HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 07 08 Informational I Sign Code Changes
Informational X
Pu bUe Hearing
July 8. 2002
~ 4
Mgr. I ~epj.
The Community Development Department- Code Enforcement
Division requests the City Commission considers information
regarding notification of sign code changes.
The purpose of this agenda item is to request the City Commission
considers information regarding notification of sign code changes.
Section 20-470 and Section 20-486 of City Code was amended in June,
2000 to allow all non-conforming signs in the SR 434 Corridor additional
time to come into compliance with current regulations. These signs must
meet current regulations by November 14, 2002.
At the City Commission meeting that was held for final reading and
adoption of the amendments to Section 20-470 and Section 20-486, Staff
was directed to notify all property owners and business owners affected by
this change. On or about July 25, 2000 approximately 200 certified letters
were mailed to all business owners on records and property owners
notifying them of the change. A copy of the amended ordinance was
included. The cost of materials and postage was approximately $750.00.
This cost does not include actual Staff time to research the business
owners, find the names and addresses of the property owners, address and
post the letters.
JULY 8, 2002
Page 2
A. Sections 20-470 and 20-486, City Code
B. Copy of July 25, 2000 letter
b. Signs for specific events shall be
removed within two (2) working days
after conclusion of the evenL A free-
standing temporary sign shall be no
larger than thirty-two (32) square
feet, and may be double sided. Ban-
ner signs may be sized to extend
across roads.
(17) Maintenance: All signs and associated ap-
paratus shall be maintained by the owner
of the site. Violations shall be processed
through the city's code enforcement divi-
(18) Nonconforming signs.
a. Any sign, other than billboards, which
is nonconforming shall be amortized
and may be maintained until Novem-
ber 14, 2002.
b. At or prior to November 14, 2002, all
nonconforming signs shall be re-
moved and may be replaced with
signs that conform to the design stan-
dards set forth in the S.R. 434 New
Development regulations.
c. Violations shall be subject to Chap-
ter 2, Article 3, Division 2, Code
Enforcement, City of Winter Springs
Code of Ordinances.
(Ord. No. 675, 12-8-97; Ord. No. 2000-17, S 1,
Sec. 20-471. Utility lines.
All new or relocated utility lines within the
designated. corridor shall be constructed and in-
stalled beneath the surface of the ground unless it
is determined by the city that soil, topographical,
,or any other compelling conditions, make the
underground installation of such utility lines as
prescribed herein unreasonable and impractica-
(1) It shall be the developer's responsibility
on-site to make the necessary arrange-
ment with each utility in accordance with
the utility's established policy.
(2) The underground installation of inciden-
tal appurtenances, such as transformer
boxes, switch boxes, or pedestal mounted
Supp, No.1
~ 20-472
boxes for the provision of electricity shall
not be required. However, such appurte-
nances where not rendered impractical by
the determination of the city shall be
installed on the site of any development
approved after the adoption of this sec-
tion. The necessary easements to allow
the utility company access and service to
such appurtenances shall be dedicated to
the service provider by the developer prior
to issuance of a building permit.
(3) All transformers and switch boxes related
to development approved after the adop-
tion of this section shall be set back a
minimum of fifteen (15) feet from any
right-of-way and visually screened using
landscape materials or masonry construc-
tion in conformance with these land de-
velopment regulations.
(Ord. No. 675, 12-8-97)
Sec. 20-472. Corridor access management.
(a) A system of joint use curbed driveways and
cross access easements shall be established wher-
ever feasible along the S.R. 434 Corridor and the
building site shall incorporate the following:
(1) A cross access corridor extending the en-
tire length of each block served to provide
for driveway separation (consistent with
the F.D.O.T. access classification system
and standards).
(2) A design speed of ten (10) mph and suffi-
cient width to accommodate two-way travel
aisles designed to accommodate automo-
biles, service vehicles, and loading vehi-
(3) Stub-outs and other design features to
make it visually obvious that the abutting
proper-ties may be tied in to provide cross-
access via a service drive.
(4) A unified access and circulation system
plan that includes coordinated or shared
parking areas is encouraged wherever fea-
ZONING ~ 20-486
e e. Bench signs. identification sign. A project flag shall
f. Snipe signs (e.g. signs attached to be submitted to the design review
trees and poles). board for approval.
g. Freestanding signs unless otherwise (16) Temporary signs for special events.
provided for herein. Permits for temporary signs, such as
h. Trailer signs. pennant and banner signs, not oth-
1. Signs attached to temporary struc- erwise prohibited are allowed for such
tures. purposes as auctions, special events,
Billboards. notice of opening of new businesses,
J. and going out of business sales. Per- '
k. Any vehicle with a sign or signs mits for temporary signs shall autho-
attached thereto or placed thereon rize the erection of the signs and
with three exceptions as follows: (a) maintenance thereof for a period not
any vehicle when parked or. stored exceeding fourteen (14) days, and
within the confines ,of a building; or permits cannot be renewed on the
(b) any vehicle upon which is placed same sign, nor shall another tempo-
a sign identifying a firm or its prin- rary permit be issued on the same
cipal product if such vehicle is one location, within ninety (90) days from
which is operated during the normal the date of expiration of any previ-
course of business and shall be parked ously issued temporary permit.
in the least visible spot from the
e road; or (c) a trailer placed on a job b. Signs for specific events shall be
site during construction. removed within two (2) working days
1. Pole signs. after conclusion of the event. A free-
standing temporary sign shall be no
m. Balloon signs. larger than thirty-two (32) square
n. Ribbon signs. feet, and may be double sided. Ban-
ner signs may be sized to extend
(15) Permanent flags: Only project flags or across roads.
governmental flags shall be permitted in
conformance with the following stan- (17) Maintenance: All signs and associated ap-
dards: paratus shall be maintained by the owner
One (1) flagpole and one (1) flag may of the site. Violations shall be processed
a. through the city's code enforcement divi-
be permitted per parcel. sion.
b. The maximum width from top to
bottom of any flag shall be twenty (18) Nonconforming signs.
(20) percent of the total distance of Any sign, other than billboards, which
the flag pole. a.
is nonconforming shall be amortized
c. Flagpoles shall maintain the same and may be maintained until Novem-
setback requirements as project iden- ber 14, 2002.
tification signs. At or prior to November 14,2002, all
Flagpole heights shall be between b.
d. nonconforming signs shall be re-
twenty (20) and thirty-five (35) feet moved and may be replaced with
in height above grade. signs that conform to the design stan-
e e. A project flag shall only contain in- dards set forth in the S.R. 434 Rede-
formation permitted on the project velopment regulations.
Supp. No.1 1401
Code Enforcement
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Fax (407) 327-6695
July 25, 2000
Business Owners/Property Owners
S.R 434
Winter Springs, FI. 32708
De.:1r Business Owner/property owner,
Recently, the City Commission passed an ordinance that would allow all signs thaI do not meel the currenl
sign code addilional time to come into compliance. Simply stated, all signs must mcet tlle newesl
regulations by November 14, 2002. A copy of Ihat ordinance is included and a copy of the applicable sign
regulation is available at City Hall, 1126 E. S,R.434, Winter Springs, FI. 32708 Monday through Friday,
8:00 a.m. wltil 5 p.m..
If you have any questions, you may call Thomas Grinuns, Plamung Coordinator, at 407-327-1800, ext.
Jimette Cook
Code Enforcement Manager