HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 01 13 Regular C Development Agreement with Chanh Nguyen
Public Hearinf!
Ref!ular X
January 13.2003
MGR. rv-- /DeEt. ~
The City Manager requests the Commission authorize the City Manager to amend and execute the
attached development agreement with Chanh Nguyen to repair a borrow pit located on aA.42 acre site
north of Winter Springs High School, limiting access to the pond to the Seminole County unimproved
trail right-of-way for a period not to exceed 6 months.
The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the Commission approve a development agreement
addressing issues and concerns pertinent to filling, covering, and re-vegetating an existing borrow pit site
owned by Mr. Chanh Nguyen. The development agreement addresses issues including, but not limited
to, access, security, acceptable and prohibited fill materials, hours of operation, monitoring, volume of
fill, re-vegetation, damage to City roads, speed limits, and debris dropped on City roads:
Section 166.021, Florida Statutes.
(1) As provided in s. 2(b), Art. VllI of the State Constitution, municipalities shall have the government,
corporate, and proprietary powers to enable them to conduct municipal government, perform municipal
functions, and render municipal services, and may exercise any power for municipal purposes, except
when expressly prohibited by law.
(2) "Municipal purpose" means any activity or power which may be exercised by the state or its political
January 13,2003
Regular Agenda Item C
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The development agreement is authorized pursuant to the Municipal Home Rule Powers Act, as
provided in s 2(b), Article VIII of the Florida Constitution and Chapter 166, Section 166.021, Florida
The development agreement is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Code of Ordinances.
The development agreement provides for reasonable use of the subject property, while addressing issues
and concerns pertinent to the present and future use of the site, in order to protect the general health,
safety, and welfare.
The site was annexed in October of 1999. In November of 1999, City Code Enforcement discovered the
illegal dumping on the site and initiated code enforcement action. Fines/liens were imposed at the rate
of$250 per day by the Code Enforcement Board in April 2000, attaining $186,000 by the time the site
became compliant in April of2002. On July 22,2002, the City Commission heard Mr. Nguyen's
request to forgive the code enforcement fines/liens and reduced the amount to $10,000, subject to the
applicant voluntarily annexing his adjacent property into the City.
Subsequent to the City Commission's action on the Code Enforcement issue, staff reviewed the site and
met with the applicant to determine how to allow the applicant reasonable use of the site while
protecting the public from potential negative impacts. Staff believes that this development agreement
protects the public while providing the applicant reasonable use of the site. Resolution 2001-45 sets the
fee for development agreements at $300.00.
At its regularly scheduled October 28, 2002, meeting, the City Commission deferred this item in order to
investigate the possibility of using a portion of the abandoned railroad right-of-way as an alternative to
Orange A venue and the "Main Street" portion of Tuskawilla Road. If allowed, this alternate route would
direct truck traffic past the high school and through the traffic signal located on SR 434, just west of City
Hall. This is the route preferred by the applicant. The item was also deferred at the November 11 and
November 25, 2002, City Commission meeting.
On November 25,2002, the City Manager filed a request with the county through Commissioner Morris'
office, to utilize the Cross Seminole County Trail right-of-way for access to the pond. On December 10,
2002, the County Commission reviewed this matter favorably for a period of 6 months.
Staff recommends that the City Commission, subject to the applicant paying the $300 fee for a
development agreement, authorize the City Manager to amend and execute the attached development
agreement limiting access to the pond to the Seminole County unimproved right-of-way, for a period not
to exceed 6 months.
January 13,2003
Regular Agenda Item C
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Attachment A - Development Agreement
Attachment B - City residents' concerns voiced during City Commission Public Participation
Attachment C - City Manager's letter to Commissioner Morris
Attachment D - December 10, 2002, County Commission minutes
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Oct-23-02 11 : 39AMj
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DRAFT 10-23-02
Prepun:u by und rctum to:
Anthony A. Gurgnncsc, Esquire
Hro....n, Wmd, ~I.znUlll &. Weiss, I'.A.
/'oSI Oni~ Dox 2873
<)rLunoo, Florida 32802-2!l7J
(407) 425-9566
THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (herein referred to as the "Agreement"),
made and executed this _ day of ,2002, by and between the CITY
UF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to ac; "City"),
whose address is 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, and CHANH Q.
NGUY EN and NGAN M. NGUYEN, husband and wife (hereinafter referred to as "Owner'),
whose address is 4409 Steed Terrace, Winter Park. Florida 32792.
WHEREAS, Owner owns certain real property located within the City of Winter
Springs, Florida, as legally described herein; and
WHEREAS, a borrow pit currently exists on that property; and
WHEREAS, Owner desires to engage in landfUl operations to fill the borrow pit~ and
WHEREAS, the fill shall only be inorganic "clean debris" as approved by the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection and the City; and
WHERtAS, Owner desires to perfonn the landfill activities on the Property in a safe
and healthy manner, and in a manner that does not create a public nuisance, so that the
Property may be developable in the future; and
WHEREAS, the Owner and City desire to execute this Agreement to effectuate the
filling of the borrow pit under the terms and conditions agreed to hereunder; and
WHEREAS, providing Owner abides by all the terms and conditions set forth
h~t:under, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs finds that this Agreement is
consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan as well as the C.ity Code of Ordinances and
is a legislative act of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs.
NOW. THEREFORE, in con!\ideration of the mutual covenants and mutual benefits
herein contained, the parties agree as follows:
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1.0 Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated herein by this
reference and deemed a material part of this Agreement
2.0 Intent and Purpose. The intent and purpose of this Agreement is to permit
Owner and their authorized designees to fill the borrow pit located on the Property with
inorganic material, as more particularly described in Paragraph 5.0 of this Agreement
3.0 Pro pert! . The real property subject to this Agreement is legally described
on Exhibit "A," which is hereby fully incorporaLed herein by this reference (hereinafter
referred to as "Property").
4.0 Borrow Pit. The bOJTOW pit referr~d to under this Agreement 1S depicted on
Exhibit liB," which is hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference (hereinafter referred
to as "BorTOW Pit").
5.0 Permit Authorized. Upon approval of the site plan required by Paragraph
5.3 herein and the restoration plan required pursuant to Paragraph 5.4 herein, the City hereby
grants Owner a permit to fill the Borrow Pit with inorganic materials subject to the following
terms and conditions:
5.1 Prior to commencing and continuing the landfill operations permitted by this
Agreement. Owner shall obtain and maintain in good standing any required
federal, state, local and special district authorizations necessary to engage in
the landfill operations.
5.2 The material used to fill the Borrow Pit shall be limited to inorganic materials,
provided those materials also satisfy the definition of "clean debris" under
Section 62-701. 200( 15), Florida Admini~trative Code. which at the effective
date of this Agreement means: "any solid waste which is virtually inert. which
is not a pollution threat to ground water or surface waters, is not a tire hazard,
and is likely to retain its physical and chemical structure under expected
conditions of disposal or use. The term includes brick, glass, ceramics, and
uncontaminated concrete including embedded pipe or steel." Street sweeping
material, asbestos, contaminated and remediated soil, pollutants and
hazardous waste, and organics are strictly prohibited and shall not be used to
fill the Borrow Pit.
5.3 Within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Agr~~mc:nt, Owner shall
submit to the City for approval a site plan, drawn to scale by a duly~licensed
engineer, depicting the Property, Borrow Pit, ingress and egress to the
Property,parkingl location of all trailers, offict:s, and other structures,- the
Orange Avenue security gate; and such other matters reasonably required by
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DRAFT 10.23-02
the City. The construction trailer and/or office shall be located within the
interior part of the Property to avoid being visible from Orange Avenue.
Approval of the site plan by the City shall be a condition precedent to the
landfill operations authorized by this Agreement.
54 Within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Agreement, Owner shall
submit to the City for approval a restoration pIau, drawn to scale by a duly-
licensed engineer, depicting the proposed final status of the Property after the
landfill operations have been completed, including grade, slopes, water
retention areas, and other landscaping features of the Property deemed
necessary by the City to make the Property suitable for development
5.5 At all times, the Owner shall conduct the landfill operations of the Borrow Pit
in full compliance with this A8reemenl and all applicable federal, state, local,
and special district laws. rebruJations, and permits.
5.6 Upon demand by the City, Owner shall remove from the Borrow Pit any
material that does not comply with the tenns and conditions set forth in this
Paragraph 5.0
6.0 Seturity Fence. In conjunction with the site plan approval process described
in Paragraph 5.3, Owner shall submit a completed fence permit application to the City and
install a temporary six (6) foot chainlink fence surrounding the entire Borrow Pit and as
required by the approved site plan. The fence shall comply with applicable City Codes, shall
not be constructed of barbed wire or any other material that may pose a public safety hazard,
and shall be constructed ofa quality and type deemed acceptable to the City An appropriate'
gate(s) shall be installed for ingress and egress to the Borrow Pit. A security gate shall also
be installed along Orange Avenue. All gates shall be closed imd locked at all times during
which the landfill operations authorized by this Agreement are not occurring. The fence and
gates shall be maintained in good order until such time as the landfill operations have been
completed. the Borrow Pit has been completely filled, and the Property has been graded in
accordance with Paragraph 13.0 of this Agreement. The fence shaU not be installed until the
City approves the fence permit application
7.0 Haul Route. All materials being brought to and from the Property by vehicle
shall be transported via Tuskawilla Road and Orange Avenue or such other haul route
designated by the City's City Manage.r in writing. The City reserves the sole right and
discretion to change the haul route at any time. Prior to using Orange Avenue, Owner shall
be required to provide the City with written verification that Seminole County does not object
to Owner using said avenue for the landfill operations authorized herein.
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8.0 Houn of Operation. In carrying out the landtill operations, Owner shall
operate only during weekdays between the hours of7:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm, unJess the City's
City Manager grants a temporary exception in writing for good reasons demonstrated by
Owner. In addition, Owner shall pertorm the landfill operations using standard trade practices
which will reduce or negate noise, excessive traffic, or any other unreasonable disruption to
the neighborhood affccted by Owner's operation
9.0 Trul'k Requirements, Owner shall require that aU trucks delivering materials
to and from the Property shall abide by lhe following requirements:
9.1 The payload beds of all trucks shall be covered so as to eliminate debris
blowing or falling olf the trucks. All debris falling on the roadways or
adjacent property shall be immediately picked up by the trucking company or
the Owner. If the trucking company or the Owner fail to pick up the debris,
Owner agrees to reimburse the City for all costs incurred by the City to clean-
up the debris. The reimbursement shall be paid within fourteen (14) days of
receiving a cost invoice from the City.
9.2 Notwithstanding any other posted speed limit, the speed of trucks shall not
exceed twenty-five (25) mires per hour on Tuskawilla Road between S.R. 434
and Orange Avenue and twenty (20) miles per hour on Orange Avenue.
Owner shall be required to provide all trucking companies delivering to and
from the Property advance written notice of the speed limits set forth in this
paragraph. A copy of said notice shall be provided to the City's City Manager
on the same day said notice is sent to any trucking company.
10.0 Payment Bond. Owner shall provide a Twenty-Five Thousand and 00/100
($25,00000) Dollar performance and payment bond or letter ofcredit to the City which shall
insure the City against any and all damage to TuskawilJa Road from S.R. 434 to Orange
Avenue resulting from the trucks delivering fill material to and from the Property.
10.1 The bond or Jetter of credit required by this paragraph shall be issued by a
surety or financial institution deemed acceptable to the City. The bond or
letter of credit shall remain continuously in effect during the term of this
Agreement. and any extensions thereto, and also remain in effect at least six
(6) months after the termination of this Agreement. The bond or tetter of
credit shall be in a form acceptable to the City. All bonds or letters of credit
signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of such agent's
authority to act
10.2 If the surety or financial institution furnishing the bond or letter of credit to
the City is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its rights to do husiness
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are terminated in the State of Florida, or ceases to be acceptable to the City,
Owner !ihall within ten (10) days thereafter substitute another bond and surety
or letter of credit issued by a financial institution, which must be acceptable
to the City, or other types of security reasonably acceptabJe to the City.
11.0 Revotation. This Agreement and the permit granted hereinunder is subject
to termination by the City at any time for the failure of Owner and Owner's agents and
contractors to comply with the terms and conditions herein.
12.0 Notice to Contractors. Owner shall be required to provide all contractors
and agents with notice of the terms and conditions of this Agreement prior to any contractor
and agent engaging in any work on th~ Property. Contractors and agents shall be required
to abide by all applicable terms and conditions of this Agreement.
13.0 Final Grading and Inspection ofProgerty. Upon completion of the land-
filling of the Borrow Pit, Owner shall grade and landscape the Property in accordance ~th
the restoration plan required by Paragraph 5.4 of this Agreement. When the final grading and
landscaping have been completed, Owner shall request in writing to the City's City Manager
that the City perform a final inspection of the Property which shall be for purpO!ie!i of
determining compliance with this Agreement. As part of the (mal inspection, Owner shall
provide the City with a written certification that all material used to fill the Borrow Pit
complies with the conditions set forth in Paragraph 5.0 above. Said certification shall be
prepared by a qualified person and in a fonn deemed acceptable to the City. The City
reserves the right to require Owner to provide) at Owner's expense) suitable soil borings and
water quality monitoring tests on the Property as part of the certification. if the City
determines that the Property has passed the final inspection, the parties shall execute a written
notice of termination which shall be tiled in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida.
Said notice shall indicate at a minimum that this Agreement has been terminated and is no
longer in full force and effect.
14.0 City Right of Entry. Owner hereby grants the City and its duly authorized
agents and conlraClors an unconditional right of entry on the Property to delermine whether
Owner is complying with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and applicable City
15.0 Best Ma~aeemeD. Practices. Owner and their agents and contractors shall
employ best management practices during construction on the Property and upon completion
of the landfill operations to assure that all sediments are retained on the Property. At a
minimum, with additional measures utilized as needed, these practices shall include:
15. 1 Grading shall be employed to avoid off-Property runoff and to keep sediment
on the Property.
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15.2 The placement of silt screenslbarriers to minimize wind-blown debris and dust.
15.3 Erosion control measures including, but not limited to, seeding, mulching, and
sodding the Property, especially slopes and roadway shoulders.
160 Succenor and Assiens. Owner shall notifY the City, in advance and in
writing, of any transfer of ownership of the Property. This Agreement shall automatically be
binding upon and shall inure to the henefit of the successors and assigns of the Property.
17.0 Applicable Law: Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida and the Winter Springs Code.
The parties agree that venue shall be exclusively within S~minole County, Florida, for all state
disputes or actions which arise out of or are based upon this Agreement, and in Orlando,
Florida, for all such federal disputes or actions.
18.0 Amendments. This Agreement shall not be modified or a,mended elCcept by
written agreement executed by all parties hereto and approved by the City Commission or
City Manager of the City of Winter Springs.
19.0 f;ntire ^Ireemedt. Headinas. This Agreement contains the entire agreement
between the parties as to the subject matter hereof. Paragraph headings are for convenience
of the parties only and are not to be construed as part of this Agreement. All references to
whole paragraph numbers (e.g., 15.0) shaD include all subparagraphs thereunder (e.g., 15.),
15.2, and 15.3).
20.0 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held lo be invalid
or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent .iurisdiction, the City shall have the
unconditional right to either terminate this Agreement. modity this Agreement with the
Owner's consent, or remain in the Agreemenl as modified by the court.
21. 0 R<<ordation. Upon full execution of this Agreement by the parties, this
Agreement shall be record~d by the City in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida,
and shall run with the land.
22.0 City', rolice Powers. Owner acknowledges and agrees that the City hereby
resesves all police powers granted to the City by law. In no way shall this Agreement be
construed as the City bargaining away or surrendering its pol~ powers. Any City permits
issued on the Property prior to the effective date of this Agreement that are in conflict with
this Agreement are hereby deemed nuU and void.
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Oct-23-02 11 :44AMj
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23.0 Sovereii!D Immunity. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be
construed as a waiver ofthe City's right to sovereign immunity under Section 768.28, Florida
Statutes, or any other limitation on the City's potential liability under state or federal law.
24.0 Notices. All notices and correspondence in connection with this Agreement
must be in writing. Notice and correspondence shall be sent by first class mail or hand
delivered at the addresses set forth below or at such other addresses as the parties hereto shall
designate to each other in writing:
24. l. If to City:
Mr. Ronald W McLemore. City Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Telephone: 407-327-5957
Facsimile: 401-327-4753
24.2 Jfto Owner: Chanh Q. Nguyen
Ngan N. Nguyen
4409 Steed Terrace
Winter Park, Florida 32792
Telephone: 407-657-1467
Emergency Telephone:
25.0 Waiver. Any forbearance by the City in exercising any right Of remedy under
this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or
26.0 Indemnification and Hold Harmlm. For aU work performed pursuant to
this Agreement, Owner agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indenuuly lUlU hold
harmless the City, and its commissioners, employees, officers and city attorneys (individually
and in their official capacities) from and against any and all claims,losses. damages, personal
injuries (including but not limited to death), or liability (including reasonable attorneys fees
through all administrative and appellate proceedings); directly or indirectly arising out of or
resulting from any act or omission of Owner, and its employees. agents, and contractors under
this Agreement and/or in default of this Agreement.
27.0 City', RiJbt to Seek Equitable Relief. Owner agrees, acknowledges and
recognizes that any breach of this Agreement by Owner may result in irreparable: harm to the
City. Owner agrees that in addition to and not in lieu of all legal and equitable remedies
available to City by reason of such breach, City shall be entitled to equitable relief (including,
wilhout limitation. specific perfonnance and injunctive relief) to enjoin the occurrence and
condition of the breach.
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28.0 AttorneyS' Fees. The prevailing party in any litigation arising under this
Agreement shall be entitled to recover its rea.lionable attorneys' and paralegal fees and costs,
whether incurred at trial or appeal.
29.0 No Joint Venture. Nothing herein shall be deemed to create ajoint venture
or principal. agent relationship between the parties, and neither party is authorized to, nor shall
either party act toward third p~rsons or the public in any manner which would indicate any
such relationship with the other.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date
first written above.
a Florida Municipal Corporation:
Print Name:
Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager
Print Name:
Print Name:
Print Name:
Chanh Q. Nguyen
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I hereby certify that the foregoing instrument w~s ~cknowledged before me this _ day of
.2002. by CHANH Q. NGUYEN, a who is personally known to me, or 0 who has
produced as identification.
Print Name:
Print Name:
Ngan M. Nguyen
I hereby certify Umt [hI.: fun..-going instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of
,20HZ, by NGAN M. NGUYEN, 0 who is personally known to me. or 0 who has
produced as identification.
F \Du<;o'.C.,) ufW,,,,... Sprin&s'^e-manl.\NII"Y",,_Dcvclol'lDent_AGl<",.Joc
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. .
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Mr. McCoy then stated that upon entering the new Town Center "Off of [State Road]
434, coming west from Tuskawilla Road and I would say that that curb cut is extremely
inadequate - it needs to have a bigger relief coming out between the sidewalk and the
street." Further, Mr. McCoy said, "I drove past the Publix, took the left turn, came up
and tried to make a right turn out of that same entrance - same problem - I ended up with
my front fender in the left lane, not the right lane."
Mayor Partyka stated, "Mr. [Shane] Doran is here. We will just pose that question to
him. "
Mr. Bob Rucci, 973 Turkey Hollow Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: thanked Deputy
Mayor Cindy Gennell for judging the Oak Forest Halloween costume party; and noted
that he had attended a recent Seminole County Commission meeting and that County
Commissioner Randy Morris should be in touch with City Officials regarding the
proposed Master Plan for the Jetta Point property.
Ms. Yvonne 1. Froscher, 623 Sailfish Road, Winter Springs, Florida: noted that she had
reviewed the Development Agreement for the Orange Avenue property on tonight's
Agenda and suggested that the $25,000.00 Bond be higher to handle any real problems;
spoke of her concern with possible contamination; and suggested that a security fence
would be a very good idea. Ms. Froscher also mentioned her concern with numerous
dump truck trips affecting the City's new Town Center.
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City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese arrived at 6:36 p.m.
Ms. Helga Schwarz, 720 Galloway Court, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke about her
concern with the more elaborate, color versions of the Winter Springs "Insider" and felt
that it was being too editorialized.
Mr. Mike Schreffler, 1160 Winter Springs Boulevard, Winter Springs, Florida:
introduced himself as the new store manager of the Town Center Publix and remarked
that the Grand Opening is scheduled for November th, 2002.
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Mayor Partyka added, "Also, 'B' is part of that - it is not a Public Hearing, but the same
situation. And also, Regular 'c' - this is the Binford request - that was given to me by
Mr. Baker also - that should be deferred" to the next Meeting.
Next, Mayor Partyka mentioned the November 5th City Election and stated, "In terms of
Commissioner [Michael S.] Blake, he was unopposed, and I had previously congratulated
him." Further, Mayor Partyka stated, "I would like to congratulate Commissioner-Elect
Sally McGinnis on her victory and wish her well. I also wish to congratulate Mayor-
Elect John Bush on his victory." Mayor Partyka then offered his assistance to Mayor
Bush during the transition time, and to the City of Winter Springs.
Mayor Partyka pointed to a painting that has just been given to the City by the Winter
Springs-Oviedo Lions Club, and noted it would have been part of the Winter Springs Arts
Festival. (Note: This Festival has been cancelled).
Mr. Tom Brown, 717 Adidas Road, Winter Springs, Florida: addressed the City
Commission and thanked everyone for their support during a difficult personal situation.
Mr. Brown also commended the Winter Springs Police and Fire Departments for their
professional, and kind, and caring service during a personal situation.
Ms. Tammy Fitzpatrick, 119 View Point Place, Winter Springs, Florida: as the President ~ ::
of the Tuscawilla Trace Homeowner's Association, Ms. Fitzpatrick spoke of her concern ~: :
with the negative impact that numerous dump truck loads to and from the Orange Avenue'. . . . . . . . .
area Borrow Pit would have on their community.
Mr. MJ. Soileau, 100 Tuskawil/a Road, Winter Springs, Florida: also noted his concern
with the number of dump truck loads needed to fill the Orange Avenue area Borrow Pit
and how this would affect his neighborhood.
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Mayor Partyka asked that the City Clerk provide the Commission with a letter that Mr.
Soileau gave to the Mayor.
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Mr. Bob Rucci, 973 Turkey Hol/ow Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke in support of
the Paw Park Agenda Item; and asked if the City could set up an account for some of the
donations they have received.
Mr. Earl Roberts, 975 W.edgewood Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke on his desire
to have a tree removed from his property, and that he thought this issue was to be on this
With discussion, Mayor Partyka stated, "Does this Commission want to make a Motion
to put it on the Agenda for later on - for discussion?"
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell said to Mayor Partyka, "You are putting it on at the end of
the Regular Agenda?" Mayor Partyka stated, "Yes."
Mr. Medford McCoy, 114 Brookshire Court, Winter Springs, Florida: commented on a
previous discussion about cost allocations and suggested that there could be possible. . . . . _ . _ _
. . . . . . . . .
challenges. : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . :
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Ms. Judy Benson, 1212 Orange Avenue, Winte~ Springs. Flo~ida: s~~ke in opposition to:~: ~: ~: ~: ~: ~:
the Nguyen Agenda Items and suggested a prevIOUS route agam be utIhzed. . : . : . . . . . . . .' . . . . .
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Mr. Hans Hudtwalcker, 638 Cheoy Lee Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: asked about the' . . . . . . . .
status of the dumpster to be located behind his residence at the Tuskawilla Office Park.
Mr. David Maisonet, 1493 Connors Kane, Winter Springs. Florida: mentioned a
sinkhole on Winter Springs Boulevard (across from the Tuscawilla Country Club) and his
concern with children playing near it.
Mayor Partyka stated, "Let the - City Manager with his Staff go out there and take a look
at it."
NOVEMBER 25, 2002
The Regular Meeting of Monday, November 25,2002 of the City Commission was called
to order by Mayor Paul P. Partyka at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the
Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell, present
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Michael S. Blake, present
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr., present
Commissioner David W. McLeod, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present
The Pledge of Allegiance followed a moment of silence.
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore presented a Plaque each to Mayor Partyka and
Deputy Mayor Cindy Gennell.
Mayor Partyka noted for the record that '''Certificates of Election' were being awarded to
Mayor-Elect John F. Bush; Commissioner Michael S. Blake; and Commissioner-Elect
Sally McGinnis.
Commissioner Edward Martinez, Jr. stated, "On behalf of this Commission, thank you
very much for your support and I wish you and your families the greatest Thanksgiving
Agenda Changes were then discussed.
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. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
Ms. Gretchen Hyde, 1I 66 Orange Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida: addressed the City ::~::::::: >;:
Commission with her concerns about the history of the proposed Borrow Pit; inquired as :.:.... ..:,:::.:.:.
to the delays related to the proposed Development Agreement; spoke of Code :::::::::(::::::::::
. . . . . . . . . .
. .'. . . . . . . .
Enforcement issues; and asked what assurances can be given that the proper fill will be
Mr. Edward Shindelman, 709 Glasgow Court, Winter Springs, Florida: as the Vice
President of the Highlands Patio Homeowner's Association, Mr. Shindelman remarked
about erosion problems associated with Soldiers Creek and questioned ownership.
With discussion between Commissioner Blake and Mr. Kipton D. Lockcuff, P.E., Public
Works/Utility Department Director, Commissioner Blake asked, "Who owns the creek?"
Mr. Lockcuffresponded, "The Highlands HOA [Homeowner's Association] - the Master
HOA [Homeowner's Association] is what it looks like."
Regarding a possible solution, Manager McLemore suggested, "I think all we can do is to
confirm the ownership and then as Kip [Lockcuff] said, once we find the owner, we will
cooperate with them in any way we can to try and find the solution." Commissioner
Martinez stated, "I am suggesting that the same way we lend technical assistance to
others, that the City Manager and Kip Lockcuff investigate and bring back a report and
then you will know exactly who is responsible, and what they have to do."
Mr. John Bush, 21 Tarpon Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: asked whether Florida Power
is paying any interest on the uncollected revenue taxes, and inquired about the delay.
Mr. M.J. Soileau, 100 Tuskawilla Road, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke on his ;:~~i:i:i:i:i::
frustration with the postponement of the proposed Borrow Pit situation; and thanked the :::.:.....:.:.:.:.:
City for some work done at the North end of Tuskawilla Road.
Ms. Judy Benson, 1212 Orange Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida: commented on her ::~;: i : i :; {
opposition to the proposed Borrow Pit and the effect this would have on the community ::: . : . . . . . : . . . . . . . : :
and Lake Jesup. . . . .
Mr. Richard C. Kovacik, 921 Contravest Lane, Winter Springs, Florida: explained his
concern with signage problems affecting his new business in the new Town Center, as a
result of obtrusive trees.
With discussion on this matter, Manager McLemore said, "If he [Mr. Kovacik] will come
by tomorrow, we will sit down with him and go over the procedure he has to follow to do
this." Mr. Kovacik stated, "I will call you tomorrow and make an appointment."
Ms. Sharon Tackaberry, 634 Cheoy Lee Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: noted her
support of any assistance the City Commission may help with, regarding solving the
situation involving the height of the Tuskawilla Office Park wall. Ms. Tackaberry also
inquired about of the proposed lighting planned for the Tuskawilla Office Park.
Mr. Mervin Warner, 673 Keuka Court, Winter Springs, Florida: complimented Mayor
Partyka and Deputy Mayor Gennell for their service to the City; and spoke ofthe issue on
PAGE 3 OF 17
this Agenda related to Colt Drive. Some photographs were displayed of Colt Drive.
Additionally, Mr. Warner briefly addressed the City's proposed Paw Park and suggested
that sponsors be utilized for some of the funding.
. . . . .
. . . . .
Mr. Marc Batchelor, 200 Torcaso Court, Winter Springs, Florida: commented on his
concern with the proposed Borrow Pit.
Mr. Brian Oliver, 630 Cheoy Lee Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: regarding the
Tuskawilla Office Park, Mr. Oliver spoke of his displeasure with the Developer's
solution to the drainage problem and asked if the City could work with the Developer to
solve this problem. Mr. Oliver also noted his support for the City's Police and Fire
Mr. Pradipkumar Raumanlah, 100 St. Johns Landing Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: :: ~i: i : i : i : i ::
asked for assurance that the proposed Borrow Pit issue would not be postponed any more; .:.... . .........::
and asked that citizens' concerns be considered as much as others. . . . . . . . . . .
Tape I /Side B
With discussion, Manager McLemore spoke of current talks with a representative from
Seminole County.
A. Office Of The City Clerk
Approval Of The November 11,2002 City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes.
B. Police Department
Requesting The Expenditure Of $32,970.00 From The Special Law Enforcement
Trust Fund To Acquire Two Police Vehicles For School Resource
Officer/Community Relations Programs And Two Automated External
C. Public Works Department
Requesting Authorization To Pursue The Acquisition Of The Colt Drive Right Of
November 25,2002
Commissioner Randy Morris
Seminole County Commission
1101 East First Street
Sanford, Florida 32771
Dear Commissioner Morris:
This letter is to request your assistance in gaining temporary access to the Cross Seminole
County Trail right of way in Winter Springs for truck traffic associated with the repair of
a pond embankment.
Mr. Chanh Nguyen owns a borrow pond adjacent to the north side of Winter Springs
High School. Mr. Nguyen has a valid water management permit # 40-117-69344-1 to
repair the south bank of the pond adjacent to the school. The required slope of the bank
has been badly compromised by erosion creating a serious safety problem and rendering
the pond useless for any purpose.
The temporary use of the trail rights of way is needed for trucks and equipment to gain
access to the site. The owner estimates that the bank can be restored in six to twelve
At this time the trail right of way is the only feasible access route to the pond due to other
access routes being blocked by road construction associated with the construction of the
Winter Springs Town Center and the expansion of Central Winds Park. Additionally,
there is substantial concern on the part of residents regarding the amount of truck traffic
on City and County streets that would be associated with the project.
In light of the substantial public interest involved in eliminating this safety hazard and
restoring the future development potential of the area, I would appreciate your assistance
in gaining the approval of the County and the State in utilizing the trail right of way for a
minimum period of six months, and maximum period of twelve months for trucks and
equipment to gain access to the pond.
Attached for your information is a pond graphic showing a cross section of the repair area
as it exists today, a cross section showing the area repaired, and an aerial view of the
repair area. I am also attaching a map of the proposed traffic route utilizing the Cross
Seminole Trail.
If you need additional information, please contact me at your convenience.
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
cc: Mayor and Commission
County Manager
Chanh Nguyen
Nguyen Attorney
02/Letters/112102 Nguyen Access Request
~.- ---~._-- -- -- --
December 1.0; 2002
-_.-~." ."--- ....- .~_.._. .
"._~_____.._. ... ._....-...__._.4
......... -.--.-'
.-..'-' ..,......-...
Conunissioner Morris discussed the Letter ( copy. received &
filed) from the .City Manager of Winter Springs requesting
temporary access to the Cross Seminole Coun.ty Trail right-of-way
for truck traffic associated with the repair of a pond
embankment for a borrow pit owned by. Cha~h N.9uyen. -
Motion by Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner
Henley to instruct staff to give permission, under the City of
Winter Springs! supervision, temporary access to the Cross
Seminole County Trail right-of-way for truck tr.affic associated
with the repair of a pond emb.ankment at the borrow pi't owned by
Chanh Nguyen, for a period not longer than six months and that
t. ld b only during daylight hours (no
the truck opera ~on wou e
earlier than 8:0Q..a.m.)
Districts 1, 2, 4 and 5 voted AYE.
post-I~Fax Note 7671
To t...~~'
John F Bush, Mayor received thefollowing e-mail, from Mr. Tom Waters.
Mr. Waters is aware that this has become a public record.
Notes Relating to Winter Springs Borrow Pit Development Agreement
January 12,2003
1. Suggest that the Development Agreement contain a definition section so as to reduce
any misunderstandings.
2. The Development Agreement uses the terms "landfill operations," "landfill activities"
and "landfilling" throughout the document.
);> Chapter 62-701, F.A.C., defines "Landfill" as-
"Landfill" means a solid waste disposalfacility, which is an area of land or an
excavation where wastes are or have been placed for disposal, for which a
permit, other than a general permit, is required by Section 403. 707, 'FS. This
term shall not include:
(a) a land spreading site;
(b) a surface impoundment;
(c) an injection well defined under and subject to the provisions of Chapter 62-
528, FA.C; or
(d) a construction and demolition debris disposal site regulated by Rule 62-
701.730, FA.C
);> Suggest using a term other than "landfill'~ or defining the terms used in the
Development Agreement.
3. Paragraph 5.2 of the Development Agreement states that only "clean debris" will be
used to fill the Borrow Pit as per Section 62-701.200(15), F AC, which defines "Clean
Debris" as -
"Clean debris" means any solid waste which is virtually inert, l1(hich is not a pollution
threat to ground water or surface waters, is not a fire hazard, and is likely to retain
its physical and chemical structure under expected conditions of disposal or use. The
term includes brick, glass, ceramics, and uncontaminated concrete including
embedded pipe or steel.
>- Suggest changing wording from "The term includes..." to something such as
"Fill material will be limited to..." in order to ensure that undesirable materials
are not used.
);> The debris used to fill to Borrow Pit needs to be tightly defined.
4. Paragraph 5.4 (last sentence) of the Development Agreement states". .. to make the
Property suitable for development purposes." However, according to the St. Johns
River Water Management District (SJRWMD) Permit No. 40-117-69344-1, dated
June 29, 2001 -
);> "PROJECT NAME: Winter Springs Site Agricultural Reclamation" - It does
not refer to development.
"filling 0.98 acres of an existing borrow pit to allow planting of a 3.6-acre citrus
grove in the City of Winter Springs in Seminole County. This permit authorizes
0.98 acres of impacts to an existing borrow pit." - Again, it does not refer to a
~ Paragraphs 24 & 25 of the SJRWMD permit also refer to a citrus grove.
~ Does the applicant have approval from SJR WMD to develop the property or
plant a citrus grove?
~ Does the City have the right to allow development without SJR WMD modifying
their permit?
5. Paragraph 8.0 states - "In addition, Owner shall perform the landfill operations using
standard trade practices. . . "
~ What are the standard trade practices that are referenced?
~ Are they "landfill" practices? - Could that make the site fall under FDEP Solid
Waste rules?
6. Paragraph 10 - requires a performance and payment bond of $25,000.00 to insure the
City against any and all damage to Tuskawilla Road.
~ Memo date November II, 2002 to the City from CPH Engineers states that the
cost of repairing Tuskawilla Road, if it were damaged would be approximately
7. Paragraph 13 states - "As part of the final inspection, Owner shall provide the City
with a written certification that all material used to fill the Borrow Pit complies with
the conditions set forth in Paragraph 5.0 above."
~ What happens if he cannot certify that it meets the requirements?
8. Paragraph 14.0-
~ Suggest changing wording so as to allow the City entry at any time.
~ Also, suggest adding language that the City will be provided with keys or
combinations to all locks on the gates so they can gain entrance in the event of an
emergency or if the owner or agents default on the project.
9. What about noise, dust, safety and odor effects on Winter Springs High School?
~ Is everyone aware how close the property and trail right-of-way are to WSHS?
10. Comments and Questions relating to the fill material-
~ Specifically, what is going to be used for fill?
~ Where will the fill material be brought in from?
~ Good fill dirt is a commodity. That is why the borrow pit was dug in the first
~ Concrete is becoming more of a commodity all of the time. It is very recyclable.
~ Most Central Florida roads are asphalt. Asphalt is not considered clean fill;
however, it is not mentioned in the definitions/Development Agreement.
~ Is the Owner or his agents considering using Construction and Demolitions
Debris Fines?
~ If wrong materials are used to fill this borrow pit it could result in -
. The land settling in the future - giving Winter Springs its very own sink
Contamination to groundwater, affecting private drinking water wells, Lake
Jessup, etc.
Problem materials include
o Asphalt
Odors - especially -
Gypsum, e.g., from drywall or C & D fines
o Releases Hydrogen Sulfide gas - a very unpleasant "rotten egg" odor.
Organic materials, e.g., from tree or landscape debris.
o Other odors of decaying materials.
Odors could effect -
o Central Winds Park
o Homeowners
o The Town Center
11. Suggest that the City consider employing an engineer or geologist qualified in the
filling of such borrow pits to review the Development Agreement.