HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 09 07 Regular 309 Performance Review City Clerk COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 309 Regular September 7, 2006 Special meeting REQUEST: The City Clerk requests the City Commission's direction regarding the upcoming Performance Review for the City Clerk, as requested by the City Commission at a previous Meeting. PURPOSE: The City Commission is requested to decide on their direction regarding the upcoming Performance Review of the City Clerk. CONSIDERATIONS: For the year 2005: The following comments were made during the August 22, 2005 Regular Meeting of the City Commission: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 28, 2006 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 309 PAGE 2 0F 7 REGULAR 505. Office Of The City Clerk Requests The City Commission's Direction Regarding The Upcoming Performance Review For The City Clerk, As Requested By The City Commission At A Previous Meeting. Regarding this Agenda Item, Deputy Mayor Blake stated, "Our Policy that we hold the Manager's feet to the very, very, very warm fire on is that we like to review employees in the same year that they deserve one - ours is to do it right away, upon Anniversary Date. So it would be appropriate for the Clerk to have this information to us prior to considering the information on the second Meeting of September." Mayor Bush said to City Clerk, Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, "You could probably get this to the Commission fairly soon?" City Clerk Lorenzo- Luaces then said, "Is there some particular format you want me to follow this year?" Deputy Mayor Blake stated, "Short." Deputy Mayor Blake added, "Tell us how much you think you deserve." Mayor Bush remarked, "Tell us what you did and how you did it." Mayor Bush then said, "The Commission would then review this at our second Meeting in September." Commissioner Krebs remarked, "Yes." Commissioner McGinnis said, "That is good." No objections were noted. With discussion on salary, Deputy Mayor Blake noted, "We set the salary." Commissioner Gilmore then suggested, "It would be reasonable that we would have some data to tell us what are comparable salaries in the area and in comparable cities. Somebody has to give us that information." Mayor Bush commented, "She is worth more than anybody around." Commissioner Gilmore said to City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces, "Is that reasonable for you to get that information for us?" City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces commented, "I could have my Staff assist with that, if that is okay." Commissioner Gilmore said, "All right." The following comments were made during the October 10, 2005 Regular Meeting of the City Commission: REGULAR 505. Office Of The City Clerk Respectfully Requests The City Commission Review This Agenda Item Relative To The Annual Performance Evaluation Of The City Clerk, In Terms Of What The City Commission Deems Suitable For The City Clerk. Discussion. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 28, 2006 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 309 PAGE 3 0F 7 The Cody Study was discussed next. Deputy Mayor Blake asked Manager McLemore, "Are we doing a Cody Study this year?" Manager McLemore responded, "We are." Deputy Mayor Blake continued, "And if we do a Cody Study this year, what exactly does that mean? How does that work?" Manager McLemore stated, "That means we will bring back to you recommendations that are needed to place your ranges at a market value, consistent with the cities around us in the area of Central Florida. And, then it will look at statewide, regional, just to make a check, see how we compare." Deputy Mayor Blake then asked Manager McLemore, "If the range of a Department Head has moved for that Department Head's position, what adjustment is made and how is that adjustment affected by the four percent (4%) cap that we would have utilized for that year?" Manager McLemore said, "What we will do when we do that analysis, we will come back and we'll say these range assignments need to be made, to put each job category within its market value, and within its market range. Then we will look at the internal equity factor that says, based on these change in ranges, what do we need to do to maintain a generally relative situation to time and service of the employees, so that everybody is not bunched up against the front of the range - or the beginning ofthe range." Manager McLemore added, "I am sure there will be an internal equity recommendation for you to look at." Furthermore, Manager McLemore stated, "We don't have to do it, but we try to do it as a matter of good policy and good pay practice." Deputy Mayor Blake stated, "I think Andrea does a super job and I hope she stays with the City for a long, long time to come." In discussing the previous Cody Study, Commissioner Krebs stated, "I would just be curious to know - what it was two (2) years ago." Discussion. Mayor Bush said to the City Commission, "Andrea [Lorenzo-Luaces] works for the Commissioners and you are all part-time people and we rely upon her a great deal on keeping us informed because we are not here every day; and she has got a different job. It is completely different, and so to compare her to other Department Heads isn't really true because other Department Heads don't work for us directly, they work for the Manager." Discussion. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 28, 2006 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 309 PAGE 4 OF 7 Commissioner Krebs stated, "I wonder if she is able to do everything she really wants to do because of - 1 don't whether she has, considering the time she puts in - 1 don't know if she has enough time - there isn't enough time in the day and maybe that is a Department we need to look at as far as possibly more employees if that is the case. 1 would like to know what all - of the Departments." Commissioner Krebs added, "I would like to hear it from the other Departments too, but as well as the City Clerk's Department. " Commissioner McGinnis mentioned, "It's so personal because Andrea [Lorenzo-Luaces] does so much for each one of us." Commissioner McGinnis added, "I think probably she needs more staff also." Furthermore, Commissioner McGinnis remarked, "There is no denying that Andrea [Lorenzo-Luaces] gives one hundred and ten percent (110%) everyday." Discussion. "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE GIVE THE CITY CLERK A FIVE PERCENT (5%) PAY RAISE." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER MILLER. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GILMORE. DISCUSSION. MAYOR BUSH NOTED, "THE MOTION IS A FIVE PERCENT (5%) INCREASE EFFECTIVE..." DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE STATED, "...HER ANNIVERSARY DATE." MAYOR BUSH THEN SAID "HER ANNIVERSARY DATE." VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE: NAY COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: NAY COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. For the year 2004: The following comments were made during the August 23, 2004 Regular Meeting of the City Commission: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 28, 2006 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 309 PAGE 5 0F 7 REGULAR 506. Office Of The City Clerk Requests The City Commission's Direction Regarding The Upcoming Performance Review For The City Clerk. Commissioner Blake stated, "She should have one." Commissioner McGinnis noted, "ASAP - September, that is when it is due. September 27th, [2004]" "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION WE DIRECT THE CITY CLERK TO BRING BACK TO US THE SAME TYPE OF APPRAISAL METHOD THAT SHE USED IN THE PREVIOUS YEAR." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BLAKE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR MILLER: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE MOTION CARRIED. The following comments were made during the September 27, 2004 Regular Meeting of the City Commission: 502. Office Of The City Clerk Respectfully Requests The City Commission Review This Agenda Item Relative To The Annual Evaluation Of The City Clerk, In Terms Of What The City Commission Requested Of The City Clerk. Discussion. Deputy Mayor Miller stated, "The question could be answered very easily by just saying, in the interest of consistency, that those people who are Charter Officers, appointed by the City Commission, don't have a pay grade. " "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE ELIMINATE THE CITY CLERK'S PAY GRADE - CHARTER OFFICER." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER GILMORE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. DISCUSSION. MAYOR BUSH STATED THE MOTION INVOLVED REMOVING "THE PAY GRADE DESIGNATION FROM THE CITY CLERK POSITION." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 28, 2006 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 309 PAGE 6 0F 7 VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR MILLER: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER McLEOD: NAY COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Much discussion. "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT WE ADJUST THE CITY CLERK'S SALARY BY SIX PERCENT (6%) FOR THIRTY- SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY DOLLARS ($3,720.00) TO AN ANNUAL SALARY OF SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY DOLLARS ($65,720.00)." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BLAKE. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR MILLER. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR MILLER: AYE COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PREVIOUS CONSIDERATIONS: The following comments were made during the April 23, 2001 Regular Meeting of the City Commission: "Regarding noticing the City Commission as to when future reviews are due, Deputy Mayor McLeod stated, "I would prefer - that the City Clerk would let us know." Commissioner Blake stated, "One of my pet peeves over the last few years has been this problem of the annual reviews with all the employees and the timeliness or lack of timeliness." Commissioner Blake further said "I would like to think that we can do a better job starting today, on that issue." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 28, 2006 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 309 PAGE 7 0F 7 Mayor Partyka stated that salaries are a priority, and they have to be discussed on a timely fashion. Mayor Partyka further stated, "If this subject is up for discussion in October it should be to this Commission at least a month before the salary is due. It's a burden on any employee to wait six (6) months to see if they get a salary or not. That is just good business practice. So, I urge the City Manager for any future salary increases including his own, that this come up at least one (1) month - prior to when it supposed to be effective." Commissioner Blake agreed and stated, "Hopefully, you are not just talking about the Clerk, or the Manager, but for every employee that we have." The following comments were made during the July 24, 2001 Workshop of the City Commission: "Members of the Commission asked if this could be put on an Agenda, ahead of the City Clerk's Anniversary date. Manager McLemore said, "Sure." Mayor Partyka added, "Similar to the Manager's salary - a month ahead of time of his contract." The anniversary date for City Clerk, Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces is September 27th. FUNDING: To possibly be discussed. RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Commission is asked to provide the appropriate direction that they deem suitable regarding the Performance Review process and any potential raise (merit or other) for the City Clerk. COMMISSION ACTION: