HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 04 22 Consent D Public Safety Facility Build-Out
Authorizatio~ T
REQUEST: Police Department requesting the Commission to give approval to move
forward with the proposal from Architects Design Group Inc. for the completion of the
Public Safety Facility Build-Out as discussed at the Special Meeting for the 5 year Capital
Improvement Plan on March 4, 2002.
PURPOSE: To seek the consent of the Commission to approve the proposal from
Architects Design Group and continue forward with the completion of the Public Safety
Facility Build -Out.
CONSIDERATIONS: Based on the Commissions direction the Police Department
has obtained a scope of services plan for architectural design for the unfinished shell of
the Police Department facility. Architects Design Group was contacted in reference to
this project and this will be a continuation of the original project completed by them in
1996. Their proposal includes a full scope of services for the build-out of the unfinished
area within our existing facility, designing the interior layout, mechanical systems,
electrical systems, fire-protection systems, and material selections. Architects Design
Group has anticipated that they can complete these services within 90 days and sent out
for bids for completion of this project.
FUNDING: Existing funds of $17,830.00 from the Police Impact Fees.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve the proposal and expenditure of $17,830.00 from
the Police Impact Fees to continue the project.
Immediately upon approval by Commission.
A TT ACHMENTS: Proposal from Architects Design Group
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April 3, 2002
Chief Dan Kerr
Winter Springs Police Department
City of Winter Springs
300 North Moss Road
Winter Springs, FL 32708
RE: Public Safety Facility Build-Out
City of Winter Springs, Florida
ADG Proposal for AlE Services
Dear Chief Kerr:
I enjoyed the opportunity to meet with you and your staff on March 13, 2002. The purpose of this
correspondence is to respond to the issues discussed at that meeting regarding the build-out of the shell
space within the existing Public Safety Facility.
Enclosed, for your review and consideration, is a proposed Scope of Services (Attachment "A") and
associated professional fee (Attachment "B") for the identified tasks.
If you have any questions or wish to discuss the enclosed Scope of Services please give me a call.
Certainly this is a very important project to accommodate the current needs of your Department, and we
are pleased to be a part of making it become a reality.
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I remain, sincerely yours,
Ian A. Reeves
Copy to:
Attachments "A" and "B"
ISKR V, Terry Dawson, ADG
H: admin/marketing/ian/wspdproposal0403.2It
Attachment "A"
Winter Springs Public Safety Facility
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Scope of Services
1. Scope of Services: General
The services are generally defined as establishing the spatial needs of the Police Department,
Space Planning the area contained within the "shelled-out" portion of the existing facility,
designing the interior layout, mechanical systems, electrical systems, fire-protections systems,
and material selections.
2. Scope of Services: Specific
The consultant shall provide services to accomplish the identified goal, as noted above. Specific
tasks are identified as follows:
2.1 Establish Facilities Needs:
2.1.1 Obtain documentation from the Police Department relative to their preliminary
assessment of spatial need.
2.1.2 Obtain organization structure documentation, staffing levels and related criteria
which will assist in establishing need.
2.2 Preliminarv Space Plannin2:
2.2.1 Based upon the assembled and developed documentation prepare concept plans
for the identified shelled space, illustrating in a general nature; individual offices,
work areas, equipment needs and locations, etc.
2.2.2 Develop a minimum of three (3) space planning concepts, incorporating the
elements noted above. These preliminary concepts are to be utilized for purposes
of assessing the space allocations required for each use, and for purposes of
discussion by the Department's Administrative personnel.
2.3 Desi2n Charette:
2.3.1 Conduct a design charette (concept planning session) with Departmental
representatives in order to evaluate the three concepts noted in item 2.3.2, and to
Attachment "A"
Winter Springs Public Safety Facility
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Scope of Services
Page two
incorporate additional criteria which the attendees may deem of importance. If
appropriate, evaluate additional space planning concepts.
2.3.2 After completion of the design charette the Architect shall prepare a "finalized"
Space Planning concept incorporating the factors considered by the overall team
to be appropriate. Copies of this document shall be distributed to the attendees
for their review and consideration. Each attendee shall submit any comments of
suggested modifications to the Architect for incorporation into a "final"
preliminary design concept.
2.4 Workin2; Drawin2;s:
2.4.1 ADG and our consultants shall, based upon the approved space planning concept,
prepare construction documents, plans and specifications, as necessary to
accomplish the scope identified within the prior phases of documentation of the
project. The disciplines involved shall include Architectural, Interiors,
Mechanical, Electrical, and Fire Protection.
2.5 Schedule:
It is anticipated that this Scope of Services shall be accomplished within ninety (90) days
of the owner provided authorization to proceed. It is understood that the scheduling of
the various participants may impact upon the schedule ofthe project.
RE: Attachment "B"
Winter Springs Public Safety Facility
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Professional Fee Allocation
1. Professional Fee Allocation:
The following is the fee distribution associated with the tasks identified in Attachment "A".
Task Professional Fee
Establish Facility Needs
Preliminary Space Planning
Design Charrette
Working Drawings
$ 1,425.00
$ 2,800.00
$ 1,000.00
$ 11.105.00
Reimbursable Expenses
$ 1.500.001
1.7 T otal/Professional Fee .......................................................................................... $17,830.00
I Reimbursable expenses are an allowance and are billable as actual expenses.