HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 06 24 Regular I NEW Arbor Ordinance Citizen Review Committee
062402 Regular I Town Center Arbor Ord.doe
Public Hearing
Regular X
June 24, 2002
Mgr./l,/j/ Dept.
REQUEST: City Manager requesting the City Commission to hold a Public Workshop on
July 15, 2002 on the status of the Town Center, and to authorize the City Manager to
prepare a resolution creating the Arbor Ordinance Citizen Review Committee for review
and adoption on July 8, 2002.
PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed to authorize ways and means for addressing citizen
concerns regarding the development of the Town Center and the revised Arbor Ordinance.
CONSIDERATIONS: In recent weeks there has been considerable public comments expressing
concerns about the manner in which the Town Center is being developed and the effectiveness of
the revised Arbor Ordinance.
Since these are matters of substantial importance to the city, it is important that we adopt
appropriate measures for addressing these citizen concerns.
Town Center:
In regards to the Town Center, I am recommending that the city sponsor a public forum on the
status of the Town Center on July 15, 2002 at City Hall to allow Victor Dover, the designer of
the Town Center and James Doran, the developer of the first phase of the Town Center to review
the purpose and intent of the Town Center, progress to date in the irnplementation of Town
Center goals, anticipated progress of the near, intermediate, and long-term, and to provide
concerned citizens with the opportunity to have their concerns addressed by the designer,
developer, City Commission and city staff.
Revised Arbor Ordinance
I am recommending that the City Commission create an Arbor Ordinance Citizen Review
Committee for the purpose of reviewing the revised ordinance and to make recommendations
relative to opportunities that rnay exist to improve the ordinance. Relatedly, I am recornmending
that the City Commission authorize me to develop an appropriate resolution formally
061002 Regular M
Miller Variance
establishing the authority for the Committee for consideration at the July 8, 2002 Commission
FUNDING: No additional budgeting authority is required to fund these two recommendations.
1. Authorize July 15,2002 at 7:00 PM at City Hall for a Public Workshop on the status
of the development of the Town Center.
2. Authorize the City Manager to prepare a resolution creating the Arbor Ordinance
Citizen Review Committee for consideration by the Commission at the July 8, 2002
Commission meeting.
A TT ACHMENTS: May 24, 2002 City Manager Letter
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
May 24, 2002
Honorable Mayor
City of Winter Springs
Dear Mayor Partyka:
As you know, I am on vacation this week and unable to be at tonight's meeting. There is an issue of
importance that I feel I need to address with you for consideration at tonight's meeting.
ft has come to our attention that concerns were raised at a recent meeting of Winter Springs' res, :',~::L~:
regarding the Town Center and the recently revised tree ordinance,
Based upon my discussions with people that attended the meeting these concerns can be summarized as
L The Town Center will not be developed in accordance with its initiai neo-traditional goals, and
2. The tree ordinance as recently revised places an unreasonable burden upon existing property owners
while allowing unresponsible development.
There appears to be a tremendous amount of misinformation fueling these issues.
None the less, due to the Town Center's importance to the economic future of our community and iLe
importance of the tree ordinance as a tool for preserving our urban forest resources, we iu:.v::; ':; l)':;
intensely sensitive to our citizens concerns regarding these important community resources and eXl)'
misgivings the public may have with them.
Relatedly, I want to advise you that I will be placing an agenda item on the June 27, 2002 Commission
meeting agenda for the purpose of making specific re'commeridations to the Commission fOr effc'cti'veli
dealing with these citizen concerns,
Due to the importance of these issues I would like to personally hear any comments the public might
provide under public comment. Therefore, I would hope that we could delay public comment on this item
to the June 27, 2002 Commission meeting, Finally, f would appreciate you reading this letter into the
record of the meeting prior to public input.
City Manager
cc: City Commission
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