HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 08 22 Regular Item 506- Questions regarding to Kiosk in City Hall Lobby
ITEM 506
Public Hearing
Regular X
August 22. 2005
Regular Meeting
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Mgr. / /" Dept.
Information Services wishes to obtain clarification on issues
relative to a kiosk in City Hall lobby.
To obtain further information and clarification on functionality
requirements of kiosk in lobby.
The City Commission has recently requested that a kiosk be placed in the City Hall lobby.
The Information Services Department requests that the Commission determine the
specific functionality they want on this kiosk. In other words, what does the Commission
want this kiosk to do or to provide?
Additionally, a surveyor query was sent out via email to a group called FLGISA (Florida
Local Government Information Systems Association) to see if other cities and counties
were utilizing kiosks in their organizations. The responses were few (see attached).
Time did not allow for a local survey but one is being done and should be completed by
August 26th
The Information Services Director. Joanne Dalka. visited the Seminole County Services
Building in Sanford to take a look at their kiosk. According to the Seminole County
Information Technologies Manager. they replaced their kiosk with a pc some time ago
and locked it down to only specific services and sites. According to the County. the kiosk
S:\City of Winter Springs\Docs\Agendas, Agenda Items, Minutes\Agenda Items\Calendar Year 2005\082205
Regular Meeting\082205 _ COMM _ Regular ~506 _Kiosk Jor _City _Hall.doc
was very problematic, rarely worked and when it did, it was very rarely used.
Maintenance on the unit was also not consistent or easy to get. They recommended a PC
which could be locked down, totally open, or could be tailored to our own specific needs.
So what do we need to know? Should the kiosk provide:
. Internet Access? If so,
o Should it be wide open so that any web site can be visited? Or should it be
filtered so that certain sites cannot be visited (i.e., porn sites, hate sites, etc.)?
o Or should there be a list of specific sites can be visited such as only
government sites; if so, which ones?
. Utility bill viewing and payment *
. Permitting Information *
. Inspection Information *
. Code Enforcement Information *
. Do you want to allow printing from this kiosk? If so, do you want to charge per page
for this privilege?
*These items are not currently available but will be in the future.
Other considerations:
. Should there be a time limit on the use of the kiosk so that one individual cannot have
exclusive use for extended periods of time, preventing others from using it? If so,
what is that time limit?
. Does the Commission wish for this unit to be a true kiosk unit or a pc?
. If a pc is preferred, should it be a touch screen only, or a touch screen with keyboard
and mouse?
. Are there other issues that you are aware of that need to be addressed?
Not applicable at this time
RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Commission define specific functionality of the proposed
kiosk by answering all of the above listed questions, commenting
appropriately, and asking any follow-up questions for further review and
A TT ACHMENTS: Attachment #1 - FLGISA Survey
S:\City of Winter Springs\Docs\Agendas, Agenda Items, Minutes\Agenda Items\Calendar Year 2005\082205
Regular Meeting\082205 ~ COMM _Regular _506_ Kiosk_for _City _ Hall.doc
Regular 506 August 22,2005 ATTACHMENT #1
Below is the surveyresultsfromFLGiSA (Florida Local Government Information Syste-ms-ASsociatlon).-The-q-uestfon I asked of the
group was wl!~i~_c:_~rrently using kioskslI':IcI_""hat functionality do th~ ha"'e?_______________
Here are ~h~_~mail responses I r~~~iv~~:L ______
Collier County i If you would be so kind, could you share the responses to your request with me? I just got a request
_ _____ __'f()rthis yesterday. _____ ____
Please let me know ""hat1'Slu receive~!hls topic,_
Out of the Office
--- -- -------- --------------------
We are also looking into possibly providing a similar service. I would like to hear from anyone
regarding the kiosk v~.pGiss_u~_as well _ . _ ______________
Great questions. The city of North Lauderdale is also beginning to explore the use of kiosks. One
area is Parks and Rec allowing people to view availability of pavilions and eventually pay on-line to rent
them. There would be additional P&R as well as City services available too. Inside City Hall, all
I available services could be viewed for status and allow for payment and printing of documents. We
: have initially said Internet access would not be allowed at kiosks. I'm interested in your findings and
'would Iik.!:!_t(~. see your responses. .____ ._ _ ____
- TWe are in the processoftrying to get going on this issue too, would you mind sharing the results with
Cltl'Q~F'alm Coast
_l:!e!nandoCounty __
City of Tavares
City of North Lauderdale
City of West Melbourne
City of Hallandale Beach
City ofD..aytona Bea~h
City of Sarasota
_City of g~conut c:r~eJ<.____
_ Cil}'ofE()rt Pierc:E:ln
City of Winter Park
City of Boynton Beach
City of Largo
Marion County
The City of Hallandale Beach just installed a PC kiosk in our lobby for job application tracking. We
link/restrict it to the Prohire website to allow applicants to apply for city jobs. Other than configuring the
PC to restrict its access, we are having ventilation issues with the protective cabinet (we are installing a
cabin~tfanLSince it is i':l~s_ecure 10catio..f1._we _cl()l1'tanticipate allY security issues. .
I would be inte!e~_~ecl_in your findings __ ____ _ ________
We have rolled out two kiosks both stationed at City Hall locations. I'm planning on placing kiosks at
strategic locations to help us with the still existing digital divide and our quest to disseminate
information to the neighborhoods. Amongst many services we provide are online payments of utility
bills, Citizen Response Management, City maps and locations, Commission districts and voting district
Imaps, etc. We selected and partnered with a fantastic consulting firm and are extremely pleased with
itheir level of service and technical competence. If you like I can put you in touch with them. I hope this
'helps. __ _ ... _ m .u_
V'!~_ hav_~Cl pc for bill payin~LClnclinternet access, bu! it hardly gets any use.
Sorry, we don_ot ha"e any public kios~s. _______
We are planning a few to be deployed in the very near future. Right now it has not been decided as to
I touch screen or not to touch. Bill payment and inquiry are for certain. Code is deciding if they want to
_l;:lIlOW permit requests al1dtra.~~_n___ .__________n .. . .________
iThe City of Boynton Beach has kiosk in three locations. The Library, Utilities, and City Hall @ the Mall.
!We have GIS information such as flood zones, school, Parks and Recreation information. The future
; goal is to make them available for bill payment of utility bills, and promoting city events
"1-.'....-.-.--.. m___._______..._ _,n..._._.'__ _.._______ ___"____ ___,___ __.._u_,_, .......-...----------------.----------
i I have proposed this several times, but can not get funding for it. My intent is to use for only City access
lto information, permitting, occupational licensing, email to City departments, etc. It would have to be a
1 combination of both touch screen and keyboard input. I would want it to be a true kiosk since it would
be_outside..!.he buildillg. City Hall is lo<;keddll.ring non-business ~ours.
We have a couple in the Community development and a couple in HR. But we do use PC's rather that
Kiosk equip. The Local Police Department has kiosk equipment. Ours are are locked down to just IE,
with a list of sites for Job applications and opening, permit lookup and scheduling, and board meeting
a endas. Of ourse, this does not count the ublic access terminal/PC's in the Iibra s.