HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 03 25 Regular L Future Public Transit Needs in City
March 25, 2001
The Community Development Department requests the City Commission direct staff to work
With LYNX and other countywide funding partners to identify current and future public transit
The purpose of this item is to seek approval from the City Commission to partner with LYNX
and other countywide funding partners to identify current and future public transit needs in the
. ADA Paratransit is a demand- or subscription-responsive program, which provides
door-to-door service to transportation disadvantaged (economically, mentally and
physically, general ridership, and human service) patrons and does not conform to the
scheduled or fixed routes of traditional mass transit.
. Currently, ADA Paratransit is provided by LYNX to all locations where there is an
identified need.
. Increased costs and financial constraints have led to LYNX's decision to discontinue
ADA paratransit service for persons whose trip origin and/or destination is greater
than three-quarters (3/4) of a mile from a LYNX bus route (the minimum distance
that must be served under current ADA requirements).
. Seminole County is evaluating overall transit service needs based on interviews with
employment leaders in the County and various Cities. It is further exploring the need
for new fixed route service to several locations, including the City of Winter Springs,
. At its September 10,2001 regular meeting, the City Commission tabled a request by
staff to consider a contribution of$13,050, which would have represented the city's
pro rata share of existing Paratransit service.
March 25,2001
Regular Agenda Item L
Page 2
. On September 24,2001, a motion to untable this item for further consideration by the
City Commission failed.
. An opportunity exists for the city to partner with LYNX and other Seminole County
jurisdictions to share the costs of countywide public transportation.
. Rising service costs and reduced local funding led LYNX's to reduce the ADA
Paratransit service area to the minimum required by Federal law.
. The proposed comprehensive plan establishes policies that encourage partnerships
with LYNX to provide a safe and efficient public transportation system.
. Effective public transportation is a major component of Neo- Traditional
Development (NTD) principles, upon which the proposed Town Center is strongly
. There is public support for the expansion of public transportation in the city, as
demonstrated by a petition submitted in September 2001 by residents who
requested the same.
To identify current and future transit needs in the city, the following issues are presented in the
form of questions and answers:
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
When ADA Paratransit service is reduced to three-quarters (3/4) of a mile
from a LYNX bus route as required by law, how many people in Winter
Springs will be affected?
This question remains to be answered.
At present, staff is not aware of a need for Paratransit service beyond the
minimum standard required by law.
What is the appropriate funding source for ADA Paratransit service?
The three options include general fund appropriations, gasoline taxes,
and/or a new funding source appropriate for transportation.
Policy makers must eventually come to terms with an appropriate funding
source. Staff believes gasoline taxes or a new funding source more closely
linked to transportation would be more appropriate than general fund
Is there a need for additional bus service in Winter Springs?
This question remains to be answered.
There is no available data to demonstrate a need for bus service beyond the
existing service route along U.S. Highway 17-92 or to what extent bus
service would be used by residents if expanded.
March 25,2001
Regular Agenda Item L
Page 3
Question 4: If there is a need for additional bus service, what is the appropriate funding
Answer: As previously stated, the general fund, gasoline taxes or another funding
source directly related to transportation are alternatives revenue sources.
Conclusion: Policy makers must come to terms with a funding source if a need is
determined. Staff believes gasoline taxes or some new funding source
clearly linked to transportation are more appropriate than general fund
1. In summary, staff believes it is difficult if not impossible to find a rational nexus
between the cost of providing transportation to needed population groups in the
city and a city source of funding. Therefore, the source of funding should be
determined on a system-wide basis, as an alternative to citywide and even
2. Staff believes the source of funding should be a source other than the general
Staff recommends the City Commission not take any action until such time that the following can
be determined:
A. Documentation of existing and potential ridership in the city;
B. Identification by policy makers of a source of funding other than general funds to
finance ridership; and ideally
C. Identification of a metropolitan wide source of funds to operate a metropolitan
wide transportation system.
A. Letter from LYNX, dated February 11, 2002
B. Letter from LYNX, dated February 22, 2002
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February 11, 2002
ICE B .; .~ 2"'02
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Ms. Andrea Lucas
City of Winter Springs
1126 E. SR 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
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Dear Ms. Lucas:
You may be aware that, effective October 1, 2002, ADA paratransit service will be discontinued for
individuals whose trip origin or destination is greater than three-quarters of a mile from a LYNX bus
route. (This is the distance that must be served under current ADA requirements.)
While LYNX has historically provided the service outside the required area, the dramatic increase in
demand for ADA trips over the last several years has made it necessary to make this change in order to
exert a prudent level of control over the costs that are shared by LYNX and our funding partners. It is
estimated that this policy would affect about 750 clients whose origin is outside three-quarters of a mile.
These clients will be receiving official notice later this month.
The county breakdown of affected clients is:
Orange 150
Osceola 420
Seminole 180
About 18% of current ADA trips arc outside the standard service area. This results in additional annual
cost for these trips that are outside the standard area.
The county breakdown of the projected annual costs associated with providing these additional trips is as
We are also going to be contacting the three medical providers who are outside the standard service area.
The LYNX board has requested staff to continue to study the issue of medical provider locations with the
idea of possibly including them in the policy area.
Your current budget provides funding for maintaining the present service beyond the ADA standard area
through September J 1, 2002. We will use this time to communicate with OUf current clients and medical
providers that will be affected. We will make every effort'to work with them to find alternative
transportation, if possible.
With the thoughtful support of our funding partners, local funding for ADA increased $1.2 million this
budget year, the first increase since 1995. As we mentioned in our presentations last year, this amount
does not renect the full impact of the increase in our new private carrier fee contract. \XI e will discuss this
with your budget staffs during the up-coming budget cycle.
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We feel we must give our ADA clients who live outside the standard area adequate notice about the
change in policy. This notice may result in phone calls to you and. other contacts. Pfease feel free to refer
any questions to Bill Schnecman, L.YNX Director of Operations, at (407) 841 2279 extension 3036; Ed
Griffin, LYNX Deputy Director of PafatL\nsit, at extension 3408 and we will do what we can to help.
Other Paratransit Issues
Beginning May 1, 2002, LYNX will implcmel1l an entifely new approach to managing paratransit in the
tri-countyarea. With the guidance of an olllside cxpert assessment and after extensive consultation with a
broad range of the community, ,\ new pfivate cafrier Ius been selected, and an improved internal structure
and delivery system will be implemented.
The new contract provides for much greater accountability on the part of the carrier. It also gives LYNX
more responsibility for dispatch and scheduling - \vhich will allow for more quality control and cost
efficiency. Eligibility for services will be monitored more carefully with increased eligibility staff and an
outside "functional asses~m.cm".
The restructuring of paratransit represents a significant commitment by LYNX to the disabled and
transportation disadvantaged community in Central Florida. Its success will require a long term
partnership from all of our funding partners.
The legislature is currently .considefing an increase in the Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Trust Fund,
(which has not been increased since 1994). It is our hope that new funding will be provided so that we
can meet at least some of the soaring clctmnd for TO trips that a change in ADA policy will cause.
After months of discussion, it is becoming clear that, unless some 11th hour increase in appropriations is
forthcoming from the State, Medicaid cannot provide the fuIiding necessary for us to continue providing
paratransit service for them. LYNX will simply not be able to subsidize the cost of the improved service
but we are prepared to wOfk with jvledicaid to assure a smooth.transition.
Much work remains to create a paratransit service that meets the needs of those qualified to use it. I
appreciate your patience and share YOUf determination to provide professional, dependable and cost-
effective service to our citizens.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 407 8412279, extension 3214.
-- ~ /.
Byron W. Brooks
Executive Director
cc: LYNX Board of Directors
LYNX Accessibility Advisory Committee
Bill Schneeman, LYNX Director of Operations
Ed Griffin, LYNX Deputy DirecLOf of P:tratransit
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EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1. 2002 ~rl; ,.:.:1\.".'!.'-'.'~-' .~-
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February 22, 2002
. ., .,..' "'Il::t-<. SPRINGS
L.,I I I -,. 1:7~:\ ":.r'- HALL
Dear ADA Paratransit Client:
(}J)it'. ib l cJ) .
This is to inform you that, effective October 1, 2002, ADA paratransit
service will be discontinued for individuals whose trip origin and/or
destination is greater than three-quarters of a mile from a LYNX bus
route. (This is the minimum distance that must be served under
current ADA requirements.)
Our map study indicates that you will lose your paratransit service
when this policy goes into effect on October 1, 2002, because your
trip origin is outside the ADA standard area. This notice is intended to
give you adequate time to make alternative transportation
Since the inception of the ADA program, LYNX has voluntarily provided
service well beyond the minimum service area. Unfortunately,
in(:reased demand system-wide has 'created serious budgetary
problems and has made it necessary to discontinue this service
beyond the required area.
We regret that financial constraints have caused us to take this action.
We have prepared the following suggestions for you to review:
· Consider adjusting your trip "origin" point to within the 3/4 mile
area. You may be able to arrange other transportation to an
area within the service area and be picked up there,
· Discuss the situation with your medical service or social service
providers, See if transportation may be available through them.
· If you attend a place of worship, see if some form of
transportation may be available.
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· Confer with friends and/or relatives, They may be able to help.
*Other Paratransit Issues
· Beginning May 1, 2002, LYNX will implement an entirelY new
approach to managing paratransit in the tri-county area. A new
private carrier has been selected, and an improved internal
structure and delivery system will be implemented,
The new contract provides for much greater accountability on
the part of the carrier and will allow for more quality control and
cost efficiency. Eligibility for services will be monitored more
carefully with increased eligibility staff and an outside "functional
· The Florida legislature is currently considering an increase in the
Transportation Disadvantaged (TO) Trust Fund, (which has not
been increased since 1994). It is our hope that new funding
will be provided so that we can meet at least some of the
soaring demand for TD trips that a change in ADA policy will
In the coming months, we will continue discussions with the
community and keep you informed about ADA eligibility and other
changes in paratransit. If you have any questions, please call me at
407 841 2279 (extension 3408).
),"c-i. h CO -
Edward 1. Griffin
Deputy Director of Operations for Paratransit
cc: Paratransit Funding Partners
Paratransit Service Providers
?: c, "
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Ronald W McLemore
City Manager
Mayor and Commission
Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager -f---
March 25,2002
March 11, 2002 Regular Agenda Item "L" Public Transit
I spoke with Kevin Grace Friday to get a better understanding of what we were being
asked to do at this time relative to funding of AD.A. para-transit.
Based upon this discussion we are being asked if we would be willing to fund either of
the following as a temporary measure for funding AD.A para-transit in Winter Springs,
I, Service to residents residing within % miles of the route
(minimum required by federal mandate)
2. Service to all residents
I am totally opposed to the county transferring this political and fiscal burden to the city
because they don't have the political will to enact another penny of gas taxes.
The city has been on record with the county advising the county of our position that the
additional cost should be funded from one of the remaining 5-cent gas taxes the county
has yet to enact.
However, in this case, there are some extenuating circumstances, that being that the
county is concerned about the political fall out of raising another penny of gas taxes in
the same year the I-cent local option gas tax was voted in by the public.
If the city agrees to temporary funding this should be on the basis that the city would do
this one time based upon the county's representations that it would enact the additional
gas taxes to cover the cost and to reimburse us for this advance payment.
IICITYHALL_PDCIJPALLADINOIDocsIWordIMemosIMar 20021Funding ADA Para-transit.doc
l~, MAR-22-2002 17: 13
407 66557385 P.04/04
Estimated ADA Service By Jurisdiction
FY 2002-2003
Estimated 3/4 Mile ADA Service - Trips and Cost*
Jurisdiction Trips Percent Cost ***
Altamonte Springs 7,884 21% $ 144,411
Casselberry 2,253 6% $ 41,260
lake Mary 751 2% $ 13,753
Longwood 1,502 4% $ 27,507
Oviedo 375 1% $ 6,877
Sanford 3,754 10% $ 68,767
Winter Springs 1,502 4% $ 27,507
Unincorporated 19,522 52% $ 357,590
Totals 37,543 100% $ 687,673
Estimated Full, County.wide ADA Service. Trips and Cost**
Jurisdiction Trips Percent Cost ***
AItamonte Springs 7,884 13% $ 144,411
Casselberry 3,163 5% $ 57,931
Lake Mary 1,188 2% $ 2] ,759
Longwood 2,706 5% $ 49,564
Oviedo 585 1% $ 10,724
Sanford 3,820 7% $ 69,976
Winter Springs 3,305 6% $ 60,538
Unincorporated 35,781 61% $ 655,455
Totals 58,432 100% $ 1,070,358
>I< Based on an early estimate of trip counts during FY 00/01 and distribution of those trips to
jurisdictions based on residence of client.
** Estimate includes both service within the 3/4 mile corridor and outside the corridor,
*** The cost of each trip is estimated at $18.32, The final cost may exceed this amount.
MAR-22-2002 16:59
3Q & Full ADA
:'"' - '1>",
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
October 31, 2001
Kevin Grace, County Manager
County of Seminole
1101 East First Street
Sanford, Florida 32771
Dear Kevin
This letter is in response to 9ur October 31, 200 I meeting dedicated to transportation
As I stated in the meeting, if we are serious about developing a sound mass transit and
special population transportation system we need to identify a reliable source of revenue.
The ability of our local governments to look to existing sources of revenue to "plug the
leak" is not realistic.
Seminole County local governments are known for finding solutions for public service
issues, I strongly believe that we need to challenge our policy makers with alternatives
that will not only solve the current mass transit crises but at the same time open new mass
transit opportunities to us beyond just "patching" the problem,
I look forward to working with' you in identifying this type of solution for funding a
sound Seminole County Mass Transit System.
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
cc: Mayor and Commission
U:\Docs\Word\Letters\OctOI\Seminole County Mass Transitlssue.doc -