HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 05 13 Regular B Over-sized Recreational Vehicle
Public Hearing
Regular X
May 13. 2002
Mgr. /
The Community Development Department-Code Enforcement Division, requests
the City Commission considers the request of Danny Cariel, 574 Walden Way
to park his over-sized recreational vehicle at his residence.
The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the City Commission considers the request of
Mr.Cariel to park a 3 I-foot over-sized recreational vehicle at his residence.
Under current regulations, no recreational vehicle in excess of twenty-eight (28) feet may be
parked or stored in a residentially zoned district without a permit issued by the City Commission
and renewed annually.(Section 20-431 (f))
Mr.Cariel is requesting permission from the City Commission to park his over-sized
recreational vehicle at his residence. Surrounding property owners have been notified of Mr.
Cariel's request.
MAY 13,2002
Page 2
The Code Enforcement Division has received complaints about Mr. Cariel's
recreational vehicle.
Because of complaints from neighbors, Staff cannot recommend granting permission at this
A. Section 20-233 (b), City Code
B. Section 20-431 (f), City Code
C. Mr. Cariel's letter
D. Letter to adjoining neighbors
S 20-232
(51) Outdoor advertising signs sales offices;
(52) Paint store;
(53) Parking garages;
(54) Pawnshop;
(55) Pet shops and grooming;
(56) Photographic studios;
(57) Physical fitness and health clubs;
(58) Post office;
(59) Private clubs and lodges;
(60) Quick printers;
(61) Radio and TV broadcasting studios, ex-
cluding towers;
(62) Radio and TV sales and service;
(63) Rental shops;
(64) Regulated professions, offices and profes-
sions licensed and regulated by the de-
partment of professional regulation pur-
suant to F.S. ch. 455 and F.S. ~ 20.30, as
now existing or as hereafter amended;
(65) Retirement homes;
(66) Restaurants;
(67) Schools, public, private and parochial, ser-
. vice vocational schools (such as cosmetol-
ogy, medical and dental assistant's train-
ing) requiring no mechanical equipment;
(68) Shoerep'air shops;
(69) Skating rinks;
(70) Sporting goods, retail;
(71) Swimming pools; sales, service and' sup-
plies;. .
(72) Tailoring shops;
(73) Taxidermists;
(74) Telephone business office and exchanges;
(75) Theaters, not drive-ins;
(76) Title companies;
(77) Tobacco shops;
.(78) Toy stores;
(79) Travel agencies;
(80) Wearing apparel stores;
(81) Any other retail store or business enter-
prise not listed under any other zoning
classification that in the judgment of the
board of adjustment is consistent with
those included above, and further, that
will be in harmony with the spirit of this
(b) Outdoor display and/or sales are prohibited
except by special exception.
(Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.47, 1-8-68; Ord. No. 264, ~ 1,
7-13-82; Ord. No. 619, ~ 1,7-8-96)
Sec. 20-233. Nonconforming uses.
(a) The lawful use of a building or structure
existing at the time of the passage of this chapter
may be continued, although such use does not
conform to the provisions of this chapter; and
such use may be extended throughout the build-
ing provided no structural alterations, except
those required by law or ordinance, or ordered by
an authorized officer to ensure ihe safety of the
building, are made therein. No such use shall be
extended to occupy any land outside such build-
ing. If such nonconforming building is removed or
the nonconforming use of such building is discon-
tinued for a continuous period of not less than
three hundred sixty-five (365) days, every future
use of such premises shall be in conformity with
the provisions of this chapter.
(b) The lawful use of the land existing at the
time of the passage of this chapter may be contin-
ued; provided, however, that no such nonconform-
ing use may be extended to occupy a greater area
ofland than that occupied by such use at the time
of the passage of this chapter. If such nonconform-
ing use is discontinued for a continuous period of
not less than three hundred sixty-five (365) days,
any future use of such land shall be in conformity
with the provisions of this chapter. .
(c) Whenever a nonconforming use of a build-
ing or land has been discontinued or changed to a
conforming use, such use shall not thereafter be
changed to a nonconforming use.
(Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.47.1, 1-8-68; Ord. No. 264, ~ I,
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'.2. ..
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e. No more than one (1) recreational
vehicle shall be parked on an owner's
property at anyone (1) time.
r. No recreational vehicle in excess of
. twenty-eight (28) feet in length in
overall measurements shall be parked
or stored in a residentially zoned
district without a permit issued by
the city commission and renewed
annually by such commission. In the
case of a truck camper, the length
measurement will include truck and
g. No boat trailer, with or without a
boat thereon, may be parked on prop-
erty in residential districts, unless
such boat trailer does. not exceed
twenty-three (23) feet in overall
length, is in a state of good repair, is
being maintained in a neat and or-
derly condition and is owned by the
owner of the property upon which it
is parked. .
h. It shall be a.violation of this chapter
to park any vehicle enumerated in
(1)a. above or to park any recre-
ational vehicle within the right-of-
way of any city street, alley, lane,'
way, drive or other thoroughfare over-
(2) Exceptions. The parking, storage or main-
tenance of certain vehicles will be permit-
ted in residentially zoned districts as ex-
ceptions to (1)a. through (l)h. above as
a. Recreational vehicles may be occu-
pied during parking or storage if a
permit has been issued in accor-
dance with section 20-412.
b. A combination of boat trailer with
boat and a recreational vehicle is
permissible as an exception to (I)e.
c. Any person owning, renting, leasing
or otherwise being in control of the
use of any lot, parcel or piece of real
property located in a residentially
zoned district and contiguous to the
I: I (i;;
~ 20-13 I
parcel upon which that person's res-
idence is located may use such Con-
tiguous lot as if it were a separate
piece of owner's property for the park-
ing of vehicles subject to the restric-
tions set forth in this section. Pro-
vided, however, that no vehicle owned,
operated or under the direct control
by other than the p~rson owning-,
renting, leasing or otherwise being
in control of the use of such lot,
parcel or piece of real property shall
be parked thereupon.
d. Commercial vehicles as described in
section 20-431 shall be allowed on
public streets or within privately
owned driveways or on residential
property for the limited and tempo-
rary purpose of loading or unloading
goods or materials .for the property'
Owner upon whose property or adja-
cent to whose property the commer-
cial vehicle is parked.
(3) Definitions. As used in this section:, the
following words are to be interpreted as
having their commonly accepted mean-
ings as well as the following specific defi-
nitions. If the two (2) definitions are in
conflict, the definition provided herein is
to prevail:
a. Boat trailer. A trailer designed to
carry a boat is a boat trailer with or
without a boat thereon. If with a
boat, then both boat and trailer will
be measured.
b. Camping trailer. A vehicular porta-
ble structure mounted on wheels,
constructed with collapsible partial
side walls of fabric, plastic or other
material, for folding compactly while
being drawn by another vehicle, and
when unfolded at the site or location
providing temporary living quarters,
and the primary design of which is
for recreation, camping or travel use.
c. TI-Quel traill!r. A vehicular portable
structure built on a chassis designed
to be pu lied by 11 n au tomobile or
To: Code Enforcement
From: Danny 1. Cariel
574 Walden Way
Wmter Springs, FL 32708
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing this letter to ask to be placed on the agenda to request a permit to keep my thirty-one
foot RV at 574 Walden Way.
The RV is parked inside a privacy fence area at the rear of my home approximately thirty feet
from the road.. i
Thank you,
tf lJ ,..-..--
;,' 1 - (..)35
APR 0 9 2001
Code Enforcement
Code Enforcement
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Fax (407) 327-6695
April 22, 2002
Dear Resident,
Your neighbor at 574 Walden Way has requested pennission from the City Commission to park his over-
sized recreational vehicle at his home. This matter will be heard in a public hearing on May 13,2002 at
6:30 pm at City Hall, 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, Fl.
Interested persons lnay attend and speak, or may submit written comments concerning the request.
Comments may be directed to;
Jimette Cook
Code Enforcement Manager
1126E SR434
Winter Springs, Fl.