HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 09 23 Informational D Status of the Town Center Roads Project
September 23,2002
REQUEST: Public Works Department Updating the City Commission on the Status of
the Town Center Roads project.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to update the City Commission on the progress
of the Town Center Roads project for August 2002.
Attached is the August 2002 monthly progress report for the Town Center Roads
project. The project which includes the reconstruction and construction ofTuskawilla
Road and Hickory Grove Boulevard is 40% complete. Hickory Grove Boulevard and
Doran Drive are scheduled for completion September 20th. Completion of all the road
work including street pavers is February. The streetscape and hardscape improvements
were advertised for bids on September 8th.
The trail crossing permit for the stormwater piping and temporary road has been
submitted to the State. The County approved a resolution supporting the permit on
September 10th.
1. August Report
City of Winter Springs
Esterson Construction Co., Inc.
CPH Engineers, Inc.
1117 East Robinson Street
Orlando, Florida 32801
Phone: 407-425-0452
Fax: 407-648-1036
Hickory Grove Park Road
CPH Project No. W041 00.1
August 30, 2002
Kip Lockcuff, City of Winter Springs
The following items reflect the current status of work completed for the above listed project:
1) On August 30, 2002, the vinyl sheet pile contractor had completed the installation of the
vinyl sheets around the pond. He has also completed the concrete tie beam on all parts
with the exception of approximately 30 feet on the southwest corner of the pond. The
final portion of the vinyl sheet pile wall shall be completed once the balan~e of the MSE
wall has been constructed around the pond. The MSE wall construction has begun and
to date the subcontractor has completed installation of thefirst five courses of the wall
on the east end of the pond. Also, approximately 300 feet on the north side of the pond
from the east corner have been completed. Currently, the block wall crew is working on
the south side of the pond. The projected date of completion of the retention pond is
October 3, 2002.
2) The storm water collection system has been completed from the retention pond to
Hickory Grove Park 'Road. The installation of the 42" storm pipe from the storm manhole
S19 into the retention pond has been completed and the instaliation of the 24" storm
pipe from the existing system on the west end of the retention pond is to be completed
by September 6, 2002. The entire storm system still needs to be lamped and witnessed
by the Engineer and the City.
3) The Contractor has completed the gravity sanitary sewer system and the force main
piping on the north side of the pond arid from SR 434 to manhole 1. Both force mains
have been pressure tested. The Contractor provided as-builts for the gravity to the
Engineer on August 29, 2002. We have forward this information in summary form to the
Public Works Department for their review and comment. We are also in the process of
completing the plans and paperwork for submittal to FDEP for certification of the
collection system. This system still needs to have an acceptable videotape made and
presented to the City and Engineer for review and comment.
4) The Contractor has begun installation of the gravity sanitary sewer along Tuskawilla
Road. Currently, they have installed approximately 700 LF of sewer line including the
required manholes. The projected completion date for the gravity sewer system is
September 16, 2002.
5) The Contractor has completed the installation of the road sub-base and approximately
70% of the limerock base material on Hickory Grove Road. The eastbound drive lane is
the only portion not completed. The median work in SR 434 has been completed
including installation of the asphalt pavement and the concrete curbing and f1atwork.
Most of the curbing has been completed along Hickory Grove Road with the exception of
the easternmost area. Also, the proposed sidewalk along SR 434 has been poured from
the curbing on Hickory Grove Road bac::k to the location where the existing sidewalk was
saw cut.
6) To date there have been three submittals for Change Orders. There will be a Change
Order for new sanitary sewer manholes installed as part of the realignment of the gravity
sanitary sewer system along Tuskawilla Road.
The following items are items that are in progress:
1 Tinklepaugh Surveying has drafted the locations and legal descriptions of the right-
of-way and utility easements along the east side of Tuskawilla Road. This
information has been provided to the Engineer. The Engineer is currently awaiting
documentation from the City that the Property owner approved the dedication of the
2 The location and description of the additional right-of-way along the west side of
Tuskawilla Road at SR 434 has been submitted to the City and CPH. CPH
reviewed the proposed dedication areas based on the descriptions on the provided
drawings. The description provided did not close. This discrepancy was forwarded
back to Avid Engineering and JOC for follow-up with their Surveyor.
3 The Florida Power "switch gear" location has been finalized and it is the Engineer's
understanding that the location will be inside the Winter Springs Town Center Publix
site. Once the switch gear is in place, Florida Power will coordinate with Esterson
Construction as to the relocation of the existing power utilities from the west side of
Tuskawilla Road to the east side. Also, the Engineer contacted the Power Company
to determine the location of any additional conduits to be placed under the proposed
road. Florida Power is overseeing installation of their own conduits.
4 CPH Engineers has submitted an application for an easement permit along the east
side of Tuskawilla road at the State Land crossing. The State has no objections to
the application. However, Seminole County is required to present the easement
permit application to the Board of County Commissioners for adoption of a formal
resolution. The Board is to meet on September 10, 2002 and is expected to adopt
the resolution. In the interim, CPH Engineers has requested from the State, a
temporary easement for construction of the access road along Tuskawilla Road.
This would allow the Contractor to begin work on Tuskawilla Road prior to receipt of
the easement permit.
Please review the above listed items and if you have any comments or questions, please
contact Allen Lane.
CC: David Mahler, P.E.
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