HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 09 27 Other Handout Given By Scott R. Christiansen, Esquire Date: September 27, 2006 The attached was distributed during the September 27, 2006 City Commission Workshop by Scott R. Christiansen, Esquire. Overview 1 Municipal Police and Fire 1 Retirement 1 Human Resource Support 1 Depart... Page 1 of 8 - Overview Table of Contents 1. Introduction to the MPF office 2. Minimum plan requirements for participating plans 3. MPF office primary responsibilities 4. Statutory Authority 5. Chapter 175/185 History 6. Detailed Legislative History 1. Introduction: Sections 175.021 and 185.01, Florida Statutes, proclaim the vital function that police officers and firefighters provide on behalf of the public for both their local communities and the State of Florida. In establishing these two chapters, the Legislature declared that it is a proper anc legitimate state purpose to provide a uniform retirement system for the benefit of firefighters and police officers and that such retirement systems or plans be managed, administered, operated and funded in such a manner as to maximize the protection of the Municipal Police Officers' Retirement Trust Funds and the Firefighters' Pension Trust Funds. The Municipal Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust Funds Office, housed within the Division of Retirement, is the state entity responsible for the administrative oversight of local police and fire pension funds in the State of Florida which participate under Chapters 175 and 185, Florida Statutes. Chapter 175 refers to firefighters' plans and Chapter 185 refers to the police officers' plans. These Statutes provide a means to regulate the minimum pension benefits provided to local police officers and firefighters under these defined benefit retirement plans. There are two types of plans that operate under these statutes: Chapter Plans (plans that adopt the chapter by reference) and Local Law Plan! (plans that are created by a special act, local ordinance or resolution that meet minimum standards set forth in ss. 175.351 & 185.35). For both types of plans, the day-to-day operational control of the individual trust funds is vested in the respective boards of trustees created at the local level, subject to regulatory oversight by the Division of Retirement. Participating cities and special fire control districts are eligible to receive annual distributions of state premium tax collections on property and casualty insurance policies written within the city/district limits or boundaries of the participating plan. The amount of premium taxes collected under Chapter 175 is equal to 1.850/0 of all property insurance written within the city limits or boundaries (in the case of fire districts) of the participating plan. Chapter 185 levies a 0.850/0 tax on http://dms.myflorida.com/dms2/human Jesource _ support/retirement/municipal-IJolice _an... 9/22/2006 Overview 1 Municipal Police and Fire 1 Retirement 1 Human Resource Support 1 Depart... Page 2 of 8 all casualty insurance premiums written within the city limits of the participating plan. These amounts are collected by the Department of Revenue and reported or the DR-90S tax return, and then transferred to the Police Officers' and Firefighters' Premium Tax Trust Fund at the Division of Retirement. These funds are then available for distribution on or before July 1 to the participating pension plans on an annual basis, once the plan has been determined to be in compliance with all applicable statutory requirements. Further funding for these plans is provided by employee contributions, other revenue sources and employer contributions. The city (or special fire district) contributions are required to be adequate to meet any funding deficiencies as calculated by the plan's actuary, after all other revenue sources have been considered. 2. Minimum Plan Requirements: Minimum standards require normal retirement for firefighters and police officers a age 55 with 10 years of service, or age 52 with 25 years of service. The benefit formula must provide at least a 20/0 retirement benefit for each year of service, multiplied by average final compensation (based on the 5 best of the last 10 years' pay). A summary of the minimum benefit provisions is provided below: Earnings Total number of years, and fractional parts of years of service with the municipality or special fire control district Total cash remuneration - Police Fixed monthly compensation - Fire Average annual compensation of the 5 best of thE last 10 years of credited service Credited Service Average Final Compensation (AFC) Normal Retirement - Eligibility Earlier of: Age 55 with 10 years of credited service, or age 52 with 25 years of credited service 2.00/0 of AFC times years of credited service 10 years certain and life (optional forms available) 10 years of credited service - Benefit Amount - Normal Form of Benefit Vesting Early Retirement - Eligibility - Benefit Amount Age 50 with 10 years of credited service Accrued retirement benefit, actuarially reduced by 30/0 for each year member's age precedes member's normal retirement date http://dms.myflorida.com/dms2/human _resource _ support/retirement/municipatpolice _an... 9/22/2006 - Overview 1 Municipal Police and Fire 1 Retirement 1 Human Resource Support 1 Depart... Page 3 of 8 . . Disability - Eligibility - Non-Vested Day 1 coverage for line-of-duty and 10 years of service for non-line-of-duty Accrued benefit, but not less than 420/0 of average monthly earnings (AME) for line-of-duty and accrued benefit, but not less than 250/0 of AME for non-line-of-duty Refund of contributions without interest (applies only for non-line-of-duty) 10 years certain and life (optional forms available) - Benefit Amount - Normal Form of Benefit Death Benefits - Prior to Retirement Less than 10 years of service, beneficiary receives refund of contributions without interest. - Post Retirement 10 or more years of credited service, beneficiary receives accrued retirement benefit at early (actuarially reduced) or normal retirement date payable for 10 years certain. Benefits payable to beneficiary in accordance with option selected at retirement date. Contributions - Employee - State Premium Tax 50/0 of earnings (may be reduced by local ordinance / resolution to 1/2 of 10/0) 1.850/0 tax on premium for property insurance for fire 0.850/0 tax on premiums for casualty insurance for police Remaining amount necessary for payment of normal cost and amortization of the accrued past service liability over 40 years Two residents appointed by the city / district, twc firefighters / police officers elected by a majority of covered members, and a fifth member elected by the other four. Trustees serve a two-year term and may be reappointed / elected. - City / District Board of Trustees 3. Division of Retirement Primary Responsibilities: Sections 175.341 and 185.23, Florida Statutes, provide that the Division of http://dms.myflorida.com/ dms2/human _resource _ support/retirement/municipatpolice _an... 9/22/2006 Overview 1 Municipal Police and Fire 1 Retirement 1 Human Resource Support 1 Depart... Page 4 of 8 Retirement shall be responsible for the daily oversight and monitoring for actuarie soundness of the plans, for receiving and holding the premium tax moneys collected and, upon determining compliance with the provisions of these chapters, for disbursing those moneys to the Firefighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Plans. Within the Division of Retirement, the responsibility for the aforementioned has been delegated to the Municipal Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust Funds' (MPF) Office.The major responsibiltiies include: -Review Plan Documents, actuarial cost statements and annual reports to determine compliance with requirements of Chapters 175 and 185, Florida Statutes. -Distribute premium tax monies by July 1, of each year to eligible cities and districts that are in compliance with Chapters 175/185 and Part VII of Chapter 112. . -Provide support and assistance to cities, fire districts, boards, participants, etc. regarding Chapters 175 and 185, Florida Statutes, through correspondence, newsletters, annual conferences and trustee schools, etc. 4. Statutory Authority: The statutory authority for the Division of Retirement to administer the municipal police officers' and firefighters' pension program is found in Chapters 175 and 185, Florida Statutes. In establishing these two chapters, the legislature declared, in s. 175.021 and s. 185.01, that it is a proper and legitimate state purpose to provide a uniform retirement system for the benefit of firefighters and police officers and that such retirement systems or plans be managed, administered, operated and funded in such a manner as to maximize the protection of the Municipal Police Officers' Retirement Trust Funds and the Firefighters' Pension Trust Funds. Other pertinent statutory and constitutional authority: _ Article X, Section 14, Florida Constitution "State retirement systems benefit changes. - A governmental unit responsible for any retirement or pension system supported in whole or in part by public pension funds shall not, after January 1, 1977, provide any increase in the benefits to the members or beneficiaries of such system unless such unit has made or concurrently makes provisions for funding of the increase in benefits on a sound actuarial basis." http://dms.myflorida.com/dms2/humanJesource _ support/retirement/municipalyolice _an... 9/2212006 Overview 1 Municipal Police and Fire 1 Retirement 1 Human Resource Support 1 Depart... Page 5 of 8 Part VII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, entitled, "The Florida Protection of Public Employees Retirement Benefits Act", which provides in part: "Legislative Intent -- It is the intent of the Legislature in implementing the provision of Section 14 of Article X of the State Constitution, relating to governmental retirement systems, that such retirement system or plans be managed, administered, operated and funded in such a manner as to maximize the protection of publiC employee retirement benefits ... This act hereby establishes minimum standards for the operation and funding of publiC employee retirement systems and plans." 5. History of the 175/185 Program 1939 - Municipal Firefighters' Pension Fund created by Chapter 19112, Laws of Florida. 1953 - Municipal Police Officers' Pension Fund created by Chapter 28230, Laws 01 Florida, Municipalities were required to certify to the Department of Insurance tha their city complied with Sections 175.041 and 185.03, Florida Statutes by having an organized fire or police department which owned or used equipment valued at a specified dollar amount. Upon receipt of certification, the Department of Insurance remitted premium taxes. 1957 - Legislature directed the Department of Insurance to conduct a survey of the various plans to determine if state moneys were being used properly and if plans were operated on an actuarially sound basis.The survey pointed out that many plans were not actuarially sound and the state moneys were not being used properly. 1959 - The Legislature gave the cities until July 1, 1964, to comply with the statE statutes pertaining to minimum funding in order to continue receiving state premium tax moneys. Major changes were made in the law to require that the plans be funded on an actuarially sound basis and that the cities report annually to the Department of Insurance to ensure that plan funding was maintained on a current basis. 1963 - Completely revised Ch. 175 (superseded older version). Defined AFC as average of "10 best contributing years of last 15 years". Clarified benefits not subject to execution, attachment, assignment. Specified that certain sections were applicable to all cities, and that the rest were only applicable to cities not already having a 175 plan. Otherwise, revised provisions to essentially match police plans. 1986 - Minimum benefit levels were raised.The MPF Office is required to monitor benefit improvements as "state moneys are adequate to provide", and to make http://dms.myflorida.coml dms2/human _resource _ support/retirement/municipatpolice _an,.. 9/22/2006 - Overview 1 Municipal Police and Fire 1 Retirement 1 Human Resource Support 1 Depart... Page 6 of 8 sure all cities comply. 1988 - Sections 175.101 and 185.08 were amended to change the amount premium tax levied from 20/0 to 1.850/0 for Fire and from 10/0 to 0.850/0 for Police. 1992 - Legislature provides that 1/2 of the increase in state premium tax moneys provided under Chapters 175 and 185, Florida Statutes, may be used to establish a Retiree Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund. The MPF Office was given additional duties that included reviewing annual reports and plan documents to determine compliance with chapter provisions and eligibility for state premium ta) moneys. 1993 - The MPF Office, along with all existing duties and responsibilities, transferred to the Division of Retirement.In addition, oversight is extended to the Special Independent Fire Districts that are now eligible to participate under Chapter 175, Florida Statutes.The MPF Office was also given the responsibility of identifying for the Department of Revenue those municipalities and special fire control districts that are eligible for a redistribution of moneys transferred to the Supplemental Compensation Fund as provided in s. 633.382 (4)(c)2, Florida Statutes. 1995 - Legislation passes which transfers all Chapter 175 and 185 premium tax moneys from the Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund (Department of Insurance) to the Division of Retirement; thus all aspects of administering Chapters 175 and 185, are once again housed within one state agency, the Division of Retirement.Additionally, cities and special districts are allowed to revoke their election to participate in the Florida Retirement System.Any city or fire district that chooses to opt out is required to provide a retirement plan for its police officers and firefighters hired after January 1, 1996, that meets or exceed the "Chapter" plan benefits under Chapters 175 and 185, Florida Statutes. 1998 - Legislation passes amending and revising the provisions of ss.175.071, and 185.06, Florida Statutes, related to the general powers and duties of the board of trustees to require that all plans have a performance evaluation of their professional money managers and revised the investment provisions providing greater investment latitude and including a provision allowing the board to invest up to 100/0 of the plan assets in foreign securities. 1999 - Legislation passes amending and revising the provisions of Chapters 175 and 185, F.S., for the primary purpose of providing for the uniform application of minimum benefits and standards to all police and fire pension plans receiving funding from the State.In addition to general clarification of the statutory provisions, the legislation defines "Chapter Plans" and "Local Law Plans", clarifies terminology relating to "sole and exclusive" use of premium tax funds and "extra benefits", dissolves general plans, except for a " supplemental plan municipality", http://dms.myflorida.comldms2/human _resource _ support/retirement/municipatpolice _an... 9/2212006 Overview 1 Municipal Police and Fire 1 Retirement 1 Human Resource Support 1 Depart... Page 7 of 8 and provides for transfer of assets to a police or fire only plan or a combined police and fire plan. 2002 - Legislation passes amending the provisions of Chapters 175 and 185 with regard to the makeup of the board of trustees and the plan's termination for closed plans only. 2004 - Provides a short title in memory of Marvin B. Clayton, former Bureau Chie of the Municipal Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Office and steadfast advocate for police officers and firefighters; provides for the establishment of a premium tax database by the Department of Revenue beginning with the 2005 calendar year; includes a clarification that the increases in state premium tax revenues over and above the amount collected for the calendar year 1997, are to be used first to meet the minimums and then to be used for "extra benefits" over and above those provided to general employees and in addition to those in existence for firefighters and police officers on March 12, 1999 (the effective date of Chapter 99-1, Laws of Florida); and adds a provision allowing retirees to provide authorization to the Board to make certain deductions from his monthly pension check. Please note that the information on this page is intended to provide a basic summary of some of the provisions of Chapters 175/185 and the operations of thl Municipal Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust Funds' Office. Nothing contained herein will take the place of, or supersede, the provisions contained in Chapters 175 / 185, FS or the local ordinances of the participating pension plans. Please refer to the Statutes and / or local ordinances for actual provisions. September 22, 2006 Retirement . Contact Us . DROP . Employer Page . Estimates . Forms . Legislation . Municij2al Police and flr~ o - Annual Reports o - Contact Us o - Current Issues o - Links o - Overview http://dms.myflorida.comldms2/human Jesource _ support/retirement/municipatpolice _an... 9/22/2006 verview 1 Municipal Police and Fire 1 Retirement 1 Human Resource Support 1 Depart... Page 8 of 8 . Legislative History for Chapters 175 & 185 - Statistics . Online Services . Optional Plans . Publications . Public Records . Resources . Retiree Page . Website Feedback Return to Human Resource Support Help Desk I Privacy Statement I Accessibility I Website Feedback I Copyright @2006 Department of Management Services - State of Florida http://dms.myflorida.com/dms2/humanJesource _ support/retirement/municipatpolice _an... 9/22/2006 Police Officers' 2005 Premium Tax Distribution City Code Final 2005 Distribution Amount City Name 106 118 119 128 130 132 134 141 148 151 165 167 168 169 183 191 192 203 212 222 229 251 253 257 258 265 268 270 278 279 ',287 288 292 293 294 296 298 301 317 326 331 333 349 359 361 365 371 374 377 379 AL TAMONTE SPRINGS APOPKA ARCADIA ATLANTIC BEACH AUBURN DALE AVENTURA AVON PARK BAL HARBOUR VILLAGE BARTOW BAY HARBOR ISLAND BELLE GLADE BELLEAIR BELLEAIR BEACH BELLEVIEW BOCA RATON BOYNTON BEACH BRADENTON BROOKSVILLE BUSHNELL CAPE CORAL CASSELBERRY CLEARWATER CLERMONT COCOA COCOA BEACH COOPER CITY CORAL GABLES CORAL SPRINGS CRESCENT CITY CRESTVIEW DADE CITY DANIA BEACH DAVIE DAYTONA BEACH DAYTONA BEACH SHORES DEERFIELD BEACH DELAND DELRA Y BEACH DUNNELLON EATONVILLE EDGEWATER EDGEWOOD EUSTIS FERNANDINA BEACH FLAGLER BEACH FLORIDA CITY FORT LAUDERDALE FORT MYERS FORT PIERCE FORT WALTON BEACH $305,497.08 $311,800.27 $89,520.56 $108,818.30 $114,062.14 $149,567.23 $66,598.84 $49,053.13 $131,663.04 $32,589.24 $98,713.62 $36,678.80 $11,252.27 $57,739.14 $1,378,731.23 $671,673.80 $591,985.85 $199,979.81 $29,229.53 $829,516.17 $190,696.45 $984,411.75 $199,035.42 $199,412.31 $93,786.63 $214,694.0"1 $463,998.55 $870,163.39 $16,116.77 $121,105.48 $132,839.09 $120,200.01 $607,385.83 $404,766.53 $16,309.17 $437,892.85 $210,040.69 $670,488.91 $71,163.90 $9,681.36 $119,224.68 $22,015.56 $110,498.45 $107,822.39 $47,532.92 $38,538.50 $1,901,400.51 $795,319.92 $369,999.48 $200,944.26 Page 1 of 4 8/1/2006 11 :33 AM Police Officers' 2005 Premium Tax Distribution City Code Final 2005 Distribution Amount City Name 384 387 400 415 416 425 427 431 432 442 443 458 459 461 464 472 477 479 481 491 492 501 505 509 515 524 526 530 536 539 544 545 546 551 552 553 560 578 579 590 595 596 604 607 618 620 621 626 627 628 FROSTPROOF GAINESVILLE GOLDEN BEACH GREEN COVE SPRINGS GREENACRES GULF BREEZE GULF PORT HAINES CITY HALLANDALE BEACH HIALEAH HIALEAH GARDENS HOLLY HILL HOLL YWOOD HOLMES BEACH HOMESTEAD HOWEY-IN-THE-HILLS INDIALANTIC INDIAN HARBOUR BEACH INDIAN SHORES JACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE BEACH JUPITER KEY BISCAYNE KEY WEST KISSIMMEE LADY LAKE LAKE ALFRED LAKE CITY LAKE HELEN LAKE MARY LAKE WALES LAKE WORTH LAKELAND LAUDERHILL LANTANA LARGO LEESBURG LONGBOAT KEY LONGWOOD LYNN HAVEN MADISON MAITLAND MARCO ISLAND (new city) MARIANNA MEDLEY MELBOURNE MELBOURNE BEACH MIAMI MIAMI BEACH MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE $26,601.30 $632,775.65 $25,449.80 $81,316.67 $141,461.80 $58,100.13 $75,623.51 $106,594.33 $193,589.17 $1,250,664.00 $99,818.11 $74,699.30 $1,112,804.26 $22,980.72 $265,269.21 $9,244.31 $63,480.86 $52,754.20 $14,873.36 $4,588,440.64 $180,819.00 $771,595.97 $82,152.66 $177,930.65 $635,012.36 $98,209.34 $20,905.77 $155,997.68 $15,406.41 $180,306.41 $111,302.05 $546,501.32 $779,989.25 $249,844.53 $100,229.97 $611,553.31 $184,827.50 $62,317.27 $244,932.53 $91,105.58 $31,441.36 $109,106.63 $54,781.33 $53,515.39 $50,461.55 $571,640.13 $42,790.49 $5,354,288.51 $528,637.83 $63,371.07 Page 2 of 4 8/1/2006 11 :33 AM Police Officers' 2005 Premium Tax Distribution City Code Final 2005 Distribution Amount City Name 629 640 645 649 655 666 671 675 676 686 687 690 693 695 701 706 722 725 728 736 741 743 744 745 746 752 754 755 761 770 773 776 787 789 790 796 801 807 811 816 831 836 839 846 849 855 856 865 867 869 MIAMI SPRINGS MILTON MIRAMAR MONTICELLO MOUNT DORA NAPLES NEPTUNE BEACH NEW PORT RICHEY NEW SMYRNA BEACH NORTH MIAMI NORTH MIAMI BEACH NORTH PORT OAKLAND PARK OCALA OCOEE OKEECHOBEE ORANGE PARK ORLANDO ORMOND BEACH OVIEDO PAHOKEE PALATKA PALM BAY PALM BEACH PALM BEACH GARDENS PALMETTO PANAMA CITY PANAMA CITY BEACH PARKLAND PEMBROKE PINES PENSACOLA PERRY PINELLAS PARK PLANTATION PLANT CITY POMPANO BEACH PORT ORANGE PORT ST. LUCIE PUNTA GORDA QUINCY RIVIERA BEACH ROCKLEDGE ROYAL PALM BEACH ST. AUGUSTINE ST. CLOUD ST. PETERSBURG ST. PETE BEACH SANFORD SANIBEL SARASOTA $80,760.61 $111,404.14 $617,117.80 $31,279.20 $76,008.24 $773,953.70 $47,575.52 $305,874.99 $149,496.72 $238,413.55 $273,148.40 $191,599.50 $173,752.07 $569,421.43 $168,368.79 $134,180.89 $235,660.38 $3,049,462.85 $302,091.35 $211,087.47 $25,635.94 $76,218.67 $479,034.44 $226,181.11 $428,055.49 $110,320.22 $371,656.00 $93,883.30 $106,002.99 $965,546.96 $662,758.94 $58,748.17 $302,760.46 $615,796.44 $298,965.64 $827,490.06 $279,159.26 $664,463.95 $195,983.19 $65,113.75 $158,334.83 $164,202.05 $196,882.06 $271,723.36 $193,218.89 $1,648,464.97 $70,633.66 $305,512.72 $49,206.68 $780,579.79 Page 3 of 4 8/1/2006 11 :33 AM Police Officers' 2005 Premium Tax Distribution City Code Final 2005 Distribution Amount City Name 870 873 874 879 894 898 900 909 911 912 916 918 919 920 921 925 926 930 936 938 941 944 946 947 954 963 966 978 984 985 986 SATELLITE BEACH SEBASTIAN SEBRING SHAll MAR SOUTH MIAMI SPRINGFIELD STARKE SUNRISE SURFSIDE SWEETWATER TALLAHASSEE TAMPA TAMARAC TARPON SPRINGS TAVARES TEMPLE TERRACE TEQUESTA TITUSVILLE UMATILLA VALPARAISO VENICE VERO BEACH VILLAGE OF N. PALM BEACH VILLAGE OF PALM SPRINGS WAUCHULA WEST MELBOURNE WEST PALM BEACH WILTON MANORS WINTER GARDEN WINTER HAVEN WINTER PARK $85,356.60 $117,621.48 $132,534.70 $23,212.42 $66,993.65 $17,061.23 $73,922.89 $512,972.82 $35,361.72 $16,913.53 . $1,272,251.54 $3,381,121.35 $381,440.29 $190,437.69 $69,363.35 $116,163.84 $65,700.10 $272,997.41 $30,581.23 $27,344.62 $219,537.20 . $369,696.90 $81,717.41 $50,888.33 $45,598.47 $68,527.63 $1,271,619.55 $65,792.16 $192,238.68 $287,269.99 $280,854.77 GRAND TOTALS Page 4 of 4 $64325.956.14 8/1/2006 11 :33 AM . Firefighter 2005 Premium Tax Distribution City City Code Ntlme Distribution Amount 15 BOCA GRANDE FCD 17 BONITA SPRINGS FCD 21 DESTIN FCD 23 EAST LAKE TARPON 24 EAST NAPLES FCD 27 ENGLEWOOD FCD 29 ESTERO FCD 43 MIDWAY FCD 47 NORTH BAY FCD 50 NORTH NAPLES FCD 53 NORTH RIVER FCD 55 OCEAN CITY-WRIGHT 57 OKALOOSA IS. FCD 60 PALM HARBOR FCD 64 SAN CARLOS PARK FCD 67 SOUTH WALTON FCD 69 SOUTHERN MANATEE 73 ST LUCIE/FT PIERCE 94 WEST MANATEE FCD 118 APOPKA 119 ARCADIA 130 AUBURN DALE 134 AVON PARK 148 BARTOW 165 BELLE GLADE 171 BELLEAIR BLUFFS 183 BOCA RATON 191 BOYNTON BEACH 192 BRADENTON 203 BROOKSVILLE 210 BUNNELL 222 CAPE CORAL 229 CASSELBERRY 238 CHATTAHOOCHEE 251 CLEARWATER 253 CLERMONT 257 COCOA 258 COCOA BEACH 265 COOPER CITY 268 CORAL GABLES 270 CORAL SPRINGS 278 CRESCENT CITY 279 CRESTVIEW 287 DADE CITY 288 DANIA BEACH 292 DAVIE 293 DAYTONA BEACH 296 DEERFIELD BEACH 298 DELAND 301 DELRA Y BEACH $40,595.76 $403,124.69 $129,104.14 $146,046.12 $200,990.82 $179,579.66 $185,628.20 $52,985.61 $36,014.94 $458,426.35 $130,181.04 $81,748.84 $28,570.91 $167,837.91 $68,845.85 $241,865.45 $239,425.01 $1,212,437.54 $115,813.89 $202,017.84 $36,413.40 $51,092.70 $44,633.23 $55,098.30 $55,601.88 $17,982.44 $997,227.71 $653,087.81 $236,999.13 $65,077.58 $12,147.58 $671,917.00 $73,779.30 $5,166.60 $724,066.30 $80,458.38 $108,878.94 $79,767.00 $171,792.24 $795,210.82 $572,471.39 $11,204.09 $64,840,68 $83,349.13 $171,337.60 $596,983.07 $348,460.55 $561,508.67 $91,125.61 $616,200.65 Page 1 of 4 7/26/2006 1 :08 PM . Firefighter 2005 Premium Tax Distribution City City Code Name Distribution Amount 303 DEL TONA 316 DUNEDIN 317 DUNNELLON 331 EDGEWATER 349 EUSTIS 359 FERNANDINA BEACH 361 FLAGLER BEACH 371 FORT LAUDERDALE 374 FORT MYERS 379 FORT WALTON BEACH 385 FRUITLAND PARK 387 GAINESVILLE 416 GREENACRES 427 GULF PORT 431 HAINES CITY 432 HALLANDALE BEACH 438 HAVANA 442 HIALEAH 458 HOLLY HILL 459 HOLLYWOOD 464 HOMESTEAD 477 INDIALANTIC 491 JACKSONVILLE 492 JACKSONVILLE BEACH 505 KEY BISCAYNE 509 KEY WEST 515 KISSIMMEE 521 LABELLE 530 LAKE CITY 539 LAKE MARY 542 LAKE PARK 544 LAKE WALES 545 LAKE WORTH 546 LAKELAND 551 LAUDERHILL 552 LANTANA 553 LARGO 554 LAUDERDALE BY THE 555 LAUDERDALE LAKES 560 LEESBURG 572 LIVE OAK 578 LONGBOAT KEY 579 LONGWOOD 590 LYNN HAVEN 592 MACCLENNY 594 MADEIRA BEACH 595 MADISON 596 MAITLAND 603 MARATHON 604 MARCO ISLAND $200,038.32 $157,486.92 $19,228.73 $83,487.36 $53,497.38 $85,530.30 $28,038.77 $1,790,455.10 $403,383.71 $101,017.82 $11,033.52 $539,517.35 $96,598.56 $42,440.14 $54,657.24 $231,435.12 $11,715.44 $977,770.60 $43,732.50 $1,394,746.89 $153,527.78 $39,531.59 $3,085,151.09 $108,496.92 $178,008.12 $289,380.44 $318,809.99 $19,697.66 $90,931.20 $110,158.02 $43,807.15 $66,378.96 $270,827.77 $418,705.43 $250,977.02 $116,718.35 $461,417.03 $39,536.68 $44,955.76 $138,695.36 $21,203.68 $148,151.22 $94,043.99 $42,637.12 $11,077.87 $28,080.20 $13,116.30 $111,142.26 $88,437.43 $221,724.58 Page 2 of 4 7/26/2006 1 :08 PM Firefighter 2005 Premium Tax Distribution City City Code Name Distribution Amount 607 MARIANNA 620 MELBOURNE 626 MIAMI 627 MIAMI BEACH 640 MILTON 645 MIRAMAR 649 MONTICELLO 655 MOUNT DORA 666 NAPLES 675 NEW PORT RICHEY 676 NEW SMYRNA BEACH 687 NORTH MIAMI BEACH 690 NORTH PORT 693 OAKLAND PARK 695 OCALA 701 OCOEE 706 OKEECHOBEE 709 OLDSMAR 722 ORANGE PARK 725 ORLANDO 728 ORMOND BEACH 736 OVIEDO 741 PAHOKEE 743 PALATKA 744 PALM BAY 745 PALM BEACH 746 PALM BEACH 7 48 PALM COAST 754 PANAMA CITY 755 PANAMA CITY BEACH 770 PEMBROKE PINES 773 PENSACOLA 776 PERRY 787 PINELLAS PARK 789 PLANTATION 790 PLANT CITY 796 POMPANO BEACH 798 PONCE INLET 801 PORT ORANGE 811 PUNTA GORDA 816 QUINCY 831 RIVIERA BEACH 836 ROCKLEDGE 844 SAFETY HARBOR 846 ST. AUGUSTINE 849 ST. CLOUD 855 ST. PETERSBURG 856 ST. PETE BEACH 865 SANFORD 869 SARASOTA $25,241.58 $481,939.07 $5,752,954.49 $1,141,622.31 $46,238.23 $699,268.72 $16,162.48 $51,401.10 $647,853.71 $132,438.13 $162,850.26 $162,979.14 $242,082.84 $198,485.45 $286,585.91 $110,025.98 $36,242.76 $57,299.52 $85,448.34 $2,005,715.24 $191,767.80 $150,235.20 $19,339.38 $56,324.46 $442,391.15 $377,367.56 $538,814.39 $91,837.01 $201,686.10 $87,444.59 $977,504.62 $596,471.03 $27,500.28 $248,347.89 $376,538.30 $109,263.12 $849,968.02 $17,650.40 $229,953.17 $138,522.22 $46,518.67 $243,305.03 $110,777.10 $55,245.46 $147,991.08 $120,159.48 $1,207,029.81 $102,523.74 $190,993.74 $481,283.36 Page 3 of 4 7/26/20061:08 PM Firefighter 2005 Premium Tax Distribution City City Code Name Distributioll Amoullt 870 SATELLITE BEACH 874 SEBRING 875 SEMINOLE 896 SOUTH PASADENA 898 SPRINGFIELD 900 STARKE 909 SUNRISE 916 TALLAHASSEE 918 TAMPA 919 TAMARAC 920 TARPON SPRINGS 921 TAVARES 925 TEMPLE TERRACE 926 TEQUESTA 930 TITUSVILLE 938 VALPARAISO 941 VENICE 944 VERO BEACH 946 VILLAGE OF N. PALM 947 VILLAGE OF PALM 966 WEST PALM BEACH 978 WILTON MANORS 984 WINTER GARDEN 985 WINTER HAVEN 986 WINTER PARK $57,268.98 $57,159.87 $143,804.85 $29,318.23 $7,922.76 $22,391.10 $575,947.61 $810,998.20 $2,303,029.03 $410,195.57 $135,773.82 $50,640.78 $91,697.58 $67,742.22 $179,657.76 $12,696.44 $158,450.40 $259,098.50 $94,947.70 $25,888.92 $876,299.98 $56,794.87 $92,289.84 $146,391.78 $286,662.47 $53,459,917 .77 Page 4 of 4 7/26/2006 1 :08 PM FIREFIGHTER'S SUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION ANNUAL PENSION DISTRIBUTION October 2005 City City Code Name Supplemental Distribution 10/2005 14 Big Corkscrew Island FCD 15 Boca Grande FCD 17 Bonita Springs FCD 21 Destin FCD 24 East Naples FCD 27 Englewood FCD 43 Midway FCD 47 North Bay FCD 50 North Naples FCD 53 North River FCD 60 Palm Harbor FCD 64 San Carlos Park FCD 67 South Walton FCD 94 West Manatee FCD 119 Arcadia 130 Auburndale 134 Avon Park 148 Bartow 165 Belie Glade 167 Belieair 183 Boca Raton 191 Boynton Beach 192 Bradenton 203 Brooksvilie 210 Bunnell 222 Cape Coral 229 Casselberry 238 Chatlahoochee 251 Clearwater 253 Clermont 257 Cocoa 258 Cocoa Beach 265 Cooper City 268 Coral Gables 270 Coral Springs 278 Crescent City 279 Crestview 287 Dade City 292 Davie 293 Daytona Beach 298 Deland 301 Delray Beach 316 Dunedin 317 Dunnelion 331 Edgewater 349 Eustis 359 Fernandina Beach 361 Flagler Beach 371 Fort Lauderdale 374 Fort Myers 379 Fort Walton Beach 385 Fruitland Park 416 Greenacres 427 Gulfport 431 Haines City 438 Havana 442 Hialeah 2,871.02 16,415.55 37,440.55 45,561.06 107,315.77 86,946.4 7 24,477.92 8,694.52 222,851.26 10,605.16 80,282.13 32,833.82 29,745.23 47,381.07 7,462.61 28,724.10 1,177.24 14,648.31 9,081.23 21,136.81 545,605.44 12,205.68 89,819.81 33,717.54 5,853.15 156,421.69 7,538.51 2,421.77 122,895.85 41,647.75 4,877 .06 27,039.66 56,328.06 44,798.13 206,241.55 2,834.57 12,066.31 31,134.62 43,949.75 37,688.97 43,149.42 148,415.28 30,432.66 8,772.85 6,332.96 12,419.54 19,019.53 13,855.18 524,555.24 150,366.45 49,087.06 5,053.20 20,955.33 19,697.30 19,080.59 5,176.19 49,130.96 FIREFIGHTER'S SUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION ANNUAL PENSION DISTRIBUTION October 2005 City City Code Name Supplemental Distribution 10/2005 458 Holly Hill 464 Homestead 477 Indialantic 492 Jacksonville Beach 505 Key Biscayne 509 Key West 515 Kissimmee 521 Labelle 530 Lake City 539 Lake Mary 542 Lake Park 544 Lake Wales 545 Lake Worth 546 Lakeland 554 Lauderdale By The Sea 555 Lauderdale Lakes 572 Live Oak 578 Longboat Key 579 Longwood 590 Lynn Haven 592 Macclenny 594 Madeira Beach 595 Madison 596 Maitland 603 Marathon 604 Marco Island 607 Marianna 620 Melbourne 627 Miami Beach 640 Milton 645 Miramar 649 Monticello 655 Mount Dora 666 Naples 675 New Port Richey 676 New Smyrna Beach 687 North Miami Beach 695 Ocala 706 Okeechobee 709 Oldsmar 722 Orange Park 725 Orlando 728 Ormond Beach 743 Palatka 745 Palm Beach 746 Palm Beach Gardens 748 Palm Coast 754 Panama City 755 Panama City Beach 770 Pembroke Pines 773 Pensacola 776 Perry 789 Plantation 790 Plant City 796 Pompano Beach 798 Ponce Inlet 811 Punta Gorda 10,280.10 67,230.24 20,739.51 34,495.34 48,7 40.39 132,317.78 105,342.58 9,245.14 8,411.52 60,726.08 19,428.90 11,597.20 140,283.19 104,053.67 13,783.39 41,073.29 12,067.00 29,972.26 45,670.52 21,278.95 4,862.99 14,223.54 3,967.54 2,920.64 54,874.65 112,197.76 7,853.45 8,381.88 1,078.53 20,370.89 3,351.36 5,702.57 9,420.76 329,528.90 63,380.68 11,026.35 79,319.65 35,704.37 15,129.47 27,018.34 48,440.86 40,814.34 42,725.32 2,725.62 212,793.81 60,225.04 36,979.41 49,379.72 42,460.12 24,066.38 48,398.24 8,410.23 193,721.22 40,818.65 84,636.06 7,312.58 66,233.81 FIREFIGHTER'S SUPPLEMENTAL COMPENSATION ANNUAL PENSION DISTRIBUTION October 2005 City City Code Name Supplemental Distribution 10/2005 836 Rockledge 844 Safety Harbor 846 St. Augustine 855 St. Petersburg 856 St. Pete Beach 865 Sanford 869 Sarasota 870 Satellite Beach 874 Sebring 898 Springfield 900 Starke 918 Tampa 919 Tamarac 920 Tarpon Springs 921 Tavares 926 Tequesta 930 Titusville 938 Valparaiso 941 Venice 944 Vera Beach 946 Village of North Palm Beach 947 Village of Palm Springs 966 West Palm Beach 978 Wilton Manors 984 Winter Garden 985 Winter Haven 986 Winter Park TOTAL 14,271.69 26,023.51 64,023.23 36,131.52 7,873.67 15,408.29 246,088.11 28,635.08 24,829.12 2,792.78 3,151.95 96,392.38 19,690.42 18,754.64 1,185.07 16,513.97 11,601.87 5,611.11 66,356.75 134,262.89 49,261.59 20,009.07 233,100.15 30,847.43 7,891.38 34,055.60 7,429,334.11