HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 07 08 Informational F Flooding Complaint in the Arbors
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July 8, 2002
REQUEST: Public Works Department Reporting on the Flooding compliant in the Arbors.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to respond to the citizen complaint on flooding in
the Arbors that was made at the June 10th City Commission meeting.
Attached please find a report from the City Engineer and Public Works Superintendent
regarding the flooding complaint made at the June 10, 2002 City Commission by Trish
Drebert. Staff met on site with Ms. Drebert and once again explained the purpose and function
of the Arbors stormwater retention pond. No flooding is being experienced and the pond is in
good condition and functioning properly.
1. City EngineerlPublic Works Superintendent Report
Attachment No.1
June 17,2002
Kip Lockcuff, Public Works Director
Alan Hill, Public Works Superintendent
Kimberley Hall, Stormwater Utility Manager
Report on Arbors Pond Complaint from Commission Meeting 6/10/02
We met with Trish Drebert of SOO Hayes Road at the Arbors stormwater pond on Friday, June 14 to
discuss her concerns voiced at the June 10, 2002 Commission meeting, The issues raised by Trish are
as follows:
1. Pond water area appears larger than in previous years.
2. Spillway does not appear to flow at same volume as in previous years.
3, Trash screen at spillway restricts flow,
4. Concrete structures are broken and failing.
S, General appearance of pond,
The responses to her issues are as follows:
1, The Stormwater detention pond was dredged as a maintenance operation in 1996 to remove
aquatic and terrestrial growth, primarily cattails, to provide for adequate stormwater treatment
and storage volume, The excessive amount of undesirable vegetation displaced the area
intended for stormwater treatment and storage, The original design perimeter and depth of the
pond was not increased.
2. The flow of the water over the spillway was decreased because the displacement of water was
eliminated and stormwater detention function restored. In addition, a three year drought
decreased the storm water volume keeping the water level below the elevation of the overflow
3. The trash screen (chain link fencing) in front of the spillway is designed to stop trash and
vegetation that enters through storm drains and discharges to wetlands and it functions as
intended. When vegetation, whether from homeowner lawn clippings, perimeter mowing of
the pond by the H.O,A. or treated aquatic growth, does become lodged at water level it does
not restrict flow as water seeks its' own level and will flow under the water line at trash screen,
The screen is periodically cleared at minimum of once per month. At this meeting it was
apparent that a recent perimeter mowing discharged a large volume of grass clippings into the
4. The pond inlet and outfall structures are maintained by the Public Works Department. The
structures were checked and repaired and in June of 200 1 and are visually inspected no less
than once per month. Currently all structures are sound and functioning properly,
S, This maintenance of this pond is subcontracted for water quality including aquatic growth and
trash (floatables entering through storm drains) on a monthly basis, This pond was treated
days prior to our visit of June 14,2002 and the minimal amount of undesirable vegetation
evident was dying. In addition, the recent rainfall events have increased the amount of
nutrients contained in lawn fertilizers flushed into the pond through the Stormwater system and
abutting yards that encourages growth of aquatic vegetation,
From this citizen generated inspection the pond functions as designed, is maiQ,tained to our standards
and poses no threat to the health, safety or welfare of the residents of Mt. Gr~nwood, The
Stormwater Division of the Public Works Department will monitor this pond with scrutiny in light of
citizen complaint.