HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 09 11 Informational 501 Capital Improvement Projects
September 11, 2006
REQUEST: Public Works Department is advising the City Commission of the status of
various Capital Improvement Projects
PURPOSE: This agenda item is to update the Commission on the status of current Capital
Improvement projects.
SR 434 Improvements (Village Walk) - Dead magnolia trees were removed and replaced by
September 1, 2006. Metric Engineering has completed preliminary design of the median
modifications and should be submitting for permit by September 30. (9/6/06)
SR 434 / Hayes Road Turn Lane - Resolution of Necessity approved. City Attorney office
working on right of way acquisition. (9/6/06)
Cross Seminole Trail Connector (Wade Street to Wekiva Trail) - County staff has placed the
section along Old Sanford-Oviedo Road on hold to pursue additional funding as requested by the
City Commission. (8/8/06)
Magnolia Park Phase II - Phase II of Magnolia Park consists of the construction of the
Amphitheater with restrooms and drinking fountains to act as a trail head for the Cross Seminole
Trail and an inter active water feature in this 0.67:::l: acres. Starmer Ranaldi Planning and
Architecture, Inc (SRI) was approved by the Commission on January 10, 2005, for the architectural
services. CPH Engineers, Inc has been authorized by the Commission under Amendment 78 on
June 9, 2003, for services related to the landscape and hardscape design in conjunction with SRI.
Both SRI and CPH Engineers are currently developing the plans for the construction of Magnolia
Park Phase II. City property has been surveyed and corners marked. Environmental consultant is
evaluating wetland impact if trail is shifted. Property has been bush hogged to give depth
perspective for plan development. (3/21/06)
Blumberg Boulevard Trail - The Blumberg Boulevard Trail consist of the construction of the trail
with amenities from Magnolia Park to the intersection of Blumberg Boulevard and Doran Drive.
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The trail will have stone pavers with sitting arboretum and proposed sculpture gardens, to include
the Rotary Club sponsored Veterans Memorial. Starmer Ranaldi Planning and Architecture, Inc
(SRI) was approved by the Commission on January 10, 2005, for the architectural services. CPH
Engineers, Inc has been authorized by the Commission under Amendment 78 on June 9, 2003, for
services related to the landscape and hardscape design in conjunction with SRI. CPH plans have
been completed. Awaiting final drawings from SRI to be included for the pavilions. Brick Pavers
selected and ordered to ensure availability of styles selected. Veterans Memorial plans are complete
and project startup is pending final selection of contractors. (7/14/06)
Central Winds Park Way - Final road design ongoing by CPR. Additional right of way has been
requested from the Leerdam property and they will be submitting a conceptual site plan to the City
Commission. Meeting with Peter Leardam held on June 22 to discuss possible modifications
required and swapping of ROW to meet desires of both parties. Design proposal under review
from Leardam developers that incorporates the design for Lake Jesup Shores with the City
design for Central Winds Park Way. (9/5/06)
Winter Springs Boulevard Reconstruction - 100% plans were reviewed and final comments made
week of July 14,2006. Projected Schedule:
. 100% submittal- July 10,2006
. Start construction - October 2006
Letter of Exemption for storm water permitting requirements received the week of August 21.
Contract proposal expected to be received the week of September 5 from Orlando Paving
Company, piggybacking of an existing Seminole County Contract. It is anticipated this will
save 30 to 60 days of bid advertising and selection process. (9/5/06)
SR 434 Beatification Trees and Curbing - Completing plan design by CPH pending funding
becoming available for plan to be submitted for FDOT Highway Beautification Grant (1/13/06)
Utility/Public Works Compound - All building permits have been issued. Foundation for
building 2 completed the week of August 7 with erection of steel building to be complete the
week of September 18. Building 3 foundation to be poured the week of September 18.
Buildings 4 and 5 will start erection of the steel building the week of August 11. (9/5/06)
Well #4 - Well development complete. Electrical work substantially complete. Meter to be set by
September 8 for pump startup. (9/6/06)
Reclaimed Water Augmentation - Phase I of the project has been included in the FY2007-FY2010
SJRWMD grant funding for a total of$2.42 million. CPH Engineers responded to the comments on
the Consumptive Use Permit RAI on August 30,2006. (9/6/06)
Electrical Improvements WTP #3 - Recommendation for contract award presented to Commission
on February 27, 2006 for award of contract to Florida Industrial Electric (FIE) for $281,240.00.
Pre-Construction meeting held on May 2. Conduit installation proceeding. Modification of
interior panels underway, awaiting delivery of new electrical panels. (9/5/06)
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Village Walk Overhead Utility Undergrounding - Cost received by Progress Energy on August 5,
2005, Progress Energy provided staff with the cost to convert Progress Energy's lines from
overhead to underground. The cost was $403,017.00. Additional cost may be incurred to provide
property owners that have parking lot lighting installed on the power poles with an alternative
lighting solution. The cost provided by Progress Energy does not include the cost to bury other
utility lines. The cost to bury these lines is usually 50% to 75% of the cost to convert the power
lines. There are up to four other utilities with lines on the Progress Energy poles. The estimated cost
to convert these lines is $806,032 to $1.2 million. Total cost to convert the overhead utility lines to
underground is $1.2 million to $1.6 million. (1/13/16)
City Hall Expansion - The design of the expansion of City Hall was approved by the Commission
on February 28,2005. Starmer Ranaldi Planning and Architecture, Inc (SRI) provided the design of
this 4,980 square foot addition to City Hall in the northwest corner of the City Hall building. New
layout presented to Commission at 8/1 workshop and direction received. SRI anticipates plans to be
ready for final review the first week of August. (7/14/06)
Senior Center Therapy Pool - Commission approved moving forward with design to enclose the
pool March 13, 2006. SRI projects completion of plans for review the end of August. (7/14/06)
Fire Station House #28 - Staff review conducted on August 15 to finalize concept plan. (9/6/06)