HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 03 18 Other - Document was Distributed
Date: 03182002
The following Document was distributed on the
03/18/2002 Workshop Meeting.
PawPark Signature Drive
Signature Grand Total
1 5
Winter Springs
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Goal Signatures Non W.S Grand Total Date Visits At Home Not Home Con Park Pro Park
1500 1345 311 1656 3/18/02 2374 1582 791 237 1345
Needed Completed Time Pecentages 67% 33% 15% 85%
155 89.7% 5:00 p.m.
Projection 11390 5610 1709 9682
* Projection Based on est. 17,000 voters 14450 Pro Park
We the People of Winter Springs are vcI1' interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action ~o develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (pdnt) Address Telephooe Signature ~ .
1. &1-lC.{0jl{d_-:';'~f.o_~~di~~__________ ~1- U~
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7. i--~'{ltl<1..-.____~..&I~~____f!~~____________________~_",_____~_______
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We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being prO\ided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the Cit)' take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the communit)"s needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
I. _QJ:.!.,,:::._~~_.0'::'~"2_!o_~.:::Y-_..\.~_~..i..L~..\.L0..l..~~..'::2_~L__CL--- ~
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3. --~LJ6Q~L~ __.kJilY_L~\~1L~~i\t~0.~1L_~_~L--- .
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We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
fIraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs pARKs AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
-----;;> .. A -, ~. ) / 5' 9 . '1(2. ---- ?
1. ?_c:.::::~L_LL.!!.??.._______~!_!..~__L_~~':_::~':~:_______':::_~--:!..-------'-~(::7:1--::~:;p:J/~
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14. --f.~!::1J..fl, . ~::Id.kJ.TL!LJ1..LX+-~i2Q-:d--!AyL.P-..fl----'J:!l-'
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the communif)"s needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. ~L!:~~___CJS2:~__k]_k_~~~~~~__Ct_____;?_~_~_:-LqJ_r]__~$l:~( . yc~
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IlL'" ~ ~AME ~
'Ve the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
/Training Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separatc
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintaincd as a part ofthc Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have cxpanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also providc a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print)" Address T~teJ.!ho neo'f ,) C)' -Sig~Ure :8, <Is '...;L.,-,--
~. ,Lj" i7-/- I~" r. (/ (' t, (>~
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: ::~~~~~::~~~~i~~~:i~j~~~~~~~~~~~;~~::~~~::ltt~~~~:=2-=~~~
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
/Training Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Nam, (pdo!) Add,,,, T,I'pho.. S;gOf1tA h
1. S_0-m~Jl~L1r,__S:_(bd1L?Q~3_D1~s5J:tL1J~1~_7:!;S:1_0.:4-~Jhc ,.1
2. ~~&:~:~~::~~~::!:~~~~~~~~____________~;g/: f
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4. _lfe_})_(Q___~S_~_~_~~_~~__ll}?____!!_~_!~_~__~______/~~.~-~-
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6. -;[j}!!..~~:._f11L:rJi___1L!L;fi._jJ.?.(2.Lgd:.____________________~~L<.~ ..
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7. _Jd~~~_l\._.<~_i!:l.LT6._;1]:,____a2L.L1Jf!2L!~:':~LS:C_c;_~__~t7.; '. . ~ r _
8. Bl~f1C!lo..___f2[Q_~':~~______ij2:~_;?~__!:.LQJi_ld_________t~r.-~"l:'?l_~.
J /h'l'
/; ~. //,1 W /-X~/
9. ____~_</I:r.__~r::'.f.l..JL.~~L_____~L!:______.L1.7L._'_<{j".-4!.--2~ ~~/;: r- /
1 o._I~~j5::__~'''''~_':J_~_L____~"__~f!!:::.~L_fg____ --~-<<-~
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11. _i_:-_~_~~_t__~_~I~t~_~____!~_~__~~\..:.?.~____g_~____(~'_D,.':.~_'L~~_._~~_\'-~\- LJ~1\'~~
13. ~JL1;,J.f_.xij~}h~t::..______!.:L_5.:_(..D:.L~~j3.~L_.zL~.:"~_~_L~__!!J=L~~_________
. -- T l C l( 5 (\") c")") j'.';]' ." . 7
14. -~-~-~--~~J.L~'-~---D:~~~ic?~t---S l~-~:~~:'jj-~-l=1 ,/
15._je.f)Jj______l.~j6L--!.~tL:5.c~i-&i--Uf "j~l7L
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
/Training Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
~ame (print) Address Telephone Signa~"ie'l' /----- '1~' "..
r' \ l,~ 1 t" 0 .. J ;tc~"" ~: f{ ", ,j', ";j-' 4l7' 'I 'l-';'- /;/ / c..jl' ,)J( /1(.: 1./' ".J
1. ~,~-I.~~-~Y"U-:! _~,~/~C:>1<L~_~O__::_=_[:.J~5J..~:Y:.Q.._~. ~-~--. ~-. -, ~:.._:~~-;_:,Qf~~~____~)~_;j~~~_ 0 ?i '." It/i),<'-f L So)..J
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2. _~_ r :\~J .1J..__-Y~tjJL_!:L_~___~L.L_ (LiL~rR.!~L_'~_;'!~~~_~':_~~~~?:~~_!.__I;_ kJ!.jll' !f)i,'(j/f\.,
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3. ____~_-L____:._'tLl~~__iL....--J~tt;;jU~t.Y,J:.liL~--~:J~:.~L.jll!.LClt-..JL~L{'J_~~Y~lJ2 J y/I.~l.)..-:
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5. i{M-_{f,{QI:-!-&____j9..fi}d-f!:!!~~JLiL_HiI---------------~
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7. j~~-----\ --.....------ '="'---------- - -------------------------------------------------~-.I!t-it.....--- JJt(i",!L
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We the People of Winter Springs are veJ")' interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the communit}"s needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print)
1. :0-~4-J2dJ.--J:-?--~tL0L[~.!'!.'''i---J>-c--------------;}1i2..&..Y71f'yj;C~j
2. b__L'_:..~.::.:::..dL_-:(.::::i~~~::!~_Jk_c_____~C
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We the People of Winter Springs are ver")' interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA TION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
NRe (print) '\ Ad~ress _ ~elePho~e . SifWature .'
1. Jrf~-CA.~~LjQ]-'-Y,~f.J~~if!{L3.fflrJJ/iJ-1'{L~K?
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2. (:[1t,&_ .dl.L~tkf(:;a.~___t~7__7-____.L_~_v..,&j___________!/f!l~L.z, 6 - S
3. _~::::_____~Qf.~~::::~2i::':j_~~____!!_~,{_6..~6_~__~_:::::._____~:___-~ ~
4. [:2tf<N;:-_~0~g.____1Li~_Q~u.~_.!::!::________3Ql_Gq 5.~['~_~1______L:i~~! 'J11 ~-
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, \
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We the People of Winter Springs are vel")' interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take act~on to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the communit)"s needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print)
({' ,/ ' . _~ /'. '". _'~, j/~1,,-.y:
/,"/::..i-- ,L..;-2,L ~ C' l.}li'::"',-7'id[;;./ yC'/-/e:::;--~.q-c..' __~~- ',,// /',--
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1 5 1f!..lJf~__ilff.Jr21f. '!..___LL':tlJ!~!2'Ji..J2@.-1!!_~________
.... . I f-- .
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the Cit)' take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone . Sig~a/ture l Q I
I. l'..'!.lli'5.L,-~<::~!.Li\~~L_~2:~L_':~.~, _~'-___:2E1-~:::'l,}!:?'~_~IQ__t",lJ:~",,~~" -{ k~
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'.-- ~ -Jri 'J ' ~
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14. ~'dQ_~J~----[~lL~--------~-l.9:---~..uJ.r.Lu.:t.---(:.t----~?-~~_:__Ql~~2t
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park /Training Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central "'inds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Check Name (print) Address Telephone
Box ~
. ( \ I \ \
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]4. I l--\-. _L~ -"2~.b~--}::.2:~-.Q1?:':t:llJ.~"'---~\~11~~r-,.f..~--:2?-~-~~~ ~
15. I }--~l\Jc.'.\i.~\~".',~-------~\~-Q~-D4j?L--\\r.hlstlc.]_~~--S.)1~ik~
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park rrraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Com plex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cbec.... Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
Box /' " .' tJ I' '
,/ ,'Jl.\.SA,J JV\\(I'Hf-lU.]) .'/7g[) CiPJ/\A{'J~C'f0 r!lt (1~f-~~~6:.}j(1;(,\ L)o,!-t!li-,~Ss3 ./j(!lv//.ll!t!:t-J
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11. I 1~/j j!_ujJJJJd---ld.LJ)ldkL1iL:!2I}i~----3:QLJ?.J-:IJ(LLiL- .iJP?
12. I ]~&!~~~i!'y~-ri!S:.--J2f2i~j&.I..--::--L{(I2?-----~2--2~Z{Q/ <.-
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13. I ] -~7'f!IJ:. -- J f'/ ~----...J~!!:-----L-~;1---_-_----------------------7i::~-L-:.~~_,__J__~~__'____..:::~____________
14. I 1-1;;.- ~/I i~~QL--~Xl~~"~!c:!-1:t---~:l}!L~~-?i----
15. I );?::/~J!i~~----i;.; ~L;;;.L"-1f..!~--iuJ::-_-iJ.::...-Z.:..i::-L2':..':.:L--
I L'\ ~
L1 ,
'J ..-"",'
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the Cit)' take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS M'D RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the communit)"s needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
. A.''- "::l'~ 7 C g>'
Name (print) Address Telephone \,'\i::) - ' Signature
,5JIQ(ClI'] D,Sl/eeit.ll1zli J-I eQ'H-,eI~u-t)Cd C~r. ;YVYlvL~.,%3i:./b-Jt~
1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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31'<:s..LL_~J.ds.c~Qcl___LQ:Ld.:!2.~2_'_'_S_~l_t.~tJ.Q".:t::~\ ~c-" r'
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6. ---~7i-s-;;~--:!-:~~((-------------------~--------------------~-------~----
In. --~~f;i!f:~/~L~~;-gt4~-{?1~d--f~~?Y ,
8. -~::-~--~---~-~;I-----------~:-:;------;:~--~~-------- :- ~~_ ~~
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1 O._IEJI.K(Li];1':if..@c{2----J..~3..2.J~j}-1:LJ!L-------~- J
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We the People of Winter Springs are ver")' interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
rrraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
NamejPrint) Address Telephone Signatu e ) /:
/ /,,"," ~ / /
1: --~.\I~~~---Jl1L=G~~'h..-----(df5.."'~2.~.r~L~7j~ ~ / ~
C /) ~ ~ -,- :'J ..- , f'jll /1 /?
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3. ~_~tt!d}lL~iJ.!:~?!~s.{;____!iis.._d.tJ.!:r:j!!:!:::~_L?:..~___:.t2.l::'::.__c..__f!.~:.--.,..l:;z.,<~' ,
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7. ____~~---"-~~,---~J-~~--~~~,L~-~~-,--------------------
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Ii ~ :J
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We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
l,\e ..(print) Address Telephone. -' .' Signature -1
1. ~td~t~14J2~",~jJl2E1J_'!:~~&u2"-__~____Ll~'("ii?~/I'''',\.
~ L1'J 01f' /) L & -- 0-_- r h. -/
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4. -~-=~--~~----~~-~--~~--:~--------------------------------------__ ~~_ _~~~- ~~ ~
5. -.~dQ.&U~L~~E:f:--5f.l,~E~~-~~~-:2:..-~:.~-~:'!~-~?4&. ~d!.ldi{r.)<\
6. ---'~::7u~~:E,., "_4;l12LtJE:_'=L~~~~__:______~~______JlO!..~~~':..!J.\:L~'i.l:'i!_,~
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12. -J!JiJ;..PJ"llA::-J~-~---~~--J..~--_-----1-G{lC~__~j2)lJJLL___:f~~7' I.._l_:~:__:. ~ ~/ u, / ~"-
r) [\"") /i ,'J /l ,. I ,;.J{ ~rlJ (.J.h.. f' C' 10\ r.~L- 3J7e~.' .J
13. --b..~-Q~-~-~:.~----~~~1~~_______J_::_~___~~~~~~_f1LL__i.;_____i~_~__((~) i'f l~)J
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( ,
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to tbose being provided in otber communities (example design on separate
page). We request tbe City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. Tbe Park sbould be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to bave expanded bours of operation to meet tbe community's needs. It is our desire tbat this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds tben an alternative
location sbould be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address ~ Telephone, ' Signature
V ' IS) ..J/--D/){, ,,:';[<1;.3,) l :;/5JS; , /1 ""'\
(/ / C- ( I-/' !-' ,- ) 60.. II- /1,.. i . r / :' /< -.;,. /- .- F I
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14'---Ji I;{--ri~-~=----~-,-~;L;-,~--- - .--- "-.._;~ /t_.~
15.------------.l--.J------------------___________________________~----------- ~
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
rrraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as Soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the communiry's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) . Address Telephone Signature . _
;1 ' ~'l' . L'
fill ." ~!< ~ ,'o) ',... lA. 7 g ( 'c. tW7{J ., r; ",.--:. ~ (j \. ";'7 - 3 f[Il\(J:J.{,U....
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{!/-I{; L Sc It Wee 7>.s'
, ,I . J "'"^- L! I :~
\\ie are vel}' interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park /Training Area similar to those being
provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the City of Winter Springs
take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a part of the Winter
Springs PARKS AND RECREA,TJON DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded hours of operation to
meet the community's needs. It is our desil'e that this Park be included as a part of the Central Winds
Complex Expansion and will also Pl'ovide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room cannot be found
at Central Winds then an alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
d,~ n'~
( 'h,.,'"
1. :.',~--lIZtZ~~L--'_~;;~~~~~2":,,_.2:C_!~~.~._._~;;;::;;c::~~~~~~:7;fdL~.-
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2. I 1--~-~LI-;.I_e.L_-P-k'..~.!:u.._-_-0-1'..':f---_-__qk3.T!Lf.~__.i2=-____'i..~_Z:_J..("-$..:.LJ.L~-7. __~_~~~_~
,~ 4' ';2-
3. I J..--fik2/Lb!!.itm:kz~/L:i(L-r-.r!..1.tl'2.':d_f(!-.jJL-.,2M--'2l ~J~,~&4zc
'! ?-..). (, // I
4. I J.--~.~.:c,~-,----~'-.('~:C(("-J"____'____'_'_"_,_,,___,_,---.-.-.-.-..---.-.----.--,,cc:J~~.--.-.--.-
J./ 0. ':5 - -.-ill ;1
5. I 1-!:-QQ.lJ:l?:1~-__tL€12L~-----(g s..~-----{.-~[{:?:::'!.Y-J:.cJK----2{zG?_9..::t.t:fz::2&~~L2-~:l;~:...
'" n \ ......~" _ ~
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12. I 1.--.cLfl.(lg,2---H:D."l~-L--.~j.Q.__~1i[0.fJ.n_~~._.P_L.-9..Zl:JUL~-.ad4c~L._
13. I 1---~i.f-(;~T.li2i.L~.Q!l--('-~2:-~0:a.tLQC-.QL-;3-~~~~i[i'.2:~$<-
14. I )--.--~Ld.!,..-..-~J.J.-.--.-.-~lL.___.45..t>,~-.--bi.:::_._.3(L~:Ji/:J.1..J!R...ilt:.J.J,I"2<-)
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Clf(i L 5tE' A wco v.s
~~ jMl)..,.,L . -'-~ I~~I
\\ie are ver'y interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ITraining Area similar to those being
provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the City of Winter Springs
take action to denlop this Par'" as SOon as possible. The Par'k should be maintained as a par't of the Winter
Springs PARKS .-\:\10 RECRE.-\ TJO,l\i DEPARTM E!\'T, but allowed to have expanded hours of opel":ltion to
meet the community's needs, It is Ollr desire that this Park be included as a part of the Central \Vinds
Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area, Jf room cannot be found
at Central \\'inds then an alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
dty res
II"" Nome (p,-;nt) Add,-", Telephone '&,o'u,-e
I. ,I r-K~l\.. J--:;'D.)Q..LL~:'Q.Q<:L.K15f~3.;:le.f.~~._21f5_:t7~t_:__ _ / );:n~!!...q:!..~:2?_'i?.__
~1 ( '_____? 7
2. , IJ)"""J.L-;?L'4LILW_Lcd..__________~:___________________~___---------,::!.:ci3At':,{{bC:.
3. I ,-:K'l-k---.~2c~dL~-'-:c~_cd.________~_..______________~~____-.---~-~i1b!:L-------
4. I IGi-f.~-y~~..:-.-~-.>-.~--Ci:j1d--JJ~~~~:.?!XZL~~z.,------.--
5. I ,--G:e..(:.11e.~-~.9--':':::..>...e.i.1:::---!..~Z5...t:'m-'ik.-.J)c..-----------------~-Lfi?lf~4~CJy.t~_
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9. I 1--~!.;-LE:i1LJ.L-------~-5.:?.-~t!Y..~~-72'.!."---i7-?,----, ____ ;_ _ ,- ,'; __.~\___________
10. I '-~-AJt.f2-S,<T~VL~-'J-lhsy,-t-!1-s...--J-t~::C"_"_L __,_______
II.' '--'f'l~l-:-"-~-.-.'~-."'-A/!-t...'c<.::..-~-!-~.-:3:.!-"!.~!.:::.!:L~-JZl-<s:-7---------~----~-----------
12. I 1-,..:eAd.J~..WLI_7Ji.tJ..iJ.f!S~_!it__.:_Iilf.ZZ2]J2..____!_ L-':..__L_14~___.
. ", . ~// '/
13. I 1--- ____ ~;t_ ______.::___:.:.: 1(
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15_ I i':J..-/f!1.2!1-~:--:-~":3:.t!-.'7f_----.---.--(e;--:':L.--L-------------.- --.---.--~4:.'*==_
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park !Training
Area similar to those being provided in other commlmities (example design on separate page). We request
the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a part of
the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded hours of
operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this Park be included as a part of the Central
Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room cannot
be found at Central Winds then an alternative location should be identified as Soon as possible.
Name (print)
1 4j.bui.--t;-.-fti'jL--'-a~-t./.~!1~_ter._!o:.'l.~_'{7.:l3.l.4_~~'
. " WI"~ s,..."!P t'l. Jaf4' . .. ~
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3. c~'-dY-jl"=P-::!&~0-----':l~~J-~-~~h'-'~i~__1k____'_:'!'~~Af!d5-'-'--_-:0..rtJdiJlt.___
. , /- /;-:' --::'!
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B. -('.,:;~(D_:c~____~&____:: --2t{.:-Z~."cl~~~~1~--:a;j0.:.0__~L' W ~ _
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. 14.(,-Llc[LJ-~-~--~--~~~--:~-t.~).:-~j/)lC:Lff~:.C----i7Y;----~:jI- . cJ-
J ...
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA TJON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the communit)"s needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (~nntJ ~d"" Telephooe ,~tn,,~
1. G.&-LC,-lr.:.uJ1i'~-J..f2Ll.c..Jtl.f._~&.~!:l__fJ~___d-k:l LtJ
2. -]tlk.bL.-l1~{.t!.-n-[L--jL!::L_~1"4._:!:b___ ____
3. -~~_~\J[1~-C:-_~-----J::?~___0_~~~~~C.r.:+__~_r___.____ ___~l~
4. -S.:M.~--.P-li\A:11-:r~~LJ~~5__~_~~~'2___l>_~_______ k--- ~
5. ---Yi~-~"---~Sd'1::---~!___~:!:=~~~~__~~_____J__ __~_
6. --Bf.c~---.!_~_____~.?~___f~Is.!_~___~~~__~~ )J ~d'{)
7. -~~-----------{-::t1.-Q~-~I1~)2~4I~
8. k:0:~_Q~l-5:n---~-_LQ~~_!:&4_~hJ-_{2:~__~~~ ~
9. ;Lcz.cK~~-&..~!2~--------[~!i,'LCJip..JfJi.tfit;;iJi,'f..M<__~..;Q lfunJ
/':'t 'C I {' (j-', J,
1 o.-~h~f~--f.1JS!'~'~~------~~UJL!!'.l1.!:i,w:g_c____~!:t"'<_~:;:
c__ \ "\" '''_,_,'./ I
'.<c- ':!\~r\/.~ Oif"(~ 11)" ,;J),,~ ~
1 ~..L~~~~-~-':;li~------_-~L\.L~_~S2~~~t\6:.:.~~S~J~ _____+____:-~::::~___
c~A<))'a~r#J62u?h_~:q <, ~...'<~ 0 J;09" J--c--.
. u!~- P;;y~/2;W--2' " I __.t_ - "7 ---. --'""-6.:_________;__~.
14.. ---C1--L~---~/~l----- --Z---L~L1.J..f.I___tL':f~~__.k_4----1f!..4t_-J:: V
.. / . ~ '/ ')' L
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
/Training Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop :ltis Park ns soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA TION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location shouJd be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print)
-;- (,,)' /- I I . " l.., hi . '," I , . , ( I-- . .., /1')
1 --J.'l'jv:~''''' G! ' ( /': If LI.L:.' :> It.' ,,," ,,,,C,' :. .",~,~' ('. ,,' 1,1; vii "',,[(,'.. ',." ~ t::'; 7, -,'"//;,:;. ift '7,7 :-..:",-i.~'''' <: \..J-:,,-"~,J,.d.:: LJJL:",
....\.- -'--,.....-~ . 4,. ,.....'..."1--. '-I ^"'" ..\...., ,.,..... . ,,,,", '.I 1.. . .,..__ ~._____
-----~-----~--- --------------~--------~- -_______~~_______ ~J_~________________ -
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2. ~.Qb-:::--I~L~-~~--!J~-~~~~~c2~7!:r.is..J~q.ItJ:--~.1l.~----- ___
3. R/{;.~M!L.f:L:7i..~J.5J.Ch_1..c.O:l3Jiec.~q---'i)A---~:S-----I2--7.-c..t"..---'B_:t..-I i/- ~
4. ~--~--{;~---:L~-!.L~--tf~.lE~-,----b- ,tf ~3 .
5. -lS:a~---~-r:h,t!!.-f-------l:.8-!t'O--::t'O".f-Y.:Q-{J.t--D-L---t5..0ut f-^~V')
61f.lS;J~- E!~----\-Q>-Q3-IQj-~~t:L--lliSJ "0.~
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7. _ ~~___~ ~ __ -----------L~?-c:.._~_1i..E..~~~___l?."5.:______~~:f_~ U D ~ r ~ L
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t1 (" ~ ;r,;; ~ ~
9. -- ~B-!?--~GtQM~-1]-Q1~ ~~1~r-t2~------~!l~ .~
10. - __t.. - ___t.____________Q. :i------,--------c:;---------------M5C-f6-- ~ j t
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]~lJ!-1.1i.}l&--~~~~~al~--Lk-- -L-}-~1!-'::r_=l/~ .
. 13. ~!1JJ(.---~.l}L---q.J.:L.-C{;.L-Jjf.cC~--125..----- ~~- 0----
\.) \ I,
I., _ Co( i.J ). I I
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. t
We the People of Winter Springs are vef1' interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
!Training Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex E~1>ansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
.(), /.. '""' / ")0 ;: ~"""nj ., ,. - ~ ..f/) --'~
1. ~~..5fl~-/-!2-",~-LJ<!L-_-'""r=---_!d.QL{''1J'::':J.:sJ..--.!t):JdL~-(/,, :--
2. (J~"i$.'JJJ1!l:k.-!.~-!..H.hCkJ:.~'D:t--~--------A----- . k~~~Uv
3. _1~' iL_s.-i1!~-f:-l d-f-0..1. _c_E::'L..a1_o?:LI..!:!-5.t__.ti::.___ . -;~~
~~~. . ~..c-. ,~
--=4;:7'::', _~____=___=__=______lk..f!_,,_.&.C~..d..tj~~<7 ::5_:, ~
5. ~~_____!.!'-~_~_~ilG_~~~~~___________~~_
6. ~$bS:~~.L~__!_~~_C~~_~_Qc___~_}~~_Y~___~~,.~
7. Cz.I\itJtldk6L__.i.Dl1_C,k>J<.f'Lt:tfR.!?o':!:b2."____________G~--~a~~
~o'-'-(\ ~{eA e.S:\(\ lQ "'B C'n\>'{.e.A,<:~ ~ \' ~ · ·
8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------i~-- ,
9. p7.EflJ3A___LJj~J;K~_u::_..k___jEP~_.CiL~!..'!.~'_~?!!l:~~~~~"'= 21 J)jJ~
7:/jlJ- /
1 O.!:~f..Q/!./j@___fi.P.._Y2._~[f;ltY..___Le.P_~_r;.ffJ~Kt:_~JifIjgR:i.J2~--~?-i~A~
11.8z fl?J&...tf.t2f....~~----f:iq-~-i::.~---~~---f.-!.-~---:-~$_~ -.--'--.
12.--- . :..______~---,--------n-L!::.~!f..~-c1-~2:.~--d:------------ . Q
13.-ff(;J~).-/jlllJi&----:;--------------~!.--------------- ~J ~.
14._~1ai~~skL.JD_Q~~Lcld.aL~rt_~_________1ciiS~QP \\tV-li I st. -
ls.~~4.&L1rIr--.L.F.-<:.X--f!d~0f.d( ·
We the People of Winter Springs are ver)' interested in the devclopment of an OfT-Lcash Dog Park
/Training Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the Cit)' take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Wintcr Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of opcration to mcet the communit)"s needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print)
',' _ . " I ..-~ ,'f ~ J.. _ .." _. i -,' / /,"_ / (""..- '1(,/ - ,.j I/'~ r-' ""
1) ,,~.:.::..L2...'l.iC. ////i-,.....;r./:'" .//1 ,'-1!/d;/0 e';<..C:-r; -'-:f"c../ r__7:-.-L/T'/ /T?~,. ~.',
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2) ,"':0:-/). n.1r-rtfL -?DGj h I IF!! V, (:;?i(U./''1\''S, '(.- '; l{/ !?!-fl-- (:' )Z'i/'J...i-~
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,~' 17/ l /' ~ ,-' ') . '. C'" ' I - / ~
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3 ) _.!-:'L~~'::;.._____:::_~_.:._____~_'::._~____L~..:"'..:::.~.:;__:______~.;._.:____..;..."'2..::..::1~-L----.::?j:!:.:.:~-.:- /' .1 .. U!?-o)/ (;-
I if ' .",
4) _~(-'-~:'-[9L~~-?-<;:~~--~f.1e:.-fC!.~!...!.:i---'f.f!..lJ..~~CO-2!..~---.tV.. ~
5) -~.. -J(~-:J~~C~k~~bL~~~~-~";~~-i~~6
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7) --- ~!:fL-~i&'P-'"-jq!i--~{I~:----Jdld/2i!,02.-~~
9) ,~~~Jz{k~~~=-------..!..[y2-4~~!f_-:;.----r--;-
1 0) -!2rJ/1j{IL.iJ~L-)Q!jL~Vkf-M------W-,J..&--{~C-^---
11 ) dJ_~~2-:€-il7~L--J5?-~:i--~~pL~~-c.rJ~~-------------------------
12) f2-q:tJ~1~:i)2-~-~l~SBi2L~~L-----
13) JJ/.LA!.._B___rL'..!L_cq~fJ.2q.k.l-~t1,2c..C~-J:l../&-----
14) fJ..JAk__C~0-Z;-L'?P-L~-'E~Y_fL~~;:~~!7. ~.~..c~
407 ~ "'\:
15) ~~~~!.:-=_g~~_-:!:!~__~_::~___L~[~:!_~!::___~_:"J.:~.2_:L______-~ - ~
We tbe Peoplc of\\'inter Springs are vcry interested in tbe development of an OfT-Leasb Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to tbose being provided in otber communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded bours of operation to meet tbe communi~"s needs. It is our desire tbat this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) AddJ;ess _ , A P ^ l' ......Telephone Signature
._ l ~i1"""1 "re')' \""Vi C\..0I.f, , ~ \'
1. ~a€ilrt lDL~~ltL_PfJ~iJcJS:~i~-bJ..L:---~Dl:~~12:~;?'9-~2:.-~~Cl&f'i1'0l-L)l~, ~
r ,('{6'J ILM~~ t'~ \1..;\\0\.,,' C ( J' P . . '-
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,- . . '. q tr 7/1. L'i!; '! i;:,....u\.~ ( f C ~~) .. (9;-. j) j t---. ...., / ,~ ?-:~-----:>
3 ,J~\iJ~d AA.lv-\,lh_,j ',.L,."':.IZ r::'.7ii,,',...I, 1-1. J'.}7t"" "t~L-I'?' /""'
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4. _.LLY ~_~j ::!..~!.l..~_.:;.____t..C=:~~:_..r~_~~~~--L-d;.)-.&~"i'--------------------- KA..~~ ""~~~~
, . .. 6,'6' 21"'/ ---J!:t
5. t!-A-!~~K:LL~Pk~Q-----jJ~~LH!3M;ltif!z~f-l--2,_'~J!I
6. _t~"2.iI!.u.~JJ-<k~e..J2----ff5..-.:.G..?.i..{f..-LJ.J<.i1.-;;-'-':d--(~L~--~~-~~~-.-~.;-.:P ~ ~
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7. __=-__~_~__.ti)_~~~:!2~_____L~~L!_Ld.C~~::)\---J-L:-!:d-~~~-:r.v-~:~{~~-::ill~_~ k:;z-,;.r--
8 . ~)~~~~~8-~:::~3:Q)~~~lS-~\-it:\-l~-c ~~_[j4~ t;1t\il~,~
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~CI ',-
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L'lri' ll) r /. . <: "I 'r,,' V-'7 I t'.,- (j-Jtl.( ll.ft/i /
] 4. _..:;::-_ ..l.~:::t40-----~-L:Jl.L~.s.QL1-~...:....::.L~--.y.l:w-'-r----L:..-.::.Ji~l.l.:-:.~,:U.':::~ / L :7 I . i--:)kf:'7 \..
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We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
fTraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to ha\'e expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. __~~A, ~'Lc2E~{!.f---!~!j-'~'!~::-.~!~:~~~!'!~~.J__!~!.i!Zf~':!..iJj~
(~ " .' '. 1 /\ , "7C 7 -3.:2 ') ,_
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2. ------------~r-------~~~~-~--~~--~~--(~~- -------~-~--~-------_LL~_~- ~ ~
-~ ~
3. ~-~-g-':--LL-'-----l22_~-cu:j_~___.LQZ___::!:_!'l~_~}_~_~__~___~~J.:-_l~:.._~_:.._~L.2"].A "'-,,-
,i 7 I ,I -- ('
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'----. ,,/,-
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We the People of Winter Springs are vel")' interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
rrraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on' separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print)
" I
/" -- -- j' ,... - ".." , .' - , } ./ .vi jl 1!~/'
1. . ~
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We tbe People of Winter Springs are very interested in tbe development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in otber communities (example design on separate
page). We request tbe City take action to develop tbis Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part oftbe Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet tbe community's needs. It is our desire tbat this
Park be included as a part of tbe Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location sbould be identified as soon as possible.
~9~ -.:; lj--f(p
Signature .
Name (print) Address
1. l~rrlild BEEt //99-:::z::rq);tJ {!f
2. /Ie,vrl g~.t=f; //9~ ~ruJ;..J ~f
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We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
rrraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the Cit)' take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMEl\'T, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the communit)"s needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1 te!t7v__J.2J!..cl_t;.c..___/.:t'iLG1(F.j~?L6tL;;t..__jQ"'.&~QdL___!Lz2:Z~.9_2____(~~_:f.-4 {p-<-L'- L--.
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Aul 3SCj 'lO3+-
We the People of Winter Springs arc very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
/Tnlining AI"ea similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on sepanlte
page). We request the City tal<e action to develop this ParI.: as soon as possihle. The Park should he
maintained as a p,1J1 of the Wintu Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desil"e that
this ParI.: he included as a pal"t of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. ]f room cannot he found at Central \Vinds then an
alternative location should he identified as soon as possihle.
N amI.' (print)
/1;1 (7 J/ " J- ,) C, J i j (,J /-1,-1 --; j' s" I /v \" /'-1 ! -) y' '.'
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2. _l}O"~~~~i'.r..elJ,----lSlL-~.:ji[eb11~g..f-a----~t-~.6Sj$:YD------
3. __,::Ii.l!l__-t\.....(r.eQ____L2_U._,3__C:iJ:e.wl~Q..f__c:L_:r;P..:z.3..0:1!:/:!l.tL-~ ~
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15.~~--~~~-~--~~---~~.:::-~S:~.J.\ ~ v...~
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park ~ r
/Training Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate ~ ~ .
page). We request the Cit)' take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be 5 '3 Y
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but '3 Y
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the communit)"s needs. It is our desire that this _ 0
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a 000- ~Sc...?
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative ~_ ~
location should be identified as soon as possible.
'3 1 -
....::2 ,,---
Na~ (pri,nj/ Address Telephone Signature
A ~ (; . ~//.7)?t -----'?W7if ~
2) (Jt'K t..-&li2_L__df..iLt.tjl(L__~Ld.f"~'_2!..:~__~_~~__~_~gg'__ ____:. -...
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11) 4'i,,4i!,---------------------------------f+-:;;;_-:-b ________-
12) T2G..;.."-cLll..':.~'"--~:.."--Z?-L(2!!:..J;~C--V:..~::!..-~~::..~.:::_':3....sF I ~~ 7,; y
14) _Lat_L____!l)!ih~'_'~_f:.___2?.~__r;_~!~~~__~~~~_~__{^':!._~~__c~:__~e..~_~ f) J 5j _, r L
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5 (7rt9
We the People of Winter Springs are vel1' interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
/Training Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Ligna~Ure
, ' , ./" i . '/
,. .~~ ~.., . ~
1) ~_C~!i..L2I~r..;i.2_c;.'-__-l..!!.~~_G&_'_l[_____-l.L:E'_:!..(;.z_2. _" / _~, _ "~:r-
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13) ..1t.l{'J-l{L____L~!t.___L{.L&__(L1?.____~:-..-:::~-
] 4) le/".Cli:7:l.tJJ;2P.._3~_e..dfg_L:.::.l):fL{i2.2%l.L g-r~-r~~{
15) ......{~_~Ef~_~~tl.Qil..__..W.- _~:r-'k_Q_~f!~"-____lJlL .fr -rZ;'(
We the People of '''inter Springs are very' interested in the develolPment of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
rrraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the communit)"s needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print)
~ ~ . ~
:.._...::....:.::..;l.~_____~___~:...:.__~~_..;...:_.:_.::::~:..~~_~_~-..:___~________-----:...:~~~_-~..:_:.._::________~~~l_ 7 _: ~o'"'
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I ~~. ~ .
- /'
, ../
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
- i ~
-:-~-,-~'-L~~~'2.:'~-t{~~,---LL~_~~~~~~!.S..~hJ.~g_-!.;..t_j~c.:1..:.-?_:?-:~::.l:.(-2____~?:::!d-=:::..LL2 v~_
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.1 v
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the developmcnt of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
fTraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). \Ve request the Cit)' take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AJ\'D RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a pan of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central "rinds then an alternative
location should bc identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
I ~// ~
1. l~1Li:!!JHi!.!,::_______~:-:~!Lc~~!~_:(:ii_'_~L~::=:____~~:~;~:::'::~~{--------_~!.:~J2i~
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15. -~~2.3Cl:-GD~:F<<c-----:JJLL~t::1Y-~~d"L1)Lc--'!!L'!.n:f-':!3f..-~
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in tbe development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
rr.r:aini~g, Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
pag'e).We reqdestthe Cif)' take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet tbe communif)"s needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone / I ." '7 Signa,wr:e / 'I
I c:J . r ~i'- Y. " ..' ,) / / I
: rr /' Ii,' _. _ () I ],Z7 .1 . f;) /',1 / / /> '. ,/.
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2. __________h__________~~_____L________----_______________---------~-- ____J(~ - __L I
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3. ~:.:j, ':f:._~~.!~f:._____!..~_~__L~-d':_~!2!!:J.L2..___i':.~nlJ:.!:j____';._ -!-~-- 6
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13. ___d{L!..(!.~_____h..~.!..___~_(:1{?!L12~7:._&!2:..___:ib?~_j_~_Y..?.
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]5._L.~j!)if1J~_~]1:1~1J.:iJlO/'s..j2{Ldl: 1- SYkf-
:5 ({) (c)
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
/Training Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the Cif)' take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
L(c) :t
L/r)z ?
Name (print) Addr:ss -, / Tel,ephone '1 Signature
'=c '])^ 'I S / ('0 G / ~ /"!J c \ ~
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15) -fiL,L~1.---4...!b. ~---J.(L2-~--L:.--~112 ----'---~;)l.IL::.-~-2--f:::~--.!..:..---f~------ y--
We the People of \"inter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the CitJ take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA TION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print)
1. :I\_~~__~-(~~:.\.~~~_~______~.::.5::?___~':~_IS~+___~~:~~<::::_____<;~~_____j_c::!____~_~~_~~ cr 'f'3
.--,.-. -P.' rn
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. '..-----7 r .- ; t7/-- ..
pS) / (/- j tr/' ~
4. '_:::_':!..::z._____~_2..::i;;:L~.f...:~__.:..2.:2.~_:z~&..cL(t~~..d.9--'tr1:!.-;l~j~--f:?2__i..:_~_:::.?:2 3 .f [/
5. _lsl.!_~_f____(;'..!.l!~~=~::_:.\;.,_____~:.~::..l___:.~'_:.f:j:..fJ:.__!..t~~_';:.,.;'d______?:~?__:._(..~[_ - t; J'1' c;r
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6. __l~~__J__~~~___________~l~_____l~~~~___CL~~b:t~~____________~12____~_l___LJ~2J~_
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8 CI, hA~\"tS LJ-L~ " \, ' , \ , I. I. \, I., \", C'/WJ-
. --~'--\'\~~-~-l---T~i-~~~;~-~~;-~~~~-----L.i----~--~-~7----l .. '
9. ~__~~l.!Jl_~Jl_______________________~_______iJCl~~___~
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J 2.tl.'hdd1fll'fj?~S.etljfJl.l~~iLWJJ..tf-L*-i~_L~'i~{Jtf?0 '.
s C--(..{ v; IV- HI _ _ 1l.:1 _:._ -r-.- 1 ~__ b!~-{__:._LQ_Lj6..j)lL!.@_?jJ~fL:E.lefJ..:.__(:I:..c!2:J!.JS'-3 ( ~,
15.~",=~>>..-t----11k\.:&:TI_L~-'!~_~"~ili.\-~t-~J-__-j!:J.':::0t;" - V 7 {, ~
We tbe People of Winter Springs are very interested in tbe development of an OfT-Leasb Dog Park
rrraining Area similar to tbose being provided in otber communities (example design on separate
page). We request tbe City take action to develop tbis Park as soon as possible. Tbe Park sbould be
maintained as a part of tbe Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to bave expanded hours of operation to meet tbe community's needs. It is our desire that tbis
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location sbould be identified as soon as possible.
..<' ----
N~~ (pr;~t) . Ad~"''' Telephone s,gnatDT( .. /( I
1. ijl1:!J.J._"-i"L_!_:i_:;_UL<~,,l-i.,._.f~_c____0~!L:i::.?L!1':::L__d__.rp
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3. -~-----------------------------------------------~----_____~J_~_____;~__________:_______ ;r ~
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If, .' /.' :1 t.L?~'7 .::.-:.~ . l"\- i..:'-0 '-,:<'_' / _! 1~2. 1 /) /
6. ~~~.L_C~~":__ _C~--"7~::;'5;C~-CL!d.tiC<J~;Jp c
7. !:.J.lC,-;;_,::~i__L'!~.:tt~ l ~rJ.hf---~Z---~-1_______~~__LY.._~_L_1__,1_(d,.~_____~~ ' //
~~W;t'L' .$ :' 1;>( > ,I..' J td c(~ I: L-. ,. . '7 :4-...~' ::..-;i id ---
n. '" :.;. I. .- ( ,/t: '> \/~,/ ' " \--a.
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. --~~------7-i----~--------~~--S--------------~------------~----------7-~~~----------~--
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9. ~A-;q;-;;:4~:s-~;;"---~~6--':;~";~~::;':-~~~:"~:--;::;-?~;:;'Y-------:.g~--J~~----
/~ / <:;. ') / .} <..: --4?-- .'
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12. _C~jLJt-i______!!2.;~~~0E.I_'::~~~(~J__,~>.:::.:______!:__:!:f__?:..fJ__'-_________~X:.~(;.:~_(~;; {L
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13.---------------------------~~---~------------------------------------ .-r-~~---------
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15. ~:1d.f(~i-__l)JJ-L~i~----!~~--~--r:\~-~--:.:-~---~-S-2~J5~~:(..---C/"------ ~"
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
(fraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible. .
Name (print) Addn'ss Telephone Signature
1. Y\.r.'kLELfr_:rOE..t::(.,~____L~LL?_~E.ai:1.",,"1L_U_2i:~Z.s._P! $1\. ~
2. _1JW'okL_~___L~_{~~2~__j~LQ__L~~-'-i#~~~?2_3 ~-~ ~
3. ~1-----~:~_5-_---;:t~-~J?e~Q~fTl~l-!it: 1~~
4 ~ ~~_~__Qi._J(Q}!~ff::_li_~_~____S_~_9____~~~~~f!4!:~~_~_:"'~_ ,va t!.. tll C ,r "
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5. -----------------------------------------------------------------~i-~------------------ _ _
6. l?<'Juu't.JJh:.!~.!C_':~.jtLl:;C!J:~!_!'J_Bi..~J&~ - 1.0'1 G - j &t1
/? /I'~ ___ ! /) . ~/{...7 - t,L'/t -f( ~
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7. {~d_!.:::.L_~__L_L:..kk_~!"!.:~__ll~2.__l~.:.n1::..:..!_..&_.:uLti.{;._____C-1~~~~_
8. '.,;ZZLd;:.2!~it-z:~___.li!..Z___Su7!:2:!":~~l- ~J____:~~7_~ 61 J~~5b,/
9. ~b~~,J1~f.::l~t~Jrf/b-ltm.\\J~~-~1- 3 ~ '6- OoSS
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13.-=:::-L~~-~ ______________~~-~--l ~..J__~_______________c.--- .-V-QtafJ-Ja/u.'1--(~
14.---\bs:}:'-~-j-<;,'4.-~C>.Ll--~:-'1('.-U2~S:..<;J"'-~~ LL:.u, \...~r' .";:c. '(j 'I;
. \1 An.. ,. ~ S ,t I
15. ___ ~~~_~____~__~~~~!fJL_____~l~L______~~::L(!-----!:~-:-tl~2~:L-L._~~ 1
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the communit)"s needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephon~, / Signature
_ ~ ?// /t ' . jG (,- /~ /7 '1f:. ~ .
1. ~J,'f !:tJ..zJ!!-r:..-J:'-'-fiLL~,,3-(.Y-':E,::"-';'!l'!..~]JJl--~-":!.~--';;7-.!.~=- / /. ~ ",~
f r
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, . ~I
We the People of Winter Springs are ver]' interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate,
page). We request the Cit}' take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA T10N DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to bave expanded hours of operation to meet the communi~"s needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print)
1) _',:~:f!LY.TC?_J2i:.lffi2_2fr::..L6:~~-D-g__$2I-flim~~-!--c---.
2) _~~j-L)11______~~_____~t1__b~~1l~~..5.-{-~Q-~-4?1q_~.a=L~--____~1;JV~1
. - I I _ k .JJ . Q (yqS'7~SI.{ $ ~
3) ___IdL!,l'_{i3___~jL2.j:_-----~-~--_t.4~~~-~-~--~~~~~-c.-'~' ' '~--;s.'
I , . 3 r L v ;;7 -/ / J3j'
4) __&~~Q2f~_C_f.'-..___~-LL-:!::i:-~L___~___Z_-__Jl[LC{_C_~-__e..(_-_l,~/~ '? / I "-1
5) j}~~ .L:~S{,~_____3L)j-0tL-0.c~t---~'::l-tAJQ-{t.:c-vgL~0 . S[";i
6) "-~LLe..-'Z'd":~\.'@-_~JJJ..l\l.LC.2L- ~:U;LliiLC~<;;;.k:
7) #-d.tt1_JJJ~lli&-(dlJ.Q.!:LS-,~cd<..:L<g.-EJMt1!i!..~2K.~:1qs.., TC- 3r7V-y
8) kJL~.L~r;;.0:L~/__~f!:.:!____!i'.Lj:,=-P3,-~~-':'2-~:_/ ' ? ::> t<?
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12) i.,~LOCh..tr(:c.tL_J2-.a..h"If'b 'or Li1:_\d.o:kL_s,,"Lw.',]"_L,J.:~,;!- @Jz-t
, . 'I '"' " ' '. 7 ~. /1 ' ,I/., ;
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15) DQ",.i-51:.!h.::'.-----2!:fA:?:::!.::::..:..:----------=::::-;;2~
We the People of Winter Springs are vel")' interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
rrraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
(~ allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
LY Park he included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found l!,t Central Winds then an alternative
location should he identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1) .8!d.~D1LJ..yj!lffL2J.~k....._..:lE.C...li'L:dI_'2l--#.?..Pd-~
2) g.d!.i2.e_Lb!:Il.j;:__J-1':L[fl~...!-h.-_~1!:':.1~~--~
3) ~~,"-L<:..,,-.-d,12_~-".D"'L<;,.!.:'_,,--_QL.2..Z!:.25~:tjl.:jJJ-A
40:t.!2.~k-1.~~~fQ 4..cL2nj?j.,{\Q{fL~~-J~-,..k.ll:7lcp.j .
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5) 2LEJlh.Mdl~___..22.1.fE.L2flJW/'dL:.-Ml:'J.hrL4. .. (} (;"Y>fi16i)
6) __39..~~~~____~~<3. 'kr Sv~~ ,__.?:_~~__~~~?~t?.~3_~~__4:5?_~~_~_ -
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7) ----------------------- --- -..------------------------------------------------------
I~ - .
8) __L:...J:.lS2f:j.;Jiz:L---b:4-/4L~(l--------z.-c:LcJ-----P:u2i2j:A../}1./.2f4--------
9) J1~-JJiryJ.(L2.?.f.E~"!2LlL--'(:2:!:fLLZ(!~ .
1 0) ~'C-~~~l..S?..-~.::._~-!"i~-_Q-L-~20:.'1S:~:!.' -- ~
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13)?I~~g ~:F'~-:_--------- '
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1 ) _LL ___V.fJ_~D_____________'_"'__J1tt~U--VJ--~-.L-I~-'l_.!.-------L~---------- / ·
. ~. f ~
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development ofan OfT-Leash Dog Park
/Training Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature '-',
1) /Jl.j;JL: ~~lkl:!iL__!iJJ...f.gIJtj!..fj{.?k:_?Ef-z.2'!..'-__-2JL~ ~yd
2) M.~~~:.__(k~~~___Y.f2J..'_LiJ.ll{f../Y:._k___Jf~Y.:_Lr.ff..__dd~\.jJ\. tf- tl~
- ^ ~.~fJ i/J17 '1--11 /~ iJ -rt. .'lI7 r9 /tJ 4 if) i J J 1\. ./1 /1/7 r S iA ~~:
3) ~.LM..l'!':;~-L~__JJjJJJ..LLUl.iL{.1_______l&..'::1___.Liff.:-LL:..~_______Br;..__ !'T531btMVL.-
4) CD.OiU,.Q.oQ.ll.1.&- - - -tj..W.LJliJ~I2lj);.Jy~~
, / fL.3d7t ~~,
--rI (\ - ",,or 1\1->") , 'r' 1\)(. ~\',. le 'S~ b"&, -r. ~ '70 e'
5) _~_~~C1_~~_~~l-_____:I~_l____ - J-~_ _________l_Jl__J:___~-~-------~;L ()
6) _b'~~_A.l__G..~'--C?_5.__~_~B..J=B..c.:\~~-dd~--~-'-~.... ~ 2.. 1 b(3
7) --'2~.J:2..:..Zm...Q.!:..f:".uxK..T-.!t2L--.10!.k:1-(.UL-Q~~L- J.2 70 lr
8) t~~~~=--~~~-t~~~~-~~-::O~J-
11) "Y _8E~JlfJ~~~~\ ~~rJ.._____s..~~_~:J.:~(L~_)_~,--~.:?~-------
4 Y(,.., h V"} u C -f.- I z.. r
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12 ~~ --- ~-= - -------- __~C::(!J.~__!:3..___~_r:_!:?_?:_~_C~___z:----
, /
15) ___"--~____Q~~-~~--jJ(--~~--"'-~~l
We the People of Winter Springs are vel")' interested in the deveiopment ofan OfT-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
Location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print)
~d.>.&:.dLf.L-'iL2....M'::K"Cd2jL-W2:f*)-{.7;,: J . ,J;
2) ~'1.O.AJ..-?..:...-..x;."'-~-'f.Ef-~S=..{i!..!..Ji)~"5-~_ . ~_ ,
3) -#r~.1?--f!~t!!:.~-.!i.q1.-!}?~~~Q-~j)_ ~("l
4) -q(kj,~GDJl!LL-!ftL{~-0.~L!?x~-~~"-_14cr-~c
6) ---~- ~-- ------"7-------------------------~--~~'\~
7) --:-l::~-~-~-~~~~L--~2-~~!_:.~!~~_7!:HJ J, ~
8) ---)~----~'lliL~L-'?:.:.~_~~::lS..JJL__'_{~_L?9'b2 ~O"(
~ . \, L-~07 f'-dLJOS
9) -------51~-----L0.s-~~L-------j-~-f---~?;.~~f-~---2c---- ___ j/! ~~_
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]0) ~~~~--it3I:.-cLCIdk-C'..&v..s....J2k:..J- ~~
]]) 9n~LI-L/-iJf:f}---~3!;-'1~1qLL!2~c--(J------ bed r-
] 2) ~b::L_C;,,_____ i~--~-~---------.,q'-':..~..E.L- 'JJ::.:._ j/
13) -#~5jO!l..D,--------_3_4...'2_.---f,A^'-'-cID.--~j,-d:J~ Jkll",
] 5) -mlli--JJ-~~::tCO------t.:Jj-l~2c..~:::z__.kL~__1~rJ'il :1J,v
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog
Park/Training Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the .Winter Springs PARKS Ai....,D RECREATION DEP ARTNIENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Na":le (print) 1 Address Telephone Signature
1. ------jr:4~-.6lf/hJ.0XL-d:2Q-_t%=QL~.D-L.,--&~.?1~-'U:-2-'t.?,!t:---}.{~,
-- . 1 . S p.1' /,'j (;-.s, /
2. -G.1.fJaJ.-U2-'Jl~/------_-~3u--1?CM.':1o..CcdtJt::.__.D.rL__(~LQ.J)_~'I.:S.:iS2L______
3. --~rf.J.---Oa...--~_tt.-i2._____~_3.EL__i31!J/}fJJ~o:n_.j)IZ.;________tzQ_2:-(q-f..-2__:_~i2.t a
;f~ /Vl, ..A~~ 2.38 -P~J1.a.Jl~ I\Y) , LfDl'~9~'l8'99
4. -----------------------------_______________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. ct-~-~L-t=.---------~~-J:ll!lQf.f!-~----0:-'-----~~~.'~q~~~~~\c
(; ./ '-:t' ~ tJ (L-'1LW%t( "-1 \XL "'7
6. ~__~___~1StJC~{~____ ---~~tJ--------:?-~::--~~-~:--~-----!:~~~--~-~~-~---------~__~__________~_~___~_~:=~ ~
8. --:I~;;!-.!..!;~------~---;~~~~~~S:--__:ii---~----~- -~ :.i~~ '
9. -~---------~-------------------,;-----~~--------------~---\t- _ _
1~&-~~~3-----~q~-2dd~iZ_g~_?___J?g.1~0.61,f:~~Q __. __~~
11. JS.u::I:B--tLrf.-cr.~____~'?_t..__~;n\:...".Ca~~'_'_~!:_:l/!-'?~~l::::-~~-?-'?----~-__.:_~.>&.~
\ ,,!':) c . / L / r- H ' (\ . , 's "" u C" ,'" '-w'
12. ~~-!.".'-'-:~/.;,.,~'f~j.'.:l.-..;.:.':.'Ji,b.L~-..-'r:..~~---'i<.LLO-7.--::-.}:z..30.Li7f~:J.?- <~/> c/~
13. -:~1~-d~#J---!i3t-----.:--g-l:e.~-_,JJ.&.___1.__LQ2::.k:.72~___~!~:_5a~:r..~~J
14. -9-~-~--Wf:~~------~-3~--iL:'f2-'?._L_~_~_~~____S?__~~_~_~1..~LL~~________
' " J' . li/ '& ' {'t '
1 S. -.L-~:.-'~:-..f~:I2_Cf::!J..._l}:lL..t...L0.CLf~___1__~__y__.:__,___~~__~_~_~~~--~'~---t)--:l'"----------L:~~~~:.-:.!k---;.-<::-L!~:~~f..:~ [U
We the People of Winter Springs are very inte.'ested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
fTraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page), We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible, The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the communit}"s needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
r:fc!usi!-'~ Polic~ K-9 t;"~ining ~rc~. If room e3Li not be foand at Centra! "'inds then an alt~:-nativc
location should be identified as soon as pos~ible,
N"mp (nriot) Arlrlrp"" Tplpnhonp S:!'unat p "V}ji J1l (./ C ~/;1
. '__n \r'" ') , . ---- -:-- '. - --or _. .... ., ur - / ~ /) ~~
1. l!lIJ'i_4JJ..!1A1::U_2iE!r}~)!..!2f..~_~~~_f___i2_~~~_lLt~j ~
2. _~~t!~cA.__(i!..r:p-~_____!..!!.~__~~:!_~__1:.:.:..~__~:..:-~_~:~__~:~_?~_~!_L~_?..~~__!~' (:t
3. i~~_~~_:-..~_~_~_~fl.?;J_L~____!L~_~__~5:~_~9_~2__~L.v_9____~~2~_!~_~~~{_.J'~ #-
Slit: rct-E (Yl A :e110 \ \6 to Te 61 w t> 0 D13 L VlJ i-/ c ") - f.:, '75'- (, 1 ~- iJ
4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. ~eiJiJJ.h--Ib(j}----.lIUUqjaWltL-1D.13.fKj3:~
6. _&1l:l__?eJ.J:!.'LL_12Q2__f1i.._c..I.&:t!_<;2:_j~..'!:.r:!:!!!d1':!:f.E::I..-:!.tz~!-f{-561 f 12~)j, J,
,., j' 407'36'
I. ________L{~5Lt:.L~fJ~!d~____L2Q~__E1?:L..__9J~j:::t___.lQ0~_t~Sf..0-;'~ FL 5 b 1 ~
:. ~k~f--~-1:~-~'~~~-~~~l~~~tz~~-~~~::-~~:~~!~9-)~
J. -----------c::::i-------------------------------------o--------------------------------, ' ~
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10. ~6.!..(!~---Qi:.l!:!L----.!!:.2/2--.z9.:f.:L(iL~f~:::(.-f:!:L--l.-!..LIt..!k:.J(::.~~~___k:? - 3.2 7 ~..2 S-I
11.__~Jll!.6.-Cl!.Q?C':::}:;?LL~t~Lg;;l.W.&WltJ:et-d.pr~ .
'16?J~7-9VY.r ~
12.__6;_kL_e.1:::!f.~-----1.C:.J---I~~!..~.c:!!L?!~-T-f::::.'::.~'::::.!::U----- '1$/
a. -/ ' '
14.lfff-i----':-'--2e~~----U-_~dd.,d"'"{!Z~M----{~~ '
1. -- ____________(___________;2_1(~!?9..f:.~~~C52_D.__f.lld______f:!:?_!..___
We the ~eople of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
rrraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print)
" I' li " 4.' 1:< --. \ . ^ '_ ,_ _,.., ~~ ~~
1 .J~(~()~!""'i I ''':.\,...~ !/ OJ _;../~.('C'..:...I., DII."c.; '~':. _.~'~i,' /0..; I) f- (,;::/
. -------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------~-------
2. lL0r~-1i..L~~---i>..~-B.I}d.teA~L-~wJ~jl-l.lli-~lli-n~(QSs::l~~---~-
3. {:d(]~1:.~--W_6:h.~{!~L-1l..22..1n.0---'l11~-~-~!.:!j <{ 5 LJ
4. g~~~~~___CL?2___LZ:h_"_LZI~_dCt-4L~--~"LI2c~s ';.>>- '7c'<j 1;1
5. .;k:"!.rJ..-J2.[~~i:;_----tzJ!LJ!].J3LtJ.!~.D.!L--~t9.!1.Z---~: .
6. _1_L!2.da..___f!6 I J.lf2S----.6..J..I--..f..1..qL~lj~j2_'!_..__52:._"i.l2Li~1:._,dfJ:;t:r-
7. L~---~,{:.__-' -_. - _____1t..~1~__!T!fiEAlL". ___Df?:____~_1.253'_:[__c17.
J 'zT!:'.r...:;.~ , . , "I ~
8. __~L~:;!.:.L__~l~~f.___.!iL~~_i:~i;;~~~_!.~!.::~~~_~.::..:L______~~2~:2_;:~::~2=~;:(/-,
9. J!fik.11i.+--..idtJLJP..IU.t2."C:i~{lc..--~'P..Llf!~-W.L-~-
1 o. Z~~6.o...c..~_J3:.c:'.4!.J.._S.2.Q____!!dd:iiZ__=:.}::?~.lf:.~Lt.: (' __[~Z__.{g")____&O ~;;
/ \_/ \...1
11. _.Qi~_l___~J..~~5J~1.~C~.:_______l..<:.1__,;y~J.!:~-~..cc-~~:..~!:?J--:~~!f~~'U/C"~...-7
~ / V---- ./
T. ~. . c# '---~.!!.
12. ___J.(}!I: '!:!.!:~~j]i.iLl!j_-_--L~?:I..s:~j!f..-tl1.~-~--!J.L~---~f7~-?fZ--1~# . ;:~
~ / ~
13. _]~'U.:'~'2f..Q__rt.C:.~~~______~_c..1__f:.':!._';.'!___'[:~:~2~~~__~~__~__'_&-'L~:!_Li~Q.L___tt:__
/'.'t~<i -Iv I
We the People of Winter Springs are ver~' interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park rrraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the Cit~, take action to develop this
Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON
DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the communit~"s needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training
area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
1. ~_?~~~~~l;__LL:t ~_~=~~Ec~;;~~_~2?_J!:O~
2. ___:' '_,. Qi_~_Cl~~LL.IJ.LGrc~:)..~C~__~&LIGd- 'DS?
3. -, r.L~LS:~Jl.1/-L1.L~'])lL%'2-J60-~9'0.()?z.,.
J ~K~--
4. - - __~J_ ,J~__1.~?'~_p~'~~~_~:'~..__~~~~2:~~_}t.:21 LY~ lv--
5. ~
6. _GL..?'}->.:J.1!1.'!.U~~________JI1_lLJ)iJ..!3_ ~~__i~Li.b..~_~ 7'3 [; 7 l' ";j!,;-~
(&, I #__'>' /.' /~ /!?-/t A 7' '~
Cl-J ..~l t.~' r/ c.."-.," /' i' II lie -.Li p, I, \ . U"'2 7SC' J" I
7 . __I ____ /________________..:.__..:..:.:..:::..:~_:..:..___ -I~L..:LLfJ..1-C!L\I.!:"-a.7---11l _,:) l - .5U to I.C
8. -l~----~~--Li1.u-CJl.:L-( L____':kl..:.-j-GJ -_Slr_'iiL ,
9. ---- '--- ~'-- _______-LL(2_1_/~~..&d-a..-~:f.:J66o ~S:6
] o. --fZ _ d2_________JJI2__i__~f..-~:t~-----'if!-7..':-~b6 ~ 66 ov
1 L _$.l~~ ____j~dL/J2&?G1L-L____0r:~---/~-?~2~b, - b C.6 6
l~~rL---.lLO 1--1//1 (C i!..ll L. !...::.._____-J!./ :~i:.f=.{;.5 D 7"
::. ~~~~2~J ~~~~~;~;: ~~~~' ;~~~~=~~C)
15. ---~Ctc~4!;..-JI- Sp;,;: L{_jjfL/J;d.&I)Ef..______.;:f.2.:..i~(}J
We 'he People of Winter Spring, are ,'e..,. Interested In the d,,'elopment of no Off-Leash Dog Park IT,..;nlng Area ,Imllar to
those he.ng pro"ided ;n other eommunltles (example des'gn ou separate page). We reque" the CIty take aetlou to d"'elop thl,
Park as 'nou a, posslhle. The Park 'hould he ma'uta'ued as a part of the Winter Springs PARKs AND RECREA nON
DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have exPnoded hours of operation to meet the eommuolty's needx Jt Is OUr desire that 'hls
Park be ineluded as a part of tbe Centrnl Winds Complex Expnoslon and will also pro"'de a nnn-exelush'e Polke K-9 traIning
area. If room can not be found at Central W'nds then an nlternath'e location sbould be Identified as SOOn a' Possible.
Name (prin.) Address Telepbone . ~re
1. ~LC-<UH\,7-jJOLli"'''LV:l.ir:tlce:..___:L:>_2':-d..~::>L7.:L~d<~/ ~
~ ]), 101 Ire?> . .
4. :0da...'1, · 1iL:LjJjiL-L.JJ:1~,(L2'~__~1V M f.! 0- ui;;,-, S
~ . '1-D 7-3g. -/2/>; d. .
5. ~7r:t- ---------- -lJj_1:- j}y'!-<M!..j}-~~__S.Pk..? . 118E/tr WoMY
6. --b..~g -.!:I1f-~"-.!:.---!!!.Y.:.._O ~1:!...Df!- _~ I ~!!::.~(f!:~l ":% M= & <77 a.-
T --.:lALL-:t~_~LliJ~~=~~ S-~ ~~-=~~~~~~
10. {}j;_N-J____~~ _..l(.'z. _7 -- ~!:!:::.9..:!..1._&___ 0:::l[:.....?~~: 13 " J
] ] --+o[YWzI--t ~%-----LL}L12.i:'.!!i~_.Dc __~ '1__.3 _~5.:-\LJ:;'i
12. -~-jj-33.1:U.lI./'.d...jj!l4_~__",-~~_~=" N3:f-~tuc/j
!3. v.t~-Iw1<tk------1l3.LllLWC<'-<~__1';;S_...3..5"!:2'3LQ__dio1f e La rltptr
'. -1ih:J!__ A -,..<--- '2? -I}~r;;.-"",--__t4J., 5;'-~k-0=..'j:::z.~_
We the People of Winter Springs are ver.y interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park rrraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separatc page). We request the City take action to develop this
Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a I)art of the Wintcr Springs PARKS AND RECREA TION
DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-cxclusivc Police K-9 training
area. If room can Dot be found at Central Winds then an alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Na~e (~rint) Address ' Telephone. ~,_ ign', ure" // :
Alr.-. 'j 1}..'11' (1/j",'1" 1)01 1\'." ,,---Iv' (f) L/Ol- 3<;"(j-S-j7.c,r' ,~"", ,t <d,,,,%
L ~\!c~m, ---;--J.'~~~'L~__________L.__ _ _ --1'-:A~~;; ,
2. Jz('j~ ~J~-i:.?:?!L()x.P.1~_-..1:qZltg1~"J2!d~Y
/ . ~ .." b ~~-L1----
. ~ -~~j~-~~~~-~Js-~~fJ-l/~tf9{~ ,'.
~:.ztLfl:...~~1J:1S--_1J_LD___{LJ..r1C&~_~~:._2G~_____~~lf 014 /.J 0 uJ::: >7 5'
5. ~~:t ---~---~ --lJ.!.J- 2jJ"l~1A-LiJf_~:::~;jp~~; !?I Ro6Eff WIJ,eLEY
6. --b!!...~---C;;f1f--~_~ '----!.!! J::Jl~ r/ ~~ ~_ Df- _~ I ~ K!.....f(1:.~ ( ~ (., F b 71 CJ.-.
7. ___,f) Ati.._~ -_ill:L-_;v,Pl1~i4~_?!l~,_~{) 7 - :3 6 r b '" 5' ~
9. -------_____ _~-----___~~~----------___~_________________
10. (}A~~--__lb---1 [2:? __ ~ w~~ /J~__~~_6l:f'_j5~:./~ <: J
tAHl '.,
11. --+;t-MArT--f-..----::~---___+_L}L-i2~~U.~!LllC -___V ~_____.) _f_5..~-Cf J 7}
~ h", -&F-U }' J 2:> J....."if />/:,,, ,\. / / \ ('" . -~ [' --r~ Pih47 -GiLl
12. --Aa~ ----- ..!---;.Ll.-L1i.L~...Ll:2._'___~..,}.:--------~.:.--~/u!jt.- () u., ,
13. ..r-.~ll:!SL-lu~_______li3:2_ 1\, UJC0~\:.LJ~---1:'~S_...3;Y1:..?3J~~__AiLV\l:' \' La (Vl-pt.(
14~C>.:~Lb,fJ-W.--4c-(:.J ~ ;'1!..?2:~~S:____
] 5 -/JJtJ~(, - --- '!&:.];},,-!p-~mc;;' -,---.ik5..:-<J::liX-_
--..------.... ...
Name (priOt) Address
~ TelePholle.
- , 3/ ( 3- 6-- 07- S,g..t_
1. /C - -~---IQb,(:;I2~~ib73_76'h
~ ~.fJ c3f?? i> I ~-------Z>r__
2~i: --La?--Z2.~---1b~k._k~-Z_~? 9
.I~ ~ .:5/6;> r %/'<.P~e 4--2---- __
3 ---_____
. ~ ----------- -.i14~ -4t' ip 2- b",
.~ -:lc; 81/3-6:-4JAisfe....1le. --- ----___ _ --?'i/.,
~~(;.-~ -~~.c:LC______~7-b )5- '>:J?(p
'IOU I'- Ii 7..f 3 __________
~ t:-c lev. ,
~------------- ----~---"~~!:(J2!:~_~_!.~___
~-~~~-~~-~~ <:';r-- -------------
r rt,;t.;1 ~ . -11 ". ______~---------
- - ----~-.------~- -~----:..t.r7 J e. CXu.,? '11 C-.1.
' ..1 ~. __________________
ct. c.vo -.' _ ________
; -iCZ--~ ')----2i:1---.;.~/ '" ;r. /1 I .
"i< L-. !-fes'] ~__",._ . '.
h.rJ...- en, ,
' W<JJl.~------r:[fa_S2.q.uOlQf::l:.__,,__, _ _._._
~C'L-- k; 9' c --::""72 ~
'---'---'j-".2."-W4:"-'i.-~~_-d.~_,",-0"_Lfr.. ~C,'_ .
.l'\/d Lv d. v 'e n. ~
'oU. -- ~-'-~-(J:.~-"'C.__..ti'1! > V (~-.-L~ ~L
'7:"..- ,fl 1 _~j
"--:"'~::::;'-~U;e.~__,__cJJ t J1.:4(J,!,..02-S:-!::J ~y 4 /f~rv
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ltfji (\ \ l \ \ 0 ! /; L&~t[ __
'"- - r~----\_:"'j~ ~ ---i:--
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W. tb. P"'pl. OfWi.t.r Spriogs......ry i.t.....t<<! i. tb d
ITra"'.g ...... ';'.il.r to tbOs. bci.. prO'ide,) ill th · .../op...., of .. on-Lea'b Dog P.rk
> ,., 0 er .o.......h.. '..... I d .
pag.,. "or'q...t lb. Ciry tak. ..No. to d.../op tb' P k "P. es'g. o. "P.r.t.
m.i.ta'.'d as · part of tb. Wi.ter Spri.g, P.ol1lI(s ~r .,.OOQ.. POs.ibl.. Tb. P.rk .bo./d be
.1I0we,) 10 b... ..paOde,) bo.... of opera No. to h 1lI!;C1lI!;.. nON DEP .ol1lT1\fl:NT, b.t
P k b . ...." . CO......ity, d I '
.r · '.".ded .. · P.rt of lb. C..tr., Wi.d C I . . ... ~ t" O.r desire Iba"bi.
. "C/Osi.. Poli~ K-9 tr.i./.. ...... If roo.. '.ll s ob"P .. EXpo."o. ..d WiI1 .1.0 prO>id. . .0._
I ' uJd b 'd ' llot e fOUlld at Celltr 1 h" d h
"".NOb sD. ., '.hGe,)....... as POssibl.. . "'. . t .... .It'r.."..
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
/Training Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a pari of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet tbe communifJ"s needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a pari of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. H room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address 0111 -0 "', .J \ 1...\ J:elepbone C\ i1Signature ~)
, " i-l"1' 11 _1.)1 0DIL \'1L.l UNO('. J.\U'!- &~.. 1l1'lfl-/
" ~. ~/ '. W'()-\-er. \ S, ~ 32 '. (d4 - .
1) W1J.. L"t"S_~tootl:b..oJs._.._lJ____~~~___:.L_~~12_____~__g'lfd ---- -~- ~ ['I )
, J.-.j e'lLP.6-t<; (_co K, j--J c) ll.....lY-<-?CIL ll' LQ. \ C I-f f\.. Cdv'y' .
. d I " r\ll n-tLr .::YY1.,Lnq6, i='L- ,-
\J\ ~ \ - LjD7-(oW:J- WS5 U) J.' C"o .~ i
2 )Jlm-------i?l.c.J~Lc..e:-..&:aJQ.&-~_"""')-----------~--------~-3a5Z, fLl}{_ ~-. ~/'
. "'''1&.1 -n(\...-c.)S 1--\::110"'-' ~i' Y . ~) //
/~ Ut' ~ \v' .., k ::=, (' . =y:: \. _:?oo<.. /,08 1.'1 v~-
( A ^ ,--'~ , . . . J "'.;'.~/. - '~..?rn/,/;:.- 4'(j)~-Z~ ;c"'v/
\ ' L-" "" l..:::-I. .\ a-;. /-_./ -1. ' o...-/'
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!. 1ll17frZ ~\~. h 5;)./03 I' ,
4) ~!11LJ~~LiL~C5-~~~~----:!~2.:!:!1l~D----- ~0
. . \;j\~(' ~\~ 3,JlO8' ertf{h4<-
5) _L~~i.d..l..jl1(~__~~~&:._k:'Lf ~ ~tmJ..bJ4~j~:lJ:.-----~Q].;:la-,19..:.3Q..s..=t--- / /, / /
C .. A lJT;O'r >frN';;>. )J, - {.W
6) _~1~____njrJ~~_~___!E._~?.JJ:a.~Li4r.~:Jf?--B!Jtd-----J..Q!..:..ff!:-[?.~f.___ ~; kv#-
a l J517' ~ h f q . 11'l~ttr S}J[cj7 1 A~1;j/!-;J~~f0v1r./,
7) __~~4r{/H---~--!~Y--~1..~--~1.1------~-I:&1ffd.gjlJ.P.C.-------1:f..7-~1..:__'.31171__
Ii:? c--4 U (~.~ 1" /
8) -4~1,..:..t1!LJ!..:"':::::::::"--___iJi2'1:!.L~!2_r!.._...l::52:::t-.J!;.'La;.~71.
9) .fJ.j~_-rc.u..~.Jl-_-jU..iL.&irl42.;;'~J:Jl,,--~1:ds:11s.1~'~.
1 o~b!:~W~~_'-'liL.:LQ.~Q..QJ!~<'k(.J:11L:{gL2..&':75Lf /' .1J{,f:"..J,-
ll)-~~ - jjZ~___ . -It&--!ili~ - 97v/
12)-~~--- --- _..LQliL~JjL:!9_1:~3Ci -t;;,c(~
13).,ft!!!~-n4--1!J!:2_--~~_-----_!.._!.~-L~t! sS'! 3
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15~~__._1ll~~~~..&,,-______'k1:i?'i.5._:il.<1 ~ 3
NaIDe (print) Address 4; S 5~7o.\ TelepllOne il:nature
~ - ~,~
---.:-~E---Nq_<!._~_~Al.: -------::/!.{ly-h?,,:!.-J!.3.L~L___..k_fi:i23.L_.__..__._.. . -'k~.~ ' "
~.f1 ,.:..j~K.jJ$;D.&-1l-!dlfiL. . ~.~t} "r:
J.r /'\;, fl' -:2 tG\L:f't.~ft Y Z4/.,~, ;' 7CiYl I\. ,I d(j 7 I:z "iF>, "'-IOo~ ' ~1.r,~-~/~ -.___-Lt-
~-....... .-0; n iF'.-I-, .It<..-''.,-L.J:::t:.-..t-.l::.-.,i'.JC!;-'----L.I4.'''---... -n~~, .,r 3,
?:L~~..-~.Uftcj~[ihCCLJ.~i);i:.~'MQ.'._ !{~ff
LL~-9...i.:.~~2:Q.s.-'Rt:-~!t.1.'XQQs:I:r__<_('m:f&;QS~H2~.~C,(~~ _ ,
~'" '/ ,--, ,- '7". , . ~< ,.<.1 'j/1
-, {/ '- L. C' / " C: L., ,'" C'? n'lriA'i'( IJ /'1 A !'oJ':;, // 'C' -,; / '/ C; Y j '7.', / ," /
--.---4.---.--..----..--"'.--<.-'C~.-...----_.._'~____:r_>,.._.Lc.L () ~ /..-t. _ " _ ,x..!'~ _,
- ---------------~----~~~.~
.lL~/!-t, ASb:..I-..J., 0.-<i--::~~dP=-:...Il;_~;..- t-J..i{Q2:lQ1~_~Q?"~J7J1~~-;.::.
~'-f, , I I '\'~ ::> , , _ I, / ,. ,
~f:ib.i:~E:Q~~~~::It;;;~;~~~~~ \
'--...f...-..-...-.....L1L....-...__c.~..f1l, ~T- 2..z..y:
We the People of Winter Springs are Very interested in the develoPlDent of an Off.Leash Dog
Parkrrraining Area SiIDilar to those heing Provided in other eOIDIDUnities (exaIDPle design on separate
page). We reqUest the Cify take action to deVelop this Park as SOon as flUssihle. The Park should be
"'aiUlaiueel as a part ufthe WiUler Springs PARK:s AND RECREATION DEPARTME1\T, hUI
allowed to have expanded hours of Operation to IDeet the cOIDIDunify's needs. It is OUr desire that this
Park he ine/uded as a part of the Central Winds COIDplex Expansion and will also Provide a non.
..elusive POlice 1(.9 troining area. If roolD can not he found at Central Winds then an altern.tive
loeation should he identified as sUon as possihle.
/' . ,- ,
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog
ParkrTraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the \-Vinter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEP ARTlVfENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be ide~tified as soon as possible.
Na~e (print) Address.. Telephone_ ,ri~natur~ I If
1 _D.~nJ.s_~_(Y.:tJL~L______3g2jAL:~ITL:_~D~.f:(:LJ)~:.:___-iQ_]_'::'G21:_(t:~(:LZ1.J:L_____ ~___~.:!!...1t.'l____
2. SJLSJ!/1_~-.SLQ'jf__..1QY..__LJ~rt:itt:__~ik____~Q2::6:Zfg.::.f1l~Q____~_~:tlJ~tI
3. _~~~_~::...__!:':~i:::_____~_~___~:~..Jo:___~__~~,__~!~_~:_~~_:_~:____d:4f..::_:€:/qL---.
4. [h'!_~_--'.!Ji..'1.J:~______lQ,5_~.Qc,si"..!!.L<.._s:r..f____L':I_g_:z2_f:L'I_-"LL~_---~----
5. '-::=-S'~_~!:'~~_~_______~~_---'-'~_':l~_____________________________--.:::::,.
6. -f/t;J{C:---'!!p'!fL1~/!-5-:--j-L:?----~~~.1!/L~L~L-L7:..qflf:..li::~=~n I if;;
7. -:~rliA::/! i6.dt~--~?!!:o"5--P~c---~~!:~li~---_--iJ~lt;21+'h~;jj/!::;
Jf)~ PA~ 1.- )7.. ( ;:)~ - C J . lLJ"~'7
8. ---------------------------------------------------- -~----------------------------------------------------------~----- ..
2 11 ",,' tJ V ;1;;'.s I e...... I g ~ S't/ /...I /J .4 ,;t..I e E C! r- '-/ ~ '7 t, '7-:;-73/ S - /f ~..&"4::--
9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~-~-~J(~=--=:j~~~---
10. JJ~JllL-e.--:D-6&--~,,~--e~Q\lHtK~--lK-,~--~.d-~-4-ntYjS
\ .' " "t-- :5 ~ -::to "
13. ---~~L;r~----~~~L. ---~-2:t~j?-"X]2-'?-':L=3J2g---~<_~r~01.L~-~~:;- -,-~,~-
14 ___ ~ _~u-------l[lJUXb.----~~~7---~tnL.1Lill'Q--Dc----df?..:!!~1?--1ZJ?---~-~. ~\f\~ / ~~ /Jl(l~
~ . \; 'v-<
15. _____6- __~f~__I1..<.._~&!!:..____l:!!.._>:.__JltaI!.!X!.iO..Ci--tic.-'{..~Zl-6---J2..2?:.----lj():Y3.!J!...~,7. "
We tbe People of Winter Springs are very interested in tbe development of an Off-Leasb Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part oftbe Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community.'s needs. It is our desire tbat tbis
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (pr.i.~- Address Telephone Signature ...--..... ./ .'
1_ _CL~!.!!!.==-4~.0A"k'LLi,LL!..-:E:.~_:1.LU._".7.J~.L-:;:~~
:~). 1J ~ . 3( IlIA L IJJ ..' I ,)-J-, JJ!J
2. _L__L~~_!.B:~___a_~t9~_____~_~'_:__1~jA~_J~_j:d__j21~2..B..5..--i:..l;.Ai" '. ~
3. --- \ C;!~LA f!j.t~:J..___A1_____CQ-<_____L3_CJ.___t:.1!3g<::L.::J___{:..:.l______~-:L~2_?_i:Li;:. ~~ ~
-<:~'7 .:J1/2 (- /' ,~-
, fl1 ..' I\~ ~'., .i I -, q J'!/ ' '-:0 f '-~ 1-7~ ~j . .,/.~"., "
4. _:'__1L_1]!..lj;:f:.j_v..__L!.J___':::!..lL!:::_______k.:e_____L__./}_~~,/Y.--(~--~7:~~-----~ I? ,J1I(U.l' ,: 1/ /Cl,
() ,n n' :]')./7.. ,)'-13 ~ . /1 , ! ;~/)
5. m[b:2[{:.'\._:~J...:jjL~________~~2:J.__JYj~iLLlj11d-;.-}J-1{~Z:.-----__.?:~:_C~ ~./' .. CZ-
e '3d-.7-eJ-S-S9. ~
6. _~...:~_~M!~~_______~lJ___t}jA.g_~1l!___~_~__~i31Q8______ u--,'
7. - . )__~~.c~__~L1_~J1L~__lQ~_3~~I -l:?7 .~~
' / / ~ ~-r/."< ~. ~ ;?/
8. ~- -- -"-Q~-~l'_t1~-LS:~-c~-&l--~~?;f,fc' , T
9. ~~2..0{U1--Ji1J4:..0~31.j::!./)f..t~J!P._---?.=-?':!7 ~ uJaID
1 O.~ElL'L~_f6:hs:a-'-Il'K.i&!l.(.~'---I~~.?J2I---~,2.3l1:-.t~d
fr ~cJdt. J() 7 Y /))e tA-', 6'1 -5~ 7 J(tr r-,. 'u ' 1
12. . ___~_~________~___~i]__Lid.'2_~~:fd&_'___{q_21~~~_________&~f!.~~__ "I~'!!ui::.,,-
fa "'NCe~~ /[. 1/ / I (jJ, ---. Ji.' L~;<.
. . /f...-, 7~ ,. ~,-
'/') ",\.- \
13. ----. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.t;; /) {I ,- J -"
14._____JL~Lr__~J..f~~lJ1. ~ k__~~~~__~y.t~')j)_L!!._:.~_ce..__~~~:2:~:---~=f)j.:f~~- f)Jz'J'-~
-- :; /
15.__!J..~i!f..__:l:.~:.Z2~~:..__!2..e__~~~~~~~'!__!:::!.._:~~___IL~.:j~lE~-(~~--(I '^~'~~
We the People of WI o'er Springs are very In'erested In 'he developmen' ofao Oil-Leash Dog Park
"raining Area similar to 'hose helng provided In other commonities (example design on separate
page). We reqoest the City take action 10 develop this Park as SOOn as POSSihle. The Park should be
maln'ained as a part of tbe Winter Springs PARKs AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have "'paoded bours of operation to meet tbe Commnulty's need. It Is our desire tbat th~
Pork be Inelnded ns a part of .he Central Winds Complex E.panslon and will nlso provide a non-
e.e1uslve Police K-9 'ralning area. If rOOm cao no. be found at Central Wiods tbeo an alternative
location should be identified as SOOn as Possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
S ,3 '=' Sa.o\d \~~ L" '-i Ct 7 :3 ~ 'l ()' J \ '-i
1. 12..'=:.~~.9-~~O:2~"'-"-'!:2"-:...~_~.e.~~..f_,=-!?.2.!;3_______~ ~~
2. ~l~--R~~~;=~-~i:~?P--")--~PZ--i-~C!!-~_____~~ ___
3. LQ 2.f..Ci-J2....L~\j..:.-~.L-s.":d.r}Jt.;;!.jj[.'-!i!12~L2.1_L1_'(:C.!k0:;_ c....-/
/i - , 55-'< '1D7- r:kd ; ',_.
4. (J1:!iJ.it:....id:JL1-0~?.._2-'ki!.~~~c..J2.2.:::!..2:z.j~__~ _ ,ttf~ ~c.)
" /
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6. -- -' Jfl.5.fUJll:1ilCl---JiJP.&iCL(f,.USL___1J.QL:_:2Z::"(!.f!_?{! !reX<, M / "'-
7. ~'-~~Qd.:~-~__J~~ -~~G~b-~--~}:_~_~.?_~S~'S''i) J~
~o&--~~, leG I>, ""-0, JJ.J_J-c"LJ
8 -__ ___________________________________________________________
9. /ltaUtJL0..1l1t(Ifi--:J_~L&&a_ftf1t~ilL5 ;:-- c
1~'JL~~-~--~\12.~~_<2.~~~'?_Si.._1____~'" ~- s.~"~\
1I.f!2e--J-ffiJl.s---Lj:1li:lj__~dytlJ.I!.~5ftl'1L6& J ~'?f-L
1~~_ --#-423.A?~/.-4J.~___112.._______~_L___
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13. -:;:r~'~e:::.~:::.(:::::.:..__k_C?____________________________
14.-~-"~:~..?4!.:y...:L_'2<::._Si:."'-u...G~~..c...:._::__~~.c...y>r,y-q~ l.j';-
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park rrraining
Area similar to those being provided in other communities (exaniple design on separate page). We request
the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a part of
the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded hours of
operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this park be included as a part of the Central
Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room cannot
be found at Central Winds then an alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature ,) II
1. Etlen_~_.1?.p~ett_e.__j15.__LJ_o_~dJ~_~f__~_~__\.____7JJ-!..?_~l__Db_t_._~
sj~'r/ <" /.~/\ln-<)-I-i..q.v'7.'; -"-'1) <~.. '., Y IJ .;- "J ~. .
.,'- . _..A:.. '7- " I , ~ r?? (-/ L^-' (r-) Lt,f+F== (,. /l ? 66 ~, 76 i /~(:C2ZAt '-c\ .. '":r'it"'.:_~
2. _~ . __ __~__~_____:____________________________________________________________ - I
3. _~_RQS:_l)____:J2.~--~t:-~g-'?-~--~~~_____~~l.:_:!:!.:i._____IJ~c-L-
~_ I )
. ) 1_. . f\ \ ....) "\ r, "" ~ '.' _ ~ :-) . -, .' ,.' . l" . ,\'\., \ ,.
--:\\.-\11-\ \\~ I.. ~.--,1.<.;\-' \ j.C: \\;,:;~t)LC!\\ r~~,. /~;-"j-;.(:\..-!..':<'--~,~.',J '\ \v'I_:--:-.::'7~'--,.
4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'I ' ,
5. ~-<?-~_~____~~0:.1-------29-~-f..~~~~~--~---!l...-i!.2~-~~-ji~ ~
6. _f.<l-"..D.._A.;..JJJ...ld~L_i!t.!Lf1--l;}Jl.Ll."'LCr..@.JI.0,d~...1~k:>'.Idlh:}---- -
S'2.;2. f?/e~.fq"f I(hJ ~ Dr. (Yo?)
7. b~s~~~i!i~~~~~~:~~S
8. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
,.-) S~", 3/~ U/t'~dl("qfrPr;j/e ' Lj()7'JP{-lr:>~ It ~ ~
9. -~j1l/1f.Qkl-------?J-'L~JiP\::~~~::.~:~~{jj-!:Z!;f0~:~;,j;S~// ~
1 O.---~~~~-s:.--~~w.:;.~\--~~\.~~s-~~~!~~~~-.tt~--1~~~~---~_-b~~~ .
~'. 8&:, \~ I~ \"Su c. \C.. ljo, ~crS- - ~B9(,)
11. __~0.}rt--C_Q::--hLV-'0..Q.l-Ls--~--~~I.l1g'~:c.-~E!.:~-~-':g.-~-1:?-]JLe-________j1t2tt/fCvfe"'-k (..
.' . ~G3 BIg 'bL'~ Clr 1(67 (rf6Cfr.'fD , ,/.
13':;& ~-- J, ~~-ffi----~i4.b.t--. -----ili,LLI)~~C5e'=',,o~-f-L\9-'Lm3J..:::-~~~-~ /' /I -
'~ 1)~' ' . ~J1 ~6 '/HIe/! -' "7-GY~~
14 - j-:..~..(f!!:.______f!!..~~~____f'0;!:.6?S_~1:I..1.~-t:!:-..-!:~?~~!::..!1_~----
15.LUgI:Jk,--QJ~~~~-b+----a~1.:j;,JV~. <jfLC!!,~___(~dlLr;:2.'lj.!::llt:.~Qtt...1I .
U WU1-hh' 5f(I~5 J F-L,J766 \ f
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
rrraining Area similar to those being provided in other communitiell (example design on separate"
page). We requesttbe City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. Tbe Park sbould be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded bours of operation to meet tbe community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of tbe Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. H room can not be found at Central Winds then an ahemative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Address Telepbone Signature
(p 71 [I) J~. J ...r I),. Llo)- f.t 1Pgrg/Jf),t1::;7
O~ f~~
9. ~f7l~0' &JfJ)Y f/{p f!)Irti.tffz#Jj. ~/'/D7.(P1f.4J/~ !.J1Ilu~ ~
10..A n~ e Sfr Id.defOfl '?;53 R1S Rur /( (' ,fl. LID7 -If,'! b-~7Ia:I..Am~;
1l.L1jA 61 AwufJ 75( 19fT ~IJCIC (f' '-{()7t/fHij()7 rI~L~
12. ~ if,'; t f[ (;t1M :N{ 5L1 ~wl f'" r '(t7 ~'7(" (" ,^,"S':2- ~&(J;
13. -, "fy/ dLp'l]....-< ~ I ',/-tl~
14. ; t)tSfit 1- 5" !j; ".
15.- E J!~""1o &k-l.!it~ tJtjJ;;.i1.Jl..~ .0!:..c1 ~ti1nAIt~
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. _:S_~~_c,,-__Ll~!.._J_QQ:...f.'2.::_DE::_C~___;LilJ:..0_1..'l:kL\d '__-:bt.-il (JJ
2. sJ.~LiIE!..LE:'P.L&L~!!.__9:L_i!.g_?::J!Y3____0!..'!..L_i#:':i._4<M
4.1?i\L1.ill~B~n2uJ?.a::k_6L4:LG9..5..:.2!hZ_~ _ _ , t'
5. ~}cJJQ..s..];;'JB-fJ-&d1ldf..__'it;J~:4: +
6. -/ll{:!~!::_':.L.JJ.1.tf.2_'J..~f2__f!L8..L1..&;tLti:..tjLJQn:i.'?.!../3& {!Ly/t1cW"-
7. Jk~~~---______i_~__}~__g~~LQ~__~~-~t"-:7b
8.~~h.__h.r.lli.t-__~L_~..sh~L~.!.::.~__'fI:;L(" qq. 6~ ,-(
9. _~~'?J:~____~P_~__~;"'t-_\1~,,~i.L__j~:..b_L't!.~_~_}ftP~
1 o. J{fY~A__QaLa..\.e:Q__________~~f._Qi6J~~dL~~c-___lf~2lt:1{'.:~~Li:~Q_&~'l; 0#r7'U:
(\).0 - CJ" \ \ Q I D 0...' (l L / ,0. J. ;'.:1 LJ C' I' -. '~...) ,iI}
13. _r_~n.LS-L~~w.."\..LJ..\_____~_____E:::.~.c..)-J.:2_i.\.s:..h..______L(:_-.L'L.::'_~_2..L_:"--~,,~~ '1 C't.'L.,''''''---\,
14.-JQffiMt_~&'1l_--~.)1.__\;?.!.~~~b.____~52.5.~c?J..:2~~ ~~
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15. M_~1~~:._LLel'J___t.k~QJ:.L___fi.!..~__JJ4--B..!J-~--61~r:_:_E:{?:._i._- ~ )~'"Y0
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
rrraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
mainmined as a partofthe Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansio~ and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. H room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Nam~, (print) I Address _ TelePhone..>d..t~.
1. --Jlliw.!J..--~-C1.!Ljj]::LLt':f..J!k==--C!.--~;f.f!2!;"--
2. ~-~d~-Ll__1CIJ.~dr_~__~?__&_rJ_~Q~_Ql:______~;t~___I?_~:(_______
4. 4--6u2c~____i;[3___6~~dcr..63Q__q5- _ .'
5. -!l1f!!.f?ttJL-iJlL-~6jjg!JI:!!J!!i.ci..__
6.~~-~:~~~~~_______ _l~
7. ~--~------------------------------____________ _______ _~~-------
8. -~h~:C8cit--~'0--&~~=C+-----~i1~~-
9. !j!..rqE.-~----LIJ..t3..-J.;j-~-~__l::::.___r..if_~~.E!'-!..~.tJ-'!1P"q!l__~LY~__L:!..'_L__
1 o. :21Kft1f.l'!___c._1YQWABl2___B}3_~_I1f.l:!.c.tUJfJ2/Jj)..8..___;t}j;),...f1fl_c.t~
11.-~-1nt1A--~J.~~011J~g:___8:.b..Q_.&nL.6-'!;2.0!.._D.!:__~!~_ )~
'~Ki<,-H. ~06--S k)Q'-( fviZ((6f Cre:d( 1)(, i. ___..
12.---------..----------------------------------------------------------- _____ ____________
15. _A..__0-':.I:::Lg:e.LL i/if---AlLa..!I!Y.:.5-f1 -'--------- -------- - - -
We the People of Win'er Springs are very ;nt,,'e"ed in 'he dr.'eJopmenl of an Off-Leash Dog Park
/Training Area similar to those heing I"nv;ded ;n o'her eommooities (example desigo on sellara'e
page). We reqoest the City' take 'etion to devel"p Ihis ParI, as Soon 'IS possible. The ParI, shoo;d be
maintained as a part of the Winter Sp rings PARKS AND RECREA TJ 0 N D EP ARTMENT, bol
aUowed to have eXpanded hours of operation to meet Ihe eommonity's needs. It;s onr desire that
this Park he ine/nded as a 'IOrt of the Cenll'al Wind, Comllle> Expans;on and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room cannot be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as SOOn as possible.
Na~ (print) 1J.. !\,l,1dress '., '7 Tel~ph<!llC / _ -:::? . 'nature
/".I/~~e/} j/~c;;,~~I/.< Xo/ - 300 :OV?0-.-1 . .
,.' ,/, ,'7'?'---""-<'.',J,., ,-I './.-J.I (,/".'...;.1.. ',/.':.!" _ "-
LJ."/, il/ (1.- .!i.fff"7'3'5: ~ t
2. --,jj'"<i4.n..~~-.).rff2-e.QI';'~~~Lq_f}';3._________,_______, <C
3. -J-~-':l6.-.lla&.!l,.j.J.b___~J.f5:gLO__~h_____________~ l.U
A / -1' vi, {-/H- t:J ~ -'1 /.
4. -2)~-----j(~--------Xl1..--E-~--R~f.s.S:,d,_~_'::____.c~__E:::+
5. 'b1{i/~f:&.@-----~Eid.Q.tif_<d..C.Lc.fg,_~ttl_ __,
. '-. I ( r '"
. . . . - /.-01 : '. If. ~
6. -, - ---- --11-~--:6---,1-.b-t-I1"-"-,,---~___ i ___ _ .
6J1JJJl ' . frJ. . \ . .
8. -;'-...!fL-~,__ ' --:./:1. : - - ------?1j-f?.)~jl}0L?..Y..L:" _:~.: /
9. -L:ol-~!i(JJf.af~_______________fj1.J:_~~l<I~~_~~_______________
1 o.IJbti~M.i-~12J;~Cd1~Qt..q{!Z:-Q72_::OjLi:1-:'l_'
~ 70..'-' ((. f\'\.. I .7 0 ~ ~ "'" ..., f"\
I~~ -~ - --~--g2-1-k~J..~_D.:__'i<2_Eer~O (/6
. --- \ -- ---- -. ~!:2M~1._W~u_~~~~~ Iq~
. c.~,-=--
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~;~,'. '6?;, ()(o c!., \IV ,.,< ( Dr (y"?) 6 \ t -7( 1 'I
14.-- _______:::~---------------------_______________"________________________
15. ---:---------l11..~--z.{-t.--~~:.:___0::~_f:p,z._~l! -</3/9
We the .People 01 Wmter Spnngs are mterested m the development 01 an Ull-Leasn uog.t"aJ .t"age 1 01 1
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area
similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the City take
action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a part of the Winter Springs
PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the
com~unity's needs. It is our desire that this Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and
will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address
~o(\ ~.\.~~ V:.\O ~ R:,.olL €d . \_" -), c:, ~}, f / L IC/- __~ ~-~ 7- ,"~" ).
L ~oJjr&J1Q.S:::~~::::::::~:::=::=":~~-=:==~}3ZZ~j:Z:.- -. ~
;:~CUfu~C1?"~_J.R.,)_L~L~L~_____-~Q)_:"J.1...'l:.I...~'" - ~
4. ---s:L~-[lA!~~----~;1L-'{~r<i";--~---\0?=-------~QJ..:~~J..:k~kl ~ \ """
5. ---~.~~---t:::!:ii-----kej----rtYd-RJ!~-..5----i~-:L3-<2:.1.::.:L\r:Y/ ~ ~
6. --~- gg-- - ____________~_#.:_1____~-------[J!:.l-~---<J..9..1:-3..~-1-:-iJ~ / -p roJ)U~.,~ e-cn-
7. ---- ~Q.~..Q-:nQl:f9-n---.0-a-~--r:J~~i.]?---tf5----L.L~-L:-Ch>J-:..Q?:-I(G 4- ~
8. ~~9...~L'--Tti~!l...fL'Ci<~U~9...J:2-=rrP-~.s----SL~.:i--~1-:~~L:l '!3 ~'l" I ~ ~
9. __~_B..r..Lc:Ls:.~~C}-~--~,-?.-~-f:z-.:~t:.L-iJ.~---::'!l..-2..Z-2.:f.:Y:::------ - ~
10. gL~{.[#!..--,~:I_€~:;1-s..-----i:.{f-of.J.{HLif.f:jSJL-----.::!:.~--L:-2~2--:-!?.J:tEJ:/ 7 . ~3<
11. ~9.D.f'.:r__C._L~Lf;________k.~_J___L:e_9..C -fj"-________i.Q7._~.1_~2._:_'?.~k> ~t:f' "
12. ~~~f~~~-------~!t.:f_{f;f:~---_;---------~~1Z-:3t~-?.-:/i~!-~1 - ~ J
13. -t~c-f~5lldQz---~i-L~;a;;;;;r~--------~:--:Cf---!7---r--r/lJJ~ ~u
:~ :rz~=~'l1l]jQ~~}Z:3~:1!fiJgl~E:=:!ll=~~f_'f;jff fn ~if/i1
Back to Previous Pa~
http://home.earthlink.netl-djshadowdesignlresident. htm
We tbe People of Winter Springs are very interested in tbe development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop tbis Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of tbe Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet tbe community's needs. It is our desire tbat tbis
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print)
1. I-- ~:"~_'!:.!._'!.____::-'-~~~~~::'L0J:'_':::':"~_~~__::"-~:_____~~d
2. m!db_ia~X.LLdOJ1~di:ctJ..kfid_:.L!:]21(}.g--./I1-
~ '\ G~ J ~ 'f
3. BL'2u-~~~LO_3.2--_~____:"'.:.~_2.2.1.~---~~,m.~~
4. _j~_~_____{Q1i__G:..~.c!..__(L__l!..2:'_S__/, ~
5~:j)Jl>~~~__!"~~~_"&~__(l~__i~?!!.Q._;.____IJ..~ I Ra/!uL
6. _Q::::::J:i~~J_Ll!f",,___---1"-~Q.._&.2.1_s:.~~___:'D3;~__~)
7. ~LH~~J~~___J:~:_;~~:_;~~:!~~_~~& I
9. AJ~~Tf'-Q.lJ.CdL"!.~----iQiL&-[-d'-['<1.CL~.:mq2_~ JJ ~
lo./l~_j/L~____j!?2L-fjJl.f!:LE!..t5..!r:..'!Q:!!!:..-'!;j!:.~:!!f"- f 1 110~
1. - -~JW-J--------t-o-~-g----&J:e.3---C~td.e__-'::J.~L]1:&.L-5F.r: '77 5J
12.- 'lJ~-' ----- ,_~~___.!.i___________________________________~~
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14.1f!1~~ . --{ [!{g_______!!lZl~!/l_"__Mi_6.L_Sr~R
) t)' r U /1 J, J J "\
15. - ------- ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
rrraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansiott and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. H room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
72e (pdo') Adde." Telepbooe / S; ato..
1 ~~-::~~~~-------:~-~~:~~~~~~~-~--------~:~'?-=~~~-~---------~~---------------
. I '
~1( ~'r./{i~ CP51-( L;-HI< fi;w~ (f (h;:~-fe~ 51" K I' f! ,G: ?~.
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5. '/ ~~ ____ ~__E~Ii~~JJ]tQi:.JL~ _ _ - _ __ ,-~__R "~ d2JL
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7. ~, " / I1.LL~_tt!~_!!:_dmf_LicJJ.~&~y It '1 ~ CbJ
_ ~___~_~~~---~-'-2~ _;_ __ _ _
9. _ i0..e.Yl('~E:wMt-~JJ24_-~:~~~----- ____ ' V\tJ---'
<)- r , 1/ (} .0, tI-, 90 ~ 0 n;- ~ ' C v' . ( II' r; I.' .
1 O.'::7_~l::~~~.at:...1iL-~------------C'&l-'t=~~-L~~--(..L.L~---QL-r.fr..t~( Jcrf c-U.0L~
11._Ed__D_~~L~___i.E..f:.f2.~J..':._.Eq~2Z:e'&_____~_5-_____E:.~:=~{/ ./:: L..c--k'<'7 ,
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13)i~_J.,_~~_____J?~_'Lkl\7[:LC~J.=::::--, , ,//, -~ ~-
LA 4<~~l\d/l 'To I (d /
. ,
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
rrraining Area similar to those being provided in otber communities (example design on separate
page). We request tbe City take action to develop tbis Park as soon as possible. The Park sbould be
maintained as a part oftbe Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to bave expanded bours of operation to meet tbe community's needs. It is our desire tbat tbis
Park be included as a part of tbe Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds tben an alternative
location sbould be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telepbone Signature
~rE/( Ru. 'S-O /is;;a~~lft~ ~r fIol-91J-rJJ3 2- /iM,{(~
1. ~-------------~----------------------------------------------------~---------------
2. ~}1~-~~..$o..--f~:=~~~--~-!.~iL~~~-=- z<-~k-,ArTJ
(! " //5--'; k i,)~'<' it f/~ ~---(;j;rf,~/~~/,/ A /
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A"""\~,\~"\\,/~~,,CJ (l SD "~ _ ~ . /"--' , )'
4 ___~~_____________~___S2_~~__~~~~~~~~~~:~~_~c_~______~~~-~-~-~-~/ [)~
5: Qltt!t_'[l/!1A!l:LiliffH!!~~L~=-9..f_!l~-I1.:-~M pC--/
6. _~~i~_. _QL. ~l!~<<:'___LL:i.~~_.0.11~_G:.~?.h:l:Jr_~{&__H:!2~2_:3..~S:~1~, :2~ f/,-t:)J. 24:
IltJLA/ (J In' . _ l/l' ;,7
7. jJl..lttfl.:-..Lr.tgJ~r':.-_JL~~_~~_~~tE~tcjh.k2~___c@2.::~~1:..tf~~.CL{' .:fAit/!
r:JT ~1A4~ II) c- tp' .. - 3 -' .- r&~AJ
8. J.)1~___JJ.Jk~...k'_~~iL0 ,!1L_if!2.L_?_'!.:..??2J U
9. J:JJ-13~J4jj------~----~~--~--~----------/J du,jl1
1 o.b.:.!.c_~Ltd.-'i;I&.~_-':2._______J.!d-J:J~1.~n!&:.clJ;.{J8.JL_;,~~SL.:.___0] 3 s-~, 7 {.; J J
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12.__~_r1_J>J2J.d4fn_jJ.:il._. Jj)L!J{Jfd.M~L;.____!:e.j. _:_~~~_=~~i________ ~I-r.-e./n' a' ~
//t.-'?'-/() L/A,IC--,I}-,l.) LJR. .
13. .l1.Ag;..~.JJL./.J.f1..~..Q______lil.!~.E.~I}.}.t~.:__________!!.':.l:C}J'.!..::!!..!~!:..--______~~'^- ar. L~
l'\lr,' L.~: It f' l..1('1 / ~J 11.. 7 f\ /'''11 eX\) r: III I"ll-r~/)IZ 4{r7- C/1 f 2''1 &J Z. '" .
14. --- - Ll...f_ __Jl.1___\d.__lL________.i1Z...c.r:i.L..Li.LjJ..;.. ___J:j_\Lu.b&-~---~----------------- /lt1) (fl/"
, . , uJ 11/~5(''7'- ~~ /11.
15~--Th~l~~~-~.::---~1.2L9.f\.r-~.:~z:j:!:J?-:------------~--~~_~~.:L ~ ~A_--'
b[(~~ I~Lt
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
rrraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (exampl(! design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. -Z1}-~5----.L~i!2.-,-r;~~-s.u~!::"----!C2~Y:f..~::::.:..!]---ij2:?:5)
2. (1.Y.,1_il:Jd..~!52_i..!.:}.__E.:,i1-!..[.__~l.:_~_?!..~~J:L___~~_~C
3 _li~__!3.t-=:::____:Ll___~~[:':i1.ti.:..__~__~_~_~_~_'!~L_L~
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4. fJ.!!..?:!!J..t!.._~_~_I!:.?0..L____?_~~__~~.t.fe.~J...J.")_e.___l.J..~lLlf..!jj".r~
5. f:4.r---~_2(~~_-0.:'::______:JlrLQ""k.5.d6'L__QLJ~1.(al2~.1f3Jc,
6'"1 -~-~Q~j----~~~1--~:9~~-~-I-!t~-~~~~;12~J)y >d
7. - ~~~-ilaQ;Ll---------------------~--~--(;L~-------------,-~--~ ~
8. ~---: . ,i __::::.______lL~___Q_tL~_bj-D.2.MH.L17 i~ ^.; 'r
9. ~--~--~~, _____________<:\1.~_____\:ls.~~~.-cr-~s:-------,~--------
10.~'r2!..'il]:;g,,_':.':!l.~J{J;.!:.<i___9..D.L_Q~'s.._~'.!_~___bL'_____~L~'!..yf( "''' j",-4
12._5@..J0Jd).bio..&.._______]~j;?_5.."'}iJ) _\3L!?.QLUJ.r___k~'
___ ,,1 --'
14.__1":.[!:':L~f~~'o-..-I.(!:!--i{~!LI!t!!L--Jj!..yJ.fJ.-?i/f::Lp /r---
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OfT-Leash Dog Park
rrraining Area similar to. those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allDwed to. have expanded hDurs Df DperatiDn to. meet the cDmmunity's needs. It is Dur desire that this
Park be included as a part Df the Central Winds CDmplex Expansion and will also. prDvide a nDn-
exclusive PDlice K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Si~d
1. __;;[~__{lL't-JJ.J!.~_.JlrLJ.~..f.",-y.J1!_---'1?.:~:L!..d:_~~r ~
2. __!:::~7-_{fl!:::.f:?:!b_i.&CL::.~:!.~Jl@!2!!J.!L---'L?:..L_f:-?~r~
3. _&!:~[_JJ1{~:':_____.J2-::LI.__L~~.:'::.~_..I#};!~_________'t!2l':.J...EZ_:?..2.""!'.._tftl--
~'l:.r'J) ~~ '7-\'1 ~5
4. i.LB11J:CL-....~3,--~'ilf1--~"-'i--:r~~~',!li---~..8.K,)...&~,---~~-~a;
5. S~JtJ..~~__J~4.2:I~~{;;g"14E-Y..;?_:?:1-:b11J..L3/f;!? M ' '
/ 6. _~'tn...tI.].!1.t\~.i~t~J1-~-S-hne.fu\.i?..c1.L..{ij)J..J..3n~-:::!1l6J.tJdl
7. ...:'2!.-<;P-I::0-~i~_3..'-~_J.1L_~~~_5?~0~..~~:':_..~~Q~I~?::=-~~ 2 31~L9-
.QV\('rnQn OA~ \'~ ') -\-o1J~ ~c;..~J(.. (', Z (y ul'\ ')'(1-3L) fJ t _ fit
8. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~
~\9. ~L_~iiL----..-fL-5h-..G.,E?:.L(:)k:..-..----(!{Q]JE'!.:-Q.~?.J
10....:b.!'..:l-~----..L..z.::.-E!P~"...-'2,:JJ..".:--(~S-----------~If..':~-:-?.~?_:.:3 iL~
11.J(lL1j.dL..Uk____..l..i1...siill~,L&_c;~___GL____1~.1:32_1- 3'7zf(- .
12...J.t.#'r!J!rL~!?.--.d..f.-:!fd&2.J!r..----..---------l.!li1.22..7..-53D6, ~
1)/ ~ { ~ '; /.
C>j /' '. .' I " I (::J I G~ .
13. 1:.._ ,7./~_ .' -'_~~~!:!:!..~~~~!!._L~-:!.____~~!!~:_____~_~______________________ __" - f/ (Zt~'7I
r-, , '. (j,
Ai2r....\ Irs:. OAvlD ',49 ~NNI"5 c\, (....d.u I) ?::-':2-, ~\~2.3 ~
14.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ('
15._~~~~~55:_~__1?:~~__Jjl__1(ll~~j~__r~cJ=_______LiQ113i_l:_~ ~ 2 3 ~"c:~
(lj.It;L5~A- Wb~D)
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Par'k /Training Area similar to those being
provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the City of Winter Springs
take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a part of the Winter
Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded hours of operation to
meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this Park be included as a part of the Central 'Winds
Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room cannot be found
at Central Winds then an alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
cit). res
H," Name (p,;nt) Add,'ess Telephone . Signatu,~ Sw
1. 1.1----:iu;-:f::2L~-----{d::..d---~--------------'tQL3..r'rld~-~--r:-42~---~~
2. I J~~1:tt::~:4---:s-~~1Z-~:-------:~~-~~~~~~: - ~ ~~
3. I I--~------------------------------------'"------------------------------------------------- -- ---- ---~-"------
4. I 1-~---CaCL-kL--------b-1DL'7-'fJ""'=----1QL:22L.:::~2I~L~-t1Jl-
5. I 1_-'~_Il..,__W-------J:-1-~---~---------~~!-~--~-~-~=--~?.?.~---"~-~:-~~
6. I 1----~-tf~------fL'!5..-651!&1f="-~--5:-?-:--12-~:~7-'!-L--i~-
7. I 1---:B:.~-Ky_r..tgt::.________~_Z.l..Cd1(._'~6-1IL----~~Z=?.!J=9?:J2-~--i2~----
8. I 1----!t~0:l1J~z~'!------kZL9~-!-~f:-~---?t---"~P-2--~~!:-~---'!:_~_t!~~-----------
9. I 1---i-~-~---4l:..::-~Y_---------f7Lf:d.-':f-!!!f3---7)L----!..q--?--~_::.._~_~~_=__!..r:;_i!.._q:___________
10. I 1-J!kz..-Q~fm:zL--------~L?=--g.}-~j0---J::~-:----1-~?-:--~i..:..:f!!!Zf?lIfiJd'i.x.t
11. I 1-------<!J:!..--)2c:!!.t'!:=-------6iLJJA'(.LLtc__f)_L_____~_]dE'3::.~~}-if~:i!--
12. I 1--pJT..fl----il..EL?.G..Q._______f:~3___C.:l-l_~~LG..IL_t:?g__tQ..:z---::-<2_ie.~_~:__?5::.2.2=~~
13. I 1--MjJ.:(!5..----C-a--1:.f..L.d~~L1..L____LZZ1___r..!!.'..!i_s:.!:5:.__.J.i.____!t}2-Z_.3..i.-c..~-__-- LLd~-------_----
/-./ c/? .-A~
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14. I 1--~1~~~-fJ.__~<:L{l~~_~________~_ZZ_3___Q:x:_:s.5_~o__2~I___if.CLZ::__lt,-IL_____9.!-I2.t.._______________
15. I 1~+1.~--CA--\L\.0-_~---jJ=r2---0~.1.l1:5<~Q---d-~,------~:-------~~
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development ofan OfT-Leash Dog Park
/Training Area similar to those being provided in other communitIes (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part oftbe Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansiol1 and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1) 'S.,,"~"-~~5-;A_~::_l:~~L~->~__~1-=-~~2:=2&Q--~~
2) ~ic-ili?&!Lfl:l.it_~. ~f!..2_1G....'!P]_:b~i~Q12~_,,-~~
.R! G . . " -- fI~12
3) --~- ~____..c!:~~____Q~_J___~_~k:~_~l~<:::-_~~~_:.___Llt~:..t~_____ ---'
4) _1klli_-~J~~2~~J55_~1~~tL~~-__~U.:.f.l~:~{IS~~-t.
5) _~~_~_~~~~L_:ilf.<i~:YJ:~~~i..,--~4Dl:J.~g~iP
~l'j)Y RM',IL. Jill ii.. j.., Oir 40'7 ,( ___ ,15-';- fl/'
6) ~ ~__Y'.J!lLl!1________.1~__bJ0Lll&______________________:.J,..___b.1..a.___...Le._)__df:;?
. ..----,.
7) l~f:L..:iliueb\(J,X?______,2':lJ__RLlN~L[~__~f-______:iiLL~:~~_!_d~:: ( CLUlWUl
. 8) ;JJ~__&A~t:4L.~_J_?=:.f.LfL(f.l.'ljS;__L/~__$?.L0li:J:t:f- J Ed'
4.,,,",,,, ~-4~
~~W1V1lBh:.22RiJ..l!:.~-,-~~(.:.-~~-~~!3:~:i.Qf(" ~ttl
10) ~~ljjlijl7J-__qd3..-ji.Lf.~{ J.&.jid__.E-J.~,_<;jf_~.!o S'
11) J=~C':L(1JLlC$.2__CQ~____~~2~__~lL:}:::~~_tg__~~L___________------- .
12) _J':d;JlL/J:!t1.._:LiEM_i:-1e__=_iifE:'li-_dE!2P..~L!:u '
'--Yt/1' - I! hL / jf f- ' Ie f
14~ -~f<~f(J:;~z:--~f-~~~~~~;;----------
15) --___-~----------~-------------------------\:::-----------------------
We the PeQple QfWinter Springs are very interested in the develQpment ofan OtT-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being prQvided in other communities (example design Qn separate
page). We request the City take act~Qn to. develQP this Park as SQo.n as PQssible. The Park shQuld be
maintained as a part Qfthe Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA:TION DEPARTMENT, but
allQwed to have expanded hQurs of QperatiQn to. meet the cQmmunity's needs. It is Qur desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds CQmplex ExpansiQn and will also. provide a non-
exclusive PQlice K-9 training area. IT room can nQt be fQund at Central Winds then an alternative
locatiQn shQuld be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1 t...(0,5 W~ ;-iaS)O
1. _L:&&_6__hL.c..J,.._tf:..lc;La.f47..L:-L__(iJ.{L~ ?21:_1-'i~~____~::.:L:~~
I . '\" <":"'Y'\" ....,. " , ". I
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. ----_ _____\..____________________________________________________~_______j------:----- . l.,\,"-z-. '- _ '_.
JiL{:) Ph.cc....0~__,.,~. O-^~ ~...~ p~
3. ~4'~Lfr:-~----~-~-~~~-----~L~--~~-~-~~-~-- /f ~/-z-
( I M.h/I11/ II ~J5 (Jr....vcUJ"'"",-,+ C:-'\c:...G,.?
4 \Llf2/J; ---fLf!-~-~~1---------------------(jz-cz.ft!.__?tll..i.___{d6.(Jl_ltzMl)
. ~~ 1{F1 (0 ~~ 1\0:;+ 0Jd2,- ~
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11'5' I (....) l,)"'-yd n:x;t:o C0~-c:...Q..o
6. .-~~:B~~<'XYL~---~?;~~t:r----5~5L~~}\\(1)j~
7. =rallJHl\l__lfJ..-u___;;' 4d_.4:1Q.~d{J~Qcth.irdl9J1:L.-----~Ja:d.}1.d.11l4--J{J2( ( C(~
or I (')0(:) C.d1 e. 'Stu DI ~ C~ u
8~ebLc..l~4'.:t.---------~~1:i>:.~-'i!1.t-~I</ck0i/' ,
9. ~_~~-=-Lfe.~_~~~-.::--fQ!::~2::zfff'- /t,.~
1 o.7J!:.~t!dJ_LI16:Ltt1:tfi..._!f2~.2.1ff...~if!!(..~..5..~O::~~--1P..Z~kJ.f:..?t..g;z-- ~Yl~
11~~-1i;L~=-kft,*'"zi2!dla.ft!~~--:~jl--{8~Y~ ~ .
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13 --------------.--~---~~-----------------------------------------------~------------
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: J
(!;:;LAlLrtJEY 5 Pf2/N GJ" ,41? 15
We the People of Winter Springs aI'e very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
/Training Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Parli should be
maintained as a p:lli of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the communiti"S needs. It is our desire that this
Park he included as a p:lJ1 of the Central Winds Complex Expansi~n and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not he found at Central Winds then an altemative
location should he identified as soon as possible.
Name (print)
:: ~~~~~~~~~~~~?~~~~~~~~~__ l ~_~
3. --j~~u~s j~~liLH::t~--______~Q)_jJl-=$3~~____j'Y.l~1-~:_~~{)-~-
.-...... ,
4. -~~~L---t ~-~-~-~-----__~~_}:_~~~_~_~~~\______ \~~__
5. ~!Q~~Ji!L~~~~:~~~:~~~;~~~~~:::;'~*"
7. iji~~~l~~L-------~~;~~~~:;:~-~~----~
8. ----;~7---;)-------X------------~1----~;;=-~~-:~-1lt47;f'
9. ---:~~--~~~_~J_~__j_____________~L _~{_____~~~____~____~~~~_~~
/? G..jJ /2 ~". 1:' I. e ' f
1 O.~W~./E~~:!?:L__ -7..3te-.5~~~-'~_~~:J.Z3.L_____ __:.:~
11. ~iL~b~L@t3:.(ilie~__11~__$.~~sJ~_e-'-___l~]11!]:-'1!~__~:::~~ .'
I /"
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park rrraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as Soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA TION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K~9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cbeck Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. ;';01> c.E~~~~u-~__32-7ffi ~_______
, [~~lfur".k.~,JJ2h_j~!__~"-22l2 ~l1:Y~~~
;. [)1r~~~\QA..,--=--~ .....i~~~~~:!_~~~
[ )- ~~-~..JJ~~_g- 3??2~~_~~
. [)~~~~-~~
[ )~~~-0'-ll...k:~~L (t:.....E.2:.lii.L*r;z':..~.t
[]-- , -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]- -- -------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
= [ ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~
[ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------
We tbe People of Winter Springs are very interested in tbe development of an Off-Leasb Dog Park
{fraining Area similar to tbose being provided in otber communities (example design on separate
page). We request tbe City take action to develop tbis Park as soon as possible. Tbe Park sbould be
maintained as a part of tbe Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet tbe community:s needs. It is our desire that tbis
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds tben an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. .I12.!!..U!.c!._k..&e.Lil.1jL:tL",dL1'Ee)...lcL6t..?)il~:3Z!L- ~-&.L
2. mf:Ldttf}_r.f.Y.gQlg.__jl~_~_r!'..rr!y"Q~12.1~~___~~_u.22_~!_~:i~~_~_i~Y!tdd)e. (i/~
. 3. &Ji'f!kLLQ,9.1LL_~ll.!:J!..!1Lft.LJgi"...cJ.._;.1PL2.~2':"~~_S 00 ~
4. t.Q~_D_J~...:..._~<2.';;'__..kS2J...__liL~./:'f,",X::!...~'{_(;.'.::_...!:LC:J...2'::-..~ J.) 'D'0 d1/C
5. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. -----------------------------------------------------------..----------------------------
7. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9. ------------------------------------------------------.~--------------------------------
81/01/1995 80:81 908-862-3440
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet tbe community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exelusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
C_k Name (print)
I. (].J3e~ D~a,h'~ a~~ Wh:~ o,kct; ljo7-'177-Q:t!..2. _~T~
2. [] C'c..fO '----6Lltler _ 02.D~ J4ec...~rUJ~ *n-Ci)/-O(.,J~ ~ ~
3. I] \J,'rJt..i Smi{b. _u;}~erk11"r1__G 401-359-St;)/P -Ut~
4. [J~~~""''t 1J'~M~OJ.lJ.,J d- '1'7 H' 1'''',:~
. 5. [] I 3~z.. WkA.\t..M..~ t.
D~v (5
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6. []
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~{e* 5t'-o..f\1 13't5 ~;fe 4tjw..$5'7-3!f13 iiJ~
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7. [J
8. (J
9. (J
10. ( J
11. [ )
12. ( )
13. [ )
14. ( ]
15. [ ]
~.._.... ..
..d. Jl ..
----.. ...
a1/81/1995 a3:58 9a8-862-3440
We tile People OrWiDtcJ' SprlngJ are very Interested 10 die develop_llt OrllD Ofl'-Leasb ~ Park
II'raInlag Area similar to tbose belag provided In other COJD11lOJlltieJI (ezalllpJe design OD separate
page). We request the City take attlon to develop tIlIa Park U 800JlN pctIIIIlble. The Park IIbouId be
malDtalaecl as II part of tile Winter SprlIlgs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPAIlTMENT. bat
allowed to have np.ded boon or operation to lDeet tile co........ty.. Deeds. It Is our deslrt dlat this
Park be ladudcd as a part or die Central WIDell Comple:r. ~ and will also pnMde II DO"
excluslve PoUce K-9 tninlng are.. II room CD DOt be round at Ceatrral WIDdI tbeD aD uteraatlve
lOcatioD should be identified as lOUD .. possible.
NIUIlt! (prlDt) A~ ~ at Telepbou Signature
1. t'kll ~j~Slbe 6Jll~~rif~~}f 'I67.as-otJI73~
1 ~~~ I~~~E~~ un'i~ ~
J: C:. " tlt. =_ -'=-&~ ~ - 401 'iJ.1I z. 7l- _ j;-
4-(~"'~ (g~ ~ faGA-:I. ~ ~ -
4 - . W~Gf^1^: ~ .-
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6. ~l44.. J3 e-o-"^^ ><:l'~"-'" ~ . ,,<- 1).70" ~ . il
7. ~4 fJo.,.JJ.. ~tO 'BdJit{~
8.l\,,~ ~l1vv---... l,p ~rJl-.~ ~- gcr'f~
9. {:tAAik..!k c i {Ii ~H LA~}I /k. Cf 6- !JI,~. ,/117 56 S (a.?-. '1
10. ~ r~ (it/)..&.u&.-.-< ell: uJ,~
l~":"- ~.~...~ l~ O~c-~-~~t"~~ ~t. -tr-~.
a1/a1/1995 e6:37 9aS-862-344a
We are very interested in the development of an ()ff.Leasb Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park 8S soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded houn of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
noD-excluive Polin K-9 training area. If roolD caD Dot be found at Central Winds then an
ahernative location should be identified as soon as possible.
a.en Name (print)
3. ( ] J~I<..l!f)R"~
4. [ )
Sa ( ]
6. ( ]
7. ( ]
8. I ]
9. ( )
10. [ ]
11. I ]
12. I )
13. I ]
14. I )
15. [ ]
I ~ ~ ",... ...... l' .' ~
. I -.. - - . - .
v. ..... .
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs P A!U<S AND RECREA TION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's n~eds. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cbeck Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. [J-~~~~--~~~~;~~:!~-?--~~;~:--------_______~~~_~~:~~_?~~~~___
4, []iZ . Il1~~~Y-.------:?JL~~~~~~7___dfZ1_f.1J.2!?Zl,_
5. []-- --- --- -~DUl_--@w:.w~~llb~_tl&f.:.k~t1:!il~D____ _ ~__
6. [~t1ai-k--j)'E-"'LJi----UtL!ilr.dA<iLa~z:j'-;f:;;;:!L~2-:q-t.L_Y..2ill__ - ", g~7"'''')
7, [fpJp-r---K-.rd4n--!-<iS:i..B'l1~d..h.h.'lx7d~_JjfI-,______.!:tE~,#-2.2.:i.s._'?l.-____~
8, [J-~'i-.i~g-\Jl"c.':oL._____':lG::ll____~_(_~(.t)~u;~L:_cc~_j!:_______-~(2~2-=_~_~~~:_:!_?::_~~~______
9. [] _LS22.tc-&~:~1____.l_'2.~.[_...E!_~_::>!:.L:.J_~___________-=__________-~7~b.~~~
1 O. [ ] -Q{\Y.'.!r..-6!!-fl~'~-------.!:i.2_~__!'P2,,-11J.<.i~.':__.L1!:t1.L______________--------~~=:-4- ,
/ /) ,/'- -7/" ~ 7' 'v. ' -: /' , -- / /} f ..: - ,~ u: ~~~1%7~'-;A~)
11. [YJ -.,LZ-CUd:.f~,"L?.;4Y:-;Z;.7t~'Z:Y-----..i.LL~:::'_C_6'::~~~(:-L~L__?..G;:';_2Lf&dtl.L20: ?cf.:L..z.&2_________
12. [~-:J:.:~~~-~~~~-::-~=~~-------------:?-~~:~--~:~~~~~~~~~-:::_~c:~_____~~~:~:::~~~~~~~~-~~~------------------------
13. rt{g:cJ-~--~u~~.!1:l..---------Qd.k:L2~_2:..Lh~~j2........__{~<;~~.;.1.~~!f---~f~t=~:~__~ -,
14. [ J--llltt.i.CL~l~t----------5l\;-~t~laJ~ili\T-----lilitttLL~-~J~~~~LJ: '. '
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"" t< , fC 'l\ l(/" I'" .' I 1'1 .'n ~ I ,-, .. J r' I ~ I
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA TION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's n,eeds. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Spri ogs
Chrck Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. [,fljdl!j~.:tleL-------!??4!.--:&.lJJ;:c.dL611..i1L_____3.P..I:5_ff:_'l.2_~1L__..&"&fA)
2. [..{;ie..d.igILt3Lrug---0-rg,~-IJw..C!.tggELfLr.:..I2.____!/f_1::.-?Ef.:_€!..!!i___-d;~_A-
3. Wl--~1-~-':'-~~-~~-J-~-':f:L!:~d'!W!J1K~t_________'{P-?_~~~!_:~:_~2-dL)(~
4. [ '.{_.c..D1..'1.~1-() Q-c.e---[~j.e.k~---~L\.3.Lj~D.~ji.--elctj)..c:.:___c'.jii~!k_1;iL~___-a0h2:C'.Sl--6.~h
5. []-~J2~J,(~~_________:Z=q_~____________________________________________________________________________________
6. [.v(LJ-~iJ.?1-jf.~~~~~-~-------f::1.?!-i1!LLf~~J:..--l2.d~---~~:?~:1b::.j:t------~2~=?:.l:::::.-5!..i..f2--~~F1g~' ~
7. [] -~~dil.-Le.ffi(i.a.~i-----~~_~~__)J~D~~_GlrD.~J~LJI.u_h\.kLS~lD~" . _--!Jl)1~~'i~:.L!j1a.j{~wlJ~
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8. []-~~=-~~~~~-1--~~-~-~~~Z~~~~-~;~~~~~~~~~!7~~~-~~~~
9. [J ---.J~--.J..0J::S!.---------e::'-----i..':.'::..~~-!::.:.~.Y~~____~_~~:~:~i?f;:;j~~f-{(,~~?.---~
1 o. vf----CIlLU-. ---Ltbb.:LJ-,::ELt.--B.~_~t,___W_,:C!.1Ch_q.Q,LL--f_G3:.~---/ (,
SUOX c r: I ;t ~ ~ t}'T e 3G/o 177 S .iI. ~~,{ j
11. [ ] --g~f~---~:!1..LL(.\..~--~--Jf.:I::.1--~~--_9_1.LAJ,S:~---~:JLD..-rr..s:L~;2(2-~1[1~__~__ ..
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We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park rrraining A rea
similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the City lake
action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a part of the Winter Springs
PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded hours of operation to m~et the
community's needs. It is our desire that this Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and
will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
N,m, (pd"l) Add"" T"'ph"", Slg"""" ~
I. -~~~,~~:~!!'~_A~0.-,-j..{'f:d~'j<fKLcd~-,tr2__,,_~~,-:@:-,!:q'11 ~
' -'6.Yl'5.h-.:..----,JfblDft:,-J&.'1f2{}Jafil!!!!.J51JlJfdid!JjQ__:--'-:LY!:&:.7PJl_,~. ~&..ji)'1'lU1.{
3 . .J-~\!.<::t.'l--B1c;.,C~~j'tr!.~::L~~J-~_~~~1..'-(~~"'--lJl~---~!J.:j,~s:J.:-~_~2Pj;"tt"" .61k:JiR.
4. ~--~-~li4~(f:A d. (/u_&A..4-.-i/~1i;:J5:JrJ~~
5. l_~_':..~~_n~r:_~ti'_"d. N..---~:':.~--~""'-'v!7J-----'~Y..~--B------'!!:.?--Jt}-~/..q!---d-_~. Dn
6. jJ:1ftt'j-Jo.iJ4"'---,S-Lc-Lf-er...:t<.U/..J:2LltL::."____Y:.C,2h55:..,f-'l!!?2_ _ ?x --'-tJ fk U-
7. '=fJwra~--~_--UiLeh-~')-irQ--Ic.J~'-='m1-'L?-~!J~~}~ ~0 ~
8. -0Lc>.!L-K.N-,---.I.t!-'i!fLf..~.-"''''LJL_~f'_"~!-rA--$!..]-:X!-7~:~-1!-'tL .~L"I
9. -~7t;.:1jI.-r;;-~2(-W_4Lt!~S2.t:.U.:.!l!.~~(.;;]~f2&Q.if.:J:Ji!.rJ.f-\-2:L_~q2:.3ic:Ce.;:;--'i(/2 ~ "j --r.y::>,P....
10. ---------------------------------_______________________________________________________
1 I. ------------------------________________________________________________________________
12. ----------------------------____________________________________________________________
1 5. ------------------------________________________________________________________________
Ba~~ to Previo"~."s p<!ge
'7:tsk'c IV///q
Ah'Wlf / #Of/J~ I
Imp:! Ihome .earthl ink. netl-dj shadowdesign/resident. htm ) /<)/02
~ tA S [{ It J,V ~ {I ~
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park rrraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design 0111 separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA TION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's n~eds. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Springs Ie t-P/)
c;::' Name (print) Address .' Te'CPhO~~~ S,igSj
1. [~-~:1QL\J~i~=_~_~QLLf\\~i~B~~.&.-':l0~~_jL__]~~___~___ c~
2, [.(i/Y!..f!I.--fi~____f?f!..!!f.!:t~____~__y~___________t:'!..?~~~7.E:?~_':__~~____ . ,--.
7" " . ~ I
,/' ----I ~I. .J i\ 0 Lf 0 ,..) t. ~- t C' t ../>::Z/}~. (' 'j .I
rXI '6,4. i '-' (Zc F" cJ ^J AS J 2-'0 .\ C.,A f,J /,) \) ''-- V I ('t t' /~ u, /0..e b--y. //~,
3. '.', ~ '"J - ----Z-- "-~--'-------------:---;-----~--;;----~. ~-;-;'j;-----4-;7;;~: ,;-:---'7--7;:.:--< '
4, [~"'~--~ ________.l.____J:"_______~-~-~-------------------------~~-~___
6, [>'1 ---~---Gd-~~---------1.~-~--~~~~~:::-~'-GG1r:A'Ji;tF-1~-~!:~-~~{:~
7. )x.)---~b-(,,"-1~::c---V-C.k!-ill,,\.:l~--j"-Q-~~"'---L--2::.-:.~-d~O-:;;?-~3:~~~li).2t 21,
8, !Xl-.-- -~- --!---'J.---J1Jl+D:jJ;.cai-___~5Q2.__c.(ep. -~llLr-fj:f.-,--JJ-~!:.d~-!l-~1k-L 4.:~~
9. [] ;:&&P-ff:.--6D._~________f~fd!.OA:.~_Qt:._!~L_X.c:.?:__:!..~t.~~_~_i!~
1 O. [)<] --smc.i!!>."1)-\!nm,;.r.:t.___________2?-_4'UJ,L'1.lQ.r..:&'s.t.~~---~Z~,$J.3-:.!E1.-_:$B__~-:::
11. [~I-J2w.i2J1k--t1/JIL__________ji_9?.__~~!9..~~:~~_~~_jj~i,JJjJf_;j_1~tc~~~~U_J5JL___J.J:tf:!li.!-1~~1/1Jj~
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12. [ ].Ca.t\Jill---8~k-l1G------~b~__lidJ~~__Q~Jo~LD1:___~L~L~']~__altJJ!i QL~ Qc
.,.....----- --.......'
13. [ J-12-~~~-~---.LE.;tE~---la.2.*'---~L!L,d~~!-~-!--~~j----'L?.L:-?0J!:5.__ -lb1;1L_~
14. [ l..s~1A1)..\\.'c---L1J1.s_~_J~2_'Q~~~_LM:_k{1(Q'1l~~ ~_ __ J
~ ~1 LOqq-{':l-~ I
15. [/ J _f~.Q..__ -.i~I2j--l~R~LQ~~t~~GWb..~..t~J~~.sS.et\[}~j(~~_tE1---2--:tQ-~------_________
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park rrraining A rea
similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the City take
action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a part of the Winter Springs
PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expa~ded hours of operation to m~et the
community's needs. It is our desire that this Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and
will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
N,m<{p,;ot) Add,,,, T"'pho", S;go""" 2
I. -D~l.0.,~_--~_~t..'.Q-,-A~'!l___.7..<'!.:d:::-<<<tKL~:~Ltti.-----~Z-~'L~Q ~ ~.. .
2. - Xl1JJ...j~.L.{tklt[J___i}llLfJ3:gLQiJj~~_1L6____________'::!12]Jc~t?_2.cL"Z_ UjlClLQ.J -~.
;. ~~~:;=~::;~~:Z~;~~~~~~~~:&-~~~~~~~
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13. ~ ffio.(XkLbi~~E.L.diclQ_.Lrtt~t'__ljj ~-C.\L~jL~rCAL\t'.c~QJ-fL_~O=L 0 {q -I ~3 7-
I 4. ~t\.~___~9'::\A\___J~~~_t~~___~~_~~,_~_tE_~_<S_~l~~~j:'_I:-:_ 32-1 \:36 _ ~
15. -----.- ~---~-~~~---3.iiV-.>-~-~Jt---y.L~----~L);k}-SpC..~~ G-.--S .
Down load
Back to Previous Pave
. .. -- ..... .... . .' ...... ....~
7;; $ K4 W I //Ij
Ah'WJ If / 1101/' f4 /
hn p :!/home. earth link. net/-d j shadowdesi gn/resi de nt. hlm
,...... ..~J\'" ~ .............t-'....... ........ "IJJ\..... v.....~J..b...J ~...... ...\............................ ... ......... ........... ......Vt......~.........~ ~~. ......~~ ...................'.. "-'''~t:'' .
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park /Training A rea
similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the City take
action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a part of the Winter Springs
PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded bours of operation to m~et the
community's needs. It is our d.esire that this Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and
will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
N.m' (pdnl) Add"" T"'phn.. SIgn.'"" ::t:.
]. ~~~~--W-~~.Q_A~''!l___t,,[.[d::_..&,<_.{,,--ddVi:____~l_~{LeQ ~ ~ i
:. -E~~i--?:~~~jz1~~~~~~~2~fi~~~~~~;~i~~~~=~~~2~~:fJt;~;;~~,
C!'\,1<Jl --~.!l.S~_,.is.:L~e.!!""'_lbl':___9-"-j,.~f..\___~}._~_~~________________-------~-- - . i Ifl--.:-
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~h(\.-\:nn_fuLl20___~U22__C02:__U:~_c.'C.f.Q.t.~__~__b_~_~~~::L~~___(n_ _:~ l! 1 J- ~ 1jx-~i,--
eo.bi"~~~.I..'<1':~~~-_JQ0k-c.b~l~~:r,8~J:,LcJ.et~~__~:.~~_~?~_~_'8__~f~: on:s l~~
.DJM~iLJ1:!Qmp~:a.tL_q~!eL_~,_f}g._tr.roK__~~t~____0JLLedQ__~_Q"11e_~___ (JfC'7 ) (r; 7 J - 0> ..)/ to
13. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------__________
Back to Previous Paoe
.... --.-.. -~_.. .-.............. ..... .....""
7 ~ J ~-r. w" / /A
An'l)aA. / fl:7,1i/
hnp:l (home. earthli nk. net/-dj shadowdesign/resi dent. htm
] /9/02
. - ...- . -'-1'-" .. ...._. ....., ....w.. ..~- ....-.....-- ... ...- -- .-.....J.....-... -' ...-
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an OIT-Leash Dog Park rrraining A rell
similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the City take
action to develop this Park liS soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a part of the Winter Springs
PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded bours of operation to m~et the
community's needs. It is our desire that this Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and
will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then lln
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signllture / //.
~~_{;=__~_~~Q_,I\~'!l___:t"[J:.2_f:j"ot.,(t.._de__tJl5.._____~l_-[#hLeQ ~ 4 ~
~-':::~-!!..--~:'-.!..--<!..:~~:~~7------L2.!..-.--~~':..<"=~~-&..:;-~L"'?::::__~__<:_O}_~_~_c.__- ,A re. '1 "._ '. '.,_ (
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()own lo~d
Ba,l;.h tQ PreviQ,~,s. p!!ge
/:: S- K"
/1 It
"A VJ 1- 111 It /
flOF!' 11 /
hn p ://home. earth 1 i nk. nev-d j shadowdesign/resi dent. htm
] 19/{)'J.
-I~ K~j!Jt/t\.
,I b1. $
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park rrraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Check Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. MJtf~lset-~~{Vi(--~~-@~~.LJ-c-r~'t&----~iJl:~~~~LL{)A~;-
2. []A1ff'nll~l-",,21~ WrH1.e__Qr:~t_~~~1;~M<,_Eh_1~I~1}L~.~~~
, .~ - L( i~ 7 ~ L'U-L~r'lVtfJ-L7) L[o 7- t;; l6'~~'-~'p~
3. [] __~_~_'?_~____fJj-&_~J..flIJ2_____~J__l-U_(L1~___C~_~J~_____vl_~ting--5..J-!..~~fJ---&~~f!~1!:~'
4. []-2lLi1ilt~'-1[_i!<J~Y-1----jJ.6]j)fLlljtprt_~t__hlllitl:_42tJb:.a;;__~~_t~~~_~
-- z.,~~
5. pgc..~~~~_~:lJ~~____~_~_2~_~_~~~\9..__~~~_~~~~.1~__~~~_.?~:i~~:"_:L__' __
6. [4''2--~-------_L4J__l~~-'-t\0=:-:C<&~'~---~~J;;'~~:L~-'~:e7-_------ ---
S ' .tl: \ f " -f ., /~'. /
7. []- .oAcL !lD_.JJLJ.LtJ.J1.,( --d~Z..:.LJ.LtLt!.J-i,J-~--h,.:'.at--L.!.,('t~)~~~~fy./i~~L~L
8. []-_J'!:-(l":2.'::L(f..-'!_:~-'2t.~0.::..(J.:!:--'!--~Lf'2.I.e.':,!!.~.J.,_t:-.!..-J~f7~::;1.):";..**"----7J4t-~: ~r~~
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9. ['] --~:v~~~~:::::'--+J.lJ~~---j)..1:i-{d.j~-ftL~~~--- It~_____J}jl;;_~k:;-f~fl~~i-fl--?2 ,.~'~--j,
-=-;----.-~' ! . ,~/C)7, ~ ~d-(J3f? ltM,v~~
1 o. f'\]-_!..{if:!::-l::?::..Jl~-{'51.'2___!!..r!.--t._-Q0.~g-~S.t-Al1?!!.H_fI!'!:.T:iSG-'l.Cf_J.~2:1
11. [ ]__~~_(!Q!_~______~:.\2:-:':::___~~_~__:-?~~:_~~:__~_J~__.1iJ_~;~L~~~.!..---~-]-?:-~ ~
12. jt']--.-:d~a-rl.~~--_2/i:LiiQJJ.id--7:?J.Lt!.A-c-fl~.Jh1;~u1--:jL~-=:?.
, . , .' JJ"LL-C-.-.~
13. [ ] _____~_~~9.:'~:'.._~:~_~~~______J_:::.~__~_~~:~~~.::\ ~~:_~~___~_~~~'::~.:~_~y2):~31--.3..?-]~~~~-
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15. [ ]--~~~___~~~~~________________J_~~?___~~~~~~_~~J~~__~~________~~:l~:~~~1{~:_S_'l~~~__~)t:~~~[0~~
~(\ft/\l.\ DIi..\ F31 ~~l\od ~af ~~ Le.s. FL." ' lID? 'ss-q cr25LjI
"( llM>-- 3Z7()~ {- I
7 It.. 1 J\ 1, IV ~ jJ 'v fib/~1
I" ~'" r ' I 'V I
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cbeek Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
Do. "11t- (Df J( .' r ". .. "/---/-,' U
1. [] .' .~/,- I L~.l.A \ ~~-- ___lL.L:d~~~_f-Sll.;,L!:~_b:Li ~l___~~..:._j (:.::;_____:~~:~~;.~::.U.::~- ____[,;...:..2: ~ --~:::-
2. [] C Ii f /2-.H..1 cO ~Sf'~~: 3 !!Y!!~~9:_J!.t _2!.:!__f2.~:!..:Zf.c.:If~-1!-
4. ~i!iiJ&%~~2.tL-~P-:tl:~~--f2:~~~aq-i'~
. _"c" - .-'....-f;;;,.:-=-~.~. " : ' " 1 V'7:..7 I ,fi It L V 07 r::/t/{ltJ"Y : "
5. [] - =~~...- - ____:..!L - ___-I-j.2.:J.1.f:JJLl-J:1f.(i.!-c...__bJ..______./-__L___-.:'-I_____ .
~ [~m~0/L~~~-J~-&~~_~~~K~a~
7. I] c;/1{{f0:L&su~(PI7-J-0:2(i54I!U.1' {f!!!.:jL'Lt.td-(!L!f3!.2~
Ii! ;. J !/Q )vand,na !UTi'JC"- 1r. .. /lA'ViD,
8. I ].tI Ice l1eM!J------Q2!!llir--.5.r20.f[{i.-f,..?Jf?-~!~--Q-1.::- 3# -Q!1L_LLfJ/2.,
! . '-h I 0:- \\/. Y\ d .s o'{' C, v- e c, e \l i- st. . , ~ -1-<.\....- c; ill. \.Cl"lN\..1'\.4..
~ II k'S~~~~~~~L~_~E1~'~_~
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1 O. [ ]~~-tdJf1J1iJ(;..------_--_.J3..1-1JJ~J}-!:.CJ.g-----,-.:~~;Z?i.2Q-t--------!f11_~13i12:.3P~~_______
D tJ..'rT . w. S'f"; '" { r tfc 1 - b 1 r - ill,' I
11. I ]--fJ3:ICLl:.A-?!-~r:_-~i~~j ~~~~~_:.J':"__~lD ~--i..~.':---f~4:C I
12 [ ]------------------------ ------
. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
13. [ ]
14. [ ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
~ ]
/ U $ t" ~ w-z /,-tlt- ~~ j /-1 ttJ f ~~ "L (
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Ch"k Name (print) Address Telephone dignatnre
1, ;o;__~.d_2l&__________d.1.'lJl~il_--1~LU-2~ji______3~_~_~f2L________~Dl:-
2. []----~-(}!J!"'...~~~-r-----LiL1::L--t:-kh2~LL{d..--JI!.Lc------~-'iJ.:ilLIL#/ci-
3. ] ______~_~_&y~_?______'fJ:::L~-~~CC&-------2.2:!2~:!.t-~-------42~
4, []______~~_~~--~-!k~~-----lJ2..~---~LdQ.~-t-c~----------?.{1-~?.9..~k::_~
5. [J-----.Il-~-J{tLl1-------'!.D!Q.---'S.?SL?Ji'.1!jlf..d('jL---j2.2$.2..'l-'?.-~----~~I
6. []--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. []--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. []--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9. []--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15. [ ]-------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
t. q k e. \JG 1 ! t.i f fi J11 ~ m, I /7 0 ~ ;U' I 't/ J
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cbeck Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. ~~<<)4.y~'( q~JJ4+-tJJ?.2;no~Mffi..2?~
1. I.] · J f!.1 <. i'~-!.._eE:/...____!1J!i..L~_.':::!_~::.J5l':;L!1___.'!o.LJ..i.i!J:J~~fd
1 II ~~~eOI~~~~~~~~
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4. [I "ns-kD_'b.r.~f;;L~:0..E..cJ:C<;;;fl~&>1L~:RQ.Y:sll.'i?7":~?_-~.:.r
l,,-.~\,JlC ,c.~ 13'l l'l,I-+\.... . \'-- r (d07' "'."". ' j;j ~
:: ~ '(Fb~~~~s~~J;~tL)~~t:~
8. I 1_ Aifk~--~~~LP2'L1i!~~.Ji v.!L:f.P~.f9.:31
9. [I 0r t Ndo... b....ebv -l..J45.q~G\{.(O~~7.:2!:.:~~'Lj3J!1~,!wtJ
10. txl1\ro.Q0t~~~j__~Sfl~_1K__~~:~1~X4tCJ~
11. (X] j~-N ~~ idLScA~~~. J1jP7-:17?'9';S'.~~
, L{ Q/- ';:2. 59 - fA
12. [ I S~~~5Jf.'=-'-"'~2ll-~~oS-L_535.3~
U[I~~~~~:_" ~
15. I I ~r:::\ ~-e ~\__\..QQt2b\2\W~ \~---
V e J$~/,
" . ,~ # ,-. "'"L .
'- , e;.f'" /' ~ I '".
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park !Training Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible~
Check Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
Box yen -~i5-5q I I
1. [~r2!~::b.JllQ2~___~~__el~~:~~~~~.:_0~~_~~~_~~:~:~:~_~e_~=:::.1~___CjJ:.J..L~1-tl~_QJ~~
2. []_lb.Y:.~2f':'\LL~_~v..:6A._l?;Q.3_Ir.2.M_@,~AP]~s.:,1m:t:-M~
3. [YJ__Ll-e!3..tl1f.(,_P!:::!/!:_:!'}!:...!3!!"':.'!~__~,L~,LU.!.J:'J l~L.:..~.!.!.:!._?.~~L'-~::::
-;- , ~ r0 . "\ J. J. ~ <i()/3~~~;'O
4. [1___lQM.!:_~__.:__1:____'-~_~_~{LJJ..<,;_~fuL~~~_k~f-E. (&d~\ ~
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6. []__J_~_____1::.-12.~________.!____!k_lL.LIU_~,L-~-~~~~-_':>-----------~-~~
7. []__Q~~__~_~~1r:0~___.w_~_~:._':?~lgSJ!&J,v
8. []_AllCWL&_____-!-I).Ic._~1!!~~1.~f?----:?2.2j:2LQ1-------------------
9. []]t_~L_~hv ______LL~_]~<Li.uJ.~., Qs!-~0~----~-~-J.L2,!.}-;JL-'iiDJ.f.k-~4~~
. . 'V'.' . oo--n ~l/h..ar~-_
10. [ ] __L______.;;;;;;;~_ ____:._________Ll:_Y.5._li5:.b..(fJ_--'M~-r-Y.:!.:~.J--Es:.-~-~-~::.-:---!~~?.~__!..~:1~_~1!:
11. [ )-CIC.~.-- ?:>.!_~l<i____::;-!i;;,-J10.rY_il..IdLL4.jJL.!!.'A&:~-'!P-~cF:-IL-~. ~
-c' 'k.L ~"\ . It(LfuJ3'ZSM c.(4V1J53H112..CtrM ~2
11. [ f-J_~~___ltl~tLiQJJ'1CtW~kY_iD_MJ:.~gL'iP.a.L~'.L&:-.327-~2----ffJ!..~-oL~~-
13. [ ]_~fiM:.~_~3'_"1.U.Q.lilul~"'-t-w1-Y:s....c;,K-:--\dt..-:u..l.QK--2~21l?.~--~
14. [ ]~~},t~D.\2~~__.LQ~12--_Q[Qx-e_flg___ill.).___12::PX__Yf:1?.2.2~tQ
J.. .,.J r ycn-J\()~-7~SZJ.
15. [ J_'JillJJ:-_:"'~~ft\.~l1o;Mj.0JL__.3fL4.S_1:LIfQ!1lY-l.-g..J..0.T-JJ2,1,-Jd:}~L-----
" f^. I( ~ J ~s fA fJ v ~ -t
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEI> ARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Check Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
Box '. . j) . L y;JJ
1. []JlJIJ1f..!}.(f..tfJJt!i;;5._JJj.Y;.,..4,.1rftf,,4{J!--____tf!...2:J/JEi~f!Z~d~~
. ~/ 1;Vjer, .s?~/ vt:z ~ .'~
2. []__}?l.:t-_rr.L___UO~CJ~l~_______l1:k~__~~:l\)_~__\J.&"'____A:.Q:l_~_~~:lQQ~___~~LA~9~
3. [lJI!e.f?(!.J_A{~~32C!2__~:_Sf.L~_J:L--.f27-6.f:1i~
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4. [] Q.~k.6f!J!_~__cn~~!:i!Il-..5:______~'?.~_r:!.(f..~~l_;;.'_~__12..rr~fj.____j_~2.:_cL~2:_-:L~_~~~___~~~-
5. . [ ]..$A.!j~---Z;!..~-il---------------~ffX..-~!..Ir:2.-~':L'-----------:t..~~?::({qf::.f..€..1~__~'
6. rA.G.~'t-13..o&--------~l!.1T<&Q~J2LidJ:.J~~"L---.1E13i9.:!.'Q..~-C~-?1~.&
.c. w.s"
7. [] _t:.JlLf?E_GL(g.:2.._________:.f3;?.Y-.!..c.!d2Q~gr;:.??_L__5I..___________'::JJ2_:L:?.:.?:_-L:.21if.Q_~:fg~i..44L{J
8. [] J~tjJ2~~~1:C.L&:JU..:.D~]'~"'____-1_:)_~~_~~{iIi~i,.?L.G.~________..____~~l_..1?;.L:~J:.-:.___f.!1y"..r:k"'______
9. [lI1l11fL/&JQjj&iI2___J!..z...fJ!1:1:../l..7Li___~_____I@7..6.J:e21f'i:.{-/f.sl.f~-/
~ h.;, ~ .?- lii-,<>I' /J a lj}
10. [ ]--- _~~~~___2~_f~~~-L-______~k~1.~:l.J.~B_~:#2.'
9:~:" -<:-~ ,l
11. [ ] ___~_Q..lJ_J_aLL.lk:!.J.4_________j_'='...Lc.:.i2t;.".:.kJ:ilf......8f..4...(i~_C.L~.:._Y~_____!:fCZ:_~_.lr~~~_~_!.g_~_~__ H;'~~_ '-z. --
...J . lih~ /
11. [ ]n_d.62LJlLIiL3_tJ_~Jll.k..___L?..tiW1Q.1.fLSi?l.iJ.l'=-i_-iV2_21J'U3.J!JJJ~dld!.~
13. [ ;;Ii!L~,:L6J..!~-'-~~Jr,--..J'..~f.:!1<j-4!d.[L(!=___--_Y-I!.2.!..~_7...?J..':!L()1f!!"
14. [ ]~~_~_{l:.EA~-~tck-J,b~.~~_Vni!.!m_kZQu~1~rtd~.f{;LCl~32Z:ZZZ2_~-~-:_ ~~'.'~_
('. . " Cu0. ~ . . 0... \ ~ YO/I-0C{ 5-')/1; "Ii. .
15. [ ]~_~~~_~::::'~:=--_--~~-~~i~---~-~-__J2Q_~~\k>::s~~~+~t_:.~~~~~-------------------------~:?- - ---',
L '\ ;<. ~ J G 5 s: vt /.1 I I 1// J W, <{. , I I ~ - I' . . ~ .
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffrainhlg Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cb". Name (print) Address I Telephone SigOa~
1. ;';__Sl\~_'~,Lf2~ttWK___~~~~~~.~~~____~-=-2E~!_!.t~.jli~_:~
2. []j1L~~LJ1!_~i_l:_____~~~_fl~_CiE:___~L?e~~l;:_~3__~-tit:
,--7 0/~ ;--c , . ~~
3. []___~QqfL!!!..:!!:.&:~?:!rf.______I.c!:!.r.._~:i~~.!.!!{2_(21.d..%.~~~_!iZ:'}E:.f:!f!__(____;.!:....__~~
4. [/jJd.cE.fJ.bis:jds.____!?-72.1__kLruiU.J)pJJfL'f!J::_0]J.-:jm_Jl.;J!-~ 4,
~ ~~-
5. []-.Ll.O.'L0:~-fl!..-Ef3-iJL~T!.~-_G.L3.k~{~"LQL_-J.~l:.J-~L':!.?L_#t
6. []_CfH.\G.~lk:;gJ!c!L__<f~~-~~0::~~-D2.:.--42.1:js.:i::.11ff.:4l-~---
7. []J:1c.he1k-__}JeleL_.:?~~~__tl(LJ!2bQiUJL~-!_~~'::2.:!~:~1.iL.'.-.vL-1:.:~
8. []_Z~~~L_~~~~__.!.._3.._~.z.C1.~Jc..t.djLf9-____:iQ_?.:_tZ!..:f..~2..Q_ -- '.
/J -. Y
9. []___J_0~T..~_~??../}:_::..::~_____~?~~__~~~~~~~_~_!}!..~_i_~_______iJ..:2~_~'!.{~2i~~___~ --~:--~~.:fL
10. [ ]-:::E~L1.~~Bt-----------~~L:1i~-t~~t~;il."~--_--------t~~2:-~~~,_~l~~__~_~
11. [ ]__j}J1)_L_.:f:!l!1.Ltl~_-j!E~f!LJd.~0..~~~oJ:.~'2--:J!}~3j!F-.:Z.7.i::L-!ilf;;;~
12 I J? " , / &.Is, C"\' -, " _!j/!tf-tz;
12. [ ] ----U () t2______g!:.2_~L~!f)~_____!..4_t:!.____~!._'j~S.~;:;:_1:;!~~____~~.:L?-':.!.._::_f..!..:(;Z___~__2_?
L /) I . J i/S I , ;L..vv-R--.-'.--'
13. [ ]_____A)dt:.~__i112~2~~~_____Lt:f..L_____~hfl~f2!:~J;!..'i1__1717Lile~::_1.._~'"!1_______[~::::l---
./ . fl., / .
14. [ ]-~]-~~i~~~~~1~-{Q~-~-Ch~i~~1;D.:_-:~~:--~~~~~~
15. [ ]-_-'::.._~_L-J!,~---Hf2i:--(2!~[!-ojr-j.L!:.'=-Jd,2.:"-'tP.!2:iZ:-??21---!!ci
L "t !< "- J G S t; 11../..J /1 /t1 J ~.... I no'> t l / 't I
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park /Trainiog Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
C':::' ~me (print) J Address () "~ Telephnne JSigna~-t;
1. []___ 1l.~BhlJ2M1i04JK____~~___f.q:~~J__~~~__1f!1=-2E5_?t~~," -"L~_:'/l,
2. []_ili!:1!2!,;L~!f!.J~~_____J::??L_~~_Q.~_QJ~__~L'L'3J..~7;:::]3__(}2Jb 01, ~ L
'Cfc wSR 0" ./) ~
3. []--~-~~---~~-~-~~~-~
4. []__{jfj[f:_$..bi{;.Lis._______~]2(LikdlJ1q(e.DpJJil--i~J~-61~jf1~jJl,~__' -- ~ ~
IJ' A !, ~ 1 ~
5. []__OJ2..0:';..f!LfJl[lLv.l'fi~___1J.Llf~.:..fLLJ2L___!i:_L~~~:..'?LZLllti~
6. []__~LL_lk.\I;f1~___2.2:5__R~_~,LC~~l!1'____421:J:s:L1lf.t~-~------
7. []_~thtllL__1iekL_.z~iJ.~_1:1iJ!Jb_Q/f<D..5--t!.t~!.:2:!t~l.it.J;.G..ll,-: j
8. []_Z~~"2L_~4~s__!.._3.._'fZL!:l_fJ..t.4W9'-----:/Q-?.:-f.Z!..:f..-22.Q- -- ~
9. []__:JgJt!:!j}:?!3:_r:.._~__~?:..~_~!_E2~:~i!!._!}!!.:_L______~Lt:.fL2f!i~____ --",,-'-~
10. [ ]_~~L.~~~~~('___________~~~_:2L:~:t:~~~_~L~_~__________~_~:__~:l5,-~2-~~___~__&..'1
o A ~ "f, 0 v? {,;' iv,,:? tv5Tj'"
11. [ ]--- ~ _L1)_1_____~!JJ_2L~~2~-0::l-----L~~}-i--------Lf2~;;J2/~~------:tr!-Z:.?L!!:.E:-f..?:t.~---!rfF2
12 b. J? "" "~.IS 0 /HI/oZ, "0
12. [ ] ----7-1 () ~______g~~~~~!Xj~_____!"~_[!..____0:}!.~']~ <:. .~~;.l~l~~__Ly.~]L:~q_~~:_?!..:( ~_____:::::_~_:::G
, I / ~-, I r'-' i .:,/"
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13. [ ] _____A_!dt:.~__J.J?ll!:1!..~k:::.-----!..t:.f /------0:!J!l6.~f2~i.=_0!.~__lj} 7Li4:~:_f.._~~_______f...~::j~
.- l J - I. . I .
14. [ ]__J~~\Ji_c~~Jlll~l_::ia~HQ~LCh~~l cV ~__:~~~~_~~~~~~!-:-!~
~, /";1 ~' ", ",~7;C
15. [ J_____~______'--~--.l.1--~~~------.{L.6-~----i:.!-~-~~~~::::--~~~""-~~i:~:~~1____~
,,~ 1< e., J,-s IA t JI~ of
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Check Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
Box .,., ' L rJ/
1. []jnIJJL~~f;jlbJ!.;J;L5---fy/;jj~Ifv~f-----_tj!-2ll/tidJ~I.~~/>>'
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6. rAG.'tb-'t-13~---------~l:!.'O-LQf'-~L:Li(AI:.~L---1Y.:J2f:i~~~--Q~!:.?2~1I
17 w.s, .
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~ f"L(, f.;lf ,"OS" ff<~''''' . /J a r)}
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15. [ ] ~_~~~~_~::::.~:=_____~~_~~~~~___~~~___J~~_~~~~k~1~?+~i--:.~~~~--------------------------:~- - --:; .
We are very interested in the dev~:~:r a~:L;!- ~ pa~e:ining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA TION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Check Name (print) Address . Telephone Signature
Box G _ ( tJ....'S i ti c:S s. ) .' . .
1. [\i.li.ilfJ:f'::2.i-__~~t:fft!-11'L!.'!?!::;~i.M_&D._________:i'2.7-:3J..!::}3LiQ._Q:., _ __::.~1 . ~ /
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2. []-~---------------------~-------------------~~---~-----------~-----------------------------~--- -.-
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6. []__J~le__E&k~_____.51l_~__.m1!.:'K_~_~_____________YP..!.::.~_~2:.~?-~__
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10. [ ]<J2E-E\t!,'-'-,y-S--J:k-----J5]-L~~Jl:f-J!0i-Q~~{l:------'jQI:-~:ZLf::e-?.~l;
11. [ ]---~~~~~~-~~5:-J;-=-)-r~~?.~2~~~-2----------j-~-]-:-?-?_t-=9~l?LL_____
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L ~ /("( J e J ) t/\ I /I J1 I m 'I' /1 o.r f' I i 'f I
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop -this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Check Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
Box v1 j'
1. []__S_____f..LlJ_~_LlfJJ1~~~__Ll_~~__A!..UJf)s.~':.Jl:J~j':!::.f~-~-_____~}_!..JiL~/=!~!I.._1I!:~~?!j ~.
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5. [)----1-StJ:~~Jj5l..2~1(j~~-~:..-!d:..~&:[~:sL-"-2-Qgt--
6. [] _JJ.D_~__~_:..!2J:':0~_____J_L(tl)__~~2:f6::SL_~2.S__~!D_1:sL~:PLLqs.~______QQ_2_Qt____
7. []_~~~_~I_~~______________J:2~~_i~~_~~~~~:t~~:t--~~-~------~~-~--_____________~.::__~_::~____
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11. [ ].1.._Q.Ly....L 1lli..:S-4::J---I-Ld~.ffLc:..~5L/J.trrJ1L-2ZZ::'?J2..J5~ 1-.r:.~~
~')~ . -0;-;;~fL1d1 dif')( c< <7.1 ~ /1/ ?/ _. d(/7~1 p;/' ~
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13. [ ]-~fjr;.,t..jlCd}X;;l:l=<--jj.l..~iij1"ifL(L(1f&lcbL__~:______________________
14. [ )--~U~-~)e:!o..LL-~2i-r-~---------------(d2J..~~------
15. [ ]--QY..~-ktulr:.-'5------:~--2--M~~~~~f~'?ycv76(r'j6{i5CJj!!t)j
,L '\ K <. ~, ~'q.f
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Spri ngs
Check Name (print)
1. []___[)Lb.b.J~_Ic!J..'.:2Cl:.'2___.6J.L2._..Lc..~~'::.&:;L.D~.._______~_1_::L:.L1~:.:3--~~l'.r..7
2. [] _/!L{gjJ3r..Ifi1iC!!Jgf..____l..fJ.1._Q:.~rl?I.~2__tJ.dKt.1_________~2{q5..i.9.Q(t3__":l(/c;LLil..iI..tli1t:jrq:
3. [1-~Yar1iJ:_-~{~~({}1C1{-j2.EP-~~1_Jm7---2?J;--T9--':-:---~~~--
4. [1-;djjlwJY .L.--c:4-~jJ:L---jJ.i2LjJjJJ.j(jLr::.L--0LJ-:.L]i/S!L5.b,IJ.W\1{~
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8. [v1_~Ilrt4.tJ.&Jl1!!}J2PJJfL_)JJ2!L_z:.q{!fE'!Lf{tt:.K_~~____~____~~q____'iJ:l_:5..?:]..Q____1d1::_~0'!!!~l
9. []=irILtl_CDL~~i~JLQ.Q~J)Jtf.dQ.Gt.t-~L_tl~_~!J_________~tQ1__:3JJi..'?.:_~_?!!~~_&l..CftL_C0~~{~L:.((!l
1 O. [ ]__tffi,.)~___C -~p_!:..f;:!L---~--~~~-f~::__-----'f.~:-~-~~~q?d>::f..k#:-
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J;(c5rbt! tVlZ-Y ft/Jlm4/t- C Lf;;f~
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog ParklTraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation 'to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this ~
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds. Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Check Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. ~;Sh.&_SI.UJ2./!2.t:.cIJJ:~.jJ/.2J)EfP-(;kJt1ttLi8"1.~...!lt2::flL:B;L..A~4
2. [--'fb.~L":._--~_fl..~1!.l~tj_~____2LfjL~_!!s.!'_~_~'..__~*__Q~~_:!!:.___Zq_t:}jJ..:'52_2.\_gd~~
3. [].~V.J&JL~_.fJ1~ly~_.J~~~~~ds.$~L21..iflL3:ZLiZ~'l-l1f~A
4. [-1_.J1.1-~-e_-.-__.4~~i:.4:t:i__-_-_-_2ti.{~L.. _.f.C..i{2<i.Ld11~...f};:.!dtzdo._.1'(!.2:3i:...'q,dk~"'- "~ ..' f'
I , _(' J J . _ ." - J/ ..... Qit,f.tJ,. d
5. [rl ~___41~.Jf.tL~J..f.l..lf5______.Lllf..~.Llfr.i:f..jJ~d.d[(.iji!..____fJ-{J/:J/..~~____~Q.'1_..3fp.#:~.l-..___~_
6. [/l __~~J.-e____OJJ_!1_'-!._____LQj:::?_f:f?r:..fp.!.J__(t__..c_t..I..f::i:QEk:.___!!.~li{e_ft_r.~.5?Lt1.2{1:.1'1-
7. [].-J:LL.!i--..j~l?fL-Lz.2L~JJ.t!LrJJn..c..i..-llfL.$f!rJi...:i02:J.2l:il(!fJ~?i;
. ~cY~
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9. [vl~i.~~__i.st,j,~~_1~~j~G..\!..ld5..G~'I~__~~___::L~)_~~~~i~lk~_~~~*~\.~~
10. [ l-~~~~-t~J)0-~\~~~----__tttt~~~11f!_~1:J~~_~~~~t~___:L~'J:Jji.:_L~2S_11~~~~(
11. [.{~~UDJJ~L~T____LQJJLL:;'!::-_i.z_:___f-2J!_Lt_~Q____~_~_~~_:=_----~!~-~j!..~~:~~~-----~~-
12. [v{L~~.-.1y!\.dc---1-Ll~9-._f.0..d&:.~~~.-=..6::(ir.d.(L,..El.-_..,...--.-4~~.
13. [ IX'0?l'l,.. 0:.~~.._..\:.:-ifil0:.~_~:~f2Ih.~.EC~.=:,.. \ -.. ~~m
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0' (If, ~.$ A" ./1111II" /
/-119 ,/,'f,.!
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park rrraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Check Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. [~..Dl~Ajl1~~QQJiQ~-----J19j~_~~~_tJ:j~ilJ.Lfl__,___________________________~lior~:
1. [. ]-~i2~J:L'LL/~~~----~~J-~-j(JClil-~~--~:t------------------------------------~-----
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3. [J -------42 <'nJ..e.-J....?-.i.\J-""'3-g,,;,,2.__:'Q~~_EL!,:LI;>20._____________-::_____________...;.:>~~._f (
4. [v1 ~lk;-'~-R-b.L~J!~~~~~-----=-~-L~---lQ..::~~1_f..~_..~_______----______________~.f~J.~2_~J~
5. [vJ-L~4JJ1~-LY.L'?iyj-~!Jjj-~~L~--Qb---&-Q.---------~ft2~
6. [Ji;JCle~--~,;L~--.1L'tALn.d.l~:Iel_____________________:i?a~0.2~.- I
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\ 'It- . VJ r-' C .~ Wta.xt(l..- /-1 /7-
9. []----U.~~=fE{g~LlQikL----1J-~------iJ.J.~~.t~---:Lf2..-~~L-2f~!~=~-.
1 o. /;.E~LUJ:J_!U:::~lJJi ifJ::-;Q-"1'1'l~":Y-L~F-,2---~i~~:;;_fl3!:"_!:~?~i:~1____~_._____" , " .
11. [}?_hg-~~~t~&~llJ-~~-~:~:-~1.~--~~-~li--Q~-:-~-~~~----t~-~-~l-~-' f'.
12. [ J-~lMfdt4--20!!11llL_--.JJ2~if[i1J-r&~-G.t-ik.---[J.21"Jl{.k0:f:---'f-_4t.~jJf1ii!~) Ii
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15. [ ]--tli/=-.b~-0!----2-LJ.t--H~_~'::~li~t!.J.L<!...___j:!,_:l_______(JjLtd:/_--
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(3 ~J<: J.
Ii)lt'~.c.. J H.d!,)t 7 iii{ J
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Wi Dter
Cheek Name (print)
1. [] L {1 M - ~C~"'1;~____?J C{...u'7;U.Q~_i!1J~..l n______________12 :)..______~L ~- -
~ ~
2. [] L:-\) ~fZ- t ~~Q. ES.~____l~~=r~~~6t._2<_'l~'3? ~ __~L'.1::__~__S_________________ --------------
\ \08" '~-\e-~ l0e..wrt::\f-< '- ~ \0:2- ,
3. [1.f'll. ~Qqf~_~2.'2- :k2:l___~ - - -
4. []~{?~~~~~l~\;t~~~-Cf~ j--~~~~~
6. [v(~-'W..2:.-'1~o.L(;J2-JilL~~
7. []
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9. []
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11. [ ]
12. [ ]
13. [ ]
14. [ ]
15. [ ]
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/H"~-<' ,o,.q'u"......'1
o pi. "f{'/ h e1-t"Y
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park rrraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA TION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Check Name (print)
1. ['fi~~_~__L3.:J.L6Y-L~0_bt3J_q<;'_Dr~_Qils..,-_____~~_
2. D4---JC.kj..-UEt:f.:~___a~~~2.__,=-x-JL~~t~_.cf.:~~_~_6_~2~E3..2"-7.9_2____~f.L___ii.2..L'_!~_,
i J. J L . -j) LL I ~Q 'R~ 1lJ- G. i (). - 3~1b7 Lj{J7 33/ D3LbJ-
3. M-r-m~--l~Q_L!JLL)j--~-o.-UJJJQ~-.~iL--~Q-S2---K----~7-~
4. [lQ -""-9.1l--UlW.::-.-----w..'::l5-.J:RL~_S..\Lh.flliE____1.L3:l.70J_______~~fl~
5. r<]-?t-1~'--~~2---'l~Lj~J-LSI....-.&L~.!:.~lh::::;-J:::i-..a2~L----JJ~-!SJ~
7. ~~--------------------1---------------------------------_____________________________________________________________
8. []-&mb-f~dJxl..4t--l~2-S-J~~::rm\i.t].~-'-i\2,.s~-!-U-?lf"-~~~~
9. 1'Y-tl>&~y-LJk~----'&Lm~1:.UJQ;Cf-b-5-.>dJ.,yL).----d--'-~,jXj;f7r
1 O. [X]-D.c,~'l1.--eLSr.0.M.l----2-5.n.--I...t!.>.~.eLL-O~dtfL!..J:fi. :.:__ ~r -;~
11. ~~ib.l11.ne.i2.!2~f.R.-~.&~Dkn~-~..c-i%S----- __ '__ L82~
12. p><j ---~~t2Q{5J3.L..LtS.ELs:.ltmL1.!.t.L_L.iJ_Y..P.._iffJj:j~I..&J::.._?.!::._;.__~!lS_:j_____~~~_2t:S..0..0__
13. N-4..qf..~-!Rt/J1KQ(!~_____.22Ll!.!..,q.!..~___~(1E_____~.;______________fl1({::;;f~-----
. ~/
14. ~~!~~~~~_~~~_____~~~-~tf2?~~~--~~~----~~~----------------_~~_____________
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l-ll:Y rli~__ yu / - ~71~/'- /C~I I I
II"I'IH"'I.-~ '-" .....,~ Q j "",taj;"'I4I.....,/
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Check Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. [v}_;ELlllDJ}_()]QLt~____€::H~__~19__~______w..:/tZfi::.cj~_
~JIJ -. ,jli-~~ "/ J If: 11;;::" () '/Y1;~ ~/" /1. "iA(1- If t//J7-6.00-~52/) t;; /'.
2. [ -I ~-~1LJ.ufJil-----{..u.a.:.J~-u!.i!M~~j_-.1fL_--_-,{.L_~-----'a:'::-/1-c..: ------ (
3. [~-~- -~- --~5-L~.:i~-~0L~~~Q.LL~L::-'dt:'kL~
4. [ 4!lL+L.d!.eS~-J-0J!:_'+L-i'7-~LL.-~t!ill-1:.---~-~2~5J-=2f2J._l~.Jill Ii
5. []-ClbIeLt..:.~fI~'",-\.L3.D-tkfu1_2..U:lCh_LjL_':lQ1:!tfl~,~}~
6. [,;fik'Dij-~_{JL___~llL':\.x..._Jk~l~La~~Lln___~Ql:d]2-_a:tl~..:.IJ~~
7. rflC1f-~~-kd:~1~l!~"----~9-~_f2-J?.~~!:.~~~:~~-~-J?!.:'--~~-~~-!~~~-1._~_~__:2~.2=_~_~2=J_~~}__cb~
8. ~]--~~.A0-Q~~-i.-----~-~J~?-CJJ~tzi~tf~tM+-Sf-~E~~~_.
9. [-1-~l.Zidiq&;-1dfL/LLy,tJt:~~~4!..________'z12Z:.:Uzl!:t1.~____Q~~~~
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1 O. [v)'-- ~----._----.__-~~-}]1--J:l.:-~o.'k~.::'C._f~~-il\:\:~\!..O{j~_'b,l-l-~~2:r,'2.__. ~
11. [ ]-_llwJ.L-:Jiy~__j~}!}~~f{~~~rf?!!.:._0k:~..:.1!:ll3:P.LC~Q~8;~
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13. [1-~{~~:!-..if2..__!~:!--~~!~~-1~___________~~A!1_~tlt{t'!i'_____~~~:?~~------
14. [ 1-.:L~f::2-~--{;}!..~-~itfi--s.~-..._!..!~-~--Q-~5-~-:~~~!..':..-----r::.~:~~::.-___~::..:.2__________________________
1:5. t)!f--~~~~:!Z~_.t:~~<J~_____9.?ijJ_~,,__~~!~_____L:~L~______:32l_~,r7~____-----------------------
/iN' W\.6L J l---' y J Y\-I S
iff ~ Co\. ~ .) \: IN" r i' '/
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cbeck Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. ~_edJ~_~o/-Ji!~l!1/Jfl~ljjftd!2~{::j2:JYAt3!3f(j
2. [.{_KQ<ful@~~~_J..g_'L~~!:.-?_-kwlL-51u..d_lC.l~L~_~!:.,~t~1~~~A\'L~~QJq
3. [vj_J~(LJ?a.-8L_li.'l~~~n.bJ_lbQJ.i?J!:t_j.J.1.~~~_'b~JD1~
4. []--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. []--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. []--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. []--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. []----------------------------------------------------------------~~----~---------------------------------------------
9. []-----------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------
10. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alafaya Trail Animal Hospital
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ITraining Area similar to those being
provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the City of Winter Springs
take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a part of the Winter
Springs PARKS AND RECREA TION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded hours of operation to
meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this Park be included as a part of the Central 'Vinds
Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room cannot be found
at Central 'Vinds then an altemative location should be identified as soon as possible.
city res
I.~ ;Name (p'int~ . _ Ad~::~" .' _Tel,'Phone. Signatu~e k'-
1. 11---Q~;.L~ OJ:L.i c..,~~LLD___t.2~" -'>-LCL(.r.:~-)~'.J.1LL.::r..______'-jijJ..:..'.:11L:ELl5]____ill':'f~__~!:-t;))~k1.':2__
2, 1v1--f:3J~-1i1~!d1:l!2X:__{f2~jLC.l:J.1!fj!Il!::1Ji'Y..1_Cr:___LjJ/.2ft!jS:I~~__~
3, rvf--~~Lf-L-~-----S=:~t:1-idl-,ij--~-------______j{'~~~_2:~_'?__~~:::'~___________~___________ ____ .
::k I ]--~-7--:JO-y--13C1iJl"--J21LdLW-.:c~tk;;?_~1:m~J21Z?t~L....231S:::~: _~'"
5. 1 v1--:JLlAl\(L-~r[M0-"k-------2fi'S:I~~b~~Q.Q-1----3wS-~~-~~~--t- J4p - _ ~/: -
S~__D\'\e..e" -\\t.\.."'\\A...-\\'. ~} '"""';(1
6. I vf---\-----~2-~:~J\L\.~~\~M~.! I __.:21.\\ ~~JJ.'1~_1.~l._~___~kLc.-21t.S_ ---~~\&nJ~Jill~J \
>f~): C>\) \~0\.\ \
7. IvF- ----- -.b.;.~.. _k.._B..I 9'2!!:L..-....jZf.LfCf<-iJ,..;f!1h#~....i7f;:;c~f..~..'!..-4Jtl1=-
8.0:1 i_____ ---- - ~- __ _' -q~~-.21!z..:2ji?:7.i..) ._~~~&A_:.__l(E!:.i3--2Z:f:~L.____
VI, (D . ( . --)
9. I v(~ -J .,,cy..LL -' m2..2..1:i....BLt;J......Lf:d"'-""~....1?c;....jld........'?..~".F..A!'.T..-:l-<;:2-::is..l-::27.3.
1 o. 11-i~h~-'f.~~\~l_1:~~~=~--~,\.:LL~--(:l-1!~1::ld.J..d:ocL---(:~~j-:.~ijL____~:HZ.L:_c:!..11~z..ZC:\1
II, I 0.."j;1,d-..m-..f\kJdf,Lor:L....ZS,:1,la..d:.tr_ciLLJ:::0-4..__j)lldf.:,.._..'3J..L;!,'J..::9'..zZ::?
12, 1-1-fu!2..e'1-....(3e-LL3~::t?:':i..-S..Q,.ClclJ~..J3..j.Y-cL::!..8L..DL:LQ;E\.dcL':1'Ql::..':L'l7...:~..iJ:~i
13, I v(-1~..~~1~l~....?.?:L~....-Lk,;1~4;..-1e<:l-~....Q.k:<c~......1{:21M ?:zf;?:
14, I Jr. --~.rz0:7--"..q..1~-&:..~~~~Q..~~~-~..~1~I~~!!!-~L ..- ..___.m~
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5. /vJ---------------------- __1 ~--------t-----------------------i---------------------~---~-7~-~- -;r-L.~--~~-----
Alafaya Trail Animal Hospital
\\le are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park IT..aining Area similar to those being
provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the City of \Vinter Springs
take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a part of the Winter
Springs PARKS AND RECREA nON DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded hours of operation to
meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this Park be includ~d as a part of the Central Winds
Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room cannot be found
at Central Winds then an alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
city res
Here Name (print) Address Telephone Si(Jnature
\, I ~-~L~___Q"_,m<~n________~2!t:.;'Ln"_8:!c'-b:_'is.________j>"Z:_dl<cJ:LQ.----~-f'~~-
2, I c{---&tl.f--;J"ef1k-'j------j-"'-L---Gc.==.ao..-'~----:tQ::L"5..:5::Z21L-~~-<:~
3. I jl___Q~~~^l__~_C~:~~~~~l:____~_c~~:_~~_~_~~~~_:?~__~~~'_~~~~--~=~=~:~~~~_~'~~_______~{'i.1.~w..G:tf..::L_
\ i r:~il, I I J_~<J~-"\-:)l.L-J::L;.l.J----_-_J~~~1-QJ1.2l'iL}~f\.\bK-~~Q.-----~C.:~.:1l~~).:__)_~,C)_z___jL-~b-.b~c-:t' t~_5;)~
5. Ivf-C:JJ{~~jj"O'Q._~~Xlb:1.~f..__~j3.~t(2~~~~~9(tl~I~.:_____iq1.:_:L&:5._:t~Q___&~~_~~
6. I r(-'_S.i&J____C~~------I{~-iLCc.adJ1tJ:b:'r1!.--frl-,------~2.-~~~SE]L---L--~~____
7 , I.i-Q'!=-~-:~::--:'::,-~~~:--~----:2.!t.?.L-~,::~!"__?!:.L____<8::,__J!'..EY!LL__rL_i:!.<.-:!..___
8,cc.1 vfJ~-~;.L--J~~L\.kl!?,:6!LM-"--------~~1:-):::,P-=-~\SJ--d-'~--ty_________ .
9, 10--~,y.Lb1..iL1.d---cfuj~--L]!1-\.AL.jx----::'kTd1d.:J.aS.3.-__J~IXf'_t1''-L..j__G~l.w'
1 O. I.V]-~~' '4-<-U(;~J--1b--~---G~!/jL~---13:Jj~-g~tJL~Z::~. -?~f~~-------~~:i yiPt-::!': :~ ~
it ,/, S tJ. 1/1"71 ~~ .~, C[ () '1\ {. tAn I.,: Ji)?1 {r--L -J.~7 L vr_(/f;uPct
11. I ~.- --------- - -- - - -- -t-_'lL_-- ~k. -...2JD1:;'1-1.[;!-t.L-.1l1~7-..:LL.!!ttk1:=:"-f_____..L-!:.. :. - J--J..tJ-J:f.-~- ~~~~
1" , 'I'.' r-- Y (J -::,l - -/. ..). \-1,( 2q,
12. rvf-J~:L\'::)__~_~-1~~----31~1-J2d:y:.e.{j:r~, -~~L-r~f\-":?L\n_U.._tJ.~_J~~i}_____'~___~.I.r
--u --~ - I 1 .
\3, I v(----SCl."j-mWL'w-\------J2~_1__t:l_,6.~~~>/.fu-J:L"-;J------nJn.----JMhirp,s11----
14. I "__~~~~_m~_k~.f2_'2____L~~_~_l~~~~_~~.:_=Q~~!~~.(__~~_,____~:t:?k::C_____~_t<<_::~
15. I /1__C_b_cL~tt1L___}J~llLf~_______Lj_Q~__HQ~~tcJ.._rCy[__Q~Lt~dQ_Jl_}~~&j__C6!!:f~~_l!!J..~i;:
Alafaya Trail Animal Hospital
We are ver1' inter-ested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ITraining Area similar to those being
provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the City of Winter Springs
take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Parl{ should be maintained as a part of the Winter
Springs PARKS AND RECREA TION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded hours of operation to
meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this Park be included as a part of the Central Winds
Complex Expansion and ,viII also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room cannot be found
at Central Winds then an alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
city res
~ ~ ~
Her<' Name (print). Address .<f1" Telephone S~atute
1. I~--- Wte~S:a.L~----1Jb_f.:1-1.,h_hl&L~Cu_____(qJB_:{g~_~ -- ~AL.__
2. ,~IdIk!.___.jJ2fd1fE~!L______.____J2f::____fl?L~~____
3. 1 v(--illrLfil:~f..----_L3_~7!..'i__.ijJj..1.f)~mtJ?~r..J;!..Cch...__J..1Z~cl2~3__-cp..~~~!d__
4, ,vj.aJl@--2cb~~----J.JQ--_V?-G0:l!:;j~{~_Q,._.________3.?0_:1<!.~X___---dwd!.~--------__
5, I vf-- \f1~-2J.g-'f.A-h.Lt0-t:k~L---~_~1_QHA:f~_~_~_.._:?_~~__.L~rY.?.____Kl: m--cf-d!.
6, v'isJl(SS'; LJ1~----.2..8L,*-?.~LI;cJ__tLLt2B.:fl!.LQ__. ~'10:::
7. I /] __.li!::.~__~~:-..:..~_~_.:::.':=___~_~__~_::___l2~~~~~~.:~:~:__~_::__-Q~~-,:~-~--~::_(~:~)..:~~~~2.:_~_~___________
8, 11)--~"i!;L.C-~i.gS.-.~~ZQL~~lj,-::P1,_.?!.;f-a..:.Q.b2___fl:z...20:'__Z~
9, l'/I---~y-~l'\,~---:3::~-~.--~."s.0t__Dj~,",~::.'0..7_ffj~~.L~$=I1~',~?::. =___
~ \. . ~i\ ~0v;'- 7- '2 t- 2.-' " (}1J:' _.
10. I vi -'QJ~L~~_--__-_L~----~11__~~~~~_~_LJJ5_!J{_L~~{__~__AJ{g4_~~~~:U_
II, 1~~---~-'P.)-!2--~fi:.J?-j~7,21__2_~]_~~_______
12. 1~~~~~~(M:g__~c2 e&&..' -C?----S3..5.--__dfrJl1. J1J.;f-^_-f:..Lf:;--L{.)..cflf-f--.f)9:f/2-"'!:.?fc
. I _ W6'7.::5 fC, 7-1, s: .~7('/i ... -'I
/, r(~r-rec)Q.' \ ll. . Q,dL)( hell/. /^; (S\. ~/'.-\ -\. .1. '~:.\Cr'O, \Ii.. eoJ
13. II/J-- - - _L~___ ___..;.11:1_ ---- ------------------ ,LJ.::.----)l____<..-J-72_DC_______Q~'_':3(.L, !~~
II . (Ir .- ~
14. I v1-~./ - I '--I ----~~d12f.lJ~---3~-U---Ca~rJJ~~-------~~~--{21Lj.{:LLIJ.Ji1---~-Q2i~!S:
\5, I ~}-..A:i~~:c:-":'Q~.?;,-"--~c::,~~9:.~-mS-~~-~-l;,-'1Y--(i,f.~&3Z)b
Alafaya Trail Animal Hospital
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park /Training Area similar to those being
provided in othel' communities (example design on separate page). We request the City of Winter Springs
take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a part of the Winter
Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded hours of operation to
meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this Park be included as a part of the Central Winds
Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room cannot be found
at Central Winds then an alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
city res
Hie Name (print)" ., Address.-" __' Telep~one Signature;,. ~
1. [ vf --l).ctI,.d.:0----~l.~:p~~h----.--,.lQl..~-)-:.(t::..~!.]-~lt.---c..Ct.&.Lc;--2.~.:______bdb_~_____
Sp-i2-I,\QJL.(L cl ~i(\4-k:(-Lt>V',~;:"') C) if
2. l)1--~1LCb-_C12a.i(~~__--~~~!~~~Ll~!.~_____~~~.2g_~0:~(~_~~!~~=~--c:--r----{~~~:~)_7.J.~l..~~7_?l:.___4'~~~__ "
3. I vi ---_!~~~(Q_[_12,~~!:!~~_______.!..!..J..J:~~j2_~~(_!2f?_~:_!~_____;}!:.?!i:L:__~L~2:!..f:.6..::f.~!..L__C__g#..~
4. I v1--&~B_~?e..'it..D.~_':!$~--___~_~_2_~~~'i~~~tQ:br_.__0_~~.E~:.__~S_?_l::<;"___:!.~?_l_~_g~E.?_:~____-:
5. [vt. =IC~ffiL-~(\R.~l~~-__Jl.fi~_~1tCD.lD000_~__1l~__OLfilQ06. -UJCb+[~~j~'ll~_b,};J
/l6eJ'>'l l<.,0Ilil/v1 ""
6. . I ~-J!.dI/.)J1..--~()-{..T~-----!./!.(:-?f?-~~ELf.!..--i2t/d~;I-__CL__?~a!Li1 ~ '
7, I "J---PQ;th---6Y{j~Jtn'L---1!;:llLEucJ~_!\.~lwl.l,__cLDy"j_(d.Q.,.__fL,,_______'f..~_~11?:1
8. 1v1---b..:PhJ.4z:S-k:?L----J[(ilQ--c2(_<;..k-.LL.b(:Q=okfdc_Q!!..~/:dQEL_0, _.;.;;)5z-l.
9. [v1-~d~1;L-(JLIQ[(di1ta--JQ9~-~83iCQbJdI}_C.t~__G!i_f>..J(Lr----
10. I v1 ~t:Ll_~~biLl_~___L~LJ_~~~g~~JQ~L_~~Q___Q~J@_t~_______~-______
11. Ivf---12.~!l.D~-fu-K~?______:~_~_Q_J~~__~K~__~_~_c~__0_c__D_~;Q(fg___~____;~90':!!i-!J~
12. Ivfjltd&::Lli""~~he---3.;i-:-.Lt.;i!:!i!~'c1LtJ'c~L,,_____________ii,j'J.~_h
13. I vf -~f1.\!J{L.Lc..b~LJ.~------S2.k-Y.{~ll2i'..'l~n.kLC____Q),/.J~J~_______--__.D.r~......~L '--~1.~~~!::_------
r LLI r. t/;tl/. 'D' < 11/. en,! "0 /1 I. l/l.-If. '/r- /f VIO A.l . , \. ) '1 (//~r-1
14, I JJ-----~--"t-UVJl,.- ~----------- . f-- "I-~JTQ.c'-W.f3<~5-'L:-L!-:---lu..L---- -. , -(l-1--:./t!I.J:L'""
15. I v1-K*1~-_l-(:L~h~\.1t-_-_1lP-~2-C.cU1--:19~D.._l-O.l-Dt1cClQ-------a---~
Alafaya Trail Animal Hospital
We are very interested'in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to those being
provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the City of Winter Springs
take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a par.t of the Winter
Springs PARKS .-\ND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded hours of operation to
meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this Park be includ~d as a part of the Central Winds
Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room cannot be found
at Central Winds then an alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
city rt..s
Here Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. [~-!JfJ)Jd-1I.:.J2fjIjL2___lL2.!/i2.3.._5ZQ/Y.k:../;Lt:tlL_j)i:..:f)JJiJ._Yi2Z:.a2j~lfS::
2, I ~\LJ.l1lfLy---------J1!.]JlI4f2-1!5f-/ftlf4R'-!F.tz__f~l!d!~~!?f__~_~4l_~_______
3. [ j----------------------------------------------------------------------______________________________________________
4. [ ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------_____________________________________
5. [ 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. []-----------------------------------------------------------------___________________________________________________
7. []---------------------------------------------------------___________________________________________________________
8. [ 1----------------------------------------------------------------:.-----~---------------------------------____________
9. [ 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------____________________
10. [ ]---------------------------------------------------------------------_______________________________________________
11. [ ]-------------------------------------------------------------------_________________________________________________
12. I ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_________
13. I ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------________
14. I J--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15. [ 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------____
f1} I Iv -!- e f ;; r r I JIJ') J j/ e r a./~ i~ q I- '/ L /1/'7 / C
We are very interested in the'development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible., The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cbeck Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. ~;~::t~_<l!l_~-Cq~9f ~-~lfdz-ab
2. 0 rft'zl-~TL$..'l..t._-L.Jj/L('<!-tJ:.L___!:tJ_YJ.lj.!::'~
3. [)~ffE ~ JutJ~-~IDd~~
4. [] ~L~CLG:1~iL_GZLJ2~~=,~~:-~~~O~~,_~~:~=-
5. [l' '-- ------ --~-~----
6. [)~ ~ hD ~tJ ~:':::!'<:::~-+ w ~~~:"it~...i012~:!;!.~d ~
7. []C//4~:7JJ.Hllld~,z:J/! !(?(.if1:;:-s..IiJL_~r12L::).
8. []~-t!~{eJl~I.+I!JLm-~rJ3I~W$
9. [ _'\Q;." _~~~~ .~ -ID1'~f_J~ _C~
10. [ )--/lktLfL__J:!v..tf2z.?d...2.JLChrill!;~.:J)._5;J] -:?_l1!L_'lLl::~
11. [1~J6Li\~~Pj~~- 1__-1'::/.5 ~ ~ u~ff_.-f:~(J.i: 6<~~R'O~
'SAQ.A,^- MDRKiSS-\' 90 S- SEGue I",A- OtL_ Lr0[(.~16~~~~ Fe
12. [ ]-------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------~-------
13. [ l-(). )fJ~JA __t2~~ E _____ /0 /d..__Io i __2~f.~__~_~___.:!1E..~~S~____F:- ___~_~ :0.._ 8,_______
,..__ ' W r~'\J icrc_ '5:f'J t2r:\J G:,
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VJ,r/Vc} 5frlVJJ5 .!/efeIiJrrAtJaY CIJyJ,l'G
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The.~arkshould be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA TION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's ~eeds. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cbeck Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
L ~ ~~~~~~~~~~
2. []~KIci~__:fo~~Il-_~~~~a.,Jli1f.";;LL~~~1
3. [] . g_&~___...L5.Q_-.G__-1~~~~1?l--1.4-cQ-bCjcz.2d:~72~~
4. [] :Ko~lld.~ ______!~_~~E_UlS.:tL~'::----iJ9-?:2E,:?I?~
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S. [) C" r _O~ IJ .YlfL_lf1 ~~ Gz.!'!J-I-!!..i31:..7 D].J.!?E 1-7 !!.kJ. "-
6. [) ~ h~5-E2LfJJnm_J~3?:7f~3~ / .~
7. []/',~ cJn11103~_aP:9:.C5lJ.~E ED. ~~2-7D~_~~7~d
C\ f\ \1 ~
8. []~~_~-vt...~lQ.\J4IV1L~GLM 3]?1.~fl:..ll'7..;. 7 m
9. [] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10. [ ]-
11. [ ]
12. [ ]
13. [ ]
14. [ ]
15. [ ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
r; W~ l' CI3l1v ,J;(t/e- t
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leal Dog Park rrraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA TION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Check Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. [ +_jJl-tJ.t&.~!J:}L6_M!!l1fL_3.i'.!:.-'LLIti!L~!?fc:.!-..~__!!..4i_'2LZii:L'E.?.Jql.S:-i.2.!..'t':z!i~
2. [1_LJJL~_L)~b.jj.L~h_____LQg_~__SS:<l'1~~-'J.Li..~_(}L~iLJ.:~LLi~_2l7i.t$:_____~-{/.:.f(l.
3. [ IjJ2rmnJnJ~y!)~_~_y_____~~_,~j_~~!::~"::'0.,_..tJi..?5.Llh..~~I~P-J].QLIo::~~~:~~!~-d
;) '. ;:t:Pt1.iJ!!iilf/i.
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4. [~_~_~Lj_SL~_ll~1!~__ ~ti:L______LJJLLLt__ _Ji~J:L~~_~~____~~_~~-L~~__________~__
, \...J
5. [c.fLfgfl~.&id{E.e.!-fZ'L$~/~_~_.Q&..@,q2<?..z~52z?,At
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6. [..f--~{-_V.~""-(.4_L-_~-:'-_~--.f.;:;...-__.:.z::::.-_.:#~-:.J..L.::------f:L_--t.~1-.!.______:.;.\;'_':.:!..!.._Ll::.....::__.:::..::__~j"".L.t.-c.l~,.,
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7. [~~______~~____~~~__~__~_______~_2__2_~____~_~_~_:____~-~~~-r---t~~LJ-~-2-~-7-t:~1~~~~i-J-~-L:2---------~~-
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10. [+J~i?:_~_k~.EJ_____~~5::L?.:'_C.'::'j_~_<:O::~_~t-lQ~-fLl>1l_b\!-_:l,l~l,L_:t::'4~
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12. [ I.J-bJ!Lf'L);pEiYLtLlLJ:.D___3.fQ_9._ibJJJL1LI!:.?fltJ.J_f:I_izi0..1jj';;:
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\/l) .~) .~'-- ;c)
79&1/11 V (. eu.I1/,'j /1J1fI,vlPl. \ .....1{Y1/C
Wi: are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park rrraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cbeck Name (print)
1. [ ~__'L~__~i~'1____~16__~~_~~:._~~rd__:}1.JJ1___3Q2.::.9S1I_~ j-~~--
.-- . '. 4u1 ---)
2, []___J_Q{Ll0.ru...C~-~-___Y.,._Q_(iJR2Ll1JdJ.l:'L~tJ.i1L1K~.tra-6_:?::-2~tq!i~~.::_J2L~~
3. [J__LLE!l!.U2LJJJ.Q..,.lf-ML.lL<l.'l}:~~~i0_:f9.rt.l:_~,c:ll~~LJ.iJJJJi!:~f.2ftJ!!f.LJ.~1_~ 2
(\ fl. ~ r ~ ' . Sn ' , J "3 -., c; -,'
4. [~---~&- -~j-~---------Jl~LJ~2-.Y-r;lQO.?l-d.--------11~tw..Q;L-1-----.:-_?.-::..~~~~
5. [vj__~~~___l~9-L~.2~__~______Ch~_~~h____~~~:..~~~__
6. []__~~~~____________l~~___Ei2zl_~~E:~_~:r.:______~~~_~~_~_____-----------
7. [/]-~-f.1~':1~--~k~~&~---3-e]91j~11ffl1QJ-rr..~-----1-~:.d..q--;--{-__~_~;.7..~;.!-
~. YO 7 - ?:k~ - \ '0") .3
8. []~~~~---k'1;:.'d-C\Ch~-Lt..---lli5f-C@-~~~c"
9. [vj__J:ghb!~_.Thlkr5____..222:L~1J2~~__PhtL.Q.._edQ._3Z10~____
10. [1J-Q~b2_r:P-__GQ.!.~_l1k______LrrLf..k,L~____~~Q~~_:2::::11_t~:::~ '
11. [,1]-/Il-!Jr-f2j.Ql~~_)L"!?JLc.'f._C:__.E~_&x..L:2.2'j[:-_?:__12i!..L~:dq_J:i-2..?::.Zt...~:::..rr<
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12. [~J)L2LC/2fjJ;LL_~_iJ..t~~f:.___!..L~<t..:!.._~':lil!f{R{;:?_E~'i_~~~~~:~!_~(_~/I~~~i.'l~~~:____::'~~L_L::'!ljL:lt.7~
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15. [ /JJ.iKJ.5__ __!:'<::{k._____~1L~.!E!]:2~__~~.:.J~:~1~~~CL~J~-'-'- t
1~ lU 1'\ ~ e ~ t.l ra i ,. '/ l/ e --r
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park rrraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. T~e Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cbeck Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
.... q It SJuol fI ~
1. [)(JJ:!jjY;L'i.s~@I;:JL--&:!J.r:P'Ql~:::.----------------'i.P..J~~-r!..~~!:!:.~A~dZ
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3: kJJ:~I."-l.:-i~~-"'::"'c':2--=-"-~tL~'lli-~ttL_LD5~[[l(_lliJMTI)1.j:~~
4. J<1---~~?-~~~-~tLt~~-?~~---~J~Q--Q.~{L-f;lt(C.-II~-~---~~_~~~_~i0:__.j_E!:__~2.7p..k__jt!..Z:;J~f:;:~_~ i
5. 1<' ] _Ji.A.[/r.f:!1__M~!Lf!.__11f~il&&~'-'!:__~7!:!:__t~":fi!..!!..:I-_fi_3.2-1tLrf..__f~Ll..~~~:..lf:2.j
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6. []---~--~-~T'~~-~~~:-~:;~~~i --JO~-i:~~: -.j----~:~:~~~------~eL:~~
7. (xJ--j[uek!--ll----------~-j,--Jt.1----cC:__~____.-tll------------J2&::-~-----~--
8. [X] -&--/(El.R.i3..I.'.M----2..kk_llL~1ff.li:__&~LolL5..__lic:.._4.itu..LT.diE.!..--/i1~2.:3..{.:~_:tl_'l.!L___~!~~ ~
9. oob21{s--lid&itd__?,_7;:_?:-.._{(u~gj~J.e"_()_~_..7J..c~__a.f:tf.I:h:~iL~'r~.Ej ~c.:1.:2f..s..:.f.l..'t!i:__~~~~
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12. [l<Jl::,.!:l-_JS.Ltl!!:~~i!E..4--1_Jd_!!....6Lw.::J_{Ld/;___'i..~_2:_~_f~?:~?.!.~__~!!::~
13. [ ~~~===-~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14. [ ]------------~~~--~~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
, ,,(otL/ ,
~very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park /Training Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Check Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
~ ~ ~
1. [1<I__~_~_~___liI~:::::!_~~:::.___q}2:.~______'?qZ:,~.!c:.-:.?.!:.t----~K..1/ffI
2. r,J__~_t.(L0!_ijk~=____2.!;L;"Z"fg3DLQ:;!I&!-~:?--sl-Q:Y.tL-~'?L1M-:qfj.t?_liJ).,bi;;<,\
3. Lx] __CG.i~H!.11mJ&d.tjLjfJ-€t~--'J-'i.....1.8..,&,-j21z2!1C'..a::t6-.c-i::.-Q.4.~h---fgZ2.&~?.z~---~
4. [)Il__~!~~_~!\_lli}t~:.~.f~~St--~~---,,--,,_--1~2=~~~_0,~~~~j--
(2 " WtL( V~fR-IN b 5 ..'.
5. []J3.!._!:..__2!_~E~~~_':!..__!'~I},,}.__~-:~~-~!:-_----__i::J:'~:'~~--------~
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8. M1!-~-~-~~-::------jfJ-l-~-~~~d--Q~:~:-~L~~-t.~~~~~~---~9~l=-~-L!-~~--?-~!J---~-r
9. N_LhM..i~_J~lj.Lfl._-_--:iJ,,~2~.b.M~~D-<;~12.~~o-:~2),1:_7..:tf..:f.1-1:~'J{
, ~ ~
10. !1-] __C2~A'1~~~S'..___~=-~:"L..~.!.!..t'2::=---~-{-:..-!..!i.~~--s:.L----<?::':l-~:-!}_f;?__EJ;;c___;;'_:.~_7.!:!..~~!..~_'3:._.!..~~~:::.~!~J.?(.
11. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13.' [ ] --------------------:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14. [ ]---------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1:5. [ ]---------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-fa-rUn ~ Ce /;t//l- -tJ.. '/
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park rrraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex E~pansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cbeck Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. ~;_ R c b<:( LC ,,-~0':2-_!!.O ~0{~:.:.:L~:,.~~~~!.~}L_l~~2~2~ 't( =-_!y~
II "J C'. , '.q , /i r; tic' C1 ^'"vi I ., t{, /jf; ~j
2. [)~IJll}_JJ!p'_(lfr.~JlL1L0pJ.11f-Jl:J0L_~2L':L7'i:~i~~~
3. vf. /.ll~fO iI. ___;;2!iL0d$1ell..(Lilf!JI.!!-2LIrLil.f1~!EJ -!!l!.:!:..!!:~?.2. -' --fir!}
~ '\ t- vJS~L- ~
4. []:~~~~~~\ +--C\.ch. "12' -Sf-1t9-~1-~~~~~~-ub. --~!-~~-;.' lJ-~:'~=l~~1.ludD.~~~d-{Zi' r~~-0^'~\
(\r ,~vlut L:"'"" ~, / ,-); ,~ \ ') VL-t.'\...C f\,( I l III ,,11 :.( -(, / I :3). (' c'! 1 :1-i1~ L, "
5. [] ---------- ~~ ..... -~~-~-- --7" -------:-" ;:----t,l\;..J..I.J._.J::.::L..........;_ 2__ - - I, ;;.- '-
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(j J).1' /\, /14-- A f., LJr, .p~! (":r1l'1 " r:J7 L ,\. ~&. I' /,' J '''-...
6. []_i:1~_~~_~~~__iJ_L_________~~_________~~_~_~~~_~~__1-_~~~~____z=_~__:~:7_~~__~~L:_~~___J~:t-~~_~~1-b.
f . I'd ~(;7" Q ~
7. !J~.1Jl:-:b:L_U ~uedJf&ctJ.1t.lli:etlj)_~~_~i'1L1d~JP-~
8. (4. fL~~_.J,2_J.LD.2~~~ !eJ.:.o~lh'_~~::~~
9. [vi- '-T CC (1 ~ c:[1\~~_ \~,~q~~.! r~~~~,'5'~'::t~_~ i=2<irf:..~~
10. [v)_~~J.(~___~_?C!!!__~':3:~jf!:L~#Ef5.~~~~~!J-J::::~~
11. [~'" r- ~~~__fi.L~~2.2:;.L'!.iil-J!!&~
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12. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13. [ ]
14 [ ] ----------------------------------------
. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
15. [ ]
Jc.mtn-I/<'" /1--4I(,1IS f'}1lm"tl j-ICJfIT,,1
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park (fraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cbeck Na_~e (print) 0 . Address Ot;; eel(.) Telephone Signa~~re
1. ;~-bLrrll~l:1 (LL.J Q__21Y?:2Ji~rrL~~L,___ ;<lu1:Jl2~~?02!_____C~~_
~7.~h~...I. L \ '\ t. ~_ ~.. J I ~\:lfd[) r-r\, ~ /r'\,
2. fv{~*UJt:-",-D(5L\U.Lf::-.._L~__~h\-}jJ1i~~\J_e_______g~~2~~~~~~t'i3..L______~~J~LJ.._
3. d_H1e.c.=~L1fj!l2_:iL"ZLJ_ro'=f4-(:J-.dt..J1lf..':j-,-j&2tl!X::2c?::~. '" r;{.<;;: -'?,
4. []--__~~-~---Lld..'Lj)j)&j~---M~4zcipX2.:L:f:i!?::.21/,,!- r~
5. []~:St2..~'f14i!.lA;''''''J-_-'i.&.!LkcLLL;L_-~{1LJ2YL-,ipcLU!f5--Y2.U!tQ:-"8!..:t~
6. [] ___b~~~j:q_~2_-f-2________~_~2___fY..~~_~~:,:,___~~:___~~~~_~.;__:r..':~:':"::_:::::~!.~__L~
7. ["l--.it.dn_~L.~;::;'__@2d2,-&kS;U~f-0.~~_"::_~=~_ ( ~u22!=:!::=-'?3__S~j~=t~ ,Q
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12. [J]--b@~_____~_(j-'~f.:~_____&1t(v~11f11[CJlHit~2f~1f:;_2.~Jji________I2~9.--------.-~~--
\_ .. . . '-= . I I loa.. \-'ox'h~~ ~ ~~_ ~?-OJ,
13. [J ]_r.lL~~\.O::~_______~~. _Ca_~. -----~~..r..C.rEb~c'r\.efl.~~"~... ~
J-. . " b3J~QO~~~,Oi~z., ~'~i -13(00 'r
14. [ J----~~~JIt~:dJL~i:'"C-----~~J..lJ..i-Q..c-~.}2Cl-C?=J2--~fL~~~Q---Q2-~~:-~~~~--
15. r4u:lU.ob~L~-ILL'L~Lk!2-j4-~1,;,kI1J'MJfJ6i{{J+-.&]l(g:l.s..:331..L~
Ii I/t lm-q" / HI. S /' r~ L
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEP ARTME~T, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's r,eeds. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cbeck Name (print) Address Telephone r ~;ature
1. ~~~L01k1.-l~Ui~~:YQlf\Ll'^LSL~~~~2-~--~
1. [~~~~lQ'1.~D~~~1___~:::0-11-:D'(.l~
3. [] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. []--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. []
6. []--------------------------------~----~------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. []
8. [] -
9. [J
10. [ J--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11. [ ]
12. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13. [ ]
14. [ J
15. [ ]
-r" I
:5' e/Y)'\- I rr~ 2.
Tft. ~ I j.s
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA TION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cbeck Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
&1 ~-
r \ J,1l . D ~--( c----
1. [ i ~[O __ _~..LeJl~L~Q.L____~~_.l_~l~J}J?I~_~~~19~9_____~~2:.i~_~:"1_7_:J~_~-c
2. [)(]-R'11~fkJ~g~._Jd?L;'LCP-:lk~~~!1..'i2.db.:k'-r~~P..DJ..b____- .~
3. [] p, .l/.9 !:Y...L& _1iLL~~10..L.Y ;.JLJL.lL2:;.t.1. - ..
4. [oqJ{'~~lml~~~___014_4::~QJ~~J1!0jLnJ.JLJ}J~L~JL~
5. ~:J..__Lv_~~~___ ::rdJS.{}g~xQii2.o~i.5;-tJ_!1.Jl:lk.d-PaLLtLW1~ L7_~
. f ' ( (
6. [] [~\ilil{qar;.l1m'jj~_3L9_~Q..tic~J&~_6-_~7gr_G.~'tlL . ~
7. []
8. []
9. []
10. [ ]
11. [ ]
12. [ ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13. [ ]
14. [ ]
15. [ ]
/f~ 0 ot~ IV cty ,1#'1~a / I-/,~ f/I fA /
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cbeek Name (print)
1. [] ,JD&"\ 19l~cJf~~J)~i(!~l.AL~'4..!&Llli::.M~~::: -
1~11 ,r;~ L0 (: I f 1"'1 {-r\ ; (, Ii ('J/( ~. ~ : IV I .~' ,l...,~:~,.c:-; (~ / ')__.:..-,_\,.dv :' '-,-(."
2. [P1~------~------~i~7-~---~--~------~~--~----------------~~-------~------~~--;---~-~-----~-----~---~-~------~~)(,
..." '-' i.- .
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6. [] ~~?:u~..frP._'2!.3__tY!.!-~__j!!I_~1!.:e~~~~
;, 'd.'~I)J#II/a';? j:1, :ftP(;:/ ()1,I{?~4> d /f1j7.)/ '
7. [j , /-~/Jl:J~--:-;~ ~7. --~j-Fi~- J
8. [ V] _ :-, \;L.~ll.'::1.___1____.....::..~______zjg_V2._~___.L/.f~LJ.._~&___OJ!.~_~_~:.C:. -- .L:!.:"_ ~ _,--:e.' --- "-
,V__ . ~~
9. [~~~0o, J~eLQfYec___d94J.-L~JL-m___!:-1~--Q-~-:~s.~~---~di~'4Jf:.
10. [.(. \) ?\.~,~) __~~i___~~~~~~~_~~.c':..~-2fs:~~l).~__~___ (}L~
11.[~ I.Q~\~~~~~~~~\~~-~~~
11. [i~ 5.&L.E;.LZ.j:!2_h.!l{::l:;.t..C!:...ffiLIffY2p.L~U -
13. [~i1.i!e~l~~gc.. ~_______L?.~ Hu()ffl/J..'I-_ Cc.__pr/4r-:fb__f L:..___~.. _~.'-- .
. ,.en . (rrn er _ ; - /). ~ (l(~l)-')S~-~~' .1
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14. [V].. .~ -- ,u.____~----- - -~--llJ..:/'1.-4J.~-U.;..:.--L-L---u:i-----\:.L~..f::1------4-LJ.:i:~
15. [i{ D"=\C-tL:l.:aS.C6- ~1(D1tJ~fJ.3- ~l0l.Q2~C\-.fh~~
,4'", 0 . ./ tv :y /l1tI nn q j /1- J ~ I / q /
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park rrraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's ~eeds. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Cbeek Nai~~int) Address II I . , . Telephone Signature
Do, ~:'c-;(/~ -2Jr--L /11& Ifrh()rg/~~'f- 1!;bGP - p~~
1. []- _________________:::L__________________________________________----------~--~------------------------------
ljJ/U/6 1/ I]/~'sh/ // !14Yr'~ . 3t~>?f;;2?/ }!:/Z?zY:-Y 7 c 7'~
2. [~ ------~--------------------------------------------------------~-----~-------~-~----~~~---------
f ?Z. !1" .. - . (!. {J /I; ''/0 F L '1 77 /j 'It
3. [V] --L:. () 5 &. 1~_____~!;!::!:1_J..!_L:k.._____ ~~~!.. 7 ___~/{.:...r...!2~,C.i.1:J_---.!...!~:;.--22.2/;..5:-------CiJLi~
4. [I~~~-==---------------------------~~~~~~~ ------------
5. [1.a~~.Lt.W.L't_LZ.a.-f t(~~J L:.. 0r:/IS.!3...?!:.2..1-_~
6. []- ~ t'.. O~ 1l:?'____l:-J 19P---':t---~-:-V;t~lMi ~--r-r3'f1bT--------~~
7. [~ a~e..o---fL~L-:k5-L}.s ~------- ~~P{L_.lt.!__________!:1l1J~5:LYbJ-----------
8. [.{~~~J_ q~~~f."'L1.~~-l!!}y---j!J.~ J~J~~;~:~~
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9. [VJ~L--lli1. ...I4-~l'!:::;---- _t.___________U.J_LUL.J-lllQ...l~---~-~-- -L~__,-1.k-~----.D
10. [~122&~~~MI;\CL----1.2J--_xL.QQL,--:K,.::t15~*---
11. [vf \ Y\ r\ ~ l w _~L'\JllJ..tt__Cl2{~CL~~9JlLn~-4-QUe..__m~1CL0..TfL-3Z.KC~--1'E-lli~~::fr
l1. [~kL&~~-lM~JfJ..J11-+-r.!.QL-SM.JL--~~.u..s--:g-~;
13. [ I","Yc(ilv~'D J~~'?.._ 4f-__~ i5 !.Dr<..~~ei.,tj.:.:.' ~Stri !!.~~t!-~/~-
, . n
14. [1- -1l6 clJ.r.!.E3i.JlLlri-d?..-C.k.i!.fi!.:1}!"----t~::..----~..:zf_j--
15. [~ !I1/L.J{ A _LLL~<:B :Yi.Al4jLVLijf.i.1.i:llJ~327i2) --
13ro{)/d w~y fl/J;/fl~{ GLtn/~
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park ffraining Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as' possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
~. .' ~
Cbeck Name (print) Address Telephone ~/ Signature
Box ' \. ;jj'\
5 . S' . f, <,
1. ~_.:._I{~_~_,-__~_~?l2___2':L':!.~~~~~_E_~~:~_~~__Q-'!:~_~~:!~:?_i ~.:.p- 4-
2. [-<-ji5i:\Le.~LLltR~sr1MS._Jdl12JiE.Nl1ELS.L_Q~.if.I;2{L3ML:Q.lvj~Q--,,-0lt~~\iif
3. [v{.l[tJ[~{l!~~~~~7-"~~::~~.(~Q!:.-tj}-'--~:"~~~~J-I~,-t?-Z~L1..0-'?~~~~.:.~~?2lli~Stf,~
t.;\if'>hDj'o. \A't{iinJ- :J'~ DI\ I -,.J.+ i"'\' i)i jim1'\ '12'/' rs I i')<1_ '7(~' - 2'(\1
4. [ ..fJ ~L_LL~l.L _Lt.._X_\l_ _jlLL__",J..L.L_ .Jl1k'.LD..LL.l..Lt__6-'_"__~~LV__.:2 _.Lt.1~...._____:LLL_:J.':.O.Le__..;-21L_ --
~"" ('10''') /~ ~.
5. [.r---;~~-l:k&~:--2:Z.J.-LG:"?-'U4- '_cb'i:i.f-____D.J:~d:L2]2:::Lj).,L~~
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7. [.v1i~h9~~~v:n.l0L1kfJ.Q,Dd_J_L__Ct2_(~~_j.D~~J~~~~__~::~
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8. [-r .!..,;-~~~~I....-:b-\Ltl.tt-- ;:;__________LL"'\.'[.\1'Ly____~_~~-- L!l::ilQ_2..-<! ~i~~_~"-?.J:L_____~_, I
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9. ['V J _I-t"~;jl ~-=-~\..2-_T~v..\.!.UL~.:...---_-__-..LLW-lw-~ ':':l.L\",.;.",-,-_~.L._y..x.L~\..L~_-L:I.__'::..::L:~ __L~_": ~
10. [~~4q:~-G~----~~~!:.---~~~~~:?E.~~~~:X--{!~-J--<2-~~!q~?.~-_!..~2~::_~~~
L-.cC{ /(;ht// /J[.(i ~/;;a l;;-"//t lil-\i~ {l\./ik t'J( );tfN S.J,)/OYi~:/:)57JJJ!-+-I
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13. n--' "~a~~~6tr.]J2~3-lJ.jb_51[2BbdD-jJ--3.~J2------
14. vf.11l'l.tj~6___QQ_Ld.:!.Jl___i2L~fL~Sj-&3.---f111:!i-+Q.iJi:..t2(L-FJ~-----
15. [ 1--~1.-I.:f.)~--------------::2:t~.Jl~~t,;L.---.cLlLt1iL"=;)t~--~------~-------------
I)". tQ ~ JuJ 0... Y It W tl1ll ~ / flit.I II T ~ /
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park /Training Area similar to
those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the
City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a
part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DKPARTMENT, but allowed to
have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Check Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. ~_;{..dJ/:LI2_;J..-L__?3X_~d~.l:.__[]LuJfL~12jL5!P-L~P
2. ~-~b..~Lf-dL-~------.?~%..--5.ki51---crr~____~f~~_.zIez___~II!!-____----
3. [ -f--lL!l..M--J2!Y!,D-.J..L----BL17..1JjL?Z.----0:.~-flQ.2:df5:._@~tW1
. .~ ___ 4c/3t:<5' 0cU.JL. / .
4. [v1---?A.b-~:LRt-;;~.Q1_J.~_<d.:'___~_~~1\!ifE1ili1/l1O.t2_1..iL__'tll!.Wi_~f1.---3-~J-L-1~:'~4jv--
5. [1_l.LrL5.Qn.fQ_d___~_2~_'I:.'!::=::__:.....~Y.._~~~_~~:..~:'^.:2~__cb.J:#L-----
6. [~31t-GJk~.e~~---~Jg-::r.mii~9~~~~.d9..~3-S2Qjg~--
7. [vi-~~J:)-PL~4S.rill!..;;;_~.JUu..o..zrM.-?!!.'!!!!.-4iz13-'12:t!.(1
~ 'J . d jz 1 ' Ii '. ,yo 1-315-/~/~
8. []-'~!:.'::..-k!,.:r!:-~'-~--------3~f-<!..::.-I2!!:!.J!!,ci&;..p!Ljt!~#----!:!.~~_J..'!:'!..!L ~
9. [V].fr~~t__J~l_li~_~_~Llk________PQQ___21___b:t~__~~_____Q:J~~.2.--8~----~~t!!~;
10. [J]_~_L'_~::]S'.1..&.G~J..~_J1;QL__L1~Q~1L~E.__(J.i.L_~_f~_0:~~!:~~~~!!
~ =-k/1;J/J l/i /I -J.J) /)~('~ L~"//l
11. [ ]-C~~n;-~S~~~~+i-~~~j~~r ,~-@~
12. rJ----D-cl.Q.-----------------------5i2--~.l-~:DtL--kLt.--- u JjMj
13. [ ]~\.~~~~-\LU-~1:i~-Qt~'l~J~C----Y.Q.}j-~~Q~~.st--. &J.~f~
14. [ ]]).c,\J....)r~__Cf~'2e...____tr::i:1['1..jP..<1.\.2_.::i1.____.:iJ:..1:2~5_::.l!.,:Q2i ~,a;:Jj~;b!{~'"
15. [ JJ.'.:lI..--~J44.J;"'JL-./l.JLJd.QJ;.il:Liti,Jg-k----"j21:-t.jj,:j.t.d.t:L-;ltl/~:.fI
Alafaya Trail Animal Hospital
We are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park (fraining Area similar to those being
provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the City of Winter Springs
take action to develop this Park as SOOI1 as possible. The Park should be maintained as a part of the Winter
Springs PARKS AN 0 RECREA TION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded hours of operation to
meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this Park be included as a part of the Central Winds
Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room cannot be found
at Central 'Winds then an alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
city res
Here Name (pl-int) Address Telephone Signature
I ~l!_dlilfA.'I---_m__J1..y..&tIlt:f2.f!1r-lft_~ff~!fL~J!:'!.!~f__l1.;L4!:_~_______
[ ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
r ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. I J--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. [ J--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. I 1----------------------------------------------------------------~-----~---------------------------------------------
9. [ ]-----------------------------------------------------------------___________________________________________________
10. [ ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------_____________________________________________
11. I ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12. [ ]--------------------------------------------------------____________________________________________________________
13. I 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14. I ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15. I 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
~'~.. . ~ c. \~c./
~,j\ j,~ <'.(-1' ~(,/
j We the People of W;nter Springs are very ;nterested ;n the development nf an Off-Leash Dog Par~
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a 'part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the community's needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part ofthe Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signature
1. 6.Lb~l>.:!:r.!~'J.:U,Qj~-1a.lk...,:_k~_'fu'b~.l!!..LL:l~':L4,
(lr"'L,'./J.. . (' .L ~ .. JL h1j' 1/017- .., /
2. i:2Lt.l.4"U[.P~!l-lQ':'~Jdu1iJLIj_lh~c.r_~L:_~.$~!- J.JJ'.i.I:1-- . 2~f2~L14(ju.=.;.1:J~Ltd__ I
3 -\ill.'!S~..1M9i!'U[!:L?,,-~.QIlB1J.CI.!2J2..~~H.3ilT:J2.-_ ~~___
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4. kLild1-.&gltill._~_~<<?j'1:ink'-..i:1d:.;14gj?_t....lL2.j'?"7ELU:HA..~ ~
5 lli~]_C"'-LL~_l.t:('_-~~~';:~-~,,-_1._st_Q1:_L~~:::''o.._~_~-':..?_.t..Q''--v~ u/ I> .
. " " /." /
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6 .:.(a:"-::C~':.':'L~-L';.~'l~!:.:'~~---:!-::'.:.~_~~__':'';;.?:.V:::~'3:::L__li_,-_,,-_~;:r;::::~.;.d:::2--Z:::!..'::.Z i/j ,_' -,_ '-j
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7. ::Yl1L~~~_ri9-.o_f.;..6i:M"-if.::i.lJ..hJiMM:{ (1).27S-c
-j ,
8 ----------______________________________________________________________________________
9. -------_________________________________________________________________________________
We the People of Winter Springs are interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog P... Page 1 of 1
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Orf-Leash Dog Park fTraining Area
similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the City take
action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a part of the Winter Springs
PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the
community's needs. It is our desire that this Park be included as a part ofthe Central Winds Complex Expansion and
will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not b~ found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address. Telephone Signature ~
flrD__ QL_ ~_~___.B_'?_~___~~_~__~__Q~~ J _~_~_~~_:___~9..J_::_g77o 3 0 S . r
~~ '~~-------------------------------------------------------------------
--~~. -----~------------------------------------------------------ "
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-~.....='~-~,,:J ---.-----~~---!..1!_-'{:~..I.d:.J.f~4--LI!..::f.-....~-:?2.'J----~--=----___________ . ! .
'__..U_e:?"~./._ :.':.~~i'L------Ll::uLh.LLj..Lc~c!:rLcC'...~___________.r-------_:1:--- (-~~_>ll) I /l ~"
_i-.k./ 1{-Ji.:.t:.L?I!..i. rJ fl~~~c.-.1.1..f.J.._k4!-E.dts---tLL-a2Y./..'{lU~-tL-iPl-J0. / )W-1~fi 1iJ:J2;.~--
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-~l~~~_Kl.~).~~-(fL::.&--~--L-.9.----L-----~. ------:l----~---. --T---T------s.~... . -' r. /
~L-'\\,U'(\t--- ;'.H~v, '''''l(\~.' "'\11'"(;011'" (~'!J ~'. l __\V,:';-"'''\ _~)'y";1'..1,''f;/.j/Ad.~
- ----------------~-J--------- ~-----.--t-~------~---------~~~------JJ-----..--~~~ ( v '~
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~
Back to Previous Page
I . ."O~ ... ~ '''I'-H..':>ll,.,U W llJ\;; ueveJOpmem 01 an Ull-Leash Dog P... Page] of 1
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park /Training Area
similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request the City take
. action to develop this Park as SOon as possible. The Park should be maintained as a part of the Winter Springs
PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the
community's needs. It is our desire that this Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and
will also provide a non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as SOon as possible.
Name (print)
~l''\D\,\""v.\\)h''i\{,..\ ~,Y~ (\'\I\\)~.x-\: i\ i)V\t-"",.;.'...\-f" r-<.. t\\\.~c"U' }J...0.,.....;..,.c:...,
;. ~J:tlId.-~s:;;Sd&liiil0tlLJJ~--;f!.dim,9.
3. ~:o-l_~5_~____{]_b..~5Ji"Jm___-~_('_JLj'"i!.'.._:;,:t:__QJ,,~tLL<;,11i;E"'_d2-7 G ~
4. --------________________________________________________________________________________
B:iCk to Previous Pao-e
.-----.------.---.-. -----.---. - --e,--
,\-(9 ,'\ t
-r>,.... r.? (I.'
,'i C ...y(}! "
f'-:, i (,.J.' +,(f"', f"
L. - ,1 /." I ' ,
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iL (,:',.........
~ )r.-,;ti.. '.
We arc very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park /Training Area similar
to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate page). We request
the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be maintained
as a part of the Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREA TION DEPARTMENT, but allowed
to have expanded hours of operation to meet the communi~"s needs. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central \Vinds Complex Expansion and will also provide a
non-exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an
alternative location should be identified as soon as possible.
Check Name (print) Address Telephone Sig)natu#
1. [:t-;P--0~!:-+-~~~'!!..____~_~_~_~_~_~L_~!..'::~~~_~~~:_~~~~~::_!..f!_~lL__~~
2, rvf ---&*-~k----------L:::':lJ-~l~~E:c~LQ_~iy_~_}__~_~!~.,.H__~~2!_~______ __~
3. ['v(--S2~-~--I\.l--(U~;Q----~Z.L~_~k~~L~j~~__{,._~_k,_~__I\'L~__K__~_f:_?:J.b_________
4, rvt-=::-:!::~---~-4~~-::----:"~2-~-~:--~~:_~':_~~.'..~__~_~_~.3...l:_!.:_~~~~~-~~~_?.f!_C~~~ I
--- J~' tt..~
5. vf-:I~!C-j--./1:--G-iY.j-----~-~--(t2L[4':&'Q~t~t__ggfuD'.!~4!:_~_~-i-_E~---~}~'f
. . ~ ~
6. tvl-M-~~---Qj=~---,:rilQ-~l.-f.Jf!.t'..-!':?=?:_~~__~2_~L_i!...____:J_-?.2ii_________
7. [~hoA1~J:7~------U2i.2&-f.fLl!..u:LJJ.Y:L~-Ec..----~2P..J~
8. vJ--,2~~~Q:~.t~------Jt~~-?-'}A?::i~_'i'2_C:!.c____J~lLf,;!fJP:L1;j.+fL-;~2J!.0-&t:~":::'!1-.:
9. M--Ii\Qd::~-~Os.:LL---~~2--~I{."-)k~IaW:L1V.kLl___"~'5pt:~
10. [ ]_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
We the People of Winter Springs are very interested in the development of an Off-Leash Dog Park
ffraining Area similar to those being provided in other communities (example design on separate
page). We request the City take action to develop this Park as soon as possible. The Park should be
maintained as a part ofthe Winter Springs PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, but
allowed to have expanded hours of operation to meet the communityjs Deeds. It is our desire that this
Park be included as a part of the Central Winds Complex Expansion and will also provide a non-
exclusive Police K-9 training area. If room can not be found at Central Winds then an alternative
location should be identified as soon as possible.
Name (print) Address Telephone Signaturei ~
1. _d2L.i.0ak~_J-{!~ u-_i1PJ.J.2f<.k::3.1J?L~~
/34....6.c-L / '--/: .
2. _______________________..3~-~---L22(?~&L.-kaq,.e---~!".!-~-:--~--a-~-
3. ------------------------------------------------------------.----------------------------
4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------