HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 05 13 Informational L Federal Grant Assistance
051302 Informational A Federal Grant Assistance
May 13.2002
REQUEST: Police Department informing the Commission of its application for Federal
Grant Assistance.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this board item is to inform the Commission that the Police
Department has applied for a Federal Grant with the Department of Justice, Office of Community
Oriented Policing Services, Universal Hiring Program 2002.
CONSIDERATIONS: The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented
Policing Services recently announced the availability of funds under the Universal Hiring Program
2002. Over $130 million in Universal Hiring Program 2002 grant funds are available to pay for the
entry-level salaries and benefits of newly hired, additional sworn officers up to a maximum of 75
% or a maximum of $75,000 per officer over the 3-year grant period. A minimum match of 25% is
required by the City of Winter Springs. We anticipate that funding under the UHP 2002 will be
extremely competitive as it was when we applied for UHP 1998. All applications that are
postmarked on or before May 24, 2002 and for those agencies that have already been awarded a
grant under this program will receive priority consideration for Fiscal Year 2002.
The Police Department has submitted its application to the Department of Justice for a Federal
Hiring Grant. This grant consist of an application for salary and benefit assistance in hiring 8 full
time sworn officers for the Police Department.
051302 Infonnational Agenda Item L
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Delineated below is the application which we have applied for;
· Department of Justice, Universal Hiring Program 2002.
This application if awarded will allow the Police Department to hire 8 full time sworn officers with
75% of their salaries and benefits being funded by the Department of Justice over a three year
period. These officers initial issued equipment expenditures would be taken from Police Impact
Fees as provided by City Ordinance 741 section 7 (B) 1.
· Universal Hiring Program 2002, 8 full time sworn officers with 75% of their salaries and
benefits being funded by the Department of Justice and 25% in matching funds from the City of
Winter Springs General Fund.
· Issued Equipment for Officers, would be a one time expenditure to be appropriated from the
Police Impact Fees Fund.
· Yearly Associated Budgetary Expenses, These expenses would be a continued expenditure
also taken from the General Fund.
RECOMMENDATION: None at this time.
· Universal Hiring Program 2002, Assuming this grant is awarded, we will come back to the
Commission with a recommendation and complete expenditure analysis for the 2002/2003
Budget process. The project would be spread over 3 years with completion by the end of FY
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
. 'Telephone (407) 327-1800
, "'
Mayor and Commission
Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager r
May 8, 2002
Information Agenda Item "L"
Although I am in full agreement with Chief Kerr determining what grant sources might be
available for additional police officers, I think it is important for me to point out this in no way
represents any type of budget recommendation for FY 03. I will not be recommending
additional staff for next year's budget until more pressing priorities are satisfied. However, as
always, each department will be given the opportunity to convince you to fund levels of spending
above that recommended by myself.
My recommended priorities for the FY 2003 budget are as follows:
1. To attempt to remain within our current millage. We had increases last year, including a
millage increase from 3.5400 to 3.7708 for the General Fund operations, \.4 mill G.O. Bond
Issue for Central Winds Park, and the I-cent local option sales tax. We are currently raising
water, sewer, recycled water, and stormwater fees.
2. Maintaining our General Fund balance at or above $3,000,000, preferably $3,250,000. The
current projected fund balance is approximately $2,850,000.
3. Maintaining our current level of services without adding people.
4. Funding salary increase for current employees. Preliminary results of our salary survey
indicate that significant funds will be needed to update our salary schedule to maintain our
competitiveness in the local labor market.
5. Landscape maintenance. We have a huge amount of new investment in landscape materials
in our rights of ways. We have got to provide an appropriate level of maintenance to keep
from losing that investment in a short period of time.
6. Additional personnel and increased funding for existing programs.
7. New programs.
I think it is going to be difficult to get beyond priority 5.
Additionally, another thing to think about is our need to begin increasing personnel in the fire
department if we are going to be able to add a third station. Our emergency fire response times
are further out of line than emergency police calls.
Memo\0502\Mayor and Commission Agenda Item Info L.doc