HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 01 13 Other - Document was handed out by Diane Black under Public InputDate: 011303
The following Document was handed out on
1 / 13/03 by Diane Black under "Public Input".
Community 5K
Fos A Cure
April 13, 2003
Winter Spriaags, Fl.
Laura Grant: 407.810.5401
January 13, 2003 Diane Black: 407.696.4835
Breast Cancer 5K Becomes Mission for Local Survivor
WINTER SPRINGS,IFI, - A monthly breast self-exam has been a part of Diane Black's life for
many years. Not because she had a family history, simply because she felt it was important. It
probably saved her life. This past August, she felt a tiny lump that had not been there the month
before. "It felt like a frozen pea," says 36 year-old Black Over the next two months, Black would
undergo a series of tests including a mammogram, an ultrasound and two biopsies. The conclusion:
She had two kinds of breast cancer. Black says her initial response was disbeliei; "How could this
happen to meT'
~ Six months later she talks openly about her radical mastectomy, her reconstructive surgery and her 5-
year prescription of Tamoxifair-an oral chemotherapy treatment. Cancer has forever changed her life.
~ As a survivor, she is on a mission: To spread the word about breast cancer. A telephone call to her
~ friend, Laura Grant, provided a means for her mission.
~ For the past few years, Grant had coordinated a neighborhood SK Breast Cancer Run/Walk to raise
money for organizations committed to breast cancer research. Grant, who lost both her mother and
~ mother-in-law to breast cancer, began the event to ~y tribute to her children's grandmothers and to
~ educate women about early detection and treatment. Both Grant and Black were looking to spread
' their message of awareness throughout their community and further support their cause. Black
suggested the Avon Foundation Breast Cancer Crusade, whose mission it is to provide access to care
~ and find a cure for breast cancer. In November, both women pledged to raise $1,750 each and walk a
~ marathon at the Avon 2-Day in Boston, May 3-4, this year.
' To meet their fundraising goals, Grant and Black are organizing an expanded version of Grant's
~ neighborhood SK. The Community SSForA Cure is scheduled for Sunday, April 13, 2003.
~ Participants will have an opportunity to run or walk the 3.1-mile course throughout Central Winds
1 Park. Race time will begin at 7:30am with the Kids' Race following at 9:OOam Log onto
w~vw.oommunim~ySKforacure.com for more information on how to register, volunteer or learn about
sponsorship opportunities.
Diane Bllack is a 37 year-old mother of two -- who resides with her husband, Ted in Winter Springs. She
was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and has undergone a radical mastectomy to remove the tumor.
She is ciurently taking Tamoxifan to fight any possibilities of her cancer returning. Her goal is to walk 26
miles in the Avon 2-Day, May 3-4 in Boston, Massachusetts. Her fundraising commitment is 51,750. Her
goal for organizing a local SK walk/ruri is to raise dollars to fight breast cancer and raise awareness of the
importance ofself-breast exams and yearly mammograms.
I.anra Grant is a 38 year-old mother of two -- who resides with her husband, Scott in Winter Springs.
Over the past three years, breast cancer has taken the lives of Laura's mother and mother-in-law. Raising
~ awareness has been a mission of Laura's since the lives of the grandmothers of her children were cut shoat
because of this deadly disease. Research and funding - to find a caare and develop suocessfiil methods of
~ prevention - remain in the forefront of Laura's mission. She will also participate in the Avon 2-Day walk
in May. Her fundraising commitment to Avon is 51,750.
Both women have strong ties to their neighborhoods of Oak Forest and Winding Hollow, their place of
worship: Oviedo iJnited Methodist f;hurc~ and their children's school, Keeth Elementary. It is from these
valuable resources that both plan to recruit volunteers, committee chairpersons and eventuallywalls/run
participants to provide financial support for this very important cause.
~ The Avon Foundation
The Avon Foundation, a SO1(cx3) public charity, been committed to improving the lives of women and their
~ families since 19SS. The Avon Foundation was established to provide much needed services and financial support in
the cities, towns and villages where Avon does business. The Avon Foundation has proven its dedication to women
~ and girls through an expanding network oflife-enhancing programs.
For more information on the Avon Foundation, please visit www avonrnmyat~ com/w,gt~davonfonnda~ion/
~ The Avon FoundatLnn Breast Cancer Crusade - Acoess to Care and IN"inding a Cure
~ Through the Avon Foundation Breast Cancer Crusade, we have raised more than X250 million for the cause
worldwide in just tai years. That money goes to support medical research into the possible causes of and cure for
~ breast cancer, education and early detection programs, and clinical care and support services for women with breast
car-cer in communities acxoss the country. There is a special focus on helping medically undeeserved women, the
~ poor, minorities, the elderly, or those with inadequate health insurance. Much of the money granted by the
Foundation goes back to the commumities where it was raised, supporting everything from local grassroots programs
~ to national organizations.
~ Today, Avon is the world's leading corporate supporter of the breast cancer cause. To find out more about the
people and programs supported by the Avon Foundation Breast Cancer Crusade, please visit
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Community SK For a Cure
Sunday, April 13, 2003
The Community SK For a Cure is a new event to the Winter Springs area planned and coordinated by two
local woman dedicated to providing awareness about the methods of early detectiar and treatment of breast
cancer. Family members are invited to come out to cheer loved area ar as participants make their way
through the City of Winter Springs' scenic Central Winds Park raising marey for the Avon Fonndatlon
Breast Cancer CrasAde. A Kids Race ensures that many will bring their entire family to take part in this
very important cause.
Sponsorship opportunities:
Banner at registratiar (provided by sponsor)
sponsor display at event
Acknowledgment and link from the event website
Logo prc~nineatly printed ar event T-shirt
Logo prmninently printed ar registratiar form
P.A. announcement
8 complimentary entries to SK Run/Walk
Sparsorship recognitiar in Kids Race packet
sponsor display at event
Logo exposure ar event T-shirt
Logo exposure ar registratiar form
P.A. announcement
4 complimentary entries to SK Run/Walk
Sponsorship recognition in Kids Race packet
Company name printed ar event T-shirt
Company name printed ar registratiar form
2 complimentary entries to SK Ram/Walk
Sparsorship recognitiar in Kids Race packet
Sponsorship deadline is March 1, 2003. For more information, please contact Ianra Grant at
(407) 327-9229 or Wane Black at (407) 696-4835.
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Community 5K For A Cure
www. cotnmunitySKforacure. con
Date b Time ~~~wy at5 ;~~
Sunday Apri113, 2003 '~ ~
7:30 a.m. SK (3. T miles) run/wallc ~'
This is not a timed event
9:00 a.m. Kids Run
locatbn, DirECflon Fs Parkln~
Central Winds Park, Winter Springs ~ri ~~~,~
From 17-92 go Easton 434 approx. 3.5 miles.
Park entrance will be on the left at light. ~7.
PLEASE NOTE: Registration & event start is located ... µ~(~„ t3 ~gI33
Benefleiary lie sine 1955. The finds
ALL proceeds from this event wi}l benefit the Avon Foundatioq a 501(c) (3}pub ' charity
provide medical research into possible causes of and cure for Breast Cancer, education ~ early cletectioq support
services in local communities and across the country. To find out more, visit www.avonwalk.arg.
Entry Fee ~
Entry foes are non refiuldable Mail entry form to Event Coordinator :
cash/check Diane M. Black
T11ru Apri15, 2003 $1 S 86l Big Buck Circle
Apri16-12, 2003 $17 Winter Springs, Fl. 32708
Event Day $25 (407} 696-4835
Kids Run
$5.00 enfily fee. Distances range from 100 yards to 1 mile. Everyone must register on event day to participate. Children. w11I
receive goodie-bags!!
Available for purchase on event day. Designed by Ted Black of Black Design.
Raffle T~kets
Purchase $1.00 tickets for a chance to win vahlable prizes at local restaurants, salons, florist and more!!
Community 5K Foi A Curb Make check or money order to: Avon Foundation
Mail complete entry form to : Diane M Black 861 Big Buck Cstcle.,
Winter Springs, F'1. 32708' (407)69611835
WAI~R -INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED ENTRY FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. In consideration of my entry being accepted, I intend to be legacy
bound, and do hemby, for myself, my heirs, executor, waive and release all rights and claims for damages which may have or which may hereinaftc accrrre to me
against Event Organizers, City of Winter Springs, Central Winds Park, Winter Springs Parks and Recmation Department of the above mentioned race/walk and iYa
sponsor's upon which I am enteaing, any subsidiary or political division thereof; of they respective offices, agents, directors, representatives, successors, assigns,
sponsors far any and all damages or injuries which may be sustained and suffered by me in camnectim with my asaociatioa with entry or participation in the event as
is mentioned above If I should suffer iaj~ay ar illness I authorise officials of the race to use their discrdioa t+o have me transported to a medical facility. and I take
full responsibility for this action. I attest and certify the I am physically fit arbd have sufficiently treated for the armph:tion of this event. I hereby grant full petmis
lion to any and all of the foregoing to use any Photographs. videotapes, motion picttms, recordings or any ottte< record of the event for any purpose. Bicycles, baby
strollersfjoggers, dogs, inline/mller skates, headphones aro prohibited I HAVE READ THE ABOVE RELEASE AND UNDERSTAND THAT I AM ENTERING
SIGNATURE: I agree to the above waivers ffitd disclaimers. DATE: