HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 07 11 Regular Item 503- Resolution Number 2005-26, FDOT Support SR 434 Traffic Circulation and Access Plan
071105_ COMM _Regular _503 ]DOT _Resolution _2005-26
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ITEM 503
Public Hearin
Re ular
July 11, 2005
Regular Meeting
Mgr~. Dept.
REQUEST: City Manager requesting the City Commission to approve Resolution Number 2005-
26 requesting FDOT to support the State Road 434 Traffic Circulation and Access Plan for the
Town Center Urban Central Business District recommended by the City's consultants.
PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed to provide the FDOT with the City's rationale for amending
the FDOT's current Traffic Management Plan for that section of S.R. 434 going through the Town
In December 2004 the City Commission approved a contract with Walter Kulash of Glatting, Jackson to
perform a Traffic Circulation and Access Management Study to determine if the City's Town Center
Traffic Circulation and Access Plan could be supported on sound engineering data, thus, allowing the
City to petition FDOT to amend its plans in the Town Center.
In March of2005 the consultant report was completed establishing that the Town Center Circulation and
Access Plan was as good as or slightly better than the FDOT's plan.
On June 13, 2005 our consultants and city staff met with FDOT officials to review our consultant's
findings. Although the FDOT officials indicated some relief from their plan, the minimal levels of
change fell far short of our needs to create a pedestrian friendly, rather than vehicle friendly
environment in the Town Center.
The proposed Resolution Number 2005-26 establishes the City's official request for reconsideration of
FDOT's position.
071105_ COMM _ Regular_ 503 ]DOT _ Resolution_ 2005-26
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It is recommended that the City Commission adopt Resolution Number 2005-26 authorizing the City
Manager to forward Resolution Number 2005-26 to the appropriate State Officials.
1. Resolution Number 2005-26.
2. City Manager letter to Representative David Mealor.
3. City Manager letter to FDOT.
WHEREAS, on January 24, 2005 the Winter Springs City Commission approved a
Comprehensive Plan Amendment with approval from all appropriate reviewing Local and State
Agencies designating certain areas in the City of Winter Springs lying within the Town Center
Zoning District to Winter Springs Urban Central Business District, and
WHEREAS, the street and road networks, and the access plan for the Town Center Urban
Central Business District was developed by consultants with national and international
credentials in Town Center and Central Business District Design, and
WHEREAS, studies prepared by the City's traffic consultants using recognized SYNCHRO 6
ANAL YSIS SOFTW ARE established that the street and road network, and traffic access plan for
the Town Center Urban Central Business District protects S.R. 434 levels of service and
performance as well or slightly better than the preferred FDOT plan, and
WHEREAS, the consultants study established that the street and road network, and traffic
access plan for the Town Center Urban Central Business District eliminates the future need for,
and expense of widening S.R. 434 from four to six lanes, and
WHEREAS, the consultants study established that the street and road network and traffic
access plan for the Town Center Urban Central Business District reduces incidents of high speed,
high impact accidents involving serious injuries and fatalities, and
WHEREAS, the City acknowledges that the street and road network and traffic access plan
proposed by the City's consultants "may" result in some increase in inconvenience to motorists
related to decreases in speed and occasional delays, and
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WHEREAS, the City acknowledges FDOT's concern that the street and road network, and
traffic access plan proposed by the City's consultants "may" result in some increase in minor
low speed low impact traffic accidents, and minor injuries, as opposed to high speed, high impact
serious injury accidents which are currently being experienced, and
WHEREAS, the Winter Springs Town Center Urban Central Business District project is by far
the most important economic development project in the City, representing an estimated
investment in excess of 400 million dollars, and
WHEREAS, Winter Springs policy makers, staff, and consultants strongly believe that the safer,
more pedestrian friendly street and road network, and traffic access plan adopted by the City is
essential to the economic success of the Winter Springs Town Center Urban Central Business
District provided for in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Development Plan, and Development
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Commission of the City of
Winter Springs request the Florida Department of Transportation to support the economic
success of the Winter Springs Town Center Urban Central Business District by accepting the
preferred State Road 434 Traffic Circulation and Access Plan "Alternative-lA" contained in a
study performed by Transportation Consultants of Glatting, Jackson, Kercher, Anglin, Lopez,
Rhinehart, Inc. in a report entitled Traffic Circulation and Access Study, State Road 434, Winter
Springs Town Center dated March 5, 2005 demonstrating through SYNCHRO 6 ANAL YSIS
SOFTWARE to be as good or slightly better than the FDOT's Plan.
Duly Adopted by the Mayor and Commission of the City of Winter Springs duly assembled
in Winter Springs, Seminole county, Florida on this the _ day of July 2005.
John F. Bush, Mayor
Andrea-Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk
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Telephone (407) 327-1800
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
July 6, 2005
Representative David Mealor
Florida House of Representatives
District Office
225 Waymont Court, Suite 101
Lake Mary, Florida 32746
Dear Representative Mealor:
Relative to our telephone conference call, I would appreciate you reviewing the following, and
provide me with your comments.
1. Letter from me to George Gilhooley that explains everything.
2. A Draft Resolution which will be forwarded to the Commission at their
July 11, 2005 meeting for adoption.
In summary, we are seeking your assistance as a result of our recent meeting with FDOT staff.
Although FDOT staff indicated a measure of relief, they failed to produce the levels of
cooperation the City needs to be able to successfully carry out our Town Center Plan, in which
millions of dollars have already been invested.
I look forward to discussing this urgent and most important matter with you as soon as possible.
Finally, I cannot emphasize enough the urgency of this matter due to pending land acquisition
contracts and related hard money dates coming due in August.
Thanks, again for all the good things you do for us.
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
U:\Docs\Word\Town Center\DMealor SR 434 Traffic Study Assistance.doc
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
July 6, 2005
Mr. George Gilhooley, P.E.
District Secretary
Florida Department of Transportation
719 South Woodland Boulevard, MS4-503
DeLand, Florida 32720
Re: Winter Springs Town Center Traffic Circulation and Access Study
State Road 434 Access Classification Modification Request
Dear Mr. Gilhooley:
The City of Winter Springs Florida has approved plans to develop a "new downtown"
that will give definition and character to the future municipal, business and residential
growth within the City, and create an economically viable community that is both
financially successful and sustainable. These changes will require the cooperation of
local and state government and the developer and contractors that will be responsible for
permitting and constructing the various projects in the Town Center.
We have conducted numerous public meetings and had the opportunity to review our
plans and concepts with staff at the Florida Department of Transportation. A critical
element of the new downtown development, in the four quadrants surrounding the
Tuskawilla Road/State Road 434 intersection, is the access and roadway network
associated with a section of State Road 434. To obtain the goals and objections of the
new mixed use community that is envisioned by the City leaders and residents, a fine
network of streets and connections to State Road 434 will be necessary.
We understand that the Department of Transportation has established rules and regulations
governing the addition or modifications of connections to its highway system. We have
had a number of discussions with your staff in Traffic Operations on this issue. We also
understand that under certain circumstances these rules and regulations allow for changes
in the access management classifications on state facilities that would reduce the
restrictions placed on new or modified access points/street connections and median
openings. It is understandable that the Department is wary of introducing new full
access/future signalized intersections to its roadway system as they may produce delay
and increased potential for certain types of crashes. The City of Winter Springs is also
concerned with this potential. Because of this, we had contracted with the firm Glatting
Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc. to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of
the impacts our proposed roadway network and associated access plans might have on
State Road 434.
On June 13, 2005, the City and our consultant presented the findings of that study to
representatives of the Department (Mr. Morrow and Mr. Carins) and requested general
approval of the proposed access plans. As the study had shown that the recommended
plan was not only better than the current allowable network connections, the proposed
plan would minimize the need for future widening on State Road 434 to 6 lanes and the
overall operating conditions (travel time, speed and level of service) was competitive
with State Road 434 remaining a four lane facility. We requested that the Department
recognize these findings and agree to consider modification of the State Road 434
Access Classification from its current Class 3 designation to a Class 7, allowing for
multiple full median openings and the addition of future signals when warranted. That
request was not acceptable to your staff. However, the Department representatives did
agree that a change to Class 5 would be acceptable.
Although we appreciate this consideration, it does not comply with the spacing and
number of connections that are needed to support the town center vision and development
plan. Therefore, we are requesting that you consider the following issues and benefits
before making a final decision that would not be consistent with the direction and request
of the City Commission of Winter Springs, Florida.
Based on the results of the study, it is apparent that a series of well planned intersecting
streets designed in a block and network pattern, will disperse turning movements both to
and from the major arterial and significantly improving operations from what will occur
under the current access management provisions. The network invites these turns to be
made at anyone of numerous opportunities on minor public streets rather than at a single
or limited number of collector road intersections. Furthermore, turning movements at the
smaller supporting intersections can usually be accommodated with simple two-phase
signal operation; a major gain in efficiency compared to the four-six phase operation
required at most major intersections. With proper timing and phasing, the minor
intersections can operation "in the shadow" of the major intersections and any delay they
cause to through motorists is simply a relocation (and usually a reduction) in delay that
would have otherwise been incurred and the major intersection. This result was verified
by our studies using the Synchro 6 analysis software that is accepted by the Department.
A network of streets within downtown or town center areas also has several advantages
for travel within the center. Vehicular trips within the center can be made on local streets
and reducing the travel demand on the major arterial (in this case SR 434) serving the
project and regional traffic. Local traffic can cross the arterial, rather than travel on and
making an upstream or downstream turning movement and adding to the volume and
delay at the major intersections. A network of small/local streets also gives pedestrians
and cyclists many direct and safe routes within the center and allows for more opportunity
to conveniently cross the arterial roadway. With a defined street and block pattern, parking
spaces and trips are reduced as motorists no longer seek parking options immediately
adjacent to their destination, but rather accept parking at any number of locations in the
center. This results in reduced trip production as a "park once" mentality is predominate
and what may have been 4-6 trips on the external roadway network then becomes 2 trips
as the level of internal traffic increases and is converted to a walking trip from an
automobile trip. Finally, the network and access as proposed, with its concentration of
travel origins and destinations and multiple route choices, is the ideal setting for transit
service. This will eventually translate to even higher reductions in regional trips on the
In summary, we believe that the Department should reconsider its position regarding
State Road 434 in the Winter Springs Town Center Corridor Area for two reasons. First,
the results of the study and the values inherent with the network and block system and
access plan are sufficient to support the changes indicated in the proposed
(Alternative "1") preferred roadway network, which can be located on page 16, Figure 6
of our consultant's report included herein. Second, the network and block system, and
access plan are entirely consistent with the future land use plan, development plans, and
development codes already adopted by the City.
We would appreciate your direct and immediate attention to his request.
/l~~ 'N~
Ronald W. McLemore
City Manager
cc: Mayor and Commission
Brent A. Lacy, GJ
Walter Kulash, GJ
Kipton Lockcuff, Public Works
Rick Morrow, FDOT
Chris Carins, FDOT
07060S/FDOT /SR434/Study
WHEREAS, on January 24, 2005 the Winter Springs City Commission approved a
Comprehensive Plan Amendment with approval from all appropriate reviewing Local and State
Agencies designating certain areas in the City of Winter Springs lying within the Town Center'
Zoning District to Winter Springs Urban Central Business District, and
WHEREAS, the street and road networks, and the access plan for the Town Center Urban
Central Business District was developed by consultants with national and international
credentials in Town Center and Central Business District Design, and
WHEREAS, studies prepared by the City's traffic consultants using recognized SYNCHRO 6
ANAL YSIS SOFTWARE established that the street and road network, and traffic access plan for
the Town Center Urban Central Business District protects S.R. 434 levels of service and
performance as well or slightly better than the preferred FDOT plan, and
WHEREAS, the consultants study established that the street and road network, and traffic
access plan for the Town Center Urban Central Business District eliminates the future need for,
and expense of widening S.R. 434 from four to six lanes, and
WHEREAS, the consultants study established that the street and road network and traffic
access plan for the Town Center Urban Central Business District reduces incidents of high speed,
high impact accidents involving serious injuries and fatalities, and
WHEREAS, the City acknowledges that the street and road network and traffic access plan
proposed by the City's consultants "may" result in some increase in inconvenience to motorists
related to decreases in speed and occasional delays, and
City of Winter Springs
Resolution 2005-26
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WHEREAS, the City acknowledges FDOT's concern that the street and road network, and
traffic access plan proposed by the City's consultants "may" result in some increase in minor
low speed low impact traffic accidents, and minor injuries, as opposed to high speed, high impact
serious injury accidents which are currently being experienced, and
WHEREAS, the Winter Springs Town Center Urban Central Business District project is by far
the most important economic development project in the City, representing an estimated
investment in excess of 400 million dollars, and
WHEREAS, Winter Springs policy makers, staff, and consultants strongly believe that the safer,
more pedestrian friendly street and road network, and traffic access plan adopted by the City is
essential to the economic success of the Winter Springs Town Center Urban Central Business
District provided for in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Development Plan, and Development
NOW THEREFORE, BE. IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Commission of the City of
Winter Springs request the Florida Department of Transportation to support the economic
success of the Winter Springs Town Center Urban Central Business District by accepting the
preferred State Road 434 Traffic Circulation and Access Plan "Alternative-lA" contained in a
study performed by Transportation Consultants of Glatting, Jackson, Kercher, Anglin, Lopez,
Rhinehart, Inc. in a report entitled Traffic Circulation and Access Study, State Road 434, Winter
Springs Town Center dated March 5, 2005 demonstrating through SYNCHRO 6 ANAL YSIS
SOFTWARE to be as good or slightly better than the FDOT's Plan.
Duly Adopted by the Mayor and Commission of the City of Winter Springs duly assembled
in Winter Springs, Seminole county, Florida on this the 11th day of July 2005.
de4tL ~~
Andrea-Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk
City of Winter Springs
Resolution 2005-26
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