500 tons
10d FC-2 with rubber, 0-10 miles, over 500 tons
-.-.--.-- l
I $
! $
11a FC-2 with rubber, 10-20 miles, 10-50 lor;s-----'r $
11b FC-2 with rubber, 10-20 miles, 50-100 tons ' $
11e FC-2 with rubber, 10-20 miles, 100-500 tons ! $
11d FC-2 with rubber, 10-20 miles, o~~~o.o.~o~__ _ _ _J $
12a FC-2 with rubber, over 20 miles, 10-sOtons--~ $
12b IFC-2 with rubber, over 20 miles, 50-100 tons I $
APAC Southeast, Inc,
Kissimmee, FL
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! Middlesex Corporation
Littleton, MA
No Bie
No Bie
No Bid
No Bid
No Bid
No Bid
No Bid
r' $
I $
L_ $
No Bid
No Bid
No Bid
I~______ No Bid
r--------No Bid
No Bie
_____ ___.!Jo Bie
1- $------ 151,9C
1 $ 101,5S
! $ 69,5C
L,!__ ____ 48.90
No Bid
No Bid
No Bid
_,_ _.. _ ,___No Bid
! NoBi
I NoBi
I No Bi
I. ,___ ______ ,__~
1-------- No Bid
] No Bid
I No Bid
No Bid
No Bie
___ No Bie
No Bie
No Bie
___ ____ No Bic
Bid: A1R#03-351-BC :
APAC Southeast, Inc. I Middlesex Corporation
Title: Road Base Asphalt Leveling & Resurfacing Kissimmee. FL Littleton, MA
Opened: 4/15103 @ 2 p,m,
12c FC-2 with rubber, over 20 miles, 100-500 tons $ 80,25 I $ 89,6C
12d FC-2 with rubber, over 20 miles, over 500 tons $ 62,35 ! $ 68,9C
-_..._- L-.:..--________
Type FC-3 With Rubber:
13a FC-3 with rubber, 0-10 miles, 10-50 tons $ 105,00 I NoBi
13b FC-3 with rubber, 0-10 miles, 50-100 tons $ 85.00 I NoBi
13c FC-3 with rubber, 0-10 miles, 100-500 tons $ 77.35 I NoBi
13d FC-3 with rubber, 0-10 miles, over 500..!ons __ .___~_.J $ 59.45 I NoBi
14a FC-3 with rubber, 10-20 miles, 10-50 tons 1$ 105,00 I No Bid
14b FC-3 with rubber, 10-20 miles, 50-100 tons ,$ 85,00 ! No Bid
14c FC-3 with rubber, 1()..20 miles, 100-500 tons 1$ 77.35 No Bid
14<1 FC-3 with rubber, 1()..20 miles, over 500 tons ._.._..J $ 59,45 L.... __~ No Bid
15a FC-3 with rubber, over 20 miles, 10-50 tons -: $ 105,00 1$ 164,90
15b FC-3 with rubber, over 20 miles, 50-100 tons 1$ 85.00 i$ 116,55
15c FC-3 with rubber, over 20 miles, 10()..500 tons ,$ 77.35 1$ 84,50
15d FC-3 with rubber, over 20 miles, over 500 tons J $ 59,45 L~_ ,,__ _~. 63,90
---------- ._---~
Type FC-S With Rubber: 1 r
16a FC-5 with rubber, 0-10 miles, 10-50 tons $ 112.00 No Bic
16b FC-5 with rubber, ()..10 miles, 50-100 tons $ 102.00 NoBie
16c FC-5 with rubber, ()..10 miles, 100-500 tons $ 83.10 No Bid
16d FC-5 with rubber, 0-10 miles, over 500 tons $ 65,15 I _____ No Bid
--'"----~ ---- ----- -- .~._---
17a FC-5 with rubber, 10-20 miles, 1()..50 tons '1$ 112,00 f--- NoBie
17b FC-S with rubber, 10-20 miles, 50-100 tons 1$ 102.00 NoBie
17c FC-5 with rubber, 10.20 miles, 100-500 tons i$ 63.10 No Bic
17d FC-5 with rubber, 1()..20 miles, over 500 tons ___J $ 65.15 L___ ,____~ No Bie
- '
18a FC-5 with rubber, over 20 miles, 10-50 tons $ 112.00 $ 174,90
18b FC-S with rubber, over 20 miles, 50-100 tons $ 102.00 $ 124,55
18c FC-5 with rubber, over 20 miles, 100-500 tons $ 83,10 1$ 93,50
18d FC-5 with rubber, over 20 miles, over 500 tons $ 85,15 lL. 71,90
~--_._~-- ~_._-------
Surcharge For Night Work: r
19a Surcharge for night work, 10-50 tons $ 2.00 $ 3,00
19b Surcharge for night work, 50-100 tons $ 0.75 1$ 3,00
19c Surcharge for night work, 100-500 tons $ 0,30 is 3,00
19d Surcharge for night work, over 500 tons $ Q,.15 S 3,00
Vendor eligible for
3% local preference I
deducUon during bid I
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