HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 01 13 Informational D Capital Improvement Project
January 13,2003
REQUEST: Public Works Department is advising the City Commission of the status of
various Capital Improvement Projects
PURPOSE: This agenda item is to update the Commission on the status of current Capital
Improvement projects.
16" Water Distribution Main - Water line installed and tied into Water Plant #1 and pressure
tested. Awaiting tie into water line on Tuskawilla Road after repair of existing valve. Estimated
completion date is in January 2003. (1/6/03)
East Water Reclamation Facility Filters - Project construction began on December 2, 2002. Project
on schedule and 70% complete. Estimated completion is in March 2003. (1/6/03)
SR 434 Water Main (Vistawilla Road to Spine Road) - Design 90% complete. Waiting for
easements from Casscells and Schrimsher. (12/9/02)
Utility / Public Works Compound Force Main - Retained Lochrane Engineering to reuse the
Respite Center design for permitting and bidding. Permits pending for FDEP and CSX Railroads.
Utility / Public Works Compound - SRI conducting Needs and Space Analysis. Staff written
surveys from the week of 12/9, results turned into SRI. Group interview to take place the week of
1/13/03. (1/6/03)
Well #4 - CPR modifying Consumptive Use Permit to permit new proposed well location adjacent
to Northern Way in Trotwood Park. (12/9/02)
Reclaimed Water Augmentation - CPR analyzing current demands to project future needs.
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Tuskawilla Road / SR 434 Traffic Signal- Construction proceeding. Waiting delivery of mast arms
for traffic signal. Estimated Completion May 2003. (12/9/02)
Main Street / Hickory Grove Streetscape - Bids were opened 11/20 with the low bid being
$781,795.37. References of contractor being reviewed. Need right of way for Tuskawilla Road
from Schrimsher. One Cent Interlocal agreement executed. Estimated completion of Phase 1 is April
2003, Phase 2 is October 2003. (1/6/03)
SR 434 / Wagner's Curve Traffic Signal - Commission approved to piggyback off Seminole
County contract on 12/9/02. Preconstruction meeting held on December 26, 2002. Estimated
completion May 2003. (1/6/03)
SR 419/ Edgemon Traffic Signal- LAP Agreement approved in November. FDOT will fund up
to $211,000 for the signalization and turn lane improvements. Final design underway. Projected
construction completion June 2003. (12/9/02)
SR 434/ Doran Drive Traffic Signal..:.. CPH submitting warrant analysis to FDOT for approval. It
is likely the City Hall median opening will be required to be changed to a directional only to get
signalization at Doran Drive. (12/9/02)
SR 434 Improvements (Village Walk)- FDOT 90% design documents received in November,
project certified final plans design in March 2003. Construction projected for August 2003 through
April 2004. (1/6/03)
SR 434 Highway Beautification Grant - Funding amount approved $214,079.03. Construction
scheduled to begin July 2003. work to be performed by Public Works Department staff (1/6/03)
SR 419/ Moss Road Turn Lane- Design 95% complete by PEC. FDOT permit pending. (1/6/03)
Cross Seminole Trail - 90% Design plans have been received. The proposed construction limits for
the paved are from Wade Street to approximately 500 east of Magnolia Park and from the SR 434
trail bridge to Gardena. The unpaved portion of the trail and paved portion in the middle of the
Schrimsher property impacted by the eagle are not included in the design. (12/9/02)
Pedestrian Bridge - Cross Seminole Trail - Approved by Seminole County Commission. The
designlbuild contract is 18 months with construction projected to begin in August 2003. (12/9/02)
Fisher Road - Design 90% complete. SJRWMD permit submitted 12/15/02. (12/9/02)
Central Winds Park Boulevard - Preliminary design underway by CPR in conjunction with
Michael Design Associates. Projected construction start date is July 2003 with a completion date of
January 2004. (12/9/02)
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Winter Springs Boulevard Reconstruction - Design budgeted for this year. Waiting for One Cent
funds to be available. (12/9/02)
Torcaso Park Expansion - Project substantially complete. Meeting with SJWMD for storm sewer
system on January 8, 2003. Final punch list items being completed. (1/6/03)
Central Winds Park Expansion - Clearing of project site SJRWMD in permitting. Bid opening
moved to January 29,2003. Estimate project completion May 2003. (1/6/03)