HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 07 08 Public Hearings F Second Reading - Ordinance 2002-18 Repeal Article XI of Chapter 6 of City Code of Oridinances
Public Hearing X
July 8. 2002
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Mgr. 1
Att. I
Consider second reading and final adoption of Ordinance 2002- ] 8 to repeal Article XI of Chapter 6
of the City Code of Ordinances, entitled Interim Services Fee.
By Ordinance No. 527 the City of Winter Springs adopted an ordinance entitled Interim Services Fee.
(See Sec. 6-250 et seq. of the City Code) The implementation of the interim services fee was to
defray the costs to the City of providing the municipal services to newly improved property prior to
the imposition of ad valorem taxes on such improvements. The Ordinance provided that the fee was
not in any manner to be directly or indirectly an ad valorem tax.
In 1999, the Florida Supreme Court reviewed a similar ordinance in Collier County v. State of
Florida, 733 SO.3d 1012 (Fla. 1999) and found that the interim governmental services fee was not
a valid special assessment, user fee, or impact fee, and therefore was an unconstitutional taxation, as
the power to tax is limited to the power provided by the Florida Constitution and General Law. The
Court noted Collier County was forthright and candid in the purposes it was trying to accomplish,
and further noted they were unaware of why the legislature has declined to act to provide some relief
to local governments charged with providing these services, but that local governments redress was
with the Florida legislature.
As a result of the Supreme Court's ruling, the City of Winter Springs discontinued collecting fees
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under Ordinance No. 527. The City, therefore, has been complying with the Supreme Court's ruling.
Ordinance No. 527 is "dead letter law." In other words, the Ordinance has been effectively
overturned by the Supreme Court's decision. As a "housing keeping" matter, the City Commission
should repeal Ordinance No. 527 and remove it from the Code book.
Florida Constitution, Article VII
Chapter 192, Florida Statutes
Section 6-250 et seq., City Code
Collier County v. State of Florida, 733 So.2d 1012 (Fla. 1999)
1. In 1999, the Florida Supreme Court declared that interim government Service fees are
2. The City of Winter Springs has discontinued collecting interim government Service fees.
3. The City Commission should repeal Section 6-250, et seq. of the Code to conform the Code
to the current law in Florida.
Approve second reading and adoption of Ordinance 2002-18 to repeal Chapter 6, Article XI of the
City Code.
Ordinance 2002-18, with Exhibit "A"
The City Commission approved first reading on June 10, 2002.
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WHEREAS, the power of local governments to levy taxes is granted within Article VII of
the Florida Constitution; and
WHEREAS, the Florida Supreme Court has found interim governmental services fees are
not valid special assessments, user fees nor impact fees, but instead an authorized tax as local
jurisdictions may only tax real property as provided by the Florida Constitution or by general law.
See Collier County v. State of Florida, 733 So.2d 1012 (Fla. 1999); and
WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs discontinued collecting interim service fees
immediately after the Collier County decision, and
WHEREAS, as a "house-cleaning" matter the City Commission desires to remove the interim
service fee provisions from the City Code; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this
ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter
Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby fully incorporated herein by the
reference as legislative findings of the City Commission of Winter Springs
Section 2. Repeal Code. Chapter 6, Article XI, entitled Interim Services Fee is hereby
repealed in its entirety. A copy of this Article is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" for reference
purposes only.
Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior
inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior ordinances
and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2002-18
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Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or
provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall
be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity
of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon
adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the _ day of , 2002.
City Clerk
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only:
Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Effective Date:
F:\Lawyerljeflb\City of Winter Springs\OrdlnanceslRepeal- Chap 6 Art XI 5-8-02.wpd
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2002-18
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Sec. 6-250. Authority.
The city has the authority to adopt this article pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of
the State of Florida, Chapter 166, Florida Statutes.
(Ord. No. 527, S 2, 9-14-92)
Sec. 6-251. Findings and determinations.
It is hereby found, determined and declared as follows:
(1) The costs of providing the specified municipal services (as defined herein) exceed
the fees charged for such services and consequently those costs are borne in large
part through ad valorem taxation.
(2) From the time a new structure is completed and occupied until the structure is
included on the ad valorem tax rolls as of the ensuing January 1, the city provides
the specified municipal services and other direct services for which it receives no
(3) The demand for additional municipal services increases with the development or
real property located in the city and the subsequent occupancy of structures
located thereon and the existing fiscal structure of the city is insufficient to meet the
ever increasing demands for municipal services imposed upon the city by such new
(4) The implementation of an interim services fee to defray the costs to the city of
providing the specified municipal services to newly improved property prior to the
imposition of ad valorem taxes on such improvements is in the best interests of the
citizens and residents of the City of Winter Springs and reflects the city's desire for
fiscal management.
(5) The interim services fee by this chapter is not in any manner, directly or indirectly,
intended as an ad valorem tax, nor is the amount of the fee established herein
related in any way to the valuation of the property receiving the specified municipal
(Ord. No. 527, 92, 9-14-92)
Sec. 6-252. Definitions.
The following words when used herein shall have the meanings indicated, unless the
context clearly indicates otherwise:
Owner shall mean the person or legal entity reflected in the public records of Seminole
County, Florida, as the fee simple title holder of real property upon which a structure has been
. '
Specified municipal services shall mean and be limited to the following municipal
services provided by the city: public safety, code enforcement, engineering, parks and
recreation, street maintenance, and building maintenance (excluding building maintenance on
general services functions).
Structure shall mean any building or improvements constructed upon real property
located within the corporate limits of the city for which a certificate of occupancy is required,
either permanent or temporary, for the full or partial use thereof
(Ord. No. 527, 92, 9-14-92)
Sec. 6-253. Establishment of interim services fee.
Except as set forth in section 6-255 hereof, an interim services fee is hereby imposed upon
every structure located within the city from the date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy for
such structure through December 31 of that year.
(Ord. No. 527, 92, 9-14-92)
Sec. 6-254. Calculation of interim services fee.
(a) The fee schedule shall be based upon the cost of providing the specified municipal
services to the structures subject to the interim services fee from the date of issuance of
a certificate of occupancy through December 31, of that year, less anticipated franchise
fees, utility taxes, fines and forfeitures, charges for services and other revenues from
user-based fees. The initial interim services fees and all charges thereto shall be by
separate resolution passed by the city commission.
Fee schedule shall be reviewed annually by the city commission to make such revisions
as are consistent with the findings and determinations set forth in section 6-251 hereof and
the uses of the interim services fees set forth in section 6-258 hereof.
(b) Notwithstanding the fee schedule set forth in section 6-254(a), the minimum interim
services fee charged shall be ten dollars ($10.00).
(c) The interim services fee for residential structures shall be calculated on a per dwelling unit
basis. The interim services fee for new hotel and motel structures shall be calculated on
a per room basis. The interim services fee for all nonresidential structures shall be
calculated on the basis of a cost per one thousand (1,000) gross square feet or gross
leasable square feet, or portion thereof.
(d) The building official shall be responsible for calculating the applicable interim services fee
and determining the fee category into which a structure should be placed. If a structure
does not clearly fit into a fee category as set forth in section 6-254(a) then the building
official shall place such structure in the fee category which he deems to be the most
consistent with the purposes of this chapter.
(Ord. No. 527,92, 9-14-92)
Sec. 6-255. Exemptions.
. '.
The interim services fees shall not be imposed upon:
(1) Structures requiring a certificate of occupancy solely for change of use of said
(2) Remodeling or additions to structures (such as swimming pools and fences) which
do not result in a net increase in gross square footage.
(3) Maintenance and repairs.
(4) Any structure owned by governmental units and used for governmental purposes,
or governmentally owned structures which are leased to an organization which
uses the structures solely for tax-exempt purposes.
(Ord. No. 527, ~ 2, 9-14-92)
Sec. 6-256. Collection of interim services fee.
The interim services fee shall be paid by the owner of the real property prior to the
issuance of a certificate of occupancy, for any structure located on the owner's real property. The
building official shall be charged with the responsibility for collection of the interim services fees.
Upon request for a certificate of occupancy, the building official shall issue a statement of the
interim services fee due and payable for the structure in question. Such fee statement shall be
presented to the owner of the real property on which such structure is located and shall be
collected by the building official prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. In the event a
person other than the owner pays the interim services fee, then the owner shall be discharged
from all further obligations hereunder to the city and the person paying such interim services fee
on behalf of the owner shall not subsequently be entitled to a refund thereof.
(Ord. No. 527, ~ 2, 9-14-92)
Sec. 6-257. Issuance of certificates of occupancy.
No certificate of occupancy, shall be issued for any structure, or portion thereof, unless and
until the interim services fee required by this chapter has been paid.
(Ord. No. 527, 92, 9-14-92)
Sec. 6-258. Interim services fee fund.
(a) The interim services fees collected by the city pursuant to this chapter shall be kept
separated from other revenue of the city and paid into a proprietary fund which is hereby
created, to be known as the "Interim Services Fee Fund." Such fund shall be used
exclusively for the purposes of providing the specified municipal services for the benefit
of those structures upon which the interim services fee has been imposed and collected.
(b) The city manager shall provide the city commission with recommendations for expenditure
of monies from the interim services fee fund during the annual budget process.
(c) Any funds on deposit in the interim services fee fund which are not immediately necessary
.. ~~.
for expenditure pursuant to this chapter shall be invested in interest bearing accounts. All
income derived shall be deposited in the interim services fee fund. Owners shall not
receive a credit for or be entitled to interest from the investment of funds.
(d) Any funds on deposit in the interim services fee fund which are not expended or
encumbered six (6) years from the date the interim services fee were paid shall, upon
application of the feepayer and proof of payment, be returned with interest at the rate of
six (6) percent per annum from the date of payment.
(Ord. No. 527, S 2, 9-14-92)
WHEREAS, the power oflocal governments to levy taxes is granted within Article VII of
the Florida Constitution; and
WHEREAS, the Florida Supreme Court has found interim governmental services fees are
not valid special assessments, user fees nor impact fees, but instead an authorized tax as local
jurisdictions may only tax real property as provided by the Florida Constitution or by general law.
See Collier County v. State of Florida, 733 So.2d 1012 (Fla. 1999); and
WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs discontinued collecting interim servIce fees
immediately after the Collier County decision, and
WHEREAS, as a "house-cleaning" matter the City Commission desires to remove the interim
service fee provisions from the City Code; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this
ordinance to be in the best interests ofthe public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter
Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby fully incorporated herein by the
reference as legislative findings of the City Commission of Winter Springs
Section 2. Repeal Code. Chapter 6, Article XI, entitled Interim Services Fee is hereby
repealed in its entirety. A copy of this Article is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" for reference
purposes only.
Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior
inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior ordinances
and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2002-18
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Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or
provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall
be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity
of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon
adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the ~ day of July ,2002.
Appr e as to legal form and sufficiency for
the . y of . ter Springs only:
Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney
First Reading: May 13, 2002
Second Reading: July 8, 2002
Effective Date: July 8, 2002
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2002-18
Page 2 of 2
Sec. 6-250. Authority.
The city has the authority to adopt this article pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of
the State of Florida, Chapter 166, Florida Statutes.
(Ord. No. 527, ~ 2, 9-14-92)
Sec. 6-251. Findings and determinations.
It is hereby found, determined and de.clared as follows:
(1) The costs of providing the specified municipal services (as defined herein) exceed
the fees charged for such services and consequently those costs are borne in large
part through ad valorem taxation.
(2) From the time a new structure is completed and occupied until the structure is
included on the ad valorem tax rolls as of the ensuing January 1, the city provides
the specified municipal services and other direct services for which it receives no
(3) The demand for additional municipal services increases with the development or
real property located in the city and the subsequent .occupancy of structures
located thereon and the existing fiscal structure of the city is insufficient to meet the
ever increasing demands for municipal services imposed upon the city by such new
(4) The implementation of an interim services fee to defray the costs to the city of
providing the specified municipal services to newly improved property prior to the
imposition of ad valorem taxes on such improvements is in the best interests of the
citizens and residents of the City of Winter Springs and reflects the city's desire for
fiscal management.
(5) The interim services fee by this chapter is not in any manner, directly or indirectly,
intended as an ad valorem tax, nor is the amount of the fee established herein
related in any way to the valuation of the property receiving the specified municipal
(Ord. No. 527, S 2, 9-14-92)
Sec. 6-252. Definitions.
The following words when used herein shall have the meanings indicated, unless the
context clearly indicates otherwise:
Owner shall mean the person or legal entity reflected in the public records of Seminole
County, Florida, as the fee simple title holder of real property upon which a structure has been
The interim services fees shall not be imposed upon:
(1) Structures requiring a certificate of occupancy solely for change of use of said
(2) Remodeling or additions to structures (such as swimming pools and fences) which
do not result in a net increase in gross square footage.
(3) Maintenance and repairs.
(4) Any structure owned by governmental units and used for governmental purposes,
or governmentally owned structures which are leased to an organization which
uses the structures solely for tax-exempt purposes.
(Ord. No. 527, ~ 2, 9-14-92)
Sec. 6-256. Collection of interim services fee.
The interim services fee shall be paid by the owner of the real property prior to the
issuance of a certificate of occupancy, for any structure located on the owner's real property. The
building official shall be charged with the responsibility for collection of the interim services fees.
Upon request for a certificate of occupancy, the building official shall issue a statement of the
interim services fee due and payable for the structure in question. Such fee statement shall be
presented to the owner of the real property on which such structure is located and shall be
collected by the building official prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. In the event a
person other than the owner pays the interim services fee, then the owner shall be discharged
from all further obligations hereunder to the city and the person paying such interim services fee
on behalf of the owner shall not subsequently be entitled to a refund thereof.
(Ord. No. 527, ~ 2, 9-14-92)
Sec. 6-257. Issuance of certificates of occupancy.
No certificate of occupancy, shall be issued for any structure, or portion thereof, unless and
until the interim services fee required by this chapter has been paid.
(Ord. No. 527, ~ 2, 9-14-92)
Sec. 6-258. Interim services fee fund.
(a) The interim services fees collected by the city pursuant to this chapter shall be kept
separated from other revenue of the city and paid into a proprietary fund which is hereby
created, to be known as the "Interim Services Fee Fund." Such fund shall be used
exclusively for the purposes of providing the specified municipal services for the benefit
of those structures upon which the interim services fee has been imposed and collected.
(b) The city manager shall provide the city commission with recommendations for expenditure
of monies from the interim services fee fund during the annual budget process.
(c) Any funds on deposit in the interim services fee fund which are not immediately necessary
Specified municipal services shall mean and be limited to the following municipal
services provided by the city: public safety, code enforcement, engineering, parks and
recreation, street maintenance, and building maintenance (excluding building maintenance on
general services functions).
Structure shall mean any building or improvements constructed upon real property
located within the corporate limits of the city for which a certificate of occupancy is required,
either permanent or temporary, for the full or partial use thereof
(Ord. No. 527, ~ 2, 9-14-92)
Sec. 6-253. Establishment of interim services fee.
Except as set forth in section 6-255 hereof, an interim services fee is hereby imposed upon
every structure located within the city from the date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy for
such structure through December 31 of that year.
(Ord. No. 527, ~ 2, 9-14-92)
Sec. 6-254. Calculation of interim services fee.
(a) The fee schedule shall be based upon the cost of providing the specified municipal
services to the structures subject to the interim services fee from the date of issuance of
a certificate of occupancy through December 31, of that year,. less anticipated franchise
fees, utility taxes, fines and forfeitures, charges for services and other revenues from
user-based fees. The initial interim services fees and all charges thereto shall be by
separate resolution passed by the city commission.
Fee schedule shall be reviewed annually by the city commission to make such revisions
as are consistent with the findings and determinations set forth in section 6-251 hereof and
the uses of the interim services fees set forth in section 6-258 hereof.
Notwithstanding the fee schedule set forth in section 6-254(a), the minimum interim
services fee charged shall be ten dollars ($10.00).
The interim services fee for residential structures shall be calculated on a per dwelling unit
basis. The interim services fee for new hotel and motel structures shall be calculated on
a per room basis. The interim services fee for all nonresidential structures shall be
calculated on the basis of a cost per one thousand (1,000) gross square feet or gross
leasable square feet, or portion thereof.
(d) The building official shall be responsible for calculating the applicable interim services fee
and determining the fee category into which a structure should be placed. If a structure
does not clearly fit into a fee category as set forth in section 6-254(a) then the building
official shall place such structure in the fee category which he deems to be the most
consistent with the purposes of this chapter.
(Ord. No. 527, ~ 2, 9-14-92)
Sec. 6-255. Exemptions.
.. " ."
for expenditure pursuant to this chapter shall be invested in interest bearing accounts. All
income derived shall be deposited in the interim services fee fund. Owners shall not
receive a credit for or be entitled to interest from the investment of funds.
(d) Any funds on deposit in the interim services fee fund which are not expended or
encumbered six (6) years from the date the interim services fee were paid shall, upon
application of the feepayer and proof of payment, be returned with interest at the rate of
six (6) percent per annum from the date of payment.
(Ord. No. 527, S 2, 9-14-92)