HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 08 12 Regular K Appointment to The Beautification of Winter Springs Board
Public Hearing
Regular X
Regular Meeting
.\ ,
Mgr. / pt.
The City Clerk requests that Commissioner Michael S. Blake make an
Appointment to the Beautification of Winter Springs Board to replace Board
Member Dart Helgeson who has resigned from serving on the Beautification of
Winter Springs Board.
Commissioner Michael S. Blake is requested to make an appointment to fill a
vacancy on the Beautification of Winter Springs Board, as a result of the
resignation of Board Member Dart Helgeson.
Board Member Dart Helgeson submitted a letter of resignation on July 10, 2002.
If this Appointment is not made at this Meeting, it will be placed on subsequent
Agendas, until the vacancy has been filled, or as otherwise directed by
Commissioner Michael S. Blake.
Commissioner Michael S. Blake is requested to make an Appointment to, the
Beautification of Winter Springs Board to replace Ms. Dart Helgeson.
A. A copy of the letter of resignation from Code Enforcement Board Member
Dart Helgeson.
B. Information related to the Beautification of Winter Springs Board.
Tbomas J. I-:ldgeson
B. Dartanya IIeJgeson
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To Whom it m.ay concern:
rt is my regret to inForm you that. r. hereby resign from the \X/inter Springs 13.0. WS.
Board cffccr,ive immedi;jtdy. Circumst;lnces beyond my control h:we faciUf::lted r-J,is ::!ct:ion
and I sincerely apologi7.€: For the gbor! notice of ~Jlis announcement. J [,/l\fC c;;njoycd
working with J./J the 13.0. WS. Board mem,be[s :Jnd City staff in my years on t))(? bO::Jro ~nd
wish them every success in rJle fu(Ur.c.
TIle substanti:tl trials ahcild of not only the BOWS bo~.(d, but tJ,c other Advisory
Boards in assisting dlC City with the new Town C.cnter designs wiJl be bod, ch::ll1enging and
rewarding. J wish everyone the be~t of Jude in their endeavors.
B. Dartanya Helgeson
992 TUR/(E':Y J-/OLLOW CIRCLE': . WJ!'-:TER SPRINGS. FJ, . 32708
PH 0 N 1::: (407) G? 9 - 13 97 3
(2) The name and address of the person to
whom the citation is issued.
(3) The date and time the civil infraction was
(4) The facts constituting reasonable cause,
(5) The number or section of the code or
ordinance violated.
(6) The name and authority of the code en-
forcement officer.
(7) The procedure for the person to follow in
order to pay the civil penalty or to contest
the citation.
(8) The applicable civil penalty if the person
elects not to contest the citation.
(9) The applicable civil penalty if the person
elects to contest the citation,
(10) A conspicuous statement that if the per-
son fails to pay the civil penalty within
the time allowed, or fails to appear in
court to contest the citation, he shall be
deemed to have waived his right to con-
test the citation and. that, in such case,
judgment may be entered against the
person for an amount up to the maximum
civil penalty.
(Ord. No. 547, S I(s 2-66i), 11-22-93)
Sec. 2-69~ 7. Disposition of citations and civil
, penalties.
(a) After issuing a citation to an alleged viola-
tor, the code enforcement officer shall:
(1) Deposit the original citation and one (1)
copy of the citation with the clerk of the
circuit court;
(2) Provide the alleged violator with one (1)
(3) Deposit one (1) copy with city clerk; and
(4) Retain one (1) copy in the code enforce-
ment officer's department file,
(b) All civil penalties received by the county
court from violators of city codes or ordinances
shall be paid into the general fund of the city in
the penalty and fine account. All court costs shall
be retained by the clerk of the circuit court.
(Orel. No. 547, S I(s 2-66j), 11-22-93)
Sec. 2-69.8. Provisions supplemental.
It is the legislative intent of this subdivision to
provide an additional and supplemental means of
obtaining compliance with city codes and ordi-
nances. Nothing contained in this subdivision
shall prohibit the city from enforcing its codes or
ordinances by any other means,
iOrd. No. 547, S I(s 2-66k), 11-22-93)
Sees. 2-70-2-73. Reserved.
Sees. 2-74,2-75. Reserved.
Sec. 2-76.' Created.
There is hereby created "The Beautification of
Winter Springs Board" (hereinafter referred to as
COrd. No. 459, S 1, 5-22-89)
Sec. 2-77. Composition; appointment ofmem-
BOWS shall consist of seven (7) members, five
(5) members to be appointed by the city commis-
sion and two (2) members to be appointed by the
COrd. No. 459, S 2, 5-22-89)
"'Editor's note-Ord. No. 709, S I, adopted Dec, 14, 1998,
repealed Former Div. 3, SS 2-70-2-73, in its entirety which
pertained to the commerce and industry development board
and derived from Ord. No. 424, SS 1-4, adopted July 11, 1988.
tEditor's note-Ord. 459, S 1, adopted May 22, 1989, did
not specify manner of codification; hence, inclusion herein as
Div. 4, SS 2-76-2-80, has been at the discretion of the editor.
Cross references-Building regulations gencrally, eh, 6;
fenccs, walls and hedges, S 6-186 cl seq,; land dc\'eloplllent,
Ch, 9; signs and' advertising, Ch, 16; streets, sidewalks and
other public places, eh. 17; zoning, Ch, 20,
~ 2.83
Sec. 2-78. Tel-ms; ol-ganization; meetings.
The members of BOWS shall be appointed for a
term of three (3) years; three (3) of the initial
BOWS members shall be appointed for a term of
three (3) years, two (2) of the initial BOWS
members shall be appointed for terms of two (2)
years, and two (2) of the initial BOWS members
shall be appointed for the term of one (1) year,
thereafter the terms shall be three (3) years,
Immediately upon appointment, the members of
the Beautification of Winter Springs Board shall
meet and organize and shall elect from among the
membership a chairman, a vice-chairman, and a
secretary, whose terms of office shall be for the
period of one (1) year or until their successors are
elected by the members of the board. The Beau-
tification of Winter Springs Board shall conduct
such meetings as may be necessary to properly
perfonn its duties and functions and shall estab-
lish rules or bylaws to govern the manner 111
which its meetings and affairs are conducted,
(Ord. No, 459, 93, 5-22-89)
Sec.,2-79. Duties; expenditures. '
(a) The Beautification of Winter Springs Board
is empowered and directed to consider and study
the entire field of beautification in the city, and
shall advise, couns~I and consult with the city
commission and the city manager in connection
with the beautification and preservation of natu-
ral beauty of the city. The BOWS board shall
consider all matters submitted to it by the city
commission or the city manager, and shall offer
suggestions and recommendations on its own
initiative in regard to the beautification and clean-
liness of city properties. It shall receive petitions
and suggestions from the citizens of the city, and
shall cooperate with civic groups, garden clubs,
governmental agencies and other organizations
regarding beautification, conservation of natural
beauty, and related subjects.
(b) The members of BOWS shall be compen-
sated in accordance with the manner and proce-
dure set down by the city commission.
(Ord. No. 459, 9 4, 5-22-89)
Sec. 2-80. Master beautification plan; recom-
mendations to city commission.
(a) It is the purpose of the Beautification of
Winter Springs Board to prepare a master plan
for the overall beautification of the city with
regard to those areas owned by the city, and
recommendations to private owners. This board
shall work with other civic groups and govern-
mental agencies within the environmental limits
of the city such as the following:
(1) Approaches to the city;
(2) Surrounding county areas which affect
the impressions of visitors and citizens of
the area with regard to the city.
(b) BOWS shall recommend to the city commis-
sion such overall projects as seem warranted, but
shall refrain from making individual specific rec-
ommendations. BOWS shall not concern itself
with the day-to-day affairs of normal city func-
tions, but shall, upon request of the city commis-
sion, make specific recommendations.
(Ord. No. 459, ~ 5, 5-22-89)
Sec. 2-81. Election supervisor.
The city clerk is hereby designated the super-
visor of elections for the city.
(Code 1974, ~ 2-27)
Sec. 2-82. Proclamation.
The mayor shall issue a proclamation calling
the municipal elections provided for in this article
and at least sixty (60) days prior thereto. The
proclamation shall be published in a newspaper of
general circulation in this city once each week for
four (4) consecutive weeks prior to the municipal
(Code 1974, ~ 2-29)
Sec. 2-83. Municipal elections to be general
Municipal elections held as provided in this
article shall be general municipal elections and no
other municipal primary or general election shall
be necessary. The successful candidates deter-
mined as provided in this article shall be th~ duly
'Charter references-City commission election and terms,
~ ,1.03: nominations and elections, ~ 8,01 et seq.
Cross reference-City commission. S 2.2G et seq.