HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 08 14 Regular 300 West End Center
ITEM 300
August 14, 2006
REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the City Commission
consider and approve the final engineering plans for the West End Center,
Phase I.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the City Commission to consider and approve
the final engineering plans for the West End Center, Phase I, consisting of a 24,390
square foot three-story office building on 2.65 acres in the Town Center on the south
side of S.R. 434, across from City Hall and immediately west of J esup' s Reserve.
. Section 9-71. When final development plan is to be filed; extension.
. Section 9-72. Processing of final plans.
. Section 9-73. Form and contents of final development plans.
. Section 9-74. Action on final development plan; expiration of approval.
. Section 20-317. Application for construction.
. Chapter 20, Article III, Division 12. Town Center District Code (sections 20-320 thru 20-
. February 27, 2006 - City Commission approval of the conceptual development plan for the
West End Center.
. June 27, 2006 - City Commission Aesthetic Review Approval (subject to Staffs findings)
. West End Center is located on 2.65 acres in the Town Center zoning district on the south
side of S.R. 434, across from City Hall and immediately west of Jesup's Reserve (see
Exhibits 1 and 2 for a vicinity map and aerial photo of the vacant site).
. Phase I consists of one 24,390 square foot three-story professional office building, a parking
area containing 105 parking spaces, a stormwater management system, utilities, landscaping,
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irrigation, hardscaping, and other associated improvements as shown on the attached final
engineering plans.
· Phase II, which is not submitted for approval as a part of this agenda item, consists of a
second 24,390 square foot professional office building and 23 additional parking spaces. At
buildout of both phases, there will be a total of 131 parking spaces serving 48,780 square
feet of professional office space, for an overall parking ratio of 2.67 spaces per 1,000 square
feet of gross building area. This is slightly lower than the City's recommended parking
guidelines for office buildings, which recommends 3.3 spaces per 1,000 square feet.
However, West End Center has a relatively high ratio of gross building square footage to net
leaseable square footage (about 28%), and the developer has indicated that the major tenant
who will occupy two floors ofthe first building is satisfied with the available parking.
. Access to the site is provided at two locations. The primary access point is a right-in / right-
out driveway connection to S.R. 434 at the center of the northern property boundary. The
second access point is along the eastern boundary, where the parking area connects with Old
Farm Road. Old Farm Road is currently under construction as a part of Jesup's Reserve.
Old Farm Road connects to McLeod's Way, which has a signalized intersection with S.R.
. A traffic study was provided with the site development plan. The traffic study covered
Phases I and II, consisting of 48,780 square feet of office space in two equally-sized
buildings. At buildout, the project is estimated to generate a daily traffic volume of 748
vehicles per day, with 106 AM peak hour trips and 134 PM peak hour trips. The traffic
study indicates that no additional off-site traffic improvements are necessary to maintain the
existing levels of service at the affected intersections. Staff has reviewed and approved the
traffic study.
· The traffic study recommended the construction of a right-turn deceleration lane on S.R. 434
along the eastbound approach to the main entrance driveway, due to the high number (93) of
AM peak hour trips entering the site. A right-turn deceleration lane is warranted by FDOT
standards and the City Code (Section 9-206). At Staffs recommendation, the FDOT District
5 Traffic Operations Department was requested to review the traffic study and site plan and
make a determination if a turn lane is required. FDOT District 5 has not completed their
review as of this date. If a turn lane is required, it would be located entirely within the
existing right-of-way with no impact to the proposed plaza area located between the
buildings and the S.R. 434 right-of-way line. Dover Kohl has indicated an objection to turn
lanes in the Town Center, believing that they increase travel speeds and orientation to the
. The proposed stormwater management facilities consist of an on site collection system and a
wet detention pond that outfalls to a spreader swale located at the southwest comer of the
site. The stormwater system meets all City criteria, with the exception that the wet detention
pond is proposed to be enclosed by a retaining wall, similar to the existing City Hall pond,
rather than having side slopes at a minimum slope of 4 to 1. The retaining wall is necessary
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August 14,2006
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to provide adequate pond capacity without reducing the number of parking spaces and/or the
size of the buildings.
· A 30-foot wide City right-of-way borders the site's southern property boundary. The
developer has proposed to have portions of the wet detention pond and the parking area
extend into this right-of-way, as shown on plan sheet CIOO. No City improvements exist or
are planned in this vacant right-of-way, which terminates at the West End Center's western
property boundary. On the east side of West End Center, the 30-foot right-of-way is being
improved by Jesup's Reserve to provide alley access to townhome units. There is no need
for this alley to extend into the West End Center site.
. The West End Center improvements will consist of the elimination of the existing FDOT
sidewalk along S.R. 434 and its replacement with a 30-foot wide front plaza area that will
also function as the public sidewalk along the property frontage. The plaza connects to the
J esup' s Reserve sidewalk to the east and back to the existing FDOT sidewalk to the west.
1. All aspects of the final engineering for West End Center Phase I are subject to City
Commission approval of a Developer's Agreement to be brought to the Commission at a
later date.
2. All street lights, signage, fixtures, and bollards are subject to Staff review for compliance
with the Town Center Code.
3. Engineering plans for a right-turn deceleration lane shall be submitted to the City for review
and approval ifFDOT determines that a right-turn deceleration lane is required.
4. The dumpster pad enclosure shall comply with Sections 9-280 and 9-281 of the City Code
and the approved aesthetic review.
5. Design calculations shall be submitted with the building permit applications and/or shop
drawings for all retaining walls.
6. If the building tenant(s) should desire building signage, it will need to be submitted for a
separate review (as none has been indicated at this time).
1. The proposed building is located approximately 45-feet from the S.R. 434 right-of-way line
with a pedestrian plaza located between the building and the right-of-way and no frontage
road. This deviates from Section 20-325 (c) (8), which requires the typical build-to line to
be at the right-of-way of a frontage road parallel to S.R. 434.
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2. The public sidewalk along the property frontage shall be located onsite in the plaza area,
with sidewalk connections to the existing sidewalks at both ends of the property. The plaza
area shall be maintained in perpetuity as fully accessible to the general public.
3. The design of seat walls are intended to be comfortable for sitting leisurely for extended
periods of time, and as such will be maintained for these public purposes.
4. The wall at the northeast comer shall connect to and be coordinated with the proposed
J esup' s Reserve wall.
5. The developer is responsible for obtaining permission from Levitt & Sons to construct the
improvements shown on Levitt's property along the eastern property boundary.
6. The Developer's Agreement shall provide permission from the City for the developer to
utilize the existing 30-foot wide City right-of-way along the southern property boundary for
parking and the stormwater pond.
7. Retaining walls may be utilized at the pond perimeter in lieu of 4:1 side slopes as required
by Section 9-24l.d.2.
8. If FDOT does not require a right-turn deceleration lane, this will deviate from Section 9-
206.a and should be recorded in the Developer's Agreement.
9. Old Farm Road (Jesup's Reserve) shall be permitted to terminate at the West End Center
parking area.
10. Installation and ongoing maintenance of the trees in the plaza area shall be to the City's
satisfaction, and such trees shall be subject to replacement ifthey diminish in condition.
1. The 2.65 acre site is located within the City, has a Town Center Future Land Use
Designation, and is located within the Town Center zoning district.
2. The final engineering plans comply with the Comprehensive Plan and with the City Code
except as specifically noted above. These items shall be recorded in a Developer's
3. The site development will connect to City potable water and sanitary sewer. The City has
adequate capacity for both.
4. A traffic study and subsequent review by Staff determined that no additional offsite traffic
improvements are required, with the possible exception of a right-turn deceleration lane,
which is still under review by FDOT.
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August 14, 2006
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Staff recommends the City Commission approve the attached final engineering plans for West End
Center subject to the recommended conditions of approval listed above and the Commission's
approval of a Developer's Agreement.
1. Exhibit 1 - West End Center Vicinity Map
2. Exhibit 2 - West End Center Aerial Map
3. Exhibit 3 - Final Engineering Plans
081406_ COMM _Regular _300_ West End Center Final Engineering
Exhibit 1 - West End Center Vicinity Map
Exhibit 2 - West End Center Aerial Map
West End Center One
Construction Plans
City of Winter Springs
Seminole County, Florida
March 17, 2006
West End Center One
West End Center One
West End Center One
Utility Plan
West End Center One
West End center One
Grading and Drainage
West End Center One
Site Details
West End Center One
Site Details
West End Center One
Grading and Drainage
West End Center One
Water Details
West End Center One
Sewer Details
West End Center One
Landscape Plan
West End Center One
Landscape Notes and Details
West End Center One
Irrigation Plan
West End Center One
Irrigation Plan
West End Centre One
Electrical Site Plan
West End Centre One
Site Lighting Photometrics Plan
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